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Name: Dan Christian B.


Course & Section: BSIT 2-B


What is a moral dilemma that you have experienced directly or vicariously (from reading)? Are you
happy with how you addressed the moral dilemma you went through? Or do you agree with how the
moral dilemma that you read was addressed? Write your reflections.

Answer: A moral dilemma is also called an ethical dilemma and refers to a situation where an
individual needs to make a choice but faces a conflicting situation between one or more alternatives
Ideally, the choice they make presents a dilemma because every available incorrect option may be
wrong or incorrect.


1. Write T if the statement is True and F if is False

1. F person or persons in a moral dilemma can easily choose which course of action to take.

2. F In a moral dilemma, one course of action between two options is obviously immoral while
the other choices moral.

3. F A person involved in a moral dilemma can choose bot options.

4. F In a moral dilemma, a person has a choice for the good only that because he/she is tempted
he/she ends choosing that which is not good.

5. T. In a moral dilemma, a person is torn between two good options

A pregnant woman leading a group of five people out of a cave on a coast is stuck in the
mouth of that cave. In a short time, high tide will be upon them and unless she is unstuck,
they will all be drowned except the woman whose head is out of the cave. Fortunately (or
unfortunately). Someone has with him a stick of dynamite. There seems no way to get the
pregnant woman loose without using the dynamite which will inevitably kill her; but if they do
not use it everyone else will drown. What should they do?

1. What would you do if you were one of the men? Explain why you decided to act that way?
Answer: I will use the dynamite in order to save many lives. I believe that it is morally
right to use the dynamite that will kill the pregnant women rather than to be stuck with a
group of people inside mouth of the cave and drowned. I am very aware that if I use a
dynamite it would kill the pregnant women, but it does not mean that I intend to kill
them, their death is a just the result of my action to save more lives.
2. The situation or the experience you went through is a moral dilemma. What then is a
moral dilemma? As a genuine moral dilemma.
3. Is finding yourself in a moral dilemma, a moral experience? Why or why not? Answer: Our
ability to make the proper decision is put to the test on a daily basis. Our moral judgments
are intimately tied to how we see ourselves as persons and how other people see us.
However, morals can be deceptive. For some people, a bad choice might be the right one,
while for others it might not be. Do we abide by God's moral laws because doing so would
make it more likely that we would be saved in the afterlife, which would be morally right?
Maybe it's even easier than that. Is God going to refuse us entry into heaven because we
occasionally ignore stop signs? No. Our moral principles are considerably more
straightforward, in my opinion. I think that our upbringing of what is moral influences
how we make moral decisions.

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