Roe Rink 2003
Roe Rink 2003
Roe Rink 2003
Climate variability has a large impact on the vegetation dynamics. To quantify this impact a study is carried out with Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) satellite images and meteorological data over part of Sahelian Africa and Europe over several
years. The vegetation dynamics are quantified as the total amount of vegetation (mean NDVI) and the seasonal difference (annual
NDVI amplitude) by a time series analysis of NDVI satellite images with the Harmonic ANalysis of Time Series algorithm. A
climate indicator (CI) is created from meteorological data (precipitation over net radiation). The relationships between the vege-
tation dynamics and the CI are determined spatially and temporally. The driest areas prove to be the most sensitive to climate
impact. The spatial and temporal patterns of the mean NDVI are the same, while they are partially different for the seasonal
difference. The question whether climate impact on vegetation dynamics is the same everywhere on earth in the time and space
domain cannot be satisfactorily answered with these limited datasets.
2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Climate; Impact; Remote sensing; Vegetation; Dynamics; Ecosystem; Fourier; HANTS
vegetation dynamics refers to the temporal behaviour of quantified by applying a Fourier analysis to the time
the vegetation performance in monthly, seasonal and series of NDVI images (Verhoef, 1996). If the resulting
annual time scales. Climate variability is the ensemble NDVI Fourier components (FC) are coupled to climate
of net radiation, precipitation, wind and temperature parameters, the relationship between vegetation dy-
characteristic for a regions in certain time scale (e.g. namics and climate can be established (Roerink et al.,
monthly, seasonal annual). The temporal and/or spatial 1999).
sensitivity of vegetation dynamics to climate variability The response of vegetation dynamics to climate
will be used to characterise the quantitative relationship variability can be determined simultaneously in spatial
between these two quantities in temporal and/or spatial and temporal scales. This method allows us to try to
scales. The objective of the study is to quantify the answer the question whether the earth is an ergodic
spatial and temporal relationships between climate system, i.e. whether the response of vegetation dynamics
variability and vegetation dynamics. has the same spatial and temporal patterns in relation to
climate variability?
2. Method
3. Materials
The theoretical framework and research method are
schematised in Fig. 1. Vegetation performance is deter- The case study is carried out with two datasets,
mined by two major impact sources, climate and human. covering Europe and part of the Sahel. The data char-
Besides these two, several other minor impact sources acteristics are given in Table 1. NDVI data, generated
can be determined, such as soil type and elevation. The from NOAA/AVHRR satellite images are used to
earth surface can be monitored on a daily basis by sat- monitor the vegetation dynamics. Meteorological data,
ellite sensors, such as NOAA/AVHRR and METERO- precipitation and net radiation are used to describe the
SAT. Several of these sensors provide the information climate. In Europe, data of 422 meteorological weather
for the establishment of vegetation indices, like the stations are available from the World Meteorological
commonly used Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Organisation. For the Sahel, precipitation was measured
(NDVI), which give an indication of the vegetation by 107 rain gauges. Net radiation was measured by only
performance (Goward et al., 1985). A time series of one meteorological station (Lebel et al., 1997), which is
NDVI images show the temporal behaviour of the assumed to representative for the 1 1 area, where all
vegetation performance, the vegetation dynamics rain gauges are located. The satellite imagery and loca-
(Spanner et al., 1990). The vegetation dynamics can be tion of the meteorological weather station is shown in
Fig. 3.
index is the ratio between net radiation over precipita- peated until the maximum error is acceptable or the
tion times the latent heat of vaporation (Budyko, 1974; number of remaining points has become too small. For
Henning and Flohn, 1977). It is developed for dry areas, a detailed description of the HANTS algorithm one is
like deserts, which are water controlled. For wetter areas referred to Roerink and Menenti (2000) and Roerink
(radiation controlled), like parts of Europe it is better to et al. (2000).
take the inverse of the Budyko index as (Roerink et al., An example of the HANTS procedure is given in
1999) Fig. 2. Fig. 2a represents an annual temporal profile of
LP an arbitrary pixel of 10-days-max-NDVI-composites.
CI ¼ ð1Þ Fourteen cloud affected NDVI points were filtered out
during the iterative HANTS procedure, using only three
where CI is the so-called climate indicator, L is the latent frequencies (frequency 0 ¼ mean NDVI, frequency
heat of vaporisation, P is the precipitation and Rn is the 1 ¼ annual NDVI cycle, frequency 2 ¼ 6 months NDVI
net radiation. In other words, the LP term is the amount cycle). The rest of the points have a maximum deviation
of energy necessary to evaporate the available precipi- from the fitted curve of, in this case, 0.05 NDVI units.
tation P . Fig. 2b shows the FC (cosine functions) of the three
Between CI ¼ 0 and CI ¼ 1 there is shortage of water. individual HANTS frequencies; the arrows represent the
Theoretically potential evapotranspiration is reached at amplitude and phase values of the annual NDVI cycle
CI ¼ 1, where all precipitation can be evaporated by the (frequency ¼ 1).
net available radiation. When CI is larger than 1 radi-
ation is the limiting factor and water can even become
an impediment in vegetation development. 6. Results
0.8 0.4
rejected phase
0.6 HANTS 0.2
0.4 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
the found maximum is not very reliable. The resulting Spatial sensitivity seasonal diff.
Table 2
Derived coefficients a, b, c and d for Eq. (2)
NDVI FC a b c d Standard error
Mean vegetation
1995 0.682 )0.121 )0.599 0.369 0.03840
1996 1.258 )0.221 )1.151 0.626 0.06561
1997 1.178 )0.162 )1.011 0.683 0.01753
3 years (class) 0.625 )0.093 )0.525 0.386 0.01183
Seasonal difference
1995 0.271 )0.247 )2.684 0.868 0.03624
1996 2.705 )0.302 )2.672 0.839 0.04425
1997 0.496 )0.041 )0.455 0.665 0.03513
3 years (class) 0.784 )0.094 )0.742 0.729 0.00831
108 G.J. Roerink et al. / Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 28 (2003) 103–109
If we translate the found temporal sensitivity patterns amount of vegetation (mean NDVI FC) shows similar
in common words, we can conclude the following: spatial and temporal patterns. This indicates that cli-
mate impact on vegetation dynamics is an ergodic phe-
• In dry areas (deserts, parts of Spain) where net radi- nomenon for the examined areas in the space and time
ation is usually abundant, the vegetation sensitivity is domain.
very high to yearly precipitation changes; both the However, the sensitivity of the seasonal vegetation
total amount of vegetation and the seasonal differ- difference (annual NDVI FC) has different spatial and
ence between dry and wet season increase with in- temporal patterns. Both have the highest sensitivity in
creasing precipitation. A vegetation cycle starts to dry areas, but where the spatial pattern gradually de-
develop with the appearance of the first rainfall. creases to zero in very humid areas, the temporal pattern
• In wetter areas (most of Europe) increasing precipita- has after the high sensitivity in dry areas, almost no
tion still results in higher amounts of vegetation, sensitivity in moderately humid areas and a small neg-
however the seasonal difference remains almost con- ative sensitivity in the wettest areas.
stant; the possible increase or decrease of the amount In this case study the results give an ambiguous an-
of vegetation in winter and summer is the same. This swer to the question if climate impact on vegetation
indicates that in such areas, combined effects of pre- dynamics is an ergodic phenomenon over the whole
cipitation and net radiation are the limiting factors earth. Larger datasets in time and space are needed to
for vegetation development. give a more profound answer to this question.
• In very humid areas (mountains, Northern Europe)
where precipitation is excessive, the major limiting
factor to vegetation development is net radiation.
Both the total amount of vegetation and the seasonal
difference becomes smaller.
The authors would like to thank the Free University
of Berlin (Germany) for the provision of the NOAA/
AVHRR 10-days-max-NDVI composites of Europe.
7. Conclusion
They are also grateful to the reviewers for their con-
structive comments.
From this study it can be concluded that the HANTS
algorithm is an appropriate tool to describe the tem-
poral behaviour of remote sensing parameters, like the
NDVI. The major advantage of HANTS is that the FC References
reflect the cloud and error free properties of the vege-
tation cycle. Budyko, M.I., 1974. Climate and Life. Academic Press, New York,
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