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1. Careful planning is essential for accomplishing goals. 2. We are gratefully inviting accomplished authors to the event to honor their accomplishments. 3. Businesses are responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction.

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1. Careful planning is essential for accomplishing goals. 2. We are gratefully inviting accomplished authors to the event to honor their accomplishments. 3. Businesses are responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction.

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[ Day 04 ] 업무 노하우

combined [이렇게 나온다!]

[어원] 1. Careful planning is essential for ------- goals.

com[together] + bini [two] (A) accomplish (B) accomplished

(C) accomplishing (D) to accomplish
2. We are gratefully inviting ------- authors to
combine v. 결합하다, 결합시키다
the event to honor their accomplishments.
combination n. 결합
(A) accomplish (B) accomplished
[이렇게 나온다!] (C) accomplishing (D) to accomplish
Retail Specialists employs professionals with
a combined experience of 30 years in sales.
achieve, fulfill v. 성취하다
[빈출 어구]
combined experience 종합 경력 assume
combined efforts 결합된 노력
combined work 합작
ad + sumere [to take]

joint adj. 합동의, 공동의
assumption n. 가정
ex) joint owner 공동 소유자
ex) joint venture 합작투자 / 공동기업체 [이렇게 나온다!]
The management assumes employees are
accomplish satisfied.
The marketing department will assume
responsibility for the project.
ac + compli(r)[to fill] + ish

presume v. 가정하다
accomplishment n. 성취
take on, undertake v. (일 · 책임 등을) 떠맡다
accomplished adj. 기량이 뛰어난 +actor

assist [빈출 어구]

[파생어] be responsible for ~에 대해 책임이 있다

assistant n. 조수, 보조자 hold A responsible for B A에게 B의 책임을 지우다

assistance n. 보조, 원조 [혼동 어휘]

[이렇게 나온다!] responsible 책임이 있는

A staff member assisted ------- preparations responsive 반응이 빠른, 바로 대답하는

for the conference. ex) Sales personnel need to be ------- to

(A) to (B) as shoppers’ needs.

(C) with (D) for (A) responsible (B) responsive

Successful candidates will assume the

responsibility to provide -------.
(A)assist (B) assistant [빈출 어구]

(C) assistance (D) assistants conduct an inspection 검사를 행하다

conduct a seminar 세미나를 열다
[빈출 어구] conduct a research study 조사 연구를 하다
assist with ~을 돕다
carry out, perform 수행하다, 실행하다

[이렇게 나온다!] adjust

Not everyone was ------- with changes
to the overtime policy.
ad [to] + just [ juxta = near ]
(A) satisfy (B) satisfying
(C) satisfied (D) satisfaction [파생어]
adjustment n. 적응, 조정
[빈출 어구]
adjustable adj. 조정할 수 있는
be satisfied with ~에 만족하다
[이렇게 나온다!]
[파생어] The employees quickly adjusted ------- the new e-
responsibility n. 책임 mail system.
(A) for (B) to (C) in (D) on
[빈출 어구]
[이렇게 나온다!] adjust to ~에 적응하다
Businesses are responsible for ensuring adjust A to B A를 B에 맞추다, 적응시키다
customer satisfaction.
adapt v. 적응하다

agree remove

[파생어] [파생어]
agreement n. 동의 removal n. 제거

[이렇게 나온다!] [이렇게 나온다!]

The team agreed ------- the recommendations The vice president was ------- from his position
of the advisor. because of a scandal.
(A) in (B) on (C) that (D) for (A) remove (B) removal

[빈출 어구] (C) removed (D) removing

agree on + 의견 (의견)에 동의하다,

[빈출 어구]
뜻을 같이하다
remove A from B B에서 A를 해임하다, 제거하다
agree to + 제안/조건 (제안 / 조건)에 찬성하다
agree + to 부정사 ~하는 데 동의하다
agree with + 사람 (사람)에 동의하다
agree that S V ~를 동의하다 [혼동 어휘]
hardly adv. 거의 ~하지 않다
hard adj. adv. 열심히, 딱딱한

[어원] [이렇게 나온다!]

con + fide [trust ] + ntial She was ------- ever late for her shift.
(A) hard (B) hardly
confidentiality n. 기밀성 [빈출 어구]
confidentially adv. 은밀히 hardly ever 좀처럼 ~하지 않다

[이렇게 나온다!] [이렇게 나온다!]

Internal documents must be kept -------. ------ had she started her work when the phone
(A) confidential (B) confidentially rang.

[동의어] (A) Hard (B) Hardly

classified, secret adj. 기밀의

[문법 포인트]
leading hardly A when B A 하자마자 B 하다
no sooner A than B A 하자마자 B 하다
lead v. 이끌다 [유의어]

[이렇게 나온다!] rarely, scarcely, seldom adv. 좀처럼 ~하지 않다

Shepherd Inc. is a ------- exporter in the wood

furniture industry.
(A) lead (B) leading (C) led (D) to lead

accountable [이렇게 나온다!]

[파생어] She had every ------- of attending the conference,

accountability n. 책임 있음, 의무 but could not.

(A) intent (B) intention
[이렇게 나온다!] (C) intend (D) intentional
All employees are accountable ------- the duties
[빈출 어구]
they have been assigned to complete.
have every intention of -ing 꼭 -하고자 하다
(A) to (B) for
[혼동 어휘]
All employees ------- accountable for the duties
intention (가산) 의지, 의향
they have been assigned to complete.
intent (불가산) 의지, 의향
(A) hold (B) are held
ex) The manager showed intent to buy new
[빈출 어구] office furniture next month.
be accountable for A
A에 대해 책임이 있다 duplicate
hold A accountable for B
B에 대한 책임을 A에게 지우다
duplicate [ to double ]

exclusive [동의어]
copy n. 사본 ←→ n. 원본
ex[out] + clus [close] + ive [빈출 어구]
in duplicate 두 통으로
[짝꿍 표현] make duplicates of ~의 사본을 만들다
exclusive access to the beach
해안가로의 전용 접근로
exclusive right 독점적 권한
exclusive club 특권층을 위한 클럽
engagement n. 약속 (= appointment)
engaging adj. 매력 있는, 남의 마음을 끄는

[파생어] [이렇게 나온다!]

intend v. ~할 작정이다 Each worker was engaged ------- at least two

intent n. 의향, 의도; 의미, 취지 projects.

intentional adj. 고의의 (A) in (B) on

intentionally adv. 고의로 [빈출 어구]

engage in vi. ~에 관여하다, 종사하다
be engaged in vt. ~에 관여하다, 종사하다


wide adj. 넓은
width n. 넓이
widen v. 넓히다
widening n. 확대, 확장

[이렇게 나온다!]
Ben Hurley is a ------- admired business leader.
(A) wide (B) widely

[빈출 어구]
be widely advertised 널리 광고되다
widely admired 널리 존경 받는
a wide range of 폭넓은, 광범위한


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