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A Research Project Report submitted in partial

fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Master of Science of the Loughborough University

September 2010

Supervisor: R.A. Reed, BSc, MSc, MCIWEM

Water, Engineering and Development Centre
Department of Civil and Building Engineering
Certificate of Authorship

“I certify that:

I am responsible for the work submitted in this project report, and that
the original work is my own.

I have not submitted this work to any other institution for the award of a

All laboratory work has been carried out by myself with no more
assistance from members of the department than has been specified. All
additional assistance which I have received is indicated and referenced
in the report.

Each and every quotation, diagram or other piece of exposition which is

copied from or based upon the work of others has its source clearly
acknowledged in the text at the place where it appears.”

Signature ……………………………………….

Date ……………………………………………..
Individual Project Access Form
Location: WEDC Resources Centre, Loughborough University

Author: Thomas Castle

Title: High quality manual butt fusion joints using low cost pipe
alignment technology

Status of access: OPEN

Authors Declaration:

“I agree to the following conditions:

This project report shall be made available within the WEDC Resource
Centre, and may be borrowed by WEDC staff and students. Pages may
be copied subject to copyright regulations. It may also be copied by the
British Library for supply to requesting libraries and individuals, subject
to a written assurance that it will not be published in part or in full.”

Signature ……………………………………….

Date ……………………………………………..

Conditions of access approved by R.A. Reed

Signature ……………………………………….

Date ……………………………………………..
Appendix A – Risk assessments and method statements

Appendix B – Manual butt fusion welding procedure

Appendix C – Hydrostatic pressure decay test results

Acknowledgements d

The author would like to thank his Dad and Brother for their continued support during the
Water and Waste Engineering MSc course at WEDC, Loughborough.

The author would also like to thank Michael Barker and Michael Smeeton, Laboratory
Technicians, Loughborough University for their assistance in the preparation of the testing
rigs and technical support during the testing, and finally Geoffrey Belton, Engineering
Operations Manager, National Grid, North London for his support and the supply of
polyethylene pipe used for testing.
Table of Contents d

Table of contents


1.1 Aims and Objectives 1

1.2 Research Procedure 2

1.3 Preface to Chapters 2


2.1 Manual butt fusion joints 5

2.1.1 Butt fusion welding procedure 7
2.1.2 Advantages of butt fusion joints in Developing Countries 10
2.1.2 Limitations of butt fusion joints in Developing Countries 11

2.2 Compression joints 12

2.2.1 Compression fitting joining procedure 13
2.2.2 Advantages of compression joints in Developing Countries 15
2.2.3 Limitations of compression joints in Developing Countries 16

2.3 Pipe testing 16

2.3.1 Hydrostatic pressure 16 Hydrostatic Pressure Test Type 1 19 Hydrostatic Pressure Test Type 2 20 Alternative hydrostatic pressure test methods 22
2.3.2 Tensile strength 23 Tensile strength testing methods for butt fusion joints 24 Tensile strength testing methods for compression joints 24
2.3.3 Bending strength 26
2.3.4 Fatigue 27

2.4 Summary of literature review 27


3.1 Test piece preparation 29

3.1.1 Manual butt fusion test piece 29 Manual butt fusion jointing equipment 31 Manual butt fusion test piece jointing procedure 32
3.1.2 Compression joint test piece 34 Compression fitting jointing equipment 35 Compression joint test piece jointing procedure 35

3.2 Testing procedure 36

3.2.1 Hydrostatic pressure testing 36 Testing rig 36 Testing procedure 39

Table of Contents d

3.2.2 Tensile strength testing 42 Testing rig 42 Testing procedure 44


4.1 Manual butt fusion jointing results 45

4.2 Hydrostatic pressure testing 47

4.2.1 Pressure decay test 47
4.2.2 Long duration pressure decay test 55
4.2.3 High pressure test 55

4.3 Tensile strength testing 56


5.1 Analysis of test piece preparation 58

5.2 Analysis of hydrostatic pressure testing 60

5.3 Analysis of tensile strength testing 62

5.4 Discussion of manual butt fusion and compression joint methods 64


6.1 Recommendations 66

6.2 Limitations of research project 67

6.3 Areas for further research 68


8 APPENDIX A – Risk assessments and method statements I

9 APPENDIX B – Manual Butt fusion welding procedure XX

10 APPENDIX C – Hydrostatic pressure decay test results XXVII

Table of Contents d

List of figures

Figure 1 - An example of a butt fusion joint in polyethylene pipe 5

Figure 2 - Automatic Butt Fusion Machine 6

Figure 3 - Equipment for manual butt fusion jointing 7

Figure 4 - Butt fusion jointing faults 10

Figure 5 - Example of a compression joint 13

Figure 6 - Stages 1&2 compression coupler joining procedure 14

Figure 7 - Stages 3&4 compression coupler joining procedure 14

Figure 8 - Stages 5&6 compression coupler joining procedure 14

Figure 9 - Stages 7&8 compression coupler joining procedure 15

Figure 10 - Graph showing visco-elastic behaviour of polyethylene pipe 17

Figure 11 - Hydrostatic Pressure Test Type 1 19

Figure 12 - Hydrostatic Pressure Test Type 2 20

Figure 13 - Types of pipe failure 23

Figure 14 - Machined tensile test piece for pipes with wall thickness less 24
than 25mm

Figure 15 - Diagram of apparatus for test for resistance to pull out of 25

assembled joints

Figure 16 - Diagram of apparatus for hydrostatic pressure test when subject 26

to bending stresses

Figure 17 - Design of heating plate 30

Figure 18 - Design of Teflon coated sleeve 30

Figure 19 - Equipment for manual butt fusion of polyethylene pipes 31

Figure 20 - Alignment and marking of pipe ends 32

Figure 21 - Formation of molten plastic bead around perimeter of pipe 33

Figure 22 - Tightening of compression nuts using pairs of Stilsons 35

Figure 23 - Systematic drawing of hydrostatic pressure testing rig 37

Table of Contents d

Figure 24 - Hydrostatic pressure testing rig 37

Figure 25 - Data logger computer programme 39

Figure 26 - Plastic sheeting protection from testing rig 42

Figure 27 - Instron tensile rig 43

Figure 28 - End restraint design (two pipe clamps and wide clamp) 44

Figure 29 - Completed manual butt fusion joint (hydrostatic pressure test 46

piece 3)

Figure 30 - Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 1 48

Figure 31 - Leaking mechanical fitting 49

Figure 32 - Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 2 50

Figure 33 - Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 3 51

Figure 34 - Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 4 52

Figure 35 - Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 5 53

Figure 36 - Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 6 54

Figure 37 - Graph showing elongation of test pieces at 15.6KN constant 57


Figure 38 - Revised systematic drawing of hydrostatic pressure testing rig 61

Figure 39 - Manual butt fusion jointed test piece necking during tensile 63
strength test

Figure 40 - Pull out from compression joint Test piece 4 64

Figure 41 - Alignment and marking of pipe ends xxi

Figure 42 - Trim pipe ends to ensure smooth, clean mating surfaces xxi

Figure 43 - Recheck pipe alignment. Pipe ends aligned ready to be heated xxii

Figure 44 - Application of heat to both sides of heating plate using blow lamp xxii

Figure 45 - Check temperature of heating plate using thermo chrome crayon xxiii
to ensure the plate temperature is in the correct range

Figure 46 - When heating plate at correct temperature carefully insert into xxiii
Teflon coated paper sleeve

Table of Contents d

Figure 47 - Place heating plate vertically and perpendicular to the pipe ends xxiv
in the alignment clamp and firmly press pipe ends against heating

Figure 48 - Upon formation of 2mm bead around perimeter of pipe relax xxiv
pressure while maintaining contact with heating plate to allow
for heat soak time (20 seconds)

Figure 49 - Carefully remove heating plate and join pipes together xxv
(maximum time pipes ends apart should not exceed 10 seconds)

Figure 50 - Completed manual butt fusion joint (test piece 3) showing xxv
slight misalignment

Figure 51 - Pipe ends firmly pressed against heating plate in alignment xxvi

Figure 52 - Completed manual butt fusion joint on 32mm nominal outside xxvi
diameter water pipe note poor alignment

List of tables
Table 1 - Comparison of costs of straight fittings of alternative pipe 11
jointing methods

Table 2 - Recommended System Test Pressure for PE pipe 18

Table 3 - Example of specified test pressure and time for 63mm 23

Compression fitting

Table 4 - Test forces for test under constant load 25

Table 5 - Pressure and time reading for test piece 1 48

Table 6 - Pressure and time readings for test piece 2 50

Table 7 - Pressure and time readings for test piece 3 51

Table 8 - Pressure and time readings for test piece 4 52

Table 9 - Pressure and time readings for test piece 5 53

Table 10 - Pressure and time readings for test piece 6 54

Table 11 - Elongation results of tensile strength testing 56

Table 12 - Pull out of pipe from compression joint 56

Table of Contents d

Table 13 - Pressure Decay Test 1 xxviii

Table 14 - Pressure Decay Test 2 xxxii

Table 15 - Pressure Decay Test 3 xxxv

Table 16 - Pressure Decay Test 4 xxxviii

Table 17 - Pressure Decay Test 5 xli

Table 18 - Pressure Decay Test 6 xliv

Introduction d

1 Introduction
Butt fusion techniques have been used for polyethylene pipe jointing in the UK since
the 1970‟s. Today in the UK butt fusion operations are conducted using fully
automatic butt fusion machines minimising potential human error. In Developing
Countries such as Nepal and Timor Leste (formerly known as East Timor) manual
butt fusion techniques have been developed and are used as a cost effective alternative
to mechanical and electro fusion jointing. Despite their use in Developing Countries,
no extensive testing has been undertaken to determine the strength of these manual
butt fusion joints.

No testing of manual butt fusion joints is performed in Developing countries. The

joint is made and the pipe is then filled and pressurised with water from the existing
live system, and only if the joint leaks is the performance of joint known. Manual
butt fusion techniques have a large potential for human error. This can include
contamination, incorrect heating temperatures and pipe misalignment. A successful
butt fusion joint should be as strong as the parent pipe (Wavin 2001).

This research project will examine manual butt fusion joints by constructing manual
butt fusion jointed test pieces using the equipment and techniques used in Developing
Countries, and testing the butt fusion joints to determine joint strength and
performance under different testing conditions. As well as testing of manual butt
fusion joints, testing of compression joints has been undertaken as part of this
research project to enable direct comparison between the two different methods of
pipe jointing.

After a detailed analysis of the testing results and comparison of jointing methods I
shall end the report with my conclusions, describing how the testing went and how
and why manual butt fusion jointing could be improved.

1.1 Aims and Objectives

The aim of this research project is as follows:
„To investigate the performance of manually welded butt fusion joints in comparison
to compression joints on polyethylene pipes’

Introduction d

The objectives of the research project can be summarised as follows:

 To obtain a detailed knowledge of butt fusion technology including the
jointing procedure, it‟s use in developing countries and its limitations.
 To obtain a detailed knowledge of compression joints, including the jointing
procedure, their use in developing countries and limitations.
 For the author to become competent and an expert in the manual butt fusion
jointing procedure producing manual butt fusion joints suitable for testing.
 To obtain a detailed knowledge of joint testing methods and undertake testing
on manual butt fusion jointed and compression jointed test pieces.

1.2 Research Procedure

The following bullet points provide an outline of the research procedure that will be
implemented to achieve the aims and objectives of the research project:
 A comprehensive literature review will be undertaken of butt fusion jointing,
compression joints and pipe testing methods. Literature will be obtained from
journals, books, technical manuals, manufacturers and databases.
 Construction of manual butt fusion jointed and compression jointed test pieces
following correct procedures, and preparation of testing rigs.
 Finally, laboratory testing of constructed manual butt fusion and compression
jointed test pieces to enable the author to determine the performance of the
joints under different test parameters.

1.3 Preface to Chapters

Chapter 2: Background and Literature Review. This chapter will provide detailed
literature on manual butt fusion joints and compression joints, concentrating on the
joining procedure and advantages and limitations of each joint in Developing
Countries. The chapter will also provide literature on pipe testing, explaining
hydrostatic pressure, tensile strength, bending strength and fatigue testing methods.

Chapter 3: Methodology. This chapter will provide details and justification of the
testing parameters selected for the laboratory testing. It will also detail the test piece
preparation including equipment required and the jointing procedures for manual butt
fusion and compression joints. Finally this section will provide details of each testing

Introduction d

rig for the different testing parameters and the testing procedures to be undertaken.
Limitations of each testing procedure will be included where appropriate.

Chapter 4: Results. This chapter will present the results of the test piece preparation
and testing results. The results of the test piece preparation will be presented in the
form of a written account of the procedure including any difficulties experienced.
The testing results will be presented in the form of graphs, tables and simple
calculations. Observations, photographs and problems experienced will also be
included in the results.

Chapter 5: Analysis and Discussion. This section will contain a full analysis and
discussion of the results of the manual butt fusion jointed test piece preparation and
testing of the manual butt fusion and compression jointed test pieces.

Chapter 6: Conclusion. Chapter 6 will draw definitive conclusions from the results
and analysis of the manual butt fusion jointing. Recommendations will be made
regarding how the manual butt fusion jointing procedure could be improved. The
conclusion will also detail limitations of the research project and potential areas for
further research.

Background and Literature Review .

2 Background and Literature Review

Polyethylene pipe was first used in the UK in the early 1960‟s as an alternative
material to cast and ductile iron pipes in the low pressure (up to 75mbar) gas
distribution system. By 1975 polyethylene pipe was commonly used throughout the
gas industry in the UK for main and service laying purposes (National Grid 2007).
Soon after this polyethylene pipes were introduced for water distribution. Today
polyethylene is firmly established as pipeline material for water and gas operating up
to 10bar for gas and 16bar for water pipes (Radius Systems 2008b, Wavin 2001).

Polyethylene pipe systems are cost effective and reliable. Polyethylene offers a
number of advantages including corrosion resistance, chemical resistance, flexibility,
light and easy to handle, low frictional resistance, good flow characteristics, strong
and durable, and simple welding technologies for leak tight joints (WRc 1986). The
flexibility of polyethylene pipe also allows it to absorb high levels of impact loads
associated with the construction phase, and vibration and stress caused by soil or
ground movement post installation (Radius Systems 2008b).

However, because polyethylene is a comparatively soft material it also has a number

of limitations including sustaining wall damage from rocks, bricks and metal tools
and can easily be scored. Polyethylene pipe can sustain score damage up to 10% pipe
wall thickness and still perform adequately (National Grid 2007). Any part of a pipe
with damage greater than 10% of wall thickness requires removal. Polyethylene is
also at risk of UV degradation (WRc 1986) when exposed to prolonged sunlight and
as such should be protected when stored for periods greater than a year or used above
ground, where it should be placed in UV resistant sleeves (WRc 1986). Finally it is
not possible to trace polyethylene pipe meaning either traceable marker tape or
detailed as laid drawings are required.

Polyethylene pipe is available in two different strengths, PE80 (a material with

minimum required strength 8MPa) and PE100 (a material with minimum required
strength 10Mpa), and a wide range of pressure ratings (8bar to 16bar) and of sizes
from 20mm to 630mm outside diameter (Wavin 2001). Coiled pipes of outside
diameter up to 180mm are available in lengths of 50m and 100m (WRc 1986).

Background and Literature Review .

There is a range of possible jointing methods for polyethylene pipes. These include;
butt fusion, electrofusion couplers, socket fusion, push-fit and compression joints.
The following sections will examine in detail butt fusion and compression joints.

2.1 Manual butt fusion joints

Butt Fusion jointing in principle is simple (WRc 1986). Two prepared pipe ends are
aligned and heated simultaneously against a Teflon coated heating plate. The heating
plate is then removed and the pipe ends are brought together to form a homogenous
weld (Wavin 2001). A small bead will form on the inside and outside of the
polyethylene pipe upon completion of the joint (Figure 1). A butt fusion joint should
be at least as strong as the parent pipe (Wavin 2001). Butt fusion jointing of
polyethylene pipes is a technique that enables the joining of pipes on site that are the
same strength (PE80 or PE100), and have the same outside diameter and Standard
Dimension Ratio (SDR) [Specified outside diameter of pipe/Minimum specified wall
thickness] (National Grid 2007).

Figure 1. An example of a butt fusion joint in polyethylene pipe

Butt fusion techniques have been used for polyethylene pipe jointing in the UK since
the 1970‟s with fusion provida at the forefront of butt fusion machine design. Early
butt fusion machines were manually operated and optimum results depended on the
successful completion of an involved sequence of steps with considerable scope for
error (Fusion Provida 1990). Advancements in butt fusion machine technology led to
the introduction of the automatic butt fusion machine in 1987, which was essentially
an old manual BF3 butt fusion machine converted. The automatic butt fusion
machine was not designed to simply follow a fixed sequence, but was designed as a
„intelligent‟ system (Fusion Provida 1990) able to adjust to changing conditions.
Providing the user enters the correct information (Pipe type, diameter, SDR) into the
control box of the automatic butt fusion machine, the only remaining human error can
be misalignment of pipe and contamination of the joint (Fusion Provida 1990).

Background and Literature Review .

Modern automatic butt fusion machines (Figure 2) now additionally have a printer
attached to enable joint records to be kept or a facility to allow joint information to be
downloaded to a pc.

Figure 2. Automatic Butt Fusion Machine (Fusion Provida 2010)

Today in the UK and the USA automatic butt fusion machines are the only approved
form of butt fusion machinery and are widely available, in a wide range of sizes from
63mm to 630mm (Fusion Provida 2010), and in some cases are constructed on self-
propelled tracked machines, similar to units produced by Trackstar.

Butt fusion joint welding is also undertaken in Nepal (Scribd 2010) and Timor Leste
(Reed 2010) but using much simpler technologies. In Nepal and Timor Leste
sophisticated automatic butt fusion machines are not readily available. Instead butt
fusion pipe jointing is completed using a hand held heating plate constructed from
scrap metal, Teflon coated paper and a thermo chrome crayon (see Figure 3) (Reed
2010, Scribd 2010). The heating plate is heated by using charcoal or good quality
firewood to a temperature of approximately 220ºC (Junejo 2010, Jordan 1982). The

Background and Literature Review .

temperature of the heating plate is determined by marking the plate with the thermo
chrome crayon. If the colour of the marking changes from white to brown within 5-
10 seconds the plate is at operating temperature. If the marking changes colour in
under 5 seconds then the plate is too hot, if the mark changes colour after 10 seconds
then the plate is too cold and must be reheated. The Teflon coated paper is used to
make a sleeve in which the heating plate is inserted so when pipe ends are pushed
against plate molten material does not stick to the plate and contaminate the weld.
The manual butt fusion process requires high levels of competency and skill as there
are currently no pipe alignment tools used and the hot pipes ends are just „held
together by hand‟ to make the joint.

Teflon coated Heating plate

paper sleeve
pipe / fitting

Thermo chrome crayon

Figure 3. Equipment for manual butt fusion jointing

Manual butt fusion welding operations in Nepal and Timor Leste are only performed
on pipes of 32mm and 63mm nominal outside diameters at present (Reed 2010).
Additionally, municipalities in Nepal have also developed the manual butt fusion
process to fabricate mitred bends and pipe cap ends from straight lengths of
polyethylene pipe by cutting straight sections at strategic angles (Scrib 2010).

2.1.1 Butt fusion welding procedure

Despite the large variation in sophistication between the modern automatic butt fusion
machinery in use in the UK and US, and the simple manual low cost equipment used

Background and Literature Review .

in Nepal and Timor Leste, the welding procedure follows the same basic procedure.
The basic butt fusion welding procedure will now be described.

Stage 1
The first stage of the procedure is to ensure that the pipe ends are clean. If necessary
the pipe ends should be cleaned with clean water and dried with a cotton rag (Plastic
Pipes Institute 2009). All surfaces must be clean and the pipes must be cut squarely
so that when pipe ends are pushed together there are no gaps between the pipe ends
greater than 1millimetre (Jordan 1982). The pipe ends should also be checked to
ensure the pipe is round and not oval (usually a result of handling damage).

In a modern automatic butt fusion machine the lengths of pipe are secured and aligned
in the butt fusion machine.

Stage 2
The ends of both pipes require trimming. This stage is completed to ensure that the
pipe ends are smooth, parallel and clean mating surfaces (Plastic Pipes Institute 2009).
Simple tools such as a file (Jordan 1982) are used to trim the pipe ends in Nepal and
Timor Leste whereas a trimmer plate is used in the automatic butt fusion machine.
Once the pipe ends are trimmed all pipe shavings, cuttings and debris should be
removed and bagged for disposal. No contact should be made with the pipe ends, as
this will contaminate the pipe end (Plastic Pipes Institute 2009). If pipe ends become
contaminated then the cleaning and trimming procedures in stages 1 and 2 should be
repeated. Finally, a second alignment check is carried out to ensure there are still no
gaps between the pipe ends greater than 1millimetre (Jordan 1982, National Grid

Jordan (1982) also recommends that the manual pipe jointing crew (Nepal and Timor
Leste) make a practice attempt at the jointing procedure using the unheated heating
plate, to be familiar with procedure as once pipe ends are joined together when heated
they can not be separated and realigned.

Background and Literature Review .

Stage 3
Ensuring that the heating plate is clean, undamaged, and at the correct temperature,
220ºC (Jordan 1982), the heating plate will be inserted in to a Teflon coated paper
sleeve (heating plate in butt fusion machine has Teflon coating) and the two pipe ends
are pressed firmly against the plate. When the pipe is heated a bead of molten
material will form around the perimeter of the pipe (Jordan 1982). For pipe diameters
of 32mm and 63mm the melt bead size required is approximately 2millimetres
(Wavin 2001). When the correct sized melt bead has formed equally around both
pipe ends the heating plate should be removed carefully so as not to damage the pipe
ends and the pipe ends joined together. The time period between the heating plate
removal and pipe ends joining must be as short as possible, ideally less that 10
seconds to prevent the fall in temperature of the pipe ends from being too large
(Barber and Atkinson 1974). Once the pipe ends have been joined together, the pipe
ends should still be pressed together until the joint has cooled down and can be
touched by hand.

When using the automatic butt fusion machine, joining pressures, heater temperatures,
bead size, fusion time, heat soak time and cool period are all controlled by the
machines „intelligent‟ system (Fusion Provida 1990). When operating an automatic
butt fusion machine it is also common to complete dummy joints at the start of each
day, or when changing pipe diameter to clean the heater plate (National Grid 2007).
A dummy joint is a joint made following the same procedure as normal but aborted
after the heating plate is removed so that the pipe ends are not brought together and

Stage 4
Following cooling of the joint, a visual inspection can be carried out to check for
potential jointing faults such as pipe misalignment, melt cooling and interface
contamination as shown in Figure 4. The bead width can also be measured and
checked that is consistent in width around the perimeter of the pipe (Radius Systems
2008b) and free of any contamination. In some cases the bead may be removed and
will also be subject to a visual inspection. For short lengths of pipe the joint can also
be flexed vigorously (Jordan 1982) to check the joints do not fail under simple

Background and Literature Review .

Figure 4. Butt fusion jointing faults (National Grid 2007)

2.1.2 Advantages of butt fusion joints in Developing Countries

Butt fusion jointing has many advantages over alternative pipe jointing methods. One
of the main advantages is that it is a very efficient and cost effective method of pipe
jointing as it does not require any expensive fittings. Table 1 compares the cost of
fitting per joint for butt fusion, electro fusion and compression jointing methods. As
can be seen as the nominal outside diameter of the pipe increases, the cost of
electrofusion and compression couplers substantially increases whereas there is no
cost of fitting per joint for butt fusion, as the two pipe ends are homogeneously
welded together (Wavin 2001).

Additionally because butt fusion jointing does not require any specialist fittings the
manual pipe joining crews will not have to potentially wait for the import of fittings
or experience supply problems before completing repairs, which will in return reduce
the leakage times.

Background and Literature Review .

Table 1. Comparison of costs of straight fittings of alternative pipe jointing methods

(Pipestock 2010a, Pipestock 2010b)
Cost of fitting per joint
Nominal Outside Butt Fusion Electrofusion Compression
Diameter of pipe coupler Coupler
32mm £0.00 £2.39 £1.76
63mm £0.00 £4.44 £5.41
90mm £0.00 £6.53 £11.84
125mm £0.00 £11.84 £63.41
250mm £0.00 £51.84 Not Available

The low cost manual butt fusion procedure does not require any expensive machinery,
tools or power supply. The heating plate is constructed from scrap metal and heated
to the correct temperature using a natural fire source (Reed 2010).

2.1.3 Limitations of butt fusion joints in Developing Countries

One of major limitations of butt fusion jointing in Nepal and Timor Leste is that the
manual butt fusion procedure is highly complex and requires skilled personnel. The
quality of the final joint is highly dependant of the manual pipe joining crews
experience and competency. As there are no pipe alignment tools used in the jointing
operation, pipe misalignment is a potential problem that can cause premature joint
failure. Additionally developing countries may experience difficulties in obtaining
the Teflon coated paper and thermo chrome crayons.

Butt fusion jointing is commonly used in Nepal and Timor Leste for repairs, where
sections of existing pipe are cut out (Junejo 2010). In this process two butt fusion
joints will be required, one joint at each end of the section being replaced. This will
require the second joint to be completed inside the excavation, which will increase the
likelihood of joint contamination and pipe misalignment. Additionally the excavation
required will have to be larger to increase the amount of movement in the existing
pipeline and allow the new section of pipe to be “sprung in”.

Finally, successful butt fusion jointing requires the system being worked on to be
fully isolated (i.e. no water flowing through repair section) and the pipe to be dry

Background and Literature Review .

inside. This will require effective flow stop equipment (squeeze offs). Compression
joints may be carried out with small quantities of water still flowing through the
isolated pipe section.

2.2 Compression joints

Compression joints provide a simple and efficient pipe joining method requiring
simple tools and relatively low skilled labour. Compression joints may be constructed
of metal or plastic material (Plastic Pipe 2010) and provide pressure integrity, leak
tightness and resistance to end loads (Gas Industry Standard 2006). Compression
joints allow the joining of pipes on site that are different polymer, have different wall
thickness and different Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) [Specified outside diameter
of pipe/Minimum specified wall thickness] (National Grid 2007). Compression joints
also enable the joining of pipes of different nominal outside diameter through the use
of a reducer, and joining of pipes of different materials such as PVC, ABS and

The main components of a polyethylene pipe plastic compression joint (see Figure 5)
are the body, a threaded compression nut, a floating split ring, a thrust ring (a ring that
holds the polyethylene pipe in position and prevents pull out from the fitting), a pipe
stiffener (rigid internal tube stiffener that provides permanent support for
polyethylene pipe to prevent creep in the pipe wall under radial compressive forces)
and a gasket (George Fischer 2010a, Gas Industry Standard 2006). The design
principle of the compression joint is that when the threaded compression nut is
tightened onto the body of the fitting, the gasket and thrust ring become compressed
between compression nut and body of fitting and grip the outside pipe creating a
pressure tight seal (Plastic Pipe 2010, Wavin 2001). Additionally, as a result of the
gasket and thrust ring gripping the outside of the pipe, pull out resistance exceeding
the yield strength of the polyethylene pipe is also achieved. It is essential that the
pipe stiffeners are inserted into the ends of the polyethylene pipes to be joined. If
stiffeners are not inserted the pipe will creep under radial compressive forces,
potentially resulting in a loss of pressure tight seal reducing pressure integrity and
leak tightness, or grip which would reduce pipe pull out resistance (Plastic Pipe

Background and Literature Review .

Figure 5. Example of a compression joint

Compression joints have been in use in the Water Industry in the UK since the 1980‟s.
Today compression joints are a common joining method for the repair of damaged
polyethylene and lead pipes. Compression joints are also now used in the gas
industry to repair damaged polyethylene of 16mm-63mm outside diameter (Gas
Industry Standard 2006). George Fischer Italy piping systems have been exporting
compression joints to developing countries since the late 1980‟s.

2.2.1 Compression fitting joining procedure

The compression fitting joining procedure for repairing a damaged pipe is described
below. Note: if the damaged area of pipe is too large (shown as distance Z on Figure
6 below), then the damaged section of pipe will have to be replaced with new section
joined to existing pipe with two compression fittings. When using compression
fittings to join new lengths of pipe it is not necessary to completely dismantle the
fitting, just insert pipe stiffeners into pipe ends and insert pipe end into fitting (George
Fischer 2010a) avoiding the risk of incorrect assembly of the rings and seals.

Stages 1&2
The pipe is cut using pipe cutters or a hack saw at the point of damage leaving a
distance of Z between the pipe ends (George Fischer 2010b). The pipe ends should be

Background and Literature Review .

cut square and all sharp edges removed (Polypipe 2010). Pipe stiffeners are fully
inserted into the pipe ends up to the stop.

Figure 6. Stages 1&2 compression coupler joining procedure (George Fischer 2010b)

Stage 3&4
The compression nut, thrust ring and gasket (or O ring seal) should be fitted over both
pipe ends in the correct order. Align pipe ends and mark on pipe position of the body
of the fitting. This is to be used to aid alignment of fitting at stage 6.

Figure 7. Stages 3&4 compression coupler joining procedure (George Fischer 2010b)

Stage 5&6
Insert the body over one side of the pipe, ensuring the pipe itself comes out of the
body on the opposite side (George Fischer 2010b). Align the two pipe ends and slide
the body over pipe ends until it aligns with the marks on the pipe applied at stage 4.

Figure 8. Stages 5&6 compression coupler joining procedure (George Fischer 2010b)

Background and Literature Review .

Stage 7&8
Without allowing the body to move along the pipe, slide the thrust rings and gasket
until at the correct position on the body. Slide the compression nut up to the body and
screw together ensuring the compression of the gasket (Figure 9). For pipe diameters
20mm-63mm tighten nut until a maximum of 1 thread on the body remains visible.
For pipe diameters 75mm-90mm tighten nut until a maximum of 1.5 threads on the
body remain visible (George Fischer 2010b). Fittings can be tightened manually by
hand, using grips or a special wrench.

Figure 9. Stages 7&8 compression coupler joining procedure (George Fischer 2010b)

2.2.2 Advantages of compression joints in Developing Countries

The use of compression joints has many advantages in developing countries.
Compression joints require no complex tools or equipment for the joining procedure.
Compression joints can be tightened manually be hand or by the use of simple tools
such as wrenches. Additionally there is no need for any electrical power supply
unlike electrofusion coupler joining methods, or heat source requirement unlike for
butt fusion joining.

Unlike butt fusion jointing methods, compression joints do not require highly skilled
labour to complete the connections and, when installing compression joints in a new
system, no dismantling of the fitting is required (George Fischer 2010a). Modern
compression joints enable easy and fast installation, and can be installed in tight
spaces, such as in an excavation, and are suitable for damp and wet conditions
(George Fischer 2010a). Because there is no heat fusion required for compression
joints, small pipe flows can still occur through pipe system when completing repairs.
Additionally, as there are no heat fusion operations, the pipe and fitting do not
become homogenous, and can therefore be taken apart easily and reused (George
Fischer 2010a).

Background and Literature Review .

Compression joints are able to join polyethylene pipes together of different polymer,
wall thickness, and SDR rating. With the use of an adaptor kit, compression joints
can also be used to join polyethylene pipes of different diameters (using a reducer)
and polyethylene pipe with PVC, ABS, PE-Xa, copper and metal pipes (George
Fischer 2010a). This range of compatibility makes compression joints very useful in
Developing Countries where pipe networks may consist of a range of different

2.2.3 Limitations of compression joints in Developing Countries

The major limitation of compression joints in Developing Countries such as Nepal
and Timor Leste is the high purchase cost of the fitting. As can be seen in table 1
each 63mm compression coupler costs £5.41. Despite the negligible cost of tools and
equipment for compression joints the cost per fitting makes compression joints
considerably more expensive than butt fusion joining methods.

Finally compression joints would have to be imported to developing countries,

potentially creating supply problems and increasing leakage times when waiting for
repair fittings.

2.3 Pipe testing

There are a number of different criteria by which a pipe can be tested. This section
will examine the following testing methods: hydrostatic pressure, tensile strength,
bending strength and fatigue.

Before carrying out complicated scientific tests on a section of pipe it is important to

perform a visual check. This will examine all joints and connections and also confirm
that the pipe wall has not been damaged which could lead to a failure of the pipe
itself. During the visual check the pipe can also be flexed vigorously (Jordan 1982) to
check the joints do not fail under simple manipulation.

2.3.1 Hydrostatic pressure

A hydrostatic pressure test demonstrates the mechanical integrity and tightness of a
pipe system, and requires the system under test to be completely filled and pressurized
with water. The application of the test will prove the integrity of the system and

Background and Literature Review .

enable any leakage within the system to be identified. Hydrostatic pressure is defined
as the static pressure exerted due to the weight of a column of water, for example
100mbar water gauge pressure is one tenth of a bar therefore one bar pressure equates
to a column of water 10metres high. A watch tested for water resistance at 5bar is
subjected to the same pressure that would be exerted at the bottom of a water tank
50metres deep.

Unlike ductile iron and steel pipes, polyethylene pipes demonstrate a visco-elastic
(creep) behaviour (WRc 1999). A polyethylene pipe sealed under test pressure will
experience a non-linear reduction in pressure (pressure decay) due to the visco-elastic
(effectively a stretching of the pipe) behaviour of the pipe (Wavin 2001) as shown in
Figure 10. This will occur even in a leak free system and allowance must be made for
this condition.

Figure 10. Graph showing visco-elastic behaviour of polyethylene pipe (Radius Systems 2008a)

When testing polyethylene pipes, tests should take place between blank flanges bolted
to pipe ends or electro-fusion welded full end-load resistant end caps (Radius Systems
2008a, BS 1167-1: 2006). Testing against a closed value is not recommended and
should not be undertaken unless there is no alternative (WRc 1986).

The Water Research Council (WRc) recommend that testing should not be undertaken
in temperatures in excess of 30ºC because the creep behaviour of the polyethylene
pipe may affect the results obtained. This can be overcome by either partially

Background and Literature Review .

backfilling or covering the pipe to maintain ambient temperatures throughout the test
period (WRc 1986).

The pipe system will have a rated pressure marked on the side of the pipe, which is
the maximum pressure that the pipe can operate throughout its design life (50 years).
When applying a hydrostatic pressure test a system test pressure is used, this is a
higher pressure than the rated pressure to enable the mechanical integrity and
tightness of the system to be verified (WRc 1999). See table 2 for system test
pressures for different pressure rated polyethylene pipes.

Table 2. Recommended System Test Pressure for PE pipe (WRc 1999, Radius Systems 2008a)
Rated pressure of PE pipe Test pressure
Up to 10bar 1.5 x rated pressure
12bar to 16bar 1.5 x rated pressure (or 5 bar +
working pressure, whichever is less)

Other considerations when conducting hydrostatic pressure tests include ensuring that
air is removed from the pipe system when the system is being charged. This can be
achieved by installing air valves at high points in the system (Wavin 2001). Due to
compressibility of air, if any air remains in the systems this will distort the pressure
test results (WRc 1986). When pumping water into the pipe system it is important to
use a pump of adequate size (WRc 1999). It is recommended by the WRc that the
pump should pressurise the system fully in 15 to 45 minutes as the loading time has
an effect on the overall duration of the test. A long test duration is inconvenient and
can increase the chances of temperature fluctuations.

There are two hydrostatic pressure tests recommended by the WRc and undertaken by
manufacturers when testing a pipe system. These are the classified as Pressure Test
Type 1 and Pressure Test Type 2. In this next section both pressure tests shall be
explained and alternative test methods will also be briefly described.

Background and Literature Review . Hydrostatic Pressure Test Type 1

The WRc Pressure Test Type 1 is a simple pass/fail test that can be used to test pipe
systems of small diameter or of short length (Radius Systems 2008a). This test can
only be used if there is no residual air in the pipe system.

The system test pressure is applied to the pipe system and maintained by additional
pumping as required for a period of 30 minutes (WRc 1986). This sustains the creep
in the polyethylene pipe. After maintaining the system test pressure for 30 minutes,
the pressure in the system should be reduced rapidly to a nominal pressure
(approximately 2bar) and the system should be isolated. A record of the pressure
readings following the isolation of the system should be kept. The WRc (1986)
recommend pressure readings every 2 minutes for the first 10 minute period, every 5
minutes for the following 20 minute period, and every 10 minutes for the following
60 minute period. The pressure in the system should rise following the isolation due
to the visco-elastic behaviour of the polyethylene pipe as shown in Figure 11. If
during the 90 minute period following the depressurising and isolation of the system
the pressure drops, this would indicate a leak in the system.

Figure 11. Hydrostatic Pressure Test Type 1 (Radius Systems 2008a)

Background and Literature Review . Hydrostatic Pressure Test Type 2

The WRc Pressure Test Type 2 is a more sophisticated and traditional test method
than WRc pressure test type 1 and is recommended by manufacturers including
Wavin, Radius Systems and Polypipe. Again it is important that there is a minimal
amount of air in the pipe system.

Application of pressure should be completed at a constant rate until system test

pressure is achieved in the pipe system. The time taken to reach the system test
pressure should be recorded. This time is known as tl (WRc 1999). Once system test
pressure has been achieved the system should be isolated and the pressure allowed to
decay due to the characteristic stress relaxation of polyethylene pipe (WRc 1986).
Pressure readings shall be taken from the time of isolation at pre-determined multiples
of tl to enable calculations to be made to assess the mechanical integrity and tightness
of the system, see Figure 12 for sequence of pressure readings.

Figure 12. Hydrostatic Pressure Test Type 2 (Radius Systems 2008a)

First pressure reading (Pressure1) at time (time1), time1 = tl

Second pressure reading (Pressure2) at time (time2), time2 = 7 x tl
Third pressure reading (Pressure3) at time (time3), time3 = 15 x tl

Background and Literature Review .

To allow for creep behaviour in polyethylene pipes a correlation factor of 0.4tl is

applied to the times to enable ratios (N), the slope of the pressure decay curve to be

Corrected time1, time1c = time1 + 0.4tl

Corrected time2, time2c = time2 + 0.4tl
Corrected time3, time3c = time3 + 0.4tl

N1 = log Pressure1 – log Pressure2

log time2c – log time1c

N2 = log Pressure2 – log Pressure3

log time3c – log time2c

For a sound pipe system with no leakage N1 and N2 should lie within the range 0.04
and 0.1. If N1 and N2 are lower than 0.04 this would indicate that there is air in the
system. If N1 and N2 are greater than 0.1 this would indicate that there may be a leak
in the system (WRc 1999).

To further improve the reliability of the test more than three pressure decay readings
can be taken. Additionally, extending the time between reaching system test pressure
and the final pressure reading, can increase the test sensitivity (Wavin 2001).
Simplification of the test procedure can be achieved with the use of data loggers to
automatically record pressures (Radius Systems 2008a) as the logging facility will
enable analysis of pressure data and can enable early leakage to be identified.

If a pipe system fails a test due to air in the system or an unacceptable leak then,
following repair or venting, the system must be allowed sufficient time to recover.
The WRc (1999) recommend a period at least five times the test period to enable the
system to recover.

Background and Literature Review . Alternative hydrostatic pressure test methods

Section A.27 of British Standard 805 (2000) has an alternative hydrostatic pressure
test procedure for polyethylene pipes. Test pressure is initially applied to the pipe
system and maintained by additional pumping for 30 minutes. The system is then
isolated for a period of 1 hour during which time the pipe system may stretch due to
the visco-elastic behaviour of polyethylene pipe. The test pressure is recorded at the
end of the isolation period. If the pressure has reduced by more than 30% the test
should be abandoned because there will be a potential leakage problem.

Following a successful preliminary stage, the remaining pressure in the system should
be rapidly reduced to 10-15% of initial system test pressure, by bleeding water from
the system, recording the volume of water removed. The allowable water loss will be
calculated to ensure that the volume of water removed does not exceed allowable
water loss. If water removed exceeds allowable water loss the test should be stopped.

The final stage of the test is to observe the pressure in the system for 30 minutes
following the pressure reduction. The pressure should then slowly increase as a result
of the contraction of the polyethylene pipe. The test is deemed successful if the
pressure in the system is recorded to increase. If the pressure drops in the system in
the final 30 minute period this would indicate a leak in the system.

British Standard 805 (2000) and WRc (1999) also describe alternative water loss, and
pressure loss test procedures, however both of these tests are unsuitable for
polyethylene pipes, as they are unable to accommodate the visco-elastic behaviour of
the pipe material.

Finally the UK Water Industry has developed a hydrostatic pressure testing method
for testing compression fittings (UK Water Industry 1998). This test method tests the
compression fitting in a pipe system of minimum 300mm free length (length of pipe
between fitting and end cap) each side of the fitting at a specified pressure and time
(table 3). If the system does not fail within the specified time the pressure shall then
be raised at a steady rate until failure occurs (UK Water Industry 1998).

Background and Literature Review .

Table 3. Example of specified test pressure and time for 63mm Compression fitting
(UK Water Industry 1998)
Duration (hours) Minimum Test Pressure (bar)
5 000 to 10 000 20
100 to 1 000 22
1 to 10 25

The pipe system should fail by the pipe bursting in a ductile manner (Figure 13) prior
to any leakage or failure of the fitting (UK Water Industry 1998). If failure occurs in
a brittle manner (Figure 13) or within a distance less than 10% free length from the
fitting the test should be disregard.

Figure 13. Types of pipe failure (UK Water Industry 1998)

2.3.2 Tensile strength

A tensile strength test determines the resistance of two lengths of pipe being pulled
apart. The application of the test will prove the yield strength and elongation at break
of the polyethylene pipe. Typical minimum results for tensile testing of straight
lengths of polyethylene pipe give yield strength of 18N/mm² for PE80 strength pipe
and elongation of over 600% (Wavin 2001, George Fischer 2010b). A tensile test can
also determine the pull out resistance of a mechanical fitting. There are different
tensile strength testing methods for straight lengths of polyethylene pipe, butt fusion

Background and Literature Review .

joints and compression joints. All testing should be undertaken at a test temperature
of 23°C (BS 12201-5:2003). The testing methods for butt fusion joints and
compression joints will now be briefly discussed. Tensile strength testing methods for butt fusion joints

Tensile strength testing of butt fusion joints is carried out using the procedure from
BS 13953:2001. A test piece is machined out along the longitudinal direction of the
polyethylene pipe across the butt fused joint to give it a waisted section (Figure 14),
and is subjected to a tensile stress at a constant speed of approximately 5mm/min ±
1mm/min. When loading the test piece in a tensile testing machine, the stress is
concentrated through the jointed region and failure is in the vicinity of the joint (BS

Figure 14. Machined tensile test piece for pipes with wall thickness less than 25mm (BS 13953:2001) Tensile strength testing methods for compression joints

The UK Water Industry (1998) and British Standards (BS 712:1993) have similar
testing methods for tensile strength testing of mechanical fittings. The main
difference between the tests are the test duration and force applied to the test piece.
The test piece shall consist of the compression joint fitting and one or more pieces of
polyethylene pipe. Each piece of pipe should be at least 300mm in length (UK Water
Industry 1998). In both tests apparatus is required capable of applying a constant
force to the test piece, this may be in the form of a tensometer (BS 712:1993) or by
means of applying weights (Figure 15).

Background and Literature Review .

Loading on
pipe / fitting

Figure 15. Diagram of apparatus for test for resistance to pull out of assembled joint (BS 712:1993)

The British Standard (BS 712:1993) procedure is to apply a force, F, to the test
specimen gradually over 30seconds and then hold test piece in constant tension for a
period of one hour. Force, F is calculated as;

F=1.5 x π x em x σt x (dn - em)

σt is the maximum permissible induced stress (Mpa)

dn is the nominal outside diameter of the pipe(mm)

em is the pipe wall thickness (nominal outside diameter of pipe/SDR) (mm)

The UK Water Industry (1998) procedure is to apply test force gradually over a period
of 15 to 30seconds. The test piece is then held in constant tension for a period of 5
minutes. The test force applied to the test piece is determined by the nominal outside
diameter of the pipe (mm) (see table 4).

Table 4. Test forces for test under constant load (UK Water Industry 1998)
Nominal pipe size (mm) 20 25 32 50 63
Test force (kN) 1.9 2.5 4.1 9.8 15.6

Background and Literature Review .

On completion of the test, the test piece is removed and examined for pull out from
the compression ring and/or fracture of the pipe (UK Water Industry 1998).

Finally, National Grid (Gas Industry 2006) has an alternative tensile strength test for
compression joints in polyethylene pipes. A test piece is subjected to a tensile stress
at a constant speed of 25mm/min ± 10mm/min until the polyethylene pipe yields. The
leak tightness of the test piece at 25mbar (air test) is verified before test and checked
again after the pipe has yielded.

2.3.3 Bending strength

There is no requirement for manufacturers to test the bending strength of polyethylene
pipes. However there is a recognised test for testing the internal pressure of a test
piece consisting of a fitting and one length of pipe when subject to bending stresses
(Figure 16) (UK Water Industry 1998).

Figure 16. Diagram of apparatus for hydrostatic pressure test when subject to bending stresses
(UK Water Industry 1998)

Background and Literature Review .

In this test, the test piece (25-63mm nominal outside diameter) is prepared with a
maximum bend radius of 20 times nominal outside diameter and shall be subjected to
a hydrostatic pressure test at 25bar test pressure (UK Water Industry 1998) for one
hour. If the test piece does not fail the pressure shall be increased at a steady rate
until failure occurs. The pipe should fail in a ductile manner (Figure 13) and before
any leakage occurs on the fitting.

It is important to consider the safety consequences of failure of the test piece,

therefore it is advisable for test pieces to be submerged in water or caged during

2.3.4 Fatigue
Fatigue testing is undertaken to determine the working life of a polyethylene pipe
system for quality control purposes (WRc 1986). Fatigue testing can be completed
using hydrostatic pressure tests as described in section 2.3.1 at elevated temperatures
(80°C) (Wavin 2001) for long test durations (5 000-1 0000 hours).

Notch sensitivity tests (Wavin 2001) may also be conducted to assess the fatigue of a
polyethylene pipe. In a notch sensitivity test a test piece is notched to 20% of wall
thickness at four points around circumference of pipe. The test piece is then subjected
to a wall stress of 8bar (for PE80 polyethylene pipe) at 80°C for 170 hours. The
purpose of this test is to record the stress crack resistance and ensure that crack
growth does not occur within the required test life represented by the test duration
(Wavin 2001).

2.4 Summary of Literature Review

This literature review should provide useful background information on polyethylene
pipe systems, butt fusion and compression joints. It briefly examines the history,
procedures, advantages and limitations of each pipe jointing method, and more
relevantly jointing methods use in less economically developed countries.

This review also provides some background information on why pipes are tested and
the different criteria by which a pipe can be tested. Finally, testing methods for each
criteria are examined.

Methodology .

3 Methodology
To investigate the quality of manual butt fusion joints produced in polyethylene pipes.
Manual butt fusion joints will be constructed and laboratory testing will be
undertaken. From the information on pipe testing included in the literature review
(section 2.3), the ability to withstand elevated hydrostatic pressures and testing the
tensile strength of the manual butt fusion jointed test pieces have been chosen as the
test parameters. For comparison purposes, the same tests will also be undertaken on
test pieces joined using compression fittings.

Hydrostatic pressure testing was selected as a test parameter as it enables the

mechanical integrity of the test piece to be checked and any leakage to be identified.
Hydrostatic pressure testing is the most common test parameter used for water pipe
systems during the manufacturing and installation stages. Because water is not
readily compressible there is little stored energy in the pipework when pressurised and
a failure of the pipe is not catastrophic, however if the test was pneumatic the air
would be heavily compressed and therefore have greater stored energy and a greater
potential risk of injury to any bystanders. Conducting hydrostatic pressure tests will
determine the maximum pressures that the manual butt fusion joints in polyethylene
pipes may withstand before failing. Tensile strength testing was selected as the
second test parameter as it determines the resistance of two lengths of pipe being
pulled apart and therefore assesses the strength of the joint. This test parameter is
more appropriate than bending strength for polyethylene pipes to be used in
Developing Countries, as manual butt fusion joints are commonly not located on long
radius bends. This test parameter was also chosen because the equipment required to
conduct the testing was readily available in the laboratory.

The author acknowledges the fact that fatigue testing would have enabled a better
assessment of the working life performance of manual butt fusion joints, however,
due to time constraints, he was unable to obtain the appropriate test pieces (weathered
polyethylene pipe with manual butt fusion joints) to conduct standard hydrostatic
pressure tests, and did not have the facilities to complete elevated temperature
hydrostatic pressure tests for long time durations.

Methodology .

In total 12 test pieces will be required; 6 manual butt fusion jointed test pieces and 6
compression jointed test pieces. Hydrostatic pressure and tensile strength testing will
be conducted on three of each type of jointed test piece picked randomly.

The remainder of this chapter will detail the preparation of test pieces for manual butt
fusion jointed and compression jointed test pieces, the preparation of the testing
equipment, and the hydrostatic pressure and tensile strength testing procedures. How
the test results will be presented will also be explained.

3.1 Test piece preparation

The test pieces are to be constructed from 63mm nominal outside diameter, PE80
SDR11 gas pipe manufactured by Radius systems. The pipe has a rated pressure of
5.5bar. Gas pipe is to be used for the test pieces, as the author was able to obtain the
pipe at no cost. Additionally, polyethylene pipes used in Developing Countries are
predominately imported from Australia (Reed 2010), which produce different
specifications of polyethylene water pipe to the UK, therefore reducing the ability to
make direct comparison.

3.1.1 Manual butt fusion test piece

From the literature review it can be seen the equipment required for manual butt
fusion in a developing country is minimal. In order to try and produce the most
realistic jointing conditions, and before jointing could commence, the heating plate
and Teflon coated sleeve had to be fabricated. An existing circular steel heating plate
was obtained and cut down to a more suitable and compact design, see Figure 17.
The Teflon coated paper sleeve had to be designed to fit sufficiently tightly over the
heating plate while simultaneously being easy and quick to put on to minimise heat
loss. The addition of a small holding tab on the top of the sleeve improved the ease of
use of the Teflon coated paper sleeve (Figure 18). The Teflon coated paper sleeve
was fabricated using aluminium pop rivets.

In Developing Countries the heat source for the heating plate would be a fire made
with charcoal or good quality firewood (Jordan 1982). For the manual butt fusion
procedure used here, the author has used a blowlamp for the heat source. The
blowlamp was selected as the heat source as it was able to provide instantaneous heat

Methodology .

Figure 17. Design of heating plate

Figure 18. Design of Teflon coated paper sleeve

Methodology .

and enabled safer and instantaneous control of the heat source (on/off control). All
operatives using the blowlamp were given training in its safe use by Michael Barker,
Laboratory Technician, Loughborough University, and were issued heat resistant
gloves as required by the risk assessment (Appendix A). Manual butt fusion jointing equipment

The equipment required for the butt fusion jointing procedure is listed below and
shown in Figure 19.
A Heat resistant gloves F Alignment clamp
B Teflon coated paper sleeve G PE pipe cutter
C Lighter H Thermo chrome crayon
D Tape measure I Heating plate
E Scraper and blades J Blow lamp




Figure 19. Equipment for manual butt fusion of polyethylene pipes

PE cutters (item G) were used to cut the polyethylene pipe instead of a hacksaw due
to the fact that they gave a cleaner, straighter cut. An alignment clamp (item F) was
utilised to minimise misalignment of pipe ends. In addition to the equipment shown

Methodology .

in Figure 19, all operatives wore suitable personal protective equipment (PPE)
including safety boots and overalls. Manual butt fusion test piece jointing procedure

The basic butt fusion procedure has already been detailed in the literature review
(section 2.1.1). This basic procedure was used to complete the manual butt fusion
joints. Additional notes regarding stages 1, 2 and 3 are included below.

Stage 1 and 2
The pipe ends were cut squarely using the PE cutters and trimmed using a hand
scraper to ensure clean mating surfaces. Alignment of the pipe ends was checked
using the alignment clamp. Once pipe ends were aligned, each pipe end was marked
to aid alignment when joining the pipes during stage 3. Additionally the pipe was
marked to ensure that the joint was made within the two red lines on the alignment
clamp (Figure 20).

Figure 20. Alignment and marking of pipe ends

Stage 3
When using the blowlamp to heat the heating plate it is very important to heat all
areas of the heating plate evenly otherwise there could be a localised cool spot. A
thermo chrome crayon is used to ensure the heating plate is at the correct temperature

Methodology .

(220ºC). The thermo chrome crayon used in the manual butt fusion procedure was
manufactured by Tempil (Tempil 2010) and was rated at 246ºC. When the heating
plate is at the rated temperature the crayon mark will turn to a liquid smear. The
higher rated temperature of the thermo chrome crayon allows for a drop in heating
plate temperature between being heated by blowlamp, placed in the Teflon bag and
being positioned between the two pipe ends. It is critical that when the blowlamp is
not in use it is turned off and stored safely.

After the pipe ends have been pressed firmly and evenly against the heating plate and
a molten bead of approximately 2mm has formed around the perimeter of the pipe
(Figure 21), the applied pressure of pipe end against the heating plate should be
reduced while maintaining contact. The following period is known as the heat soak
time and ensures that the polyethylene pipe ends are not just heated at the ends but
also heated through pipe. During the fabrication of the manual butt fusion test pieces,
after examining the initial butt joints produced, the heat soak time was adjusted from
15 to 20 seconds.

Figure 21. Formation of molten plastic bead around perimeter of pipe

Following the heat soak time the heating plate should be carefully removed and the
pipe ends pushed together. As stated in the literature review the time period between
removal of heating plate and joining of pipe ends should be as short as possible
(maximum 10 seconds) to prevent heat loss in the melted pipe ends. To limit possible

Methodology .

misalignment, when joining pipes one pipe end was secured in the alignment clamp
with the other pipe end being brought towards and pressed firmly against the secured
pipe end. Once pipe ends were joined the joint was allowed to cool in the alignment
clamp until could be touched by hand.

Appendix B contains photographs showing each step of the manual butt fusion

Once the author was confident in performing the manual butt fusion joining procedure
eight manual butt fusion joints were constructed with six chosen for testing. The first
three had heat soak times of 15 seconds, and the remaining five had heat soak times of
20 seconds. The author selected six of the eight joints to be the manual butt fusion
jointed test pieces, two with heat soak time of 15 seconds, and four with heat soak
time 20 seconds.

In addition to the manual butt fusion jointing of the 63mm nominal outside diameter,
PE80 SDR11 gas pipe for the test pieces, trial manual butt fusion joints on 32mm
nominal outside diameter, PE80 SDR11 water pipe were also completed. Trial joints
on 32mm pipe were completed to enable the author to experience the difficulties of
attempting to join smaller diameter curved lengths of pipe. Photographs of the trial
joints are included in Appendix B

The results of the manual butt fusion jointing will be presented in the form of a
written account of the experiences of the procedure. Photographs of completed joints
and bead examination will also be included.

3.1.2 Compression joint test piece

Compression joint test pieces were constructed to enable direct comparisons to be
made between the manual butt fusion test pieces. The compression joints were
procured from Pipestock.com and were 63mm MDPE couplings. The couplings have
a rated pressure of 16bar.

Methodology . Compression fitting jointing equipment

From the literature review (section 2.2.1) it can be seen that the only equipment
required to joint the compression fittings are grips or a special wrench. The author
investigated obtaining a universal strap wrench (special wrench) to tighten the
compression nuts but decided to use large pairs of adjustable pipe wrenches, or
Stilsons (24 and 36 inch), as they were readily available in the laboratory and more
likely to be used in Developing Countries as they are a universally popular tool. Compression joint test piece jointing procedure

The compression joint test piece jointing procedure was identical to the jointing
procedure described in the literature review (section 2.2.1). The components were
assembled in the correct sequence and the compression nut was tightened firstly by
hand and then using the pairs of Stilsons (Figure 22). The jointing procedure states
that the compression nut should be tightened until a maximum of one thread remains
visible on the body. This was the standard first adopted by the author however the
test pieces were found to be leaking at this tightness. To resolve the leakage problem
the compression nuts were then retightened until no thread remained visible on the

Figure 22. Tightening of compression nut using pairs of Stilsons

Methodology .

During the construction of the compression joints the author was surprised at the
difficulty he had tightening the compression nuts on to the body of the fitting. This
difficulty would have been further amplified if jointing was carried out within an
excavation, in a confined space in muddy conditions.

3.2 Testing procedure

All testing was conducted in the Civil Engineering Laboratory at Loughborough
University. The tests took place at ambient temperature (23ºC). The testing
equipment used for both the hydrostatic pressure and tensile strength test was
predominately equipment already in the laboratory. The lengths of test piece for
hydrostatic pressure and tensile strength testing were 1000mm and 600/800mm

3.2.1 Hydrostatic pressure testing Testing rig
The hydrostatic pressure testing rig had to be designed and constructed by the author
before testing could commence. The design of the test rig had to include how the test
piece would be pressurized, what end load resistant caps to use, how pressure was
going to be recorded, and how to isolate the test piece from pump.

The most complex aspect of the design was the end load resistant caps. This is
because the end load resistant caps were required to include an inlet at one end of the
test piece for pressurizing water in test piece, and a valve in the opposite end of the
test piece for filling the test piece with water and releasing the pressure after testing.
Initial design proposals had electro fusion end caps permanently fused at each end of
the test pieces. This would have required drilling and threading end caps and would
have been a complex procedure as each test piece would have required its own
individual end caps, increasing costs and test complexity. Additionally, electro fusion
equipment would have to needed to be sourced which would have increased the cost
of testing. A simpler design solution was selected which used MDPE flange adaptors
at each end of the test piece.

Methodology .

A systematic drawing and photograph of the hydrostatic pressure testing rig are
shown in Figures 23 and 24. Each part of the testing rig is detailed after the

Figure 23. Systematic drawing of hydrostatic pressure testing rig

Figure 24. Hydrostatic pressure testing rig

Two different types of pump were used in the hydrostatic pressure tests to pressurize
the water in the test piece. For the low pressure tests (up to 12bar) a simple pressure
vessel was used to provide air to pressurize the water in the test pieces. A compressed
air line was used to pressurize the water in the test piece. For the high pressure tests
(18-25bar), an accumulator pump was used to provide air to pressurize the water in
the test pieces. Again compressed air was used for the pressurization. The author was
given training in the safe use of each pump by Michael Barker, Laboratory
Technician, Loughborough University

Methodology .

Isolation valves were installed at each end of the test piece to enable the test piece to
be isolated for the pressure decay test. The isolation valve could also be used to fill
the test piece with water and ensure all air had been vented from the test piece prior to
testing. The isolation valves were manufactured from aluminium and were supplied
from the laboratory equipment store.

Flange Adaptor
MDPE flange adaptors were chosen for the end pieces of the test piece. The flange
adaptors selected were 63mm x 2” MDPE flange adaptors procured from Pipestock.
The flange adaptors have a rated pressure of 16bar. MDPE flange adaptors were
selected because they could easily and quickly be connected to the different test
pieces and, after testing, they can be removed and re-used. Blank flanges for the ends
of the MDPE flange adaptors were constructed in the Laboratory by Michael Barker
and bolted to the MDPE flange adaptor. To enable the testing equipment to be
connected the blanks were drilled and tapped with ¾” British Standard Pipe (BSP)
threads. The prepared blanks were bolted to the flange adaptors using nitrile rubber
gaskets to make the seal.

A tee section was inserted into the testing rig between the isolation valves to enable a
transducer to be installed. A transducer is a sensor that is able to detect pressure and
convert it to an electrical current at a remote gauge. The transducer used for the
testing was limited to 10bar pressure and therefore was only used for the pressure
decay test. For the high pressure tests the transducer was removed to avoid damaging
it and the tapping point was plugged.

The transducer was connected to a data logger capable of recording pressures 6 times
a second (6Hz). For these tests the data logger was configured to record pressures
every 10 seconds (0.1Hz). This frequency was deemed sufficient for the testing being

The data logger computer programme enabled the results to be saved directly to a
Microsoft excel spreadsheet. The programme also included a facility to display a

Methodology .

graph showing real time pressure recordings. Figure 25 shows a screen shot of the
data logger computer programme

Stop Button Test piece

Start Button

Time between pressure Lines of data


Last date
and time


Figure 25. Data logger computer programme Testing procedure

Each test piece underwent three individual hydrostatic pressure tests, a pressure decay
test, a long duration constant pressure test, and a high pressure test (Manual butt
fusion jointed test pieces only). The minimum time between the different tests on
each test piece was five hours, this allowed time for the test piece to recover. The
common practice was for pressure decay tests to be completed in the afternoon, and
then the long duration constant pressure test would be completed the following
morning for each test piece. After each test piece was filled with water and checked
to ensure no air remained in the system, the test piece would be left for an hour to
stabilize before commencing testing. The testing procedures were as follows:

Pressure decay test

The pressure decay test, also known as hydrostatic pressure test type 2 (WRC 1986)
was undertaken as it is perhaps the simplest test to show the mechanical integrity of
the test piece. The test pieces were constructed from gas pipe pressure rated at 5.5bar.
Table 2 (see literature review) states that the recommended system test pressure for

Methodology .

polyethylene pipe with rated pressure up to 10bar, is 1.5 times the rated pressure.
Therefore system test pressure for the test pieces was 8.25bar (5.5x1.5).

The application of pressure was completed at a constant rate until system test
pressure, 8.25±0.05bar was achieved in pipe system. The test piece was then isolated
and the pressure was allowed to decay in the test piece. The procedure in in
the literature review was then followed; taking pressure readings at predetermined
multiples of tl. The author undertook rough calculations during each test enabling him
to predict any problems. Accurate values of N1 and N2 were determined using the
information from the data logger computer programme following testing.

The results of the pressure decay test will be presented in the form of graphs and
simple calculations. Observations and any problems experienced will also be
included in the results. Full pressure reading results for each test piece will be
included in Appendix C.

The main limitation of the pressure decay test is that any leakage on the mechanical
fittings of the testing rig (MDPE flange adaptors) will affect the results obtained.
Throughout testing all mechanical fittings were regularly inspected for leaks.

Long duration constant pressure test

The long duration constant pressure test consisted of maintaining a pressure of 2 times
the rated pressure of the polyethylene pipe for 5 hours. Therefore, the test pressure
for the long duration constant pressure test was 11bar (5.5x2). The test procedure
adopted is similar to the hydrostatic pressure testing method for testing compression
fittings (UK Water Industry 1998), but at lower pressures.

The application of pressure was completed at a constant rate until 11bar test pressure
was reached. The pressurization was completed in 15-30 seconds for each test piece.
The test piece remained connected to the pump throughout the test enabling the test
pressure to be maintained. Throughout testing the pressure gauge was constantly
monitored and all mechanical fittings were inspected for leaks.

Methodology .

The long duration constant pressure test is a pass/fail test. The results of the long
duration pressure test will be descriptive stating if the test piece passed or failed the
test. If the test piece failed the time and type of failure (joint failure/ductile failure of
pipe/brittle failure of pipe) was recorded.

High pressure test

The high pressure test was designed to investigate the ultimate strength of the manual
butt fusion joints. The test pieces had been constructed of gas pipe with a rated
pressure of 5.5bar. Most water pipe systems are constructed of water pipe with a
rated pressure of 10 or 12.5bar. Despite the first two hydrostatic pressure tests being
completed at the correct system test pressures, the maximum pressure the joints had
been exposed had not exceeded 11bar, approximately the same pressure as the rated
pressures for water pipes. The high pressure test was designed to test the joints at a
minimum of 1.5 times the rated pressure of 12.5bar water pipe (18bar) increasing to

The application of pressure was completed at a constant rate until pressure in the test
piece reached 18bar. The pressurisation was completed in 15-30 seconds for each test
piece. Once 18bar test pressure had been reached the pressure was then increased at a
slower rate to a maximum pressure of 25bar. The test piece was then subjected to a
45minute test at a constant pressure of 25bar.

The results of the high pressure test will be in the form of observation and comments.
If the test piece failed the pressure, time and type of failure (joint failure/ductile
failure of pipe/brittle failure of pipe) was recorded. Photographs of the point of
failure on the test piece will also be included.

When completing all hydrostatic pressure tests the test pieces were covered in plastic
sheeting (Figure 26). This was to protect the author and all observers from any failure
of the test piece. Because of the short length of test piece and low volume of
pressurized water this safety precaution was adequate and there was no need for the
testing to be conducted within a cage. During testing the author and all observers
were additionally required to wear safety glasses.

Methodology .

Figure 26. Plastic sheeting protection from testing rig

3.2.2 Tensile strength testing procedure Testing rig
Tensile strength testing was carried out using the Instron tensile rig (Figure 27),
located in the materials testing department of the Civil Engineering Laboratory,
Loughborough University. The Instron tensile rig is capable of applying a load of
100KN on a test piece, and measuring elongation of test piece. The author was under
constant supervision when using the Instron tensile rig by Michael Smeeton,
Laboratory Technician, Loughborough University. The test piece end restraints had to
be designed to withstand the pull out forces of the loading. Michael Smeeton
fabricated two sets of wide clamps manufactured from aluminium, and two solid
aluminium insert stiffeners.

Methodology .

Loading on
pipe / joint

Figure 27. Instron tensile rig

When conducting trial tests, the wide clamps were unable to provide sufficient grip to
the pipe and aluminium insert stiffener, resulting in the test piece being pulled out of
the end restraint at 15KN (below the test force of 15.6KN). The aluminium insert
stiffeners were then machined to have three deep grooves on the body enabling the
stiffener body to grip into the pipe wall and the test was repeated however this did not
resolve the problem. An alternative end restraint was designed using a secured
MDPE flange adaptor at the base of the test piece, and both wide clamps at the top of
the test piece and secured perpendicular to each other. This design was also

The end restraint design solution was to procure 4no. 63mm exhaust pipe clamps from
a local Ford Dealers and fit two pipe clamps at top and bottom of test piece. The
clamps were fitted in opposite directions to provide a uniform grip. The wide clamps
were then re-fitted at the top and bottom of the test piece (Figure 28). Finally, extra
grooves were machined around the stiffener along the full length of the body to

Methodology .

provide additional purchase. This new end restraint design solution when tested was
able to withstand forces up to 21KN.

Figure 28. End restraint design (two pipe clamps and wide clamp) Testing procedure

Each test piece was to undergo the UK Water Industry (1998) tensile strength testing
method for compression joints. This test was selected to enable a direct comparison
to be made between the manual butt fusion and compression jointed test pieces. The
free length of polyethylene pipe each side of the joint was 300mm. Because of the
difference in size of joint (between butt – approx 5mm, and compression joint –
approx 200mm), this made the total length of test pieces 600mm for manual butt
fusion jointed test pieces and 800mm for compression jointed test pieces.

The test force, 15.6KN (see table 4) was applied to the test piece gradually over 30
seconds and then the test piece was held in tension for 5 minutes. The elongation of
the test piece was recorded when the test force was reached and then every 30 seconds
during the test.

The results of the tensile strength tests will be presented in the form of graphs, tables
and simple calculations. Measurements of pull out from compression joints and pipe
condition will also be stated. Observations, photographs and problems will also be
included in the results where appropriate.

Results .

4 Results
Manual butt fusion jointed test piece construction, hydrostatic pressure testing and
tensile strength testing was conducted between the 14th July and 4th August 2010.

4.1 Manual butt fusion jointing results

Manual butt fusion jointing commenced on 14th July 2010. All of the manual butt
fusion jointing equipment was checked to be in good working condition and the
jointing team received training in the use of the blowlamp before trial jointing of the
63mm nominal outside diameter, SDR11 PE80 gas pipe began.

Following a number of initial trial joints the jointing team developing a working
relationship that enabled successful joints to be constructed. The jointing team
consisted of the author and his brother, Alex Castle, Postgraduate student,
Loughborough University. The pipe ends were cut square and loose material removed
using a hand scraper. While one team member was heating the heating plate using the
blowlamp, the second team member would be aligning and marking the pipe ends.
When the heating plate was at the correct temperature (checked using the thermo
chrome crayon) and the pipe ends were aligned and marked, the blowlamp was shut
down and the heating plate was inserted into the Teflon coated paper sleeve and
positioned vertically and perpendicular to the pipe ends in the centre of the alignment
clamp. The first team member would hold the heating plate in the centre of the
alignment clamp and the second team member pressed one pipe end firmly against the
heating plate. The second team member then simultaneously held the heating plate
while pressing one pipe end firmly against heating plate, as the first team member
pressed the other pipe end firmly against the heating plate. When equal force was
being exerted on both sides of the heating plate, it was left free standing while a
uniform bead of molten plastic around the pipe perimeter and the heating plate
formed. If the jointing team had consisted of three members then one member would
have been solely responsibly for handling the heating plate.

The jointing team initially experienced difficulty in applying an equal grip around the
pipe perimeter to provide an equal force on the heating plate. This would lead to a
non-uniform bead forming around the pipe perimeter, with a very small bead forming

Results .

on the underside of the pipe. This problem was overcome by applying pressure on the
pipe from the opposite open end of the pipe, while maintaining a downward force to
keep the pipe in position in the alignment clamp.

After the formation of a bead approximately 2mm width around the whole perimeter
of the pipe and following the heat soak time (15-20seconds) the pipe ends were pulled
cleanly away from the heating plate and the heating plate was removed. During the
trial stage both pipe ends were then pushed together to form the joint however this
caused misalignment in most cases. For the production of the test pieces one pipe end
was held securely and the team member who removed the heating plate then joined
their pipe end to the secured pipe end (Figure 29). This reduced the possibility of
human error and misalignment.

Figure 29. Completed manual butt fusion joint (hydrostatic pressure test piece 3)

The manual butt fusion test pieces were constructed on the 15th July 2010. The joints
were visually inspected for any contamination, distortion in the bead, and bead size
was measured around the perimeter of the pipe to check for uniformity (an indicator
that pressures had been applied evenly). Before any joint was used for testing it was
flexed vigorously by hand to ensure it did not fail under simple manipulation. No
manual butt fusion joints constructed failed under simple manipulation.

Results .

The manual butt fusion joint of hydrostatic pressure test piece 1 was additionally
examined by removing the outer bead from the pipe and carrying out a visual
inspection on the bead for defects and any contamination at the joint face. A visual
inspection of the bead can highlight any contamination, lack of fusion or slit defects
of the joint, all indicators of poor fusion. The check is completed by bending the bead
backwards on itself. No faults were found on the bead.

When conducting trial manual butt fusion jointing on 32mm nominal outside diameter
SDR11 PE80 water pipe, not a formal part of this research, the jointing team
encountered difficulties due to the curvature of the pipe. The jointing team attempted
to straighten the pipes by flexing the pipe to ensure pipe ends were as straight as
possible before joining. This enabled the alignment clamp to be used for the jointing
procedure. The jointing team followed the same procedure as used for the larger
diameter test pieces. The completed trial joints were slightly misaligned and the
beads were not uniform compared to the large diameter test pieces. Photographs of
the completed trial joints are included in Appendix B.

If the jointing team had been jointing two 50m coils of 32mm nominal outside
diameter SDR11 PE80 water pipe together, then the jointing team would have initially
connected a short straight length of pipe to the ends of the two coils to improve
alignment and manageability.

4.2 Hydrostatic pressure testing

4.2.1 Pressure decay test
The results of the pressure decay test will be presented in the form of graphs and
calculations to determine values of N1 and N2. For a sound pipe system with no
leakage N1 and N2 should lie within the range 0.04 and 0.1. For full pressure reading
results see Appendix C.

Results .

Test piece 1 – Manual butt fusion joint heat soak time 15 seconds
Test start 10:31:24 20/07/2010. System test pressure 8.25bar.

Pressure Decay Test test piece 1


Pressure (bar)

Time (min)

Figure 30. Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 1

Table 5. Pressure and time readings for test piece 1

Time (min) Corrected Time (min) Pressure (bar)

(tl = 4min) (Time + 0.4tl)
time1 (tl) 4 time1c 5.6 Pressure1 7.98
time2 (7xtl) 28 time2c 29.6 Pressure2 7.43
time3 (15xtl) 60 time3c 61.6 Pressure3 6.88

N1 = log Pressure1 – log Pressure2 =log7.98 – log7.43 = 0.0431

log time2c – log time1c log29.6 – log5.6

N2 = log Pressure2 – log Pressure3 =log7.43 – log6.88 = 0.1052

log time3c – log time2c log61.6 – log29.6

The value of N1 is ok and is within the allowable range. The value of N2 is just
outside the allowable range and would suggest the system is leaking. Upon inspection

Results .

of the test piece and mechanical fittings, a leak was discovered on one of the blank
flanges (Figure 31). The testing equipment was removed and then refitted applying
polytetrafluorothylene (PTFE) tape around the thread to ensure a seal, and testing was


Figure 31. Leaking mechanical fitting

Results .

Test piece 2 – Manual butt fusion joint heat soak time 20 seconds
Test start 10:40:04 24/07/2010. System test pressure 8.29bar.

Pressure Decay Test test piece 2


Pressure (bar)

Time (min)

Figure 32. Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 2

Table 6. Pressure and time readings for test piece 2

Time (min) Corrected Time (min) Pressure (bar)
(tl =3min) (Time + 0.4tl)
time1 (tl) 3 time1c 4.2 Pressure1 7.76
time2 (7xtl) 21 time2c 22.2 Pressure2 7.29
time3 (15xtl) 45 time3c 46.2 Pressure3 7.06

N1 = log Pressure1 – log Pressure2 =log7.76 – log7.29 = 0.0381

log time2c – log time1c log22.2 – log4.2

N2 = log Pressure2 – log Pressure3 =log7.29 – log7.06 = 0.0425

log time3c – log time2c log46.2 – log22.2

The value of N1 is outside the allowable range and would suggest that there is
probably air in the system. The value of N2 is ok and within the allowable range.

Results .

Test piece 3 – Manual butt fusion joint heat soak time 20 seconds
Test start 14:41:05 22/07/2010. System test pressure 8.28bar.

Pressure Decay Test test piece 3


Pr essure (bar )

Time (min)

Figure 33. Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 3

Table 7. Pressure and time readings for test piece 3

Time (min) Corrected Time (min) Pressure (bar)

(tl =3min) (Time + 0.4tl)
time1 (tl) 3 time1c 4.2 Pressure1 7.86
time2 (7xtl) 21 time2c 22.2 Pressure2 7.44
time3 (15xtl) 45 time3c 46.2 Pressure3 7.22

N1 = log Pressure1 – log Pressure2 =log7.86 – log7.44 = 0.0328

log time2c – log time1c log22.2 – log4.2

N2 = log Pressure2 – log Pressure3 =log7.44 – log7.22 = 0.0408

log time3c – log time2c log46.2 – log22.2

The value of N1 is outside the allowable range and would suggest that there is
probably air in the system. The value of N2 is ok as it is just within the allowable
range (0.04).

Results .

Test piece 4 – Compression joint

Test start 16:00:53 23/07/2010. System test pressure 8.29bar.

Pressure Decay Test test piece 4


Pressure (bar)

Time (min)

Figure 34. Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 4

Table 8. Pressure and time readings for test piece 4

Time (min) Corrected Time (min) Pressure (bar)

(tl =3min) (Time + 0.4tl)
time1 (tl) 3 time1c 4.2 Pressure1 7.91
time2 (7xtl) 21 time2c 22.2 Pressure2 7.54
time3 (15xtl) 45 time3c 46.2 Pressure3 7.33

N1 = log Pressure1 – log Pressure2 =log7.91 – log7.54 = 0.0283

log time2c – log time1c log22.2 – log4.2

N2 = log Pressure2 – log Pressure3 =log7.54 – log7.33 = 0.0400

log time3c – log time2c log46.2 – log22.2

The value of N1 is outside the allowable range and would suggest that there is
probably air in the system. The value of N2 is ok as it is limit of the allowable range.

Results .

Test piece 5 – Compression joint

Test start 14:34:22 27/07/2010. System test pressure 8.29bar.

Pressure Decay Test test piece 5


Pressure (bar)

Time (min)

Figure 35. Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 5

Table 9. Pressure and time readings for test piece 5

Time (min) Corrected Time (min) Pressure (bar)

(tl =3min) (Time + 0.4tl)
time1 (tl) 3 time1c 4.2 Pressure1 7.79
time2 (7xtl) 21 time2c 22.2 Pressure2 7.31
time3 (15xtl) 45 time3c 46.2 Pressure3 7.09

N1 = log Pressure1 – log Pressure2 =log7.79 – log7.31 = 0.0383

log time2c – log time1c log22.2 – log4.2

N2 = log Pressure2 – log Pressure3 =log7.31 – log7.09 = 0.0409

log time3c – log time2c log46.2 – log22.2

The value of N1 is outside the allowable range and would suggest that there is
probably air in the system. The value of N2 is ok as it is just within the allowable
range (0.04).

Results .

Test piece 6 – Compression joint

Test start 12:22:40 28/07/2010. System test pressure 8.28bar.

Pressure Decay Test test piece 6


Pressure (bar)

Time (min)

Figure 36. Graph showing pressure decay test – test piece 6

Table 10. Pressure and time readings for test piece 6

Time (min) Corrected Time (min) Pressure (bar)

(tl =3min) (Time + 0.4tl)
time1 (tl) 3 time1c 4.2 Pressure1 7.78
time2 (7xtl) 21 time2c 22.2 Pressure2 7.37
time3 (15xtl) 45 time3c 46.2 Pressure3 7.19

N1 = log Pressure1 – log Pressure2 =log7.78 – log7.37 = 0.0321

log time2c – log time1c log22.2 – log4.2

N2 = log Pressure2 – log Pressure3 =log7.37 – log7.19 = 0.0346

log time3c – log time2c log46.2 – log22.2

The values of N1 and N2 are both significantly lower than the lower limit of the
allowable range (0.04). This would suggest that there was air remaining in the

Results .

From the pressure decay test results it can be seen that in most test pieces there may
have been a small volume of air in the system affecting the results leading to low
values of N1 and N2 (<0.04). A second factor impacting these results was that the
loading profile was not uniform and constant for each test. Due to the speed of the
pump and the manual adjustments on pressure it can be seen that there are steps in
pressure level in each graph. The only time the results indicated a leak was in test 1,
where a leak in the mechanical fitting was subsequently found and repaired.

4.2.2 Long duration constant pressure test

All of the manual butt fusion jointed test pieces and compression jointed test pieces
passed the long duration constant pressure test. No failures occurred at anytime in the
testing. The test pieces were connected to the pump at all times allowing a constant
pressure to be maintained.

4.2.3 High pressure test

Only the manual butt fusion jointed test pieces were subjected to the high pressure
test. Despite the use of manual butt fusion in developing countries, the ultimate
strength of manual butt fusion joints is unknown. The hydrostatic pressure test was
completed with the aim of obtaining the ultimate strength of the manual butt fusion
joint. 25bar was selected as the maximum test pressure as it was the upper limit on
the incubator pump, and significantly higher than the 18 bar test pressure for water

High pressure testing was undertaken on the 29th and 30th July 2010. All three manual
butt fusion jointed test pieces successfully passed the high pressure test sustaining a
constant pressure of 25bar for 45minutes, a pressure 4.5 times greater than the rated
pressure of the 63mm nominal outside diameter SDR11 PE80 gas pipe, and 2.5 times
the rated pressure of 63mm nominal outside diameter SDR11 PE80 water pipe
(10bar). Unfortunately hydrostatic pressure testing could not continue above 25bar
due to the limitations of incubator pump and as such the ultimate strength of the
manual butt fusion joints could not be obtained.

Results .

4.3 Tensile strength testing

Tensile strength testing was successfully undertaken on the 4th August 2010. The
elongation of each test piece was recorded manually every 30 seconds during the 5
minute test. Tables 11 and 12 show the elongation of each test piece and the pull out
of pipe from compression joint (test pieces 4-6). The elongation results of all test
pieces are also presented a graph in Figure 37.

Table 11. Elongation results of tensile strength testing

Time Elongation (mm)
(min) Test piece 1 Test piece 2 Test piece 3 Test piece 4 Test piece 5 Test piece 6
Manual Butt Manual Butt Manual Butt Compression Compression Compression
0.00 21.43 22.36 24.83 58.97 32.37 34.77
0.30 29.54 28.85 31.13 62.2 41.48 43.83
1.00 32.48 33.15 34.07 64.58 44.91 46.24
1.30 34.73 35.5 36.15 66.02 48.56 50.04
2.00 36.15 37.47 37.57 68.98 50.3 52.65
2.30 37.89 38.91 39.33 71.27 53.01 55.24
3.00 39.03 40.73 40.48 74.04 55.02 56.6
3.30 40.09 41.92 41.87 75.44 56.88 57.99
4.00 41.15 43.34 43.07 77.16 58.99 60.18
4.30 42.38 44.41 44.3 78.67 62.1 62.7
5.00 43.23 45.47 45.69 80.27 62.57 65.62

Table 12. Pull out of pipe from compression joint

Test piece 4 Test piece 5 Test piece 6
Compression Compression Compression
Pull-out at top of compression joint (mm) 18 6 7
Pull-out at bottom of compression joint (mm) 18 5 6

Results .

Graph showing elongation of test pieces at 15.6KN constant force




Elongation (mm)






0.00 0.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00
Time (min)
Test piece 1 Test piece 2 Test piece 3
Test piece 4 Test piece 5 Test piece 6

Figure 37. Graph showing elongation of test pieces at 15.6KN constant force

From Figure 37 it can clearly be seen that the manual butt fusion jointed test pieces
(1-3) performed in a uniform manner during the tensile strength tests. The range of
variation in elongation after 5 minutes between the manual butt fusion jointed test
pieces in only 2.46mm. During the tensile tests it was possible for the author to see
the manual butt fusion jointed test pieces necking around the joints. From Figure 37 it
can also be seen that the compression jointed test pieces (4-6) also had similar
performance. The major difference between the elongation of the compression
jointed test pieces was the amount of pipe pull out from the compression joint. The
results suggest that test piece 4 may not have been sufficiently tightened.

Analysis and Discussion .

5 Analysis and Discussion

This chapter will analyse and discuss the results of the preparation and testing of the
manual butt fusion and compression jointed test pieces. A detailed comparison of
manual butt fusion and compression jointing methods will also be completed
addressing all relevant SHTEFIE (Socio-cultural, Health/Hygiene, Technical,
Economical, Financial, Institutional, and Environmental) aspects.

5.1 Analysis of test piece preparation

The construction of the manual butt fusion and compression jointed test pieces was
successfully completed over a period of three days. After one day of familiarisation
with the manual butt fusion jointing equipment and procedure the jointing team, who
had no previous experience of jointing pipes in this way, felt competent in the manual
butt fusion process. The procedure followed was based on the existing procedures in
place for automatic butt fusion machines in the UK adapted by the author for manual
butt fusion.

Because of the short lengths of polyethylene pipe being joined together (500mm) and
the more rigid characteristics of the larger (63mm) nominal outside diameter pipe, the
alignment clamp could be used to assist the joining process. Smaller nominal outside
diameter pipe, such as the 32mm nominal outside diameter, SDR11 PE80 water pipe
which was also trial jointed, is delivered in 50m coils and can be more difficult to
straighten which is necessary when using the existing alignment clamp.

From the manual butt fusion jointing experience the author believes that the most
important factors for a successful joint are; cleanliness of the process, ensuring that
the pipe ends are cut squarely, and applying a uniform grip around pipe to ensure
uniform pressure around perimeter of pipe end against heating plate. When the pipes
were cut squarely alignment problems were significantly reduced. Preparation of the
pipe ends was the most time consuming element of the manual butt fusion procedure
but necessary to ensure a good quality joint.

The alignment clamp being used for the manual butt fusion procedure was a simple
steel angle section (from a proprietary racking system) attached to a plank of wood to

Analysis and Discussion .

provide stability. The design principle of the steel angle is that the alignment clamp
can be used for wide ranges of pipe diameters (20-63mm). The jointing team had
difficulties applying an equal grip around the perimeter of the pipe when pressing the
pipe ends against heating plate. This problem could be overcome with a slight re-
design if 150mm sections of angle were cut out of each side of alignment clamp. For
larger lengths of pipe being joined this would not be a problem as jointing team would
be able to get strong grip around perimeter of pipe outside of alignment clamp.

When joining larger lengths of polyethylene pipe, potentially 50/100m coils, a larger
jointing team will be required. Following discussions with Bob Reed, Lecturer,
Loughborough University, extra manpower is not an issue in developing countries as
communities are willing to help improve/repair water supply systems. When using a
larger jointing team communication will be essential to avoid human error and pipe
misalignment. The author would recommend that the team member handling the
heating plate be in charge of the joining operation. The alignment clamp should also
be adapted to enable the polyethylene pipe to be secured in the clamp, possibly by the
use of straps.

The author is aware that the test pieces were manually butt fused together above
ground in a clean working environment. In developing countries this may not be
possible and care should be taken to ensure the pipe ends remain uncontaminated
during the joining procedure. If manual butt fusion jointing is to be completed to
repair existing polyethylene water pipes sufficient excavation will be required to
enable movement of the existing pipes. When new polyethylene water pipes are laid
in a trench, they are snaked along the trench to provide flexibility and movement in
pipe if repairs are required. The author is unaware of the flow stop procedures and
equipment used in developing countries which would have to be considered for the
use of manual butt fusion jointing pipe ends must be dry with no flow permitted while
the repairs are taking place.

By the time the last manual butt fusion jointed test piece was completed, the jointing
team were able to complete the jointing procedure in under 10 minutes, not including
the cooling period. The jointing team visually inspected the completed manual butt
fusion jointed test pieces and no obvious contamination or faults could be seen.

Analysis and Discussion .

The compression jointed test pieces were constructed in one day. The compression
nuts were tightened using two pairs of adjustable pipe wrenches (Stilsons). Whilst not
ideal, Stilsons were selected over a special strap wrench as they are a universally
popular tool and more likely to be used and available in developing countries. The
compression nut on the compression fitting is manufactured from plastic. When using
the Stilsons the exterior of the compression nut was damaged. The author has already
expressed his surprise at the difficulty he had tightening the compression nut to the
body of the fitting, the jointing procedure may have been easier using the special strap
wrench, as is designed specifically for tightening plastic fittings.

The use of compression joints on longer lengths of pipe requires no additional

operatives. A two man jointing team would be adequate. The compression jointed
test pieces were constructed above ground in a clean working environment. If the
jointing procedure is to take place within an excavation then sufficient space would be
required around the joint to enable tightening of the compression nut.

5.2 Analysis of hydrostatic pressure testing

All of the test pieces successfully passed the hydrostatic pressure tests. From the
pressure decay test results it can be seen that in all cases there appears to have been a
small amount of air in the system affecting the results. Because air is compressible it
will act to maintain pressure with time distorting pressure readings. In pressure decay
test 1 the value of N2 was greater than 0.1 suggesting the system was probably
leaking. A leak was found and repaired on one of the flange adaptors (Figure 31). At
no time during the pressure decay tests were any of the manual butt fusion joints and
compression joints found leaking.

The pressure should be applied at a constant rate during the pressure decay test. Some
difficulty was experienced by the author in applying the pressure at a constant rate
due to the small length/volume of test piece and poor sensitivity of pressure valve.
The pressure decay test is commonly used to test larger diameter, longer length
polyethylene water mains in the UK.

Following testing the author believes that the testing rig could have been improved by
installing filling points and an air bleed at a higher level than the test piece. Figure 38

Analysis and Discussion .

shows a systematic drawing of a revised testing rig. By having the filling point and
air bleed valve above the test piece, when the system is filled, and water is coming out
of air bleed valve, the water should displace all air from the test piece. Connection of
high level filling point and air bleed valve would be best achieved using electro fusion
top tees heat fused to the test piece. The mechanical fittings could also be adapted by
inserting a t-section to at each end, setting the pipe in a vertical position and filling the
pipe from the bottom before laying down for testing.

Figure 38. Revised systematic drawing of hydrostatic pressure testing rig

The second hydrostatic pressure test conducted was the long duration constant
pressure test, each test piece was subjected to a constant pressure of 11bar for 5 hours.
From the results it can be seen that all test pieces successfully passed this test. When
reviewing this test it can be seen that despite pressurizing the test piece to double the
rated pressure of the polyethylene pipe (5.5bar) the pipe and test joint was easily able
to withstand the pressure. Additionally, because the pipe tested was gas pipe, the test
pressure for the long duration constant pressure test was within the rated operating
pressures of the equivalent SDR11 PE80 water pipe (10bar/12.5bar). As a result of
this finding an additional high pressure test was designed and implemented for the
manual butt fusion jointed test pieces.

The high pressure test tested the manual butt fusion jointed test pieces at pressures
over 18bar. The high pressure test was only conducted on the manual butt fusion
jointed test pieces as the ultimate strength of the manual butt fusion joints was

Analysis and Discussion .

currently unknown and the manual butt fusion joints are the focus of the research
project. The manual butt fusion jointed test pieces all successfully passed the high
pressure test, sustaining a maximum of 25bar for 45 minutes. The ultimate strength of
the manual butt fusion joint i.e. the failure pressure could not be established due to the
constraints of the testing equipment (delivering a maximum pressure from incubator
pump of 25bar).

Having obtained the results of the long duration constant pressure test and high
pressure test, the author would have liked to merge the two tests enabling all test
pieces (manual butt fusion and compression jointed) to have been subjected to the
higher pressure for a longer duration (5-10 hours). This was not possible due to time

Test pieces had to be prepared for pressure testing by attaching the flange adaptors,
consisting of a compression fitting similar to the compression joints to connect the
polyethylene pipe. The jointing procedure for joining the flange adaptors to the test
piece was the same as the procedure described in section 2.2.1. However, because the
compression nuts on the flange adaptors were being repeatedly tightened and
loosened, the exterior of the compression nuts became badly damaged causing
considerable difficulty in gripping the nut when tightening. Replacement flange
adaptors had to be obtained for the high pressure tests as the flange adaptors initially
used had became damaged beyond safe use.

It was noted that when the high pressure tests were carried out the flange adaptors
would begin to leak once the test pressure in the system was above 21bar. The flange
adaptors had a rated pressure of 16bar.

5.3 Analysis of tensile strength testing

All of the test pieces successfully passed the tensile strength test, sustaining a constant
force of 15.6KN for 5 minutes. From Figure 37 (elongation graph) it can be seen that
the manual butt fusion jointed test pieces performed more favourably during the
tensile strength test recording lower elongation results. During the testing the manual
butt fusion jointed test pieces could be seen necking (Figure 39), stretching /
narrowing at the joint, due to the visco-elastic behaviour of the polyethylene pipe.

Analysis and Discussion .

The manual butt fusion joint performed in a homogenous manner. At no stage during
the tensile strength test were the manual butt fusion joints affected by the force
applied. When the force was removed from the test piece, the test piece returned to its
original length.

Figure 39. Manual butt fusion jointed test piece necking during tensile strength test

From the elongation results and visual observation of the testing (Figure 40) of the
compression jointed test pieces it would appear that the compression joint was not
sufficiently tightened on test piece 4. The pull out recorded above and below
compression fitting for test piece 4 is considerably higher than the pull out recorded
for the other compression jointed test pieces. The affects of this additional pull out
can clearly be seen in Figure 37. When the force was removed from the test pieces
there were some misalignment when the free polyethylene pipe was pushed back
inside the compression joint fitting.

Analysis and Discussion .

Pull out of pipe from

compression joint

Figure 40. Pull out from compression joint Test piece 4

The author is aware that the elongation results of the tensile strength tests are
contributed to by the elongation of the free lengths of polyethylene pipe each side of
the test joint. If the end restraints had been able to withstand forces greater than
25KN the author would have tested each test piece till yield to determine if the joint
had a higher yield strength than the parent polyethylene pipe.

5.4 Discussion of manual butt fusion and compression jointing methods.

From the testing undertaken as part of this research project it can be seen that both
jointing methods are able to successfully pass the hydrostatic pressure and tensile
strength tests. No testing of manual butt fusion joints constructed in this method had
been completed before this report.

Each of the jointing methods could be taught to operatives from a water utility
company or volunteers on a community project in a developing country within a day
using simple language and hands on training. The use of compression joints should
ensure each joint is constructed to the same quality as long as the joint is assembled
correctly. The manual butt fusion procedure has a large potential for human error.
This can include poor cleanliness, heating the plate to the wrong temperature, not

Analysis and Discussion .

applying the correct force on pipe end against heating plate, pipe misalignment, and
insufficient cooling periods.

The manual butt fusion jointing equipment includes a heating plate which can be
constructed from scrap metal, and a thermo chrome crayon and Teflon coated paper
sleeve that would have to be purchased. The alignment plate can be manufactured
from scrap materials. Thermo chrome crayons and Teflon coated paper can be
purchased for approximately £8 (Tempil 2010) and £8.50/m² (Reed 2010)
respectively. The equipment required for compression jointing is either two pairs of
Stilsons or a special universal strap wrench. For the joining of the compression
jointed test pieces the author used Stilsons as they are a universally popular tool.
However good quality Stilsons are expensive (24” Stilsons approximately £70, 36”
Stilsons approximately £153.50). A special universal strap wrench costs £28.50. As
can be seen the cost of equipment for the compression jointing procedure is
considerably higher than the manual butt fusion jointing equipment. Additionally
because Stilsons are a universally popular tool with many different applications there
is a greater risk of theft or the tool being unavailable. A thermo chrome crayon and
Teflon coated paper sleeve would have limited use apart from manual butt fusion pipe

In addition to the higher equipment cost, as already shown in Table 1 in the literature
review, compression couplers are expensive (£5.41 per 63mm coupler). Manual butt
fusion jointing requires no expensive fittings, making them more economically viable.
If part of the compression coupler is lost, e.g gasket seal, the compression coupler
cannot be used. Compression joints would have to be shipped to Developing
Countries, which may take considerable time, increasing potential levels of non-
revenue water.

There is also a risk to the health of members of the jointing team during the manual
butt fusion procedure. The use of charcoal or good quality firewood to heat the
heating plate means there is a risk of burns. Care should be taken when handling and
storing the plate, and heat resistant gloves, if available, should be used.

Conclusions .

6 Conclusions
The focus of this research project was to examine the performance of joints in
polyethylene pipe produced using manual butt fusion techniques in field conditions
and compare these with compression joints. Before this report there had been no
extensive testing of manual butt fusion joints.

The research project has successfully achieved the objectives set out in section 1.1. –
Aims and objectives, which was „to investigate the performance of manually welded
butt fusion joints in comparison to compression joints on polyethylene pipes‟. The
research project contains a detailed literature review on manual butt fusion and
compression jointing, and the results of hydrostatic pressure and tensile testing of
manually welded butt fusion and compression joints, which have been analysed and

The manual butt fusion joints tested were constructed at Loughborough University
using similar equipment and procedures to those used in Developing Countries by a
jointing team who had no previous experience in manual butt fusion jointing prior to
this project. After one day of training and trialling the jointing team were able to
produce robust, good quality joints that withstood all the testing procedures. There
was no failure of any joints during testing. The ultimate (failure) strength of manual
butt fusion joints was unable to be determined due to the constraints of the testing

Throughout the research and testing there was no advantage in the compression joint
over the manually butt fused joint, in some cases the butt joints performed more

6.1 Recommendations
Where there is a relatively skilled local workforce, manual butt fusion jointing should
be considered as a serious alternative to mechanical and electro fusion jointing in all
Developing Countries. Simple picture guidance sheets which could be laminated
would serve as training guides and also show faulty and poor joints caused by poor
joint preparation, incorrect fusion temperature and misalignment.

Conclusions .

This report has highlighted the strength and performance of manual butt fusion joints
and the low production costs involved.

Improvements in the design of the alignment clamp should improve joint quality and
with modifications may enable mitred joints to be constructed from straight pipe and
the use of straps to secure pipe to the clamp. It may be possible for one side to be on a
sliding clamp to allow pipes ends to slide together although this adds to cost and
complexity to the equipment which, ideally, would be made locally.

To ensure standards are maintained simple pass / fail gauges could be produced to
check for misalignment and minimum bead size and a simple and cheap bead
removing tool could be used to remove joint beads and allow quality checks for
contamination and slit defects. Any quality assurance, however basic, is worthwhile in
maintaining standards.

6.2 Limitations of research project

Testing equipment used for this project was developed and constructed from materials
available in the civil engineering testing laboratory. During hydrostatic pressure
testing, because the incubator pump could not produce pressures in excess of 25bar, it
was not possible to test joints to failure. Also test durations, which had to be
supervised, could not exceed the access periods allowed in the laboratory.

It was not possible to source pipes used in Developing Countries which are
manufactured with different specifications and properties to UK sourced polyethylene
pipes but this was not a major factor as the tests were undertaken to UK water
industry standards.

After commencement of testing, the author was informed that 63mm nominal outside
diameter polyethylene pipe is not commonly used in developing countries, more often
50mm and 32mm nominal outside diameter polyethylene pipe is used. The author
had already sourced materials and commenced testing when told of this and it would
not have been feasible to re- source materials, construct new joints and reconfigure
testing apparatus. However, this setback did not affect the nature or purpose of the
research to examine the performance of manual butt fusion joints. The resulting joints

Conclusions .

were successfully tested at much higher pressures than the specified design ratings to
conform with UK water industry testing standards.

6.3 Areas for further research

This research project has provided the author the opportunity to study manual butt
fusion jointing practises and experience laboratory testing, including comparisons
with compression joints.

The author would like to highlight the following topics that came to his attention
during the research project and could provide areas for further research:

1. Design of a low cost simple technology pipe alignment clamp to assist in the
manual butt fusion procedure with a mitre jointing facility.

2. Investigation of the amount of allowable misalignment of pipe (poor jointing)

that will still provide sufficient strength for normal operating conditions.

3. Fatigue testing to develop whole life data on manual butt fusion joints.

4. Further investigation to obtain the ultimate hydrostatic pressure strength of

manual butt fusion joints.

References .

7 References

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