H.W Medical Terminology
H.W Medical Terminology
H.W Medical Terminology
Allodynia - painful sensation that occurs when a person is affected by typically harmless stimuli moving across the
Seborrhea - dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects your scalp.
Sarcoma - general term for a broad group of cancers that begin in the bones and in the soft.
Fluoroscopy - A test that gives moving images of the inside of the body; could be likened to an x-ray movie.
Epicondylitis - Pain and swelling in the tendons in the elbow, usually because of overuse.
Nacrocephaly - is a condition where a baby's head is much smaller than expected.
Myokymia - is a unilateral and uncontrollable lid twitch or tic that is not caused by disease or pathology.
Balanoposthitis - an inflammation that affects both the glans penis and prepuce.
Esophagitis - inflammation that may damage tissues of the esophagus, Irritation and swelling of the esophagus.
Fibromyalgia - A condition causing pain and tender spots throughout the body.
Macroglossia - is a disorder in which the tongue is larger than normal.
Megacolon - is a general term that means the abnormal dilation of the colon.
Scintigraphy - a technique in which a scintillation counter or similar detector is used with a radioactive tracer to
obtain an image of a bodily organ or a record of its functioning.
Brachytherapy - treatment in which a surgeon implants seeds or pellets of radioactive material in the body to destroy
cancer cells.
Exostosis - an extra growth of bone that extends outward from an existing bone.
Kyphoplasty - A surgical procedure that eases or eliminates the pain of spinal fractures.
Topography - study of the different regions of the body including how the parts relate to surrounding structures.
Amblyopia - A condition in which the eye and brain fail to work together, resulting in vision impairment in just one
Rheumatologist - a medical doctor trained to diagnose and treat disorders involving inflammation of the joints and
other parts of the musculoskeletal system.
Rhytidectomy - a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin and tightening the underlying muscle.
Vitrectomy - a microsurgical procedure in which part of the vitreous humor of the eye is removed and then replaced
with sterile saline or some other fluid.
Calcaneodynia - a common clinical condition, is mainly caused by stress fractures or bony or soft-tissue disorders.
Iridocyclitis - Inflammation of the iris and ciliary body caused by an injury to the eye or infections.