Paras Report Card

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Ministry of Education Elementary Provincial Report Card

Date: February 8, 2023

Student: Gurparas Turna ( 869308 ) OEN: 154-540-967 Days Absent: 7.5 Total Days Absent: 11.0

Grade: 05 Teacher: D. Lambert ( HF1: 5D ) Times Late: 15.0 Total Times Late: 17.0

Board: Peel District School Board School: Brisdale Public School

Address: 5650 Hurontario Street Address: 370 Brisdale Drive

Mississauga, ON Brampton
L5R 1C6 L7A3K7

Principal: Forbes, Marsha Telephone: 905-840-2135

Learning Skills and Work Habits E - Excellent G - Good S - Satisfactory N - Needs Improvement

Responsibility G Organization G
Fulfills responsibilities and commitments within the learning Devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and
environment. tasks.
Completes and submits class work, homework, and assignments Establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and
according to agreed-upon timelines. achieve goals.
Takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour. Identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information, technology,
and resources to complete tasks.

Independent Work S Collaboration S

Independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to Accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group.
complete tasks and meet goals. Responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of
Uses class time appropriately to complete tasks. others.
Follows instructions with minimal supervision. Builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships through personal and
media-assisted interactions.
Works with others to resolve conflicts and build consensus to
achieve group goals.
Shares information, resources, and expertise, and promotes critical
thinking to solve problems and make decisions.

Initiative S Self-Regulation G

Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities for learning. Sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving
Demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take them.
risks. Seeks clarification or assistance when needed.
Demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning. Assesses and reflects critically on own strengths, needs, and
Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude. interests.
Recognizes and advocates appropriately for the rights of self and Identifies learning opportunities, choices, and strategies to meet
others. personal needs and achieve goals.
Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges.

Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Gurparas shares his thoughts and opinions during morning meetings, "Would You Rather" questions and social emotional check ins
and participates by answering questions during lessons and community circles with prompting. Gurparas contributes to our
classroom organization by putting away art materials, books and manipulatives. Gurparas always keeps a neat workspace and
organizes his academic resources throughout the school day. Gurparas treats his peers with respect and acceptance, and mindfully
considers the feelings of others. Gurparas seems aware of his peer's emotions, and demonstrates empathy toward them. He
demonstrates responsibility by completing his classroom job without reminders and running PALS games for primary students at

Gurparas is working towards completing independent work in a timely manner as he can be reluctant to seek assistance when he is
having difficulty with a task. He is starting to ask for help from the teacher if he is unsure of how to proceed with a task, particularly
if it is a written assignment. He is beginning to share information, resources, and expertise to solve problems in groups. Gurparas is
learning to be more actively involved in collaborative activities, by taking a more active role during group work.

Next Steps: Gurparas has a personal goal of completing and submitting all classwork on time. He is encouraged to ask for help
when he is having difficulty with a task so that he can move forward towards completing independent work in a timely manner. He is
also encouraged to participate more frequently in class group work by sharing his ideas with his peers and finding out how he can
best contribute to the completion of a group task.

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Student: Gurparas Turna ( 869308 ) OEN: 154-540-967 Grade: 05

Subject Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement
1 2
Language NA Gurparas read a variety of fiction and non fiction texts demonstrating fluency and comprehension.
D. Lambert After reading sections of the passage "The Sneaker Thief", explained the main plot points and came
to appropriate conclusions like who the thief might be based on evidence from the text. He is starting
B- to develop ideas to write persuasive texts that include the proper format, including reasons supported
by examples. Gurparas is working on writing basic persuasive texts using a framework that provided
the organization as well as transitional words and phrases. He is starting to break his ideas into
ESL/ELD IEP C paragraphs and provide appropriate examples to support his reasons when writing persuasive
Oral Communication pieces. In developing oral communication skills, Gurparas identified the point of view presented in
ESL/ELD IEP B- oral texts and asked questions to identify missing or possible alternate points of view.In Media
Literacy, he created a poster to share his research about solar energy. The poster used appropriate
Media Literacy diagrams and interesting bold fonts. Next Steps: Gurparas is encouraged to add more detail to his
writing by providing examples and adding more descriptive language.
French NA Gurparas listens to and understands when body language is used with expressions. He spoke using
M. Barry personal pronouns such as “Je” and “Tu”. Gurparas talked about familiar topics using simple phrases
Listening and sentences such as the colour and fruits and vegetables. He produced a poster then orally
ESL/ELD IEP B presented it to the class. Gurparas engaged in short conversation with his peers by role-playing
different ways of asking and answering questions about age and place of living (e.g., "Tu habites où
?"). He read familiar French words and wrote simple sentences by using appropriate language
structures (e.g., present of verbs Avoir) in his writing.
ESL/ELD IEP B Next Steps: Gurparas is encouraged to take his time when speaking in French. He is also
Writing encouraged to keep writing simple French sentences and read daily French books by using the
ESL/ELD IEP B Boukili App.
X Core Immersion Extended
Native Language Oral Communication, Reading, Writing




Mathematics Number, Algebra, Data, Spatial Sense, Financial Literacy

D. Lambert Gurparas rounded decimal numbers to the nearest tenth and represented and solved problems
involving the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers. Gurparas used decimal operations to
determine the difference in time based on swimming race results. Gurparas explained and identified
various sampling techniques for collecting a sample of data that is representative of a population.
ESL/ELD B Gurparas determined the mean and the median and identified the mode(s), for various data sets
including business profits. He accurately created a table of values for a pattern that was generated
by adding or subtracting a number, such as starting with 12 and adding 5 to each term to get the next
IEP term or by multiplying or dividing by a constant to get the next term. Gurparas solved algebraic
problems using a variety of strategies to determine the unknown value in an equation and showed his
French work on his personal whiteboard. Gurparas identified angles as acute or obtuse and measured
angles using a protractor. Next Steps: Gurparas is encouraged to show all of his steps and explain
his thinking using math vocabulary when solving word problems.

Science and Technology STEM Skills and Connnections, Life Systems, Matter and Energy, Structures and Mechanisms, Earth and Space Systems

D. Lambert Within the strand of Earth and Space Systems, Gurparas applied concepts taught in class and from
independent research to present an Energy project on Solar Energy. He identified renewable and
non-renewable energy sources and evaluated the effects of each on the environment. He was able to
describe how energy was transformed from one form to another, such as how electrical energy from
ESL/ELD B- a battery transformed to kinetic energy to move a fan or sound energy to make a noise. Additionally,
Gurparas suggested ways to reduce the impact of uses of energy and natural resources on the
IEP environment. Within the Life Systems strand, he identified the various human body systems and
explained that the systems in the human body work together to meet an individual’s basic needs.

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Student: Gurparas Turna ( 869308 ) OEN: 154-540-967 Grade: 05

Subject Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement
1 2
Social Studies Heritage and Identity, People and Environments

D. Lambert
Within the strand of People and Environments, Gurparas participated in a number of learning
conversations and activities exploring the rights and responsibilities associated with citizenship in
B- Canada and the connections between the two. For example, the rights to freedom of religion and
speech and the responsibility to respect the rights of others; the right to vote and the responsibility to
IEP participate in the electoral process. Gurparas learned about the electoral process, the leaders of the
major parties, their local representatives and current political issues. Gurparas described the
structure and components of Canada’s three levels of government. Gurparas evaluated the
government response to a proposed wind farm by giving his opinion to the decision with reasoning.
He also can identify different ways in which citizens can take action to address social and
environmental issues such as writing to his elected representatives.

Health and Physical Education Through class discussions Gurparas is able to identify how food choices are influenced by how the
product is packaged and marketed (e.g., media, food labels). Also, he discussed when to use his
Health Education: P. Fisher
Healthy Living
voice for himself, and for others and when to get help from a trusted adult when responding to
B personal safety (e.g., online bullying).
Physical Education:P. Fisher Gurparas participated in all aspects of the physical education program throughout the first term.
Active Living, During fitness, Gurparas participated actively in the assigned activities, such as push ups and
Movement Competence burpees. Gurparas explores different combinations of locomotor movements, moving at different
ESL/ELD IEP B speeds, levels, and pathways (e.g., dodge or change speed or direction to avoid people or objects).

The Arts Dance will be taught and assessed in Term 2.

Dance D. Lambert
IEP X NA French
Gurparas engaged in role play involving the novel “The City of Ember”. He created a script about how
Drama D. Lambert to conserve energy and presented it with enthusiasm.
/ELD IEP NA French B-
Music P. Mah Gurparas sang the major scales using correct breathing techniques and read the rhythm of phrases
ESL IEP NA French B in a song using rhythm syllables. He read the standard musical notation of "C" fingering position
when playing the keyboard and identified different tones of instruments through listening.
Visual ArtsD. Lambert Gurparas created two-dimensional artwork that used line, shape, and colour, such as Alma Thomas
ESL IEP NA French B inspired art. The artwork followed the agreed upon guidelines, such as using cool colours in his art.

French NA

Elementary Provincial Report Card (Please have your child complete the form below, and return it to your child's teacher.)
Student: Gurparas Turna ( 869308 ) Grade: 05 OEN:154-540-967 Teacher: D. Lambert ( HF1: 5D )
Student's Comments

My best work is:

My goal for improvement is:

Student's Signature X

Grades 1-6 Page 3 of 4

Student: Gurparas Turna ( 869308 ) OEN: 154-540-967 Grade: 05

Letter Grade Achievement of the Provincial Curriculum Expectations

The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with a high degree of effectiveness.
A- to A+
Achievement surpasses the provincial standard. (Level 4)

B- to B+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness.
Achievement meets the provincial standard. (Level 3)
C- to C+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with some effectiveness.
Achievement approaches the provincial standard. (Level 2)

D- to D+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with limited effectiveness.
Achievement falls much below the provincial standard. (Level 1)

R The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills. Extensive remediation is required.

I Insufficient evidence to assign a letter grade.

ESL/ELD - Achievement is based on expectations modified from the curriculum expectations for the
grade to support English language learning needs.
IEP - Individual Education Plan
NA - No instruction for subject/strand for reporting period

To Parents/Guardians and Students: This copy of the report card should be retained for reference. The original
or an exact copy has been placed in the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR) folder and will be retained for five
years after the student leaves school.

Teacher's Principal's
Signature X Signature X

Elementary Provincial Report Card (Please complete, sign, and detach the form below, and return it to your child's teacher.)
Student: Gurparas Turna ( 869308 ) Grade: 05 OEN:154-540-967 Teacher: D. Lambert ( HF1: 5D )
Parent's/Guardian's Comments

My child has improved most in:

I will help my child to:

Parent's/Guardian's name (please print) Signature Date

I have received this report card.
I would like to discuss this X
report card. Please contact me. Telephone (day): Telephone (evening):
Grades 1-6 Page 4 of 4

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