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En 13811

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lcs 25.220.40

English versioft

products -
$herardizing - Zinc diffusion coatins$ on fcrrous
Sherardioieren - Zink-Diffusionsliberziige eul
Sh6rardiealion - Bev*tements par diffusion d* zinc sur
f i$enwerksloifen. - Anictrderungen
produils {€rreux - Sp6cifications

February 2003'
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 20
givirg this European
members are bound to compty with the CENIGENELEC
lfitemal ReguiatioEs which stipillale tho conditions lor
cfN [p]to'oit* end bibtiographical refere*ces coacerning such natianal
Standard th6 s-tatils of a natioral slandard without *nv
&iurlon' lists
C$nlre or lo a'.ly CEN msmbe:'
$tandard$ may be *atainso'J;ippti"urion to the Manigem*nt
by translation
French, German). A version in any other Ianquage made
This Europear standard exist$ in three offieial vorsions {English, the Management clntre has the same $tatus as the officiat
underthe responsibirity ot iC;r.l memb*r into rtu o*nlJnl*i"g"'r"i
caech fiepublic' Denmark, Finland, France, Gerrnany' Greece'
cEN mernbers are th* $ational $tandards bodies ol Aust*a, Belgium, eo*ugii' $iovakia' $pain' Sweden' $witzerl*nd a*d United
Hungary, lceland, lreland, ltaly, Luxenrbourg, Maha, NeiiteianOJ'


Management Centre: rue de Stes*art, 33 B-105O 3vussels

resarvs6 Hef ' No' EN 1381 1:2003 E

e 2003 CEN All rights of expioitation in any form and by a*y rTtean$
worldwide for CEN national Members'
National forewerd
version of
This British stanclard" is the official English language
EN 1ts811:20G$'
to Technical Comnrittee
The UK participation in its prepa'raLior: was entrusted
test for mechanical coatings, which }ras
STI/41, specificatioou"a **tr,orls of
the responsibilitY to:
aid enquirers to understand the text;
prese.r:t to the responnible international/European committee
enqltlrle$ ."-;h;;;;*ptetation, or proposals f*r change' and keep the
UK interests informed;
rn*nitor related interaational and European developments
promulgate them in the IJK'
be obtained on
A list of organizations represented on this committee can
request to its secretarY.
p"Ufi-.ii""- r'eferred to in this dbcument may be loqnd in the BSI Catalag*e
1r:dsx"' or
under the section *"Litfi-"i"lernational Standards Carrespandence
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il;;fi thul;S****#]*c-i1it, af
Standards Online'
pravisions of a
This puhlication does *ot purport to include all the necessary
contract. Users *"e fcr its csrrcct appiication'
"*rponsibie immuxity
ccmpliaace with a British standar* d*es xrot +f itself confer
from legal ohligations"

Thi$ Briri$tr Standard was Srrrrrrnafy Of pageS

p"rrii'r.-i *,atr authorit, Til;;;i";;i";Aiises
the afront errverl an inside {ront tover, the EN title page'
ofrhe scandards Poli*v and png"* 2 to 12, an inside hack cover and a back cover.
Strateg-v Committee +n
li] May z{}03 ?he BSI copyright date displavrrl i:r this docr:rner:l. in*icates when
d+cument was last issued.

Ar*rendment* issaed si*ce publication

.t, BSI 13 FIa:- 2003

ISBN 0 580 418S3 0

HN 13S11:2C03 {E}


purchaser"""""""' """"""""""'5
4.2 lnformation to be supplied by the

to be suppried by the purcha*er t{}

the sherardi*er """""""""'8
Annsx A (norrnative) rnformation

method """"""""
8.2 Microscopic cross-sectian {#;;;; m*thod)""' ""';""""""""""'e
B.B Calculation of thickness trom ;;#;;;nil
Annex C (informaiivei Gen*ral informatior"""""""':

{asteners """"""'11
Q.7 Additional clearailces for threaded
EN 13811:2003 (E)

committ*e cEN/TC2S2' "Metailic and other

document EN 13811:2003 hao been prepared by Technicat
coatings", the secretariat of which is h*id by BSI'

a national standard, either by publication of an identical text cr

furopean standard shall be given the status of
natianal standards shall be withdrawn at the latest
ndorsement, at the latesi by october zooe, and conflicting
,Ootober 2003.

A is normative. Annexes B and C are informative'

document includes a BibliograPhY.

organizatians o{ the following
to the CENICENrLEC lnternal Flegulations, the national .standards Finland,
are bound to impremeiitr.;*-*uiop*al stanoarur Ausrria,.BeluiuL, $1ry1,-.T:g:!11, ?fl,Tlyl
Norway' Poriugal,
Malta, Netherlands,
Germany, Greece, Hr-gl.y,-f"-land, tretana,.ltglV,.Luxembourg,
rland and th* United Kin gdom'
n*punfit,'Spain, Swedenl$witze

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies minimum,thickness requirements for three classes of zinc coating applied to
ferrous products by the sherardizing proces$ for the purpose of proteclion against corrosion and *brasion'
It also specifies minim*m requirernente {or the zinc dust to be used during the sherardizing

This standard does not specify any requiremenls for the su#ace condition (finish or roughness) ol the basis
material before sherardizing.

After-treatments or overcoating of sherardized articles is not covered by this standard.

2 Normative referencos
This E*ropean Standard incorporatos by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications-. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
$tandard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated reterences the l8lest edition of the
publtcation reterred to applies (includi*g amendments).

EN 10204, Metallic praducts Types o{ inspecti*n dacuments.

EN ISO 146A, Metalli* coatings galvaniz*d caatings an ferr*us materials * Gravimetric determination of
- Not dip
the mass per unit area (lSO 146A:1992).

EN ISO 21Tg, Non*magnetic coatings an magn*tic sufusfrsfes * Measurement of coating lhrbkness * Magnetic
method (lSO 21 78: 1 982}

ff{ tSO 3549, Zinc dust pigments for paints

- Specifications and test methods flSO 3549:1995).

3 Terms and definitions

For the ilurposes of this European Standard, the loliowing terms and definitions apply.

sotid diffuslon process in whi*h afticles are heated in close contect with zinc dust and an inert rnaterial $uch as

sherardized coating
coating consisting of zinc/iron alloys obtained by the sherardizing process, and subsequently passiv*ted

NOT$ 'sherardized coating' is refered to in this standard ae'coating''

coaiing mass
totalmass of zincliron alloys per unit area of sudace, expressed in grams per $q*are metre, g/m?

coating thickness
total coating thickness of zinc/iron alloys, expressed in micrometres, pm
EN 13811:2003 (E)

significant surface
article covered or to be covered by the coating and for w!!ch. the coating is essential
id[ er,,t':ot requirements
,*ri*euuirity andior appearance and where ihe coating must meet all of the specified

flSO 2064:1996, delinition 3.11

article, or group of articles, from a lot which is selected for testing

reference area
area within which a specified number of si*gle measurements is required to be made

flSO 2064:1996, definition 3.31

Jooal coating thiekness
magnetic or
il;il;rr; Jt thickness obtained from a number of measurements within a re{erence area in a
electro-magnetic test

localcoating mass
value ol coating mass obtained from a single gravimetric test

inspection lot
laad or th*
on" afticles of the same type a*d size comprising either a single order or a single delivery
number of articles identiiied as a lot by the sherardizer

4 Generat rsquirements

4.1 Zinc dust

proce$s shall contain a
when determined in accordance with EN IsO 354S the zinc dust used in the sherardizing
zinc and tctal irnpurities {oth*r than ainc oxide} of not more than 2ozb
mass traction of not fess than $4 % sf metallic
mass lraciion.

4.2 lnformation to be supplied hy the purcha$er

lnformation shaH be suppli+d by the purcl*ser in accordance with annex A-

5 Sampling
inspection tot (3.10) solected lor
A control sampl+ (3.6) for thickness testing shall be taken ra*domly fram each "t'
;.fi.;h" ;i;;;;;r*ber of arrictes to lorm the control sample shall b+ taken in acc*rdance with Tabie
Alternatively, sampling procedures selected from ISO 285$-1 and tSS 2859'$
may be used'

Acceptance inspectio* shall be undertaken befcre the products leave

the sherardizer's custody, unless otherwise
specified at tho time af ordering by the purchaser'
EN 1381112003tE) \[
Table 1 - Control sample size related to batch size tl
l,lumber of articles in the fltinimum number of articles in the
batch control samPle

11o3 All
4 to 5S0 3 {
501 to 1 2O0 5

1 201 to 3 20O 8 i

3 201 to 10 000 13
Above 10 000 2A i

S Coating requirement r

6.1 Thickness
shall be not less than the val*es given in Table
When tested in accardance with 6.?.3, the local coating thickness i
and abrasion' The ?
Coati*gs apptied by sherardizing ale designed to protect f"ll:i.-,t1",1'jl1:9^1i:t
NOTE 1 adbr*ximaitly proportional to the coating thickness' t
service life ol such coati;d in a'given e*viroilment is ;

for extremely aggressive

NOTE 2 when thicker coatings than those speclfied in this European standard. are.required the subie*t of agreemenl I
excepiionalty long llfe is required, their speci{ication should be I
csnditions and/or when an
between the sherardizer and the purcha$sr'
""i"i"" L

Table 2 Csating thickness II

- tI
Glass of ceating Local coating thickness (minirnum value)
/1*:t f


le for the maioritY of It

given in C,6.
appiications. Guidance on the setection df coating thickfte$s is t,

e"g' Class 45, are

NGTE 2 There can be a requirement for specific p.e{realmenl when thicker coatings, I
in euch ca$es"
sp*cified. The purchaser should seek the adyice ol the sherardizer
NOTE 3 The local coating thici<ness should anly be determined in relatior-: to reference areas selected in

accordance wtth 6.2.2.

S.2 Test methods

9.2.1 General
method {rN l$o 217si or the
The local coating thickness *halt be determined in accordance with the magnetic
for routine quality control'
sr."i*-trd;"ir,i,o terrr iso i+obl. th* *"gn*tic method is gener*tly more appropriate
NOIE Annex B provides additionai informalion on the delermination of thickness.


EN 13811;2008 (E)

,ti.8i2, ,REference areas

-,*.ir*u"r gravimetlc..tesL:h-all be chosen with regard to
and positicn of reference areas Td t!,?I.,:=iglthe possible of average coating
.,re shape and size oi[" a*icle(s) in orc*r io obtain a result u" i*pr***ntativo as
rnass per unit area.

:or artioles wiih a signiticant surface area gre*ter tfran cr equ*l to 1 000 mm', there shall be at least one reference
o;;ch a*icltin the control sample' Gontrol sample siees a re given in Table 1.
_;" articres grouped together
s*#ace area oi ress than 1 000 mm2, there.shail b*.,*n?y,gh
ror artieres with a significant or afiicles tested
o provide at reast oJo"iliirtlui;;ffi; ;; ;#;idr-t'rlieren"*'*rea.
.t Hence, the total number
total number of articles in
shall,equal the number of articles required to'p;;;id;;;*
teje.rqnce area multipli.*f
?ylh" if that is less)"
r,contror sampre, in accordance with r*ui" i t*-tl1g-tgtar
numuer of articres'sherardized,
1,,ilffi"1y,'ffi;ils;;;.*out** selectedfram ldo 28s$-1 and lso 285e-3 mav be used'
-t* S Magnetic method
ol, thoso which would have been shosen for the
the,reference area.s shall be within, and representative
reference area' Secause the area over which

,. Ar,rninimum ol five
magnetic test readings shall be taksn within,each
tigures may be lower (typically up to 15 Yo) than
,,{rti.h measurement is made in this metrroc is very **utl,
'.ffi;;iffil;;'in"* i;;ri;h,.xn***. This is.irri-*"t -- only.the aoirase value over the whole
of each reierencc
ffi;;;;;;;i;; ;;&;;io, * Er*ut*r than, the tocat coating thickness minimum

*umher of artlcles (or

,.rf.the rocar coating thickness on * contror lamrlg,does. not eontorm to 6.1, twice the oriEinar
, and tested' ll this larger control sample
,,the a*icres, if that is the rower. nu*n*ti-urtiibe taken from the balch
larget control sample to meet th*
.s.nforms to 6.r, the batch shalt be a*!**J
to conform. Failure of -ih.e
*i-"ti"n rejected, individual articles
o{ the batch. lf the batch is
1.fgqrJirements of 0..1 shall c+nstiture grour.rls'i"r"
iii'ay. be submitted for re-testing'
to be taken q. up a reforence afea o{ at least 1 000 mm?' a single
',S;tren more lhan five afticles havs
taken on each
article if a suitable area of sigr-rificant surfac* exists' li such a
m*asurement shall be
,*tt',o* given in EN ISO 1+gfr ehalibe used' lf a sullicient number by
-.magnetic of
*uitable area does not exist, the gravimetri* coatirg thickness witi be determined
measurements are made *itl.,in it,* .*t"r"I"*=*r*a itr*"tiuely the same
lhe magnetic method as the gravimetric method"

.&;2t4 Gravimetric methsd

in accordencs with EhJ lso 1460 and the
tlhe mass ol sherardized *oating per unit area shall be determined the reier*e
nomrnar densily of the coating i* grams
per cuuic centimetre (g/cms). rn case or disp*te, this sh*ll be

7 Certificate o{ conformitY
when required, the sherardizer shall provide * certiiicate o{ conformity with the requirements of this European
(see EN 10204).
'EN 1S811:2003 (E)
Annex A
(normative) I
Information to be supplied by the purchaser to the sherardizer
4.1 Essential informatian
The purchas*r shall provide the following information on all relevant documents: t
a) ths number of this European Standard, i.e. EN 13811:200X;

b) the class of coaling or, alternatively, the rninimum coating thicknoss required
{see Tabte t).
4.2 Additional information I
The following information rnay be required for particufar purpose$ and, if s*, shall be specified

by the purchaser:

idenlification af significant surf&ces, for ex*mple, by drawings or by the provision of suiiably marked
b) thread clearances, depending on the class of coating thickness specified, to be stated on the product drawing
or on the order document; f,
c) any likely effocts on the metallurgical preperties of the ba*i* material caused by h*ating temperatures
500 "c;
of up to
d) any special prs-treatrnent requiremenls;-
e) nny after-treatments or overcoating to be apptied to the sherardized coating {see C.7); )

any requirements for inspection;

whether a cefificate ol compliance is required in a*cordance with EN 10204,




EN 13811:2003 (E)

Annex B

Determination of thickness

8.1 General
marhnd of
-- r^^re,,^rin,^ method a{ doterminino coatt thickness is the rnagnetic method' Among the
determining coating
The most Eeneral non-ds$tructive and
p*, arIuv tnJ gravimetric method, Converted to lhickness'
destructive methods are the determinatio-
the microscopic cross-section method'
' , cha,Irl be I relationship hetweien local and average thickness
mnde o{ the
ho made
where'the magnetic
careful consideration^ should the gravimetric method a{
rnethod of EN tso"2j;;';"u**J-"no the
results ,r* .o*p-"red with those f-rom
EN tSO 1460.

B.? Microscopic cross'section methad

-^^ -aariaa mnrhnrt
,ri The rnicroscopic cross-section
{l ISO 1463) is not recommended as it is considsred inappropriate for
method {EN
. ;;t*t tti#-** rt ir ***tru"riu* and relates only to * sinsle

(reference method)
B,f, Calculaticn of thickness lrorn mass per unit area
provides. *.resurt for the coating mass per unit area
expressed i*
The gravimetric method given in TH rso 1460
in micrometr+i uy dividing by th* norninal density
grams per sq$are m€trg. This can be converted io localtrrictlgs*
E;;i"#-i;dues of coating thickness and coating mass are given in Table
of tha coating z,e

Table 8.1 Equivalent ccating thickness and coating mass

ttilinimum local coating Minirrum localcoating
Class of coating filass


Annex C

General iaforrnation

C.1 $harardizing prccees

Sh*rardizing is a sotid diffusion process in which articles are h+at+d in the presence of zinc dust and an inert
material such as sand. The process is normally carried out in a slowly rotating closed container at temperatures
ranging from 320'C to 500'C. The zincliron alloyed coating is subsequently zinc phosphated or chromated,
resulting in a clean passivated surface. The coating closely follows the contours of the basis material, and uniform
coatings are produced on articles, including those of irregular shape.

C.2 Basis material

Unalloyed carbon steels, low alloy steels, sintered maierial, mall*able grey and cast iron are sultab]e for
sherardizing. The process does not give rise to hydrogen embrittlement. However, when pre-cleaning high tensile
matorial (above 1 S00 ltl/mm') cathodic cleaning should not be emplayed. Pre-treatment by anodic, mechanical or
any other processes which do not affect the base material are recommended. The surface should be free from any
contamination prior to processing.

tt is essential that parts having soft-soldered or resin honded joints *re not sent lor sherardizing as joints of this
nature are aftected by the process. Any such jointing should be *arried out after processing has taksn plac+.

C.3 Appearance
Th* sherardized eoating has a matt grey appearance and may show scralches resulting from normal conta*t wilh
other articles, Due to the hardness of the coating, such scraiches ar& superlicial and not detrimental to its corrosion

C-4 Adhesion
No suitable Furapean or lnternaticnal Standards currently exist for t*sting the adhesion of sh+rardized coatings on
{abricated products. Adhesion between zinc and basis metal generalty does not need to be t*sted as good bo*ding
is characteristic *f the sherardizing process. The coated articles sh+uld be able to withstand, withcut p*eli*g or
fiaking, handting consistent with the nature and thickn*ss of the coating and the normal use o{ the aftiele.

S.5 After-treatments
Oils, stain$, paints, special lubricants, sealants or orgaric soating$ can sub**quently be applied to the sheradixed
and passivated coating to e*hance the corrosion resista*ce and/or decorativ* appearance, or to regulat+ the
coef{icient o{ friction of the coaiing"

C.S Soating thickness

Coatings applied by the sherardiring prscess are designed to protect the basis m*teriat against ccrrosion and

The service life of such coatings in a giv*n e*vironment is approximately proportio**f tc thei:'coaling thickness.

EN 13811:2003 (E)
. l:ri:;:11...,

lii,ri 'r: ' .

and outdoor environments. class 30 coatings should be

ii{Fryg* 1b coatings can be specified {or normal indoor I

*or" environments, or where there is a requirement for extonded t

Sgelfled ior outdoor applications in


corrosive environments, e.g. industrial or

ebryjce life. class +s]i,irtl*g. snout* be specified for use in highly

' for the coating thickness of zinc co?l"-d prodilcts for use in environments wilh
different corrosion
,1$ategories is given in Table 1 of EN lS* 14713:1999'
:\{Ihere doubt exists concerntng the coating thickness requirad, the purchaser should seek the advice of the

,,Hoi speciat applications, thicker coatings than those specified in this. standard can be
required' There can be a
'ibquiiement See note 2 to 6'1'
foispecific pre-treatment ',ihen thicker coatings are specified.

Cr7 Additional clearancos lor threaded fasteners

..Additionat ctearance is necessary to accommod3i* tf *19!ili:9--":1t:Y^tli1[:":..o!,sherardized threaded

il*i'n!;;. i.,J" ctearanci c*n be allowed on +ither the internal or the external thread'
,The purchaser should discuss the additional thread cfearance requir+ment with the sherardizer"

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