Maths Notes - Finals

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 The set of all the points in a plane that is at a fixed distance from a fixed pointmakes
a circle.
 A Fixed point from which the set of points are at fixed distance is called the centre of
the circle.
 A circle divides the plane into 3 parts: interior (inside the circle), the circle itself
and exterior (outside the circle)

– The distance between the centre of the circle and any point on its edge is called the radius.
To know more about Circles, visit here.

Tangent and Secant

A line that touches the circle at exactly one point is called it’s tangent. A line that cuts a circle
at two points is called a secant.

In the above figure: PQ is the tangent and AB is the secant.

-The line segment within the circle joining any 2 points on the circle is called the chord.
– A Chord passing through the centre of the circle is called the diameter. – The Diameter is 2
times the radius and it is the longest chord.

– The portion of a circle(curve) between 2 points is called an arc. – Among the two pieces
made by an arc, the longer one is called a major arc and the shorter one is called a minor arc.

The perimeter of a circle is the distance covered by going around its boundary once. The
perimeter of a circle has a special name: Circumference, which is π times the diameter which is
given by the formula 2πr

Segment and Sector

– A circular segment is a region of a circle which is “cut off” from the rest of the circle by a
secant or a chord. – Smaller region cut off by a chord is called minor segment and the bigger
region is called major segment. –
-A sector is the portion of a circle enclosed by two radii and an arc, where the smaller areais
known as the minor sector and the larger being the major sector.
To know more about Sector of a Circle, visit here.
– For 2 equal arcs or for semicircles – both the segment and sector is called thesemicircular

Circles and Their Chords

Theorem of equal chords subtending angles at the centre.

– Equal chords subtend equal angles at the centre.
Proof: AB and CD are the 2 equal chords.
In Δ AOB and Δ COD
OB = OC [Radii]
OA = OD [Radii]
AB = CD [Given]
ΔAOB ≅ ΔCOD (SSS rule)
Hence, ∠AOB = ∠COD [CPCT]

Theorem of equal angles subtended by different chords.

– If the angles subtended by the chords of a circle at the centre are equal, then the chords are
Proof: In ΔAOB and ΔCOD
OB = OC [Radii] ∠AOB=∠COD [Given]
OA = OD [Radii]
ΔAOB ≅ ΔCOD (SAS rule)
Hence, AB=CD [CPCT]

Perpendicular from the centre to a chord bisects the chord.

Perpendicular from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects the chord.

Proof: AB is a chord and OM is the perpendicular drawn from the centre.

From ΔOMB and ΔOMA,
∠OMA=∠OMB=900 OA = OB (radii)
OM = OM (common)
Hence, ΔOMB ≅ ΔOMA (RHS rule)
Therefore AM = MB [CPCT]

A Line through the centre that bisects the chord is perpendicular to

the chord.
– A line drawn through the centre of a circle to bisect a chord is perpendicular to the chord.
Proof: OM drawn from the center to bisect chord AB.
From ΔOMA and ΔOMB,
OA = OB (Radii)
OM = OM (common)
AM = BM (Given)
Therefore, ΔOMA ≅ ΔOMB (SSS rule)
⇒∠OMA=∠OMB (C.P.C.T)
But, ∠OMA+∠OMB=1800
Hence, ∠OMA=∠OMB=900 ⇒OM⊥AB

Circle through 3 points

– There is one and only one circle passing through three given noncollinear points. – A
unique circle passes through 3 vertices of a triangle ABC called as
the circumcircle. The centre and radius are called the circumcenter and circumradius of this
triangle, respectively.

Equal chords are at equal distances from the centre.

Equal chords of a circle(or of congruent circles) are equidistant from the centre (or centres).
Proof: Given, AB = CD, O is the centre. Join OA and OC.
Draw, OP⊥AB, OQ⊥CD
OA=OC (Radii)
AP=CQ ( AB = CD ⇒(1/2)AB = (1/2)CD since OP and OQ bisects the chords AB and CD.)
ΔOAP ≅ ΔOCQ (RHS rule)
Hence, OP=OQ (C.P.C.T.C)

Chords equidistant from the centre are equal

Chords equidistant from the centre of a circle are equal in length.
Proof: Given OX = OY (The chords AB and CD are at equidistant) OX⊥AB, OY⊥CD
∠OXA =∠OYD (Both 900)
OA = OD (Radii)
OX = OY (Given)
ΔAOX ≅ ΔDOY (RHS rule)
Therefore AX = DY (CPCT)
Similarly XB = YC
So, AB = CD

The angle subtended by an arc of a circle on the circle and at the

The angle subtended by an arc at the centre is double the angle subtended by it on any part of
the circle.
Here PQ is the arc of a circle with centre O, that subtends ∠POQ at the centre.
Join AO and extend it to B.
In ΔOAQ OA = OQ….. [Radii]
Hence, ∠OAQ = ∠OQA ……..[Property of isosceles triangle]
Implies ∠BOQ = 2∠OAQ …..[Exterior angle of triangle = Sum of 2 interior angles]
Similarly, ∠BOP = 2∠OAP
⇒∠BOQ + ∠BOP = 2∠OAQ + 2∠OAP
⇒∠POQ = 2∠PAQ
Hence proved.

Angles in the same segment of a circle.

–Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal.
Consider a circle with centre O.
∠PAQ and ∠PCQ are the angles formed in the major segment PACQ with respect to the arc PQ.
Join OP and OQ
∠POQ = 2∠PAQ = 2∠PCQ ……….[ Angle subtended by an arc at the centre is double the angle
subtended by it in any part of the circle]
⇒∠PCQ = ∠PAQ
Hence proved

The angle subtended by diameter on the circle

– Angle subtended by diameter on a circle is a right angle. (Angle in a semicircle is a right
Consider a circle with centre O, POQ is the diameter of the circle.
∠PAQ is the angle subtended by diameter PQ at the circumference.
∠POQ is the angle subtended by diameter PQ at the centre.
∠PAQ = (1/2)∠POQ……..[Angle subtended by arc at the centre is double the angle at any other
∠PAQ = (1/2) × 1800 = 900
Hence proved

Line segment that subtends equal angles at two other points

– If a line segment joining two points subtends equal angles at two other points lying on the same
side of the line containing the line segment, the four points lie on a circle (i.e they are concyclic).
Here ∠ACB=∠ADB and all 4 points A, B, C, D are concyclic.

Cyclic Quadrilateral
– A Quadrilateral is called a cyclic quadrilateral if all the four vertices lie on a circle.
In a circle, if all four points A, B, C and D lie on the circle, then quadrilateral ABCD is a cyclic
To know more about Cyclic Quadrilateral, visit here.

Sum of opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral

– If the sum of a pair of opposite angles of a quadrilateral is 180 degree, the quadrilateral is

Sum of pair of opposite angles in a quadrilateral

– The sum of either pair of opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180 degree.

Introduction to number system class 9

The collection of numbers is called the number system. These numbers are of different types
such as natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers. Let
us see the table below to understand with the examples.

Natural Numbers N 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …

Whole Numbers W 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

Integers Z …., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …

Rational Numbers Q p/q form, where p and q are integers and q is not zero.

Irrational Numbers Which can’t be represented as rational numbers

Natural Numbers
All the numbers starting from 1 till infinity are natural numbers, such as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
…….infinity. These numbers lie on the right side of the number line and are positive.

Whole Numbers
All the numbers starting from 0 till infinity are whole numbers such as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
…..infinity. These numbers lie on the right side of the number line from 0 and are positive.

Integers are the whole numbers which can be positive, negative or zero.
Example: 2, 33, 0, -67 are integers.

Rational Numbers
A number which can be represented in the form of p/q is called a rational number. For example,
1/2, 4/5, 26/8, etc.

Irrational Numbers
A number is called an irrational number if it can’t be represented in the form of ratio.
Example: √3, √5, √11, etc.

Real Numbers
The collection of all rational and irrational numbers is called real numbers. Real numbers are
denoted by R.
Every real number is a unique point on the number line and also every point on the number line
represents a unique real number.

Difference between Terminating and Recurring Decimals

Terminating Decimals Repeating Decimals

If the decimal expression of a/b terminates. i.e. A decimal in which a digit or a set of
comes to an end, then the decimal so obtained digits repeats repeatedly periodically is
is called Terminating decimals. called a repeating decimal.

Example: ¼ =0.25 Example: ⅔ = 0.666…

Some Special Characteristics of Rational Numbers

 Every Rational number is expressible either as a terminating decimal or as a repeating
 Every terminating decimal is a rational number.
 Every repeating decimal is a rational number.
Irrational Numbers

 The non-terminating, non-repeating decimals are irrational numbers.

Example: 0.0100100001001…

 Similarly, if m is a positive number which is not a perfect square, then √m is irrational.

Example: √3

 If m is a positive integer which is not a perfect cube, then 3√m is irrational.

Example: 3√2

Properties of Irrational Numbers

 These satisfy the commutative, associative and distributive laws for addition and
 Sum of two irrationals need not be irrational.
Example: (2 + √3) + (4 – √3) = 6

 Difference of two irrationals need not be irrational.

Example: (5 + √2) – (3 + √2) = 2

 Product of two irrationals need not be irrational.

Example: √3 x √3 = 3

 The quotient of two irrationals need not be irrational.

2√3/√3 = 2

 Sum of rational and irrational is irrational.

 The difference of rational and irrational number is irrational.
 Product of rational and irrational is irrational.
 Quotient of rational and irrational is irrational.

Real Numbers
A number whose square is non-negative is called a real number.

 Real numbers follow Closure property, associative law, commutative law, the existence
of an additive identity, existence of additive inverse for Addition.
 Real numbers follow Closure property, associative law, commutative law, the existence
of a multiplicative identity, existence of multiplicative inverse, Distributive laws of
multiplication over Addition for Multiplication.

If we have an irrational number, then the process of converting the denominator to a rational
number by multiplying the numerator and denominator by a suitable number is called
3/√2 = (3/ √2) x (√2/√2) = 3 √2/2

Laws of Radicals
Let a>0 be a real number, and let p and q be rational numbers, then we have:
i) (ap).aq = a(p+q)
ii) (ap)q = apq
iii)ap/aq = a(p-q)
iv) ap x bp = (ab)p
Example: Simplify (36)½
Solution: (62)½ = 6(2 x ½) = 61 = 6

Linear equation in one variable

When an equation has only one variable of degree one, then that equation is
known as linear equation in one variable.

 Standard form: ax+b=0, where a and b ϵ R & a ≠ 0

 Examples of linear equation in one variable are :
– 3x-9 = 0
– 2t = 5
To know more about Linear equations in one variable, visit here.

Linear equation in 2 variables

When an equation has two variables both of degree one, then that equation is
known as linear equation in two variables.
Standard form: ax+by+c=0, where a, b, c ϵ R & a, b ≠ 0
Examples of linear equations in two variables are:
– 7x+y=8
– 6p-4q+12=0
To know more about Linear equations in 2 variables, visit here.

Examples of Linear Equations

The solution of linear equation in 2 variables

A linear equation in two variables has a pair of numbers that can satisfy the
equation. This pair of numbers is called as the solution of the linear equation
in two variables.
 The solution can be found by assuming the value of one of the variable and then proceed
to find the other solution.
 There are infinitely many solutions for a single linear equation in two variables.

Graph of a Linear Equation

Graphical representation of a linear equation in 2 variables

 Any linear equation in the standard form ax+by+c=0 has a pair of solutions in the form
(x,y), that can be represented in the coordinate plane.
 When an equation is represented graphically, it is a straight line that may or may not cut
the coordinate axes.

To know more about Graphical representation of a linear equation, visit here.

Solutions of Linear equation in 2 variables on a graph

 A linear equation ax+by+c=0 is represented graphically as a straight line.
 Every point on the line is a solution for the linear equation.
 Every solution of the linear equation is a point on the line.

Lines passing through the origin

 Certain linear equations exist such that their solution is (0, 0). Such equations when
represented graphically pass through the origin.
 The coordinate axes namely x-axis and y-axis can be represented as y=0 and x=0,

Lines parallel to coordinate axes

 Linear equations of the form y=a, when represented graphically are lines parallel to the x-
axis and a is the y-coordinate of the points in that line.
 Linear equations of the form x=a, when represented graphically are lines parallel to the y-
axis and a is the x-coordinate of the points in that line.

Parallel lines with a transversal

 ∠1=∠5,∠2=∠6,∠4=∠8 and ∠3=∠7(Corresponding angles)
 ∠3=∠5,∠4=∠6 (Alternate interior angles)
 ∠1=∠7,∠2=∠8 (Alternate exterior angles)

Lines parallel to the same line

Lines that are parallel to the same line are also parallel to each other.

For More Information On Parallel Lines and Intersecting Lines, Watch The
Below Video:


Introduction to Geometry

Angles and types of angles

When 2 rays originate from the same point at different directions, they form an
–    The rays are called arms and the common point is called the vertex
–    Types of angles : (i) Acute angle 0∘<a<90∘
(ii) Right angle a=90∘
(iii) Obtuse angle : 90∘<a<180∘
(iv) Straight angle =180∘
(v) Reflex Angle 180∘<a<360∘
(vi) Angles that add up to 90∘ are complementary angles
(vii) Angles that add up to 180∘ are called supplementary angles.
To know more about Angles and Types of Angles, visit here.

Intersecting Lines and Associated Angles

Intersecting and Non-Intersecting lines

 When 2 lines meet at a point they are called intersecting
 When 2 lines never meet at a point, they are called non-intersecting or parallel lines

Adjacent angles
2 angles are adjacent if they have the same vertex and one common point.

Linear Pair
When 2 adjacent angles are supplementary, i.e they form a straight line (add up to 180∘), they
are called a linear pair.

Vertically opposite angles

When two lines intersect at a point, they form equal angles that are vertically opposite to each
To know more about Lines and Angles, visit here.

Basic Properties of a Triangle

Triangle and sum of its internal angles

Sum of all angles of a triangle add up to 180∘
An exterior angle of a triangle = sum of opposite internal angles
– If a side of a triangle is produced, then the exterior angle so formed is equal to the sum of the
two interior opposite angles
– ∠4=∠1+∠2

For More Information On Properties Of Triangle, Watch The Below Video.

Congruent Triangles
In a pair of triangles if all three corresponding sides and three corresponding angles are exactly
equal, then the triangles are said to be congruent.

In congruent triangles, the corresponding parts are equal and are written as CPCT
(Corresponding part of the congruent triangle).
To know more about Congruency of Triangles, visit here.
Criteria for Congruency
The following are the criteria for the congruency of the triangles.

SSS Criteria for Congruency

 If three sides of one triangle are equal to the three sides of another triangle, then the two
triangles are congruent.
 If all sides are exactly the same, then their corresponding angles must also be exactly the

SAS Criteria for Congruency

– Axiom: Two triangles are congruent if two sides and the included angle of one triangle are
equal to the corresponding sides and the included angle of the other triangle.

ASA Criteria for Congruency

– Two triangles are congruent if two angles and the included side of one triangle are equal to
the corresponding two angles and the included side of the other triangle

An included side is 4cm

AAS Criteria for Congruency

– Two triangles are said to be congruent to each other if two angles and one side of one triangle
are equal to two angles and one side of the other triangle.

Why SSA and AAA congruency rules are not valid?

 SSA or ASS test is not a valid test for congruency as the angle is not included between
the pairs of equal sides.-
 The AAA test also is not a valid test as even though 2 triangles can have all three same
angles, the sides can be of differing lengths. This becomes a test for similarity (AA).
Angles of a triangle

RHS Criteria for Congruency

 If in two right triangles the hypotenuse and one side of one triangle are equal to the
hypotenuse and one side of the other triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.
 RHS stands for Right angle – Hypotenuse – Side.

Properties of Isosceles triangle

– If 2 sides of the triangle are equal, the angles opposite those sides are also equal and vice
To know more about Properties of Isosceles Triangle, visit here.

Criteria for Congruency of triangles

– The criteria for congruency of triangles are :

symbolically, it is expressed as ΔABC≅ΔXYZ

Inequalities in Triangles

Relationship between unequal sides of the triangle and the angles

opposite to it.
– If 2 sides of a triangle are unequal, then the angle opposite to the longer side will be larger than
the angle opposite to the shorter side.

Triangle inequality
– The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the third side.
To know more about Triangles Inequalities Theorem, visit here.

Parallelogram: Opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal


AC=AC [Common / transversal]
∠BCA=∠DAC [alternate angles]
∠BAC=∠DCA [alternate angles]

AB=DC and AD=BC [ C.P.C.T.C]

Opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal

In parallelogram ABCD

AB‖CD; and AC is the transversal

Hence, ∠1=∠3….(1) (alternate interior angles)
BC‖DA; and AC is the transversal
Hence, ∠2=∠4….(2) (alternate interior angles)
Adding (1) and (2)



Properties of diagonal of a parallelogram

– Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
In  ΔAOB and ΔCOD,

∠3=∠5 [alternate interior angles]

∠1=∠2  [vertically opposite angles]
AB=CD [opp. Sides of parallelogram]
OB=OD and OA=OC [C.P.C.T]
Hence, proved
– If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then it is a parallelogram.
– Diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two congruent triangles.


AB=CD [Opposite sides of parallelogram]

BC=AD [Opposite sides of parallelogram]
AC=AC [Common side]
ΔABC≅ΔCDA [by SSS rule]
Hence, proved.

Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles

Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each – other at right angles


OA=OC [Diagonals of parallelogram bisect each other]

OD=OD [Common side]
AD=CD [Adjacent sides of a rhombus]
∠AOD+∠DOC=180 [∵ AOC is a straight line]
Hence, ∠AOD=∠DOC=90
Hence proved.

Diagonals of a rectangle bisect each other and are equal

Rectangle ABCD

AB=BA [Common side]
BC=AD [Opposite sides of a rectangle]
∠ABC=∠BAD [Each = 900 ∵ ABCD is a Rectangle]
∴AC=BD  [C.P.C.T]
Consider ΔOAD and ΔOCB,

AD=CB  [Opposite sides of a rectangle]

∠OAD=∠OCB  [∵ AD||BC and transversal AC intersects them]
∠ODA=∠OBC  [∵ AD||BC and transversal BD intersects them]
∴OA=OC  [C.P.C.T]
Similarly we can prove OB=OD

Diagonals of a square bisect each other at right angles and are equal
Square ABCD

AB=BA [Common side]
BC=AD [Opposite sides of a Square]
∠ABC=∠BAD [Each = 900 ∵ ABCD is a Square]
∴AC=BD  [C.P.C.T]
Consider ΔOAD and ΔOCB,

AD=CB  [Opposite sides of a Square]

∠OAD=∠OCB  [∵ AD||BC and transversal AC intersects them]
∠ODA=∠OBC  [∵ AD||BC and transversal BD intersects them]
∴OA=OC  [C.P.C.T]
Similarly we can prove OB=OD

OB=OD   [ proved above]

BA=DA  [Sides of a Square]
OA=OA  [ Common side]
ΔOBA≅ΔODA,  [ SSS rule]
∴∠AOB=∠AOD  [ C.P.C.T]
But, ∠AOB+∠AOD=1800  [ Linear pair]
Important results related to parallelograms

Parallelogram ABCD
Opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel and equal.

Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal adjacent angels are supplementary.


A diagonal of parallelogram divides it into two congruent triangles.

ΔABC≅ΔCDA [With respect to AC as diagonal]

ΔADB≅ΔCBD   [With respect to BD as diagonal]
The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

∠1=∠5 (alternate interior angles)

∠2=∠6 (alternate interior angles)

∠3=∠7 (alternate interior angles)

∠4=∠8 (alternate interior angles)

∠9=∠11 (vertically opp. angles)

∠10=∠12 (vertically opp. angles)

The Mid-Point Theorem

The line segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third
side and is half of the third side

In ΔABC, E – the midpoint of AB; F – the midpoint of AC

Construction: Produce EF to D such that EF=DF.

AF=CF  [ F is the midpoint of AC]

∠AFE=∠CFD  [ V.O.A]
EF=DF [ Construction]


DC=EA=EB  [ E is the midpoint of AB]

DC‖EA‖AB [Since, (1), alternate interior angles]
So EBCD is a parallelogram
Therefore, BC=ED and BC‖ED
Since, ED=EF+FD=2EF=BC  [ ∵ EF=FD]
We have,EF=12BC and EF||BC
Hence proved.
Any four points in a plane, of which three are non-collinear are joined in order results into a four-
sided closed figure called ‘quadrilateral’


Angle sum property of a quadrilateral

Angle sum property – Sum of angles in a quadrilateral is 360

In △ADC,

∠1+∠2+∠4=180 (Angle sum property of triangle)…………….(1)

In △ABC,

∠3+∠5+∠6=180 (Angle sum property of triangle)………………(2)

(1) + (2):

I.e, ∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D=360
Hence proved

Types of Quadrilaterals

A trapezium is a quadrilateral with any one pair of opposite sides parallel.

PQRS is a trapezium in which PQ||RS

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral, with both pair of opposite sides parallel and equal. In a
parallelogram, diagonals bisect each other.
Parallelogram ABCD
Parallelogram ABCD in which AB||CD,BC||AD  and AB=CD,BC=AD

A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. In a rhombus, diagonals bisect each other
Rhombus ABCD
A rhombus ABCD in which AB=BC=CD=AD and  AC⊥BD

A rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles as right angles.
Rectangle ABCD
A rectangle ABCD in which, ∠A=∠B=∠C=∠D=900

A square is a special case of a parallelogram with all angles as right angles and all sides
Square ABCD
A square ABCD in which ∠A=∠B=∠C=∠D=900 and AB=BC=CD=AD

A kite is a quadrilateral with adjacent sides equal.
 The set of all the points in a plane that is at a fixed distance from a fixed point makes
a circle.
 A Fixed point from which the set of points are at fixed distance is called the centre of
the circle.
 A circle divides the plane into 3 parts: interior(inside the circle), the circle itself
and exterior(outside the circle)

A cuboid is a three dimensional Shape. The cuboid is made from six rectangular faces, which are
placed at right angles. The total surface area of a cuboid is equal to the sum of the areas of its
six rectangular faces.
Total Surface Area of a Cuboid

Consider a cuboid whose length is “l” cm, breadth is b cm and height h cm.

Area of face ABCD = Area of Face EFGH = (l × b) cm2
Area of face AEHD = Area of face BFGC = (b × h) cm2
Area of face ABFE = Area of face DHGC = (l × h) cm2
Total surface area (TSA) of cuboid = Sum of the areas of all its six faces
= 2(l × b) + 2(b × h) + 2(l × h)
TSA (cuboid)= 2(lb + bh +lh)

Lateral Surface Area of a Cuboid

Lateral surface area (LSA) is the area of all the sides apart from the top and bottom faces.
The lateral surface area of the cuboid
= Area of face AEHD + Area of face BFGC + Area of face ABFE + Area of face DHGC
= 2(b × h) + 2(l × h)
LSA (cuboid) = 2h(l + b)

A cuboid whose length, breadth and height are all equal, is called a cube. It is a three-
dimensional shape bounded by six equal squares. It has 12 edges and 8 vertices.

Total Surface Area of a cube

For cube, length = breadth = height
Suppose the length of an edge = a
Total surface area(TSA) of the cube = 2(a × a + a × a + a × a)
TSA(cube) = 2 × (3a2) = 6a2

Lateral Surface area of a cube

Lateral surface area (LSA) is the area of all the sides apart from the top and bottom faces.
Lateral surface area of cube = 2(a × a + a × a) = 4a2

For More Information On Cube And Cuboids, Watch The Below Video.

To know more about Cubes and Cuboids, visit here.

Right Circular Cylinder

A right circular cylinder is a closed solid that has two parallel circular bases connected by a
curved surface in which the two bases are exactly over each other and the axis is at right angles
to the base.
The curved Surface area of a right circular cylinder
Take a cylinder of base radius r and height h units. The curved surface of this cylinder, if opened
along the diameter (d = 2r) of the circular base will be transformed into a rectangle of
length 2πr and height h units. Thus,

Curved surface area(CSA) of a cylinder of base radius r and height h = 2π × r × h

Total surface area of a right circular cylinder
Total surface area(TSA) of a cylinder of base radius r and height h = 2π × r × h + area of two
circular bases
⇒ TSA = 2π × r × h + 2 × πr2
⇒ TSA = 2πr(h + r)
To know more about Right Circular Cylinder, visit here.

Right Circular Cone

A right circular cone is a circular cone whose axis is perpendicular to its base.

Relation between slant height and height of a right circular cone

The relationship between slant height(l) and height(h) of a right circular cone is:
l2 = h2 + r2    (Using Pythagoras Theorem)
Where r is the radius of the base of the cone.

Curved Surface Area of a Right Circular Cone

Consider a right circular cone with slant length l and radius r.
If a perpendicular cut is made from a point on the circumference of the base to the vertex and the
cone is opened up, a sector of a circle with radius l is produced as shown in the figure below:
Label A and B and corresponding b1, b2 …bn at equal intervals, with O as the common vertex.
The Curved surface area(CSA) of the cone will be the sum of areas of the small triangles: 1/2
× (b1 + b2.…… × l
(b1 + is also equal to the circumference of base = 2πr
CSA of right circular cone = (1/2) × (2πr) × l = πrl          (On substituting the values)

Total Surface Area of a Right Circular Cone

Total surface area(TSA) = Curved surface area(CSA) +area of base = πrl + πr2 = πr(l + r)
To know more about Right Circular Cone, visit here.

A sphere is a closed three-dimensional solid figure, where all the points on the surface of the
sphere are equidistant from the common fixed point called “centre”. The equidistant is called the

Surface area of a Sphere

The surface area of a sphere of radius r = 4 times the area of a circle of radius r =4×(πr2)
For a sphere Curved surface area (CSA) = Total Surface area(TSA) = 4πr2
To know more about Sphere, visit here.

Volume of a Cuboid
The volume of a cuboid is the product of its dimensions.
Volume of a cuboid = length×breadth×height= lbh
Where l is the length of the cuboid, b is the breadth, and his the height of the cuboid.

Volume of a Cube
The volume of a cube = base area×height.
Since all dimensions are identical, the volume of the cube = a3
Where a is the length of the edge of the cube.
Volume of a Right Circular Cylinder
The volume of a right circular cylinder is equal to base area × its height.

The volume of cylinder =πr2h

Where r is the radius of the base of the cylinder and h is the height of the cylinder.

Volume of a Right Circular Cone

The volume of a Right circular cone is 1/3 times the volume of a cylinder with the same radius
and height. In other words, three cones make one cylinder of the same height and base.
The volume of right circular cone = (1/3)πr2h
Where r is the radius of the base of the cone and h is the height of the cone.

Volume of a Sphere
The volume of a sphere of radius r =(4/3)πr3
To know more about Volume Formula’s for Different Geometric Shapes, visit here.

Volume and Capacity

The volume of an object is the measure of the space it occupies and the capacity of an object is
the volume of substance its interior can accommodate. The unit of measurement of either volume
or capacity is a cubic unit.

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