Nishan Shrestha On AI

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1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Methodology......................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Legal issues............................................................................................................................................ 4
4. Professional issues ................................................................................................................................ 4
5. Artificial Intelligence Uses ..................................................................................................................... 5
AI in healthcare ............................................................................................................................................. 5
AI in Military ................................................................................................................................................ 5
AI in Space Exploration ................................................................................................................................ 5
AI in cyber-security ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Reduction in Human Errors .......................................................................................................................... 6
Risk Taking ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Availability ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Repetitive Jobs .............................................................................................................................................. 6
High Cost of Creation ................................................................................................................................... 7
Unemployment .............................................................................................................................................. 7
NO Emotions ................................................................................................................................................ 7
NO out-of-the-box Thinking ......................................................................................................................... 7
6. Violation issues and business plans ...................................................................................................... 8
CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................................. 9
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 10
1. Introduction

Artificial Intelligence is one of the emerging technologies which tries to simulate human
reasoning in AI systems. John McCarthy invented the term Artificial Intelligence in the year
He said, ‘Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so
precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt will be made to find
how to make machines use language, form abstractions, and concepts, solve kinds of problems
now reserved for humans, and improve themselves.’
Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a computer program to learn and think. Everything can be
considered Artificial intelligence if it involves a program doing something that we would
normally think would rely on the intelligence of a human.
2. Methodology

If I had to choose between the Human Based Judiciary system or a AI based judiciary system , I
would always go for AI based judiciary system. For a country like Nepal, where the judicial
processes move at a snail’s pace and the system is overflowing with unattended cases, AI in
judiciary and other tech-integrated legal systems would be highly beneficial.
If an AI judge can examine the case record and accurately decide cases based on the facts,
human judges could be made free to consider more complex questions. They will also have
more time on their hands to do what our Supreme Court judges are currently engaged in. (How
Does Disruptive Tech like AI Impact the Judiciary and Law?, 2019)
Increased accuracy is another advantage which an artificial intelligence system can generate.
Thus various AI software are being used in stock trades. The trades and transactions take place
without human intervention leading to reduction of human errors. Plus it leads the reduction of
human wages cost for stock trading activities.
Judges of all jurisdictions, including the Supreme Court, are allowed to do administrative work
in addition to their judicial duties. The paper mentions designing "task-specific limited AI
techniques" to help judges waste less time on administrative tasks in this sense. Such resources
will also help with the registry's "general rigour," from arranging hearings to generating cause-
lists to more nuanced activities like discovery and record analysis.
In India, It is possible that court proceedings in the high courts and lower courts will be
accelerated with easy access to case law developed by SC decisions in a comprehensible-for-all
style. SUPACE, a hybrid AI-assisted platform, can help legal analysts and judges work more
efficiently by reading case files, extracting pertinent facts, drafting case records, and managing
work apportionment. The SUPACE system also includes a chat-bot that can give the overview of
a case, respond to elementary questions, while switching between documents and prompting
further questions to sharpen the user’s understanding of a matter; the logic-gate the chat-bot
relies on constantly picks up bits of knowledge, thereby refining responses to both factual and
contextual questions.

One major issue with AI judges is that it poses significant legal concerns about prejudice and
autonomy. It has been suggested that AI programs can integrate the biases of their programmers
as well as the humans with whom they communicate. It can also act in unpredictable and
shocking ways when it learns to behave like human judges.
However, those concerns are countered by the fact that the current mechanism is just as
vulnerable to violence. We've seen how bias, bench biases, and a lack of integrity have tainted
judicial rulings. Judges have also sparred openly on topics other than legal prudence and
propriety. (RAVEENDRAN, 2021)
If it is human to make mistakes, it is unfair to expect artificial intelligence to be faultless. Yet,
without undermining judicial standards or moral justice, AI may provide models that can be
extended to cases in which legal points and circumstantial considerations correspond. Judges
should not need to be overburdened by those instances, which can be resolved using algorithms
that still require human oversight. Algorithms have been discovered to be capable of doing far
more complex operations and functions requiring high levels of accuracy.

According to news, an AI judge produced by computer scientists at University College London

analyzed current case law and delivered the same decision in 79 percent of the cases before the
European Court of Human Rights. It was apparently discovered that European Court judges
relied more on non-judicial evidence than on legal claims.
Human judges will be freed to consider more complicated issues if an AI judge would review the
case record and objectively determine cases based on the evidence. They will now have more
free time to do the work that our Supreme Court justices are now doing.

There are no two ways about the need to overhaul the current regime, which is on the verge of
collapsing under its own weight and scale. There have been occasions where crucial cases have
been dragged on for decades for the profit of one or more sides, whilst millions of wretched
victims languish in prison without ever facing a single day of justice.
Artificial intelligence is likely to be the last ray of hope for many who have been wronged by an
unsustainable legal decision-making method.
3. Legal issues

Other ethical concerns that emerge as a result of the development of artificially intelligent
devices include the effect on human relationships. Artificial intelligence technologies will also
provide for disabled and aged persons without the need for human interference. Some of the
examples of this technology are smart houses that can lock itself when detected threat, order food
control the atmosphere of the house.
Other ethical concerns that emerge as a result of the development of artificially intelligent
devices include the effect on human relationships. Artificial intelligence technologies will also
provide for disabled and aged persons without the need for human interference.

4. Professional issues

Other technical challenges include the general public's lack of knowledge of this area. As a
result, the general public does not seem to be worried with artificial intelligence developments.
This lack of understanding will become a concern when it comes to new technical introductions.
Because of this, the general public would be unable to adopt the new AI technical devices. As a
result, there is a problem with the AI career.
A second problem for the AI industry is that technical progress is being made at the expense of
human innovation, especially artificial intelligence advances in technology. Day-to-day tasks can
be simple and can be carried out with the help of robotics as a result of technological advances.
As a result, people would not use their imagination to develop new goods or technology. As a
result, a delicate balance must be struck in technical development between overprotection and
the lack of novelty and imagination.
Furthermore, artificial intelligence-adopted surveillance technologies that are used to track
activities have an effect on privacy laws. This results in failure to comply with another BCS
ethics code.
5. Artificial Intelligence Uses
AI is no longer just a philosophy. It does, in practice, have a wide range of applications. As of
today, AI is also being used by businesses all over the world to refine their processes and
increase sales and earnings. AI has altered the business world radically. What began as a rule-
based automation system is now capable of simulating human activity.

Some of the unexpected uses AI in the field of technology are:

AI in healthcare
AI increases efficiency and patient safety by increasing predictability, accuracy, and reliability.
While it won't be able to replace doctors and nurses, it will help them be more competitive,
productive, and happy on the job by removing the cognitive load from them. (uses of artificial
intelligence, 2020)

AI in Military
AI technologies are being developed by the United States and other countries for a variety of
military functions. AI and Machine Learning are mostly used in the military to improve C2,
Communications, Sensors, Integration, and Interoperability.

AI in Space Exploration
Experiments and observations in space necessitate the analysis of massive volumes of data. AI
and machine learning are the most effective methods for handling and processing large amounts
of data. (Artificial Intelligence Applications, 2020)
AI in cyber-security
AI is making significant progress in the field of cyber-security. Despite the fact that AI is still in
its infancy in cyber-security and cannot always adequately solve all problems, it has proven to be
effective in data protection. (uses of artificial intelligence, 2020)

The Merits of the use of AI are:

Reduction in Human Errors

Computers, on the other hand, do not create these errors if they are correctly programmed. AI
makes predictions based on previously collected data and a series of algorithms. As a result,
errors are minimized, and the probability of achieving greater precision and accuracy is

Risk Taking
One of the most significant benefits of AI is this. By building an AI Robot that can do the risky
stuff for us, we can solve many of humanity's risky shortcomings. It can be used successfully in
some kind of natural or man-made catastrophe, whether it is going to Mars, defusing a missile,
exploring the deepest areas of the oceans, digging for coal and oil.

An Average human will work for 4–6 hours a day excluding the breaks. But,We can make robots
run 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without taking breaks, and they don't get tired, unlike

Repetitive Jobs
In our day-to-day work, we will be performing many repetitive works. We will use AI to
productively simplify these mundane activities and even eliminate “boring” tasks from humans'
schedules, allowing them to be more imaginative.
The Demerits of the use of AI are:

High Cost of Creation

Since AI is evolving on a daily basis, hardware and software must be upgraded on a regular basis
to keep up with the new specifications. Machines necessitate repair and servicing, all of which
incur significant costs. Since they are extremely complicated devices, their construction
necessitates exorbitant costs.

Human interference is becoming fewer as AI replaces the bulk of manual jobs and other tasks
with robotics, causing a big problem in job conditions. Every organization is looking to replace
the minimum qualified individuals with AI robots which can do similar work with more

NO Emotions
Machines are undeniably more effective when it comes to functioning, but they cannot eliminate
the personal bond that binds a team together. Machines are unable to form bonds with humans,
which is a necessary characteristic.

NO out-of-the-box Thinking
Machines should only execute the functions for which they were designed or programmed;
anything else causes them to fail or produce meaningless results, which can be a significant
distraction. (Kumar, 2019)
6. Violation issues and business plans
Developing software of that level of sophistication is hard and protecting it from unauthorised
use and violation is even harder.
To shield such AI from illegal use, one effective way to safeguard digital information is to first
determine what data the organization values the most. Recognize the risks to data as it resides
and travels through and between networks. In such cases, determine the most rigorous solution to
data security. Then, with the remaining risks and documents, determine if any further security
steps are necessary. Intellectual Property (IP) is protected by Patents, Copyright and Trademarks
Laws which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or
According to the law of Nepal, Unauthorized Access to Software Materials: If any person, with
the intent to gain access to any program, information, or data of any software, uses such a
computer without the owner's authorization, or even with authorization, performs any act with
the intent to gain access to any program, information, or data contrary to such authorization, such
a person shall be liable to the punishment with the fine not exceeding Two Hundred Thousand
Rupees or with imprisonment not exceeding three years or with both depending on the
seriousness of the offence.
If any person with an intention to obtain a license from Certifying Authority under this Act or
with any other intention either to Controller or with an intention to obtain Digital Signature
Certificate or with any other intention conceals statement knowingly or lies any statement to be
submitted to the Certifying Authority any false statements shall be liable to the punishment with
a fine not exceeding One Hundred Thousands rupees or with an imprisonment not exceeding two
years or with both.
Nepal's intellectual property laws and regulations are archaic, obsolete, and only applied
sporadically. Because of a lack of IP recognition and a new IP regulation, Nepal is having a
difficult time stopping the selling of counterfeit products.
We must, however, have Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection advice, including
information on patent, copyright, and trademark registration, in order to protect its intellectual
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing technology, made possible by the Internet, that
may soon have significant impacts on our everyday lives. AI traditionally refers to an artificial
creation of human-like intelligence that can learn, reason, plan, perceive, or process natural
language . These traits allow AI to bring immense socioeconomic opportunities, while also
posing ethical and socio-economic challenges.
As AI is an Internet enabled technology, the Internet Society recognizes that understanding the
opportunities and challenges associated with AI is critical to developing an Internet that people
can trust.

As machine learning is used more often in products and services, there are some significant
considerations when it comes to users’ trust in the Internet. Several issues must be considered
when addressing AI, including, socio-economic impacts; issues of transparency, bias, and
accountability; new uses for data, considerations of security and safety, ethical issues; and, how
AI facilitates the creation of new ecosystems.
Artificial Intelligence Applications. (2020, sep 18). Retrieved may 10, 2021, from
How Does Disruptive Tech like AI Impact the Judiciary and Law? (2019, nov 29). Retrieved may 10,
2021, from analyticsinsight:
Kumar, S. (2019, nov 19). Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved may 10,
2021, from towarddatascience:
RAVEENDRAN, K. (2021, apr 9). How Does Disruptive Tech like AI Impact the Judiciary and Law?
Retrieved may 10, 2021, from
uses of artificial intelligence. (2020, sep 11). Retrieved may 10, 2021, from newgenapps:

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