Hizami CHAPTER 1-Feedbacks

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CHAPTER 1 Post Vaccine symptom

using deep learning /
Fake Signature Recognation
INTRODUCTION using deep learningSV(s):

1.1 Introduction

Today, the use of biometrics has become a necessity and is widely exploited by most
organizations especially in signature verification. Biometrics refers to the method of identity
recognition through the biological and behavioural characteristics inherent in everyone.
Biometric systems are proven to have a high level of accuracy as everyone has unique
biological and behavioural characteristics. Among the applications that use of biometrics are
the areas of security, forensics and attendance systems. Two types of signatures verification
are online and offline. For the online signature verification, it captured during writing
process, therefore can get active information of signature, such as the stroke order, the
pressure applied and the speed. For the offline signature verification, it analyses a stationary

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has made a powerful tool for image
classification tasks. In machine learning, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is the class
of deep learning, feeding the artificial neural networks and commonly applied for analysing
visual image. CNN use multilayer perceptron to require minimal pre-processing. These
biologically inspired computational models can outperform the previous forms of artificial
intelligence in common machine learning tasks.
1.2 Background Of The Problem

ResNet has won 1st price in all ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
(ILSVRC) 2015 and Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MS COCO) 2015 based
techniques show state-of-the-art accuracy on the ImageNet task (Kaiming He et. al.).
(Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun, 2015) recently published a paper on
the ImageNet dataset and the state-of-the-art accuracies achieved during last few years. The
paper shows the evolution of deep learning techniques overtime on this challenge from 2012.
ResNet-152 showed only 3.57% error, which is better than human error for this task at 5%.

EfficientNet is a convolutional neural network architecture and scaling method that

uniformly scales all dimensions of depth/width/resolution using a compound coefficient.
Unlike conventional practice that arbitrary scales these factors, the EfficientNet scaling
method uniformly scales network width, depth, and resolution with a set of fixed scaling

This project aim is to use the compound scaling method to scale the dimensions of
the network. The applied grid search strategy to find the relationship between the different
scaling dimensions of the baseline network under a fixed resource constraint. This project is
organized as follows: first it states the problem, then discusses the details of dataset that are
evaluated. Then it describes the procedure of selected architectures and finally discuss the
obtained results.

1.3 Problem Statement

This project investigates the compound scaling method to scale the dimensions of the
network which CNN architecture for classification of offline signature is most accurate and
performs well. Performance of several architectures will be studied from literature and their
analysis would be compared to the RestNet and EfficientNet which would be used for the
mentioned problem. Using this strategy, they could find the appropriate scaling coefficients
for each of the dimensions to be scaled-up. Using these coefficients, the baseline network was
scaled by the desired size.

1.4 Project Aim

This project will study all aspects of a Convolutional Neural Networks and the
architecture layouts of RestNet and EfficentNet were then be applied these on GPDS
Synthetic Signature Database dataset of signatures using Python programming language and
its libraries and then compare the obtained results will be compared to the results that are
available in literature.

1.5 Project Objectives

The objectives of this project are:

(a) To study and investigate various deep learning algorithms for RestNet and

(b) To develop compound scaling method to scale the dimensions of the network for
classifications of signature images.

(c) To train, test and validate CNN architectures for signature classification.

(d) To evaluate and analyse the classification accuracy performances, and Equal Error
Rate (EER) for GPDS Synthetic Signature Database (1000 users) using compound
scaling method architectures.
1.6 Project Questions

The main questions that this project intents to answer are:

(a) What are deep learning approaches on compound scaling method in signature

(b) How Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are designed using EfficientNet versions
signature classification?

(c) How well would these architecture variations will perform for signature classification
for 54000 samples from 1000 users?

1.7 Project Scope

The scope of this project will be:

(a) Focus on CNN algorithm RestNet and EfficientNet architecture details.

(b) Python programming language is used for training and testing of the
Convolutional Neural Networks.

(c) GPDS Synthetic Signatures Database (1000 users) is used as dataset for the
compounding the scaling method.
1.8 Summary

This chapter introduces Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and its potential
applications in image classification and signatures classification. The background of this
project, and the problem this project tends to answer are stated including aims and objectives.
In the next chapter (Chapter 2) discusses on the literature needed to study regarding this
project. It contained the discussion about the scaling method used for signature verification,
the EfficientNet and RestNet with be the components and various architectures that be used
in CNN. In the next chapter (Chapter 3) is the methodology, the chapter that discusses the
proposed method to tackle the problem. Various phases involved in methodologies. This
project follows an operational framework with four phases including Study, Investigation,
Design and Implementation. The next chapter (Chapter 4) discusses on the results and
analysis of vii the tables and graphs obtained in the proposed work. And evaluated how each
architecture performed on GPDS Synthetic Signature Database. Also, the chapter double
checks if this project has achieved its defined objectives, and whether the problem question
has been answered. Furthermore, it concludes all the work of this project and states future
enhancements and future work for this project. The last chapter (Chapter 5) concludes the
results, achievements of this project and mentions novelty of this comparative analysis
project. Furthermore, future improvement suggestions and future work are discussed.

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