Sotc Documentary Treatment 2

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Audio Column Visual Column

Introduction: Introduction:
1. The first line will be “Today I will be 1. First show the cover art and then blur
talking about the game shadow of the the image before blue text appears saying
colossus and why it was so influential for its SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS
time”. 2. While talking about what the game show
2. But first I will talk a little bit about what clips of major parts of the story while I’m
the game is actually about in order to give going over them. Both images and video.
the listener context. Explain main plot (Meeting dormin, Mono on the altar, the
points. colossi)
3. Then go back into why it was influential 3. while talking about direct inspirations
for the gaming industry. Speak about direct from it show comparison clips from journey
inspirations (the environments and enemy and the desert in sotc as well as
designs in the game journey- phalanx and comparisons to the malus fight and Cronos.
the Cronos fight in God of war 3 being in 4. Then show relating images to these
the same style of Sotc) (praey for the gods) inspirations.
4. Then talk a little bit about what inspired
it- Ico and tomb raider Brief History:
1. As I am talking about the different
Brief history: releases show images of the three different
1. I will then go into the history of all three game cover arts. Also display on screen
of the games and who released them. images of the companies.
(ps2/ps3 versions released by team Ico and
Sony, ps4 remaster released by Bluepoint Key People:
games and Sony) 1. Show images of the producers as they
are being mentioned. Then show images
Key People: and footage of the other projects these
1. Explain who the main producers for Sotc producers worked on.
were and what they did to help make the
game. Mention the main director: Fumito Improvements in technology:
Ueda and the composer: Kow Otani. Then 1. First show key differences between the
also speak about what other projects they ps3 and the ps4 remaster.
have worked on. Kenji Kaido worked as the 2. Then show the more prominent
lead designer on the game Ape escape. Kow differences. Show clips of Avion swooping
Otani working on the soundtrack to down to show the waves that form. Show
Godzilla. clips of Pelagia’s fight to show the
differences between the heat that he fires
Improvements in technology: out to attack Wander. Lastly show Malus to
1. I will then be talking about the most see the difference in environments,
obvious differences in quality between the specifically the rain and the fire on his
ps3 and ps4 version. I will then go into arms.
detail on the specific differences between
the two. Avion wave physics, blast effects Key techniques:
on pelagia and basaran and the While talking about the concept art I will be
environmental rain in malus’s fight. showing on screen still images of this art. I
am thinking of looking at the art for
Key techniques. cenobia, the art for hydrus and then the art
This section will be different to the others of the colossi that didn’t make it into the
as instead of looking into features from the full release of the game.
game I will now be looking at the character
designs of the colossi and the main Attempt at mastering technique:
differences between how they looked in the I will then show a timelapse of me drawing
concept art and how they turned out in the concept art of my own colossi. After the
game. I will then talk about the designs I timelapse has ended I will then show
like of the colossi that weren’t developed. higher quality Images of the finished
Attempt at mastering technique:
This section will follow on straight after the Interview:
key techniques as I will now be drawing my Because the interview will be sent to me as
own colossi. I will talk about the animals an audio file, I’m going to animating over
that inspired my colossi and why I chose to the top of my lecturer talking. I’m going to
make them that way. (Maelstra -Shark draw a character from shadow of the
inspired) colossus with an animated mouth box that
will move as he speaks. I will also overlay
Interview: images and videos as he is speaking to give
The audio for this section won’t be my the viewer context.
voice, it will be my animation lecturer
answering my Interview questions. Conclusion:
These are the questions he will be I will be including images from the game
answering. that align with what I’m talking about. As
well as images from other shows and
1. What colossus was your favourite movies.
design wise and why.
2. What colossus was your favourite
gameplay wise and why.
3. What was your overall opinion of
the game.
4. How does Shadow of the colossus
compare to other games that you
have played.
5. What part of Shadow of the colossus
would you say stuck with you the
most after you finished it.

For the conclusion I will be reminding the
viewer of why it was influential, but I will be
adding a slight personal touch as I will be
talking about why the game was
influential/inspiration but why it was
influential to me as a person.

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