Role of Flexibility, Agility and Responsiveness For Sustainable Supply Chain Resilience During COVID-19

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Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

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Role of flexibility, agility and responsiveness for sustainable supply chain

resilience during COVID-19
Ipek Kazancoglu a, Melisa Ozbiltekin-Pala b, *, Sachin Kumar Mangla c, Yigit Kazancoglu b,
Fauzia Jabeen d
Ege University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Izmir, Turkey
Yasar University, Logistics Management Department, Yasar University, İzmir, Turkey
Research Centre on Digital Circular Economy for Sustainable Development Goals (DCE-SDG), Jindal Global Business School, O P Jindal Global University, Haryana,
College of Business, Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Handling Editor: M.T. Moreira Supply chains are gradually transforming into more global structures. To ensure sustainability and resilience in
face of the problems that arise in globalizing supply chains, it is becoming an important issue today; a supply
Keywords: chain must be flexible, agile and responsive. Therefore, the aim of the study is to focus on resilience in sus­
Sustainable supply chains tainable global supply chains (GSC) to avoid disruptions caused by pandemics such as COVID-19; it is also
conducted research on responsiveness of sustainable global supply chains during COVID-19. In this study, dy­
namic capability perspective and contingency theory are used to conceptualize theoretical models for COVID-19.
Responsiveness Moreover, a partial least squares (PLS) model is used to analyse the research hypotheses with 200 responses
Digital technologies collected from companies which have complex supply chain structures. As a novel result, the relationship be­
tween flexibility, agility and responsiveness of global supply chain is revealed. Supply chain agility is found to be
directly affected by supply chain flexibility. Moreover, supply chain flexibility and supply chain agility directly
affect the responsiveness of the global supply chain. In addition, the agility of the supply chain acts as a partial
mediator variable in the effect of supply chain flexibility on responsiveness.

1. Introduction consumption worldwide (Sarkis et al., 2020). Problems have arisen such
as raw material delays, increases in logistics costs (Golroudbary et al.,
The world has had to cope with various disasters such as natural 2019), stoppage of production, decrease in demand in markets (Hossain
disasters, epidemics and chemical explosions over the years (Kumar and et al., 2021), problems in import and export processes and changes in
Chandra, 2010). These disasters disrupt human life and the functioning customer demands (Chakraborty and Maity, 2020). All these problems
of countries (Ivanov, 2020a; Mitręga and Choi, 2021). Nowadays, the that arise negatively affect the resilience (Bak et al., 2020) and sus­
whole world, faced with COVID-19, has seen this disaster causing many tainability of the GSCs of companies (Chowdhury et al., 2021). How­
problems in the context of operations management in supply chains ever, there are three important concepts, which are responsiveness,
(Tirkolaee et al., 2022). According to research, it is revealed that flexibility and agility that need to be addressed if GSCs are to be resilient
COVID-19 (Lee and Trimi, 2021), which started in the Chinese city of and sustainable.
Wuhan, is one of the biggest global health epidemics that human beings The responsiveness of companies in their GSC structures shows how
face (Deloitte et al., 2020). they can react to sudden disruptions and cope with the situation (Azaron
In order to stop the pandemic, measures such as closing factories and et al., 2021). GSCs are accepted as the backbone of a country’s economy
banning travel between countries have been taken (Ivanov, 2020a). throughout the world (Edwin Cheng et al., 2021). Therefore, firms have
With the size of the pandemic and all the measures taken, disruptions to develop responses to problems that occur in GSC structures. The re­
occur at each stage of global supply chains (GSCs), from production to sources of the firm, the strategy followed and the firm’s flexibility

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (I. Kazancoglu), [email protected] (M. Ozbiltekin-Pala), [email protected], [email protected]
(S. Kumar Mangla), [email protected] (Y. Kazancoglu), [email protected] (F. Jabeen).
Received 13 January 2022; Received in revised form 23 May 2022; Accepted 25 May 2022
Available online 27 May 2022
0959-6526/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

structure must maintain its survival and ensure long term sustainability objective of the study is to analyse the impacts of agility and flexibility
(Sarkis et al., 2020; Awan et al., 2021). Responsiveness in GSCs is on responsiveness in firms’ sustainable GSCs during COVID-19. The last
considered as one of the main issues to ensure resilience of the GSC objective is to answer the question of whether it is variable agility that
(Rajesh, 2021). Moreover, in these days, sustainability concerns became mediates the relationship between flexibility and responsiveness during
extremely important in GSCs (Thakur and Mangla, 2019; Anser et al., the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of dynamic capability and
2020a). Sustainability of GSCs is now accepted as directly linked with contingency theory. In order to answer these research questions, a
responsiveness and resilience of GSCs (Burgos & Ivanov, 2021; Fator­ detailed literature review about sustainable GSC flexibility, agility and
achian and Smith, 2022). Therefore, it is essential to discuss the responsiveness and the relationships between resilience of sustainable
importance of GSC responsiveness to preserve resilient and sustainable GSCs was completed. A hypothesis is developed in line with these terms.
GSCs against unexpected disruptions. Exploratory factor analysis and Structural Equation Modelling are
Agility in a GSC enables the adoption of different policies in the face implemented to answer these research questions. It is aimed to analyse
of sudden changes. In cases where agility is present in the GSC, im­ the relationships between the methods applied in the study on flexi­
provements in GSC performance occur (Li et al., 2022). In addition, bility, agility and responsiveness and the relationships to each other.
flexibility in GSCs makes it easier to find new solutions to preserve the bib_Kumar_and_Kumar_Singh_2021.
resilience and sustainability of GSCs in the face of events such as In Section 2, a detailed literature review on dynamic capability and
COVID-19 (Sriyanto et al., 2021). Since technological innovations in­ contingency theory, the relationships between resilience and respon­
crease flexibility in a GSC, these can keep the problems that companies siveness of GSCs, sustainable GSC flexibility, sustainable GSC agility and
will experience in the face of sudden disruptions to a minimum level sustainable GSC responsiveness is conducted. Section 3 includes hy­
(Anser et al., 2020b). pothesis development with Section 4 covering research methodology.
Hence, research questions are given as follow: This is followed by the findings and results, discussion and implications,
and finally conclusion.
• Research Question 1: What is the relation between flexibility and
agility in companies’ sustainable GSCs during COVID-19? 2. Theoretical background
• Research Question 2: What is the impact of agility and flexibility
on responsiveness in firms’ sustainable GSCs during COVID-19? The literature review consists of dynamic capability and contingency
• Research Question 3: Is agility a mediator variable in the rela­ theory, resilience in sustainable GSC, sustainable GSC flexibility, sus­
tionship between flexibility and responsiveness during COVID- tainable GSC agility and sustainable GSC responsiveness. Firstly, dy­
19? namic capability and contingency theory are explained.

This study aims to focus on the ability of resilience in sustainable 2.1. Dynamic capability and contingency theory
GSCs to avoid or cope with the disruptions faced during pandemics such
as COVID-19; it is also aimed to conduct research on the responsiveness Dynamic capabilities represent the high-level, strategic capabilities
of sustainable GSCs during COVID-19. The study is based on the dy­ of enterprises, institutions and organizations related to innovation and
namic capability perspective and contingency theory. Dynamic capa­ change beyond their ordinary skills necessary to carry out their routine
bilities are defined as the external and internal capabilities to deal with activities (Bahrami and Shokouhyar, 2021). Dynamic capability theory
the rapidly changing environment of the company (Best et al., 2021; provides agility and flexibility in the face of sudden disruptions, espe­
Chatterjee et al., 2022); this also provides competitive advantage for a cially for global companies and GSC structures (Chatterjee and Chaud­
company (Weaven et al., 2021; Bhupendra and Sangle, 2022). The huri, 2021). When supply chain operations or company processes need
contingency theory advocates that the risks in institutions should be to change suddenly in the face of disruptions, learning and developing
distributed, structures should become more flexible (Liang et al., 2022) new processes increases the resilience of supply chains (Ramos et al.,
allowing decisions to be made more quickly in unexpected situations 2021).
(Brandon-Jones et al., 2014). Hence, implementation of these theories Contingency theory argues that everything, supply chain processes
can provide more resilient and sustainable GSCs (Weaven et al., 2021). and organizations, has uncertainty (Dubey et al., 2021a). For this
As previously mentioned, especially in times of disruption, to pro­ reason, the theory accepts that the best changes are made according to
vide a resilient and sustainable GSC, it is essential to have an agile each situation (Chatterjee and Chaudhuri, 2021). Therefore, in the face
(Awan et al., 2021), flexible and responsive GSC structure (Nayeri et al., of sudden disruptions such as COVID-19, the state of being the best in
2021; Oliveira-Dias et al., 2022). Therefore, the main motivation of the terms of processes and operations suddenly changes (Parajuli et al.,
study is to identify relationships between sustainable GSC flexibility, 2020). Applying contingency theory provides an understanding of how
sustainable GSC agility and sustainable GSC responsiveness to ensure and when innovation can be achieved in GSCs (Chatterjee and Chaud­
resilient GSCs against unexpected disruptions such as COVID-19. An huri, 2021). In this way, it ensures that improvements or changes can be
examination of these concepts in GSCs will make a theoretical contri­ made in operations according to existing processes and conditions; this
bution to contingency theory and dynamic capability perspective. One makes GSCs agile, flexible and responsive (Dubey et al., 2021a; Thakur,
of the main contributions of the study to existing literature is to be able 2021).
to define which concepts, such as agility, flexibility and responsiveness, In summary, these theories ensure that supply chains are resilient
affect each other and directly affect sustainability in GSCs and to reveal and sustainable, especially in the face of sudden disruptions such as
the relationships between these concepts in the context of dynamic COVID-19 (Abdelilah et al., 2021). In addition, dynamic capability and
capability and contingency theory. In order to have sustainable and contingency theory are the basis of supply chains being flexible, agile
resilient GSCs, it is necessary to focus on the concepts of “flexibility” and and responsive (Manzoor et al., 2021). For this reason, this study is
“agility” within the concept of “responsiveness” from the perspective of based on dynamic capability and contingency theory as a theoretical
dynamic capabilities and contingency theory. Unlike other studies, basis. In the following section, resilience in sustainable GSCs is
examining the resilience, agility and responsiveness concepts of GSCs explained in detail.
together to maintain their resilience and sustainability is a unique
contribution, filling a research gap in existing literature. 2.2. Resilience in sustainable GSCs
In order to provide answers to the research questions, one of the
objectives of the study is to analyse the relationship between flexibility Recently, GSCs have become more complex in the globalizing world
and agility in companies’ sustainable GSCs during COVID-19. A second (Schniederjans et al., 2020). In this complex environment, ensuring the

I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

resilience and sustainability of GSCs has become one of the most disruptions and changes in GSCs (Qrunfleh and Tarafdar, 2013;
important issues (Kumar and Kumar Singh, 2021). There are many Sundgren, 2022) by considering dynamic capability and contingency
factors that affect sustainability and resilience of GSCs, such as suppliers, theory. As more flexible GSCs can react quickly to unexpected disrup­
capacity and manufacturing processes (Gölgeci and Kuivalainen, 2020; tions, they are also increasingly agile, sustainable and resilient (Katsa­
Wong et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2021). Sudden changes or unexpected liaki et al., 2021). For these reasons, it is essential to handle “sustainable
events, such as COVID-19, occurring in global GSCs affect the sustain­ GSC flexibility” when considering “sustainable GSC responsiveness”
ability and resilience of GSCs (Majumdar et al., 2020; Fan et al., 2021). (Kim et al., 2013).
Issues arising during COVID-19 have revealed the importance of the
resilience of GSCs (Singh et al., 2021). The resilience of GSCs determines 2.4. Sustainable GSC agility
how flexible, agile and responsive GSCs can be in the face of sudden
disruptions (Singh et al., 2021). Another important concept for investigating responsiveness in GSCs
According to research, flexibility in GSCs also affects GSC resilience is “agility”. The role of a GSC is not only to ensure that the business has
(Pettit et al., 2013). Alternative supplier choices and flexibility in op­ the appropriate supply of raw materials to produce the final product, but
erations affect the sustainability and resilience of GSCs in a complex also to ensure that the broader business is agile enough to meet customer
environment (Tukamuhabwa et al., 2015; Awan, 2019). It is also one of demands (Naughton et al., 2020). Agility in GSCs means how quickly a
the factors that enable GSCs to respond quickly, an indicator of GSC reacts to changes in customer preferences, environment and
responsiveness of GSCs (Pettit et al., 2013) in the context of the dynamic competitiveness (Kumar et al., 2018). Agility is a measure of how firms
capability perspective and contingency theory. From another point of adapt their GSCs to these changes and then how quickly they can do it
view, flexibility and speed come to the fore in order to ensure agility in (Gligor et al., 2020).
GSCs (Chiang et al., 2012; Gligor and Holcomb, 2012; Li et al., 2022). According to another definition, GSC agility is the capability of a firm
Flexibility is one of the most important requirements for agility (Ivanov, to respond smoothly and profitably to foreign market changes (Nandi
2020b). Swafford et al. (2008) stated positive relations between GSC et al., 2021) in the context of dynamic capability and contingency the­
flexibility and GSC agility in their experimental studies. ory. Shekarian et al. (2020) found that when there are changes in flex­
As a result of these explanations, responsiveness and resilience of ibility and agility against sudden disruptions, GSCs will lead to a
GSCs are related with each other (Kahiluoto et al., 2020) from the development in the responsiveness of GSCs. Moreover, an agile, sus­
perspective of dynamic capability and contingency theory. The tainable GSC is a response to rapidly changing segmented markets
responsiveness of the GSC enables the company to prepare recovery (Mukhsin et al., 2022). Therefore, this term is also related with the
plans in the face of sudden events and to respond quickly to changes responsiveness of sustainable GSCs (Nandi et al., 2021). Sustaining GSC
(Khan, 2020). Effective management of the process in global GSCs, rapid agility depends on companies proactively responding to risks (Rehman
decision-making and rapid response in operations increase resilience in et al., 2020).
GSCs (Raut et al., 2021). Therefore, it can be stated that the more Integration enables business stakeholders to participate in the com­
responsive the GSC structure of an organization, the more resilient is the petencies needed to be able to deliver. In order to be resilient and sus­
GSC (Sabahi and Parast, 2020). Hence, having a resilient GSC is crucial tainable against the problems occurring in GSCs, the responsiveness,
to analyse the responsiveness of the GSC (Wong et al., 2020). flexibility and agility of the GSC must be analysed together (Carvalho
When the concepts of flexibility, responsiveness and agility discussed et al., 2012). As stated earlier, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to sudden
in the study are integrated with each other, it is thought that they have changes in GSCs. When the responsiveness, flexibility and agility of
an impact on the resilience and sustainability of the GSC. Although the GSCs can be integrated with each other, companies can ensure their
integration of the three concepts has been discussed in literature, these sustainability. Therefore, in this study, sustainable GSCs of companies
concepts should be examined together in order to assess the resilience are discussed in order to determine the responsiveness dimensions of
and sustainability of a GSC. To sum up, it is necessary to examine the those companies affected during the COVID-19 period.
concepts of “flexibility” and “agility” within the concept of “respon­
siveness” (Sukati et al., 2012) to have sustainable and resilient GSCs 2.5. Sustainable GSC responsiveness
from the perspective of dynamic capability and contingency theory; this
is a gap in current literature. This point of view constitutes the Responsiveness of GSCs belonging to different sectors to sudden
uniqueness of the study. In other words, responsiveness directly affects disruptions/events has become an issue that needs to be investigated
resilience of sustainable GSCs. Therefore, the literature review of the given the epidemic that the world faces today (Belhadia et al., 2020).
study is explained under three headings - “sustainable GSC flexibility”, The definition of “responsiveness” continues to change over time in
“sustainable GSC agility” and “sustainable GSC responsiveness”. Firstly, literature. Kritchanchai and McCarthy (1999) defined the concept of
sustainable GSC flexibility is discussed. “responsiveness” as the use of firm information and stimuli to cope with
market conditions, to meet customer needs and to prevent environ­
2.3. Sustainable GSC flexibility mental uncertainties and to respond to requests. From another point of
view, “responsiveness” is identified as the ability to understand market
Change is inevitable in today’s risky business environments with conditions in advance and respond on time (Catalan and Kotzab, 2003;
volatile GSCs (Dey et al., 2022; Khan et al., 2022). This situation Huo et al., 2021). Garrett et al. (2009) made the definition of being able
threatens the sustainability of GSCs (Yang et al., 2021). Flexibility is a to adapt rapidly to a competitive environment in line with changing
concept that arises from the need to decrease the adverse effects of market needs. According to Zhou et al. (2019), “responsiveness” is the
uncertainty and risks in GSCs (Liao, 2020). Flexibility in the GSC is capability to define and respond to fluctuations in market opportunities.
identified as the capability of a GSC to be resilient, to react and to change According to Khan (2020), “responsiveness” in companies is defined as
in order to meet changes in market demand (Delic and Eyers, 2020). the ability to produce answers to the problems or situations faced by
Flexibility in the GSC provides benefits such as responding to and enterprises.
meeting demand changes such as seasonality, poor production periods, Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the responsiveness of company SCs
poor supplier performance, poor delivery performance and responding has become an important issue. It is seen that companies that can react
to new products, new markets or new markets (Katsaliaki et al., 2021). quickly and keep up with sudden changes can maintain their continuity,
Chirra et al. (2020) defined the biggest obstacle in ensuring the flexi­ while others face difficulties (Wong et al., 2020; Shou et al., 2021).
bility of GSCs as the purchasing function of the GSC. Moreover, given the definition of “responsiveness”, it is necessary to
Sustainable GSC flexibility enables GSCs to be responsive to sudden examine the concept of “responsiveness of the GSC”, the main subject of

I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

the study. From the perspective of dynamic capability and contingency customer service level (Naughton et al., 2020). GSC agility provides
theory, the “responsiveness of the GSC” is defined by the supplier’s rapid response change (Sharma et al., 2021). GSC agility depends on
ability to quickly respond to needs of the purchasing party (Handfield companies proactively responding to risks (Nandi et al., 2021; Rehman
and Bechtel, 2002). From another point of view, it is considered as the et al., 2020). Moreover, GSC agility provides an increase in the level of
capability of a firm’s SC to respond quickly to fluctuations in the habits GSC responsiveness. Some studies conclude that there is a positive
of customers (Qrunfleh and Tarafdar, 2013). relationship between agility and responsiveness (Sharma et al., 2021).
According to the research of Shekarian et al. (2020), it is necessary to Hence, the following hypothesis is proposed:
gauge the flexibility and agility of the GSC in order to ensure respon­
H2. GSC agility positively and significantly affects GSC
siveness in GSCs. They argue that increasing flexibility and agility in
GSCs will increase responsiveness. Similarly, Sukati et al. (2012) discuss
the effect of GSC integration with GSC responsiveness and competitive
3.3. Relationship between GSC flexibility and responsiveness
advantage of a company. As a result of the research, it has been revealed
that GSC integration positively affects GSC responsiveness and
GSC flexibility is a measure of GSCs’ ability to adapt to changing
competitive advantage. In addition, Sachdeva et al. (2015) defined top
markets and customer demands. GSCs who wish to increase and main­
management commitment, technology use (Cheung et al., 2021),
tain GSC competitiveness need to increase their level of flexibility.
resource development and strategy development as factors crucial to
Moreover, GSC flexibility enables GSCs to be more responsive to sudden
GSC responsiveness. They aimed to develop a roadmap to increase the
disruptions and fluctuations (Shekarian et al., 2020). GSC responsive­
responsiveness of GSCs by developing structural relationships between
ness is defined as quick responses made to changing needs in GSCs
different factors. Handfield and Bechtel (2002) investigated how to
(Kahiluoto et al., 2020). In some studies, GSC responsiveness is posi­
establish trust-based relationships with managers in order to avoid time
tively correlated with GSC flexibility and supports efforts to increase
losses between GSC processes. As a result of their model, they have
resilience through purchasing or planning strategies (Shekarian et al.,
found that buyer dependency, supplier’s human asset investments and
2020). Hence the hypothesis is proposed as below:
trust are positively related with GSC responsiveness. Recently, the
responsiveness of the GSC has become even more important for the H3. GSC flexibility positively and significantly affects GSC
sustainability of a company. With the COVID-19 pandemic, production responsiveness.
and logistics activities in companies have come to a standstill (Ivanov,
2020a). The high responsiveness of a GSC enables a company to tackle 3.4. The mediating role of GSC agility
the sudden changes and disruptions due to COVID-19 and adapt to new
orders in a short time (Deloitte et al., 2020). To sum up, sustainable GSC GSC flexibility, GSC agility and responsiveness are related to each
flexibility and sustainable GSC agility are related with sustainable GSC other (Shekarian et al., 2020). A lack of one of these characteristics af­
responsiveness. fects sustainability and resilience in GSCs (Kahiluoto et al., 2020).
Considering the literature review, the flexibility, agility and Furthermore, flexibility in GSCs enables the GSC to be agile (Nandi et al.,
responsiveness of GSCs should be analysed in an integrated way in order 2021). At the same time, GSCs that are not agile cannot be expected to be
to ensure resilience and sustainability. Integrating the concepts with responsive (Rehman et al., 2020). While responsiveness in GSCs depends
resilience and sustainability alone gives insufficient results for highly on flexibility and agility, as mentioned in some studies (Sukati et al.,
vulnerable GSCs in the face of complex disruptions. 2012), agility is present where there is flexibility and responsiveness.
Therefore, the hypothesis is proposed as below:
3. Hypothesis development H4. GSC agility mediates the relations between GSC flexibility and
In the study, the following hypotheses are developed to investigate
the mutual relationships between variables. 4. Research methodology

3.1. Relationship between GSC flexibility and agility The research methodology consists of research instrument, data
collection and data analysis. First of all, to ensure understanding of the
Global markets and GSCs are becoming more diverse and more methodology, a flowchart is given in Fig. 1.
complex day by day (Bayraktar et al., 2020; Wong et al., 2020). The As shown in Fig. 1, after a detailed literature review on responsive­
situation has revealed the necessity for GSCs to be more flexible (Kat­ ness, agility, flexibility and sustainability of GSCs, a questionnaire is
saliaki et al., 2021). Flexibility in the GSC provides the company with developed based on three scales and 15 items. Then, the validity and
the capability to respond to environmental changes and contributes to reliability of survey statements are approved. After this, a survey is
the improvement of high-quality products and services (Liao, 2020). completed by online mail. For hypothesis testing to investigate the
From another point of view, flexibility in GSCs provides more agility in mutual relationships between variables, EFA (Exploratory Factor Anal­
operations in the context of dynamic capability and contingency theory ysis) and SEM (Structural Equation Model) are applied. After analysing
(Chirra et al., 2020). Therefore, the concept of “agility” emerges in GSCs data and discussions, implications are given based on these analyses. In
and symbolizes the ability to manoeuvre in the face of disruptions that the following section, the research instrument is explained in detail.
may occur in flexible GSCs (Al Humdan et al., 2020). By considering the
literature, one of the crucial characteristics of the agile GSC has been 4.1. Research instrument
stated as its focus on “speed and flexibility” (Shekarian et al., 2020).
Therefore, the hypothesis is proposed as below: The questionnaire is generated with three scales and 15 items.
Measurements for flexibility, agility and responsiveness are taken from
H1. GSC flexibility positively affects GSC agility. previous studies as shown in Table 2. The statements obtained from
literature have been adapted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. All items
3.2. Relationship between GSC agility and GSC responsiveness are measured with a 5-point Likert scale (5 = strongly agree and 1 =
strongly disagree). The questions are adapted into Turkish from the
Agility in the GSC covers factors such as the speed of the firm’s original scales developed in English. The question items of the constructs
launch of new products to the market, the ability to reduce production are adapted from previous studies to ensure reliability and validity of
times, reducing product development cycle time and improving measurement instrument.

I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the methodology.

To ensure validity and reliability of the survey statements, previous review, food (Hobbs, 2020; Barman et al., 2021; Davari et al., 2022),
studies have been utilized. The flexibility construct is comprised of four automotive (Spieske and Birkel, 2021; Zhurova and Moshkova, 2022;
statements adapted from Carvalho et al. (2012); Chirra et al. (2020) and Sudan and Taggar, 2022), textile (Majumdar et al., 2020; Rani et al.,
Shekarian et al. (2020). The agility construct consists of six statements 2022; Santos and Castanho, 2022) and energy (Hasan et al., 2021;
and is taken from Qrunfleh & Tarafdar (2013); Al Humdan et al. (2020); Samara et al., 2022; Gollakota and Shu, 2022) are the sectors most
Khan (2020) and Shekarian et al. (2020). The responsiveness constructs affected by COVID-19. All of these studies are conducted on specific
include five statements adapted from Gunasekaran et al. (2008); Sukati sectors, concluding that these sectors are most affected in a negative way
et al. (2012); Qrunfleh & Tarafdar (2013) and Sachdeva et al. (2015). within the context of GSC operations by COVID-19. According to the
Deloitte et al. (2020) Report, the GSCs of these sectors were relatively
4.2. Data collection more affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the restrictions
experienced in the COVID-19 pandemic, production breakdowns and
Data collection is completed through an online mail survey sent to shortages interrupted the supply chain; demand could not be met due to
companies. The questionnaire was self-administered and the survey was the uncertainty caused by supply and logistics disruptions. Hence, some
conducted online via Google form. The online questionnaire consists of manufacturing industry sectors were more affected - the automotive,
two parts. In the first part, respondents were asked about the sector they food, electronics, machinery and pharmaceutical industries (Cai and
worked in, the number of years of experience and job positions. In this Luo, 2020; Chamola et al., 2020). In another study, it is emphasized that
section, the rate of impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their sectors clothing, mining, jewellery and automotive were the sectors most
was also explored. (5 = very high and 1 = very little). In the second part, affected by the pandemic (Magableh, 2021). According to Sethi et al.
the impact of COVID-19 on the supply chain was questioned in terms of (2021), the most affected sectors in the Indian economy are clothing and
flexibility, agility and responsiveness. A 5-point Likert scale was used to textiles, automobiles, aviation, tourism, construction, chemistry, edu­
assess the answers to the items regarding these variables. (5 = strongly cation, retail and finance. In the study of Gupta (2022), the sectors that
agree and 1 = strongly disagree) are most affected by the pandemic are energy, retail, textile, chemistry,
construction, transportation and logistics, metals and mining, automo­
4.2.1. The profile of respondents and non-response bias tive, airlines and hotels. Although every manufacturing industry is
Non-response bias analysis was performed to check the validity of different and face different challenges in any pandemic, as mentioned in
the data in the questionnaire. For this analysis, the sample was divided the studies and reports in literature, the sectors discussed are the sectors
into two groups in order to compare early respondents and late re­ that form the backbone of a country’s economy. For this reason, food,
spondents according to the date the answers were received (Armstrong automotive, textile and energy sectors were selected for the survey.
and Overton, 1977; Mentzer and Lambert, 2015). The early response As mentioned before, the questionnaire was sent via e-mail to the
group consisted of 80 responses with the late response group consisting sector representatives in the food, automotive, textile and energy sec­
of 120 responses. A t-test was performed to detect differences between tors. The questionnaire was sent to employees in the supply chain, lo­
the early respondents (March–May 2021) and the late respondents gistics, marketing, sales and production departments of the companies
(June–August 2021). According to the t-test results between the mean of in these sectors. The return rate from the surveys was 40%, with 200
the two groups, there was no statistically significant difference in terms companies responding. The reason for the low return rate in the survey is
of flexibility, agility or responsiveness variables (t = 0.108; p = 0.382; t the reluctance of companies to complete a survey due to the difficult
= 0.623; p = 0.231 and t = 0.206; p = 0.345) at the confidence level of economic conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason,
0.05. Accordingly, it was concluded that the non-response bias did not the questionnaire was designed to be short and easy to complete.
affect the model. According to Nunnally (1978) and Rahi (2017), the sample size
The main population consists of 103,187 manufacturing companies should be 10 times the sample size. There are 15 items in total in this
registered at Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey study; therefore, the mandatory number of preorder sizes is 150. Despite
(TOBB, 2021). 500 companies from the food, automotive, textile and this, 500 companies were invited to participate; the return rate from the
energy sectors are selected for the survey. By considering the literature surveys was 40% with 200 participants completing the survey. The

I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

sample of the study was 200 industrial companies. 50 companies from 5.1. Measurement model
each of the following sectors - food, automotive, textile and energy -
have participated in the research. In general, the use of SmartPLS is Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is performed using the Varimax
recommended when there are a limited number of samples. Therefore, rotation method. The questionnaire items in the scales were adapted
while this software is used for small sample data, it is not useful for large into Turkish by using the scales prepared in English. It is more beneficial
sample data (Purwanto et al., 2019). A sample size of 200 companies is to use EFA and DFA together to test the validity and reliability of scales
sufficient to analyse data using Smart PLS (Henseler et al., 2016). when the scales are adapted by different languages (Sousa and Rojja­
Table 1 shows a profile of respondents in this survey. Most re­ nasrirat, 2011). While preparing the questionnaire items, adaptations
spondents are GSC specialists/managers or logistics planning special­ are made by using the existing scales. Translation errors may occur due
ists/staff. Most of the respondents have been working in these sectors for to these adaptations. As a result of this semantic shift, it is possible to
more than eleven years. form a different structure from the original scale structure. In the
absence of EFA, a second model will not be tested as the first tested
model fits the data (Orçan, 2018). Depending on this, the model may be
4.3. Data analysis misleading (Hayton, Allen & Scarpello, 2004). For this reason, it would
be appropriate to make an EFA in order to adapt the questionnaire items
In this study, the SPSS version 21.0 is firstly used to analyse internal in a more logical way by considering the possible differences between
consistency of the scale structures. Then, Partial Least Squares (PLS) cultures and languages. Therefore, in this study, EFA was performed to
analysis was performed with SmartPLS 3.0 software to analyse the identify possible errors. EFA was applied to all constructs (flexibility,
research model. In the analysis of this research model, firstly, the reli­ agility and responsiveness) to determine the number of common factors.
ability and validity of the model is tested, and then the Structural Then, CFA was performed to test the validity of the scales for the sample
Equation Model (SEM) is used to test the research hypotheses (Hair and to verify the structure of the adapted scale (Brown, 2015). In this
et al., 2016; Awan et al., 2018). way, EFA could determine the nature of latent dimensions among
SEM is a technique that tests predictive causal relationships for direct observed variables reflected in the items of an instrument
and indirect effects (Hair et al., 2016). SEM is a multivariate statistical (Tomé-Fernández et al., 2020). Therefore, EFA was conducted to
analysis technique consisting of factor analysis and multiple regression generate empirical evidence for validity and reliability. Also, two items
analysis. It is also used to examine and understand the relationships were deleted due to low loadings of less than 0.40 (Hair et al., 2013).
between latent variables. SEM techniques are divided into two groups as These items are “F4 - A new product or service has been developed in
covariance-based techniques and variance-based techniques (Henseler accordance with the pandemic conditions.” and “A1 - There was a
et al., 2009). Partial least squares (PLS) method, a variance-based SEM decrease in demand in terms of the market.” Table 2 shows the validity
technique, has also been frequently used in supply chain management and reliability for constructs.
(SCM) studies (Hartmann and Grahl, 2011; Kaufmann and Gaeckler, Discriminant validity is analysed as the relationship between corre­
2015; Hazen et al., 2015; Malesios et al., 2020; Chandak et al., 2019; lations among the square roots of Average Variance Extracted (AVE) and
Mardani et al., 2020). The reason for choosing PLS for this research constructs (Hair et al., 2013). Table 3 shows which square root of AVE
model analysis is that it is a very useful technique with high predictive for each construct is bigger than the correlation of a construct with all
power when the sample size is small and the data does not require other constructs.
normal distribution assumption (Hair et al., 2013; Hair et al., 2013; Peng Common method bias was statistically tested via two methods. These
and Lai, 2012). The advantage of the PLS method, based on multiple are Harman’s single factor test and full Collinearity Variance Inflation
regression analysis, is that it can predict complex relationships between Factor (VIF). According to the results of principal component analysis
reflective and formative structures. (PCA) in SPSS version 21.0 using Harman’s (1960) single factor test
suggested by Podsakoff et al. (2003), each value of the total variance
5. Findings of research hypotheses explained should be less than 50%. Accordingly, when 13 items con­
sisting of three constructs were analysed in the study, it explained
The findings of each research hypothesis consist of measurement and 68.549% of the total variance. The first factor explains 26.83% of the
structural models. First of all, the measurement model is explained in total explained variance, less than 50 percent. Accordingly, the first
detail. factor did not account for most of the variance; it was thus confirmed
that there was no common method bias. The second method is based on
examining the internal VIF values as proposed by Kock (2015). VIF is
Table 1
The profile of respondents.
used to detect multicollinearity between the constructs via SmartPLS.
Inner VIF values ranging from 1.000 to 1.622 are shown in Table 4; outer
Category Frequency Percentage
VIF values ranging from 1.271 to 2.551 are shown in Table 2. All
three-construct values were less than 3.3 (Hair et al., 2013); there was
Job position no collinearity problem and no common method bias.
Manufacturing Engineer/Quality Engineer 32 16
Sales and Marketing Specialist/Representative/ 20 10
The average block VIF (AVIF) value of 1.648 is less than 5 (1.238 <
Employee/Export Specialist 5). The result revealed that there is no multicollinearity problem be­
Purchasing Specialist/Manager 20 10 tween exogenous variables. The model was a good fit to the data.
R&D Specialist/Engineer/Manager 24 12
Product Development Specialist/Manager/ 8 4
Production Planning Engineer/Specialist
5.2. Structural model
Global supply chain Specialist/Manager 60 30
Logistics Planning Specialist/Staff 28 14 Partial least squares (PLS) path modelling (Henseler et al., 2016), is
Other 8 4 used to test the hypotheses in this study. A bootstrapping technique has
Total 200 100
been used in Smart PLS to analyse the path relationships of the structural
Experience (years)
Less than 5 years 17 8.5 model. The results of structural model obtained from the PLS-SEM
5–10 33 17 analysis are shown in Table 6 and Fig. 2. According to this analysis,
11–16 128 64 all t values above 1.96 are significant at the 0.05 level (Hair et al., 2013).
More than 17 years 22 22 In the study, predictive power of the endogenous variables in the
Total 200 100
structural model by the model is calculated by blindfolding analysis. The

I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

Table 2
Validity and reliability for constructs.
Constructs Items Loadings Outer VIF AVE CR Cronbach’s α

Flexibility F1 Different cost policies were applied. 0.706 2.259 0.697 0.813 0.87
F2 Changes in production planning (lengthened or shortened) were applied. 0.816 1.629
F3 Raw material variety was enhanced. 0.872 2.551
Agility A2 Effective solutions have been produced for sudden increases in demand. 0.852 2.082 0.656 0.904 0.88
A3 Effective solutions have been produced for sudden decreases in demand. 0.798 1.907
A4 A logistics system that can quickly respond to dynamic demands was established. 0.876 1.522
A5 Efficient information sharing was achieved between customers and suppliers. 0.823 1.785
A6 The inventory policy was adapted to avoid stock problems. 0.783 1.271
Responsiveness R1 Innovative products or services suitable for pandemic conditions were launched. 0.736 1.556 0.628 0.845 0.86
R2 Transportation modes and methods were changed. 0.702 1.254
R3 Delivery times were changed. 0.799 1.806
R4 Collaboration was established between supply chain members. 0.831 1.852
R5 New technological investments were made. 0.718 1.632

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual, (SRMR). The value is ex­

Table 3
pected to be below 0.08 and the NFI value is expected to be above 0.90
Discriminant validity.
(Garson, 2016). The structural model fit index is SRMR = 0.072 and NFI
Constructs 1 2 3 = 0.885, meaning that this model is acceptable (Hair et al., 2013).
Flexibility 0.773
Agility 0.630 0.810 5.3. Hypotheses testing
Responsiveness 0.643 0.660 0.726

PLS model analysis was used to test hypotheses in this research.

Table 6 shows the hypothesis test result, path coefficients, p-value and t-
Table 4 value. According to the results of the hypothesis test, all hypotheses are
Inner VIF test. supported. Fig. 2 also shows the results of the hypotheses.
Constructs Flexibility Agility Responsiveness In this study, the flexibility of the GSC directly affects the respon­
Flexibility 1.000 1.622 siveness of GSC (β = 0.554; t = 10.952; p < 0.05). The flexibility of the
Agility 1.622 GSC explains 48.2% of variance in agility of GSC (R2 = 0.482). In
Responsiveness addition, the flexibility of GSC (β = 0.267; t = 3.469; p < 0.05) and the
agility of the GSC (β = 0.529; t = 7.774; p < 0.05) affect responsiveness
of the GSC. In the case where GSC agility enters the model, the flexibility
Table 5 and agility of the GSC explain 65.7% (R2 = 0.657) of variance in the
R2, Effect size (f2), cross-validated redundancy (Q2). responsiveness of the GSC. When the changes in the R2 value are
Construct R2 Effect Size (f2) Q2 examined, R2 values indicate an important model as 0.482 and 0.657,
higher than the 0.26 value proposed by Cohen (1988). As a result of this
Flexibility 0.159
Agility 0.482 0.615 0.174 analysis, H1, H2, and H3 are supported.
Responsiveness 0.657 0.238
6. Robustness of the model

Table 6 The robustness of the model expresses the power of a statistical

Hypotheses testing (Direct and Indirect Effects). model, tests and procedures, even if the model does not meet all the
assumptions (Cassel et al., 2000; Taylor, 2019). PLS was used in the
Hypotheses Path t p Results
coefficients value value study. Cassel et al. (1999, 2000) stated that PLS is robust against
different problems and many types of data. PLS-SEM generally creates
H1: Flexibility→Agility 0.530 9.471 0.000 Supported
H2: Agility→Responsiveness 0.529 7.310 0.000 Supported
flexibility, robustness and precision in models by using similar concep­
H3: 0.260 3.244 0.000 Supported tual models with different analyses (Taylor, 2019). To test the robust­
Flexibility→Responsiveness ness of the model, a t-Test was performed using the bootstrapping
Indirect Effect Path Indirect 5.128 0.000 Supported/ method. For it to have a perfectly significant value, all t values greater
H4: Flexibility→Agility→ Effect value Partial
than 1.96 are significant at the 0.05 level (Hair et al., 2013). As seen in
Responsiveness 0.280
Table 6, t values are 9.471, 7.310, 3.244 and 5.128. In addition, the
Notes: Critical t-values. *1.96 (P < 0.05). positive result of the reflective measurement model in the study in­
dicates the value and robustness of the model (Sander and Teh, 2014).
coefficient of Q2 (cross-validate redundancy) greater than 0 indicates These values are shown in Table 6 and Fig. 2. The reliability testing of
that the model has the power to predict endogenous variables. Q2 values the SEM determines Cronbach alpha values and Composite Reliability
of GSC agility and responsiveness are 0.174 and 0.238, respectively. As (CR), as seen in Table 2. These values > 0.7 are acceptable; values > 0.8
seen in Table 5 and Fig. 2, the acceptable predictive relevance of the are very satisfactory. Three constructs are found to be quite reliable by
structural model is provided due to the Q2 values being above zero. In showing values greater than 0.70 (Hair et al., 2013; Purwanto, 2021). As
the structural model, f2 is calculated for each independent variable and three variables - agility (0.88), responsiveness (0.86) and flexibility
gives size of effects of each independent variable on dependent variable (0.87) - have values higher than 0.800, this is considered very satisfac­
(Chin et al., 2008). Effect sizes are classified as 0.02 small, 0.15 medium tory. CR and AVE values are examined in order to test convergent val­
and 0.35 large, respectively. According to the classification, f2 values of idity of the measurement model. Accordingly, it was found that all item
flexibility and agility variables were 0.159 and 0. 615, indicating that loadings were above 0.6 (Chin et al., 2008). CR values are found to be
the effects of independent variables are medium and high, respectively. above 0.7 with AVE values found to be above 0.5 (Hair et al., 2013).
The tests of model fit are evaluated by normed fit index, NFI values, and The structural mediation model is shown in Fig. 2 and the results of

I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

Fig. 2. Structural model

the mediation effect are shown in Table 6. The mediation effect of supply
Table 7
chain agility was tested. Using a bootstrapping (5000 resampling)
Comparison of results with past literature.
method, the path coefficients, standard errors and t values of indirect
effects are shown in Table 6. Dependent, independent and mediator Hypothesis In agreement In Links with
with contrast Research
variables are included in the same structural model and the relationships
with Questions and
among them are examined. The proposed tree suggested by Zhao et al. Hypothesis
(2010) is used to test the mediation effect. As this method suggests, if the
H1: GSC flexibility Katsaliaki et al. Research
indirect effect (a * b) and the direct effect (c) are significant and have the positively affects GSC (2021) Question 1
same direction (a*b*c), the mediation effect is complementary partial agility.
mediation (Zhao et al., 2010). According to the results of this analysis, H2: GSC agility positively Sharma et al. Research
the agility of the GSC acts as a complementary partial mediator variable significantly affects GSC (2021); Nandi Question 2
responsiveness. et al. (2021)
effecting GSC flexibility on responsiveness. Based on the result, a portion
H3: GSC flexibility Qrunfleh and Research
of the effect of GSC flexibility on responsiveness is mediated via agility; a positively significantly Tarafdar (2013); Question 2
portion directly affects GSC responsiveness independent of GSC agility. affects GSC Kim et al. (2013)
Therefore, H4 is supported. responsiveness.
H4: GSC agility mediates Sukati et al. Um Research
the relations between (2012) (2017) Question 3
7. Discussions flexibility and GSC
As GSCs become more complex, the resilience and sustainability of
GSCs is threatened (Singh, 2015). Especially in the face of sudden dis­
ruptions, being more flexible, agile and responsive increases the resil­ arise. Similar to this study, according to Dubey et al. (2021b), resilience
ience and sustainability of GSCs (Gunessee and Subramanian, 2020). is related with GSC flexibility. Furthermore, Gligor et al. (2019) stated
Due to COVID-19, GSCs have made changes such as strategy and new that although GSC agility and resilience seem to have the same meaning,
plans in order to maintain resilience in the face of disruptions (Nandi GSC agility is a concept that affects GSC resilience. In a similar manner,
et al., 2021). However, the resilience of global supply chains in the face GSC resilience depends on GSC agility in this study. Moreover, according
of disruptions depends on supply chains being agile, flexible and to Sukati et al. (2012), GSC responsiveness affects GSC resilience and
responsive (Sharma et al., 2021). Despite COVID-19, highly responsive sustainability of GSCs. Furthermore, Puriwat & Hoonsopon (2021)
GSCs have been able to overcome disruptions (Sarkis et al., 2020). determined the relation between agility and flexibility of GSCs and state
By considering the most relevant literature, the results of the study that GSC flexibility and agility can cope with disruptions from the
are compared as shown in Table 7. resilience perspective.
The hypotheses in this study are compared with studies conducted in From the perspective of the research questions, a novel finding of the
the same field; this is demonstrated in Table 7. According to findings of study is revealing the relationship between flexibility and agility in
the study, when compared with other studies, the results obtained are companies’ sustainable GSCs during COVID-19; deciding whether agil­
significant in real world conditions. In accordance with Table 7, Delic ity is the mediator variable in the relationship between flexibility and
and Eyers (2020) state that GSC flexibility is the capability to adapt to responsiveness during COVID-19 addresses the third research question.
fluctuations in low flow loss in time, cost and performance. According to Based on novel findings, as mentioned in Table 6, flexibility of the GSC
Nandi et al. (2021), GSC agility enables companies to fight against directly affects the responsiveness of the GSC; the agility of the GSC
sudden adversities, stand up against threats in the market environment affects responsiveness of the GSC. This addresses the second research
and use these changes to their advantage as a result of the variations that question. There are some studies which support this hypothesis in

I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

existing literature. According to Sharma et al. (2021) and Nandi et al. new solutions and can make quick evaluations around resilience of
(2021), GSC agility positively and significantly affects GSC responsive­ GSCs. These evaluations provide more effective and planned risk man­
ness; this is supported in this study. Furthermore, GSC flexibility posi­ agement strategies. Another managerial implication is about perfor­
tively affects GSC agility, especially in disruption such as COVID-10 mance management. Firms need to focus on how to be resilient in their
according to Katsaliaki et al. (2021). This addresses the first research GSC. First of all, to ensure resilience in GSCs, they need to assess their
question in this study. performance in terms of their flexibility, agile and responsiveness.
Therefore, this performance assessment will lead them to continuous
7.1. Theoretical implications improvement from the performance management perspective. Perfor­
mance management provides the relation between GSC flexibility,
By considering the COVID-19 period, Ivanov (2020b) stated that GSC agility and responsiveness as mentioned in research questions 1 and 2.
agility affects not only resilience but also sustainability of GSCs. Nandi In terms of the organizational structure, the competencies mentioned
et al. (2021) determined that emerging technologies are essential to be for resilience are interdisciplinary; therefore, organizational structures
responsive and agile in GSCs (Chung, 2021). In a similar light to this should be planned and implemented as suitable for the structure. In this
study, Kamalahmadi et al. (2021) state that flexibility affects resilience respect, matrix organization charts allow interdisciplinary teams to
in GSCs. Although most previous studies examine flexibility, agility and work together for both the specified performance assisters and for the
responsiveness of GSCs, the uniqueness of the study is covering flexi­ sustainability of these competitors. Although companies’ SCs may be
bility (Kamalahmadi et al., 2021), agility (Ivanov, 2020b) and respon­ flexible, being more agile as a mediator, as mentioned in research
siveness (Nandi et al., 2021) to improve resilience and sustainability of question 3, makes them more responsive.
GSCs. For policy makers, in order to increase the resilience of GSCs, solu­
GSCs have more complex structures and are more vulnerable against tions are offered concerning developing technologies to the problems
disruptions such as COVID-19. These GSCs have many problems such as that may occur. The structure set out in this study can be considered not
inventory management, production process, demand management etc. only for companies, but also for public institutions and even non-profit
In times of disruption, these problems are doubled. These disruptions organizations to increase resilience in their GSCs. Since the competitive
directly affect resilience and sustainability of GSCs. Therefore, to be advantages of countries are actually based on the competitiveness of the
resilient and sustainable, GSCs should be flexible, agile and responsive. private sector, policymakers should always favour the control and
As mentioned in the research questions, GSC flexibility has a relation­ improvement of resilience of companies. Firms need to be agile, flexible,
ship with GSC agility and GSC agility has a relationship with GSC responsive and provide core competencies. To this end, policymakers
responsiveness. As suggested in research question 3, GSC agility is a can adjust regulations and new policies to increase the resilience of GSCs
mediator between GSC flexibility and GSC responsiveness. These terms of companies. Policymakers can make various arrangements according
are directly related to each other and to be resilient, GSCs should have to the competencies of the companies, especially in terms of policies,
the aforementioned characteristics. incentives and support. In the case of GSCs, policymakers can develop
Regarding theoretical implications, the study is deals with the GSC. solutions by analysing possible disruptions within the country or abroad,
SCs have many multi-tiers and multi-stakeholders due to their structure; and by carrying out scenario analysis in cooperation with particular
they are dynamic structures where uncertainty exists and continuous sectors e.g. raw material supply problems, logistics problems.
interruptions and disruptions occur. Therefore, the combination of dy­ In order to ensure resilience and sustainability in the food industry,
namic capability and contingency theory can be used as a theoretical logistics operations in the supply chain need to be improved. In order to
basis in studies that examine digital transformation on resilience. Thus, adopt flexibility and agility in food supply chains, all stakeholders in the
dynamic capabilities and contingency theory can be integrated in any supply chain should be supported financially and morally. Similarly, in
type of resilience studies. the energy sector, the supply chain is considered to be the area most
affected by COVID-19. Due to the worldwide effects of the COVID-19
7.2. Managerial implications fluctuation, it has been inevitable for energy services and renewable
energy companies to adopt the concepts of flexibility, agility and
With regard to managerial implications, in order to ensure resilience responsiveness in their supply chain processes. In general, energy de­
during disruptions experienced in GSCs, the current resilience efforts of mand in industrial areas is particularly challenging for manufacturing
companies are not enough; they can only be resilient with better companies, so companies need to implement the use of spare capacity
continuous systems. In this way, companies can be agile, flexible and and be prepared to take different actions in order to adopt the concepts
responsive. Hence, companies have to provide these characteristics discussed in the face of sudden disruptions such as COVID-19.
throughout their entire GSC, leading them to digital transformation. The fact that the most important manufacturers of the automotive
As mentioned before, emerging technologies (Industry 4.0, Block­ industry are located in China causes problems in terms of supply chain.
chain, AI, IoT etc.) are essential to cope with GSC disruptions during the Automotive manufacturers have had to restrict production in their fa­
COVID-19 pandemic. Industry 4.0 ensures the integration of all stages of cilities outside of China due to disruptions in the supply of parts. In order
GSCs with AI, IoT etc. These emerging technologies provide more to avoid problems in terms of production and supply and to ensure
resilient and sustainable GSCs against disruptions by increasing trace­ resilience and sustainability in supply chain processes, policies that will
ability, automation and visibility. It is necessary to integrate these reduce foreign dependency or new agreements that can cooperate with
emerging technologies into companies’ GSC operations to increase more than one supplier should be adopted. From the textile industry
flexibility and agility in sustainable GSCs during the COVID-19 perspective, in order to ensure resilience and sustainability in the textile
pandemic; this addresses research question 1. Conducting new ap­ industry supply chain, managers should support the identification of
proaches to the development and adoption of new cleaner production vulnerabilities in their supply chains; these are more evident as a result
technologies also contributes to improving sustainability in GSCs in of similar risk factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Action plans
terms of environmental sustainability. This will directly affect the flex­ should be created with a holistic perspective and financial support
ibility, agility and responsiveness of supply chains and contribute to should be provided by the state.
being more resilient against sudden disruptions. In terms of academic implications, resilience and sustainability in
Considering emerging technologies is essential for being resilient and GSCs have become important issues recently. In this study, discussing
sustainable against disruptions in GSCs. Therefore, by using emerging the concepts of flexibility, agility and responsiveness for the resilience
technologies, managers can find strategies to cope with disruptions and and sustainability of GSC contributes to academic knowledge. In addi­
manage their GSCs more effectively. In addition, managers can decide tion, this study can be applied in different sectors with different methods

I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

in future academic research. responsiveness; research question 3 is thus addressed. Based on this
result, a portion of the effect of GSC flexibility on the responsiveness is
8. Conclusion mediated through agility, and a portion directly affects GSC respon­
siveness independent of GSC agility. As stated in H3, part of the impact
Nowadays, within the framework of the conditions brought on by of GSC flexibility on responsiveness is mediated by GSC agility and part
globalization, SCs have turned into global structures consisting of of it directly affects the responsiveness of the GSC, regardless of GSC
numerous links through complex networks of different companies in agility. Therefore, H1, H2, H3 and H4 are supported.
different countries. However, this growth comes with risks and chal­ As a limitation, the sample of the study is restricted to Turkey. With
lenges. The globalization of SCs makes GSCs vulnerable to sudden COVID-19, there is continual change throughout the world. For this
disruption such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is a global problem. Although reason, literature needs to be constantly renewed, making it difficult to
the current COVID-19 disruption is discussed extensively in the study, keep abreast of the changing environment. Although it is a limitation,
the flexibility, agility and responsiveness of supply chains are important the study can be implemented in other emerging economies as a future
to ensure resilience and sustainability against any disruption. Firms will study. For future studies, research can be improved with new parameters
be able to provide resilience and sustainability against disruptions in besides flexibility, agility and responsiveness. The sector dealt with in
GSCs with a flexible, agile and responsive approach. GSC flexibility, the study can be privatized and work on a single specific sector can be
agility and responsiveness are successive concepts. The lack of one of done. In addition, from an academic perspective, by extending this
these features affects the flexibility of GSCs in any disruption, not only study, future research can include variables with more relationships.
COVID-19. Therefore, the main contribution of the study is to be able to Moreover, a comparative study can be made with a different method to
define which concepts - agility, flexibility and responsiveness - affect make a further contribution to the existing body of literature.
each other and directly affect sustainability in GSCs; it is revealed the
relationships between these concepts in the context of dynamic capa­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
bility and contingency theory, especially in times of disruption. It is
aimed to examine the results of this study and make them applicable in Ipek Kazancoglu: Methodology, Writing – review & editing. Melisa
different disruptive times. For the analysis of the study, 200 responses Ozbiltekin-Pala: Data curation, Writing – original draft, Writing – re­
collected from companies with complex GSC structures are used with a view & editing. Sachin Kumar Mangla: Supervision, Writing – original
PLS model used for the analyses of hypotheses. draft, Writing – review & editing. Yigit Kazancoglu: Conceptualization.
According to results, GSC agility is directly affected by GSC flexi­ Fauzia Jabeen: Writing – review & editing.
bility; this addresses research question 1. As GSC flexibility explains
48.2% variance of GSC agility, the results support H1. GSC flexibility
and GSC agility directly affect the responsiveness of the GSC; this ad­ Declaration of competing interest
dresses research question 2. When GSC agility enters the model, the rate
of explanation is increased to 65.7% of variance in the responsiveness of The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the GSC; this result supports H2. The agility of the GSC acts as a com­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
plementary partial mediator variable in the effect of GSC flexibility on the work reported in this paper.



Which sector do you work in?

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your sector? (5 = very high and 1 = very little).
How many years have you been working in this sector?
Which department do you work at?
Which position do you work in?
Answer the following statements in accordance with the changes in your firm’s supply chain structure during the COVID-19 period.

Statements 1 2 3 4 5

Different cost policies were applied during Covid-19 pandemic.

Changes in production planning (lengthened or shortened) were applied during Covid-19 pandemic.
Raw material variety was enhanced during Covid-19 pandemic.
There was a decrease in demand in terms of the market during Covid-19 pandemic.
Effective solutions have been produced for sudden increases in demand during Covid-19 pandemic.
Effective solutions have been produced for sudden decreases in demand during Covid-19 pandemic.
A logistics system that can quickly respond to dynamic demands was established during Covid-19 pandemic.
Efficient information sharing was achieved between customers and suppliers during Covid-19 pandemic.
The inventory policy was adapted to avoid stock problems during Covid-19 pandemic.
A new product or service has been developed in accordance with the pandemic conditions during Covid-19 pandemic.
Innovative products or services suitable for pandemic conditions were launched during Covid-19 pandemic.
Transportation modes and methods were changed during Covid-19 pandemic.
Delivery times were changed during Covid-19 pandemic.
Collaboration was established between supply chain members during Covid-19 pandemic.
New technological investments were made during Covid-19 pandemic.
(5 = strongly agree and 1 = strongly disagree).

I. Kazancoglu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (2022) 132431

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