LG Commercial Guide

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Commercial Solar Explained

A step by step guide

Check out: LGenergy.com.au or
call LG Solar direct on 1300 152 179
01 Why this Guide? 3
1.1 Getting appropriate advice 3

02 Solar project stages 4

2.1 Concept design and system size 4
2.2 The bidding process 5
2.3 Hidden cost factors when installing solar 6
2.4 Building the solar system 6
2.5 Project stages to achieve a long term beneficial outcome 7

03 System requirements and financial modelling 8

3.1 What solar system will benefit my business most? 8
3.2 Working out system size via performance modelling and interval data 9
3.3 Financial modelling 10
3.3.1 The simple payback method 10
3.3.2 The Net Present Value (NPV) method 10
3.3.3 The importance of diligence in financial assessments 11
3.4 What to watch out for - performance modelling 12

04 Billing, finance and rebates 14

4.1 How to read your electricity bill 14
4.2 Energy, network and other changes 14
4.3 Feed in tariffs (FIT) 15
4.4 Finance options 15
4.5 Renewable Energy Certificates (“rebates”) 16

05 Choosing the right solar panels and inverters 17

5.1 Product considerations 17
5.2 Are tier 1 panels good quality? 19
5.3 How “green” are solar panels? 20
5.4 Reliable long term support 21
5.5 Inverter solutions and balance of systems 21

06 Operation, monitoring and maintenance 23

6.1 Regular inspections 23
6.2 Monitoring and troubleshooting 23

07 Compliance, approvals and certificates 24

08 LG Installation Partner Network 25

09 LG Panels are multi-award winning 26

10 12 commercial solar quote elements to watch out for 27

11 Case Studies 28

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Why this Guide?
Solar systems can differ widely in quality, sophistication and future performance resulting in a wide range of financial
and environmental outcomes.

This guide has been developed for interested owners of commercial buildings ready to consider solar together with
procurement managers of larger private and government organisations.

It will outline the steps required to purchase a quality solar system and explains the issues and considerations to be

It has been written to achieve the following goals:

• Help maximise financial savings;
• Improve overall asset value with a strongly backed
• Offset future energy price increases;
• Create an environmentally positive impact, through the
generation of renewable energy and CO2 abatement
over the system life.

1.1 Getting appropriate advice

In the case of large and complex projects such as LG Solar can assist you in securing such services
shopping centres, logistic warehouses, cool rooms etc. by contacting us via [email protected] or by
the scoping, sizing and modelling work is best done by a calling LG Solar Direct on 1300 152 179.
professional such as an experienced independent solar
consultant (ISC) or solar engineer. For smaller and less We work with a range of approved solar companies
complex projects the solar company should be able to and independent energy consultants Australia wide
undertake the full assessment and installation process. and can guide you in the right direction to start your
solar journey.

Key Tip
A commercial solar system purchase can be complicated for the inexperienced. Therefore learning as
much as possible about the process and the traps is advisable. An energy consultant or experienced
solar installer can help you in the process.

LG Solar commercial partners are reputable companies capable of installing some of the most
complex solar projects. To find out more information about the companies we recommend please
visist the LG commercial partner finder at lgenergy.com.au

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Solar Project Stages
It is important to understand the different stages of a solar system project so that the right decisions can be
made at the right time. This staged and considered implementation approach will increase the chances of a
successful project outcome.

2.1 Concept design and system size

During this stage an assessment of the energy In order to determine the appropriate system size, it is
needs and drivers of a solar project will be taken important to highlight that each business has unique
into consideration in order to match these with site needs and energy consumption patterns that may vary
conditions, existing electrical infrastructure, system daily, weekly or present seasonal patterns. For this reason
location and space requirements. each system needs to be tailor designed after an energy
assessment has been completed.
It is very important that the existing electrical
infrastructure and grid connection is assessed for This energy assessment should include a detailed analysis
suitability and capacity for a solar connection. For a of existing energy usage and predictions of future
roof mount system, a structural engineering check electricity needs. The final assessment will deliver energy
needs to be conducted to ascertain the suitability modelling to maximise the full benefits of any solar
of the roof to take the extra weight of the system. system and this may include battery storage. The next
As for ground mount systems, a geotechnical chapters will explain in more detail how energy modelling
assessment will be required. A more detailed list of is performed.
compliance requirements, standards, regulations and
approvals required to install commercial size solar
power systems is presented in the next section.

Key Tip
Each business has unique needs - for this reason each system needs to be tailor designed
taking into account the specific site and the local energy assessment.

LG bifacial panels

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2.2 The bidding process
Key Tip
Usually with large projects, the client, after project In order to minimize risk, it is best if
scoping and determining all requirements, issues a the components and expected system
Request for Quotation (RFQ). performance are clearly specified in the
tendering document.
This process would be best managed in partnership
with an Independent Solar Consultant (ISC) to ensure a This will ensure the proposed solution
competitive quote and outcome. The ISC can assist with is assessed based on the investment vs
analysing the completed submission. system performance and not only based
on upfront cost.
The analysis includes specific criteria such as the
products and warranties offered by the solar company, Most tenders only specify “Tier 1”
project delivery plan, price and system performance. products, leaving room for inferior
product with costly long term
In addition, previous experience in delivering similar consequence.
projects, detailed lists of inclusions, long term support,
output warranties and so on should be part of the

The next chapters will explain in more details what

“Tier 1” means and how a system performance estimate
works and the traps that could be linked to it.

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2.3 Hidden cost factors when installing solar



Cleaning Associated with PV Operation
should be taken into account
when purchasing a PV system


2.4 Building the solar system

Once the tendering process is completed it is time to In the case an ISC was appointed to manage the project,
start building the solar system. The winning company will it is also their responsibility auditing site safety aspects,
need to submit a request to connect the system to the managing quality control and ensuring proper staff
grid and ensure all compliance and technical requirements training and system documentation occurs before
are well covered before attending the site for installation. completion and handover.

At the end of the construction stage the Distribution It is also important to develop an appropriate monitoring
Network Service Provider (DNSP) may attend the site and maintenance schedule for future years, to ensure the
for inspection and will energise the system, providing the most beneficial long term outcome.
installation was done according to requirements. At this
point the system will be in full operation.

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2.5 Project stages to achieve a long term beneficial outcome


01 02 03 04
Starting off Planning Procurement Engineering
• Long term goals • Scope the project • Develop specifications • Detailed design
• Purchase drivers • Size the system • Gain quotes • Obtain approvals
• Desired outcomes • Financial modelling • Compare quotes • Compliance check
• Get expert help • Permits • Select winning tender


08 07 06 05
Outcome Ongoing Operation Commissioning Installation
• Successful project • Maintenance regime • Start-up procedure • Warehousing/logistic
• Satisfied client • System monitoring • Training staff • Safety aspects
• Risk managed • Performance analysis • Manual handover • Quality control
• Maximised benefits • Construction

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 7

System requirements and
financial modelling
Most customers seek to purchase a tailor-made solar system to match energy demands. This is achieved through
detailed energy consumption information and modelling against solar generation to ensure the appropriate system size
is installed.

3.1 What solar system will benefit my business most?

While a top quality solar system might cost a little more

upfront, it usually delivers more energy generation each Key Tip
day which results in higher savings on your energy bill.
The long term financial benefits of a
commercial solar project depends on
For this reason the financial returns are typically to be
better than cheaper solar systems which generates less
energy and therefore lower savings. Another benefit of • the optimal product to use,
investing in a top quality solar system is the long term • solar system size and design,
reliability and increased value of your premises with a • the delivery method.
bankable asset.
The product choices such as which solar
Companies investing in a low quality solar system with panels and inverter technology to use
the intention of replacing it in around 10 years will soon are crucial to ensure the best project
find out the cost of energy generation is higher than grid outcome.
electricity when the opportunity cost of capital is taken
into consideration.

Unfortunately this approach increases the amount of

waste generated by poor quality components as more
solar panels are discarded and often not even recycled.
This is also a poor environmental outcome.

LG NeON® 2 have 12 wire

bus-bar with excellent
temperature performance and
a 25 year product warranty.
They are LG Solar’s most
popular panel in Australia.

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3.2 Working out system size via performance modelling and interval data

In order to determine the financially optimum size of a This interval data can be used to undertake detailed
commercial solar system there needs to be an evaluation modelling so that future output of the solar system
of the current electricity usage pattern as well as future matches as closely as possible with your electricity
energy needs. demand.

This means a detailed current energy consumption and This is important because if the system is oversized (too
load data analysis should lead to the development of a big), you would have invested in electricity production
performance model for the solar system. which can not be utilised. If on the other hand the system
is designed too small, then you have not maximised the
In most cases this consumption data, known as interval full savings potential.
data, can be obtained from your electricity retailer.
The data shows electricity consumption in 30 minute An ISC or experienced engineer can assess your
intervals and details the patterns and changes over each business energy needs. The final recommendation can be
day, week, month and season. presented as per graphs below.

Sample Summer Day - Sunny

Consumption Solar Generation kW Savings Export to grid





2AM 4PM 6AM 8AM 10AM 12PM 2PM 4PM 6PM 8PM 10PM 12AM

Sample Winter Day - Cloudy

Consumption Solar Generation kW Savings





2AM 4PM 6AM 8AM 10AM 12PM 2PM 4PM 6PM 8PM 10PM 12AM

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 9

3.3 Financial modelling 3.3.1 The simple payback method

A financial modelling exercise takes into account solar Using the simple payback period method considers only
panel degradation over time, future replacement costs the upfront capital cost to implement the project divided
for failed panels and inverters, maintenance costs and by the first year revenue once the project is up and
potentially changing electricity tariffs in the future. running.

Simple payback calculations are often used by solar A simple payback period indicates how long it takes
installation companies in their quotes. This is a method for the project to "break even”. There are limitations
applied in the residential consumer market as a simple to this method as it does not take into account solar
way to represent financial value. There are however panel performance degradation, the lifespan of panels,
several limitations with this simplistic method which the replacement labour costs in case of early failure
could add risk to a project. and inverter replacement costs or maintenance of the

Note: The panel warranty of many cheaper panels only

Key Tip covers the actual physical panel to be replaced but not
the re-installation.
LG Solar product warranty includes panel
replacement and labour support for
commercial projects.

Many competitor panels only offer panel

replacement and no labour components
for their commercial solar product
warranty. This more comprehensive
product warranty can make a big financial
difference in future years.

3.3.2 The Net Present Value (NPV) method

Under the net present value method, all cash flows, both project revenue and costs of are considered, for the life of a
project. The value of future cash flows get adjusted to reflect their value in the present day.

This adjustment is done via a "discount rate" that takes into account inflation, the risk of the project and the cost of
capital. The present values of all the positive and negative cash flows are then summed up to determine the projects net
present value.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 10

If financial returns are assessed based on product warranty, LG is likely to deliver much greater savings in comparison to
panels with say, a 12 year product warranty. As per graphs below, for a 100kW system in Sydney the payback period an
LG NeON® 2 system is only a relative short period longer, but the warranty period is often twice as long and potential
savings can be more than double.

Simple Payback Method Sample

12 year product warranty 25 year product warranty Est Accum. Savings
Missed Savings
$800K Opportunity $800K (At year 25)

$600K $600K
Est Accum. Savings
$400K $400K
(At year 12)
$200K $200K

Years Years
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
-$100K -$100K
Small additional investment for LG panels

Simple Payback Method - Annual Savings Accumulated Savings, Standard Panel Accumulated Savings, LG Panel

A system which has panels with 12 year product warranty, will most likely return a lower saving than a system with 25
year product warranty panels, as the savings should only be calculated based on the product warranty years, as this is
usually relative to the expected lifespan of the panels.

The solar panel performance warranty alone does not provide the same certainty as the product warranty for cash flow
calculations. Once the solar panel product warranty expires the uncertainty of cash flow makes the investment riskier
and less attractive.

NPV Method
12 year product warranty 25 year product warranty
$800K $800K
Net Present Value (NPV)
Missed Savings $538,535
$600K Opportunity $600K
(At year 25)
$400K Net Present Value (NPV) $400K
$200K (At year 12) $200K

Years Years
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
-$100K -$100K
Small additional investment for LG panels

NPV Method - Annual Savings Accumulated Savings, Standard Panel Accumulated Savings, LG Panel

A small additional investment in LG panels will provide the certainty of 25 year cash flow for your project, resulting in
a better financial outcome. Due to LG Solar’s longer years of product warranty than standard panel warranties, along
with better performance and lower degradation, the LG solar panels are likely to generate more energy and for a longer
period of time than standard panels. LG can assist in developing financial analysis for your project. Please contact us at
[email protected] or 1300 152 179 for more information.

3.3.3 The importance of diligence in financial assessments

The simple payback method does not take into account any future running costs to the project nor does it account for
the changing value of future revenue, system breakdowns due to poor quality components or the cost of capital.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 11

The Net Present Value (NPV) method can take all future costs into account which includes potential premature solar
module failure and associated replacement costs over the project life, inverter replacements at end of their life and
degradation of solar panel performance over time.

Other methods used for calculating financial returns for large commercial projects would be the Levelised Cost of Energy
(LCoE), which is the cost per kWh of electricity generated, taking into account system purchase and running costs.

3.4 What to watch out for – performance modelling

There is a range of software used for performance The benefits of LG panels will be extended if the solar
modelling and the level of accuracy of this assessment system is coupled with high quality and high performing
could vary depending on the type of software used as inverters from leading manufacturers, such as SMA,
well as the panel and inverter product specified. Other Fronius, Solaredge or Enphase coupled with modern
performance modelling variances could come from monitoring software.
varying the expertise in assessing and inputting product
specifications into the software as well as the accuracy of Independent parties such as Choice Magazine or DN VGL
site specific information such as local weather data and and LG solar partners are running comparison systems
installation aspects. in Australia and overseas, some of them for many years.
In these systems LG panels consistently outperform
Due to a number of specific technological features competitor modules by between 3 and 10%.
including exclusive patents, sophisticated and stringent
manufacturing process, the use of N type of silicone, LG’s
NeON® range solar panels will regularly deliver higher Key Tip
performance estimates for a project, resulting in more
The benefit of a quality 1st approach to
energy generation in comparison to less efficient panels.
the project are better long term financial

Why LG panels can produce Patent applications from

more electricity* Tier 1 solar manufacturers**
Total energy production

Stronger light
C1 390
Less electrical
More yield under C2 15
higher temp.
More yield under
low temp. C3 9
Lower annual
C4 3
LG Modules

* **
Not to scale. Period 2009-2020.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 12

Much of the software used for performance
modelling will not translate with accuracy into the real Key Tip
performance of LG’s NeON® 2 technology. Its advanced When the real life performance of the
patented technology, high quality material used in the panels and inverter is taken into account
manufacturing process and stringent quality control to create a business case, the best
are some of the factors that aren’t fully understood performing technology will deliver better
by software developers or solar engineers. In the financial outcomes.
independent test performed by DNV-GL, LG panels
delivered 8.07% more energy than the performance
estimates as per graph below.
Key Tip
Third party field test It is common to find solar companies
overestimating low quality solar systems
The NeON® outperformed warranty specifications in outputs in order to show better financial
a field performance test the NeON® 2 running for a returns. Therefore, the ISC advisor you
whole year. select and the products specified to be
part of your solution can make a great
kWh/kWp/year difference to the final outcome.



1,850 8.07% 1,825

Annual specific yield
1,796 3.82%
Warranted 1,800 2.24% 2.87% 2.87%
Output 1,778 1,778 0%
1,750 1,730





Company Company Company Company Company Company
(N Mono) (N IBC) (P Mono Perc) (P Mono Perc) (P Poly) (P Mono) (P Poly)

Project information Test sample information

• Test party: DNV GL • Samples were collected by DNV GL
• Test period: 12 months (2017.09 - 2018.08) • Selected as competitive models in the
• Test bed location: David, CA, US (38.5, -121.7) commercial market
• System size: 6 modules / model • Product configuration
• Racking: Ground mount (30° tilt) : P Type Mono PERC : 2 / P Type Mono : 1 / P Type Poly : 2 / N Type Mono : 2

• All data was collected at the same time

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 13

Billing, finance and rebates
4.1 How to read your electricity bill

Electricity bills for large market customers are often complex and not easy to understand. However, for a
proper financial assessment this data is important to be considered and used in the financial model by the ISC.

4.2 Energy, network and other changes

The various charges are categorised into energy, network, Depending on your distribution network service provider
environmental and other. Energy charges relate mainly (DNSP) various capacity charges are also imposed. They
to the cost of supplied electricity and are charged per are called demand charges and relate to your maximum
energy unit used (kilo Watt hours, kWh), at different energy demand, the peak consumption, during a defined
times of the day. Electricity consumption during specific period and vary by region.
periods being peak, shoulder and off peak are charged at
different rates. In other words, you are charged for the maximum
amount the network needs to provision for you. A single
For commercial customers network charges are often large maximum demand occurred once in a month can
a substantial part of their bill. Network charges relate define your capacity charge for the month or even an
to the cost of operation of the electricity network and entire year, depending on the applicable definition in your
are partly also charged per energy unit (kWh) used at region.
different times of the day.

Key Tip
The potential for peak demand charge reduction is limited
due to the complexity of factors involved. A solar only
system could provide some reduction, but it is difficult to
guarantee it. If your solar company is not explaining this
complexity be cautious.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 14

4.3 Feed in tariffs (FIT) 4.4 Finance options

For larger solar systems, your electricity retailer might Purchasing a solar system cannot always be financed
not offer much of a feed in tariff to purchase exported out of existing cash flow. There are financing and leasing
excess electricity from you, or they may offer none at all options and all have cash flow impacts, risk and tax
and limit the export opportunity for large systems. considerations.

It is important to understand this and consider it in the It is also possible not to acquire the solar system
financial modelling to size a solar system to achieve a but have it owned by a third party who sells you the
minimum amount of solar export. However, a financially generated electricity at a set rate. This is called a Power
optimised solar system might be sized to export Purchase Agreement (PPA). As with any finance option,
electricity at certain times even with a zero feed in tariff. a PPA will see a “middle man” introduced, who makes a
It may for example export energy in summer to have margin. In summary the right finance solution needs to
sufficient solar energy for self-use in winter. be assessed from different perspectives and you need
to understand all relevant implications to make the best
An ISC or solar engineer will be able to help you navigate decision.
this challenge.

Key Tip
Only sophisticated financial modelling
will be able to calculate the optimum
solar system size to maximise your
financial return.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 15

4.5 Renewable Energy Certificates (“rebates”)
Renewable Energy Certificates (REC’s) can be created These LGC’s are created monthly or annually and can
via the Federal Government’s Renewable Energy Target then be registered and sold according to actual metered
(RET) Scheme. These effectively can reduce the cost of a solar generation on an ongoing basis.
solar power system, as they are a kind of “rebate”.
However, the long term LGC target in the RET has now
Solar systems up to 100kW capacity are eligible for been reached and thus the value of LGC’s has decreased
Small Scale Technology Certificates (STC’s) which can be substantially and is predicted to be close to zero going
redeemed immediately. They therefore form an attractive forward. STCs and LGC rebate calculations can be
discount off the upfront capex cost. undertaken by the ISC or the solar installation company.

Larger solar systems (above 100kW) can be registered

as power stations under the RET scheme and can
generate Large Scale Generation Certificates (LGC’s).

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 16

Choosing the right solar panels
and inverters
High performing and reliable products as well as good quality installation will secure you the best financial
outcome over time and reduce any liability for your organization and the environment.

5.1 Product considerations

The longevity and thus maximised savings over future Since 2013 close to 400 solar panel manufacturers have
decades depends to a large degree on the selection of left Australia, creating an avalanche of solar systems
solar panels and inverters, as well as the quality of the without the promised long term warranties.
There is a large variety of different inverters and panels
The local representation and set up is an important available. While the differences are sometimes hard to
consideration in choosing product, as long term warranty identify, the bandwidth of features, performance and
support depends on the manufacturer’s long term quality is much larger than “what meets the eye”, i.e. all
commitment to Australia. panels look very similar. It is a “buyer be aware” market
and getting professional advice is often a wise decision.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 17

Fewer and fewer Solar Panel Panel models listed on CEC approved list
Manufacturers operating in Australia declining rapidly

The graph below show the number of manufacturers The drastic reduction of solar panel models means
offering solar modules with 25 year performance over 20,000 panels offered for sale only a few years
warranty, registered by the Clean Energy Council – ago are now not supported and have no warranty.
indicating how many have come and gone – leaving
customers very exposed.

Reducing Number of Solar Vastly Reducing Number of

Panel Manufacturers Approved Solar Panels
2013 - 2020 2013 - 2020

No of solar panel manufacturers operating in Australia No of solar panel models registered with CEC

500 454 30,000

400 25,000
300 286
200 142 10,000
67 6,332
2,650 5,000

2013 2015 2017 2019 2013 2015 2017 2019

The detailed assessment of the brand, company size, financial standing, holding of patents, global track record
reputation, warranties, internal research and development, location of manufacturing, vertical integration (i.e. do they
produce everything in-house or do they only do the final assembly) are just a few indicators a professional would use to
ascertain the true level of value of a chosen solar panel or inverter.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 18

Key Tip
The Tier 1 label is wrongly used in the marketplace as a Failed Tier 1 panels
means to promote quality assurance of the solar modules
that retailers and manufacturers want to sell, when in
fact the Tier 1 status relates purely to a loosely defined
bankability score.

5.2 Are Tier 1 panels good quality?

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) has developed a As can be seen from the definition, there is no direct link
tiering system for solar panel manufacturers. to the listing on the Tier 1 list to quality, performance,
research and development, warranty, local customer
This tiering system is based on bankability (the support, longevity or any other important indicator
willingness of financial institutions to finance six relating to long-term outcomes for the solar panel
commercial solar projects in total) to create a customer.
differentiation between the hundreds of manufacturers
of panels on the market. Therefore, it is important to specify product based on
the manufacturer history and reputation as well as local
Unfortunately this tiering system has no relationship service and support. Only such Manufacturers with long
to build panel quality or financial viability of the panel term financial stability and a strong ongoing presence in
manufacturer. Australia will most likely be there to support any future
long term warranty claims.
To clarify the definition: Tier 1 module manufacturers are
those which have provided own-brand, own-manufacture
products to six different projects (1.5MW and larger),
which have been financed non-recourse by six different In the words of Bloomberg New Energy Finance
(non- development) banks, in the past two years.
We strongly recommend that module
purchasers and banks do not use the Tier
1 list as a measure of quality, but instead
consult a technical due diligence firm.

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5.3 How “green” are solar panels?
Key Tip
Solar panels can be a great investment for many reasons. Because LG panels are also built to last
They save you money, but they also reduce emissions and longer, this means each LG panel can
provide environmental credentials while making you and create more clean energy during its
your customers feel good about it. working life than panels designed for a
shorter life span.
However, there are differences in the environmental
benefits as the energy used in the manufacturing and Therefore LG panels often generate
lifecycle process of solar systems needs to be assessed. higher environmental benefits compared
to less efficient, shorter lifespan and
The energy used for manufacturing, transport and faster degradation panels, as they use a
installation of a solar panel is referred to as the similar amount of raw materials in the
embodied energy in the panel and will be paid back after manufacturing process.
the same amount of energy has been generated by the
panel over time. This is called the energy payback time.

In Brisbane, Australia, the average energy payback of a

380W NeON® R panel for example is approx. 1 year 15
days as opposed to a standard 330W panel which takes
1 year 4 month to create the energy to manufacture the
panel, approx. 25% longer.

LG has recently declared to be carbon neutral by 2030

and their solar panel manufacturing plant in South Korea
is powered by 30% renewable energy.

Also, LG Electronics (LG) was named one of the Global

100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World by
Corporate Knights for the third consecutive year. In 2019
LG ranked 30th up from 65th in 2017.

LG NeON® R -
a premium panel

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 20

Strong backing by a large, international and diversified manufacturer

LARGEST More than Operations in

Consumer Brand 1.2 MILLION 140 Countries
operating in solar in solar panels sold in
Australia and NZ. Australia & NZ since 2010

Founded in Revenue (2019) Global Workforce

1958 53.47 billion USD 72,600

5.4 Reliable long term support

The installation companies for commercial solar systems In addition a number of solar panel manufacturers,
while giving the impression of having long experience who in their day where sometimes one of the largest in
and providing solid workmanship are only as viable as the Australia have exited the local market including Rene
ups and downs of the solar industry. Changes in solar Sola, Hareon Solar, LDK, Munsterland Solar and German
rebates, feed in tariffs and lately the COVID-19 crisis Solar. This means the relationship with a reliable long
have meant commercial solar installation companies have lasting component supplier such as LG panels is more
been at the mercy of economic realities. important than ever to ensure long term warranty
Many, once well known, commercial and residential
installation companies in Australia have already LG Electronics with close to AUD $1 billion annual
gone, leaving behind thousands of customers. Their turnover in Australia and NZ and more than US $54
installations languish without workmanship warranty, Billion worldwide is the largest player in the industry,
and potentially costly future exposure for system offering a strong reliable long term product and
owners. performance warranty.

5.5 Inverter solutions and balance of systems

In terms of life expectancy, high quality string inverters In regards to panels, this key component is usually
will typically need to be replaced between 10 and 15 overlooked when it comes to useful life and many
years, depending on the quality of the product as well as projects do not allow for cost of panel replacement, even
design aspect and maintenance activities in place. Cheap when using panels with only 10 years product warranty.
inverters may fail much earlier. Many projects will rely purely on the performance
warranty which can be very limited in the event of
product failure, and often is a legal nightmare to claim.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 21

The Warrantor’s 2019 Sales Product Warranty
in Billions of US Dollars*

LG Electronics: $53.47bn
LG NeON® 2 and NeON® R
All below combined: $23.39bn

Jinko Solar*: $4.27bn

Canadian Solar*: $3.20bn

LG Mono X® Plus
JA Solar*: $2.70bn

Hanwha QCells*: $2.35bn

Trina Solar*: $2.37bn

(12 Years)
LONGi*: $2.49bn Key competitor brands
in Australia
First Solar*: $2.36bn

Sunpower*: $1.86bn

Suntech*: $0.86bn

REC Solar*: $0.433bn 12 Years 15 Years 25 Years

Winaico*: $0.21bn

Yingli*: $0.2bn LG provides an industry-leading warranty

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 covering both products and output,
$Billion *2019 Annual Financial Statements of all ensuring high efficiency and ultimate
company income - not only for solar output performance. This excellent
assurance is a testament to the confidence
The larger the income level, the larger the that the module provides more energy,
funds backing the warranty. reliability and savings over time.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 22

Operation, monitoring and
While solar systems have no moving parts and are fairly self-sufficient, they are an asset and are exposed to the
elements. In order to protect the daily income stream systems should be looked after and maintained, just like other
company assets. Otherwise you risk that they will underperform and may decrease revenue without notice.

6.1 Regular inspections 6.2 Monitoring and troubleshooting

The operation and maintenance manuals provided by An online monitoring and fault reporting system is
your system installer should contain a schedule for strongly recommended. This will allow for ongoing asset
regular maintenance, such as visual inspections and management and a maintenance regime. This proactive
cleaning. approach will provide increased safety and helps to
optimise the financial returns.
Clean solar panels can convert more light into electricity,
so a panel clean might be worthwhile if they get too Simple monitoring solutions are inbuilt into the
dirty, for example after a dust storm or bird droppings. functionality of the inverters. More sophisticated
Another consideration is dirty inverters, for instance in solutions include third party monitoring systems. These
a dusty environment inverters can lose some cooling different systems have various features and costs to
capacity, leading potentially to power derating and install and potentially ongoing subscription fees. So it is
premature failure. best to get professional advice.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 23

Compliance, approvals and
A number of compliance requirements, standards, Requirements may include:
regulations and approvals need to be considered before • Development approval, building consent and
installing commercial size solar power systems. Some of environmental assessment;
these requirements differ between States and Territories • Network connection approval;
as well as between electricity distribution network • Use Clean Energy Council approved products;
service providers. • Appropriate certification of system designer and
It is important to comply with these requirements to • Registration as a power station for larger systems;
avoid delays, fines, switching off or even removal of the • Compliance to various Australian Standards;
system. • Compliance with electrical safety codes;
• AEMO performance standards;
• Certificate of electrical compliance;
• Structural integrity certificate;
• Roof safety assessment;
• A work at heights risk assessment.

Some of these approval and processes can help incur fees or require the use of specialist experts. A solar consultant or
experienced installation partner facilitate the most suitable path through the approval maze.

Please check the LG case study document to gain an overview of the solutions our partners have found for
projects around Australia and the world. The LG case study samples can also be found here.
ʙ LGenergy.com.au/uploads/pdf/LG_SOLAR_Panels_in_commercial_installs_Summary.pdf

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 24

LG Installation Partner Network
LG Solar has 90+ installation partners as part of the Australia-wide network. These partner companies can
provide free advice about solar, inspect your premises and provide high quality installation services for solar
and battery solutions. Most are equipped to install small and medium size commercial systems and some have
the capability of delivering very large systems.

It’s the quality of the installation work and the use of In selecting an authorised partner there is also a peace
premium components by our partners including LG of mind that if one of our partners retires LG will find
panels, inverter solutions, breakers, isolators and railing another LG installation company for that area to service
that can make a big difference when you look at factors you. This means you are not without long term support
like longevity, performance and warranty backup. and that’s a big advantage in years to come.

LG continuously educates its partner network via regular To find your closest LG Solar Partner go to
training to provide industry best practise and ethical LGenergy.com.au/lg-dealers/commercial-partners and
behaviour ensuring solid quality of workmanship. use the partner finder. Alternatively, call LG Solar direct
on 1300 152 179 to get advice and to be connected to
LG installation partners in their agreement with LG have the most appropriate LG solar partner.
agreed to follow relevant Australian standards, laws,
health and safety practices, regulations and codes and
will provide you with the information you need to make
the right choice.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 25

LG Panels are multi-award
LG has a great product range for commercial and utility scale projects as well as residential customers. Please
check our award winning technology in our product section on LGenergy.com.au

LG Warranty and Support

LG pays towards panel replacement labour for larger LG offers a true alternative with its long term
commercial jobs valued at over $40,000 - while many commitment to the Australian market. With more than
competitors do not. 740 installation companies come and gone in the same
timeframe, LG and its partner network truly present a
The cost of pulling inferior panels off the roof, sometimes safe harbour in a “stormy solar sea”.
after a relative short period will need to be covered by
the business owner. This can be costly and therefore will LG’s 28 years of service in Australia and 62 years of
deliver unexpected long term project costs. existence together with the close to US $54 Billion
Annual Income stream, and our high output panels create
More than 400 panel and inverter manufacturers have a unique offering, worth every cent.
left Australia since 2011.
While initially the upfront cost might be more - the
These manufacturers promised long warranties that overall levelised cost of warranted energy often is lower
may no longer be available which leaves the customer with LG, than many of our competitors.
exposed to risk.

for NeON® 2 and NeON® R for Mono X® Plus

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 26

12 commercial solar quote
elements to watch out for
01 In their quote the solar installer overestimates 10 Saving money by not designing appropriate
the likely system output so that the return on walk and access ways and clearances, making
investment numbers looks excellent. Nevertheless maintenance and reaching panels in the middle of
when and if the system output warranty is the system next to impossible.
provided, only 80% of the likely output will be
warranted. 11 Walking on panels during installation for cheaper
and easy access results in a large increase of
02 Panels sold as Tier 1 which is not a measure of microcracks and hotspots in future years, which will
quality, but marketed as a sign of quality. lead to a system performance decline and a likely
panel warranty refusal.
03 25 year performance warranty sold as meaning full
warranty - when it has a very low real value. 12 Offering PPA at low kWh rate and installing
components that won’t last more than the PPA
04 Panels with a 10 or 12 year product warranty sold term. Once the PPA is finished the customer is left
as being capable of lasting 25 years - when such a with an obsolete system that needs replacement,
lifespan is unlikely. when he expected many more years of free solar,
which he will never get.
05 Financial debt level of the solar panel manufacturer
not disclosed - and therefore the true financial risk
is underestimated.
Key Tip
06 Monitoring options and maintenance requirements
Installing panels flat on the roof can be
not fully provided or included, meaning customer’s
at times more cost effective than to tilt
capability to monitor system performance is
compromised and future maintenance cost
However, the installation company
07 Miscalculating the required system size via poor should disclose that such an install
modelling exercise, causing a larger than required needs maintenance to clean the panels
system or too small of a system being built - and increases output in summer, while
therefore minimising the financial opportunity. reducing potential output in the winter
08 Dressing up poorer quality and cheaper
components from inverters to cable trays and
panels as being adequate, when such lower quality
components will likely have an earlier failure.

09 Using cheaper less efficient panels and taking up

more roof space, making future system expansions
more difficult.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 27

Designed and installed by MGA Solar & MODCOL


Reduce power costs


LG NeON® 2 315W &
LG NeON® 2 330W


Approx. 361,000kWh 1

Stage 1 - 2014, Stage 2 - 2018

Estimated Approx. 330

approx. first tonnes of CO2
year savings of emission avoided
$90,250 1 per annum2

The estimated first year savings were provided by the solar installer, or are estimates made by LG Electronics Australia Pty Limited (LGEAP). The
estimates made by LGEAP are based on the actual system size and estimated annual output of the system in the post code of the location. We
assume a flat electricity rate of $0.25, a flat feed-in tariff of $0.11, 80% self consumption of solar generated electricity Monday to Friday, and 20%
self consumption on weekends. For further details on assumptions used and other solar calculators please see: https://www.lgenergy.com.au/solar-
The estimate for CO2 emissions avoided assumes that the entire electricity output of the system is consumed and the emission factor used is
the weighted average for all Australian States based on the calculator available at carbonneutral.com.au. For more information, please see: https://

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 28

Designed and installed by MGA Solar & MODCOL

Foodbank is a non for profit organisation which acts as a The challenge of the project was to help cut the
panty to the charities and community groups who feed company’s electricity running costs in the NSW
the people in need in our community. distribution centre, and to increase the sustainability of
the organisation.
The company operates with approximately 90 employees
and over 3,000 volunteers. Foodbank also required the ability for the system to
expand to battery storage system if required in future.
LG employees regularly volunteer with Foodbank as part
of the company’s volunteer program.

With this in mind, the client required a 300kW
system on a tight roof and some spare
space allowance for future expansion. LG KEY REQUIREMENT
recommended the 315kW LG NeON® 2 solar
Design and install
Although Foodbank operates from a large
purpose- built warehouse, future plans for a
a solar system to
battery storage system meant that roof space
needed to be preserved. The LG NeON® 2 panels
reduce running costs
have a high efficiency output per m2, which with future expansion
made them the ideal option to help offset a
substantial proportion of the organisation’s
energy consumption.

In 2018 an additional 50kW of LG NeON® 2 –

330W were installed on the spare roof space.


MGA Solar and MODCOL recommended LG solar panels for their proven performance and reliability.

LG NeON® 2 models have been involved in a number of comparison tests, in a watt per watt comparison, against many
other brand panels and are consistently amongst the best performing panels. The LG NeON® 2 panel generates more
power per square metre, and is able to deliver more electricity per square metre than a standard panel of the same
physical size.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 29

Designed and installed by Urban Renewables


Reduce the existing electricity bill
and overall carbon footprint


LG NeON® R 360W


Approx. 132,000kWh 1

June 2018

LG panels were recommended for their warranty, power

generation per square metre, performance, and high quality.

Estimated annual
Approx. 120
savings on
tonnes of CO2
electricity usage
emission avoided
fees approx.
per annum2
$25,000 1

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 30

Designed and installed by Urban Renewables

Bluewater Leisure Centre is a multipurpose aquatic and The centre has a very high power consumption to keep
recreation centre that has been in operation since 1974. all the pools, gymnasium equipment and other facilities
The centre is operated by Colac Otway Shire Council and running constantly.
provides first class leisure and recreation facilities.
Urban Renewables was engaged to design, plan and
The facilities feature a number of pools, spa and steam install a solar system for the Leisure Centre with the aim
room and a gymnasium offering numerous fitness of reducing power costs and the carbon consumption
options. A three-court basketball and multi-sports footprint.
stadium, a cafe and meeting rooms for the community
to hire. Due to the restriction of roof space available, Urban
Renewables worked with the Council to conduct a roof
structure assessment to create a design that would
deliver the greatest energy production and best return
SOLUTION on investment.

The Urban Renewables team recommended

the LG NeON® R 360W as the best suitable
product to maximise energy production. The
high efficiency LG NeON® R 360W panels
allowed the team to install a 98.64kW
system rather than an 84kW size other many
competing panels would have allowed due to the
Reduce significant
restrictions with the roof space. power costs and cut
The system was complimented with Fronius the centre’s carbon
inverters and monitoring system.
Urban Renewables designed, installed managed
the project from start to completion.


LG panels were recommended for their warranty, power per square metre, performance and quality. The 25 year
warranty applies to parts and labour as well as on the performance which is longer than for many competing panels.

LG panels have high efficiency, producing more power per square metre, the NeON® R 360W are warranted to still
achieve 87% of rated output after 25 years, compared to 80.2% for many competing panels. The annual degradation
rate is 0.4% compared to 0.7% for many competing panels.

1 The estimated average annual electricity usage are estimates made by LG SolarTM. The estimates made by LG SolarTM are based on the actual system size, estimated annual output of the system in the post code of the location with degradation of rated
electricity production of 2% in the first year and 0.5% in subsequent years, as well as a lifetime of 25 years. We assume a flat electricity rate of $0.25 per KWh, a feed-in tariff of $0.11 per KWh (with annual increases of 2.5% per annum). Based on the industry
the end-customer is in, we assume 80% self-consumption of solar electricity generated (e.g. for end-customers in the manufacturing industry we assume 80% self consumption from Monday to Friday and 20% on weekends (with corresponding 20% and 80%
being exported into the grid), while for leisure based clients we assume 80% self consumption everyday and 20% being exported into the grid). We do not apply a net present value discount on the estimated annual electricity usage savings. Of course actual annual
electricity savings will vary on a wide-variety of factors including installation conditions, usage and self-consumption patterns, actual hours of sunlight, electricity rates, feed in tariffs, increases in electricity rates as well as other factors. For further details and other
solar calculators, please see: https://www.lgenergy. com.au/solar-calculators.
2 The estimate for CO2 emissions avoided assumes that the entire electricity output of the system is consumed and the emission factor used is the weighted average for all Australian States based on the calculator available at carbonneutral.com.au. For more
information, please see: https://carbonneutral.com.au/carbon-calculator/.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 31

Designed and installed by Modcol


Keep electricity costs down


LG NeON® 2 A5 400W


Approx. 148,000kWh 1

January 2018

Design and install a high efficiency solar system to

reduce power costs.

Estimated annual
Approx. 140
savings on
tonnes of CO2
electricity usage
emission avoided
fees approx.
per annum2
$26,000 1

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 32

Designed and installed by Modcol

Meyer Timber was established in 1975 in Dandenong, Meyer Timber Penrith operations have a large quantity
Victoria and is one of the largest timber wholesale of machinery on site running during the day. Concerned
operations in Australia. with increasing prices of electricity, the company
conducted their own research and decided to implement
The company’s belief is that success is measured by a strategy to reduce the costs of electricity. The company
the quality of customer service, and as such they pride partnered with Modcol to design and install a high
themselves in providing outstanding customer service. efficiency solar system to reduce their power costs.

Meyer Timber is a clean energy friendly company and is Whilst the roof of the premises faces 0 degree north,
leading by example whilst lowering costs of electricity to the challenge for Modcol was to design the layout
the company’s expenses over time. around the translucent panels on the roof split into many

Modcol recommended the LG NeON® 2 400W
panels. A quantity of 248 NeON® 2 panels were
installed on Meyer Timber’s roof allowing space
Design the system on a
for the existing translucent panels to illuminate
the working space below.
structured challenging
The system was completed using SMA Tri Power
roof via the lighter than
inverters and Solar Analytics monitoring system
to create a very long lasting top of the line
average LG panels.
quality system.


LG panels were recommended by Modcol and chosen by the customer due to the reputation as a premium product
with high quality and performance. LG panels have been recognised as innovative and cutting edge by industry experts
increasing confidence in the quality and performance of the product. LG NeON® 2 panel generate more power per
square metre, this panel is able to deliver up to 16% more electricity per square metre than a 280W panel of the same
physical size.

1 The estimated average annual electricity usage are estimates made by LG SolarTM. The estimates made by LG SolarTM are based on the actual system size, estimated annual output of the system in the post code of the location
with degradation of rated electricity production of 2% in the first year and 0.5% in subsequent years, as well as a lifetime of 25 years. We assume a flat electricity rate of $0.25 per KWh, a feed-in tariff of $0.11 per KWh (with
annual increases of 2.5% per annum). Based on the industry the end-customer is in, we assume 80% self-consumption of solar electricity generated (e.g. for end-customers in the manufacturing industry we assume 80% self
consumption from Monday to Friday and 20% on weekends (with corresponding 20% and 80% being exported into the grid), while for leisure based clients we assume 80% self consumption everyday and 20% being exported into
the grid). We do not apply a net present value discount on the estimated annual electricity usage savings. Of course actual annual electricity savings will vary on a wide-variety of factors including installation conditions, usage and
self-consumption patterns, actual hours of sunlight, electricity rates, feed in tariffs, increases in electricity rates as well as other factors. For further details and other solar calculators, please see: https://www.lgenergy. com.au/
2 The estimate for CO2 emissions avoided assumes that the entire electricity output of the system is consumed and the emission factor used is the weighted average for all Australian States based on the calculator available at
carbonneutral.com.au. For more information, please see: https://carbonneutral.com.au/carbon-calculator/.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 33

Designed and installed by Springers Solar


Reduce the existing electricity
bill & reduce Lone Pine Koala
Sanctuary’s carbon footprint.


LG NeON® 2 330W


132,000kWh approx.1

June 2018

“Wildlife organisations should be leading the movement to

environmentally friendly energy options.”
Robert Friedler – General Manager, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

Estimated annual
Approx. 130
savings on
tonnes of CO2
electricity usage
emission avoided
fees approx.
per annum2
$23,000 1

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 34

Designed and installed by Springers Solar

Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary has been operating since This new facility is surrounded by a lot of trees thus
1927, and is a destination for local and international posing a lot of shade onto the building and therefore
guests to not only see native animals, but to also connect onto the panels.
and learn. Lone Pine aims to have visitors leaving feeling
empowered to make positive changes in their daily lives Removal of trees was not an option as they form part
to help protect native wildlife habitats. of a wildlife corridor for native wildlife as well as the
sanctuary’s environmental strategy.
Lone Pine is committed to maximising the positive
environmental and social impacts of their operations, The centre also experiences blackouts which are a
with the ultimate aim to become energy independent. problem for the ‘Koala Biobank’ fridges, which store
This is being achieved through water and energy invaluable koala genetics and need constant power. This
efficiency, biodiversity, communication and planning. needed to be taken into consideration in the overall
Through cooperation with employees, suppliers and design of the system.
guests, they aim to set a new standard in environmental
welfare management. Lone Pine strongly encourages all Springers Solar was tasked with the design and
businesses to switch to alternative energy sources as installation of a highly reliable, quality system with long
it is a profitable option that has positive environmental warranties and high performance.

A suitable system size based on the Sanctuary’s load and return on investment was determined to be 92.6kW.
Panels selected were LG 330W NeON® 2 panels due to their quality, high efficiency, long warranties and
performance. Due to the shade Enphase micro inverters were chosen. Tesla powerwall units were installed to
provide back-up power for the ‘Koala Biobank’ fridges in case of blackouts.


The LG 330W NeON® 2 panels were chosen due to their quality, long warranties and performance. LG and other
companies, including the Australian consumer organisation Choice have been involved in a number of comparison tests
of the LG modules against many other brand panels. LG NeON® 2 panels are consistently one of the highest performing
panels in these tests.

The LG NeON® 2 panels have a lower degradation of electricity production than many competing panels as the panels
age. This is due to the low LID level, because of the use of N type treatment of the cells which uses phosphorous as a
replacement for Boron. LG NeON® 2 panels offer a 25 year product and performance warranty which includes parts
and labour compared to the 10 year manufacturer’s warranty offered by many other manufacturers.

1 The estimated average annual electricity usage fee savings are estimates made by LG SolarTM. The estimates made by LG SolarTM are based on the actual system size, estimated annual output of the system in the post code
of the location with degradation of rated electricity production of 2% in the first year and 0.5% in subsequent years, as well as a lifetime of 25 years. We assume a flat electricity rate of $0.25 per KWh, and a feed-in tariff of $0.11 per KWh (with annual increases of
2.5% per annum). Based on the industry the end-customer is in, we assume 80% self-consumption of solar electricity generated (e.g. for end-customers in the manufacturing industry we assume 80% self consumption from Monday to Friday and 20% on weekends
(with corresponding 20% and 80% being exported into the grid), while for leisure based clients we assume 80% self consumption everyday
and 20% being exported into the grid). We do not apply a net present value discount on the estimated annual electricity usage savings. Of course actual annual electricity savings will vary on a wide-variety of factors including installation conditions, usage and self-
consumption patterns, actual hours of sunlight, electricity rates, feed in tariffs, increases in electricity rates as well as other factors. For further details and other solar calculators, please see: https://www.lgenergy.com.au/solar-calculators.
2 The estimate for CO2 emissions avoided assumes that the entire electricity output of the system is consumed and the emission factor used is the weighted average for all Australian States based on the calculator available at carbonneutral.com.au. For more
information, please see: https://carbonneutral.com.au/carbon-calculator/.

Commercial Solar Explained | LGenergy.com.au | LG Solar Direct 1300 152 179 35

This document was prepared in collaboration between LG Solar and
Independent Solar Consultant Enesol. Enesol’s experts are experienced
industry pioneers in renewable energy and specialise in independent
engineering and consulting advice tailored to their clients’ needs.

Contact: www.enesol.com.au & [email protected]


New South Wales Queensland Unit 4, 36 Fennell Street,
2 Wonderland Drive, Unit 4/105 Freight Street, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207
Eastern Creek, NSW 2766 Lytton, QLD, 4178
Western Australia
CONTACT South Australia Unit 15/3 King Edward Road,
Email: [email protected] 162 Richmond Road, Osborne Park, WA 6017
Enquiries: Marleston, SA 5033
1300 152 179 (Australia)
0800 54 2273 (New Zealand) New Zealand
600 Great South Road,
www.lgenergy.com.au Ellerslie, Auckland,
www.lgenergy.co.nz New Zealand 1051

For further information or to find an Authorised LG Partner

please see: LGenergy.com.au or call 1300 152 179
Issue Date: 11/2020

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