Big History 2 Case Analysis

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Agriculture and Globalization: An Analysis of the Filipino Life

 Unlike in other countries where agricultural workers are treasured by governments,

agricultural workers in the Philippines are treated harshly because they are people
1. Why do Filipino that advantages of them and the government does not provide them with the full
agricultural benefits that they deserve, which is why their fruit of labor is not enough to survive
workers remain among them if they are not going to loan in the bank. Other reason of our agricultural
the poorest and most farmers stay poor in their lifetime is because the government focus on import than
disadvantaged groups its local goods and according to my experience some of the government official put
in our society? the financial assistance of the workers into their pocket.

Yes, it escalated the concern of the Philippine agriculture sector, but it only lasted a
2. Did the GLOBAL
few months due to the food crisis that people experienced in the early stages of the
health crisis, CoVid-19,
epidemic that is needed to be address as quick as possible because it is a matter of
escalated the concerns
life and death situation for many Filipinos that time, but later that year the worst
of the Philippine
fear of the agricultural worker has come again because the government of the
agriculture sector?
Philippines opens its ways more on importing goods than securing the local supply
Explain your answer.
stable and at the same time profitable for agricultural workers.

3. What does this

mean: “the intensified
liberalization of  Yes, the removal of price and market controls makes way to take advantage to
agriculture only resulted those who are in agricultural sector because majority of farmers do not own their
in greater burdens for land that they are working with. Due to this liberazation in agricultural sector the
the farmers to bear. basic agriculture commodities such as seeds, fertilizers, etc. drastically increase to
Instead of empowering point where laborer cannot afford. Apart from that huge quantities of cheap rice in
them, it only heightened the local market supplied by the local farmers to plummet as the importation begin
their vulnerability...” Do its way in the Philippine market many farmers into life of dept and poverty.
you agree on it? Why
or why not?

If you are the president  If I were the president of the country or the secretary of the Department of
of the country or the Agriculture the first thing I do to help the workers under my sector is that there will
be new benefits for them to receive even though they are not experiencing crisis
because these way they strive harder to do their job as a result the economy of the
Philippines might rise after a long period of time of being on the buttom because of
the people who priority their interest instead of the people that put them into
power. As a president of the country or the secretary of the department of
secretary of the agriculture I will address the public that the Philippines will be focusing more on
Department of exporting its goods than importing from the other country with this It will make a
Agriculture, what will domino effect that will help not only the local market consumers but also the
you do to help the agriculture laborer and other sector of the Philippine government.
farmers have better

As a Big Historian and an Angelite, I commit to spread knowledge and only the truth
My Commitment: about our past and strive harder to become a responsible citizen.

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