9fa-5 Changes and Pressure

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9 Fa-5

Changes and pressure

Name: LINA BENJELLOUN Class: 9D Date: 15/12/2021

1 Classify the following changes as physical changes or chemical reactions.

a Condensation – physical change

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頀哈Ǻ 䂠 䂀 䄀 䂠 䁀 䄀 䁀 䄀 Ð, Ro Ss
ᐐ㕲0 ᠣ 萏Ŕ萑‫ﺬ‬옕吁‫؁‬葞Ŕ葠࠵‫ﺬ‬㚁 䩃䩏䩑䩡⡯蜀h 蠀
HĀ 뀀爔ㄵ Ā ЀĀ ഀĘༀ킄ᄂ预ᗾ‫׆‬Āː帆킄怂预濾(梇 䢈 )⾐㕲2 ᠍萏и萑‫ﺘ‬옕㠁؄葞и
葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀HȀȀ⤀뀀爣㌵ Ā Ȁ ഀഀༀꂄᄅ预ᗾ‫׆‬Ā ֠帆ꂄ怅预濾(梇 䢈 ()㈐㕲4 ᠍萏‫܈‬萑
‫ﺘ‬옕ࠁ؇葞‫܈‬葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀H̀⠀Ѐ⤀က爨㔵 Ā ȀȀ ഀԘༀ炄ᄈ预ᗾ‫׆‬Āࡰ帆炄怈预濾(梇 䢈 ()⪐㕲6
᠍萏৘萑‫ﺘ‬옕 Neutralisation – chemical reaction

2 Classify each of the following statements as a characteristic of a physical change or a

chemical reaction.

a New substances are made – chemical reaction

b Can usually be reversed easily – physical change

3 The diagram shows a lighted candle.

A pool of liquid is seen around the
wick and the candle burns with a
yellow flame.
Explain which of these observations
shows that a physical change is
happening and which shows that a
chemical reaction is taking place.

Physical change is shown by the pool of liquid.

Reason why it is a physical change: liquid wax can be easily reversed back to solid.

Chemical reaction is shown by the candle burning with a yellow flame.

Reason why it is a chemical reaction: Burning cannot be reversed.

4 State what causes a gas to exert a gas pressure.

Gas pressure is caused by the force of the particles colliding with each other and hitting the
walls of the container to make pressure.

5 Decide whether the statements below are true or false. Put a tick () in the correct box.
a Gas pressure increases as the temperature increases.

X True  False

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9 Fa-5
Changes and pressure

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頀哈Ǻ 䂠 䂀 䄀 䂠 䁀 䄀 䁀 䄀 Ð, Ro Ss
ᐐ㕲0 ᠣ 萏Ŕ萑‫ﺬ‬옕吁‫؁‬葞Ŕ葠࠵‫ﺬ‬㚁 䩃䩏䩑䩡⡯蜀h 蠀
HĀ 뀀爔ㄵ Ā ЀĀ ഀĘༀ킄ᄂ预ᗾ‫׆‬Āː帆킄怂预濾(梇 䢈 )⾐㕲2 ᠍萏и萑‫ﺘ‬옕㠁؄葞и
葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀HȀȀ⤀뀀爣㌵ Ā Ȁ ഀഀༀꂄᄅ预ᗾ‫׆‬Ā ֠帆ꂄ怅预濾(梇 䢈 ()㈐㕲4 ᠍萏‫܈‬萑
‫ﺘ‬옕ࠁ؇葞‫܈‬葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀H̀⠀Ѐ⤀က爨㔵 Ā ȀȀ ഀԘༀ炄ᄈ预ᗾ‫׆‬Āࡰ帆炄怈预濾(梇 䢈 ()⪐㕲6
᠍萏৘萑‫ﺘ‬옕 Gas pressure increases as the volume of the container increases.
 True 
X False

%130%*⡯瀀h 蟿h 蠀H頀￈
頀哈Ǻ 䂠 䂀 䄀 䂠 䁀 䄀 䁀 䄀 Ð, Ro Ss
ᐐ㕲0 ᠣ 萏Ŕ萑‫ﺬ‬옕吁‫؁‬葞Ŕ葠࠵‫ﺬ‬㚁 䩃䩏䩑䩡⡯蜀h 蠀
HĀ 뀀爔ㄵ Ā ЀĀ ഀĘༀ킄ᄂ预ᗾ‫׆‬Āː帆킄怂预濾(梇 䢈 )⾐㕲2 ᠍萏и萑‫ﺘ‬옕㠁؄葞и
葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀HȀȀ⤀뀀爣㌵ Ā Ȁ ഀഀༀꂄᄅ预ᗾ‫׆‬Ā ֠帆ꂄ怅预濾(梇 䢈 ()㈐㕲4 ᠍萏‫܈‬萑
‫ﺘ‬옕ࠁ؇葞‫܈‬葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀H̀⠀Ѐ⤀က爨㔵 Ā ȀȀ ഀԘༀ炄ᄈ预ᗾ‫׆‬Āࡰ帆炄怈预濾(梇 䢈 ()⪐㕲6
᠍萏৘萑‫ﺘ‬옕 Gas pressure decreases as the number of gas particles decreases.
X True  False

I can…
● identify and explain the differences between physical changes and chemical reactions
● use particle theory to explain gas pressure and how it can be changed.

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