Early Treatment of Anterior Crossbite With Eschler Appliance: Two Case Reports

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ISSN: 2394-8418 DOI: https://doi.org/10.17352/jdps

Received: 08 July, 2020

Case Report Accepted: 13 July, 2020
Published: 15 July, 2020

Early treatment of anterior *Corresponding author: Andre Wilson Machado, DDS,

MS, PhD, Associate Professor, Section of Orthodontics,

crossbite with eschler Dental School, Federal University of Bahia, Av. Araújo
Pinho, 62 - 7 ° Andar – Canela, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil,
Tel: +55 71 3336 6973; E-mail:

appliance: Two case reports Keywords: Orthodontics; Interceptive; Malocclusion;

Malocclusion; Angle class III
Kamila de Oliveira Novais Machado1, Dauro Douglas https://www.peertechz.com
Oliveira2 and Andre Wilson Machado3*
DDS, Graduate program in Orthodontics, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo

Horizonte, Brazil

DDS, MS, PhD, Associate Professor and Program Director of Orthodontics, Pontifical Catholic

University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

DDS, MS, PhD, Associate Professor, Section of Orthodontics, Dental School, Federal University of

Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Anterior Crossbite (AC) originates from skeletal alterations, functional, dental or their association, and may have genetic and/or environmental influences. Its
prevalence varies between 2.2% and 12% depending on age, ethnicity and the type of AC. During the primary dentition, it varies between 4% and 7%. The aim of this paper
is to present two clinical cases of anterior crossbite correction in the primary dentition, in which the Eschler appliance was chosen for both treatments.

Introduction as the ideal time for intervention is still a controversial issue,

especially when AC is of skeletal origin [16,17].
Dentofacial disharmonies, especially in the sagittal plane,
Several treatment modalities are used in the early
are of great interest among orthodontists, whereas the class III
interception of AC. Those vary between removable appliances
malocclusion occupies a prominent place. Clinically, in skeletal
associated with digital springs, fixed or removable inclined
Class III malocclusions it is common to observe the presence of
planes, functional devices, face masks and fixed orthodontic
Anterior Crossbite (AC) in this type of malocclusion [1,2].
appliance [1,6,7,9,10,12,15,17,18]. However, there are few
studies presenting the interception of this malocclusion in the
AC originates from skeletal alterations, functional, dental or
primary dentition [7,10,17]. Due to the lack of clinical cases
their association, and may have genetic and/or environmental
showing the correction of this malocclusion in the primary
influences. Its prevalence varies between 2.2% and 12%
dentition and considering the importance of this correction at
depending on age, ethnicity and the type of AC [3,4]. During
the earliest time possible, the publication of clinical cases is
the primary dentition, it varies between 4% and 7% [5-10].

It is important to intercept this malocclusion at the

The aim of this paper is to present two clinical cases of
earliest time possible because the anterior interlock due to anterior crossbite correction in the primary dentition, in which
the AC could interfere in the maxillary growth and dental the Eschler appliance was chosen for both treatments.
development, which can aggravate the class III disharmony. In
such cases early interception is mandatory and the objective if Case report
to help establish a favorable environment for the growth of the
-Case n° 1
maxilla [3,4,9-15]. However, one of the disadvantages of early
interception is the difficulty in predicting long-term stability, A female patient with 5-year 2-month old, was seeking


Citation: Novais Machado KDO, Oliveira DD, Machado AW (2020) Early treatment of anterior crossbite with eschler appliance: Two case reports. J Dent Probl Solut
7(2): 063-067. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2394-8418.000087

orthodontic treatment because her parents complained about

the AC. The medical and dental history showed no complications
and her oral hygiene and gingival condition were within
normal limits. The family did not report previous orthodontic
treatments and no parental pattern of Class III malocclusion
were observed or reported.

Facial evaluation showed slightly concave profile, absence

of important asymmetries and presence of passive lip seal.
In the intraoral evaluation, the following characteristic were
found: the presence of complete primary dentition, midlines
Figure 2: a) Pretreatment cephalometric radiograph; b) Pretreatment cephalometric
were even, second molars’ distal relationship in mesial step tracing.
and the presence of AC involving all incisors. In the evaluation
of the discrepancy between Centric Relationship and Centric Table 1: Cephalometric measurements - before and after one year of treatment
Occlusion (CR-CO), no functional deviation was observed follow-up.
(Figure 1: pretreatment intraoral photographs). Measurements Norm Pretreatment 1-year follow-up

SNA 82° ± 2 79.2° 82.1°

The panoramic radiograph showed the presence of all
germs of the permanent teeth in different stages of maturation SNB 80° ± 2 82° 81.9°

and absence of any pathology. Cephalometric analysis showed ANB 2° ± 2 - 2.8° 0.2°
a developing Class III skeletal pattern (Figure 2: Pretreatment Wits Appraisal 0 mm - Women - 3.9mm - 1.8mm
cephalometric radiograph and tracing; Table 1). 1.NA 22 15.8 18.9

1.NB 25 23.1 23.9

Treatment objectives were (1) to correct anterior crossbite
and (2) provide a normal environment for the growth of the 1.1 131 149.8 142.6

maxilla. IMPA 90 ± 5 87.5 88.8

The treatment was performed through a Eschler appliance

[2,17], which promotes basically dental effects by means of
three characteristics: 1) digital springs: placed on the palatal
side of the upper incisors to produce dental buccal movement; 2)
anterior arch made of 0.8mm stainless steel wire, surrounding
the buccal surface of the lower incisors to promote lingual
movement; 3) posterior acrylic plane: incorporated to reduce
anterior overbite, allowing adequate buccal movement of upper
incisors (Figure 3: Intra-oral frontal view of the appliance).
Figure 3: Intra-oral frontal view of the appliance.
Patient and parents were instructed to remove the
appliance only during meals and use it for as long as possible
and at least for 14 hours per day. Activation started at the time the need of future consultations (Figure 4: 1-year follow-up
of device’s adjustment and activations of 1mm per month were intraoral photographs).
performed for 4 months, totaling a period of 5 months. After
this period, the patient had a normal anterior relationship - Case n° 2
and after achieving an appropriate overjet, activations were
A 4 years and 6 months male patient sought orthodontic
discontinued. The same device was used in the retention phase
treatment because there was a perception by his parents that
for another 6 months.
he had an anterior crossbite. The medical and dental history
After one year of follow-up, it was possible to observe did not present relevant data and his oral hygiene and gingival
condition were in normal standards. There weren’t reports of
improvement in facial profile, smile and slight decrease
previous orthodontic treatments. No parental characteristics of
in ANB and Wits values found in the new cephalometric
Class III malocclusion were observed or reported.
measurements (Table 1). Due to the possibility of relapse
of Class III malocclusions, her parents were informed about Facial evaluation showed a slightly concave profile, no
asymmetries and presence of passive lip seal. Patient presented
in the primary dentition, coincident midlines, second molars’
sagittal relationship in mesial step and presence of AC. In the
evaluation of the CR-CO discrepancy, no functional deviation
was observed (Figure 5: pretreatment intraoral photographs).

In the panoramic examination, no relevant data was

Figure 1: Pretreatment intraoral photographs. observed. Cephalometric analysis showed a Class I skeletal

Citation: Novais Machado KDO, Oliveira DD, Machado AW (2020) Early treatment of anterior crossbite with eschler appliance: Two case reports. J Dent Probl Solut
7(2): 063-067. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2394-8418.000087

Table 2: Cephalometric measurements - before and after one year of treatment

pattern (Figure 6: Pretreatment cephalometric radiograph and
tracing; Table 2).
Measurements NormNorm Pretreatment
Pretreatment 1-year

Like the previous case, the treatment aimed early SNA SNA 82° ±82°
2 ±2 81.7° 81.7° 82.9° 82.9°
interception of the anterior crossbite. The treatment was SNB SNB 80° ±80°
2 ±2 81.9° 81.9° 82.1° 82.1°
performed with the same appliance previously described and ANB ANB 2° ± 22° ± 2 - 0.2° - 0.2° + 0.8° + 0.8°
under the same recommendations (Figure 7: Intra-oral frontal
Appraisal 1 mm
1 mm
- Men
- Men - 0.9mm
- 0.9mm - 1.1mm- 1.1mm
view of the appliance).
1.NA 1.NA 22 22 17.2 17.2 20.7 20.7
Activation was initiated at the time of device’s adjustment 1.NB 1.NB 25 25 24.1 24.1 24.8 24.8
and activations of 1mm per month were performed for 5 1.1 1.1 131 131 144.2 144.2 136.6 136.6
months, totaling a period of 6 months. After this period, the
IMPA IMPA 90 ± 590 ± 5 92.5 92.5 92.9 92.9
patient had a normal anterior relationship and after achieving
an appropriate overjet, activations were discontinued. In the
retention phase, the same device was used for 7 months.

After one year of follow-up, improvement in facial profile,

smile and good stability of the case could be observed. However,
no significant cephalometric changes were found (Table 2),
demonstrating maintenance of the same skeletal growth
pattern. Aware of the great possibility of relapse in Class III
malocclusion treatments, the parents were informed that the
patient would remain under observation throughout their
growth (Figure 8: 1-year follow-up intraoral photographs).
Figure 7: Intra-oral frontal view of the appliance.
Anterior crossbite is a well-established malocclusion in the
literature. Several treatment modalities have been described,
such as removable appliances associated with digital springs,
fixed or removable inclined planes, functional devices, face

Figure 8: Results after 1-year follow-up.

masks and fixed orthodontic appliance [1,6,7,9,10,12,15,17,18].

In the cases described, it was decided to use an effective
removable appliance called Eschler Appliance. At the end of
Figure 4: Results after 1-year follow-up. treatment, favorable dental results, improvement in facial
profile and short-term stability were demonstrated [2,17,20].
Although very effective in correcting dental AC during primary
dentition [21], the Eschler appliance is limited to correct AC due
to unfavorable skeletal sagittal growth as demonstrated in the
cases presented.

When removable appliances associated with digital springs

Figure 5: Pretreatment intraoral photographs. such as the Eschler appliance are chosen for the correction of
AC, literature reports an effective correction of the position of
the upper incisors. In this cases, significant change in overjet
and arch perimeter were observed, and when related to the
significant increase in overbite during the post-treatment
follow up, it is associated with even more stable results [3,18].
Studies showed that, when comparing the AC correction with
fixed appliances, both present equally favorable stability and
prognosis [3,4].

After one-year follow-up, new cephalometric evaluation

was performed. In case 1, there was improvement in ANB
and Wits. In case 2, in contrast, small improvements were
found. Cephalometric measurements show the dentoalveolar
Figure 6: a) Pretreatment cephalometric radiograph; b) Pretreatment cephalometric
compensatory potential of the treatment, in which the

Citation: Novais Machado KDO, Oliveira DD, Machado AW (2020) Early treatment of anterior crossbite with eschler appliance: Two case reports. J Dent Probl Solut
7(2): 063-067. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2394-8418.000087

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Citation: Novais Machado KDO, Oliveira DD, Machado AW (2020) Early treatment of anterior crossbite with eschler appliance: Two case reports. J Dent Probl Solut
7(2): 063-067. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2394-8418.000087

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Copyright: © 2020 Novais Machado KDO, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Citation: Novais Machado KDO, Oliveira DD, Machado AW (2020) Early treatment of anterior crossbite with eschler appliance: Two case reports. J Dent Probl Solut
7(2): 063-067. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2394-8418.000087

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