Push Pull

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An Examination of Push and Pull Motivation of tourist

Visit Tourist Attraction in Lembang

Silvie Adriani Merdekawati1

Lusianus Kusdibyo2
12Jurusan Administrasi Niaga, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012
Email: [email protected]


This study aims to identify the travel motivation of tourists visiting tourist attractions in Lembang. Motivation is
a basic of tourists travel that is influenced by the push and pull motivation. The push motivation is a factor that
comes from within the tourists, while the pull motivation comes from the characteristics of the destination. The
method used is non-probability sampling. Used also accidental sampling. The questionnaires were distributed to
tourists who are visiting tourism attraction in Lembang. A total of 333 respondents were used for further
analysis. An exploratory factor analysis was carried out to identify new factors of push and pull motivation. The
results show that there are four new factors of push motivation and three new factors of pull motivation of
tourists visited Lembang. This result suggests that local tourism authority should consider the motivation factors
to attract more tourists visit to Lembang.

Push motivation, pull motivation, tourist visit, Lembang, tourist attraction, factor analysis

Tourism is currently one of the sectors that have an 476.48 500.19
important role as a source of foreign exchange and 365.02
the development of country. World Travel and 400 326.24
Tourism notes that travel & tourism generates 3.1% 261.06

revenue from the world economy in 2016 and is 200

predicted to increase by 3.8% in 2017 [1]. The
tourism industry predicted to hold over 380 million
jobs in 2027. This shows that the tourism industry 0
has a contribution to the global economy that 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
affects many countries in the world including Figure 1. Contribution of Tourism Sector to
Indonesia. Indonesian GDP
Source: Kemenpar, 2016
Indonesia's tourism industry is one of the sectors
that influence Indonesia's GDP. From 2010 to 2014 The increasing GDP of this tourism sector occurs
Tourism industry is ranked 4th as a source of due to the success of tourism marketing so as to
foreign exchange [2]. Tourism has proved that this increase the arrival and travel of tourists in
sector is resisting the downturn over the past five Indonesia. The number of tourists who travel
years compared to other sectors such as natural gas, greatly affects the income of the State and the
coal and palm oil. The increase of tourism welfare where the destination is located. Tourists
contribution can be seen in figure 1. who travel in 2016 reach 263.68 million trips or
1.53 increase compared to 2015 [3]. More details,
Figure 1 shows that GDP generated from national the table below shows the development of the
tourism has increased significantly every year. In number of trips made by domestic tourists for 3
2012, tourism generated GDP of 296.97 trillion years.
rupiah and increased in 2013 to 326.24 trillion
rupiah, in 2014 amounted to 419.08 trillion rupiah,
and in 2015 the value of GDP generated to reach
476.48 trillion rupiah. Furthermore, in 2016, the
GDP generated from the tourism sector reaches
500.19 trillion rupiah.

Table 1. The Growth of Domestic Tourists also needs to be developed to attract people
Year Number of traveller (in million) +/- attention, so that it can increase tourist visit. The
2014 251,20 0,4% importance of knowing tourists motivation is to
2015 255,05 1,53% improve the quality of attractiveness and meet their
2016 263,68 3,38% needs. Not much research related to tourists,
Source: Kemenpar, 2016 especially related to things that encourage and
attract tourists come to Lembang. Related research
Table 1 shows that from 2014 until 2016 The conducted by [6] which examines the factors that
number of domestic tourists travel always affect tourists visiting the Floating Market
increased. The lowest increase was in 2014 at Lembang. The results show there are 21 factors that
0.46%, while the highest increase in 2016 was encourage tourists to visit Floating Market
3.38%. The increase in the number of trips could be Lembang. However, this study only examines the
due to the Indonesian government program as well motivation of the general way, as well as research
as good marketing in promoting Indonesian done on one object. In fact, Lembang has many
tourism. The potential number of tourist travels interesting attractions, especially man-made
makes the Ministry of Tourism target 265 million tourism. Research This is about the motivation of
domestic tourist arrivals by 2019 [2]. To achieve tourists consisting of push and pull factors. This
these targets, government or service provider research is expected to overcome the decreasing of
should improve their tourism attraction. touist visit to Bandung, especially Lembang.

Indonesia has a lot of tourism potential in various Based on the background that has been described
provinces. One of the largest tourism potentials in above, researchers will examine more about the
Indonesia is West Java. Lembang, Bandung is one factors driving and pulling tourists. The purpose of
of the tourist areas in West Java, which has various this research is 1) To identify the factors of push
types of tourism, such as, nature, mountains, and pull motivation tourists to visit man-made
craters, caves, beaches, rivers, lakes, shopping, tourist attractions.
culinary, and etc. Tourists from many regions in
Indonesia make Lembang, Bandung as a tourist 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
destination. Table 2 shows the increasing of tourist 2.1 Travel Motivation
visit Bandung in 3 years. Motivation is an action performed by someone that
is influenced by internal and external factors [7]. In
Table 2. The Number of Tourist visit in Bandung the process of travel, motivation is a driver in
Year Foreign Domestic Total making decisions, so this is the basis in the tourism
study [8]. Motives show an impulse arising from a
2014 180,143 5,627,421 5,807,564
person that causes to do something. While
2015 183,932 5,877,162 6,061,094 motivation is the driver of a conscious effort to
2016 173,036 4,827,589 5,000,625 influence a person's behavior to act and do
something to achieve a certain goal. So, it can be
Source: BPS Bandung, 2018
concluded that motivation is one important factor
for a tourist in travel because the decisions and
Based on table 3 above shows that the number of
actions are influenced by the impulses within them.
foreign and domestic tourists has increased from
Travel Motivation is also viewed as part of the
2014 to 2015 [4]. However, tourist arrivals in 2016
need side and psychological and biological desires
both foreign and domestic decreased. This indicates
which include an inseparable part between which
that tourist destination in Bandung is less attractive,
encourages and attracts a person to do or do
lack of promotion, security problems, poor
tourism activities. The motivation behind the
infrastructure and other problems that prevent
tourists is influenced by the tourists push factors of
tourists from visiting. Therefore, it is necessary to
motivation and pull factors [6]. These factors are
identify the motivation of tourists in advance to
internal and external factors that motivate tourists
make the right promotion.
to make decisions to visit a tourist destination.
The government and service provider needs to
2.1.1 Push motivation
know the psychological factors of tourists, one of
According to [9] holiday motivation is a driving
which is the motivation for being the impetus of
factor from within a person to travel. Intrinsically,
tourists to decide where they are going to go [5].
motivation is formed because of the needs or
Motivation is important to analyze because it is
desires of the man himself, in accordance with the
fundamental in tourism studies. Tourism attraction
theory of Abraham Maslow or often referred as a

hierarchy consisting of basic needs, security needs, accidental sampling, which is one of the non-
social needs, self-esteem and self-actualization. probability sampling techniques. Accidental
The push factor is the need that asks someone to sampling is the technique of determining the
travel to a destination or in other words, this factor sample by chance, is anyone who accidentally
is a social-psychological drive [10]. The elements meets the researcher when the research is done if
in the factors that drive people to travel are the person who happens to be found suitable as a
intangible. This socio-psychological motive is source of data with the main criteria is a tourist of
associated with the desire of Escape from a Farmhouse, De'Ranch, and Kota Mini Lembang
perceived, Exploration and Evaluation of Self, [15].
Relaxation, Prestige, Regression, Enhancement of
kinship relationship, and Facilitation of social In this study, the sources of data are primary data
interaction [11]. In addition, according to because the data in the form of respondents’
Richardson and Fluker in expressing people answers. The questionnaire collected to obtain
traveling wanted strengthening family bonds [8]. empirical data about the characteristics of tourists,
Thus, it encourages factors that can make one want and the motivation of push and pull. Motivational
to travel in order to meet one's needs. variables of push and pull each have 17 items. The
items are assessed using a Likert scale starting
2.1.2 Pull motivation from scale 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (Disagree), 3
Pull factors are tangible resources and the (Neutral), 4 (Agree), and 5 (strongly agree).
perception of tourists and expectations of the Around 333 questionnaires were distributed to
features, attractions or attributes of a particular domestic tourists at three places of man-made
destination, therefore, the choice of tourist tourist attraction in Lembang.
destinations plays an important role in the decision
to travel [12]. Pull factor is called the extrinsic Exploratory factor analysis is used to reduce the
factor a person travels that is influenced by the number of variables in push motivation and pull
promotion that appears to illustrate the attraction of motivation. Factor analysis in this research use
the destination [13]. Referring to the pull factor, varimax rotation, which is maximizing method of
Novelty (desire for something new) and Education loading variant of each maximum factor, so the
(desire to learn something) is the reason they travel. correlation of variables in a factor is also
In explaining the push and pull factors, many maximized, whereas correlation with other factors
studies have been conducted regarding the approaching zero. Determination of the number of
motivation. The result of the research shows that factors using eigenvalues 1.0, and the
pull factor is formed by 10 factors consisting of determination of 0.5 factor loading as a benchmark
Modern atmosphere & activities, Wide space & to classify variables so easy to interpret. The factor
activities, Small size & reliable weather, Natural analysis procedure was performed using SPSS 18
scenery, factor 5, Different culture, Cleanness & application.
shopping, Nightlife & local cuisine, Interesting
town & village, Water activities [14]. Tourism 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
products that describe the tourist destination is a 4.1 Respondent Characteristics
pull factor characteristic The profile of the respondents of this study is
presented in Table 3.
Population is an area consisting of subjects and Table 3. Respondent Profile
objects that have characteristics in accordance with Variables Freq % Total
the research will be studied to be put into Origin Bandung 118 35.4%' 333
conclusions. In this study the subject is domestic Jawa Barat 118 35.4%
Other 97 29%
tourists who visit the man-made tourist attractions
in Lembang, namely: Farmhouse, De’Ranch, and Gender Male 120 36% 333
Kota Mini Lembang. Female 213 64%
Age 18 – 25 years 198 59.5% 333
Sample is a part of the population to be studied. 26 – 30 years 59 17.7%
Based on the sampling approach proposed by [16] 31 – 35 years 32 9.6%
the minimum sample size is 200 respondents. 36 – 40 years 25 7.5%
Since, the number of population is not known > 40 years 19 5.7%
certainty, nonprobability sampling is used in this Education <SMA/K 120 36.0% 333
S1/Diploma 199 59.8%
study. The sample was chosen based on the S2/S3 14 4.2%

able to form a new factor. In addition, factor
Table 3 shows that from 333 respondents who analysis is used to test the validity to examine the
visited man-made tourist attractions in Lembang variables suitable for the study. The accuracy of the
were mostly from Bandung and West Java (35.4%), use of factor analysis seen in the value of KMO,
female tourists (64%), with age range 18-25 years ( Barlett's and MSA (Measure of Sampling
59.5%). Then, most of them have S1 / Diploma Adequacy) obtained > 0.5 [16]. Based on the
education level (59,8%). results of the analysis factor, the variables present
in the model can be said to be valid if the MSA
4.2 Factor Analysis of Push and Pull Motivation value is more than the cut-off value (0.5). Because
Prior to further analysis, researchers conducted an 17 motivational push indicators and 17 pull
exploratory factor analysis to reduce the number of motivation indicators have MSA value> 0.5 then
indicators that are very useful in the variable to be the variable is feasible to be used in the analysis.

Table 4. The Result of Exploratory Factor Analysis of Push Motivation

Push motivation factor Factor Eigenvalues Variance Mean
loading explained Composite
Faktor 1 Experience and Knowledge
Knowing different cultures and lifestyles 0,817
Want to add insight 0,789
0,630 5.247 30.867 3,79
Interact with people
Feel proud 0,606
Knowing new places 0,593
Stimulating the enthusiasm 0,502
Faktor 2 Family Time
Strengthening family relationships 0,896
1.855 10.912 4,08
Have memories with family 0,896
Enjoying time with family 0,809
Faktor 3 Rest & Relaxation
Relieving stress 0,730
Feeling happy 0,713 1.460 8.590 4,31
Out of the daily routine 0,672
Vacation in outdoor places 0,532
Faktor 4 New Activites
Recreation 1.261 7.416 3,69
Free time
Total variance explained 57.784
Kaiser-Mayer-Okin measure of sampling adequacy = 0,846, Bartlett's Test of Sphericity= 0,000

Table 4 above shows the exploratory results of De'Ranch, and Kota Mini Lembang is man-made
factor analysis of push motivation. After the tourism that adapts foreign culture, hence tourist
rotation, of 17 items push motivation formed 4 wishes can be said fulfilled. According to [8]
factors. However 2 indicators are deleted because tourism is a ritual inversion or get things they can
the loading factor less than 0,5. Since the value of not find in the area of origin.
Eigenvalues is set 1, then the variance can be
explained by factor 1 is 37,776. factor 2 equal to Factor 2 is named "Family Time" with eigenvalue
22,768. While factor 3 of 15,018. Thus, the total of 1.855. This factor is described by supportive
cumulative diversity of Push motivation variables indicators such as strengthening family
that can be explained by the four factors mentioned relationships, having memories with family, and
above is 57.78%. enjoying time with family. The three indicators that
make up this factor have the same high factor
Factor 1 is named "Experience and Knowledge" loading. This indicates that this indicator has a
factor because the variables representing this factor similar role to do with family vacations. In other
indicate the characteristics taken based on the result words, the majority of tourists came to Farmhouse,
of the rotated factor. This factor has an eigenvalue De'Ranch, and Kota Mini aim to enjoy their quality
of 5.247. Among the various items supporting, time with the family. According to [11] family
knowing different cultures and lifestyles have the relationships can be further strengthened through
highest loading factor of 0.817. This shows that pleasure vacation. Therefore, tourism activities that
tourists have a desire to know something new that may involve family members must be considered
they do not know yet. Since, Farmhouse, by managers.

Factor 3 is named "Rest and Relaxation" factor Factor 4 is named the "New activities" factor. This
with an eigenvalue of 1.460. Based on the factor has a supporting indicator Looking for busy
supporting variables such as relieving stress, with recreation, and free time.
feeling happy, getting out of the daily routine, and The two indicators that make up this factor have an
vacations in outdoor places can motivate the equally high factor value. It shows tourists want to
respondents to visit. Item relieve stress has the do an activity that is done when recreation.
highest loading factor (0.730). This shows the The results of mean composite indicators, it is
desire of tourists to remove the burden they have known that Experience & Knowledge (M = 3.79),
from their daily routine. Therefore, fun activities Family time (M = 4.08), Rest & Relaxation (M =
can meet the desires of tourists. The Farmhouse, 4.31), and New activities (M = 3.69). This suggests
De'Ranch, and the Kota Mini not only offer the that each of these factors is important in the
uniqueness of the place, but also provide the motivation of the push.
exciting rides and attractions. So that tourists who
come can enjoy their vacation time with pleasure.

Table 5. The Result of Exploratory Factor Analysis of Pull Motivation

Pull motivation factor Factor loading Eigenvalues Variance explained
Faktor 1 Novelty
Can learn something new 0,836
Can add new knowledge 0,797
Can learn culture, and new art 0,737 5.950 35.002 3,71
Something I have never seen 0,665
The locals are friendly 0,564

Faktor 2 Facilities Availability

Food facilities vary 0,816
The facilities are safe and comfortable 0,664
1.697 9.985 4,08
Complete shopping facilities 0,661
easily accessible 0,616

Faktor 3 Tourism Attraction

Unique architecture 0,791
The natural scenery 0,710
1.456 8.566 4,31
Unique place 0,641
Interesting for photography activities 0,603

Total variance explained 53.553

Kaiser-Mayer-Okin measure of sampling adequacy= 0,878, Bartlett's Test of Sphericity= 0,000

Table 5 above is the result of factor analysis for highest loading factor value of 0.836. Novelty
pull motivation after rotation. From the 17 plays a big part in travel decisions as people who
indicators, there are 4 indicators issued because it are interested in something new and different,
does not meet the requirements of the loading traveling to new places or doing something
factor is > 0.5. The factor analysis test formed 3 different as part of their desire to meet their socio-
factors with a total cumulative variance of psychological needs [17]. Referring to the novelty,
53.553%. The first factor explains the diversity of Farmhouse, De'Ranch, and Kota Mini Lembang
data with the largest proportion, which is 35.002%. can be regarded as a new tourist attraction for
Then, the second factor explains the diversity data domestic tourists. This is because the concept used
with the proportion of 9.985%, while for the third comes from foreign cultures, such as Europe
factor explain 8.553%. (Farmhouse, Kota Mini Lembang), and South
America (De'Ranch). This concept is favored by
Factor 1 is named the "Novelty" factor because the tourists because they can see and know the
variables representing this factor indicate the characteristics of other countries without having to
characteristics taken based on the rotated factor go to the country of origin.
results. This cultural factor is the most dominant
factor because it has the highest value of Factor 2 with eigenvalue value of 1,697 is called
eigenvalue which is 5,590. Among the various "Tourism facilities" factor. This factor consists of
supporting items, can learn something new has the food facilities vary, the facilities are safe and

comfortable, complete shopping facilities, and from the superior products that exist in Lembang.
easily accessible. The highest loading factor is food From the research results, it can be seen that
facilities vary (0.816). Facilities are important for tourists hope to get something new from the
tourists in determining the places for tours. The destination. In addition, tourist attraction becomes
composite mean value of this factor is quite high an important factor of a destination to gain more
[4.08]. This indicates that tourists feel the facilities tourists to visit. Therefore, the role of government
provided have been quite good. and service provider in the tourism sector should be
focused on the promotion. Promotion can be done
Factor 3 named "Tourism attraction" with through digital marketing. This method is
eigenvalue of 1.456. This factor has the highest considered effective because the internet is a
composite mean value of 4.31. This shows that this medium of rapid information in this digital era. The
factor is most important in forming pull motivation. promotional media that can be used is Instagram.
Then, Unique architecture has the highest loading Instagram is one of the most used platforms. The
value (0.791). This result indicates that this item is government can create an Instagram account that
the biggest role in forming a tourism attraction. focuses on tourism in Lembang. This account will
This means that the characteristics of the tours provide information related to tourist attractions in
offered by Farmhouse, De'Ranch, and Kota Mini Lembang. So that Lembang tourism site will be
Lembang are quite impressive for tourists. In more exposed. Not only can motivate tourists to
addition, these findings can be a reference for other visit but also can build awareness of Lembang as a
service providers to create a tourist destination that tourist destination.
accentuates its uniqueness.
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