Course Code With Description

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Course Code/ Course Description No. of No.

Course Name Units Hours
CC 104 This course covers the standard data 5.0
representation and algorithms to solve computing
Data Structures problems efficiently (with respect to space
and Algorithm requirements and time complexity of algorithm).
This covers the following: Stacks, Queues, Trees,
Graphs, Maps, and sets. Thorough discussion of
sorting and searching algorithms and hashing are

CS PRO EL 6 This course presents a top-down view of cloud 5.0

computing, from applications and administration to
PRO EL 5 (IS) programming and infrastructure. Its main focus is
on parallel programming techniques for cloud
Cloud Computing computing and large scale distributed systems
and Virtualization which form the cloud infrastructure. The topics
include: introduction to cloud computing, cloud
computing platform, parallel programming in the
cloud, distributed storage systems, virtualization,
cloud security, and multicore operating system.
Through these, students are expected to research
on cloud computing and identify their pros and

PRO EL 3 5.0
This course covers Web safety and browser
Web Application vulnerabilities, privacy concerns, issues with Java,
and Programming JavaScript, ActiveX, and all things Web and
Security security related. Various protocols, and approaches
to provide web services in as secure a manner as
possible will be investigated, to include: digital
certificates SSL (Secure Socket Layer), TLS
(Transport Layer Security), host security, server
access methods, and secure CGI/API. Building
modern web applications requires integrating
concepts from software engineering, systems
programming, and computer security. In this course
students use these concepts to design, deploy,
scale, attack, and defend modern web applications.
CC 106 Development of applications using web, mobile, 5.0
and emerging technologies with emphasis on
Application requirements management, interface design,
Development and usability, testing, deployment, including ethical and
Emerging legal considerations.
IS 103 This course covers different phases of systems 5.0
development focusing on analysis and design.
System Analysis Students will be able to learn the steps in system
and Design development through a research study.
Capstone 1 and The Capstone program will be taken by the 3.0
Capstone 2 students for two semesters, namely, Capstone 1
and Capstone 2. The Capstone 1 provides
essential ideas, concepts, and principles in
conducting researches, as well as various
techniques and procedures in preparing and
presenting research proposals and reports. The
Capstone 2 allows students to conduct the actual
research and finalize the prototype then
successfully defend the capstone project / thesis.

Thesis 1 and The Thesis program will be taken by the 3.0

Thesis 2 students for two semesters, namely, Thesis 1 and
Thesis 2. The Thesis 1 provides essential ideas,
concepts, and principles in conducting researches,
as well as various techniques and procedures in
preparing and presenting research proposals and
reports. The Thesis 2 allows students to conduct
the actual research and finalize the prototype then
successfully defend the thesis proposals.

AR 101 5.0
It focuses on the function and design of the various
Architecture and components necessary to process information
Organization digitally. We present computing systems as a
series of layers, starting with low-level hardware
and progressing to higher-level software, including
assemblers and operating systems. These levels
constitute a hierarchy of virtual machines. The
study of computer organization focuses on this
hierarchy and the issues involved with how we
partition the levels and how each level is
implemented. The study of computer architecture
focuses on the interface between hardware and
software, and emphasizes the structure and
behavior of the system. The majority of information
contained in this textbook is devoted to computer
hardware, computer organization and architecture,
and their relationship to software performance.

DS 102 5.0
In this course, the students will solve real-world
Discrete computing problems that require mapping to
Structures 2 permutations, combinations of a set and modular
arithmetic. Compute the event probabilities using
counting and Bayes Theorem of a sample
computing problem. Solve equations involving
recurrence and relate them to recursive algorithms.

CS ELEC 2 The course aims at introducing the students 5.0

to the various techniques used to model 2D and 3D
Graphics and objects and environments and to present them to
Visual Computing the user so that important aspects can be easily
visualized. This includes, but is certainly not limited
to, (photo-) realistic rendering of 3D scenes and
animation. The focus is on fundamental topics in
computer graphics, 3D animation and simulation,
and multimedia.
PRO EL 3 The course aims at introducing the 3.0
procedures, tools, and techniques in managing the
Project different phases of a project; information systems
Management architecture and task allocation, feasibility studies,
proposal preparation, resource allocation and
estimation, monitoring; PERT/CPM; test plan and
quality assurance, introduction to systems
engineering, project management tools.
WEBPROG 101 This course is an introduction to the client 5.0
and server‐based Web processing environments;
Web Programming coverage of the browser document object model,
and Development dynamic formatting, and styling, browser scripting
languages, user interaction, and personalization,
data validation and processing of browser‐side data
structures, data exchange languages, and
database access. Web Development is designed to
introduce students to the fundamentals of web site
creation. Students will develop, manage, and
maintain professional web sites using HTML,
XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets. The complete
production process including pre-production
planning, layout and design considerations
(including site maps and navigation), testing,
uploading and implementing the site, maintenance
and applicable legal and ethical issues are covered.

PROEL 4 The course covers an introduction to the

electronic game design and development careers.
Game During the course, students will be introduced to
Development modern game platforms, and the effect of their
differences, evolution, and limitations, on game
programming.  It includes the history and
philosophy of games, the game production process,
employee factors for success in the field, and
current issues and practices in the game
development industry.
DS 101 The purpose of this course is to understand
and use (abstract) discrete structures that are
Discrete backbones of computer science. In particular, this
Structures 1 class is meant to introduce logic, proofs, sets,
relations, functions, counting, and probability, with
an emphasis on applications in computer science.

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