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United States

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*I '
Department of
Agriculture Computer Numerical
Forest Service

Control of Woodworking

New Orleans,
Machines in Secondarv II

General Technical Report

acture Received
January, 1983
AUG 0 3 1983
Charles W. McMillin
The function and operation of computer numerical controllers is
summarized and a number of computer controlled machines used in
secondary manufacture are described and illustrated. Included are
machines for routing, boring, carving, laser profiling, panel sizing,
injection bonding, and upholstery and foam contour cutting. Additionally,
a discussion is given on a proposed computer-aided manufacturing system
for laser cutting furniture parts under control of defect scanners.
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROLLERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
COMPUTER CONTROLLED MACHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Routers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Boring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Carving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Laser Profiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Panel Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Injection Bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Upholstery Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Foam Contour Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Computer Numerical Control of Woodworking
Machines in Secondary Manufacture
Charles W. McMillin.

INTRODUCTION 1966. The machine could mill, drill, and bore a t a n y

angle, using a punched-paper-tape program read by
a n electronic controller. The program also
The manufacture of wood commodities in positioned the tool and dictated its depth and rate of
everyday use - furniture, decorative molding, cut. To alter the shape or create a n entirely different
cabinetry, recreational items, etc. - requires a part it was only necessary to amend the old punched
variety of woodworking machines to surface, drill, tape or create a new one.
and shape wood into complex parts. In the past, Because the computer controllers were expensive,
parts were assembled largely by hand by a single the industry was slow to respond. The cost of micro-
skilled workman who carefully checked for processor-based controllers no larger than desktop
dimensional accuracy a t each stage until final calculators has, however, decreased dramatically
assembly. By the mid-19th century, sufficiently within the past 10 years, and magnetic media and
accurate woodworking machinery was developed, solid state bubble memory are replacing punched
thus eliminating the need to machine and assemble paper tape. Microprocessor controllers thus now
single parts by hand. Workers instead produced add relatively little to the cost of numerical15
hundreds of identical parts which were later joined controlled machines.
by others in a final assembly operation. This was Aside from reduced machine cost, other factors
the beginning of mass production, a precursor of favor increased introduction of computer-
automation. numerically-controlled equipment for secondary
Innovative automatic machines developed wood conversion. Costs associated with labor have
rapidly a n d by t h e t u r n of t h e century, reached the point where the investment return on
woodworking machines could turn out thousands of programmable machinery is attractive. But
identical parts with little human interaction. perhaps more important is the potential for
Productivity improved but the machines were improved productivity. Computer numerical
limited in that they could only perform a series of control of machines can often reduce rejects and
sequential operations. waste, minimize h a n d l i n g , a n d improve
The "program" was created by a series of cams dimensional accuracy.
and ratchets that actuated tools needed to The objective of this paper is to summarize the
manufacture the part and little change could be functions a n d operation of computer numerical
made in the variety of sequences. The cost of controllers and describe a number of computer
creating new "hardware" programs was high. controlled woodworking and other machines used
More versatile machines were clearly needed. in secondary manufacture.
Especially desired was one that could be guided by a
set of written instructions and on command carry
out the operations - positioning the workpiece, COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROLLERS
routing grooves, drilling holes in specified locations
- with no human intervention. f i n e m e n t s on the At the heart of the computerized numerical
concept of feedback, and the modern digital control (CNC) is a low cost, small microprocessor
computer made development of such machines that is the central arithmetic and logic unit of the
possible. system. Miniaturized to fit on a single silicon chip
A numerically controlled routing and shaping such microprocessors frequently hold thousands of
machine was introduced into the wood industry in transistors, resistors, and related circuit elements

Charles W. McMiIlin is Principal Wood Scientist, Southern Forest Experiment Station, USDA - Forest Service, 2500 Shreveport
Highway, Pineville, Louisiana 71360. -%
(fig. 1). By adding additional chips to provide
timing, program memory interfaces for
input/output signals, random-access memory, and
other ancillary functions, it is possible to assemble
a numerical controller on boards no larger than
standard 8- hy 10-inch sheets of paper.
It is the filnction of the microprocessor to accept
data in the form of binary digits (0's and l's), to
store the data, and to perform arithmetic and logic
operations in accordance with a previously
programed set of instructions. After processing, the
microprocessor delivers the results to a user output
mechanism. Typically, a microprocessor would
contain the following components: a decode and
code control unit to interpret instructions from
programs, a n arithmetic and logic unit, registers for
manipulating data, a n accumulation register,
address buffers to provide access to sequential
instructions, and input-output buffers to read
instructions or data into the micro-processor or to
send them out.
Figure 2 shows a computer numerical controller
consisting of a n operator control panel, part Figure 1.-Photograph of a microprocessor chip measuring
program data reader, and peripheral device 6 x 6-mm containing over 7,000 transistors. (Photo
courtesy Hell Laboratories).
connecter panel. Typically, the components are also
available for individual mounting according to the
machine tool builder's requirements. Such free-
standing cabinet configurations measure about 30 x and other d a t a a t a distance. Typical readouts
30 70 inches high, weigh about 250 pounds and are
A include stored part program, current position
air cooled during operation. coordinates, distance to go, command blocks, cutter
Not shown in figure 2 is the controller's power compensation and diagnostic data messages from
supply located within the dust proof cabinet. Power the programmable controller interface, alarm
supplies usually operate a t 60 HZ, 120 volts A.C., messages, and total and part machining operation
and are normally prcvided with over and under time.
voltage protection a s well a s overtemperature A typewriter-like alphanumeric keyboard enables
detection display circuitry and automatic shutdown the operator to manually enter part program data
in case of excessive internal temperatures. Some and tool offsets, a s well a s edit programs and
power supplies feature battery backup to maintain initiate various control operations. Some control
part program data storage during power failures, a s panels contain space for additional hardware used
well a s diagnostic indicators and external voltage in specialized applications; they may also provide
test points. for emergency termination of machine operations
The operator's control panel usually consists of a a n d interlocks to prevent unauthorized
CRT video display, various push buttons, modification of stored part programs.
indicators, and selector switches used to initiate, The electronic circuitry needed to implement
monitor and govern control operations. Typical machine operations are sometimes contained on
operations include onloff control, manual axis jog, individual printed circuit modules assigned to
machine home, and part program loadlexecute specific slots within the controller chassis. In other
functions. A serial communication link is normally controllers, the functions of individual digital logic
provided between the operator control panel and the boards are combined and incorporated on a single
controller circuit boards, enabling the control panel board using very large scale integrated (VLSI)
to be on or near the machine tool while the controller circuitry. Each module or operational circuit
and power supply are placed in a more desirable performs specific control functions, such a s data
location. processing or input/output/servo control.
CRT displays range in size from 5 to 12 inches The main processor module containing the
measared diagonally. Some are capable of system microprocessor executes the control
displaying up to 15 lines with 32 alphanumeric program and provides supervisory control over
characters per line. Most feature a selectable system operations. Additionally, it performs CNC
character size to assist reading position coordinates functions, including part program data decoding
a n d distribution, arithmetic a n d logic, and or magnetic media, such a s tape or disks. In some
interpolation. controllers, part program data are permanently
A programmable interface supplies the necessary stored in recently developed magnetic readers.
circuitry to interface the CNC with machines and Lastly, t h e inputioutput/servo circuitry
allows the user to define and store in program form facilitates the electronic interface between the CNC
his own sequential machine tool logic. A micrc and the external machine tool. The inputioutput
processor on t h e module executes the modules which vary in number depending on user
programmable interface program and coordinates needs actuate such devices a s relays, limit, and
functions with the main processor module, proximity switches. One or more servo modules
Random access storage for part program data is provide the electronic interface with position
provided by one- or several-part memory circuits. feedback devices and servo drives.
Such data are read from either punched paper tape The concept of feedback is a characteristic
common to most computer controlled machines.
Feedback involves the interaction of machine
servo-mechanisms and the controller. As a n
example, figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of a
feedback loop that determines the positions of a
movable work table. The controller is told what
position is desired by the part program data storage
device. The drive motor and lead screw then move
the table until the position transducer reports to the
controller via a comparison unit t h a t the correct
position h a s been reached. Various types of
feedback transducers are used, such a s encoders,
tachometers, Selsyn motors, variable resistors or, in
highly accurate machines, optical interferometers.
Depending on the sophistication of the feedback
system, computer controlled machines are routinely
accurate to within 0.001-inch or less.

Computer numerical control programs may be
either written manually or prepared by ancillary
computer systems. The method used depends
mainly on the type of machining operation and the
complexity of the part.
The first step in manual programming is to
determine the operations and the order in which
they are to be performed. Working from blueprints,
the programmer next establishes position
coordinates that define the shape of the part or tool
path. The coordinates may be in absolute or
incremental units. In absolute units all points are in
reference to the origin of the coordinate axes
(machine zero) with quadrant defined by sign. In
the incremental mode, movement is in a step or
increment from the present position to the new
position. The sign associated with the coordinate
indicates if the position is to move in forward or
Figure 2.- Typical free-standing computer numerical control.
A. CRT uidt.3 display. B. Operator's console. C. Tape The program is then written, using a series of
reader. f). Perioheraf deuice connector. (Photo statement blocks preceded by a line number. Each
courtesy Allen Bradley Corp.). statement block contains instructions for the
Figure 3.-Feedback toop to control worktable position.

machine to perform a movement and/or function. After debugging, the program is reproduced on
Typically, these include preparatory functions, punched tape or other storage media, and verified
words to place the control in various mode of by a dry run.
operation (i.e., linear interpolation mode, circular Because each coordinate point need not be
interpolation mode), axis movement instructions, calculated, programs written with the aid of a
feed rate and spindle speed data, and tool offset computer are greatly simplified. Computer-aided
number. p a r t programming does, however, require
A typical 2-axis program to move the tool in a knowledge of a programming language. While
path a s in figure 4 is given below with a n many different languages are available, the best
explanation of each line.' The program assumes the known and most widely used is APT(Automatical1y
controller is in the inch, absolute coordinate, and Programme9 Tools).
inch per minute feedrate modes. The APT programmer used English-like words to
define operations involving geometry and motion.
nl00 g01 x2500 FJ0000 EOB2 (PO to P I ) Geometry statements include POINT, LINE,
n 105 x 17500 y 15000 EOB (PI to P2) PLANE, CIRCLE. Motion statements include
nll0 ~22500 3OB (PZ to P3) GOTO, GOON, GOPAST, and otncrs. Such input
n115 yZ500 EOB (P3 to P4) commands produce the necessary cal~ulationsto
n120 x32500 y7500 EOB (P4 to P5) define the tool path.
n125 x45000 y5000 EOB (P5 to P6)
While the APT processor is machine independent,
In block n100, a single axis movement of 0.75 inches in the +x it operates with a machine dependent post-
direction from PO to P1 occurs a t 30 IPM. processor specific to individual needs. The post-
processor formats numerical data in a manner
In block n105, a 2-axis linearly interpolated movement of 1.5
inches in the +y direction and 0.5 inches in the +x direction (from understood by the controller and processes such
PI to P2) occurs a t 30 IPM. commands a s DELAY, CYCLE AUXFUN, AND
REWIND. These commands are oriented to the
In block n110, a single axis movement of 0.5 inches in the +x
direction from P2 to P3 occurs a t 30 IPM. numerical controller system and always result in
execution of the same process. Post-processor
In block n115, a single axis movement of 1.25 inches in the -y machine segment commands, which typically
direction from P3 to P4 occurs a t 30 IPM.
include SPINDL (spindle on/off), COOLNT
In block n120, a Z-axis linearly inkrpolated movement of 0.5 (coolant onloff), and GOHOME, differ between
inches in the +y direction and 1.0 inches in the +xdirection (from machines. This section of the post-processor also
P4 to P5) occurs a t 30 IPM.
defines maximum travel and velocity of each axis
In block n125, a Z-axis linearly interpolated movement of 0.25 and its acceleration limits,
inches in the -y direction and 1.25 inches in the +xdirection (from The programmer first assigns alpha-numeric
P5 to P6) occurs a t 30 IPM.
names to variables or geometric surfaces (figure 5).
This both simplifies geometry definition and allows
easier detection of variables when checking the
'Anonymous. 1980. System 7320 Programming Manual. Allen-
program against a blueprint. The variable names in
Bradley, Cleveland, Ohio. figure 5 are assigned a s WL1 (horizontal line I), C1
%n end-of-block (EOB) flag is required a t end of each statement (circle I), and VLI (vertical line I). Statements
block. frequently contain a major word preceding a slash
ZERO 0:s
I 1 L

1:0 1.5 2:0 2.5


3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0



Figure 4.-Tool path movement by linear interpolation. (Drawing courtesy Allen Bradley Corp.).

( i )followed by minor information. The program termed "machining centers," being capable of such
statements to move the tool along the path shown additional woodworking operations a s shaping,
are: boring, drilling, carving, engraving, and dadoing.
1 GOLFT/HLl, TANTO, C1 By using specialized heads that can be positioned
and actuated automatically, it is also possible to
2 GOFWD/Cl, TANTO, VL1 drive screws, insert dowels, paint, stamp, saw, a n d
Line 1 means that, based on the previous move, go A wide variety of parts can be made with CNC
left along HL1, and stop where HLl is tangent to routers or "rnachining centers". Included are
C1. Line 2 instructs the controller to continue in a gunstock checkering (the cross hatched shallow
forward direction along C l and stop where C1 is groove pattern on butts and forearms), kitchen
tangent to VL1. As with manual programming, the cabinet and furniture parts, guitar blanks. picture
completed program is stored on punched tape or frames, and tool cases. Figure 7 illustrates some
magnetic media. typical parts and attests to the complexity of
Through use of a digitizing graphics tablet (fig. 6), pattern attainable with computer numerical
part program data can also be input to the control.
controller. The shape of the desired part is first CNC routers are most frequently controlled in 2 or
drawn on paper and attached to the table. The 3 axes (fig. 8). Axes 1 and 2 define the relative
outline of the part is traced with a hand-held sensor position of the tool to the work in the horizontal x-y
equipped with a cross-hair cursor. Microprocessors plane, while axis 3 establishes the up and down
in the interface circuitry automatically digitize the movement of the tool in the z plane. In some
x-y coordinates for subsequent processing to machines, additional control axes are provided to
machine ready tape. Operation command insertion,
editing, program review, curve smoothing, and
cutter diameter compensation are activated with
appropriate codes a t a CRTlkeyboard module.
Many manufacturers of CNC woodworking
machines provide in-house programming facilities 1 previous move
for users preferring to contract some or all of their
programming needs.


Routers I HLI
Routers, the most widely used computer
numerically controlled machines in woodworking, Figure 5.-Simpk motion with variables labeled for program-
are available in a range of configurations from a ming bgesAPT. (Drawing courtesy Allen Bradley
number of manufacturers. Some CNC routers are Corp.).
Figure 6.- Undimensioned shapes are traced on a digitirrng tablet to autumatically produce machine ready part program tape. Center
front - Table and cursor. Center rear - Microprocessor znterface. Left - Termma1 computer. Right - Tape reader!punch.
(Photo courtesy Ekstrom, Carlson & Co.).

Figure 7.-Typical parts manufactured with a CNC router.

rotate the tool holder about the vertical x-axis and to operated routers with or without floating heads.
tilt the tool in the vertical plane. Some manufacrturers equip large routers with
The method of obtaining relative motion between single or multiple turret heads each containing up
the tool and the work differs between machines and to six spindles.
manufacturers, In some machines, the worktable Because manufacturers usually offer a wide
moves unidirectionally in the x-y plane beneath q range of options designed to meet specific user
stationary spindle. In others, the table moves along needs, it is difficult to describe the machines in
the x-axis and the spindle along the y-axis; still depth. The following discussion is instead intended
others move the cutkrhead in the x-y plane over a to provide the reader with summary information on
stationary table. Although some tables have T- a few of the many types of currently available CNC
slots, the flat workpiece table may be drilled to roubrs.
mount positioning fixtures a n d clamps. A A Z-axis x-y moving table router with the
programmable vacuum chuck is also frequently numerical control (left) housed in a free standing
attached to the table. Such chucks hold thin cabinet is shown in figure 9. The 24 x 36-inch usable
workpieces flat, with clamping forces distributed stroke table is driven by a D.C. Servo system a t
over the entire work surface. rates from 0 to 400 inches per minute. In such two-
Machines are available with a single or multiple axes machines, the spindle is usually positioned
spindle cutting heads. Multiple spindle machines against adjustable stops to establish depth of cut.
allow simultaneous production of more than one Optional equipment allows the operator to select
part and numerous types of machining operations and program several depth stops through tape
with a single setup. Depending on user command functions.
requirements, auxiliary tools are sometimes added A continuous path, Z-axis, single spindle router
to individual spindles. Included are programmable with a fixed table and movable ram is illustrated in
high speed air operated drills and additional air figure 10. The fixed table/moving ram design is
claimed to improve productivity a s parts can be
machined on one end of the table while completed
parts are unloaded and new blanks loaded on the
other. Measuring 24 inches wide by 72 inches long
the table may be hand lowered 14 inches below the
spindle. The computer controlled moving ram can
position the cutting tool a t any location over the
entire table surface. Feed speeds of the moving ram
SPINDLE are computer controlled through pulse width
modulated DC servo motors and can be varied from
0 to 600 inches per minute in 0.001-inch increments.
The feed rate of the computer activated spindle is
manually set. The spindle is belt driven by a 15 hp
motor a t 11,500 or 23,000 rpm and electrical
dynamic braking is provided,
Figure I1 illustrates a typical 3-axes continuous
path, single spindle CNC router with moving x-y
table designed for high speed routing and light
shaping. The table which rides on case hardened
ball shafts a n d bushings, is driven by high
performance, closed loop, DC servo motors coupled
to double lead, lead screws. The mist-lubricated
spindle is belt driven by a 5 hp, 180013600 rprn
motor with switch selectable spindle speeds of
10,000 and 20,000 rpm. The 1-314-inch thick, T-
slotted aluminum table measures 25-inch by 4 1-inch
and has a usable movement of 22 inches in the y-
axis and 38 inches in the x-axis. Feed speeds are
programmable from 0 to 600 inches per minute with
a rapid traverse rate of 800 inches per minute. A
chip exhaust system surrounds the cutting tool.
A 3-axis, continuous path CNC router of bridge
Figure 8.-Motion o f control axes relatiue to the tool for CNC type construction with moving carriage and single
routers. router head trav21ing in the y-axis and the router
Figure 9.-A Z-axis, molting table NC router with electrically selectable spindle speeds o f 10,000 and 20,000
rpm. Part program storage is available to 360 feet o f tape which can be read at 200 characters per
second. (Photo courtesy Danly Machine Corporation-Onsrud Division).

Figure 10.-A Z-axis NC router with stationary t a b k and moving ram for heavy d u t y shaping, routing, and
contouring. The numvrrcal control with operator's console and CRT display are machine
mountcd. (Photo courtesy Ekstrom, Carlson & Co.).
Figure 11.-A 3-axis, single spindle, movable table CNC contouring router. (Photo courtesy C. 0. Porter
Machinery Co.1.

table traveling in the x-axis is shown in figure 12. figure 14. The turret rotates about its axis, moving
Machines of bridge-type design are useful for vertically i n the z-direction. Gunstocks in jigs are
routing large panels; with some capable of attached to the movable table which traverses the
accepting material a s large a s 5 by 10 feet. In the x-y axes.
router shown, the spindle is directly driven by a 6.5 Illustrated in figure 15 is a computer numerically
hp motor a t spindle speeds of 10,000 or 18,000 rpm. controlled machining center. The machine is
Up and down z-axis spindle feed is computer equipped with a 4-spindle turret type routing head,
controlled between 0 and 200 inches per minute. X two horizontal circular saws for crosscutting and
and y table feed speed in both linear and circular ripping, two horizontal boring spindles, a n d a
interpolation is controlled between 0 and 600 inches vertical boring spindle.
per minute. Both router head and table are powered
by DC closed loop Servo motors and driven by Boring
rolling ball screws and preloaded ball nuts.
Figure 13 shows another 3-axes bridge type router Figure 16 shows a computer numerically
with a stationary table. In this design, two controlled machine for boring, drilling, and routing
independently programmable tool carriages, each holes in the face of flat panels. The unit replaces
having two directly driven routing heads and two several specialized machines a s cutters of different
air powered boring spindles, traverse the bridge in types and diameters can be chucked in multiple
the x-axis. The entire bridge in turn traverses the spindles, properly positioned, and individually
work i n the y-axis direction. The router shown uses activated.
a simplified, self-contained, solid-state controller The machine frame is of welded construction and
with editing capability. No external tape readers incorporates a vibration damping system. Two
are used. parallel circular guideways with serrated tops are
A 6-spindle-turret type CNC router especially fixed to the frame and transfer thrust forces from
designed for machining gunstocks is shown in cutters to machine body. The tool unit assembly
Figure 12.-A 3 oxis nurn(~rrcaiiycontroiied h r ~ d g rt.ypr router urzth rnotJrnytable and rnoulng head. (Photo
courttlsy C'. 0. Por:c.r Machtnery C'o./.

Figure 13.-A bridge-type NC router wrth stationary table. A hand-held calculator type module (center o f
machine) is used to program machine operation. (Photo courtesy Thermwood ~MachrnrryMfg.
Co., Inc.1.
Figure 14.-Heavy duty moving tablt~router w ~ t h6 sprndli turret hrad. iPhoto rourtcsy Htpran Iron Works, Ltd.)

Figure 15.-Complex moving table machining center n~places6 separate woodworking rnachlnes. (Photo courtesy Heian Iron Works.
f s
Figure 16.-Computer numerically controlled machiningcenter for boring, drilling and routing holes i n furniture panels of varying size.
(Photo courtesy INCOR INCORPORA TEL)I.

consists of a pilot carriage for x-axis longitudinal single hydraulic motor (spindle speeds are variable
motion, tool carrier for y-axis transverse motion, from 800 to 6,000 rpm). Each spindle operates
and tool holder. Both pilot carriage and tool carrier independently, with tool stroke, return rate, and
are independently powered by hydraulic motors. spindle speed determined for each cycle and
Positioning speed is variable from 0 to 500 mmisec workpiece position by data commands from the
(0-20 inisec) and with a n accuracy of t 0.1 mm (2 CNC unit, The spindles have quick-change collet
0.004 inch). chucks for rapid (less than 6 seconds) replacement
The pilot carriage is supported by eight of cutters.
pretensioned castors (four on each side) aligned An adjustable, hydraulically powered workpiece
radially to the longitudinal axis of the guideway. transport and clamping system is located in the
Power is transmitted to the guideway by a shaft center of the machine frame. The mechanism can
within a protective tube connecting the two sections accommodate panels 200 to 800 mm (7.9 to 31.5
of the tool carriage. The tube also serves a s a inches) wide a n d 14-20 rnrn (0.55-0.79 in) thick.
guideway for the tool carrier, which is moved by a Clamping gibs along the length of the transport
r o t a t i n g ball spindle s h a f t . Unidirectional chain assure positive holddown during boring.
movement of pilot carriage and tool carrier properly Once the holes are bored, the stop is retracted and
position the bits over the work. the work ejected by advancing the transport chain.
The tool carrier (fig. 17) i s equipped with eight All operations of the transport system are under
gear-driven ball bearing spindles powered by a computer control.
Carving front to rear table movement (y-axis). Traverse
speed along the y-axis is variable from 0 to 2
Carvings for furniture and other uses are meterslmin (0 to 6.6 ftlmin). Z-axis motion which is
conventionally produced in quantity on multiple- independent of the table, moves the upper bridge
spindle carving machines. The process requires a with attached cutterheads vertically. The z-axis
skilled, highly paid, a n d increasingly difficult to position is determined by a n electromechanieaI
obtain operator to move a blunt follower over the stylus (fig. 19)in contact with a master pattern t h a t
entire surface of a master pattern, thus causing a translates the contours in its path along the y-axis
g a n g of motor-driven cutterheads to duplicate the i n t o movement a l o n g the z-axis. Z-axis
contours of the master on multiple workpieces. A 4- displacement together with y-axis movement
axis computer controlled carving machine that produces a two-dimensional profile the width of the
duplicates the human skills needed for this craft is cutter. A fourth axis (r-axis)rotates a t the end of a y-
available (fig. 18).It is designed to carve either flat axis movement and is used to carve round three-
two dimensional (base relief or intaglio) objects or dimensional objects. A11 axes are driven by DC-
fully sculptured three dimensional structures. servo motors.
A heavy base provides a rigid foundation for the When carving, the direction of y-axis motion is
workpiece table and upper bridge. A left to right reversed according to geometry of the workpiece.
horizontal table motion (x-axis) moves the There may be areas where y-axis movement is the
workpiece incrementally a t the completion of the exact length of the part and reversal occurs a t the

Figure 17.-Multiple spindles can chuck a variety of cutting tools, each under computer control. (Photo courtesy INCOR
Figure 18.-CNC carving rnachrrzt~producr~su p tc:, 36 carurngs s~multancjously.A. M a c h ~ n rbase. H.Feedhed. C. Cutter-
head and motor drruc~.11. Il'raccr control. E. Cbntroller a n d power supply for U C seruo-drrc~cjs,iPhoto
courtesy H. Kolc-hrnhachc.r < ; M H H j .

extreme ends. However, reversal may also take Special machine compensation results in mating
place in a small area for special operations or where parts t h a t fit together with zero tolerance. Cabinet
no carving is required. Coordinates needed to door tracery can also be produced by lasers a t less
designate up to 400 such areas are stored in a cost t h a n a n y other method. Die cutting such parts
lrogrammable controller. 'Fhz controller also leaves rough edges which require sanding and
iLiittatesincremental movement in either the x-axis routers cannot produce the required corners.
c>rr-axis whenever y-axis motion changes direction Computer controlled laser profilers are also
and sets the feed speed in the y-axis. A11 d a t a may be extensively used to prepare steel-rule die blocks for
stored on magnetic tape for future use. cutting a n d i o r creasing paper, gaskets, and cloth
Fine detail can be obtained in a "pencil" mode (fig. 20).
whereby the machine operates a s a servo-assisted In these machines the conventional cutting tool is
hand carver. The operator grips the x-axis stylus replaced by a coherent, beam of radiation from a
a n d by maintaining contact with the model, causes carbon dioxide laser. Focused to a small diameter
the machine to move along a selected path. spot (0.004 to 0.020-inch),the beam's power density
A computer controlled, 4-axis attachment that a t the focal point is sufficient to rapidly vaporize
c o n v e r t s e x i s t i n g multiple s p i n d l e c a r v i n g wood with little thermal distortion (fig. 21).
machines to automatic operation is a recent Laser profilers create no sawdust and cut with a
development. Coordinate data are stored on small kerf (about 0.015-inch).No reaction forces are
magnetic tape by hand tracing the master pattern. exerted on the work and hold-down systems are
When the d a t a are subsequently output, the frequently not needed. Cut surfaces are smooth but
machines axes automatically position to reproduce moderately charred. The upper edge of the cut part
the pattern. The operator need only load parts and may be somewhat darkened, but the natural color of
change cutters; the control detects malfunctions, the wood c a n be restored by bleaching or sanding.
stops, a n d signals the operator. An editing In m a n y applications, the darkened edge is left a s
capability permits mirror imaging (reverse part of the finishing appearance. There is no tool
carving), axis offsets (pattern shift), and repetitive wear in the conventional sense, and noise is
pattern operation. minimal.
Custom designed to user specification, laser.
Laser Profiling
profiles vary greatly in degree of sophistication,
Numerically controlled laser profilers have operating characteristics, and cost. One such
recently been developed to cut intricate profiles a n d configuration is shown in figure 22. The large
complex patterns in wood and veneer for furniture console to the right of the laser service c011soIe (fig.
parts. Inlay a n d marquetry, for example, can be 22-G) contains the numerical control equipment
laser cut from stacks of mixed species veneers. (fig. 22-H). The workpiece table (fig. 22-C) is
Figure 19.- Tracer for serto-control of 2-axls contour rs located in center of photograph orwr masterpattern. Cart lt7R
h t ~ a d son ertht>rsldc~art. directly dr~rrt.rz at 12,000 or 18,000 rprn b y I-hp motors. (Photo courtvs? H
Retcherzbachc~rG M B H ) .

electrically driven in the x-y plane b y orthogonally laser. Cutting speeds vary from a few inches per
opposed lead screws (fig. 22-E) on precision ways. minute to a s high a s 14 feet per minute, depending
The workpiece (fig. 22-I;') is supportc3ti b y 21 scries of' on laser output power, the type a n d thickness of
s q u a r e steel r o d s which a l s o protect t h e material being cut, a n d other factors.
undersurt':tce from reflected 1ast.r radi;ition. Smoke
a n d other by-products of' the c clttlllg process arc
vented through a n exhaust sjlsten? (f'ig. 22-11,.
A single mirror deflects the beam from the optical
resonator (fig. 22-A) downward through the
focusing lense a n d gas-jet assembly (fig. 22-B)in the
configuration of a router. Different cutting heads
a n d focusing optics which yield different kerf width
a r e attainable. A protective metal hood normally
shields the cutting area from stray laser radiation.
The program tape is loaded into the reader a t the
front of the numerical control. Information is
automatically read a n d translated into electrical
signals which drive the table in the x-y plane along
the preprogrammed path to cut the dcsired part. All
cutting operations are controlled directly from the
tape including attenuation of the laser for those
times when no cutting is required. With some iaser
profilers, the workpiece is held stationary a n d the
laser moved i n the x-y plane; in others, both the
table a n d the laser move unidirectionally.
Figure 20.-Pattern o f 1ast.r-cut kerf slots t n stetif ruitj dcc>hfock
Most profifers operating in the United States are
o f 314-tnLh birch plytc ood. W t h stc>t*irules ~ n s f ~ r t c + a
equipped with lasers of 250-500 watts output power. t n the kerf slots, the die. rs used to cut a n d crrast
Energy costs a m o a n t to about $1.00 per hour of stock for a cardhoard box (I'hoto courttJsyNrttrsh
operating time including gases consumed by the Oxy&gn Co.1.
to the infeed rolls (fig, 24-A) by fork truck. Each
panel is vacuurn lifted and loaded into a n
accumulator area (fig, 24-B) to build a book of
material up to three inches thick. The book is then
squared, advanced, a n d positioned for a traveling
rip saw to cut all boards lengthwise (fig. 23-B a n d
fig. 24-C). The lengthwise rip operation may be
repeated several times to produce stacks of panels of
varying width.
The cut strip (fig. 24-D) then advances on a n
infeed chain (fig. 23-A), passing through up to nine
numerically controlled crosscut saws (fig. 23-C a n d
fig. 24-E). All saws m a y be rapidly positioned on a
crossbeam to yield panels of varying dimension.
The cutting pattern may be repeated on the next
strip or it may be changed. Some examples of
possible cutting patterns are shown in figure 24-F.
Parts are then conveyed from the crosscut s a w s
and routed to appropriate conveyors for automatic

Injection Bonding
Figure 25 illustrates a machine designed to join
the four sides and back panel of a cabinet by using
rnolten polyamide plastic instead of conventional
dowels a n d glue. In this relatively new process, the
five panels are firmly held in the proper position
while plastic is injected under high pressure into
pre-cut hollow corner joints. The molten plastic fills
Figure 21.-Cross-cutttng a one-lnch thtck soutttr>rnprnt. hoard the cavities, penetrating the porous wood surface
ic.tth (I 200 i i ~ z flastlr.
f A c'oaxtal jet o f conzprtjsscd alr and setting rapidly to form a strong joint. The
ic-lthtn the cuttirtg /hepad rtlrnorlrjs rlapors and dchris
production cycle time, from introduction of parts to
from ti10 cut r t l g l o n . (Photo courtt7sy British O.\.>~g(~tz
C'0.i. finished cabinet, is about 45 seconds a s compared to
several minutes using the conventional method.
Corner units, which move along a serrated tie-rod
system, form a variable dimension jig for clamping
Panel Sizing cabinet panels of a n y size. Hydraulic motors
attached to the tie-rods are used between set-ups to
Panel sizing machines are used to produce rapidly vary the dimension between corner units i n
variable-sized panels for furniture and cabinet three planes a s follows:
components from plywood, particleboard or
fiberboard sheets in a single pass. Such machines Horizontal length 200-2200 mm (8-87 inches)
are most frequently used in operations that cut more Horizontal width 325-750 mm (13-30 inches)
t h a n 20,000 square feet of full sheets per d a y into a Vertical height 290-1200mm (11-47inches)
wide range of sizes and where cutting patterns
change more t h a n five to 10 times a shift. Computer Movement occurs simultaneously in each axis a t a
control permits storage and recall of pattern rate of 2 inches per second.
information, cutting dimensions a n d machine logic The four corner units contain suction pads which
functions, thus substantially reducing setup time. are used during clamping to accurately hold parts
Typically, conventional equipment requires 30 to 50 in line with corner guides and stops. Each of four
percent of production time to setup; numerically leadscrew injection heads meter plastic granules to
controlled machines require less t h a n 5 percent. melting tubes. The molten material is then extruded
Figure 23 shows one type of computer controlled through a n orifice into the panel corner joint, with
panel sizing machine. A schematic drawing of the each injection unit supplying a quantity of plastic
major machine components a n d the material flow proportional to the length of the joint. Once the
pattern is given in figure 24. In this machine, full molten plastic h a s set, clamping forces are released,
size stacked panels (4 x 8 ft. to 5 x 16 ft.) are brought stops a r e retraced, a n d a chain operated removal
Figure 22.-Laser profiler cuts steel rule dies and furntture parts. A. Laser resonator. B. Opttcs and g a s jet
C. Workplece table. D Exhaust duct. E. Servo-motor a n d driut. screw. F. Workplece. G. Laser
control panel. H. Computer nurnerrcal control, ( P h o t o courtesy Coherent, Laser L ) ~ U I S ~ O I Z I

system withdraws the assembled cabinet from the of common edge cuts. Two systems using different
jig work area onto a conveyor. cutting tools are in current use.
A control unit and operator's console contain Impingement jet type cutters use a high velociti-.
electronic equipment to automatically initiate narrow diameter jet of water to sever the fabric.
operational sequences and dimension distances Such jets require a n especially designed fluid
between corner units. Jig dimensions cannot be intensifier t h a t generates continuous water
operator programmed in this machine. Rather, the pressures of about 50,000 psig. A typical unit (fig.
controller uses a hardwired program specified by 26), consists of a reversible-flow low pressure
the user. Special keys on the operator's console are hydraulic pump coupled to a double-acting piston
used to select combinations of s t a n d a r d and cylinder. Two smaller diameter high pressure
dimensions. The program normally provides for 20 plungers are axially attached to the low pressure
different dimensions in horizontal length, 12 in piston to generate the working water pressure in the
horizontal width, and six in vertical height. The small cylinder. A high pressure accurnIator located
program can be subsequently modified to accept between the intensifikr and the jet minimizes
other dimensional set-ups. pressure fluctuations during piston reversal. The jet
consumes about 60 gallons of water per operating
Upholstery Cutting hour. Because layers of fabric are usually stacked
for cutting, it is essential that the jet remain
Upholstery fabric for furniture accounts for 25 to coherent over distances up to five inches. While
35 percent of the manufacturer's selling price. addition of low molecular weight polymers to the jet
Computer controlled fabric cutters achieve have proven useful, cheixicals may stain fabrics
substantial material savings through efficient and nozzle design is critical. Typically, nozzles are
placement of patterns on the fabric lay and the use made from syhthetic sapphire mounted in brass.
Figure 23.-Numerically controlled c h a m feed cut-to-size machine showing (riglzt to left) traveling rip saw,
znfeed cham heam assernblit~sand numerzcally controlled h ydraul~callyadjustable cross cut
saws. (Photo courtesy Mereerz-Johnson Machine Company).

Orifice diameters range from 50 to 350 pm and have 1,000 different upholstered units. Using ancillary
a conical entry point to a cylindrical throat-The software programs, the operator can retrieve such
operating life of such nozzles ranges from 250 to 500 information a s lineal inches of pattern cut or lineal
hours. yards of fabric needed. Costs can thus be evaluated
\Yhile water jet cutters can be controlled through while initial patterns are being cut.
a variety of input methods, a typical system Figure 28 shows a water jet pattern cutting
consists of a minicomputer, pattern digitizer, machine. Operator controls are positioned a t the
operator's terminal/ printer, and graphics display f r o n t of t h e m a c h i n e ; t h e computer a n d
console. terminal/printer are located to the right. Uncut
Irregularly shaped parts are described to the fabric is stored on large rolls to the rear of the
computer using a large digitizing table. I t is only machine. On command, material is fed from the
necessary to trace half if parts are symmetrical, a s rolls onto a fabric cutting bed located in the center of
software programs can automatically create the the machine. The jet nozzle is attached to a
remaining portion of the outline. For square or crossbeam with flexible high pressure hose and
rectangular pieces, dimensional data can be input moves along the beam; the crossbeam moves in a
a t the operator's console without digitizing the direction perpendicular to that of the jet. Extending
outline. Other operational parameters, such a s the width of the machine and parallel to the
s t a r t i n g point position a n d jet a c t i v a t i o n crossbeam is a trough embedded between rollers in
sequencing, are programmed with special keys or a fabric bed. It follows the movement of the
commands. crossbeam a n d collects water ejected from the
Patterns are next displayed on a graphics underside of the fabric lay.
terminal, (fig. 27), where the operator can rotate, When activated by the operator, the jet is
move a n d position parts to obtain common cutting positioned a t the starting point and energized. The
edges. E r r o r t r a p p i n g software prevents crossbeam a n d jet then move unidirectionally in the
o v e r l a p p i n g . T h e operator c a n a l s o a l t e r x-y plane under computer control to yield the
dimensions or retrieve standard patterns from a n p r e p r o g r a m m e d p a t t e r n s . C u t t i n g speed i s
inventory of stored pattern data. computer controlled and varies, depending on the
Digitized d a t a are stored on magnetic disks which material being processed. Cutting forces are
can contain pattern information for as many a s directed downward, so there is little fabric slippage
Figure 24.-Schematic drawing o f a panel sizing machine. A. Panel m a t e r ~ aand
l ~ n f ~ rolls.
e d L3. Accumulator
area. C. Trauebrzg rrlp sau: assembly. L). Panel material after rlpplng. E. Numerrcally controlled
cross-cut saw assernbl~es.I;. Klpped and cross-cut panel parts. (Uraw~rtgcourtclsy Mc~rrerz-
Johnson Machrlne Cornparty).

and dimensional accuracy is maintained. Because As with water jets, full scale pattern outlines are
the jet is of small diameter, very sharp or curved digitized on a large graphics table via a cross-hair
corners can be generated with equal ease. cursor. Special keys on the cursor provide for
While primarily designed to cut apparel fabrics, ancillary instructions, such a s start-stop, speed up,
water jets can also cut other types of materials, such slow down, etc. The resulting data and instructions
a s paperboard, veneer, and medium density are then encoded on punched tape or magnetic disks
fiberboard. It seems likely that they will find use in which drive the cutter control.
the furniture industry for certain types of specialty Figure 30 shows a cutting machine with a lay of
cuts. partially cut fabric. The layup table measures 60
The second type of upholstery cutter employs a feet long by 72 inches wide and contains hinged
reciprocating knife to cut the fabric (fig. 29). The sections of closely packed plastic bristles fused in a
blade h a s a tungsten carbid2 tip while the shank rubber base to create a continuous conveyor. The
and edge are of high speed steel. Such blades, which bristles form a rigid surface to support the fabric
cost about $150, can be sharpened about 35 times and permit the-&nife to penetrate about 3/8-inch
before discarding. through the lay. A vacuum applied through the
Figure 25.---ln~c~cttorz
hondtng rnach~f?e a u t o m a t ~ c a l l produces
y 5-stded c a b ~ n e t os f rlarying drmt1nsrons usrrlg
a plastrc jolnt. (Photo INC'OK INC'OKPOKA TED).




Figure 26.-Typrcal dcls~grto f a tnfo-stagehydraulic intc~nsifierused i n u9aterjet cutttrzg.

Figure 27.-Pattern pieces are displayed o n a graphics terminal where they are computer
positioned for optimum rnater~alsutilization. (Photo courtesy CAMSCO).

bristles compresses and holds the fabric in place. to lift out of the lay, turn to a new direction, re-enter
Special suction gates in the area of the cut apply a n the lay and continue cutting. After all patterns have
additional holding pressure. To attain full holding been cut, the bristle bed conveyor is again activated
efficiency, a disposable one-mil polyethylene sheet to remove pattern pieces and waste, while
is sometimes placed cver the fabric lay. simultaneously feeding a new lay for cutting.
The reciprocating knife and special devices for
hole drilling and notching are affixed to a crossarm Foam Contour Cutting
extending the width of the layup bed (center A numerically controlled contour cutting
structure in fig. 30). The cutting assembly is machine used to shape flexible polyurethane foam
computer driven across the beam while the beam components for furniture padding is shown in
itself traverses the length of the table. figure 31. The machine cuts with a narrow diameter
Fabrics are conveyed to the cutting table from endless wire driven by four pulleys a t a velocity of
large storage rolls to the left of the cutter. The lay 90 m/sec (295 ftlsec). The pulleys, located within
may be of mixed fabric types up to 4-1/4-inches the top and bottom of the upright columns, tension
thick. Cutting occurs on command in a sequence of the wire which does not require guides over its
operations. First, holes are drilled for button working width. The work table and vacuum chuck
tufting. The cutting head assembly then returns to move on ways to provide x-axis disrtlacement, while
the starting point and cutting is performed a s the wire and pulleys move up and down for y-axis
preprogrammed. At assigned positions, a notching control. Cutting speeds of 1 to 5 mlsec (3.3 to 16.4
fixture automatically descends and cuts through ft/sec) can be achieved depending on material and
the lay. For sharp corners, the knife is programmed shape.
Figure 28.-A computer control1c.d ~ l a t elet
r fahrtc cutt~rzgmachine. The cuttrng bed I S located
in thc cc.ntclr area uitth fabric fcc>d rolls a t rear. (Photo courtesy CAMSCOJ

The operating system is equipped with a digitizer

for producing part programs on magnetic tape. The
digitizer accepts components up to 840 mm square
(33.1inches square) a t a magnification ratio of 1 : 1;
larger components can be digitized a t a ratio 1 : 2.5.
The system automatically compensates for
magnification to yield parts of the correct size.


Tasks performed by computers are complex and

varied. They serve a s automated economists,
a c c o u n t a n t s , a n d c o n s u l t a n t s by s t o r i n g ,
retrieving, and processing staggering amounts of
information. They can recognize and synthesize
human speech, provide malfunction diagnostics,
a n d undertake automatic repair. Computer
perception by visual, tactile, audible, thermal, and
chemical means is rapidly expanding. The concept
of computer-aided-manufacturing (CAM) is a major
innovation. Such computer systems facilitate the
design, production, and inspection of products in a
single automated process.
When producing parts for furniture in the
conventional way, hardwood logs are first sawn
into different lumber grades with defects randomly
located throughout the board. The defective lumber
is then remanufactured into smaller parts a n d the
Figure 29.-Cutting knife is mounted i n a n electro-mechanical
defects removed b y ripping and cross cutting. The reciprocating holder and guided th rough fabric b y
process is labor intensive, and saw kerf losses alone computer control. (Photo courtesy Gerber Garment
waste substantial volumes of valuable lumber. Technology).
Ftgure 30.-Computer controlled rec~procatrngkizifi) typrj fabrrc cutter shou%inga lay o f rnatertal u ~ t pattern
h pteces and residue
dlspla yed. (Photo courtesy Gerher Garnzctrt t Ifi~chnology).

Consider now a n automated lumber processing

system (ALPS) producing the s a m e parts.
Hardwood logs enter the process stream and are
scanned by computerized axial tomography (CAT)
to nondestructively locate internal knots a n d
establish log geometry. Figure 32 shows a
tomograph of the interior of a southern pine log; no
crosscut w a s made. Clearly visible in the
tomograph is a knot located a t the lower left
periphery and two areas of annual ring deviation
near knots. A series of such tomographs results in a
three-dimensional image of the entire log.
Using information developed by the log defect
detection algorithm, a second computer program
determines the log positions needed to maximize
grade or value yield. The program automatically
positions a n d turns the log a s needed, activates the
log dogs and carriage stroke, a n d sets feed speeds.
an^ boards, however,. will still contain defects Figure 3 1 . - ~ ~ l foam
~ ~ is~cut~ forfurniturrpadding
t h ~ ~ ~ with
(i-e., knots, wane, stain, worm holes, checks), which a n endless wire. (Photo courtesy Baumrr o f
must be removed. A m e r i m n 1nc.i.
Figure 32.- Tornograph of the interior of a log. In the contemplated process, no uisual image
would be needed a s defect data for successive slices along the log axis would be
stored and manzpu!zted :a numerical arrays b y the computer.
After drying and light surfacing, defective boards
are scanned on both surfaces by optical image Tomography and optical scanning techniques
analysis methods. Complex textural and pattern are emerging a s practical industrial inspection
recognition programs permit the computer to methods but new approaches need to be developed
identify defects and provide coordinate data on a n d tested for a material a s variable a s wood.
their location; the data, specific to each board, is Computer programs for determining optimum yield
stored in numerical arrays. The envisioned system of specified size pieces from variable size boards
uses the image-derived defect data to compute a n having randomly located defects have been written
optimum cutting pattern for each board, thus and used for yield data. These programs need to be
yielding the maximum number of parts based on a modified and rewritten specifically for this process
given furniture cutting bill, so a s to give guidance to numerically controlled
Parts are cut from the board using a numerically cutting equipment. High power lasers that cut one-
controlled high-power laser directed by the inch thick wood in excess of 50 feet per minute are
computer derived optimum cutting pattern. already available, but the equipment must be
Advantages of laser cutting are numerous. Most creatively coupled to the system.
important to this process is the small kerf While additional research and development is
(approximately 0.015-inch) and the ability to start clearly indicated, the key elements seem available
and stop cutting a t any location. for integration into the proposed system. Such a n
Lastly, parts are optically scanned for quality a u t o m a k d mill is a radical departure from current
and sorted by size by a computer controlled practice, but the future competitive nature of the
manipulator. Residue material is chipped and used wood f u r n i t u r e i n d u s t r y m a y depend o n
a s fuel. innovations such a s this.
McMillin, C.W. Computer numerical control of woodwork-
ing machines in secondary manufacture. Gen. Tech. Rep.
SO-42. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station; 1983.

The function and operation of computer numerical con-

trollers is summarized and a number of computer contro!led
machines used in secondary manufacture are described and


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