GE Exams and Answer

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 Quarry Resources Permits In accordance with the Local Government Code of 1991, mining permits with areas not more
than 5 hectares have been devolved to the Provincial Governor or the City Mayor for approval upon recommendation of
the Provincial/City Mining Regulatory Board. These include the Quarry Permit, Guano Permit, Gratuitous Permit and
Gemstone Gathering Permit.
 Minimum Lot Frontage (in meters)
Type of Lot PD 957 Bp 220
A. Single Detached
Corner Lot 12 8
Regular Lot 10 8
Irregular Lot 6 4
Interior Lot 3 3
B. Single Attached / Duplex 8 6
C. Row House 4 4
 Lands containing deposits of valuable, useful, or precious minerals in such quantities as to justify expenditures in the
effort to extract them, and which are more valuable for the minerals they contain than for agricultural or other uses
a) Mineral Lands
b) Mineral Reserve
c) Load claim
d) Agricultural lands
 Who approves mineral land surveys?
A. DENR under secretary for mines
B. RTD LMS, now ARD for technical Services
C. MGB regional Director
D. MGB bureau director
 What order of accuracy is used for mineral surveys?
a. 3rd
b. 2nd
c. 1st
d. 4th
 Underground mining age – 18 years old

 Reward. - Any person who voluntarily gives information leading to the recovery or confiscation of an unregistered
chain saw and the conviction of persons charged thereof shall be entitled to a reward equivalent to twenty percent
(20%) of the value of the chain saw unit(s). The Department is authorized to include in its budget the amount
necessary to carry out the purpose of this Section

CARP, Chainsaw, Mining Act, Code of Ethics, Obligation and Contracts, Laws on Property, UNCLOS, PD 957 and BP 220


Source: Surveying Civil 3rd sem, Chandra, Indiabix, Examveda, Grabstudy, DMC 2010-13, DAO 2007-29, DAO 98-12, Railways,
Remote Sensing

Which of the following methods of offsets involves less measurement on the ground?

a) method of perpendicular offsets

b) method of oblique offsets

c) method of ties

d) all involve equal measurement on the ground

Gss - Group Settlement Surveys

Mars and Jupiter – where is the asteroid belt located?

Estero - Shall be any bed or channel trough which stagnant, dirty or salt water flows under the influence of the tides.

Foreshore land - Refers to that part of the shore which is alternately covered and uncovered by the ebb and flow of the
(equinoctial) tide.

NAMRIA - In delimitation survey of forest reserves, using GPS receiver to establish positions of the corners, delimitation of the
survey design and execute of GPS survey be undertaken by.

NAMRIA - In delimitation of survey of forest reserves area done by authorized private geodetic engineers, the GPS data for
processing and adjustment to PPCS-TM/PRS’92 shall be submitted

NAMRIA - In delimitation of reservations, parks, and other protected areas done by authorized private geodetic engineers, the
observed GPS data for processing and adjustment to PPCS-TM/PRS’92 shall be submitted to

Geodetic Control:

Accuracy Relative Error Linear Error Nominal space Vertical Accuracy

First Order 1/100,000 1 cm per km 50 km 4.80 mm x √𝐷

Second Order 1/50,000 2 cm per km 25 km 8.40 mm. x √𝐷

Third Order 1/20,000 5 cm per km 12.0 mm. x √𝐷

Fourth Order 1/10,000 10 cm per km

“Meron din sa traverse specification”

If the standard deviation of an observation is ± 10 m, the most probable error would be

(a) 6.745 m.
(b) 20 m.
(c) 10 m.
(d) 0.6745 m.

A metallic tape is
(a) a tape made of any metal.
(b) another name of a steel tape.
(c) another name of an invar tape.
(d) is a tape of water proof fabric into which metal wires are woven.

A metallic tape is made up of

(a) Metallic wives and cloth
(b) Steel
(c) metal
(d) None of the above

The spherical excess for a triangle of area 200 sq. km is approximately

(a) 0.5″.
(b) 1.0″.
(c) 1.5″.
(d) 2.0″.

The long chord of a circular curve of radius R with deflection angle ∆ is given by
(a) 2R cos(∆/2).
(b) 2R sin(∆/2).
(c) 2R tan(∆/2).
(d) 2R sec(∆/2).

The curve preferred for vertical curves is a

(a) circular arc.
(b) spiral.
(c) parabola.
(d) hyperbola.

Maximum tolerance in a 20 m chain is

a. ± 2mm
b. ± 3mm
c. ± 5mm
d. ± 8mm

For an ideal transition curve, the relation between the radius r and the distance l measured from the beginning of the transition curve, is expressed
(a) l ∝ r.
(b) l ∝ r2.
(c) l ∝ 1/r
(d) l ∝ 1/r2

26. If the magnetic bearing of the sun at a place at noon in southern hemisphere is 167°, the magnetic declination at that place is

a) 77° N

b) 23° S

c) 13° E

d) 13° W

29. The temporary adjustments of a prismatic compass are

i) Centering

ii) Levelling

iii) Focusing the prism

The correct order is

a) (i), (iii), (ii)

b) (i), (ii), (iii)

c) (ii), (iii), (i)

d) (iii), (i), (ii)

With the rise of temperature, the sensitivity of a bubble tube

a) decreases

b) increases

c) remains unaffected

d) none of the above

Detailed plotting is generally done by

a) radiation

b) traversing

c) resection

d) all of the above

If the reduced bearing of a line AB is N60°W and length is 100 m, then the latitude and departure respectively of the line AB will

a) +50 m, +86.6 m

b) +86.6 m, -50 m

c) +50m, -86.6 m

d) +70.7 m,-50 m

The main function of a fish plate is

a) to join the two rails together

b) to join rails with the sleeper

c) to allow rail to expand and contract freely

d) none of the above

45. Flat mild steel bearing plates are used

a) for points and crossings in the lead portion

b) with wooden sleepers at locations where creep is likely to be developed

c) on all joints and curves

d) on all the above

Which one of the following frequency regions is a part of sun's radiation?

A. Ultraviolet frequency region

B. Visible frequency region

C. Infrared frequency region

D. Radio frequency region

E. All of these

"An Electromagnetic wave falls on to a boundary between two loss less homogeneous media with different refractive indices, a
part of the wave is reflected back to the incident medium and the rest is transmitted on to the second media". This phenomenon
is known as :

A. Fresnel reflection

B. Fresnel refraction
C. Snell's law

D. None of these

Clarity, Order, Balance, Contrast, Unity, Harmony are elements of

a) Map layout;

b) Mapping symbol;

c) Map design.

Most important consideration for preparation of map is

a) Scale

b) Plotting accuracy

c) Generalisation of details

d) Contour interval.

Process of selecting important details and to leave out irrelevant objects during map making is known as

a) Scale;

b) Plotting accuracy;

c) Generalisation of details;

d) Contour interval

Accuracy of location and distances for preparation of a map should have confidence level

a) 85%

b) 90% Clarity,

c) 95%

d) 99%

Aquatic Resources can be affected by:

a. Sound Pollution

b. All of the Above

c. Thermal Pollution

d. Air Pollution

Subtense tacheometry is generally preferred to if ground is

A. flat

B. undulating

C. mountaineous
D. deserts.

If flying height of a spacecraft is H, the length of air base is B and the parallax difference between two points is dp, then the
difference in height





The code based GPS receivers are generally used for:

A. Vehicle tracking

B. Land navigation

C. Trans movement

D. All of these

The length of chain is measured from:

A. Centre of one handle to centre of other handle

B. Outside of one handle to outside of other handle

C. Outside of one handle to inside of other handle

D. Inside of one handle to inside of other handle

If the length of chain is found to be short on testing, it can be adjusted by

A. Straightening the links

B. Removing one or more small circular rings

C. Closing the joints of the rings if opened out

D. All of the above

The methods used for locating the plane table stations are

i) radiation

ii) traversing
iii) intersection

iv) resection

The correct answer is

A. (i) and (ii)

B. (iii) and (iv)

C. (ii) and (iv)

D. (i) and (iii)

The equation which is obtained by multiplying each equation by the coefficient of its unknowns and by adding the equations thus
formed, is known as

A. Observation equation

B. Conditional Equation

C. Normal Equation

D. None of these

Subtense bar is an instrument used for

A. Leveling

B. Measurement of horizontal distances in plane areas

C. Measurement of horizontal distances in undulated areas

D. Measurement of angles


Sources: Geodesy by Sir Ping, Past BE Questions, GPS, Digital Land Map Surveying

 A 200-meter baseline distance is measured with an electronic total station. If the vendor’s accuracy specification of the
instruments is +- (5mm +2ppm), calculate the precision of the measured distance to the nearest thousand.
a.) 1/36,000
b.) 1/37,000
c.) 1/38,000
d.) 1/39,000
 A 2500-meter baseline distance is measured with an electronic total station. If the vendor’s accuracy specification of the
instruments is +- (5mm +2ppm), calculate the precision of the measured distance to the nearest thousand.
a.) 1/200,000
b.) 1/225,000
c.) 1/250,000
d.) 1/275,000
 A 2000-meter baseline distance is measured with an electronic total station. If the vendor’s accuracy specification of the
instruments is +- (5mm +5ppm), calculate the precision of the measured distance to the nearest thousand.
a.) 1/100,000
b.) 1/150,000
c.) 1/180,000
d.) 1/130,000
 The free-air anomaly height correction for every meter above _________ is ____________ mgal.
a. Sea level, -0.3086
b. Terrain, -0.3086
c. sea level, +0.3806
d. terrain, +0.3806
 The GNSS measured distance is called a pseudo-range because it has a ___ bias error due to the clock error of the _______.
a. Constant, receiver
b. Variable, satellite
c. variable, receiver
d. constant, satellite
 The Geodetic Azimuth is reckoned from _____.
a. north
b. south
c. Balanacan
d. PRS 92
 In transforming geodetic and grid azimuth, the geodetic direction projected into a plane is actually a ____ line, rather than a
straight line, thus, the need for the ____ correction.
a. Spiral, arc to chord
b. Curved, chord to arc
c. Curved, arc to chord
d. Spiral, chord to arc
 The radius of curvature of the ellipsoid varies with the latitude being longest at the _____ and the shortest at the ____.
a. Equator, pole
b. Pole, meridian
c. Equator, meridian
d. Pole, equator
 The GPS derived height of a control point is 16,849 meters? While ...... orthometric elevation of the same point is 28.633
meters, ..... separation between the ellipsoid and the geoid at the location of ... control point.
a. -11.844
b. +11.484
c. +11.844
d. -11.484
 SITUATION -time discrepancy between the GNSS satellite clock and receiver clock result to corresponding errors is the derived
ground distance.

If the time discrepancy is 0.5 nanosecond, calculate the distance error in meters.

a. 1.5
b. 150
c. 0.15
d. 15

If the time discrepancy is 0.1 nanosecond, calculate the distance error in meters.

a. 0.3
b. 30
c. 0.03
d. 3

If the time discrepancy is 0.5 microsecond, calculate the distance error in meters.
a. 1500
b. 15
c. 15,000
d. 150
 What is the semi-major axis of Clarke Spheroid 1866?

a. 6378106

b. 6378206

c. 6378306

d. 6378406

Source: Image Motion, Map Projection, Geo-Grid, Grid-Geo, Scales,

 Situation: in an aerial photography project, the distance between flight lines is 4,903 feet and the interval between exposures
is 2441 feet.
 If the flight lines are to be plotted on 1:50,000 scale topographic map. Determine the Map Distance in centimeters
between flight lines.
a.) 2.8 b.) 3.3 c.) 3.2 d.) 3.0
 If the exposures are to be plotted on 1:50,000 scale topographic map. Determine the Map Distance in centimeters
between photographs
a.) 1.8 b.) 2.0 c.) 1.5 d.) 1.6
 If the flight lines are to be plotted on 1:10,000 scale topographic map. Determine the Map Distance in centimeters
between flight lines.

a. 13.5 b. 13.8 c. 16.0 d. 15.0

Dotted lines - All patented mineral lands within cadastral project shall be surveyed as regular lots, and other mineral land survey
shall be indicated on the cadastral maps by

Dotted lines - In delimitation of reservation, parks and other protected areas, the unsurveyed claims shall be sketched and
reflected in the plan in
 Situation -If a survey boat travels at a speed of 10 knots and measures soundings at intervals of 10 seconds
1. What is the interval of soundings in the water, in meters?
a.) 49.40
b.) 52.40
c.) 51.40
d.) 50.40
2. If the scale is …….
3. If the scale is……
 Situation: An aerial camera with forward-motion compensation and a 6 inch focal length is carried in an aircraft traveling at
156 miles per hour at flying height of 9,850 feet above terrain and with a shutter speed of 1/125 seconds
 Scale of photograph at terrain elevation
a.) 1:20,000 c.) 1:18,700
b.) 1:19,700 d.) 1:19,000
 Distance traveled by the plan during exposure, in meters
a.) 0.56 b.) 0.60 c.) 0.58 d.) 0.54
 Situation: The interval between soundings in a hydrographic survey is 100m.
o If the corresponding distance on a nautical chart is 40mm, what is the scale of the chart
 1:10,000  1:2,500
 1:5,000  1:4,000
o If the corresponding distance on a nautical chart is 20mm, what is the scale of the chart
 1:5,000  1:10,000
 1:6,000  1:4,000
o If the corresponding distance on a nautical chart is 10mm, what is the scale of the chart.
 1:20,000
 1:5,000
 1:10,000
 1:1,000
 Situation: an aerial camera with forward-motion compensation and a 3.5 inch focal length is carried in an aircraft traveling at
93 miles per hour at flying height of 2,625 feet above terrain and with a shutter speed of 1/250 seconds
o Distance traveled during exposure in meters
 0.19  0.18  0.17  0.15
o Scale above terrain
 1:9,100  1:9,200
 1:8,900  1:9,000
o Distance of film must be moved across the focal plane during exposure in order to obtain a clear image (in microns)
 21  19
 22  20
 Situation: Sam-9 : Northing = 1,662,055.481 Easting = 464,770.938

Latitude I Diff 1” VII Diff 1” VIII

15-01 1,660,648.755 30.73255 684.154 0.01323 7.310
15-02 1,662,492.708 30.73259 684.948 0.01323 7.319

Latitude IX Diff 1” X Diff 1” XI

15-01 33,467.472 0.04329 157.704 0.00096 1.210
15-02 33,479.069 0.04334 157.762 0.00097 1.211

o Determine the initial Latitude

 15-01-45.2377  15-01-45.7237
 15-01-45.3772  15-01-45.7732
o Determine the latitude
 15-01-44.249  15-01-44.294
 15-01-44.492  15-01-44.924
o Determine the Longitude
 120-40-20.592
 120-40-20.295
 120-40-20.952
 120-40-20.925
 Situation 2 – An aerial camera with forward-motion compensation and a 3.5 inch focal length is carried in an airplane
travelling at 124.3 miles per hour. The flying height above terrain is 2,334 feet and the exposure time is 1/500 second.
o Calculate the distance (in meters) traveled by the airplane during the exposure period.
 0.09  0.10  d.
 0.11 0.12

o Calculate the average scale of photography above terrain.

 1:8,50  1:7,80  1:8,00  1:8,30
0 0 0 0
o Calculate the distance, in microns, that the film must be moved across the focal plane during exposure in order to
obtain a clear image.
 14
 15
 13
 12
 Situation 3 - The grid coordinates of first order PRS92 station, DVA-2 (1989) in Tagum City, Davao del Norte, and the relevant
PPCS-Transverse Mercator conversion tables are given below:
Station Grid Coordinates (meters) Northings Eastings
DVA-2 826,496.658 588,445.938
Latitude (I) diff 1” (VII) diff 1” (VIII)
7-28 825,574.516 30.71686 334.475 0.01258 3.465
7-29 827,417.527 30.71688 335.230 0.01258 3.473
Latitude (IX) diff 1” (X) diff 1” (XI)
7-28 32,615.324 0.02061 139.104 0.00043 0.908
7-29 32,616.561 0.02066 139.130 0.00043 0.908

o Determine the value of “Phi” (Ø)

 7-28-32.021  7-28-30.021
 7-28-31.021  7-28-32.021
o Determine the value of the quantity (-VIIq^2 + VIIIq^4). In seconds
 -2.619  -3.619
 -5.619  -4.619
o Determine the value of Δ λ, in seconds
 +2,885.651  +2,884.651
 +2,887.651  d. +2,886.651
 Situation 5 - The geographic coordinates of a first-order PRS-92 station, ARA-3 (1952-90) in Dilasag, Aurora, and the relevant
PPCS-Transverse Mercator Conversion tables are given below:
PRS-92 station Geographical Coordinates Latitude Longitude
ARA-3 16-25-00.80247 122-14-17.45022
Latitude (I) diff. 1” (II) diff. 1” (III)
16-25 1,815,550.562 30.73653 2,032.550 0.03055 1.821
16-26 1,817,394.754 30.73658 2,034.383 0.03054 1.822
Latitude (IV) diff. 1” (V) diff. 1” (VI)
16-25 296,683.040 -0.42135 98.327 -0.00075 0.040
16-26 298,657.759 -0.42177 98.282 -0.00076 0.040

o Determine the value of “p”, in seconds.

 +0.274254978  -0.274254978
 -0.274254978  +0.274254978
o Convert geographic latitude into PPCS-PTM grid northings, in meter.
 1,815,730.119  1,815,729.119
 1,815,728.119  1,816,727.119
o Convert geographic longitude into PPCS-PTM grid eastings, in meter.
 418,630.264
 418,631.264
 416,633.264
 418,632.264
 Situation 9 : The grid coordinates of first-order PRS92 station BHL-4 (19**) established in Anda, Bohol, and the relevant PPCS-
Transverse Mercator Conversion tables are given below.
BHL-4 Northings = 1,077,020.413 Eastings = 450,678.722
Latitude (I) diff. 1” (VII) diff. 1” (VIII)
9-44 1,076,238.219 30.72051 437.691 0.01273 4.944
9-45 1,078,081.448 30.72054 438.455 0.01273 4.974
Latitude (IX) diff 1” (X) diff 1” (XI)
9-44 32,809.774 0.02713 143.204 0.00058 0.973
9-45 32,811.402 0.02718 143.238 0.00058 0.973
o Determine the value of Ø.
 9-44-  9-44-  9-44-  9-44-
25.46 23.46 26.46 24.46
2 2 2 2
o Determine the value of the quantity (-VIIq^2+VIIIq^4) in seconds.
 -3.057  -2.057  -1.057  -4.057
o Determine the value of Δλ, in seconds.
 -1,613.675
 -1,611.675
 -1,614.675
 -1,612.675

Source: Algebra, Analytic Geom, Solid, Geom, Trigonometry (Spherical and Plane), Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus,
Engineering Economy
PinoyBix, Gillesania Vol. 1 and 2,

 (9x+a)(a+b) is equal to ____________.

a. x2+bx+ab b. x2+(a+b)x+ab
c. x2ax+ab d. x2+ab
 The center of gravity of a right circular solid cone is at a distance of _______from its base, measured along the vertical
axis. (where h= Height of a right circular solid cone.)
a. h/4 b. h/6
c. h/2 d. h/3
First Benchmark Publishing’s gross margin is 50% of sales. The operating costs of the publishing are estimated at
15% of sales. If the company is within the 40% tax bracket, determine the percent of sales is their profit after

 A. 21 %
 B. 20 %
 C. 19 %
 D. 18 %
A young engineer borrowed P 10,000 at 12% interest and paid P 2,000 per annum for the last 4 years. What does
he have to pay at the end of the fifth year in order to pay off his loan?

 A. P 6,999.39
 B. P 6,292.93
 C. P 6,222.39
 D. P 6,922.93
Shell Philippines, a multinational company, has a total gross income for a particular year of P 50,000,000. The
taxable income after taking all deductions except for depletion is P 18,500,000. What is the allowable depletion
allowance for that particular year? Take percentage of gross income for oil as 22%.

 A. P 9,358.41
 B. P 9,228.45
 C. P 9,250.00
 D. P 9,308.45
A student plans to deposit P1,500 in the bank now and another P3,000 for the next 2 years. If he plans to
withdraw P5,000 three years from after his last deposit for the purpose of buying shoes, what will be the amount
of money left in the bank after one year of his withdrawal? Effective annual interest rate is 10%.

 A. P1,549.64
 B. P1,459.64
 C. P1,345.98
 D. P1,945.64

What is defined as any tangible economic activity that contributes directly or indirectly to the satisfaction of
human want?

 A. Services
 B. Goods
 C. Commodities
 D. Goods or commodities
What market situation exists where there are few sellers and few buyers?

 A. Oligopoly
 B. Oligopsony
 C. Bilateral oligopoly
 D. Bilateral Oligopsony
Oligopoly exists when there is/are:

 A. Few sellers and few buyers

 B. Few sellers and many buyers
 C. Many sellers and few buyers
 D. One seller and few buyers
“When one of the factors of production is fixed in quantity or is difficult to increase, increasing the other factors of
production will result in a less than proportionate increase in output”. This statement is known as the:

 A. Law of diminishing return

 B. Law of supply
 C. Law of demand
 D. Law of supply and demand
“Under conditions of perfect competition, the price at which any given product will be supplied and purchased is
the price that will result in the supply and the demand being equal.” This statement is known as the:

 A. Law of diminishing return

 B. Law of supply
 C. Law of demand
 D. Law of supply and demand
1. Evaluate the lim (x^2 – 16)/(x – 4).
 a. 1
 b. 8
 c. 0
 d. 16
2. Evaluate the limit (x – 4)/(x^2 – x – 12) as x approaches 4.
 a. undefined
 b. 0
 c. infinity
 d. 1/7
Find the moment of inertia with respect to x-axis of the area bounded by the parabola y^2 = 4x and the line x = 1.
 a. 2.35
 b. 2.68
 c. 2.13
 d. 2.56
Find the moment of inertia with respect to x-axis of the area bounded by the parabola y2=4x and the line x=1.
A. 2.03 B.2.13 C. 2.33 D. 2.53
If the surface area of a sphere is increased by 21%, its volume is increased by:
A. 13.31% B. 33.1% C. 21% D. 30%
The corners of a cubical block touch the closed spherical shell that encloses it. The volume of the box is 2744 cc.
What volume in cc, inside the shell is not occupied by the block?
A. 1356 cm3 B. 4721 cm3 C. 3423 cm3 D. 7623 cm3
The volume of the water is a spherical tank is 1470.265 cm3. Determine the depth of water if the tank has a
diameter of 30 cm.
A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 10
Find the centroid of a triangle whose vertices are (2, 3), (-4, 6) and (2, -6).
A. (0, 1) B. (0, -1) C. (1, 0) D. (-1, 0)
Evaluate the differential of tan Ѳ.
A.ln sec Ѳ dѲ B.ln cos Ѳ dѲ C.sec Ѳ tan Ѳ dѲ D.sec2 Ѳ dѲ
What is the radius of curvature at point (1, 2) of the curve 4x – y2 = 0?
A.6.21 B.5.21 C.5.66 D.6.66
Determine the radius of curvature at (4, 4) of the curve y2 – 4x = 0.
A.24.4 B.25.4 C.23.4 D.22.4
Find the moment of inertia of the area bounded by the parabola y2 = 4x, x-axis and the line x = 1, with respect to
the x-axis.
A. 1.067 B. 1.244 C. 0.968 D. 0.878
Find the area in sq. m. of a spherical triangle of whose angles are 123°, 84°, and 73°. The radius of the sphere is 30
A. 1863.3 B. 1570.8 C. 1958.6 D. 1480.2

A regular octahedron has an edge of 2m. Find its volume (in cm3)
A. 3.77 B.1.88 C. 3.22 D. 2.44
The volume of water in spherical tank having a diameter of 4m is 5.236 m3. Determine the depth of the water in
the tank.
A. 1.0 B. 1.2 C. 1.4 D.1.8
If the longitude of Tokyo is 139 deg east and that of Manila is 121 deg east, what is the time difference between
Tokyo and Manila.
A. 1 hour and 12 mins
B. 1 hour and 5 mins
C. 1 hour and 8 mins
D. 1 hour and 10 mins
Solve for angle C of the oblique triangle ABC given a=80deg, c=115deg and A=72deg.
A. 61deg
B. 85deg
D. 119deg
What is the acute angle between the lines y=3x+2 and y=4x+9.
A. 4.4deg
B. 28.3deg
C. 5.2 deg
D. 18.6 deg
The linear distance between -4 and 17 on the number line is
A. 13
B. 21
D. -13
If the distance between points (3,y) and (8,7) is 13, then y is equal to
A. 5 or -5
B. 5 or 19
C. 19
D. -5 or 19
Locate the centroid of the plane area bounded by the equation y2+4x, x=1 and the x-axis on the first quadrant.
A. (3/4, 3/5)
B. (3/5, ¾)
C. (3/5, 3/5)
D. (3/5,2/3)

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