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ICSE Mock Test 2 - Physics

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Maximum Marks: 40

Time allowed: One and a half hours

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes.

This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.

The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Attempt all questions from Section A and any three questions from Section B.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

(Attempt all questions from this Section.)
Question 1 [10×1 = 10]

Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options.
(Do not copy the question, Write the correct answer only.)
i Which one is an example for Forced vibration ?
a) A washing machine shakes due to an imbalance
b) Pulling a string
c) Pulling a child back on a swing and letting go
d) To and fro motion of a swing

ii Which of the following represent Ohm's law ?

a) V × R = I
b) I = V/R
c) V/I = R
d) I V = R

iii The following figures show the direction of magnetic field lines due to a straight current carrying
wire. Which of the following statements is correct ?

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a) Directions of magnetic field lines are correctly shown in both the figures.
b) Directions of magnetic field lines should be in the same directions in both the figures.
c) In figure - I, the direction of magnetic field lines should be cdockwise.
d) In figure - II, the direction of magrnetic field lines should be anti-clockwise.

iv Heat capacity of a body is defined as :

a) Amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature by 1° C of 1g of a substance.
b) Amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature by 1°C of a substance.
c) Amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature by 1K of a substance.
d) Both (b) and (C)

v Mass number of an element is the :

a) Number of protons in the nucleus
b) Number of neutrons in the nucleus
c) Total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
d) Total number of protons, electrons, and neutrons in the nucleus

vi Frequency of a freely vibrating body is called _________ .

a) Beat
b) Echo
c) Natural frequency
d) Resonance

vii Which of the following is a non-Ohmic conductor ?

a) Filament of a bulb
b) Nichrome
c) Copper
d) Silver

viii Current is flowing in a circular loop. Which of the following statement is incorrect ?
a) Looking at the face of the loop if the current flows in an anti-dlockwise direction then that face has
south polarity. If the current flows in an clockwise direction then that face has north polarity.
b) Near the centre of the loop the magnetic field lines are nearly parallel.
c) Magnetic field lines become denser if the current in the loop is increased.
d) At the centre the magnetic field lines are along the axis of the loop and normal to the plane of the

ix The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance through 1°C is :
a) Heat capacity
b) Specific heat capacity
c) 1 calorie
d) 15 calorie

x Masses of electron, proton, and neutron are respectively :

a) 9.1 × 10-31 kg, 9.1 × 10-31 kg, 1.6 × 10-27 kg
b) 9.1 × 10-31 kg, 1.6 × 10-27 kg, 1.6 × 10-27 kg
c) 1.6 × 10-31 kg, 9.1 × 10-27 kg, 1.6 × 10-27 kg
d) 9.1 × 10-27 kg, 1.6 × 10-31 kg, 1.6 × 10-31 kg

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(Attempt any three questions from this Section.)

Question 2

i. When a tuning fork, struck by a rubber pad is held over a length of air column in a tube, it produces a
loud sound for a fixed length of the air column. [3]
a) Name the above phenomenon.
b) How does the frequency of the loud sound compare with that of the tuning fork?
c) State the unit for nmeasuring loudness.

ii. Answer the following : [3]

a) What is an ohmic resistor?
b) Two copper wires are of the same length, but one is thicker than the other.
1. Which wire will have more resistance?
2. Which wire will have more specific resistance?

iii. A calorimeter of mass 50 g and specific heat capacity 0.42 J/g oC contains some mass of water at
20°C. A metal piece of mass 20 g at 100°C is dropped into the calorimeter. After stirring, the final
temperature of the mixture is found to be 22°C. Find the mass of water used in the calorimeter.
(Specific heat capacity of the metal piece = 0.3 J/g oC, specific heat capacity of water 4.2 J/goC) [4]

Question 3

i. The diagram given shows a current-carrying loop or a circular coil passing through a sheet of
cardboard at the points M and N.
The sheet of cardboard is sprinkled uniformly with iron fillings. [3]

a) Copy the diagram and draw an arrow on the circular coil to show the direction of current
flowing through it.
b) Draw the pattern of arrangement of the iron fillings when current is passed through the loop.

ii. Answer the following : [3]

a) Name the colour code of the wire which is connected in the metallic body of an appliance.
b) Draw the diagram of a dual control switch when the appliance is switched 'ON'.

iii. A refrigerator converts 100 g of water at 20°C to ice at -10°C in 35 minutes. Calculate the average
rate of heat extraction in terms of watts. [4]
Given: Specific heat capaity of ice = 2.1 J/g C
Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g°C
Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 J/g

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Question 4

i. Answer the following : [3]

a) Name the transformer used in the power transmitting station of a power plant.
b) What type of current is transmitted from the power station ?
c) At what voltage is this current available to our household ?

ii. The diagram below shows a wire stretched over a sonometer. Stems of two vibrating tuning forks A
and B are touched to the wooden box of the sonometer. It is observed that the paper rider (a small
piece of paper folded at the centre) present on the wire flies off when the stem of vibrating tuning
fork B is touched to the wooden box but the paper just vibrates when the stem of vibrating tuning fork
A is touched to the wooden box. [3]

a) Name the phenomenon when the paper rider just vibrates.

b) Name the phenomenon when the paper rider flies off.
c) Why does the paper rider fly off when the stem of tuning fork B is touched to the box ?

iii. Three resistors are connected to a 6 V battery as shown in the figure. [4]

Calculate :
a) the equivalent resistance of the circuit
b) total current in the circuit.
c) potential difference across the 7.2 Ώ resistor

Question 5

i. What is nuclear fusion? Write an equation for it. [3]

ii. Answer the following : [3]

a) What is the principle of method of mixtures ?
b) What is the other name given to it ?
c) Name the law on which the principle is based.

iii. Answer the following : [4]

a) State two ways by which the magnetic field of a solenoid can be made stronger.
b) What materials are used for making the armature of an electric bell ? Give reason for
using this material.

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