Nestle Presentation

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Who are the customers of Kit Kat?

Demographic Perspective:
• 12-17 years old are people who have spending power and are
able to make their own purchasing decisions

• 18-24 years old are students and Young professionals

with very active lives.

• 35-54 years old with children of 18 years old and below.

Those people are at the same time the providers and the

Psychographic perspective:
Active people, working a lot and in need for energy during
the day.

Behavioral perspective:
People who are used to having snacks but wants to eat
healthier and less calorie products than the ones of the
competitors (Dairy Milk, Mars, Snickers…)
Target Marketing & Positioning of KitKat
 Kit Kat’s target market is men and women of all ages. The
brand is youthful in nature, and focuses on the consumer
segment who love chocolate, and are willing to indulge
themselves with chocolaty snacks. What draws consumers to
this brand is the consistent, catchy tagline- “Have a
break, Have a Kit Kat”, which has branded itself as the
social snack for all ages.

 It’s low prices, constant over the past 100 years, allows
it to target the mass consumer market through
undifferentiated marketing.

 More than 200 special flavors available in different

markets worldwide; most being produced in Japan.

 Connecting with social media by having advertisements in

YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Also referred to as Moment
marketing; where it interacted with other brands and
consumers online. Examples of these are Oreo Kit Kat, Tic Tac
Kit Kat, Google Kit Kat OS i.e. by collaborating with a
Marketing Mix (The 4 Ps)
KitKat Product KitKat Price/Pricing
• Faces extremely stiff competition across the globe • KitKat has a reasonably priced offering that ensures it
from Cadbury and its signature chocolate Dairy Milk. has a loyal enough customer base at purchasing
• Popular products include the KitKat white and dark decisions.
chocolates having high market reach and consumer • KitKat price starts at $1 but bigger packs & more
acceptance across the globe in various countries. flavors go up to $20.

KitKat Place & Distribution KitKat Promotion & Advertising

• Produced across more than 15 countries in the world • Connecting with consumers by Moment marketing;
• Widely available for purchase through retail stores & where it interacted with other brands and consumers
e-commerce platforms. on Facebook, YouTube & Twitter.
• Has a chocolate laboratory in Canada and a • Collaborating with Oreo, Google and other brands.
consumption customization store in Australia.
Product Life Cycle of KitKat

KitKat is the best-selling confectionery bar
produced by Nestlé after being officially
launched in 1937.

This stage of the product life cycle for many
years, passed competing with other big sellers
such as Cadbury's Dairy Milk.

By the late 1990s KitKat was still one of the
top-selling confectionery bars in the UK, but
sales had started to drop.

KitKat Chunky was launched in 1999. different-
flavored versions have been made, including white
chocolate, orange, mint, vanilla, strawberry,
lime, yoghurt, lemon and caramel.
SWOT Analysis
Strength Weakness Threats
1. Unique 1. Presence of 1. Expansion 1. Rise of health
offering counterfeit 2. Introducing new consciousness
2. Excellent products variants 2. Supplier
quality 2. Unchanged 3. Social Media for bargaining
control Packaging style promotion power and
3. Excellent 3. Breakage during 4. Healthy Snacks inflation
tagline packaging 3. Competition
4. Massive 4. Poor
Distribution implementation of
Corporate Social
Who are the customers of Nescafe?
Demographic Perspective:
 18-30 years old people are the coffee consumers for a long period.
 Nescafe focuses all their promotional campaign to their generation Z
(University students).
 Nescafe’s most important is Japan, driven by consumer lifestyles and
the wide availability of instant coffee in multiple packaging
Psychographic Perspective:
 Social Class: Espresso Coffee is a beverage held for society's high
 Customers in the medium income segment: This crowd is obliged by
Nescafe's Blend 43, Mild Roast, and Espresso items.
Behavioral perspective:
 Benefits Sought: “Nescafe is for those people who wants to begin
their day with a positive vibe.”
 User Status: There are different status based on consumption of
coffee drinker non user, first time user, occasional user, regular
 Usage Rate: Heavy coffee drinker, moderate coffee drinker, medium
coffee drinker, light coffee drinker.
Marketing Mix(4 P’s)
Nescafe Prize Nescafe Product
Features: Prepared from
Weight Prize(BDT)
selected coffee beans, with a
0.7g 5tk best Price.
3 sticks in 1, 15g 10tk Variety: Nescafé instant
coffee, Nescafe classic,
Original Coffee 265tk
cappuccino, espresso, gold.
Services: Innovated & created
Classic 200g pouch 309tk 'contactless' coffee-making
pack machines for its customers.

Nescafe Place Nescafe Promotion

 Rural area by supplying low  Promotion Advertising and
price packs. sales.
 Vending machines - in  Television
offices, colleges,  Newspapers
departmental stores and  NESCAFE mainly focuses on 3
places. social media tools to reach
 Coffee shops at a different out to their target market -
places targeting every Facebook, Twitter and
segment of market(Low YouTube.
Targeting, Positioning

Targeting :
 Artists
 A corporate rushing for a meeting
 Youngsters
 Professionals
 A couple
 Friends
Positioning :
 Nescafe’s positioning is “1 cup coffee,1 good
 TVC’s and all promotional messages focuses on
love between 2 person.
 The red coffee mug is another popular symbol .
Product Life Cycle of Nescafe
Introduction Stage :
 Nescafe started their journey first in 1930 in Brazil.
 Nescafe conducts free testing section, gives free samples to
customer at hypermarket and offers their product in cheaper price
during the promotion of new launched product.
Growth :
 Nescafe has a strong brand, high quality with reasonable price to
secure their market position.
 Utilize advertising to stress the product’s benefits for target
Maturity :
 At this stage, Nescafe also develop a new product image and apply
the new technology to their products.
Decline :
 Nescafe has not hit the point of decline on now.
SWOT Analysis
Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats
1. Well-known brand 1. Difficult to care 1. Healthy drink 1. Price war
2. Diverse product each item of items segment 2. Saturated
portfolio portfolio 2. Easy to find market
3. Active, 2. Complex supply partners to 3. Number of
motivated & chain network distribute in rivals are
brilliant 3. Difficult to mix another countries increasing
employees with some culture 3. Higher growth 4. Substitute
4. Creative 4. Pricing potential products
promotion & 5. Aggressive
collaboration advertising of
5. Loyal consumer rivals
6. Quality coffee
Who are the customers of Milo?

Demographic perspective:
Families with children aged 6-12 years old, as
well as teenagers and young adults.

Psychographic Perspective
Active, adventurous, and health-conscious
Behavioural Perspective:
Consumers who are looking for an energy boost
and convenient, nutritious options to support
their active lifestyle.
Target Marketing & Positioning of Milo

 Focuses on sports & fitness enthusiasts, families, and


 Promotes brand as a nutritious and energy-boosting


 Sponsors sports events, teams, and athletes

 Offers promotions and sampling opportunities

 Emphasizes blend of vitamins, minerals, and malt


 Associates brand with physical activity and sports

Marketing Mix (The 4 Ps)

Place & Promotion &

Product Price
Distribution Advertising
• Milo is a chocolate • Milo is competitively • Milo is widely • Milo uses a
malt beverage powder. priced compared to available in combination of
• Can be mixed with hot similar drinks. supermarkets, grocery advertising,
or cold water. • Offered in different stores, and online sponsorships, and

• Variants available: sizes and packaging to retail shops. influencer

original, cocoa, and meet consumer needs. • Partnerships with partnerships.

ready-to-drink. vending machine • Utilizes in-store

suppliers for promotions and event
distribution in activations to reach
schools and public the target audience.
places. • Aims to communicate
brand positioning as a
nutritious and energy-
boosting drink.
Product Life Cycle of Milo
Milo was introduced to the market as a chocolate malt beverage powder in

Milo expanded its distribution network and product offerings to cater to a
wider audience. The brand also increased its marketing efforts to drive sales
and strengthen its position as a nutritious and energy-boosting drink.

Milo is a well-established brand with a strong reputation and a large
customer base.

While the decline stage is not imminent for Milo, the brand may face
Strength SWOT Analysis of Milo


• Strong brand • Competition • Growing • Stringent
recognition and from leading demand for regulations on
reputation brands healthier additives
• Wide product • Dependence on beverage • Fluctuating
portfolio few key markets options commodity
• Strong • Declining • Expansion into prices
distribution demand for new markets • Increasing
network sugary drinks • Diversification environmental
• Strong into concerns
distribution complementary
network categories

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