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Eumind Interview Setup Form 2

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EUMIND Interview Setup Form

Project: Topic: hospitality

1. Method of preparation

Interviewer: Frederique van Mierlo /Evie Vrijbergen

Photographer: X does not apply, no permission
Interviewee: Anke van Stokkum en Walijne Weissman
Organization: KLM and ROC Mondriaan International Hotel &
Management school
Date of the interview: 22 november 2022
Time: 13:45/15:00
Address: Laan van haagvliet 23
Thank you: Sweets
Information website: For ROC Mondriaan the website was more focused on
students. On the KLM website you could find a little bit
about working at KLM but not a lot. Mostly it was created
for people who want to travel with KLM.

Did both of the interviewees give permission to:

Mention their name and age: Yes
Take photographs /video of them: No
Take photographs of their organization: Yes
Record the interview: No
Position in the organization: Walijne is a teacher and an employee. Anke is a flight
attendent, so also an employee.

2. General questions

General questions Walijne Weissman Anke van Stokkum

(…) (48)
Work location International hotel KLM and on an
and airplane
Conditions & safety She teaches all kinds Has to know what to
of classes so there do in asituation
are no specific where the
safety precautions passengers or the
crew can get hurt
Working hours Depends on the Depends on the
school day length of the fight,
influenced by the
Time to eat/lunch During the time Does not really have
people normally lunch breaks just
have lunch, so eats on occasion
around noon
Time to eat/lunch During the time Does not really have
people normally lunch breaks just
have lunch eats on occasion

Organization Walijne Anke

Who founded it? Unknown Albert Plesman
Current owner? De heer Schutte Different
When and where The organization First location was
did the organization started out in the Plesmanweg 1 in
start operating? Hague The Hague in the
year 1919
Which services are It is a school with Scheduled flights
offered? educational and cargo flights
programs and
training in the forms
of hotel and
How does the There are open days World deal weeks,
organization attract at the school Commercials,
customer? Sponsoring and a
Professional website
Is there a policy to They try to not Yes there is, there is
make the waste as much food a possibility for CO2
organisation more as possible and try neutral flights
substainable? to make as many
meals on dishes
without too much
Who are the main Students Tourists

What is the societal To help the students To make sure that

relevance of the grow and become people arrive at
organization/job? better in the their destination
direction they want safely and they have
to head in focused to make sure the
on management and flight is as
hotels comfortable as
What attracts young They want to start A lot of people
people to apply for a learning how to would like to do this
job in this work in the catering job because you get
organization ? industry. Or they to travel a lot and
want to teach see a lot of
people how to work interesting locations
in the catering all around the
industry. world.
Is there a trainee You have to have There is a base class
program? worked in this with all the basics
industry to teach at you need to know.
this school and you Also every now and
need to have a then you have to do
certain degree. a test. It is called
flight safety. It is to
make sure you
understand the rules
and that you can be
a flight attendant
Does the Yes it does. I was Well here you do
organization offer there not that long not really have that
internships to young ago and a student because you always
people? If so, what told me that they go abroad and it is a
are the procedures? have internships in 1 different process
of their years where than other studies
they can go abroad. or educations.
And they go there
for a few
months/half a year.
3.Competence questions

 Main question: What competences are required for a person who has a responsible
task in the organization/profession?
 They both said knowledge. Knowledge is really important because you are required
to have knowledge to do something correctly. You have to know what you are doing
in order to do it right. It helps when you are doing things right because it makes you
look more professional. Teamwork is also an important theme. Everybody has to
know what part they play in doing in order to make everything go fluently. Everyone
has to do a little portion so that together all the portions make one big thing.
Empathy is a very important strength, again for both, you have to be able to place
yourself in the perspective of others and make people feel comfortable.
Responsibility is also necessary because someone has to be responsible for certain
actions and someone has to make sure everybody knows what to do. When you
make a mistake you have to own up to it and you have to try and fix it. That is also a
form of taking responsibilty.
4. Comparison

 What are the similarities and differences between the organizations of the
 Similarities: They both do something for people. Anke is for
transporting people and Walijne is there to teach people how to
become better in a certain aspect of the catering industry. So the
organizations are both focused on people.

 Difference: Anke is making sure they have a pleasant flight. Walijne is

really there to teach people something. One is a school the other one
is an airline company. So that makes one of the biggest differences:
Anke is operating in the air. Walijne works on the ground.

 What are the similarities and the differences between the positions/jobs of the
 Similarities: they both are about helping people. Walijne is helping
people by teaching them what they have to do when they serve in a
restaurant. Anke is making sure that people are safe and have a
pleasant flight. They are both trying to educate people on what to do.
 Difference: Walijne is trying to get people to graduate and finish
school. Anke is not trying to get people to a certain level. She is there
to make sure people are safe.

 What are the similarities and differences between the competences needed for a
person who has a responsible task for the organizations/professions?
 Similarities: There is a leader of the crew for both of the interviewees
when they have a shift. That person is in charge of everyone either on
the plane or in the school building.
 Difference: One is in a plane and need to know certain safety matters
for in the aircraft, the other does not.
 What are the similarities and differences between the organizations in terms of their
societal relevance and their sustainability policies?
 Similarities: They are there to educate and help people.
 Differences: one educates adolescents and the other educates adults
who are already finished with their studies and want to start a job in
the flight industry. Looking at the sustainability, aircrafts are the total
opposite of sustainable, but they try to compensate for it with
different campaignes. In the school they try to let less food go to
waste and try to incorporate scraps in their meals.

 How do organization serve its target/customers/clients?:
They work together to make its target/customer/clients feel
comfortable and safe. An organization may attract active
consumers and clients by actively marketing to its target
market. Marketing communications to the target audience may
bring repeat business and foster brand loyalty. Additionally,
this may result in higher brand awareness, trust, and sales.
 What is the organizations relevance to society?:
The sustainability of KLM speaks for itself. Through innovation
and responsible choices, KLM is accepting its duty to society
while making a valuable contribution. KLM maintains a
constant dialogue with stakeholders at a variety of levels and
in a regional, national and international context.
 What are the most important competences future
employees/people working in the organization/professions?:
Knowledge is important because if you don’t know what you
are doing it can cause something bad to happen. Also
teamwork is important because if you don’t work together with
people it can’t work out it will only cause problems. You have
to have empathy because when someone is stressing out you
have to know what people feel and why they are reacting like
that and when something happens you can help people by
knowing why they feel that way make them feel safe or
comfortable. Confidence is not bad to have if you don’t have
confidence you can’t help other people you have to have a little
bit of confidence.

5. Evidence of communication

Frederique was there at the first conference and I was ill. But the second one I was there. I
really enjoyed talking to them about the differences here and there. We mostly talked about
the different types of courses there were for the hospitality industry. We did not talk much
outside of the conference but I did learn a lot from it. It was very nice to hear about the
similarities and differences of both of the groups there experiences. I think I can speak for
both of us that it was a really interesting project that we worked hard on and we will take
with us in de future.


1. What have you learned about the organizations in the other country?

I have learned that a lot of things are the same but it is just minor things that are different.
Like the prices, the type of breakfast that they serve. The type of restaurants and what they
sell there.

2. What are the similarities and differences?

Similarities: They had a lot of research and some of the answers were quite the same. The
only difference is that we thought management skills were the most important and they
thought social skills were the most important.


Frederique van Mierlo

1. What was your task and how did you contribute to the group work (interviews, writing texts,
Well at first it was all like fuzzy and there was some arguing but we managed to make it so I think
that what matters. The communication was bad at first but we started to talk more to each other
and it worked out well and we made an amazing project!

2. What was your most memorable learning experience? Which competencies did you develop

I think it is that we got to talk to the kids in Mumbai and that we got to talk about how their
life is there and if there are any differences between the Netherlands and India!
I don’t think we developed any competencies any further so no not really

3. What went well? What would you have done differently? Think about: methods, group
work, technical aspects, collaboration with the partner school, etc.

I think doing the work but also I could’ve done a bit more for the group. We did work well at
school but when not within school time it could’ve been better but that my opinion but it
was a great experience!

Evie Vrijbergen

1. What was your task and how did you contribute to the group work (interviews, writing texts,
communication etc)

We had a rough start but at the end I am really proud of what we published. We worked
with what we had and we had some rough moments but we made it work. The communication was
bad. But I also had a lot of fun and learned how to work with the stuff you are given and to be more
accepting and I learned how to work hard.

2. What was your most memorable learning experience? Wich competencies did you further

My learning experience was hard but also fun. I learned how to give more than the other person
because the other person can’t give it mentally and physically. I learned how to communicate better
with people and I learned to talk about my feelings ( I don’t do that often because I don’t really like
talking about my feelings).

3. What went well? What would you have done differently?

If I am going to be completely honest. I would have chosen another group. I did not like working in
this group. It gave me a lot of stress and we did have some arguments and our group even fell apart.
If I could change something about this project is that I would have wanted to be in a different group.

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