SAP SD Transaction Codes

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VA01 Create Sales Order

VA02 Change Sales Order

VA03 Display Sales Order
VA05 List of Sales Orders
VA05N List of Sales Orders
VA41 Create Contract
VA42 Change Contract
VA43 Display Contract
VA45 List of Contracts
VA45N List of Contracts

VL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.

VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
VL03N Display Outbound Delivery
VL06F General delivery list - Outb.deliv.
VL06G List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue
VL_COMP Completion of Deliveries

VF01 Create Billing Document

VF02 Change Billing Document
VF03 Display Billing Document
VF04 Maintain Billing Due List
VF05 List Billing Documents
VF05N List of Billing Documents
VF11 Cancel Billing Document
VF21 Create Invoice List
VF22 Change invoice list
VF23 Display Invoice List
VF24 Edit Work List for Invoice Lists
VF25 List of Invoice Lists
VF26 Cancellation invoice list
VKM1 Blocked SD Documents
VKM2 Released SD Documents
VKM3 Sales Documents
VKM4 SD Documents
VKM5 Deliveries
VKOA Accnt Determination

VK11 Create Condition

VK12 Change Condition
VK13 Display Condition

XD01 Create Customer (Centrally)

XD02 Change Customer (Centrally)
XD03 Display Customer (Centrally)
XD04 Customer Changes (Centrally)
XD05 Block customer (centrally)
XD06 Mark customer for deletion (centr.)
VD01 Create Customer (Sales)
VD02 Change Customer (Sales)
VD03 Display Customer (Sales)
VD04 Customer Changes (SD)
VD05 Block customer (sales)
VD06 Mark customer for deletion (sales)


J1IBN01 Create Excise Bond

J1IBN02 Change Excise Bond
J1IBN03 Display Excise Bond
J1IBN04 Cancel Excise Bond
J1IBN05 Close Excise Bond
J1IBONSUBond Summary Report
T Codes Description
V/LA Create Pricing Report
V/LB Change Pricing Report
V/LC Display Pricing Report
V/LD Execute pricing report
V/LE Generate pricing reports
V23 Sales Documents Blocked for Billing
VA00 Initial Sales Menu
VA01 Create Sales Order
VA02 Change Sales Order
VA03 Display Sales Order
VA05 List of Sales Orders
VA05N List of Sales Orders
VA07 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Order)
VA08 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Org.Dt.)
VA11 Create Inquiry
VA12 Change Inquiry
VA13 Display Inquiry
VA14L Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery
VA15 Inquiries List
VA15N Inquiries List
VA21 Create Quotation
VA22 Change Quotation
VA23 Display Quotation
VA25 Quotations List
VA25N List of quotations
VA26 Collective Processing for Quotations
VA31 Create Scheduling Agreement
VA32 Change Scheduling Agreement
VA33 Display Scheduling Agreement
VA35 List of Scheduling Agreements
VA35N List of Scheduling Agreements
VA41 Create Contract
VA42 Change Contract
VA42W Workflow for master contract
VA43 Display Contract
VA44 Actual Overhead: Sales Order
VA45 List of Contracts
VA45N List of Contracts
VBBLOCKDocuments Blocked for Billing
VBELN_SGenerate Sales Order Set
VC/1 List of Customers
VC/2 Customer Master Data Sheet
VD01 Create Customer (Sales)
VD02 Change Customer (Sales)
VD03 Display Customer (Sales)
VD04 Customer Changes (SD)
VD05 Block customer (sales)
VD06 Mark customer for deletion (sales)
VD07 Ref. doc. det. for ref. customer
VD51 Maintain Customer-Material Info
VD52 Maintain Cust-Mat.Info w/Select.Scrn
VD53 Display Customer-Material Info
VD54 Display Customer-Material Info
VD59 List customer-material-info
VDBLOC Documents Blocked for Delivery
VF00 9Sales organization & is not defined
VF01 Create Billing Document
VF02 Change Billing Document
VF03 Display Billing Document
VF04 Maintain Billing Due List
VF05 List Billing Documents
VF05N List of Billing Documents
VF11 Cancel Billing Document
VFX2 Display Blocked Billing Documents
VFX3 List Blocked Billing Documents
VK11 Create Condition
VK12 Change Condition
VK13 Display Condition
VKM1 Blocked SD Documents
VKM2 Released SD Documents
VKM3 Sales Documents
VKM4 SD Documents
VKM5 Deliveries
VKOA Accnt Determination
VL00 Shipping
VL01 Create Delivery
VL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.
VL01NO Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref.
VL02 Change Outbound Delivery
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
VL03 Display Outbound Delivery
VL03N Display Outbound Delivery
VL04 Process Delivery Due List
VL06 Delivery Monitor
VL06C List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation
VL06D Outbound Deliveries for Distribution
VL06F General delivery list - Outb.deliv.
VL06G List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue
VL06I Inbound Delivery Monitor
VL06IC Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv.
VL06ID Inbound Deliveries for Distribution
VL06IF Selection inbound deliveries
VL06IG Inbound deliveries for goods receipt
VL06IP Inbound deliveries for putaway
VL06L Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
VL06P List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking
VL06T List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning)
VL06U List of Uncheckd Outbound Deliveries
VL08 Confirmation of Picking Request
VL09 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note
VL10 Edit User-specific Delivery List
VL10A Sales Orders Due for Delivery
VL10B Purchase Orders Due for Delivery
T Codes Description
J1I2 Sales Tax Register
J1I3 Modvat utilzation in batch
J1I5 Register creation for RG23 and RG1
J1I57AE New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57AE
J1I6 Modvat forecast
J1I7 Query Excise invoices
J1I8 TDS Challan Update
J1I9 Number ranges for excise invoice
J1IA Excise Invoice Details
J1IA101 Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure
J1IA102 Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure
J1IA103 Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure
J1IA104 Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure
J1IA301 Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure
J1IA302 Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure
J1IA303 Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure
J1IA304 Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure
J1IANX18 Pro Forma of Running Bond Account
J1IANX19 Export of Excisable Goods
J1IARE_AGE Aging Analysis for ARE Documents
J1IB Excise Verification And Posting
J1IBN01 Create Excise Bond
J1IBN02 Change Excise Bond
J1IBN03 Display Excise Bond
J1IBN04 Cancel Excise Bond
J1IBN05 Close Excise Bond
J1IBONSUM Bond Summary Report
J1IC194C Annual Return under section 194c
J1IC194D Annual Return under section 194d
J1IC194I Annual Return under section 194i
J1IC194J Annual Return under section 194J
J1ICANCINV Cancel Invoice
J1ICCAN Certificate cancel (Classical)
J1ICCERT Certificate Print -Regular Vendors
J1ICOTV Certificate Print-One time vendors
J1ICOVEND Monthly freelancer data
J1ICREP Certificate Reprint(Classical)
J1ID Rate maint & amend open po's/so's
J1IDEPOTSTOCK1 Depot stock with balances
J1IDEPOT_VAL Depot Balance stock duty
J1IDOCFLOW Excise document flow
J1IDUELIST Billing document due list for modvat
J1IE Number range maintenance: J_1ITDSNO
J1IEX Incoming Excise Invoices
J1IEX_BO Outgoing Excise Invoices for Exports
J1IEX_C Capture Incoming Excise Invoices
J1IEX_P Post Incoming Excise Invoices
J1IEX_SFAC Incoming Exc Inv Field Selection
J1IF Subcontracting
J1IF01 Subcontracting Challan : Create
J1IF11 Subcontracting Challan : Change
J1IF12 Subcontracting Challans : Display
J1IF13 Challan Complete/Reverse/Recredit
J1IFQ Challan : Reconcile Quantity
J1IFR Subcontracting Challan Listing
J1IG RG23D register receipt at depot
J1IGA Additional Excise Entry at Depot
J1IGAD Additional Excise at Depot Display
J1IH Create Excise JV
J1IHBK Copy House Bank ID from Invoice
J1IIEXCP Sales Excise Invoice Exceptions
J1IIN Outgoing Excise Invoice
J1IJ Excise invoice selec. at depot sale
J1IK Selection of Excise Invoice - Common
J1IL India Localization
J1ILIC01 License : Capture
J1ILIC02 License : Change
J1ILIC03 License : Display
J1ILIC04 License : Cancel
J1ILIC05 License : Close
J1ILICSUM Deemed Export License Summary
J1IM Maintain Excise Number Range
J1IME2W Open Orders- PO & Scheduling Agrmnt
J1IME3M Open Orders- Contract
J1IN India Version Tax Deduction at Sourc
J1IU Forms capture
J1IUN Forms tracking
J1IV Excise post & print for others mvmts
J1IW Excise Invoice without PO
J1IX Excise Invoice Verification WO PO
J1IY Maintain W.taxcode and Section .
J1IZ Maintain W. Tax Section info.
J2IR23D Register RG23D
J2IRAP1 Print RG23A Part1
J2IRAP2 Print RG23A Part2
J2IRCP1 Register RG23C part1
J2IRCP2 Register RG23C Part2
J2IRG1 Register RG1
J2IRPLA Register PLA
J2IU Fortnightly Utilization
J2IUN Monthly utilization

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