WT Weapon Training

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Q1. Length of .22 Rifle – 43 “

Q2. Weight of the .22 Rifle- 6 ponds 02 owns

Q3. Length of the 7.62 mm SLR - 44.85 “

Q4. Effective range of .22 Rifle – 300 yards

Q5. Firing range of .22 rifle – 25 yards

Q6. Rate of the Rifle 7.62 mm SLR – 4.4 kg

Q7.No of Groves of 7.62 mm SLR – 06

Q8. .22 Rifle magazine capacity – 05 rounds

Q9. Weight of 5.56 mm INSAS rifle 3.6 kg

Q10. Weight of Full Magazine 5.56 mm INSAS – 340 grms

Q11. Weight of Kali Magazine 5.56 mm INSAS – 90 grm

Q12. Weight of 7.62 mm LMG 9.242 kg

Q13. Weight of 7.62 mm LMG barrel assembly – 2.721 kg

Q14. Sight range of 7.62 mm LMG 200 to 2000 yards

Q15. No of groups in 7.62 rifle barrel assembly – 06

Q16. Pull though of .22 rifle have – 03 LUBES

Q17. 5.56 mm INSAS rifle full name- Indian Small Arms System

Q18. 7.62 mm SLR full name – SELF LOADING RIFLE

Q19. 7.62 mm CMG full name – CARBINE MACHINE GUN

Q20. 7.62 mm MMG full name – MEDIUM MACHINE GUN

Q21. The full form of MPI – MEAN POINT OF IMPACT

Q22. The Extractor the – Cartridge / Empty Case

Q23. .22 rifle any one part name – BOLT

Q24. System of operation 7.62 mm LGM- Gas System

Q25. Effective range of 5.56 mm INSAS rifle – 400 mts

Q26. 5.56 mm Caliber - 5.56 mm

Q27. Length of rifle without beynet 5.56 mm rifle – 960 mm

Q28. 5.56 mm length of without bayonet – 1110 mm

Q29. Length of 5.56 mm rifle barrel – 464 mm

Q30. Pixed butt with MT magazine – 31 kg

Q31. Pixed butt without loaded magazine – 3.69 kg

Q32. 5.56 mm Musial velocity- 900 m/sec

Q33. 5.56 mm rate of fire normal – 60 rpm

Q34. 7.62 mm Magazine capacity – 20 rounds

Q35. 7.62 mm SLR no of grooves – 7.62 mm

Q36. .22 rifle Bayonet - 70 % wood 30% Iron

Q37. .22 rifle Deluxe Bayonet – 75 % Wood 25% Iron

Q38. Bayonet Ki Saath .22 rifle Lambai 53.5 “

Q39. .22 rifle length Chindi Size – 4X1

Q40. .22 rifle length of Barrel – 25.5 “

Q41. .22 rifle Normal fire - 05 Rounds per/min

Q42. .22 rifle Caliber - .22

Q43. .22 rifle types – 02 prakar

Q44. .22 rifle Muzzle velocity - 2700 feet/sec

Q45. .22 rifle sign radius - 19.5

Q46. What are the quality’s of Good Firer?

Ans 1). Good Aiming 2. Good Holding 3. Good trigger operation

Q47. Name of any four parts of .22 rifle?

Ans: i) Back sight protector ii) Bolt iii) Safety Catch iv) Butt v) Trigger Guard vi) four Sight Protector
Q48.what is the difference between Loading a rifle and charging the rifle?

Ans: A rifle is loaded when there is round in the chamber. Charging the magazine means that all the
rounds are in the magazine itself.

Q49. How many types of Firing Position?

Ans: i) sitting position ii) High Nailing position iii) Laving Position iv) Standing position

Q50. .22 rifle cleaning items required?

Ans: i). Pull though ii) Chindi iii) Wire Gaze iv) Oil v) Flannel of Cleaning vi) Flannel of oil Application

Q51. Firing Range Arrangements Item?

Ans: i). Fit Target ii) Red Flag iii) Helmet iv) Target no’s plate v) sand bag vi) four men tent VII0 Digging

Q52. Define laws of Aiming?

Ans: i) Focus the target so that a clear picture is forward on the range of the eye and get the true center
of the target. Then with the eye focus to the foresight.

ii). Hold the rifle properly and keep it up right.

iii) Close the left eye and focus the foresight.

iv) Close the for sight through the back sight U the for sight should be see right in the center of the U.
the tip of the for sight must be aligned in the centre and in level with the solder of the U.

Q53. The .22 rifle cleaning is then in the coequal?

Ans: i) Cleaning of the barrel ii) Cleaning of Chamber iii) Cleaning of Bolt iv) Cleaning of Magazine v)
Cleaning of Bayonet and scabbed.

Q54. Give the sequence of the firing the shoot?

Ans; i) Hold ii) Aim iii) Fire iv) Declared v) Reload vi) re aim vii) Relax

Q55. What is Limber?

Ans: The practice to active perfect co-ordination between EYE, Brain and Trigger remove Magazine no of
round in the chamber aim and fresh the trigger eat on.

Q56. What safety precautions will you take while loading weapons?

Ans: Inspect your weapon as well as the weapon of the squad the barrel as the weapon should always
point away from the squad.
Q56.Name the places on rifle where make number of rifle appears?

Ans: Butt place, magazine, bolt knob lever, Tangent left side, upper selling carrier, fore sight, bayonet


Q1. What is the length and weight of .22 Deluxe rifle?

Ans: length – 43 Inches or 110 cm weight – 6lbs or 2 ounces

Q2. What is the muscle velocity of 0.22 Deluxe rifle ?

Ans: 2400 ft per seconds

Q3. What is the rate of normal and rapid fire of 0.22

Ans: Normal: five rounds per minute Rapid Fire: 10/15 Rounds per minute

Q4. What is the bore of 0.22 rifle?

Ans: 0.22 inches

Q5. What is the size of flannel used for cleaning the 0.22 rifle?

Ans: 2.5 X 1.5 inches

Q6. What is the effective range of the fire for 0.22 rifle?

Ans: 25 yards

Q7. What is the size of flannel used for oiling the 0.22 rifle?

Ans: 4 X 2 Inches

Q8. What is the main part of 0.22 rifle Deluxe?

Ans: i) Sling Ring ii) Butt iii) Small of the Butt iv) Siling Ring v) Bolt Knob vi) Bolt Head vii) Charge viii)
Trigger ix) Trigger Guard x) Magazine catch xi) Magazine xii) extractor xiii) safety catch xiv) chamber xv)
barrel xvi) bayonet


Q9. Fill in the blanks:

Q1. Length of 0.22 rifle – 43 inches

Q2. 0.22 rifle killing range 25 x

Q3. What is the effective range - 25 yards

Q4. .22 rifle groves in barrel – 06

Q5. The size of flame letter of cleaning is – President of India

Q6. Write any one part of the .22 rifle – Trigger bolt

Q7. .22 rifle length of barrel – 25 “

Q8. Normal rate of fire .22 rifle – 05 rounds

Q9. Weight of .22 rifles - 6 lbs or 2 ounce

Q10. What is the Caliber of .22 rifles - 0.22

Q11. True or False:

i). magazine capacity of 0.22 rifle is 10 rounds (F)

ii). The effective range of 0.22 rifle is 25 yards (T)

iii). The caliber of 0.22 rifle is 0.22 mm (T)

iv). 5.56 mm rifle effective range 400 m (T)

v). 0.22 rifle length is 43” (T)

Q12. Match the following:

i). Length ( ) a. 45”

ii). Weight ( ) b. 8 lbs or 10 ½ owns

iii). Magazine capacity ( ) c. 10 Rounds

iv). Effective range ( ) d. 25 yards

v). Max Range ( ) e. 1700 lbs


Q1. 0.22 rifle length of rifle- 43”

Q2. 0.22” rifle magazine capacity – 05 rounds

Q3. Weight of the 0.222” rifle – 06 lbs or 02 once

Q4. Full form of LMG – Light Machine Gun

Q5. Normal rate of fire 0.22” rifle – 10 Rpm

Q6. Name five parts of 0.22 “rifle- a) Barrel b) But c) cling carry d) But plate e) Trigger

Q7. 0.22” rifle magazine capacity – 05 rounds

Q8. Length of 5.56 mm INSAS rifle barrier – 464 mm

Q9. Weight of 5.56 mm INSAS rifle empty magazine – 3.6 grams


Q1. 7.62 MM SLR magazine capacities - 20 rounds

Q2. Effective range of 7.62 mm SLR – 300 yards

Q3. No of groves of 7.62 mm SLR – 06

Q4. Normal rate of fire of 7.62 mm SLR – 05 rounds per minute

Q5. Length of 5.56 mm INSAS – 464 mm

Q6. Empty magazine 5.56 mm INSAS – 90 grams

Q7. Length of 762 mm LMG without barrel – 1130 mm

Q8. Effective range of 7.62 mm SLR – 300 yards

Q9. Weight for SLR with magazine ka saath – 5.1 kg

Q10. 5.56 mm full magazine ka saath wagon – 3.69 kg

Q11. What is the angle for right or left turn – 90 Degree

Q12. What is the angle for about turn – 180 degree

Q13. In visram position the distance between two toes is - 18 inches

Q14. In savdan position the distance between toe to toe – 12 “

Q15. During Quick march paces for mint is - 120 steps

Q16. The strength of guard of honor for PM/Vice President is - 100

Q17. Chief Minister of a State is given salute – Salam Sastra

Q18. National Salute is given to President of India and Governor in own state


Q1. CHURCH - Q2. Temple- Q3.Contours –

Q4. Road - Q5- Bridge-


Q1. SEC - Q2. PL- Q3. COY-

Q4. BN- Q5. HQ- Q6. WPNS-

Q7.LMG - Q8. MMG - Q10. RL-

Q11. How many types of section formation?

Ans: 06 i) single formation ii) File formation iii) Spear Head formation iv) Arrow Head Formation v) Arrow
Head formation vi) Diamond formation vi) Extended line formation

Q12. Describe various types of ground?

Ans: a). Broken ground b) Open ground c) High ground d) Dead ground

Q13. Why things are seen?

Ans: a) shape b) Space c) Silhouette d) Surface e) Shine f) shadow g) Movement

Q14. Give the sequence of fire control orders?


Q15. Mention any five commands Indian Army with their?

Ans: a) Western Command b) Northern Command c) Central Command d) Southern Command e)

Training Command
Q16.Fill in the blanks:

1. MPI stands for – Mean Point of Impact

2. Capacity of SLR magazine is - 20 rounds
3. Magazine capacity of 0.22 rifle is – 05 rounds
4. 2 inches 04 inches size of target is used for grouping fire
5. INSAS stands for Indian Small Arms System
6. The member of grooves in SLR is – 06
Q17. Write the full form of the following:


Q1. Mention the City where the following is located:

i. Dal Lake – Srinagar

ii. Charminar – Hyderabad
iii. Golden Temple – Amritsar
iv. Taj Mahal - Agra
v. Janathar Manthar – Delhi


Q1. Cadets will form up in Two ranks for guard of Honor.

Q2. A word of command has Two parts.

Q3. In tej chal the length of a step is 30 “

Q4. In shalame Shasta the barrel is to be at 6” from the nose.

Q5. The angle of turn in about Turn is 130 degree

Q6. In visram position the heels are separated by 12”

Q7. The word of command tej chal given from Savdhan position
Q8. How many types of drill Two

Q9. The strength of Guard of Honor for the Prime Minister 100 Cadets

Q10. 70 Paces are taken per minute in slow march.

Q11. True or false:

a. NCC cadets can give guard of hour to vice chancellor of a university (T)
b. The shortest cadets will stand at the right most position during sizing (F)
c. On the word of command visram cadets take right turn salute and march for 2-3 paces (T)
d. Executive word of command is given on left foot (F)
e. Moving of the foot is allowed in arrange (F)
Q12. Match the following:
a. Savadhan (v) i. Right Turn
b. Vishram (iii) ii. Back Turn
c. Dahine Mud (i) iii. Stand at ease
d. Piche Mud (ii) iv. Look Right
e. Dahine Dekh (iv) v. Attention
Q13. Fill in the blanks:
i) Length of 0.22 rifle – 43.5
ii) 0.22 rifle killing range – 25 yards
iii) What is the effective range of 0.22 rifle – 25 yards
iv) 0.22 rifle groves in barrel – 06
v) The size of flannelettes for cleaning is 4X1
vi) Write any one part of the 0.22 rifle BOLT ACTION
vii) 0.22 rifle length of barrel
viii) Normal rate of fire 0.22 rifle – 05 rpm
ix) Weight for 0.22 rifle – 6 pounds or 2 ounce
x) 0.22 rifle Deluxe Konsa desh kahai Yugaglouia
Q14. How many types of Compass?
Ans: 02 types i) Liquid compass ii) Dry Compass
Q15. How many types of Bearing?
Ans: Three Types: i) Grid Bearing ii) Magnetic Bearing iii) True Bearing
Q16. How do you find your own position?
Ans: a) Re section method b) Inspection method
Q17. What are the Co-Ordinal points?
Ans: a) North b) East c) South d) West
Q18. Name any 5 parts of Prismatic Compass?
Ans: i) Lid ii) Dial iii) Glass Protector c) Clamping screw d) Hinge e) Thumb ring f) Adjusting


Q1. Characteristic of 7.62 mm SLR?

Ans: a) Length -1125 mm

b) Length of Barrel – 533.40 mm

c) Weight – 5.1 kg

d) Effective Range – 300 yards

e) Muzzle Velocity – 270m.sec

Q2. Write the sequence of assembling the rifle?


Q3. What are the positions to change level of LMG?

Ans: A,R,S

Q4. What is the use of Siling?

Ans: Long Range carrying

Q5. What are the essentials for good shooting?

Ans 1). Good Aiming 2. Good Holding 3. Good trigger operation

Q what is effective range of following weapons rifle sten and LMG rifle sten and LMG effective ranges?

Ans: Rifle SLR – 300 yards, LMG- 500 yards, Sten- 90 yards

Q6. Write down any five parts in a LMG body group?

Ans:a) Body Group b) Butt Group c) Pistol Group d) Bipod Group e) Barrel Group

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