Lang and Lit Assessment Exam

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(Grading and student evaluation)

a. No. It is not appropriate for students to assign a grade to themselves because it
will be subjective and personal biases may affect their way of grading.
b. No. It is not appropriate to ask the teacher to raise a grade. However, it is
feasible that he may give/provide remediation extra class works for the student to
pass the course.
c. Yes, it is appropriate for the teacher to assign these grades as long as it reflects
on their test papers that these are actually what they merited on the test.
Moreover, it is salient that the teacher follows the rating scale that the institution
d. These alternatives for letter grading are more apt because it renders sufficient
information of the student’s achievement/performance. They do not
limit/invalidate the effort and labor of the students to the test to a transcribed
particular symbol. However, the teacher’s feedback/comment/remark allows the
student to feel satisfaction and worth in deem to the administered test. They
would also make the student to become extrinsically motivated.

Further, these alternatives are feasible as long as the teacher put extra efforts
and allot his/her time wisely and conveniently for the students.

6. (Assessing Writing)
Intensive (Controlled) Writing: Ordering Tasks

Put the words below into the correct order to make a sentence:
1. car/corner/the/turned/the
2. on/stood/tiptoes/Jacob/his
3. I/gifts/and/opened/all/Jenny/the
4. a/movie/I/went/and/my/to/parents
5. the/rinsed/dishes/I/and/dried

Intensive (Controlled) Writing: Grammatical Transformation Tasks

Change from active to passive voice

1. People drink champagne on New Year’s Eve.
2. Chefs use these machined to mix the ingredients.
3. They renovated the restaurant in 2004.
4. The teachers informed the students that the class has been cancelled.
5. The students perform an interpretative dance on Teachers’ Day.
6. (Assessing Reading)
Extensive Reading: Summarizing and Responding

Write a summary of the text. Your summary should be about one paragraph in
length (100-150 words) and should include your understanding of the main idea and
supporting ideas.

1. Express accurately the main idea and supporting ideas.
2. Is written in the student’s own words; occasional vocabulary from the original
text is acceptable.
3. Is logically organized.
4. Displays facility in the use of language to clearly express ideas in the text.

Though easy to administer, this type of test is not practical because it does not
provide a strong and holistic evaluation and mostly focuses on the writing skill of the
test-taker. Further, it has also no validity—particularly content and face validity, because
it does not actually measure the reading skill—relative to the criteria provided, but more
on the writing ability of the test-taker. The test is supposed to measure the reading
ability of the test-taker.

2. (Assessing Speaking)
Choral drill is essentially the all-class, repeat-after-me exercise in which
you say something and students repeat it.
Memorizing material—memorization of sentences or short dialogues that
contain a large percentage of high-frequency phrases and sentences like How are
you?, What is that?, My name is…and so forth.
Reading aloud which underscores correct enunciation
Question and Answer
For example,
What is this called in English?
(to elicit a predetermined correct response)
Role Plays are a form of pair practice that allows students the freedom to
play, improve, and create.
Press conferences
Presenting a report, a paper, a marketing plan, a sales idea, a design of a
new product, or a method.

9. Produce speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause groups,
breath groups, and sentence constituents.
11. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse
These two skills can be assessed through oral/speech presentation—
either impromptu or not.

1. (Assessing Listening)

Yes, I agree because it all happens inside the brain.

Yes, I agree because everything happens inside the brains of the reader and
listener and we cannot see that. However, in speaking it is feasible to observe a product
when it is video/sound recorded.
One can infer the competence of a test-taker to speak, listen, and read through
comprehension tests/tasks.


It is a valid claim because students access their abilities in writing, including

punctuation and capitalization, understanding oral production and grammar when they
write the model sentences. Further, in a dictation, the students have to reconstruct what
they hear according to their internalized abilities in all skill areas. However, it is still an
indirect test.

I agree with this notion because if we cut into the aspects of a test, we will see
that it is merely an amalgamation and sublimation and integration of all the aspects of
previously done/administered tests. Hence, no test is completely authentic.

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