Design of High-Area-ratio Nozzle Contours Using Circular Arcs

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Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2016

Design of High-Area-Ratio Nozzle Contours Using Circular Arcs

K. Schomberg∗ and J. Olsen†
UNSW Australia, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia
G. Doig‡
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California 93407
DOI: 10.2514/1.B35640
A method using circular arcs to generate the divergence contour in a supersonic nozzle is presented. Comparison
of the arc-based geometry with existing nozzle contours demonstrated that an average decrease in axial length of
7.5% can be expected when the arc-based design method is applied to a core stage nozzle. Two arc-based and
conventional nozzles were evaluated numerically across the pressure operating range of a core stage engine to
compare calculated thrust and separation characteristics with existing data. The length-weighted thrust coefficient
was increased by 0.3–1.8% in the arc-based design in both configurations. Separated flow characteristics were
compared using contours of Mach number and static pressure distributions, which suggested equivalent side loading
in the arc-based nozzle at separated flow conditions. The result indicates that a geometric advantage independent of
thrust may be achieved when the arc-based method is applied to high-area-ratio nozzle contour design.

Nomenclature 0 = stagnation condition

b = number of arc segments within curve 1 = inflection point, conventional contour
CF = thrust coefficient 2 = endpoint, conventional contour
CF;w = weighted thrust coefficient
Cx = nozzle length-weight coefficient
E = numerical error I. Introduction
k = turbulent kinetic energy, m2 s−2
total contour axial length, m
Mach number
T HE function of a supersonic nozzle is to convert the thermal
energy of the combustion products into kinetic energy in order
to produce thrust. In rocket propulsion systems, the propellant is
P = static pressure, Pa stored on board and ejected at high velocity in a momentum exchange
r = radius, m process. Because the propellant is carried within the system, it is
TW = thrust-to-weight ratio desirable to maximize the thrust efficiency or specific impulse of the
x = horizontal distance, m propulsion system to minimize vehicle mass. This process involves
y = vertical distance, m accelerating the combustion products to supersonic velocities through
ε = turbulent dissipation rate, m2 s−3 the use of a convergent–divergent (CD) nozzle.
θ = angle, deg The simplest divergent contour uses a constant angle to increase the
ω = specific dissipation rate, s−1 nozzle area ratio, resulting in a conical nozzle for an axisymmetric
design. The primary benefit to a constant angle design is that thrust and
Subscripts flow parameters can be approximated using quasi-one-dimensional
flow theory. However, a correction is required due to the nonaxial
a = arc nozzle, turning curve nature of the exhaust velocity and gives rise to thrust losses that are a
C = coarse mesh function of the nozzle wall angle [1]. An ideal divergence contour that
c = conical nozzle, turning curve produces uniform and axial flow at the nozzle exit via isentropic
e = nozzle exit turning of the nozzle flow can be achieved through use of the method of
F = fine mesh characteristics (MOC) [2].
i = arbitrary contour point i Although an ideal contour is capable of producing a uniform axial
j = arbitrary contour point j exit velocity, the excessive length required to turn the flow without
m = inflection point, arc contour inducing shocks renders an ideal contour unsuitable for weight-
n = endpoint, arc contour sensitive applications such as orbital launch systems. In an ideal de-
S = standard mesh sign, the contour extends throughout the nozzle in such a way that the
t = nozzle throat wall angle decreases as the flow is progressively turned. Therefore, if
a small divergence angle is accepted, the nozzle length can be reduced
through the use of a truncated ideal contour (TIC) [3]. To further
Presented as Paper 2014-3999 at the 50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint
Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, 28–30 July 2014; received 21
reduce nozzle length, and therefore overall system weight, an axially
October 2014; revision received 14 June 2015; accepted for publication 15 compressed truncated ideal contour (CTIC) can be used [4]. In a
June 2015; published online 4 September 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Kyll CTIC, the severity of the contour is increased in the turning section,
Schomberg. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and which increases the strength of the compression waves, resulting in
Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Copies of this paper may be made for the formation of a shock if these waves coalesce.
personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the $10.00 per-copy Instead of manipulating an ideal contour to minimize length, a
fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, unique contour can be generated to maximize thrust for a prescribed
MA 01923; include the code 1533-3876/15 and $10.00 in correspondence length using the calculus of variations [5]. This was later simplified
with the CCC. by Rao and is often denoted as a thrust-optimized contour (TOC) [6].
*Ph.D. Candidate, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering;
[email protected]. Student Member AIAA. As a TOC can only be described through a list of contour points, Rao

Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. derived an approximation through use of a skewed parabola [7]. This

Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering Department; also Adjunct contour variant is referred to as a thrust-optimized parabola (TOP)
Lecturer, UNSW Australia, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia. Senior and will result in a lower thrust than an equivalent TOC. However,
Member AIAA. direct optimization studies of TOP contours have shown that the

is achieved by deconstructing each arc segment into two right-angled

triangles. This process is shown in Fig. 2.
To ensure the inherent capability of geometric scaling, all contour
parameters can be normalized by the throat radius, as shown in
Eq. (1). In all contours designed using the arc-based design method,
any two arbitrary points on each arc segment will be connected by a
common radius. The equation for the radius connecting any two
arbitrary points i and j is shown in Eq. (2):
r x y
ry = ; xy = ; yy = (1)
rt rt rt
Fig. 1 Historical design progression of the supersonic nozzle divergence
yj − yi xj − xi
ry = = (2)
difference in thrust can be less than 0.2% compared to an equivalent j cos θj − cos θi j j sin θj − sin θi j
TOC [8]. Additionally, the spatial description of the TOP contour
naturally facilitates a much greater degree of flow control. This can be It can be seen in Eq. (2) that the radius between two points is
used to increase nozzle area ratio, and therefore vacuum performance dependent on the angle between these points as well as either the
through the manipulation of static wall pressure [9]. The historical horizontal or vertical distance. As the finite series of circular arcs is
progression of nozzle contour design is outlined in Fig. 1. based on a space-marching scheme, it is assumed that the spatial
Although the TOP and compressed truncated ideal contours are a conditions at point i will be known. The position at j must then be
derivative of a design generated using the MOC, the resulting flow- iteratively defined for the contour to be generated. The vertical
field is neither ideal nor thrust optimized. Observation of the position can be determined with respect to the required area ratio and,
historical progression of nozzle design therefore suggests that the similarly, the horizontal position determined with respect to a
current requirements for high-area-ratio nozzles are independent of prescribed nozzle length. The angle at j can then be selected by the
the inherent characteristics within conventional design methods. designer, as long as this value obeys the inequality defined in Eq. (3).
Because of this, an alternative design method was investigated to It is worth noting that, in a conventional nozzle, the tangent of the
determine the feasibility of an unconventional approach toward the contour at the throat will be parallel to the nozzle axis. However, the
generation of a rocket nozzle contour. arc-based design method can naturally extend to unconventional
The design method selected in this work was based on the use of a nozzle concepts that use a nonaxial throat:
finite series of circular arcs for the construction of the nozzle contour.
Focus was placed on generation of the divergence contour, as it is θt ; θn ≤ θj < θi ≤ θm (3)
widely accepted that any smooth curve is sufficient for use in the
convergent section of the nozzle [10]. The concept of using circular As long as the wall angle is known, a complete spatial description
arcs to generate the divergence contour in a supersonic nozzle was of the contour will be possible. The horizontal and vertical positions
proposed soon after the application of CD nozzles to rocket motors of the contour for any angle can be calculated using Eqs. (4) and (5),
[11]. Unfortunately, any documented analysis of arc-based contours respectively. The wall angle can then be incrementally changed to
for use in rocket nozzle applications is limited within the public describe the contour. Comparatively, the corresponding wall angle
domain [11,12]. However, one study compared the thrust between a can be calculated for any nondimensional length value, as shown in
nozzle constructed from circular arcs to both a TOC and TOP design Eq. (6) for nozzle length. This capability is of particular importance
and suggested the difference between contour generation methods when considering flow properties in a scaled variant of the nozzle
was low for a nozzle expansion ratio of 12–35 using air as the
working fluid [13]. In the present work, the feasibility of an arc-based
design method for generation of high-area-ratio nozzle contours has
xy = rij (sin θi − sin θ) + xi ∀ θj ≤ θ ≤ θi (4)
been determined using a numerical approach across the range of flow
regimes expected to occur in a core stage rocket engine. Viability of
the arc-based design method was subject to a reduction in contour
length, independent of calculated thrust across the entire range of yy = rij (cos θ − cos θi ) + yi ∀ θj ≤ θ ≤ θi (5)
operating conditions.

II. Design x x
θ = sin−1 1− sin θi + sin θj (6)
The major requirement for the design was that the general flow L L
characteristics were consistent with a conventional nozzle in a geo­
metrically favorable design. A reduction in contour length for consis­
tent area ratio may increase the thrust-to-weight ratio of the nozzle
and would imply a reduction in engine weight and cooling require­
ments. The production of a contour that could be described spatially
was desirable, as it would enable greater ease of nozzle scaling both
geometrically and for varying gas compositions compared to a TOC/
TIC design.

A. Methodology
The design method uses a series of circular arcs to achieve the
contour design requirements. Similar to conventional nozzle design,
the divergence contour was separated into an expansion curve and a
turning curve, where each curve can be described by a finite series of
circular arcs. The use of arcs to generate the divergence contour
enables a full description of the curve through the manipulation of
trigonometric relations. The spatial description of the turning contour Fig. 2 Spatial description of an arc segment in the turning curve.

The nozzle contour can be described by the sum of the horizontal
and vertical or radial arc segments. The limits of these values are Exact
likely to be a design requirement of the nozzle itself; and, as such, the 2
number of segments and angles between segments must be selected
by the designer. Calculations of these values are subject to Eq. (3) and 1.5
can be determined using Eqs. (7) and (8):

xtn = rij (sin θj − sin θi ) (7)
i=0 0.5

b 0
ytn = rij (cos θj − cos θi ) (8) 0 15 30 45 60 75
Fig. 3 Variation in exact and approximated length ratio.

B. Length Reduction
The length of any supersonic nozzle contour is often compared to
the length of an equivalent constant angle contour [10]. Assuming
that the expansion curve is consistent between both contours, a direct
comparison can be made between the turning curves. The length of a
constant angle contour is a function of the required vertical or radial
distance and contour angle, as shown in Eq. (9). Comparatively, the
turning curve length of a nozzle generated using the arc method can
be determined through manipulation of Eqs. (7) and (8) and is given
in Eq. (10). When defining a ratio between the nozzle lengths
determined through the circular arc method and that of a constant
angle contour, the required vertical of radial distance is cancelled.
The ratio becomes a function of wall angle only, as shown in Eq. (11):
Lc = (9)
tan θc Fig. 4 Contour plot of length ratio magnitude.

(sin θm − sin θn ) compare geometric parameters of the Space Shuttle Main Engine
La = (ymn ) (10) (SSME) [9], Vulcain 2 [14], and conventional Vulcain [15] nozzles
(cos θn − cos θm )
against an equivalent contour generated using the arc-based method. It
is important to note that the expansion curve was kept consistent with
the current design of each nozzle and a single curve was used for the
La (sin θm − sin θn ) 2θc
= tan θc ≈ (11) turning section to give a baseline comparison of the arc design. Tables 1
Lc (cos θn − cos θm ) θm + θn and 2 outline the current specifications of conventional nozzles and a
comparison with the arc-based contour length, respectively.
If a constant angle is selected by the designer to produce a baseline The arc-based contour returned a lower axial nozzle length when
nozzle length, the length ratio then becomes a function of the compared to all conventional designs, where the magnitude of this
expansion angle and the exit or divergence angle of the circular arc reduction increased with respect to nozzle area ratio (AR) in all cases.
contour. This length ratio can also be approximated as a simple power The associated change in thrust-to-weight ratio was calculated using
function for the given constant angle, as shown in Eq. (11). The the length ratio and nozzle length-weight coefficient as shown in
difference between the exact and approximated length ratios and a Eq. (12):
contour plots of the rate of length reduction are shown in Figs. 3 and
4, respectively, for a baseline constant angle contour of 15 deg.
A difference of 5% or less between the exact and approximate TW = (12)
length ratios was observed across the range of practical angles for an 1 − Cx (1 − xn ∕x2 )
axial-throat nozzle. Variation of the exact function can be seen to
increase as the difference between the combined design angle and a
value of twice the selected conical angle increases, where a maximum
Table 1 Geometric parameters in conventional nozzle
variation of 5% was observed at the upper limit of the angles con­
sidered here. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that a decreasing exponential
trend in length ratio was evident, and this trend was equally weighted Model yt rt1 y2 θ1 θ2 x2
between the expansion and divergence angles with respect to the Vulcain 0.1312 0.500 6.716 35.025 6.500 15.74
magnitude of length reduction. It can be seen from the contour plot Vulcain 2 0.1370 0.500 7.629 37.000 5.500 18.62
that a considerable reduction in nozzle length (i.e., less than the 80% SSME 0.1309 0.392 8.803 37.000 5.300 23.52
bell [10]) is restricted to high-angle designs. This restriction may
account for the lack of interest in an arc-based contour for use in early
nozzle design [11,12], as the low area ratios used inherently preclude
the use of high angles in contour generation. Table 2 Comparison of arc-based and conventional
nozzle contour length
C. Parametric Study Model xn ΔL, % ΔT W , %
To provide an initial estimation of the viability for the arc-based Vulcain 15.13 −3.910 0.389
design method, a preliminary analysis was conducted to verify that a Vulcain 2 17.09 −8.220 0.829
reduction in nozzle length relative to a conventional design would SSME 20.20 −14.12 1.432
be possible. A parametric study of existing contours was used to

A nozzle length-weight coefficient of 0.1 was selected for this study Inlet
based on the nozzle-to-engine weight fraction of 0.13 and 0.135 in the Outlet 15°
SSME [16] and Vulcain [17] engines, respectively. A value of 0.1
would yield a conservative estimate of the expected improvement Axis
while taking into account the difference between actual contour length 15rt 15rt
and axial distance, which was found to be less than 0.5% for the design 45° 2rt
cases considered here. Although a performance increase on the order of 4.5rt 0.25rt
0.3–1.5% may seem trivial, the increase in thrust coefficient as a result
of the Vulcain 2 upgrade was on the order of 1% [14]. rt=33.54mm 300rt

D. Design Case Fig. 5 Numerical domain including inlet and downstream exhaust
To explore the performance characteristics of the arc-based design dimensions (not to scale).
method, two scaled variants of the axisymmetric Vulcain nozzle were
selected for analysis. The nozzle variants were based on a scaling pro­
cedure geared toward adaptation of the contour using a nondimen­ grid independence and ensuring that the selected turbulence model
sional length parameter. In these cases, the length parameter selected was capable of describing relevant flow effects. The existing [15] S3
was the radius at the nozzle exit (S1) and throat (S3). Both the S1 and nozzle was selected for the verification process because of a higher
S3 nozzles have previously been validated and shown to adequately correlation with the Vulcain nozzle than the S1 design. The
represent flow structure within the Vulcain nozzle [15]. Table 3 verification process was focused on minimizing uncertainty of the
outlines the geometric parameters for the S1 and S3 nozzles and the calculated thrust at full-flowing conditions and the wall pressure
corresponding reduction in contour length as a result of the arc-based distribution under separated flow conditions. Full-flowing conditions
design method. were replicated using a inlet-to-exit pressure ratio (PR) of 50,
The expansion contour for both nozzles was kept consistent with consistent with existing data [15]. Comparatively, separated flow
that used in [15]. The arc-based approach to the turning curve again conditions were generated using a PR of 20, where a “restricted”
resulted in a reduction in overall nozzle length when compared to the shock separation [21] would be expected to occur [15].
existing design. Although the area ratio between the S1 and S3
nozzles was similar, the magnitude of the length reduction in the S3 A. Geometric Domain
nozzle was much greater. For simplicity, the turning curve was kept to The computational domain consisted of the convergent–divergent
a single arc, allowing the wall angle to be described with respect to nozzle and a downstream exhaust region. The downstream region
the nondimensional length of the nozzle contour, as shown in Eq. (6). was sized to ensure the effect of the domain boundaries on the
With the wall angle known, both arc-based contours could be flowfield was negligible. A throat radius of 33.54 mm was selected in
described spatially throughout the domain. It is important to note that both the S1 and S3 nozzles, consistent with the existing design [15].
the design of all nozzle turning contours in the analysis was restricted As no information was provided about the convergent section of the
to a single circular arc, where a series of arcs may produce a greater nozzle, a constant angle contour at 45 deg was used from the curved
magnitude of length reduction. Based on the parametric study and throat region. The inlet-to-throat area ratio was sized to ensure the
design case, it could be concluded that the arc-based design method inlet pressure could be assumed to be equal to the total or stagnation
can produce a geometrically favorable contour for a high-area-ratio pressure with less than 0.5% error, and flow through the domain was
nozzle. controlled using a pressure inlet and pressure outlet boundary.
Figure 5 outlines the dimensions of the model and structure of the
numerical domain.
III. Numerical Model
B. Grid
A numerical approach was employed to assess flow behavior and
calculate thrust across the flow regimes expected to occur in a core The computational domain was discretized using a fully structured
stage engine. All results were generated using the commercially scheme comprising quadrilateral cells in all models. To determine the
available ANSYS Fluent 14.5 finite volume code. An axisymmetric effect of the downstream exhaust region on the solution and if
pressure-based momentum-coupled solver was selected to generate computational time could be further reduced, a “short” grid at each
all results. Although initially a subsonic flow solver, it has been density level was used that consisted of the nozzle geometry only. A
extended to cover high-speed flows with high accuracy [18,19]. The nondimensional wall distance y+ of one was maintained to ensure the
discretization of all flow parameters in space was achieved using presence of elements within the viscous region of the boundary layer.
second-order upwinding. Turbulence throughout the domain was All calculations were completed using the one-equation Spalart–
considered using a time or Reynolds-averaged approach due to the Allmaras (SA) [22] turbulence model. This model was selected due to
quasi-steady nature of the full-flowing nozzle. Air behaving in its proven capability of describing flowfields with shocks due to flow
accordance with the ideal gas law was used as the working fluid, and separation [23]. Grid independence was determined from the thrust
the inlet stagnation temperature was maintained at 450 K, consistent coefficient at full-flowing conditions and the static wall pressure at
with the conditions recorded in [15]. Viscosity was modeled using a separated flow conditions, as shown in Table 4 and Fig. 6, respectively.
three-coefficient Sutherland approximation due to the low stagnation The grid-based numerical uncertainty of the calculated thrust at
enthalpy [20]. full-flowing conditions was quantified using Roache’s grid conver­
To satisfy solution convergence, mass flow rate monitors were set gence index [24] with an applied safety factor of three, and it was
on the nozzle inlet, the exit plane, and the domain outlet boundaries. found to be less than 1% in all cases. The influence of a downstream
Solution convergence was accepted when all surface monitor values
remained consistent over 500 iterations and continuity was satisfied Table 4 Numerical uncertainty of thrust coefficient at
from the recorded mass flux between the inlet and outlet boundaries. full-flowing conditions (PR = 50)
Verification of the numerical model was determined by establishing
Grid Elements CF ECS , % ECF , % ESF , %
Coarse (C) 460 × 135 1.319 0.345 0.220 ––
Table 3 Geometric parameters in the S1 and S3 nozzle Standard (S) 600 × 180 1.320 0.084 –– 0.675
Fine (F) 860 × 220 1.318 –– 0.027 0.112
Model rt1 y2 θ1 θ2 x2 rmn xn ΔL, %
C short 160 × 70 1.319 0.179 0.000 ––
S1 0.500 4.472 35.03 4.000 10.44 18.93 9.660 −7.370 S short 250 × 95 1.320 0.065 –– 0.212
S3 3.000 4.271 27.00 0.000 15.75 27.01 13.62 −13.49 F short 410 × 120 1.319 –– 0.000 0.069

0.12 0.12
Coarse Standard Fine Inviscid SA k-εrealizable k-ω SST

0.08 0.08

0.04 0.04

0 0
0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16
x/rt x/rt
Fig. 6 Effect of grid resolution on static wall pressure (PR = 20). Fig. 8 Effect of turbulence model on wall pressure distribution
(PR = 20).

indicative of the restricted shock separation (RSS) flow regime [21].

The pressure distribution indicated that a single separation “ring” was
formed in the k-ε realizable solution compared to two in all other
solutions. This coupled with the unconventional distribution imme­
diately downstream of the separation point led the k-ε realizable
model to be discarded as a viable candidate. The RSS phenomenon
involves a shallow separated region downstream of the initial
separation shock and upstream of where the reflected shock hits the
nozzle wall [21]. The pressure in this region is known to be between
the critical pressure for separation and the local ambient pressure
[21]. This was not adhered to in the inviscid solution; thus, it was
Fig. 7 S3 nozzle coarse grid. discarded as well. The result suggested that both the SA and k-ω SST
turbulence models were capable of describing flow behavior within
the nozzle at separated conditions. The SA model was consequently
exhaust region was negligible in all cases, and the short coarse grid selected to generate all results due to a faster convergence rate
was therefore selected to calculate the thrust coefficient at all full- compared to the k-ω SST model.
flowing conditions (PR ≥ 50).
The difference in the location of the separation point was within
1% between grids, where the characteristics of a restricted shock
IV. Results
flowfield was observed in all cases [21]. Evidence of compression
waves forming within the nozzle was observed in the static pressure Flow parameters for both nozzle configurations were evaluated to
distribution in all grids at x∕rt < 4. This was expected due to the ensure equivalent performance, irrespective of the method of contour
nonideal turning of the flow in a TOP contour. Although the magni­ generation. Numerical results were compared to known values [15] to
tude of the pressure peaks was damped in the coarse and standard ensure validation of the numerical model and a further analysis was
grids, the preliminary and comparative nature of the analysis placed a conducted at a number of pressure ratio conditions to determine the
focus on the separation point and general flow characteristics. As the nozzle performance across the entire range of operating regimes
convergence requirements prohibited the use of a short grid under expected in a core stage engine.
separated flow conditions, the coarse grid was selected for use in the
separated flow condition and is shown in Fig. 7 for the S3 nozzle. A. Validation
To validate the numerical model, nozzle contours generated using
C. Turbulence Modeling the Rao-based TOP method (hereafter referred to as Rao) and the arc
The selection of an appropriate turbulence closure model was method (hereafter referred to as arc) were compared with those
verified by again observing variation in static wall pressure under designed and validated by Volvo Aero (hereafter referred to as Volvo)
separated flow conditions and calculation of the thrust coefficient in as an approximation to the Vulcain nozzle, where the static pressure
the full-flowing nozzle. Here, the one-equation SA model, two- distribution and equivalent Mach number were used to confirm this
equation k-omega shear stress transport (k-ω SST) [25], and two- approximation [15]. The primary aim of the TOP-based (Rao) nozzle
equation k-epsilon realizable (k-ε realizable) [26] models were was to ensure the numerical model was capable of adequately
compared to an inviscid solution. Table 5 and Fig. 8 and outline the predicting flow effects, as behavior would theoretically be identical
difference between calculated thrust and wall pressure, respectively. to the Volvo nozzles. The arc-based contour would give an indication
The difference between calculated thrust in each of the viscous of how flow behavior varied between nozzles designed using the
solutions was negligible, where a 0.5% increase in thrust coefficient conventional and arc methods. A PR of 50 and inlet stagnation
was observed in the inviscid solution. Comparatively, the choice of temperature of 450 K were used for all simulations, consistent with
turbulence model had a significant effect on the wall pressure that used in [15]. Figures 9 and 10 outline the static pressure
distribution. The distribution produced using all models was distribution and equivalent Mach number in the S1 and S3 nozzles,
There was no discernible difference between the Volvo and Rao
Table 5 Effect of turbulence model on thrust coefficient contours in either the S1 or S3 nozzles, confirming that the numerical
(PR = 50) model was capable of describing flow behavior within the nozzle.
The reduced contour length was clearly evident in the arc contour in
both the S1 and S3 nozzles. A decrease in the static pressure in the arc
Inviscid 1.327 ––
nozzle was complimented by an increased Mach number throughout
SA 1.319 0.607
k-ε realizable 1.319 0.607
an x∕rt of approximately four to eight. This behavior was caused by a
k-ω SST 1.319 0.607 lower initial rate of wall turning angle, and therefore continued
expansion in the arc-based design. Comparatively, the increased rate

Rao Arc Volvo Rao Arc

0.2 5 0.2 5

0.16 4 0.16 4

0.12 3 0.12 3


P/P 0
0.08 2 0.08 2

0.04 1 0.04 1

0 0 0 0
0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12
x/rt x/rt
Fig. 9 Comparison with existing data for the S1 nozzle (PR = 50). Fig. 11 Pressure and Mach number distributions in the S1 nozzle
(PR = 20).

Rao Arc Volvo

0.2 5 Ma
6 0 5
0.16 4

0.12 3 Ma 3

0.08 2
0.04 1

0 3 6 9 12 15
0 0
0 4 8 12 16
Fig. 10 Comparison with existing data for the S3 nozzle (PR = 50). 3

of flow turning toward the latter half of the arc nozzle was evident
from the static pressure and corresponding decrease in Mach number.
0 3 6 9 12 15
The greater exit pressure observed in the arc contour may reduce the x/rt

PR required for full-flowing conditions, and consequently reduce the Fig. 12 Contour plot of Mach number in the S1 nozzle (PR = 20).

flow time spent in the transient startup and shutdown phases.

B. Analysis
Rao Arc
The evaluation of both nozzle types required the observation of 0.2 5
flow parameters across a number of operating conditions. To achieve
this, the receiver pressure was varied to produce a number of pressure 0.16 4
ratios that would simulate nozzle behavior across the range of flow
conditions expected in a core stage nozzle. It is important to recall that 0.12 3

any adverse effects observed in the arc-based design would nullify
the geometric advantage previously demonstrated. Differences 0.08 2
between the Rao and arc nozzles were compared using static pressure
distribution and contours of Mach number at separated conditions 0.04 1
and are shown in Figs. 11–14. Comparison at full-flowing conditions
was made using the thrust coefficient in the Rao-based nozzle and 0 0
weighted thrust coefficient in the arc-based nozzle, as shown in 0 4 8 12 16
Tables 6 and 7. x/rt
The onset of flow separation in the Rao nozzle was downstream of Fig. 13 Pressure and Mach number distributions in the S3 nozzle
the arc contour in both configurations under separated flow condi­ (PR = 20).
tions. However, when the relative length between the Rao and arc
contours is considered, the distance between the separation point and
Table 6 Variation in thrust coefficient in the S1 nozzle the nozzle exit was reduced in the arc-based design in both configu­
rations. Observation of the magnitude of this offset suggested that it
PR CF Rao CF;w arc ΔCF , %
was approximately one-third of the magnitude of the total length
50 1.314 1.319 0.343 reduction in each case, which would imply a reduction in side loading
350 1.619 1.626 0.440
in the arc-based nozzle under separated flow conditions [15]. This
1000 1.653 1.660 0.428
benefit would be slightly decreased due to a small increase in the
pressure peak observed in the arc-based design. However, the
influence of this is difficult to quantify and unlikely to completely
Table 7 Variation in thrust coefficient in the S3 nozzle offset the lower moment arm evident in the arc-based design.
PR CF Rao CF;w arc ΔCF , %
The main discrepancy in flow structure observed in the attached
region between the Rao and arc contours was in the shape of the Mach
50 1.319 1.343 1.781
350 1.625 1.652 1.666
contours itself. In both cases, the lower initial rate of turning in the
1000 1.662 1.681 1.478 arc-based design reduced the severity of the compression wave
generated at the inflection between the expansion and turning curves.

Ma Ma
6 0 5 6 0 5

Rao Rao
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21

6 0
0 3 6 9 12 15

Arc 6

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 3

Fig. 14 Contour plot of Mach number in the S3 nozzle (PR = 20).
0 3 9 6 12 15
This effect was evident in both configurations, albeit far more x/rt

pronounced in the S3 nozzle. The general structure of the separated Fig. 16 Contour plot of Mach number in the S1 nozzle (PR = 14).

region was consistent between nozzle designs and configurations.

However, the flow structure appeared to be axially compressed in

both arc-based nozzles. In both cases, this compression was not equal 0.15
Experimental Rao Arc
to the difference in nozzle length and was in agreement with the
calculated flow parameters.
The thrust coefficient was calculated at full-flowing overexpanded
(PR = 50), ideal (PR = 350), and underexpanded (PR = 1000) 0.1
flow regimes to represent the entire range of operating conditions

expected to occur in a core stage nozzle. The thrust-to-weight scaling
factor introduced in Eq. (12) was applied to the arc-based design in
each case to ensure an accurate comparison between design methods.
The calculated thrust coefficient in the arc-based design was greater
than the equivalent Rao in all cases, where the magnitude of increase
was over 1% greater in the S3 configuration. However, the similarity 0
of the S1 nozzle geometric parameters with existing nozzle designs 0 3 6 9 12
suggests an expected increase in thrust coefficient as a result of the x/rt
arc-based design on the order of 0.4%. Fig. 17 Wall pressure distribution in the S1 nozzle (PR = 16).

C. Transition
To confirm that a reduction of nozzle length without adverse 6 0 5
separation effects was possible, an evaluation of the transition phases
in the S1 nozzle was conducted. This configuration was selected due
to the availability of experimental transition pressure information in Rao
[15] coupled with the slight increase in pressure peaks observed in the
separated flow condition in the arc-based design. Nozzle behavior
was evaluated at PRs of 14 and 16 to observe flow conditions at the
threshold between “free” and restricted shock separation during the

0 3 6 9 12 15
transient startup condition [21]. Figures 15–18 outline the static wall 6
pressure distributions and contours of Mach number in the Rao and
arc nozzles at each PR. Arc
The correct prediction of a free or restricted separation flow regime 3
and a static pressure distribution that was consistent with the experi­
mental data was observed in the Rao nozzle, providing additional
validation of the numerical model for use under separated flow 0
conditions. At a PR of 14, the difference between the numerical and 0 3 6 9 12 15
Fig. 18 Contour plot of Mach number in the S1 nozzle (PR = 16).
Experimental Rao Arc

experimental static pressure readings was less than 4%. The main
discrepancy between the Rao and arc pressure distributions was a
0.08 predicted separation point location approximately 5% upstream in
the arc-based contour. An earlier point of separation was expected in

the arc nozzle due to the higher initial rate of expansion shown to
occur. However, an overall decrease in the relative separation length
remained evident in the arc-based contour.
As expected, the restricted shock separation flow phenomenon
was predicted in both the Rao and arc nozzles at a PR of 16. The
0 separation location was predicted within 2% in both nozzle types,
0 3 6 9 12 where the main discrepancy of the pressure distribution was a lower
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