2020 UGuelph ELCP Application

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AP English Language Programs 2020 Telephone: +1-519-824-4120 Ext 52149

University of Guelph Fax: +1-519-767-1114

Open Learning and Educational Support E-mail: [email protected]
160 Johnston Hall Website: www.elpguelph.ca
Guelph, ON, CANADA N1G 2W1 University Website: www.uoguelph.ca

English Language Certificate Program Application Form

Please fill in this application form as completely as possible. Incomplete forms will delay the processing of your application. We
recommend you apply well in advance of your start date. This will allow you enough time to make visa and travel arrangements.

Student Information Alternate Contact

Agent Family Friend

Family Name Contact Name

First Name Agency Name

Permanent Mailing Address Address

City Province /State Country Postal Code

City Province /State Country Postal Code Telephone: Fax: Cell:

Birth Date (day/month/year) Male Female Email

Relationship to student
Home Telephone Number Cell Number
Mail package to: Alternate Contact Student

I allow my alternate contact to communicate with you

Applicant’s personal email for advance placement testing (required) about my application: Yes No

Nationality Native Language Signature

Status in Canada Accommodation

Applying for a student visa Do you require accommodation services?
Have a student visa Expiry Date: ___________________________
Tourist/working holiday Visa Expiry Date: ____________________ Yes, I would like information about Homestay and
Canadian citizen or Landed immigrant Campus Residence
Other (Please specify): ______________________________________ No, I will find my own accommodation
If you have any questions, please email ELP
How did you hear about this program? Homestay Service at [email protected]
Education Agent
Canadian Embassy/Consulate
Friend or Family
Former Guelph Student Name: _________________________________
Website Name: ______________________________________________
Education Fair (please specify): _________________________________
Other (please specify): ________________________________________

ELP Guelph www.elpguelph.ca

Academics - Current Status Family Members

Secondary School: I will enter Canada alone.

Have you graduated from high school? Yes No I will be traveling with my spouse.
Name & location of school:________________________________________
Date of completion: _____________________________________________ I will be traveling with my spouse and children.

University: I will be travelling with a parent.

Have you graduated from university? Yes No I will be traveling with my brother or sister.
Date:_______________________ Degree __________________________
Name of institution: _____________________________________________
Major area of study: _____________________________________________ Program Selection and Fees

Have you attended any other university or college? Yes No English Language Certificate Program
Name of institution: _____________________________________________ Start Dates (please select one)
Major area of study: _____________________________________________
Winter A 2020 Jan. 8 to Feb. 28, 2020
English Classes: Winter B 2020 Mar. 4 to Apr. 23, 2020
Do you currently attend English Classes? Yes No Summer A 2020 May 6 to June 26, 2020
Name of institution: _____________________________________________ Summer B 2020 June 29 to Aug. 20, 2020
Dates of study: _________________________________________________ Fall A 2020 Sept. 2 to Oct. 23, 2020
Fall B 2020 Oct. 28 to Dec. 17, 2020

Academic Goals Intended Length of Study

7 weeks only 14 weeks or longer
Program requirements are subject to change without notice. It is the
Program Fees
responsibility of the student to ensure they meet the admission requirements
for admission to degree programs. Fees are listed in Canadian dollars. The application
fee is non-refundable. Please note that text book
Undergraduate Studies at University of Guelph costs ($250-$500) is extra
14 Weeks 7 Weeks
I will apply for admission to the University of Guelph: Application Fee $150 $150
Tuition $5,150 $2,688
Guaranteed Admission Pathway – ELCP + Open Learning program Student Service Fee $760 $575
Bachelor of Arts Medical Insurance $220 $110
Bachelor of Commerce Total fees $6,280 $3,523
I will apply/have already applied for admission to the University of Guelph
through the Ontario Universities Application Centre Government Sponsorship
I currently have sponsorship from my government
Program/Major: ______________ U of G ID number: _________________ I have applied for sponsorship from my government
U of G email: ___________________________________________________ I do not have sponsorship from my government

Graduate Studies at University of Guelph

Application Checklist
I have already applied for admission to graduate studies at the University
of Guelph.
By signing below I agree that I have read and
Program/Major: ______________ U of G ID number: _________________ understood the following statements:
U of G email: ___________________________________________________ • The ELCP is an intensive academic program for
I will apply for admission to graduate studies and will request admission university preparation.
conditional upon completion of the Advanced level of the English Language • The ELCP has an English only policy in
Certificate Program. classrooms, labs and activities
Program/Major: _________________________________________________ • The ELCP has a strict attendance policy. Students
who do not attend class will be required to
Undergraduate Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University withdraw without refund.
I will apply for undergraduate admission to Wilfrid Laurier University • The $150 application fee is non-refundable.
Program/Major: ________________________________________________ • It is my responsibility to read the Student
Information posted online at www.elpguelph.ca
Wilfrid Laurier University ID number: ________________________________
• I have read and understood the current published
Other Academic Goals refund policies on the website www.elpguelph.ca
I will apply for admission to another university.
I will return to study at a university in my home country.
I do not plan to study at university.

Signature of Applicant Date

ELP Guelph www.elpguelph.ca

English Language Programs 2020 Telephone: +1-519-824-4120 Ext 52149
University of Guelph Fax: +1-519-767-1114
Open Learning and Educational Support E-mail: [email protected]
160 Johnston Hall Website: www.elpguelph.ca
Guelph, ON, CANADA N1G 2W1 University Website: www.uoguelph.ca

English Language Proficiency / ALTE Self -Assessment

English Language Certificate Program Application Form
If applicable, please indicate your current score on one of the following English proficiency tests:

TOEFL PBT __________ TOEIC _______________ TOEFL iBT ___________ IELTS _______________

Using the table at the bottom of the page, please rate yourself in the following areas:
ALTE Level Listening / Speaking Reading Writing
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

• I confirm that this ALTE rating is based on my own personal assessment of my ability, and not that of my agent.
• I understand that I may be required to complete pre-arrival language testing without assistance of any kind.
• I understand that I will take an English language placement test when I arrive on campus at the University of Guelph.
• I understand that if my language level is lower than that required to participate in the program, the University of Guelph also
reserves the right to refuse my registration without refund of tuition paid.

Signature of Applicant Date

Association of Language Testers in Europe: Skill Level Summaries (Can-Do statements)

ALTE Level Listening/Speaking Reading Writing

CAN understand basic instructions or CAN complete basic forms, and write
ALTE Level CAN understand basic notices,
take part in a basic factual notes including times, dates and
0 instructions or information.
conversation on a predictable topic. places.
CAN understand straightforward
information within a known area, such CAN complete forms and write short
ALTE Level CAN express simple opinions or
as on products and signs and simple simple letters or postcards related to
1 requirements in a familiar context.
textbooks or reports on familiar personal information.
CAN express opinions on
CAN understand routine information
abstract/cultural matters in a limited
ALTE Level and articles, and the general meaning CAN write letters or make notes on
way or offer advice within a known
2 of non-routine information within a familiar or predictable matters.
area, and understand instructions or
familiar area.
public announcements.
CAN follow or give a talk on a familiar CAN scan texts for relevant CAN make notes while someone is
ALTE Level
topic or keep up a conversation on a information, and understand detailed talking or write a letter including
fairly wide range of topics. instructions or advice. non-standard requests.
CAN contribute effectively to meetings CAN prepare/draft professional
CAN read quickly enough to cope with
and seminars within own area of work correspondence, take reasonably
ALTE Level an academic course, to read the media
or keep up a casual conversation with accurate notes in meetings or write an
4 for information or to understand non-
a good degree of fluency, coping with essay which shows an ability to
standard correspondence.
abstract expressions. communicate.
CAN advise on or talk about complex
CAN understand documents, CAN write letters on any subject and
ALTE Level or sensitive issues, understanding
correspondence and reports, including full notes of meetings or seminars with
5 colloquial references and dealing
the finer points of complex texts. good expression and accuracy.
confidently with hostile questions.

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