MIE1727 2023 Assignment 1

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University of Toronto

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

MIE1727: Quality Assurance I
(Winter 2023)

Assignment 1
Due: Monday, February 6, 2023, at 5pm. Submit to Crowdmark.
Please post questions to Piazza

Question 1 (15 points)

Provide answers to the follow questions.
a) Depending on the industry/organization requirement Lean or Six Sigma can be
employed. Discuss ideal circumstances to choose one or the other by
emphasizing on the difference between the two approaches, their pros and cons,
and the result of combining both. (2 points)

b) Provide a detailed definition for type I and type II error. Which one is an alarming
error and why? How can you reduce each error? (3 points)

c) Clearly state the differences between specification limits, control limits and
natural tolerance limits. (3 points)

d) Provide a rationale for using 3-sigma limits on control charts. How does the chart
respond to wider or narrower limits? (2 points)

e) Describe and interpret the following charts. (2 points)

f) Discuss how a continuous production line may devise rational subgroups for their
control chart process. Clearly note the objectives of the creation of subgroups.
University of Toronto
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MIE1727: Quality Assurance I
(Winter 2023)

Discuss the differences between the snapshot approach and the random sample
approach. (3 points)

Question 2 (10 points)

a) Complete the flowchart of your morning routine. Identify the value‐added and non-
value‐added activities. (5 points)

Awake … Arrive to
the Uni

b) During this term, you have noticed that you are consistently arriving late to your
morning classes. Develop an out-of-control action plan for resolving this issue. (5

Question 3 (10 points)

All smartphones sold by Peach Inc. come with a one-year warranty. In order to incentivize
sales of its newest model of smartphones the “myPhone”, Peach Inc. has offered an
automatic one-year warranty extension, so all myPhones will receive a 2-year warranty.
If a phone fails for any of the reasons listed in the warranty agreement during that period,
it will be replaced under the warranty. The probability distribution function for the
myPhone’s time to failure is given by

𝑓(𝑥) = 0.1 𝑒 −0.1𝑥 , 𝑥 > 0

where X is in hours.
a) What is the proportion of all myPhones will fail within the warranty period? (4

b) The manufacture of this new smartphone costs, on average, $250, and the
average profit made by the manufacturer per sale is around $150. How is the
warranty replacement affecting the gains of the manufacturer? What is the effect
of this extra one-year warranty on the profits? (6 points)

Question 4 (10 points)

The individualized ice cream container weight is usually 120 grams with a standard
deviation of 2 grams. Knowing that the UCL and LCL are 125 grams and 115 grams,
a) What is the probability that a randomly selected container will conform to these
specification limits? (3 points)
University of Toronto
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MIE1727: Quality Assurance I
(Winter 2023)

b) What percentage of the ice cream containers are considered as "defects"? (3


c) What variability is required to ensure that at most one out of 1000 units meet the
specification limits? (4 points)

Question 5 (15 points)

The coating efficiency of water resistance materials is determined by the water contact
angel measurement of their surfaces. The coating efficiency is normally distributed. 25
coated foams are randomly selected for this test. The water contact angel measurements
(in degrees) of each sample are the following: 127.87, 130.66, 125.12, 128.95, 129.32,
130.28, 120.46, 127.19, 127.95, 133.58, 128.65, 125.94, 126.79, 127.45, 128.42, 130.27,
131.67, 129.26, 128.37, 128.55, 129.43, 130.40, 125.97, 124.81, 127.77.

The data for this question is available in Table 1 “A1 data.xlsx” on Quercus. You may use
Excel or Minitab for this question.

a) Test the hypothesis that the mean measurement is 130° against a two-sided
alternative using 𝛼 = 0.7. (2 points)

b) Find a 95% two-sided confidence interval on 𝜇. (3 points)

c) Test the hypothesis that 𝜎2 = 20 against a two-sided alternative using 𝛼 = 0.7. (3


d) Find a 95% two-sided confidence interval on 𝜎. (3 points)

e) Find a 95% upper and the lower confidence interval on 𝜎. (3 points)

f) Is the normality assumption valid for the water contact angle of each foam? (1

Question 6 (10 points)

Table 2 included in “A1 data.xlsx” shows the measurements of the polymeric fibers'
diameters used in aerospace applications. The values reported are in micrometer.

a) Set 𝑋̅ and R charts on this process. Is the process in statistical control? If

necessary, revise the trial control limits. Use Minitab to complete this question. (4

b) Once the process is in statistical control, estimate its standard deviation using the
range method. (3 points)
University of Toronto
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
MIE1727: Quality Assurance I
(Winter 2023)

c) If specifications on this diameter are 0.30 ± 0.10, find the percentage of

nonconforming fibers produced by this process. Assume that diameter is normally
distributed. (3 points)

Question 7 (15 points)

Table 3, included in “A1 data.xlsx”, collects the data on the inner diameter of bearings
used in aircraft landing gear assembly. The data display 20 samples (in mm) and a
sample size of n = 5.

a) Set up 𝑥̄ and 𝑅 control charts using the data. Is the process under statistical
control? Use Minitab to complete this question. (4 points)

b) Estimate the process mean and standard deviation. (4 points)

c) If the specifications are at 16.2 ±0.5, what can you say about the capability of this
process? (3 points)

d) What fraction of the bearing diameter produced by this process is likely to be below
the lower specification limit of 15.7 mm? (4 points)

Question 8 (15 points)

The material strength is an essential parameter for specific applications. In this context,
samples of n = 6 items each are taken to control their tensile strength at regular intervals.
After 50 samples, we have
50 50

∑ 𝑥̅𝑖 = 4000 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∑ 𝑅𝑖 = 200

𝑖=1 𝑖=1

Assuming that the quality characteristic is normally distributed,

a) Compute the control limits for the 𝑋̅ and R control charts. What are the natural
tolerance limits of the process? (4 points)

b) If the specification limits are 82 ± 5.0, what is the ability of the process to produce
items within these specifications? (3 points)

c) If an item is below the lower specification limit, it can be reworked, but if it exceeds
the upper specification limit, it must be scrapped, what percentage of scrap and
rework is the process producing? (4 points)

d) Make suggestions to improve the process performance. (4 points)

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