CVL746 1 Course Details

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Dr. Manoj M
Course Details

• Course Description

This course will introduce the students to the fundamentals of public

transportation systems including, public transport classification,
description of key operating elements, capacity calculation, transit
networks, stopping policies, fares, and scheduling, among others.

The course will also discuss the formulation of optimization problems

related to different aspects of public transport service provision.

Course Details

• Course Objectives
To equip the participants with a basic knowledge to appreciate and
investigate the planning, design and operation of public transportation
systems in urban settings by:

i. Understanding public transport and its roles

ii. Investigating the association among operating elements and transit
iii. Scheduling vehicles and crews;
iv. Planning for stops and stop locations; and
v. Understanding demand analysis and sensitivity.

Course Details

• Course Content

Theory Part:
• * Introduction to transit modes * Basic operating elements * Capacity
definitions and capacity computations * Surveys and data collection
* Transit networks * Transit capacity as optimisation problems *
Transit scheduling * Crew Scheduling * Fares and fare policies *
Transit demand estimation * Optimization problems related to transit

Course Details

• Teaching Approach

o Lectures on fundamental topics

o Discussion – Friday 5-6 P.M. (upon e-mail request)
o Assignments – Advanced topics
o Advanced learning – Independent review of supplied reading
Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the participants will be able

to appreciate the fundamentals of transit services, complexities
involved in transit service provision, and engineer solutions to some
basic problems in the domain of public transport.

Course Details

o Course Evaluation

Minor-1 20
Minor-2 20
Major 40
Assignment-1 10
Assignment-2 10
Total Marks 100

o Exam Patterns:

• Major – 50% from Minor 1&2 + 50% from Post Minor-2 Topics
• Secure minimum 50 marks for Audit Pass (NP) grade.
• Secure 40 marks for D grade
• The instructor will follow relative grading scheme.

o Evaluation of Assignments:
• Presentation skills, report writing skills, plagiarism check, technical content, &
understanding of concepts, performance in Q & A session.
Attendance policy

o If a student’s attendance is less than 75%, the student will be

awarded one grade less than the actual grade that he/she has
earned. A student cannot get NP for an audit course if his / her
attendance is less than 75%.

o In case of absence due to health issues or other reasons, please

submit relevant documents within three days from the date of
absence to consider your requests.

o Participation in all evaluation components – Minor, Major, and

assignments - is mandatory to get a pass grade in the subject

Course Details

• Reading & Reference:

1. Vuchic, V.R., 2017. Urban transit: operations, planning, and

economics. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Avishai, C., 2007. Public Transit Planning and Operation Theory."
modelling and practice. Public transit planning and operation, Civil
and Environmental Faculty.
3. Daganzo, C.F. and Ouyang, Y., 2019. Public transportation
systems: Principles of system design, operations planning and real-
time control.
4. Black, A., 1995. Urban mass transportation planning.

➢ Lecture notes will be shared on Moodle + Owncloud

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