Intimation NOC RBI
Intimation NOC RBI
Intimation NOC RBI
Bandhan Bank Head Office: DN 32,Sector V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091 1 CIN:U67190WB2014PLCZ04622
Aapka Bhala, Sa bki Bhalai. Phone: +91·33-66090909, 4045 6456 I Fax:033 66090502 I website:
Refno: BBL/318/18-19
March 15,2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub.: Receipt of "No Objection" from the Reserve Bank of India for the proposed
scheme of amalgamation of GRUH Finance Limited into and with Bandhan Bank
Limited under Sections 230to 232 of the Companies Act, 2013and other applicable
This is with reference to our letter dated January 7, 2019,informing you about the decision ( f
the board of directors of Bandhan Bank Limited ("Transferee Company" or the "Bank")
approving the scheme of amalgamation of eRR Finance Limited ('Transferor "Company")
into and with the Transferee Company and their respective shareholders and creditors under
Sections 230 to 232 of the Companies Act, 2013 (including the Companies (Compromises,
Arrangements and Amalgamations) Rules, 2016} and other relevant provisions under
applicable law ("Scheme of Amalgamation"), subject to receipt of applicable regulatory and
other approvals.
In this regard, we would like to inform you that the Reserve Bank of India ("RBr) has by
its letter dated March 14, 2019, conveyed its "No Objection" for the voluntary
amalgamation of GRUH Finance Limited into and with Bandhan Bank Limited, subject I:n
compliance with the terms and conditions specified therein.
The Scheme of Amalgamation remains subject to receipt of applicable regulatory and other
approvals as identified in the draft Scheme of Amalgamation uploaded 011 our website -
https:/ / ...Amalgarnation-Gruh-Finance-Limited.
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Bandhan Bank Limited
Head Office: DN 32, SectorV, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091 1ClN: !.l67190WB2014PLC204622
Phone: +91-3-3-66090909, 4045 6456 1Fax:033 6609 05021 Website:
Yours faithfully,
for andhan Bank Limited
-_ C!J~
IndJanil Banerjee
Company Secretary
Me:thbership No. F9917
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