Anti Human Papillomavirus Therapeutics Facts .13

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Review Article

Indian J Med Res 130, September 2009, pp 296-310

Anti-human papillomavirus therapeutics: Facts & future

Alok C. Bharti, Shirish Shukla, Sutapa Mahata, Suresh Hedau & Bhudev C. Das*

Division of Molecular Oncology, Institute of Cytology & Preventive Oncology (ICMR), Noida, India

Received February 16, 2009

Even after 25 years of establishing Human Papillomavirus (HPV) as the causative agent for cervical cancer,
effective treatment of HPV infection still unavailable. Comprehensive efforts especially for targeting HPV
infection have been made only in recent years. Conventional physical ablation of HPV-induced lesions
such as cryo-therapy, photo-therapy, LEEP, laser cone-biopsy and localized radiotherapy are shown to
be effective to some extent in treating localized lesions where the removal of diseased tissue is associated
with removal of transforming keratinocytes harboring HPV. Apart from currently available prophylactic
vaccines which prevent the viral entry and should be given prior to viral exposure, several attempts
are being made to develop therapeutic vaccines that could treat prevailing HPV infection. In addition,
immunomodulators like interferons and imiquimod that have been shown to elicit cytokine milieu to
enhance host immune response against HPV infection. Also, antiviral approaches such as RNA interference
(RNAi) nucleotide analogs, antioxidants and herbal derivatives have shown effective therapeutic potential
against HPV infection. These leads are being tested in pre-clinical and clinical studies. Present article
provides a brief overview of conventional therapies for HPV-associated diseases. Potential of non-ablative
anti-HPV treatment modalities that could prove useful for either elimination of HPV in early stages of
infection when the virus is not integrated into the host cell genome or suppression of the expression of viral
oncogenes that dysregulate the host cell cycle following transformation is discussed.

Key words cervical cancer - herbal therapeutics - human papillomavirus - immunotherapy - RNA interference - therapeutic vaccines -
transcriptional regulation

Introduction of different organ sites and have been associated with

The plurality of HPV genotypes is associated various clinical manifestations ranging from benign
with its ability to cause a wide spectrum of epithelial hyperplastic epithelial proliferative innocuous lesions
proliferative lesions1,2. The global burden of HPV (warts, papillomas) to invasive carcinomas (Table I).
associated diseases is quite high, and is estimated to On the basis of their association with disease types,
be about 5.17 per cent of total cancer burden. Among papillomaviruses are classified into high-risk (HR) and
the HPV-associated diseases, cervical cancer which is low-risk (LR) types. HR-HPV types (HPV 16, 18, 31,
the second most common cancer among women world 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 59, 66, 68, 69 and 73) are often
over tops the list. Papillomaviruses exhibit a high associated with high grade lesions and invasive cancer,
degree of cellular tropism for squamous epithelial cells whereas the LR-HPV types (HPV 6, 11, 40, 42, 43,

Present address: Dr B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi (North Campus), Delhi 110 007, India
e-mail: [email protected]
Bharti et al: Anti-human papillomavirus therapeutics: Facts & future 297

Table I. Association of various HPV types with different diseases outcomea

Disease HPV type(s) associated
Benign and pre-cancerous Lesions
Plantar warts 1, 2, 4, 63
Common warts 2, 1, 7, 4, 26, 27, 29, 41, 57, 65, 77, 1, 3, 4, 10, 28
Flat warts 3, 10, 26, 27, 28, 38, 41, 49, 75, 76
Other cutaneous lesions (e.g., epidermoid cysts) 6, 11, 16, 30, 33, 36, 37, 38, 41, 48, 60, 72, 73
Epidermodysplasia verruciformis 2, 3, 10, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 36, 37, 38, 47, 50
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis 6, 11
Laryngeal papillomatosis 16,11,6,10
Focal epithelial hyperplasia of Heck 13, 32
Conjunctival papillomas 6, 11, 16
Condyloma Acuminate (genital warts) 6, 11, 30, 42, 43, 45, 51, 54, 55, 70
Cancerous lesions
Cervical carcinoma 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59
Oral carcinoma 16, 18
Esophageal carcinoma 16, 18
Laryngeal carcinoma 6, 11, 16, 18
Conjunctival carcinoma 6, 11, 16, 18
Anal carcinoma 16, 18, 31, 33
Vaginal carcinoma 16, 18, 31, 33
Vulvar carcinoma 16, 18, 31, 33
Lung carcinoma 18
Bladder carcinoma 16
Penile carcinoma 16, 18, 31, 33
Non-melanoma skin cancer 5, 8
Data from3,4
Order indicates relative frequency; bold type indicates most frequent association

44, 54, 61, 70, 72, 81, CP6108) are mainly found in circular DNA, codes for about 6 early (E1, E2, E4, E5,
low grade lesions, genital or skin warts and condyloma E6 and E7) and two late genes (L1 and L2), expression
accuminata. There are about 15 high-risk HPV types of E6 and E7 of the HR-HPVs can immortalize human
have been described, which contribute to about 100 per squamous epithelial cells in vitro, the discovery that
cent to the HPV-attributable cancer burden worldwide. lead to establishment of the role of these viruses
Among them, HPV 16 and HPV 18 are the most in development of cervical carcinoma12,13. Virus-
prevalent oncogenic genotypes as two together are encoded E6 and E7 oncoproteins interact specifically
responsible for more than 80 per cent of total HPV- with important cell cycle regulatory proteins. The
associated cancerous lesions. E7 protein of the genital tract HPVs, similar to the
Persistent infection of specific types of HR-HPVs adenovirus ElA proteins and the large tumour antigens
particularly the type 16 and 18 is a prerequisite for of the polyomaviruses, can complex with the product
the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the retinoblastoma tumour suppressor gene, pRB,
(CIN), and cervical cancer5,6. However, HPV infection and disrupts the association of E2F transcription factor
is a transient phenomenon. Following infection, the with pRB14,15. The E7 proteins of the “high risk” HPVs,
virus may persist over time, leading to development of such as HPV-16 and HPV-18, bind pRB with ‘10-fold
low grade cervical lesions where the virus is present in higher affinity than do the E7 proteins of the “low risk”
non-integrated form, progressing in course of time to HPV types 6 and 11, and this difference in binding
cancer in a well-characterized process that takes 15- affinity correlates with the transforming potential
20 years. Though the natural history of HPV infection of the different E7 proteins15. Like simian virus 40
demonstrates spontaneous clearance of HPV infection (SV40) large tumour antigen and adenovirus E1B,
in a large number of cases7-9, persistence of high risk the E6 protein of the “high risk” HPVs can complex
HPV infection for a year or more confers an increased with the p53 protein16. Primary role of E6 interaction
risk of progression to cancer10. It has also been shown with p53 is formation of a ternary complex alongwith
that it takes about two years to clear type-specific HPV a ubiquitin ligase called E6AP17. This ternary complex
infection11. Although HPV genome, which is a ~ 8Kb formation leads to the ubiquitation and degradation of
298 INDIAN J MED RES, September 2009

p53 by action of 26S proteasome which reduces the malignancy. The fourth important step of viral life
half life of p53 to less than 20 min in HPV infected cycle is expression/upregulation of viral oncogene
keratinocytes18,19. Establishment of E6 and E7’s transcription in differentiating epithelium. As HPV gene
oncogenic properties has made these viral genes the two expression is associated with epithelial differentiation
most sought after targets for anti-HPV therapeutics. programme and it has been controlled by specific
cellular factors. Several host cell transcription factor
The HPV life cycle comprises of four important
binding sites and keratinocytes specific enhancers like
steps necessary for its pathological consequences and
AP-1, Sp1, NF-1, TEF-1, TEF-2, Oct-1, AP-2, KRF-1,
are considered as potential targets for any anti-HPV
YY1, STAT3 and glucocorticoid responsive elements
therapeutic strategies. The viral entry is the first step
have been identified in the upstream regulatory region
in HPV pathogenesis followed by its persistence in
(URR) of HPV, which determine the cell-type-specific
epithelial cells. These two steps establish the viral
viral gene expression and contribute to the tissue
genome into the host cell and has been the subject of
tropism of HPV20,21. All these four steps provide means
therapeutic interventions through prophylactic and
of interference with HPV life cycle and thus represent
therapeutic vaccination. Most of the lesions maintain
targets for development of anti-HPV therapeutics.
the virus as an episome and support complete virus
replication cycle with tight regulation of viral gene Current treatment modalities
expression. The third and most important step of HPV
A) Conventional therapies:
life cycle is its integration into the human genome
which is frequently observed in CIN3 or higher Even after establishment of causal relationship
lesions. The exact mechanism of this integration is not between HPV and cervical cancer, currently, presence
clearly understood, but loss of E2 ORF and release of or absence of HPV does not have any impact on
inhibition on E6 and E7 expression and transformation/ deciding the treatment; the strategies are primarily
immortalization of keratinocytes follows this integration anti-cancer and not anti-viral. Several therapies are
event. It is also not clear whether this integration is available for treatment of HPV-associated diseases
reversible or not. The integration of HPV genome is (Fig.). These treatment strategies are ablative in nature
the key point which facilitates the progression towards and aim to remove the lesion rather than specifically

Fig. Conventional therapies for treatment of cervical pre-cancers and cancers.

Bharti et al: Anti-human papillomavirus therapeutics: Facts & future 299

targeting the HPV infection. These treatments though shown to target two most important transcription
effective are applicable only when the lesion is visible factors, AP-1 and NF-κB respectively that play a
and does not necessarily eliminate HPV infection. critical role in expression of HPV oncoprotiens E6 and
Some of these procedure are also associated with E7 though activation of HPV URR29,30 for which their
significant morbidity such as profuse watery discharge, anti-viral role is being reinvestigated.
bleeding, cervical stenosis (narrowing) and in some Photodynamic therapy (PDT): PDT is a new treatment
cases cervical incompetence and pelvic infection. for a wide variety of malignancies and premalignant
Even though these treatment modalities are effective, dysplasias, as well as some non-cancer indications.
all of them are associated with considerable degree of Therapeutic response to PTD is achieved through
recurrence which ranges upto 10 per cent of the cases. the activation of non-toxic photosensitiser located
Studies aiming to correlate the status of HPV infection within neoplastic tissue, using visible light tuned to
with efficacy of conization treatment for CIN 3 lesions the appropriate absorption band of the photosensitiser
revealed persistent HPV infection in all the cases molecule. This produces cytotoxic free radicals
which showed recurrence22,23 probably due to positive such as singlet oxygen, which result in local photo-
resection margins24 . Thus, the studies emphasized that oxidation, cell damage and destruction of the tumour
patients with persistent HPV infection after conization cells that may induce bystander effect and activate
for CIN 3 should be followed because they are at host immunity. Topical administration of PDT
increased risk of developing disease recurrence. though considered most appropriate for cervical and
Before the advent of colposcopy, hysterectomy valval intraepithelial lesions, the clinical trials
was considered necessary for CIN lesions. However, with 5-aminolevulinic acid has revealed variable
the natural history of CIN has clearly shown that in a results31-33. Though PDT is not equally efficacious for
large majority of cases, CIN lesion does not progress all subgroups, PDT for condyloma and intraepithelial
to invasive cancer, thus, making hysterectomy an neoplasia appears to be as effective as conventional
unnecessary and over-treatment procedure for CIN. At treatments like cold-knife conization34. In contrast
the same time, management of invasive carcinomas has to cold-knife conization, PDT causes no substantial
little development as standard radiation or chemotherapy cervical stroma destruction and hence reduces the
is applied along with surgical removal of primary risk of a possible subsequent incompetent cervix, but
tumour in advanced cancers. On the other hand, it is the effect on HPV eradication was found to be the
recommended that the earliest lesions, CIN1, should not same as for other ablative therapies35. Subsequent
be treated and should be followed up and treated only study however showed that PDT could be a promising
if they progress to higher lesion. In such cases, HPV therapeutic modality as the HPV infection found in
tests are being recommended as adjunct to cytology for follow up studies could be a result of reinfection36.
identification of women at risk of disease progression Immunotherapy: Interferons (IFNs) are the only anti-
and selective ablation of their lesions25. In such cases, viral drugs approved for the therapy of benign HPV-
anti-HPV therapeutics may have the greatest impact. related lesions. While IFN-α, IFN-β and IFN-γ have
B) Alternate therapies: all been tested against condyloma acuminata, most
information is available on IFN-α which appears
Cytotoxic agents: Though scissor excision is the efficacious via a number of routes of administration,
most preferred methods for genital warts, topical schedules and dosages with an acceptable safety
preparations of cytotoxic compounds like Podophyllin profile. Success with IFN-α therapy, in terms of
or Trichloroacetic acid are also utilized in USA and reduced recurrence rates of condylomas was reported
Europe26. Similarly 5-Fluorouracil is also available from studies in which all visible lesions were
but with very limited use for external genital lesions surgically removed with subsequent administration
as it generates strong inflammatory reaction27. Use of of subcutaneous local IFN-α37 . Limited data are
Podophyllin and 5-Fluorouracil is contra-indicated available on the efficacy of IFNs in the treatment of
in pregnancy. Most of these therapies show no or HPV-related dysplasia and carcinoma. Combination
inconsistent antiviral dose response against HPV28. therapy of IFN-α with retinoids appears promising for
Recently, two most common anti-cancer agents for cervical carcinoma38,39. Though, along with retinoids,
treatment of many cancers including cervical cancer, IFN-α showed synergistic anti-angiogenic effect
arsenic trioxide (As2O3) and carboplatin have been and upregulation of HLA class I and cell adhesion
300 INDIAN J MED RES, September 2009

molecule, ICAM-1 in HPV-harboring tumour-cell line, with less active viral replication but with expression
the anti-viral effects of the combination have not been of oncogenic proteins. Therefore, targeting expression
explored. In another study, IFNα showed no effect on of these viral oncogenes either by promoting anti-
HPV11 replication28. The treatment is expensive, has HPV immunity or RNA interference or transcriptional
limited efficacy and not recommended for routine inactivation is the norm. Prospective therapeutics can
clinical practice in the treatment of high-grade HPV- be classified as therapeutic vaccines, immunotherapies,
associated lesions37. RNA interference-based therapies, anti-retrovirals and
natural/herbal derivatives. Many of these therapeutics
Apart from directly injecting IFNs,
are at later stages of their clinical evaluation.
immunomodulators, such as imidazoquinolones that
induce production of inflammatory cytokines are being A) Therapeutic HPV vaccines:
used for potentiation of innate immune mechanism
Vaccination with virus-like particles (VLP) such
mediated through macrophages and dendritic cells.
as Gardasil and Cervarix has demonstrated efficacy in
Imiquimod, one of the imidazoquinolone compounds
HPV prophylaxis but these vaccines lack therapeutic
has shown efficacy and safety in clinical trials for the
potential. Considering the vital role of HPV16 in
treatment of external HPV-infected genital warts40.
carcinogenesis, most of the efforts for developing
This class of compounds generates a cytokine milieu
therapeutic HPV vaccines have been directed towards
that activates dendritic cell migration and leads to a
development of vaccines against HPV16 viral oncogenes
Th1 type of response. Recent study showed presence of
E6 and E742-52. Based upon the nature of immunogen
HPV-specific CD4+ regulatory T cells isolated in lymph
the therapeutic vaccines can be divided into two major
nodes of cervical cancer patients that could suppress
classes, (i) proteins/peptide-based vaccines, and (ii)
proliferation and IFN γ & IL-2 cytokine production by
DNA-based vaccines. Majority of the studies conducted
responder T cells41. It is likely that these compounds
as phase I clinical trials both in healthy individuals as
might have antagonizing role on these regulatory
well as in patients having high grade lesions or frank
T cells.
malignancies have used whole protein or peptides
Prospective therapeutics derived from HPV16 or HPV18 E6 and E7 (Table II)
mainly because of their oncogenic potential and they
The most significant events in the HPV biology have
are invariably retained and expressed throughout HPV-
been successful clinical trial with potent prophylactic
related disease progression and carcinogenesis.
anti-HPV vaccines, Gardasil from Merck, USA and
Cervarix from GlaxoSmithKline, Belgium. However, These immunogens were found to be highly
there are a number of limitations like cost of the effective in generating both humoral as well as
vaccine, efficacy in target population, sex preference cytotoxic T cell response in majority of trial subjects,
and age of immunization that prevent their effective but their effect on lesion clearance/regression or on
mass scale implementation in near future. In view HPV positivity were determined in a very few studies.
of these bottlenecks, it becomes essential to explore Several animal studies have shown promising results
alternative methods for control of HPV infection and indicating that therapeutic HPV vaccine may regress
effective management of cervical and other HPV- disease progression43,53 Phase I trials that recorded
related pre-malignant and malignant lesions. Several these parameters indicate that despite effective anti-
therapeutic strategies are being explored which can HPV immunity, lesion regression as well as HPV
effectively target at various phases of viral infection clearance was suboptimal and was only observed
such as viral entry, viral latency, viral replication, and in a subset of patients42-49. Perhaps this could be the
its oncogenic expression. Since low grade and high potential reason why these therapeutics could not enter
grade lesions differ with respect to the viral activity, in Phase II and Phase III studies. Apart from these,
the treatment approaches also differ and are specific to there are several other limitations that remain to be
the grade of the lesions to be treated. Low grade lesions overcome like subunit vaccines are costly to prepare
are usually homogeneous, genetically stable with and require cold chain and the response is short term
permissive viral replication; in a immunocompetent and requires several boosters. To overcome some of
individual, therapeutics are aimed to resolve these these limitations, second generation, less expensive
lesions and to prevent entry, replication and latency therapeutic DNA-based vaccines are being prepared
of the virus without any recurrence. In contrast, high against HPV16 E750-52. These efforts are also directed
grade disease is heterogeneous and genetically unstable towards generation of effective immune response

Table II. Anti-HPV therapeutic vaccines in various stages of clinical evaluation
Target Antigen Phase/study Disease model Response References
status Immunity Lesion HPV
A. Protein-based Vaccines
HPV16 and 18 E6 and Phase I/II trial Late Stage Cervical HPV-specific antibody response in 3 out ND ND 42
E7 (TA-HPV) in live Cancer of 8, presence of HPV-specific cytotoxic
vaccinia virus (n = 8) T lymphocytes
HPV16 L1/L2- E7 Pre-clinical C57BL/6 mice Agglutinate erythrocytes and elicit high ND ND 43
chimeric VLPs injected with TC-1 titers of neutralizing antibodies
expressing HPV16 Effect mediated through class I restricted
E7 cytotoxic T lymphocytes
HPV16 E7 peptides Phase I CIN/VIN II/III DC infiltration in 6/6 cases 3 cases had complete 12/18 scrapes showed 44
(amino acids 12-20  (n = 8) No positive delayed type hypersensitivity clearance of dysplasia clearance of virus but
and 86-93) for E7 increase in cytokine response & and CIN 6 had partial biopsy were positive for
E7-specific cytolysis in 10/16 cases regression HPV
HPV16 L2, E6 and E7 Phase I Healthy volunteers Induced IgG antibodies & enhanced T-cell ND ND 45
(n = 40) immunity in 8/11 cases
HPV16 E6E7 fusion Phase I CIN HPV-specific antibody response, delayed ND Loss of HPV16 DNA 46
protein (n = 31) type hypersensitivity, in vitro cytokine from the cervix in some
release, and CD8 T cell responses to E6 cases
and E7 proteins
HPV16 L1-E7 Phase I CIN II/III Induces with high antibody titers against Histological improvement 56% of the responders 47
chimeric virus-like (n = 39) L1 and low titers against E7 as well as to CIN 1 or normal were also HPV16 DNA-
particles (CVLP) cellular immune responses against E7 and was seen in 39% of the negative
L1 patients
HPV16/18 E7 Phase I Stage IB or IIA Enhanced CD4+ T-cell and antibody ND ND 48
cervical cancer responses,  E7-specific CD8+ T-cell 
(n = 10) response, DTH responses to intradermal
injections of HPV E7 antigen 
HPV16 E6 and E7 Phase I Cervical cancer Elevated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells response ND ND 49
synthetic long peptides patients (n = 6) against E6 and E7
B. DNA- based vaccines
HPV16 E7 Phase I Anal dysplasia 10/12 subjects showed increased immune Partial histological ND 50
(ZYC 101) (n = 12) response to E7 peptide responses
Bharti et al: Anti-human papillomavirus therapeutics: Facts & future

HPV16 E7 (ZYC101)  Phase I  CIN II/III HPV-specific T-cell responses Partial histo-pathological ND 51
(n = 15) response
HPV16 E7 Preclinical E7-expressing Higher E7-specific CD8+ T-cell immune Apoptotic tumour cell ND 52
tumour-bearing responses  death 

CIN, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; ND, not determined; VIN, valval intraepithelial neoplasia
302 INDIAN J MED RES, September 2009

against HPV by intra dermal administration of DNA oligonucleotides on the cell proliferation of cervical
vaccines which represents a feasible strategy to deliver cancer cell lines have already been demonstrated in
DNA directly into the professional antigen-presenting a variety of assays59,71-73. Inhibition of E6 and E7 by
cells of the skin but the efficacy of this strategy for complementary anti-sense transcripts led to reduced
regression or downstaging of the lesion is yet to be growth rates, loss of the transformed phenotype
proven. It is likely that additional targets are needed of cervical and oral carcinoma cell lines,57,71,72 and
to be identified to compensate dysregulated host cells inhibition of tumour formation in an animal model71,74.
apart from targeting only the HPV oncoproteins. Recent Antisense E6 and E7 oligonucleotides also showed an
studies show that combining DNA vaccine with either anti-proliferative effect in primary tumour explants73.
death receptor-5 antibody or silencing of fas ligand Treatment of HPV16-infected CaSki and SiHa cells
by RNA interference can substantially enhance the with phosphorothioate oligonucleotides against HPV16
therapeutic potential of these vaccines54,55. E6 and E7 not only reduced cell proliferation in vitro
but also led to a reduction in the weight of tumours
Apart from therapeutic HPV vaccines, there have
derived from SiHa cells implanted into nude mice57,58.
been attempts to pulse dendritic cells (DC) with tumour
Expression of antisense E6/E7 genes using adenoviral
lysate expressing HPV16 antigens56. Such DCs when
gene transfer has resulted in a strong inhibition of
matured with non-toxic double stranded RNA were
SiHa cell proliferation and a complete suppression of
capable of inducing class I and class II T cell immunity
tumour formation after ex vivo application75. However,
in a pilot clinical study. This strategy is currently being
for therapeutic application of antisense genes, their
tested in a clinical trial in patients with cervical cancer48.
delivery is the major problem as a high percentage of
B) RNA interference-based therapies: target cells has to be transduced, because no bystander
effect will help to spread the therapeutic principle.
Following identification of target genes involved
In addition, the expression of anti-sense genes has to
in neoplastic transformation and tumour growth in
be stable because the tumour cells are not eliminated
HPV-associated disease, target-specific therapeutic
by treatment with a proliferation-inhibiting antisense
approaches are being extensively investigated.
construct. To address this issue, Liposome-mediated
Last decade has witnessed a major advancement in
transfer of genes efficiently expressing anti-sense E7
RNA interference technology specifically targeting
has been tried alonwith co-delivery of interleukin-12
HPV oncogenes E6 and E7 without any damage to
cytokine genes76 and this approach was found to induce
normal cellular RNA pool, which is often lacking
in conventional therapeutics. E6 and E7 oncogenic tumour cell apoptosis as well as an anti-tumoural
expression is detected in both upper epithelial layers immune response which was further augmented.
as well as during early stages in advanced stage of On the other hand, ribozymes offer several
disease and targeting these proteins will eventually advantages over conventional anti-sense RNA. They
lead to the treatment of active lesions. Although, there are capable of catalytic activity and do not require the
are a number of RNA interference-based therapies for presence of an auxiliary enzyme such as RNase H.
several oncogenes in Phase I-III clinical trials, they are Furthermore, one molecule of ribozyme can bind and
yet to be tested clinically for HPV-associated lesions. cleave several molecules of mRNA, giving rise to an
Several in vitro and in vivo studies show effective amplification of the net effect, and thus a desirable
targetting of high-risk HPVs using antiviral ribozymes reduction in the dosage required. In vitro studies
and antisense molecules, siRNA and shRNA (Table showed that Ribozymes can be used for effective
III). cleavage of HPV transcripts77 and can inhibit E6/E7-
RNA interference has been achieved by four mediated immortalization59. Recently, a hammerhead
distinct approaches primarily against HPV16/18 E6 ribozyme, Rz170, have been successfully designed
and E757-68. Most well established among these are anti- that can specifically target HPV16 E6E7 transcripts
and was found to be effective in inhibiting cell growth
sense oligonucleotides and ribozymes. Application of
and promoting apoptosis. Rz170 also appears to be
antisense or ribozyme molecules has a favored position
very efficient in inhibiting tumour growth in nude
because of their specificity and the requirement of
continued expression of the transforming genes E6 and
E7 for maintaining the malignant phenotype of cervical In contrast, achieving RNA interference using
cancer cells69,70. The effects of anti-sense plasmids or small interfering RNA is more efficient than Anti-sense
Bharti et al: Anti-human papillomavirus therapeutics: Facts & future 303

Table III. Molecular targeting of HPV gene expression using RNA interference technology
RNA Interference Target Study type Biological response References
Anti-sense HPV16 & HPV18 E6 In vitro Growth inhibition of cervical and oral cancer cells 57,58
oligonucleotides and E7 harboring HPV18 or HPV16 but had little effect on
(AS-ODNs) cells lacking HPV
Inhibited formation of colonies in soft agar
In vivo in nude mice Substantially reduced tumour formation in nude 58
Ribozymes (Rz) HPV16-E6/E7 HP In vitro Reduced the growth rate and prevented 59
ribozyme (R434) immortalization of E6/E7 transformed normal human
HPV6b and HPV11 E1 In vitro Efficiently cleaved E1 gene RNA transcripts 60
Short-interfering HPV16 & HPV18 E6 In vitro E6 silencing induced accumulation of cellular p53 61-65
RNAs (siRNA) and E7 protein, transactivation of the cell cycle control p21
gene and reduced cell growth.
E7 silencing induced hypo-phosphorylation of
retinoblastoma protein and apoptotic cell death.
Inhibited cellular DNA synthesis
Induced morphological and biochemical changes
characteristic of cellular senescence
HPV16 E6 and E7 in vivo in NOD/SCID Retarded tumour formation in nude mice 62,66
nude mice
Short hairpin RNA HPV16 & HPV18 E6 In vitro Accumulation of p53, p21, and hypophosphorylated 67
(sh-RNA) and E7 pRb proteins in cells 68
Lentiviral (LV) delivery of low dose sh-RNA
reduced cell growth and the induction of senescence,
high-dose infection resulted in specific cell death via
HPV18 E6 and E7 in vivo in NOD/SCID Transplant of HeLa cells infected with a low dose of LV- 68
nude mice shRNA into Rag-/- mice significantly reduced the tumour
weight, whereas transplant of cells infected with a high
dose resulted in a complete loss of tumour growth
Systemic delivery of LV-shRNA into mice with
established HeLa cell lung metastases led to a
significant reduction in the number of tumour nodules

oligos or ribozymes. Recent studies were demonstrated of p21 (WAF1/CIP1)64,66, hypophosphorylation of

that using siRNA is more rational as these molecules retinoblastoma protein (pRb 105) and activation of
can induce selective silencing of exogenous viral apoptotic pathways in HPV-infected target cells.
genes in mammalian cells, and the process does not Moreover, delivery of E6/E7 siRNA into nude mice has
interfere with the recovery of cellular regulatory shown significant reduction in the number of tumour
systems previously inhibited by viral gene expression61. nodules and retarded tumour growth of HPV16+ cells
Moreover, because E6 and E7 genes are not present in in NOD/SCID mice64,66.
normal cells, RNAi-based therapies would not affect Despite being a totally rational antiviral strategy,
them. Several studies have shown that HPV E6 and E7 RNA interference operates only at post-transcriptional
can be efficiently targeted by small interfering RNA, level to suppress gene expression of viral oncogenes and
resulting in suppressed monolayer and anchorage- does not have any impact on viral latency. Moreover,
independent growth and induce apoptosis and due to lack of bystander effect and requirement
replicative senescence of SiHa cells61-64,66,68,79. The most of large amount of therapeutic principle, the cells
interesting feature of E6 and E7 targeting by siRNA is with targeted oncogenic RNA tend to loose their
the stabilization of E6 target protein p53 and its nuclear proliferative capacity (as desired) and get diluted out
accumulation which eventually leads to the expression in fast expanding pool of non-targeted or inefficiently
304 INDIAN J MED RES, September 2009

targeted cells expressing viral oncogenes. Therefore, strategies and emphasis is being given to natural and
in view of these major shortcomings RNA interference herbal derivatives that are safe and possess multi-hit
may not be useful as stand alone therapy. Keeping capability not only to target against the viral oncogenes
these inherent lacunae, a few more rational approaches but also to inhibit the co-operative signaling and
have been developed by combining RNAi against dysregulated gene expression of the host cells.
HPV E6 and E7 with the current forms of treatment Since productive life cycle of HPV is tightly
for cervical cancer. In a recent study, targeting HPV linked with the differentiation programme of infected
oncogene by siRNA and reactivation of p53 pathway epithelial cells, various leads are being tested for their
was found to increase the sensitivity of tumour cells activity at different stages of HPV’s life cycle in the host
to cisplastin80. This strategy also reduced the cisplastin cell which include virus binding and entry, presence of
dose requirement and the prevented occurrence of drug viral DNA in episomal form and its replication in host
resistance and resulted apoptotic death in cancer cells. cells as well as host cell-dependent expression of viral
In another study, the use of photocross-linking reagent, oncogenes following integration of its DNA into the
4,5’,8-trimethylpsoralen, conjugated oligo (nucleoside host cells. The noncoding upstream regulatory region
phosphorothioate) (Ps-S-Oligo) for photodynamic (URR) of HPV consists of myriad of transcription
anti-sense regulation of the anti-apoptotic HPV18 E6 factor binding sites like AP-1, SP1, NFκB, NF-1,
expression alongwith low concentration of cisplastin, TEF-1, TEF-2, Oct-1, AP-2, KRF-1, YY-1, STAT-3
up regulated more p53 activity and induced massive and glucocorticoid responsive elements85. During
apoptotic death in comparison to that induced by Ps-S- differentiation, these upregulated cellular transcription
Oligo81 alone. factors bind to the HPV URR and facilitate the

As with the other technologies, in vitro testing of expression of viral oncoproteins and late structural
siRNAs against cervical cancer has shown promising proteins. As these cellular transcription factors serve as
result. However, there are issues that have held up a major link between oncogenic host cell transcription
the clinical development of ribozymes and antisense and also the viral gene expression, transcription factors
molecules are target selection, specificity and delivery provides a unique target for development of anti-HPV
along with low efficiency, short-period of maintenance, therapeutics86. Theoretically, preventing binding of
and high cost82. In addition, transfection with siRNA these transcription factors will eventually leads to the
can activate stress response genes (e.g., GADD and suppression of HPV oncogenic gene expression and
p38), and there is evidence that in some case, siRNA stop assembly of virion particles. In past few years,
might degrade some off-target mRNAs in human several herbal compounds, derivatives, antioxidant and
cells83,84. This non-specific effects may explain, in small polyphenol plant compounds have been used for
part, why cytotoxicity can occur after transfection with selective suppression of host cell transcription factors
seemingly harmless siRNAs and thus underline the like AP-1, and NF-κB in HPV infected cells87-91. The
importance of siRNA optimization. selective suppression and alteration in composition
of these factors has been shown to be associated with
C) Natural/herbal derivatives: downregulation of HPV gene expression and induction
In this age of targeted therapy, the failure of most of apoptosis in infected cells91. Here, in this section we
current drug –discovery efforts to yield safe, effective, have described some of the potent anti-HPV activities
and inexpensive drugs has generated widespread which are in process of development for being used as
concern. Successful drug development has been anti-HPV therapeutics (Table IV).
obstructed by a general focus on target selection rather Curcumin: Curcumin is a potent antioxidative agent
than clinical safety and efficacy. The very process of (diferuloymethane) and an active compound of the
validating the targets themselves is inefficient and in perennial herb which also exhibits anti-inflammatory
many cases leads to drugs having poor efficacy and and antitumour activity110. Recent studies using this
undesirable side effects not only for HPV-related curcumin on HPV positive human cervical cancer cell
diseases but cancer in general. Since any given cancer lines have demonstrated that curcumin downregulates
carries an estimated 300 gene alterations, this raises the AP-1 and NF-κB expression in a dose and time
an important question about how effective these dependent manner89,91. The AP-1 plays a crucial role
targeted therapies can ever be against cancer. Thus, during the development of cervical cancer by binding
it has become necessary to rethink drug development to its potential cognate binding sites within HPV URR
Bharti et al: Anti-human papillomavirus therapeutics: Facts & future 305

Table IV. Molecular targeting of HPV and Host cellular factors interaction using natural and herbal derivatives
Natural/ Herbal derivative Anti-viral action References
Curcumin and curcumin-based poly-herbal Inhibition of oncogenic and viral transcription through inhibition of AP-1 89-92
formulation, Basant and NF-κB
Block viral entry in cervical cells
Praneem poly herbal formulation Clearance of viral DNA from precancer lesions 93
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) Inhibition of proliferation with suppression of pKi-67 and telomerase 94-98
activity and induction of apoptosis
Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NGDA) from Inhibition of HPV16 transciption by inhibition SP1-mediated 99
plant lignan transcription 100
Stabilization of p53
Silymarin Apoptosis by no-mitochondrial pathway mediated through p38/ JNK 101
Jaceosidin ( 4’,5,7-trihydroxy-3’,6- Inhibit binding of E6 with p53 and E7 with pRb 102
dimethoxyflavone) Suppress growth of cervical cancer cells
Heparin Inhibition of AP-1 activity and inhibition of HPV LCR and trascription of 103, 104
E6 & E7
Supression of cell proliferation
Carrageenan Acts primarily by preventing the binding of HPV virions to cells 105
Sulindac (NSAID) Degradation of E7 by the proteasomal pathway 106
Inhibition of host cell cycle and suppression of cyclin E and A,
inactivation of cdk2,
Solanum nigrum Phytoglycoprotein Reduces the binding activities of NF-kB and AP-1 and declines the level 107
of Nitric Oxide (NO) production
Soyasaponins Apoptosis by mitochondrial pathway 108
Sulfated K5 E. coli polysaccharide Prevented the interaction between HPV-16 pseudovirions and 109
derivatives immobilized heparin
Inhibited HPV-16, HPV-18, and HPV-6 pseudovirion infection

and is absolutely indispensable for efficient HPV Praneem: Similar to Basant, Praneem also is a
oncogene expression87. AP-1 has been shown to be polyherbal formulation based on purified extracts
regulating the transcription of almost all HPV types of Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves and other
investigated so far111. Curcumin treatment of HPV 18 ingredients113, strongly inhibited the growth of N.
positive cervical cancer cells selectively suppresses the gonorrhea, multi-drug resistant E. coli and various
HPV 18 transcription as well as abolished AP-1 binding species of Candida and has virucidal action against
to the viral URR89. In subsequent studies, curcumin has HIV-1113-115. Praneem was shown to clear and prevent
also been shown to suppress activation of transcription in vivo transmission of HSV2 and Chlamydia
factor NFκB. Curcumin also selectively blockes trachomatis infection114. Praneem dispensed as
IκBα phosphorylation and degradation and lead to pessary has completed Phase-I safety and Phase-II
abrogation of NFκB activation and downregulation efficacy studies for treatment of abnormal vaginal
of NF-κB dependent COX-2 expression91. These discharge due to a variety of reproductive tract
activities of curcumin are primarily linked to its strong infections (RTIs)116-118. In a pilot Phase II clinical trial
anti-oxidant activity. Based on these leads a polyherbal of Praneem in women positive for HPV 16, a 30 day
cream, Basant, has been formulated using curcumin application of the Praneem polyherbal tablet resulted
and other herbal components92. Basant was found to in elimination of highly carcinogenic HPV type 16
not only inhibit HPV entry into the cervical cells in from the uterine cervix in an overall 80 per cent of
vitro but also inhibited Neisseria gonorrhoeae, various cases93. The elimination of HPV DNA was found to
species of Candida and HIV-1in cultures92. Currently, be accompanied by marked improvements in clinical
this formulation is being tested clinically for its safety symptoms as well as cytological abnormalities in
and efficacy against HPV infection in humans in a Praneem-treated subjects. Though the mechanism(s)
Phase II multicentric clinical trial in women having of action of Praneem is not known, it appears to act
HPV positive pre-cancer (CIN1/LSIL) lesions112. through immunomodulatory pathways.
306 INDIAN J MED RES, September 2009

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG): A constituent of derivative-based anti-HPV therapies a high priority

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Reprint requests: Prof. B.C. Das, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi (North Campus), Delhi 110 007, India
e-mail: [email protected]

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