Ritemix Pcr300 Tds 0

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High-range, water-reducing, and retarding (type G) 6000 to 8000 psi


Standards complies with ASTM C949 Type G
RITEMIX PCR300 is an amber to light brown new Form Liquid
generation admixture based on Polycarboxylate Color Amber to light brown
polymers. Its water reducing property ensures good Specific Gravity 1.030 +/- 0.005
workability and high and early compressive strength. In Air entrainment <1% additional air is entrained at
addition, it is an effective cement dispersant and normal dosage
fluidifier compared to conventional superplasticizers. Compatibility with Can be used with all Portland
CUSTOMER BENEFITS cement cements. For special cement,
• Produces free flowing concrete without contact MPCTI Tech’l Dept.
segregation and bleeding Compatibility with RITEMIX PCR300 should not be
• Gives substantial and economical cement savings other admixtures premixed with other admixtures.
without strength or workability loss
• Produces self-compacting concrete without
 Good slump retention for longer time PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE
• Allows reduction of added water which increases Workability
concrete density and reduces porosity, resulting
on improved water penetration resistance The addition of RITEMIX PCR300 will produce flowing
• Reduces concrete segregation thus improving concrete at the same water/cement ratio of untreated
surface finish concrete requiring little or no vibration during
 Reduces or eliminates need for compaction thus placement.
saving time and money Compressive Strength
 Superior performance than the conventional
superplasticizers Substantial reduction in water/cement ratio will result in
AREAS OF APPLICATION significant increase in compressive strength without the
 As superplasticizers to produce fluid concrete loss of workability.
requiring little or no vibration during placing e.g. Dispensing
where reinforcement is heavily congested
 As a highly efficient water reducer without loss of The correct quantity of RITEMIX PCR300 should be
workability resulting in reduced permeability and measured by means of a recommended dispenser.
accelerated early strength gain Normally, the admixture should then be added to the
 Ready mix applications concrete with the mixing water to obtain the best result.
 Precast applications Curing
 Pre stressed concrete
DOSAGE As with all structural concrete, good curing practice
• 0.8 to 1.2% per kg cement for high workability should be maintained, particularly in situations where
concrete an overdose has occurred. Water spray, Buildrite
• The exact dosage required is best established by Curing compound spray or applied curing membrane
site trials. should be used.

Important Note:
The information contained in this leaflet is published to the best of our knowledge and
is supported by current available data. Hence, subject to the care and method of
application, deviations (from published values) in performance may occur. Our
guarantee is therefore limited to the quantity of the supplied material.

RITEMIX PCR300 Ver00: Date 05/25/2021 Page 1

High-range, water-reducing, and retarding (type G) 6000 to 8000 psi

RITEMIX PCR300 is available in 20-Liter pails or in
200-Liter drum.

RITEMIX PCR300 has a minimum shelf life of 1 year
when stored in the original unopened containers under
normal warehouse conditions
Suitable protective gloves and goggles should be worn.
Splashes on the skin should be removed with water. In
case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty
of water and seek medical advice.
RITEMIX PCR300 is water based and non-flammable.

Important Note:
The information contained in this leaflet is published to the best of our knowledge and
is supported by current available data. Hence, subject to the care and method of
application, deviations (from published values) in performance may occur. Our
guarantee is therefore limited to the quantity of the supplied material.

RITEMIX PCR300 Ver00: Date 05/25/2021 Page 2

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