Subsec 3 - Fa1 - Orsolino - Erykah
Subsec 3 - Fa1 - Orsolino - Erykah
Subsec 3 - Fa1 - Orsolino - Erykah
Diverse factions are engaged in a massive, seemingly never-ending battle for control of
the world and the future of humanity. This battle for the ultimate power of all has the potential to
last for centuries or more. There are numerous forms of power, as well as methods for acquiring
it. To these individuals, power equates to control. Control over the lives of people and systems
they live in, whether for their own or the benefit of others. The elite will inevitably exist in
political systems since people are driven by a desire to be in positions of power. According to the
context, in the fictional land of Wakanda, landowners who maintain the use of force, such as
building a private army, can continue their power and control over their lands. In a society where
powerful families from different generations frequently disagree about who should have control
over which resources, disagreements often result in violence and intimidation, including but not
limited to kidnapping, extortion, and murder, among other things. It took generations for the
problem they created to be resolved, and it is only when two of the most powerful families come
together that they can fight for control over the other. To bring the violence to a near end, a
"Peace Negotiator" was summoned. Even though the powerful families should be thinking of
good alternative ways for their resources, they are continuing to fight each other for control to
determine who will eventually take control as a whole, and the author believes that the actions
taken by these families are only making the situation worse. According to Venner, M. (2018,
August 26). A personal act that impacts a societal level has its consequences; it is a form of theft
motivated by a desire for profound wealth and power. When corrupt leaders attempt to silence
those who speak out against them, it can result in violence.
families agree that a national election will be held every six years. The deal means that the
"Forever" deal will be renewed in six years regardless of what happens. Any breach of this
agreement is sure to result in additional violence as families attempt to retaliate. Numerous
issues can arise in society or throughout the world. One major problem that is evident today is
corruption. To further explain corruption is defined by Transparency International. (2020,
August 10). "As the abuse of entrusted power for private gain" Although the issue of corruption
has existed for an extended period, it remains relevant today. As a result, the problem continues
to foster and affect people around the world. At various points throughout history, numerous
issues regarding corruption have risen; it has a significant impact on people's lives and can
destabilize the economy, health, and overall quality of life. To expand this topic, the writer will
connect and apply it with the present situation in the Philippine government. As we all know, the
Philippines' political system has historically been dominated by political dynasties. It is fair to
say that the country's president currently, Rodrigo Duterte, is a product of that tradition and
culture. After everything that is happening, the writer can confidently state that corruption in the
Philippine government has not changed over the years. The Philippine people have elected a
president who has repeatedly told them lies and false information, and some Filipinos have
accepted it as truth due to this repeated deception. They became blinded by the dark reality. As a
result, the writer can testify that she has witnessed people fighting for what is right; the Filipino
people have seen so much damage caused by corruption that they are outraged and angry about
what has occurred.
After recognizing the difficulty of the situation, the author has done extensive research
into possible solutions to corruption. As the author becomes familiar with various approaches or
solutions to problems, In other words, the writer chooses to accept some corruption for the time
being to work toward long-term peace. The writer believes that resulting in violence now and
sacrifice people mainly to eradicate corruption is not morally right. Throughout history, no long-
term peace process has been established between oppressors and oppressed beings, and this issue
continues to wreak havoc and haunt the victim. However, this problem should be addressed and
eradicated. While peace is a desirable outcome, its nature is also critical. A peace that is achieved
solely by assassinating or resulting from violence to everyone who might have a different point
of view or resist is not what peace is intended to be. In relation to the theory, Peace studies are
defined negatively by the primary issues: war, armed conflict, and political violence. Peace is
simply about the absence of negative issues such as violence and war in society; true peace
embodies positive characteristics such as justice, goodwill, and compassion. (Atack, I.). It is the
best solution to solely solve the corruption and violence that the people currently face; thus, the
world could finally live without these issues by walking towards long-term peace. According to
Boyd, K. (n.d.). In order to achieve peace and prosperity, it is necessary to realize and uphold
five basic fundamental freedoms for all people. The freedoms enumerated above are freedom of
expression and religion, freedom from want; environmental freedom; and freedom from fear.
The alternative solution that the writer would like to tackle is education.
According to Hunja, R. (2021, October 9). Identify and develop pathways that provide citizens
with relevant tools to engage and participate in their governments, including identifying
priorities, problems, and potential solutions. One vital tool is education. Thus it is critical in the
fight against corruption, and as a result, significant changes occur in forming a better nation.
People will become more aware of what is going on in the Philippines due to the proper
Power comes with great responsibility. That said, some people who attain great power are
frequently unprepared for the responsibility that comes with it, but the need for that
responsibility is undeniable if one wishes to avoid disaster. If you are the ruler of a nation, you
are accountable for the lives of everyone who looks to you for leadership. Corruption and
violence, for example, may arise as a result of the continued presence of people who are unfit to
lead. The writer believes that we all could turn it around and start addressing the problems with
proper solutions, such as education; thus, it has many significant effects, one of which is that it
helps people gain a better perspective on life in the future. Only through a positive outlook on
life can one rise above corruption, violence, and much more, and if the government views
education as a tool in the fight against corruption. We can only accomplish this if the
government views education as a tool in the fight against corruption. The writer aspires to be a
catalyst for change, acting as a beacon of light guiding and assisting her peers, family, and the
world in comprehending the existing problems of corruption and violence. The author wishes to
investigate various alternative solutions that will benefit the Philippines in the future. Despite the
complexity and difficulty of this task, the writer wishes to do her best by educating and sharing
accurate solutions that will aid in eradicating the problem because the people of my country are
worth fighting for.
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Boyd, K. (n.d.). Five Ways to Achieve World Peace and Prosperity. Retrieved September 12,
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Transparency International. (2020, August 10). What is corruption? Retrieved September 11,
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keeps leaders from doing their duty by the people. Retrieved September 12, 2021, from
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