Wei Li Et Al, 2021, Env Sci & Pollution Research - Bacterial and Archeal Community

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Environmental Science and Pollution Research



Variations in bacterial and archaeal community structure

and diversity along the soil profiles of a peatland
in Southwest China
Wei Li 1,2 & Mingmo Luo 2 & Rui Shi 3 & Defeng Feng 4 & Zhenan Yang 5 & Huai Chen 6 & Bin Hu 1,2

Received: 10 April 2021 / Accepted: 29 July 2021

# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

As bacteria and archaea are key components in the ecosystem, information on their dynamics in soil profiles is important for
understanding the biogeochemical cycles in peatlands. However, little is known about the vertical distribution patterns of bacteria
and archaea in the Bitahai peatland, or about their relationships with soil chemical properties. Here, bacterial and archaeal
abundance, diversity, and composition of the Bitahai peatlands at 0-100 cm soil depths were analyzed by sequencing of 16S
rRNA genes (Illumina, MiSeq). Soil pH, total C, N, and P concentrations and stoichiometric ratios were also estimated. The
results revealed that total C and total N contents, as well as C:P and N:P ratios, significantly increased with increasing peatland
soil depths, while total P decreased. The top three dominant phyla were Proteobacteria (39.64%), Acidobacteria (12.93%), and
Chloroflexi (12.81%) in bacterial communities, and were Crenarchaeota (58.67%), Thaumarchaeota (14.34%), and
Euryarchaeota (10.82%) in archaeal communities in the Bitahai peatland, respectively. The total relative abundance of methan-
ogenic groups and ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms all significantly decreased with soil depth. Both bacterial and archaeal
diversities were significantly affected by the soil depth. Soil C, N, and P concentrations and stoichiometric ratios markedly
impacted the community structure and diversity in archaea, but not in bacteria. Therefore, these results highlighted that the
microbial community structure and diversity depended on soil depth for the Bitahai peatlands, and the factors affecting bacteria
and archaea in the Bitahai peatlands were different.

Keywords Soil stoichiometry . Wetland . Diversity . Community . MiSeq

Introduction 2006). The carbon accumulated in the northern, tropical, and

southern peatlands was 547, 50, and 15 Gt C respectively (Yu
Peatlands cover only about 3% of the earth’s terrestrial surface et al. 2010). Carbon storage in peat soils is so high that carbon
but store nearly 30% of global soil carbon (Dise 2009). They cycling in peatland ecosystems plays an important role in
are an important carbon sink because of their low rate of global carbon cycling. Microbial communities, as important
organic matter decomposition and high water table (Laiho decomposers, play a key role in the carbon cycle of peatlands

Responsible Editor: Robert Duran

* Defeng Feng 3
Institute of International Rivers and Eco-Security, Yunnan
[email protected] University, Kunming 650091, China
* Bin Hu 4
Research Institute of Resource Insects, Chinese Academy of
[email protected] Forestry, Kunming 650224, China
Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plateau Mountain Ecology and College of Life Science, China West Normal University,
Restoration of Degraded Environments, School of Ecology and Nanchong 637002, China
Environmental Science, Yunnan University, 6
Key Laboratory of Mountain Ecological Restoration and Bioresource
650091 Kunming, China
Utilization & Ecological Restoration Biodiversity Conservation Key
Institute for Ecological Research and Pollution Control of Plateau Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu Institute of Biology,
Lakes, Yunnan University, 650091 Kunming, China Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China
Environ Sci Pollut Res

and in overall ecosystem functioning. They not only directly diversity. Many studies have recognized that this wetland also
control the turnover of organic carbon, but also improve nu- plays an important role in the water storage, flood control, and
trient mineralization and uptake (Andersen et al. 2013). water balance of the middle and lower reaches in the Yangtze
Carbon and nitrogen cycling are inextricably linked, and sev- River (Yin 2002; Yu et al. 2015). Thus, it is very important for
eral studies have confirmed the emission of greenhouse gas the supply of regional ecosystem services and the construction
N2O (Dinsmore et al. 2009; Saari et al. 2013), CH4 (Godin of ecological security barriers. Studies on this wetland mainly
et al. 2012), and CO2 (Hoyt et al. 2019) from peatlands. Soil focused on land-use changes (Wu et al. 2015), diversity (He
microbes are involved in the production of N2O, CH4, and et al. 2019; Shu et al. 2013; Zhou and Chen 2006),
CO2 (Liu et al. 2020b), therefore uncovering their vertical Phytophthora species (Huai et al. 2013), basic chromosome
distribution patterns would improve our understanding of ni- numbers of the genus Streptopus (Zhang and Gu 2005), and
trogen and carbon cycling in peatlands. soil nutrients and nitrous oxide flux in the upper soil layers
Peatland soil microbial communities in the surface and (Wang et al. 2017). However, microbial communities in the
subsurface layers (Cadillo-Quiroz et al. 2006; Seward et al. deep soil layer, which play an enormous role in driving the
2020) have been well studied; however, studies on communi- carbon and nitrogen cycles along with the soil profile, are
ties in deeper peat layers are relatively lacking (Putkinen et al. missing. Studying the differences between bacterial and ar-
2009; Zhou et al. 2017). Currently, known peatland soil pro- chaeal communities along with the peat profile and linking
files are often meters deep, and deeper layer soil microbial these to the changes in the soil properties of the Bitahai
communities might be specialized for their own conditions, peatland is important. Thus, our hypothesis was that (1) bac-
and thus, may be distinct from communities in shallower, terial and archaeal composition and diversity vary with soil
surface layers (Blume et al. 2002; Eilers et al. 2012; Tsitko depth, and (2) soil properties affect the bacterial and archaeal
et al. 2014). Many types of functional microbes involved in communities and diversity along with soil profiles in the
the carbon and nitrogen cycles of anaerobic processes exist Bitahai peatland.
widely in peatlands, such as methanogenic archaea (Godin
et al. 2012), methane anaerobic oxidizing bacteria (Zhu et al.
2012), ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms (Xu et al. 2019), Materials and methods
and anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (Liu et al. 2020a).
Therefore, studying the vertical distributions of soil microbial Site description and soil sampling
groups across deep soil profiles may be important for under-
standing the underlying mechanisms of carbon and nitrogen The study site was located in the Bitahai Nature Reserve
cycling in peatlands. (27°46–27°57′N, 99°54′–100°09′E), Yunnan Province,
Soil C, N, and P contents and stoichiometry vary with Southwest China. The elevation of this region is 3512.9 m,
depth (Hu et al. 2019), thus, understanding how variations in and it has a cold and humid plateau climate with an annual
physicochemical characteristics along with the soil profile average temperature of 5.4 °C. The hottest and coldest months
shape microorganism communities is essential to understand- are July and January, with average temperatures of 13.2 °C
ing corresponding biogeochemical processes. Previous stud- and -3.8 °C, respectively. The annual average precipitation is
ies have revealed that soil microbial communities are deter- 617.6 mm and mostly falls between June to September. Fens
mined by several abiotic factors (Andersen et al. 2013; are less acidic, often more nutrient-enriched and eutrophic,
Jeanbille et al. 2016), such as carbon, nitrogen, and phospho- saturated with water and support sedges, grass, and trees,
rus contents (Koranda et al. 2011; Li et al. 2014; Wang et al. and bogs are characterized by sphagnum moss, acidic water,
2020) and C: N: P stoichiometry (Ren et al. 2016; Shen et al. and low nutrient status (Chen et al. 2020). The Bitahai peat is
2019). For peatland microbial communities, soil C:N ratio saturated throughout the year, and the peat thickness is ap-
(Lin et al. 2014), pH, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, proximately 3 m deep. There is no sphagnum, and the most
water table (Wang et al. 2019; Zhong et al. 2017), redox con- dominant species at this site are Carex lehmanii, Sanguisorba
dition (Martinez et al. 2007), and carbon quality (Lamit et al. filiformis, Deschampsia cespitosa, and Sinocarum coloratum.
2017) are factors that affect microbial communities. However, The range of peat soil pH was 5.2-5.8. Thus, the Bitahai
the factors controlling microbial communities and their func- peatland is a fen. Our sampling sites were distributed among
tions across vertical samples (taken every 10 cm, to a depth of the typical peat environment of Bitahai. Three sampling plots
100 cm) remain poorly understood. Likewise, there is little were set in this fen during the 2017 growing season, and ten
information available on how the magnitude of variation in soil depths (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 30-40 cm, 40-50
bacteria, archaea, methanogens, and ammonia-oxidizing mi- cm, 50-60 cm, 60-70 cm, 70-80 cm, 80-90 cm, and 90-100
croorganisms within deeper soil profiles. cm) were collected from each plot. Three replicate cores (ca.,
The Bitahai peat fen, located at the heart of the Hengduan 100 g soil) were taken from each plot using a Russian peat
Mountains, is a globally important wetland with high species corer (diameter 52 mm, Eijkelkamp, Giesbeek, Netherlands).
Environ Sci Pollut Res

For each soil core, roots were carefully removed by hand, and USEARCH function in QIIME (Caporaso et al. 2010). After
soil was sieved through by a 2-mm sieve. A total of 30 soil quality control and chimeric sequence removal, a total of
samples were obtained and stored in sterilized and sealed 886,894 bacterial 16S rRNA genes and 789,965 high-quality
polyethylene packages, transported on ice to the laboratory, archaeal gene sequences were obtained for community analy-
and stored at -20 °C until processing. ses of the 30 soil samples. The number of sequences per sam-
ple ranged from 7,597 to 34,181, with an average of 29,563
Soil properties analysis sequences for bacteria, whereas the number of sequences
ranged from 14,008 to 33,467 with an average of 26,332 se-
Soil pH was determined using a pH meter (Orion 868, USA) quences for archaea. All sequences were clustered into oper-
with a soil-to-water ratio of 1:2.5. Total carbon (TC) was ational taxonomic units (OTUs) with a 97% identity threshold.
measured using a Vario TOC instrument manufactured by Shannon’s diversity index, Simpson’s index, and the Ace and
Elementar Company. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphate Chao1 estimators were generated for each sample based on the
(TP) were determined by the measurement of H2SO4 diges- OTU table (Caporaso et al. 2010). The phylogenetic affiliation
tion with a continuous flow analytic system (SEAL Analytical of each sequence was analyzed using the RDP Classifier
AA3, Germany). (http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/classifier/class_help.jsp#
copynumber) at a confidence level of 80%.
DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and MiSeq
Statistical analysis
Total soil DNA was extracted using the E.Z.N.A.™ Soil DNA
PCoA is a method to visualize the similarity and difference of
Kit (Omega Bio-tek, Inc., GA, USA) according to the manu-
microbial community composition in different environmental
facturer’s instructions and was collected in 50 μl of elution
samples, and the first axis of PCoA represents the principal
buffer. DNA concentration was determined using a NanoDrop
coordinate component that can explain the microbial data
One (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington). The 16S rRNA genes
changes maximally. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA)
of the bacteria (515F: GTG CCA GCM GCC GCG GTAA
in Fast UniFrac was used to show the general differences in
archaeal community structure among samples based on the
regions) and archaea (Arch519F: CAG CCG CCG CGG
relative abundances of the entire archaeal community data.
Regression analysis was used to determine variations in soil
V4–V5 regions) were amplified in triplicate (Vissers et al.
properties, bacterial and archaeal diversity, and relative abun-
2010; Walters et al. 2016). The primers were tailed with se-
dances of the dominant bacterial and archaeal communities
quences to incorporate Illumina adapters with indexing
along with the peatland vertical profile. Pearson correlation
barcodes. A 50-μl PCR mix consisted of 25 μl Taq-Mix,
analysis was used to analyze relationships among the soil
2.5 μl of each primer, 5 μl template and 15 μl ddH2O. PCR
properties, scores of the first PCoA axis, and the diversity of
was performed under the following conditions: a 3-min initial
bacteria and archaea. All statistical analyses were performed
denaturation step at 94 °C followed by 30 thermal cycles of
using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 (IBM, Armonk, New York,
30 s at 94 °C, 30 s at 50 °C/57 °C (annealing temperature 50
U.S.A), and the figures were created using Origin 9.0.
°C and 57 °C for 515F/926R and Arch519/Arch915R respec-
Values were considered statistically significant at p<0.05.
tively), 40 s at 72 °C, and followed by a 10-min incubation at
72 °C. The DNA concentrations were quantified, and the
amplicons from each sample were pooled at an equimolar
concentration for sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq Results
Sequencer (San Diego, CA, USA).
Vertical distribution of soil C, N, and P concentrations
Processing of sequencing data and stoichiometry

Raw sequence data were processed and analyzed using the In this study, soil pH ranged from 5.47 to 5.60 and showed no
QIIME pipeline (Caporaso et al. 2012). Briefly, sequencing significant changes along with the soil profile in the Bitahai
reads with an average quality value ≤ Q20 were obtained, peatland. With the exception of C: N (Fig. 1d), soil depth
ambiguous nucleotides in barcodes and homopolymer reads significantly influenced the C, N, and P concentrations as well
longer than 8 bp and shorter than 150 bp were removed to as the C:P and N:P ratios (p<0.05). Soil C and N concentra-
improve sequence quality. Paired ends were joined with tions and C:P and N:P ratios significantly increased (Fig. 1a,
FLASH (Magoc and Salzberg 2011), whereas the chimeric b, e, f), but P concentration decreased (Fig. 1c) with increasing
sequences were detected and eliminated using the soil depth.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 1 Variations of soil C N P concentrations and their stoichiometric ratios along with soil depths

Vertical patterns of structure and diversity of bacterial Acidobacteria (-50%) significantly decreased, but
and archaeal communities Spirochaetae (+434%), Ignavibacteriae (+93%),
Chloroflexi (+95%), and Planctomycetes (+184%) sig-
The dominant phyla that accounted for more than 3% of nificantly increased (Figure S1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g). At
the mean relative abundance across all sites and depths the class level, the relative abundances of
for overall bacterial communities were Proteobacteria Betaproteobacteria (-71%), Alphaproteobacteria (-87%),
(39.64%), Acidobacteria (12.93%), Chloroflexi and Acidobacteria (-93%) significantly decreased with
(12.81%), Ignavibacteriae (4.54%), Planctomycetes the peatland depths, while that of Deltaproteobacteria
(4.21%), Spirochaetae (3.67%), and Bacteroidetes (+9%) increased (Figure S2 a, b, c, d, e). The relative
(3.23%) (Fig. 2a). Crenarchaeota (mean relative abun- abundances of dominant archaea phyla also varied sig-
dance across all sites and depths of 58.67%), nificantly with soil depth (p<0.01). As the depth in-
Thaumarchaeota (14.34%), and Euryarchaeota (10.82%) creased, the relative abundance of Crenarchaeota
were the phyla detected in the archaeal communities (+63%) significantly increased (Figure S3 a), but those
(Fig. 2b). of Thaumarchaeota (-74%) and Euryarchaeota (-30%)
The relative abundances of the dominant bacterial significantly decreased (Figure S3 b, c).
groups significantly changed with soil depth at the phy- Chao1, Ace, and Shannon values were all significant-
lum and class levels (p<0.05). With increasing depth, ly higher in bacteria than in archaea (p<0.001) (Fig. 3).
the relative abundances of Proteobacteria (-36%) and With increasing soil depth, the Chao1 and Ace values
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 2 Relative abundances of

bacterial and archaeal
communities at the phylum level

of bacteria and archaea showed a significant increasing trends (Fig. 3c). There was a significant increase in
trend (Fig. 3a, b), and Shannon values of bacteria and the Simpson values of archaea along with soil depth
archaea exhibited significant and non-linear variation (Fig. 3d).

Fig. 3 Vertical variations of the bacterial and archaeal diversity along with soil depths
Environ Sci Pollut Res

The shifts of methanogen and ammonia-oxidizing Discussion

microorganisms with soil depths
Vertical patterns of bacterial and archaeal
Archaeal communities were analyzed at the order level, and communities along with soil depths
the total relative abundance of the methanogenic groups (4.03-
11.54%) was found to significantly decrease with soil depth As predicted, this study showed that soil depth had a marked
(R2=0.13, p<0.001) (Fig. 4). The mean relative abundances of impact on bacterial and archaeal community structures.
the order Nitrospirales (bacteria) and Nitrososphaerales According to the 16S rRNA gene analysis, the dominant
(archaea) were 2.37% and 14.34%, respectively. The total groups at the phylum level were Proteobacteria (39.64%),
relative abundance of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms al- Acidobacteria (12.93%), and Chloroflexi (12.81%) for soil
so significantly decreased with soil depth (R2=0.44, p<0.001) bacteria and were Crenarchaeota (58.67%), Thaumarchaeota
(Fig. 5). (14.34%), and Euryarchaeota (10.82%) for soil archaea, re-
spectively. This demonstrated that these groups play a key
role in the Bitahai peatland. These findings are consistent with
Relationships between bacterial, archaeal many other comprehensive studies on peatland soil bacterial
communities, and soil properties and archaeal communities (Rooney-Varga et al. 2007; Seward
et al. 2020; Sun et al. 2014).
The PCoA analysis showed that the first principal coordinate Proteobacteria are involved in biogeochemical processes in
axis (PCoA1) explained 39.61% and 65.84% of the overall various ecosystems, and are able to promote soil nutrient
bacterial and archaeal communities in our study, respectively availability (Fierer et al. 2007). Specifically, a sharp decline
(Tables 1 and 2). For the bacterial community, Pearson corre- of Proteobacteria was reflected in the reduction of the relative
lation analysis showed that there was no significant relation- abundances of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and
ship between soil properties and PCoA1, and only soil P cor- Deltaproteobacteria at the class level. The decrease in
related significantly and negatively with the Ace index Betaproteobacteria could affect N cycles as a result of their
(Table 1). For the archaeal community, PCoA1 was correlated members displaying metabolic diversity in nitrification
significantly and positively with soil C, N, N:P, and C:P, and (Prosser et al. 2014). Sulfate-reducing bacteria, belonging to
was significantly and negatively correlated with soil P. Both the class Deltaproteobacteria, have been shown to mineralize
Chao1 and Ace indices of archaea were correlated significant- organic carbon (Miyatake et al. 2009). Thus, the decreasing
ly and positively with soil pH and negatively with C: N, while trend of the relative abundance of Deltaproteobacteria along
soil C, N, and N:P were correlated significantly and positively with soil profiles may represent a decrease in organic carbon
with archaeal Shannon diversity and negatively with Simpson mineralization (Chen et al. 2019). Moreover, upper soil layers
diversity (Table 2). with low organic carbon content had a higher relative

Fig. 4 Relative abundance of the

methanogen group and its
variation with soil depths at the
order level
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 5 The relative abundance of

ammonia-oxidizing microorgan-
isms and its variation along with
soil depths at the order level

abundance of Acidobacteria than the deeper soil layers. This Furthermore, soil depth influenced the abundance of the
was similar to a report of high proportions of Acidobacteria in functional microbial groups related to the pivotal processes
degraded wetland soil with low organic matter content of the C and N cycles (Figs. 4 and 5). Specifically, the total
(Peralta et al. 2013). In addition, there was a significant in- relative abundance of the methanogenic groups significantly
crease in the abundance of Chloroflexi along with the soil decreased with soil depth (Fig. 4), which demonstrated that
profiles. It has been detected in a wide range of anaerobic methane production in deeper layers is constrained.
habitats, and plays an important role in the degradation of Methanotrophs play an important role in mitigating the release
complex polymeric organic compounds into low molecular of the greenhouse gas methane (Liebner and Svenning 2013).
weight substrates (Speirs et al. 2019). A previous study has Most methanotrophs belong to Proteobacteria, of which three
also shown that Chloroflexi can survive in nutrient-deprived families Methylococcaceae, Methylocystaceae, and
environments (Wu et al. 2021), and thus were relatively more Beijerinckiaceae are methanotrophs (Dworkin et al. 2006;
abundant under limited nutrient conditions (Hug et al. 2013). Liebner et al. 2009). The decreasing trends of the above three
Therefore, the significant vertical change of these predomi- families may thus indicate a reduction of aerobic methane
nant groups in soil microorganisms implies profound differ- oxidation in deeper soil (Table S1). The ammonia-oxidizing
ences in the C and N and cycles at different soil depths in the microorganisms included Nitrospirales (bacteria) and
Bitahai peatland. Nitrososphaerales (archaea) and their mean relative abun-
dances also significantly decreased with soil depth (Fig. 5),
indicating that a weak ammonia-oxidizing process may exist
in deeper soil layers (Prosser et al. 2014). The significant
Table 1 Relationships among the score of the first PCoA axis, diversity
index and soil properties for bacteria
vertical decline in the relative abundance of methanogenic,
methanotrophs and ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms sug-
Bacteria PCoA 1 Chao Ace Shannon Simpson gests that the deeper soil layers had a low intensity of methane
(39.61%) production, oxidation, and nitrification processes in the
pH -0.335 0.123 0.152 -0.030 0.324 Bitahai peatland.
Total N 0.287 0.116 0.129 -0.132 -0.064
In the present study, bacterial richness, evenness, and di-
Total P -0.090 -0.307 -0.372* -0.018 -0.110
versity were higher than those of archaea. This result was
Total N:P 0.314 0.253 0.336 -0.034 -0.057
consistent with studies performed on peatlands (Basiliko
et al. 2013), anaerobic sediments of a soda lake (Rojas et al.
Total C 0.171 -0.038 0.000 -0.222 0.062
2018), and a deep-sea mud volcano (Pachiadaki et al. 2011).
Total C:N -0.200 -0.121 -0.120 -0.155 0.339
Compared with some studies on Zoige peatlands (Zhong et al.
Total C:P 0.117 0.057 0.139 -0.129 0.163
2017), both Chao1 and Ace values significantly increased
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level with soil depth in the Bitahai peatlands. Our results further
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 2 Relationships among the

score of the first PCoA axis, Archaea PCoA1 (65.84%) Chao Ace Shannon Simpson
diversity index and soil properties
for archaea pH 0.054 0.446* 0.451* 0.288 0.082
Total N 0.471** 0.118 0.182 -0.640** 0.563**
Total P -0.400* -0.036 -0.058 0.069 -0.169
Total N:P 0.676** 0.146 0.206 -0.546** 0.561**
Total C 0.404* -0.178 -0.115 -0.599** 0.426*
Total C:N -0.200 -0.398* -0.421* 0.357 -0.256
Total C:P 0.406* -0.199 -0.168 -0.213 0.257
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level ; **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level

showed that Shannon in bacteria and Simpson in archaea in- Proteobacteria could be depleted and Chloroflexi could be
creased, while Shannon in archaea decreased with soil depth. enriched (Figure S2 a, f).
The observed similar and obvious increasing vertical trends of Interestingly, bacterial diversity was not related to soil
diversity prokaryotic communities suggested that prokaryotic properties, except for soil P (Table 1). This result suggests that
diversity also played a pivotal role in peatland functions in the other underlying environmental factors, rather than soil prop-
deep soil layer. Based on the above results, therefore, our erties, may drive bacterial diversity in the Bitahai peatland.
study found that soil depth significantly influenced the struc- Previous studies have shown that climatic factors, such as
ture and diversity of bacteria and archaea in the Bitahai temperature, soil moisture (Stres et al. 2008), and water table
peatland, supporting our first hypothesis. (Zhong et al. 2017), can influence soil bacterial communities
in the peatland ecosystem. Other studies have also highlighted
Relationship between bacterial and archaeal that climatic factors have unexpectedly strong impacts on soil
communities and soil properties along with soil bacterial community composition and variation (Zheng et al.
profiles 2020). In the present study, Bitahai peatland is saturated
throughout the year, making it very unlikely that the soil mois-
Our study clearly showed that various soil depths exhibited ture or water table could be undetected drivers of microbial
distinct prokaryotic structures and diversity (Figs. 2 and 3). diversity. In light of the above, despite a lack of further mea-
These vertical distribution patterns essentially reflect the var- surement, it was reasonable to speculate that these unattended
iation in environmental factors with soil depth (e.g., physico- climatic factors may regulate the diversity of the bacterial
chemical properties and oxygen limitations) (Lamit et al. community along the soil profile of the Bitahai peatland. In
2017; Zhong et al. 2017). The relative abundances of aerobic order to better understand the distribution of bacterial commu-
and anaerobic microbes decreased and increased with soil nities along this soil profile, it is necessary to further explore
depth, respectively (Figure S2). This indicated that in the the drivers of bacterial communities along the soil depths in
Bitahai peatlands, the upper soil layers were dominated by the Bitahai peatland. Furthermore, only soil P had a negative
aerobic processes, while deeper soil layers were dominated effect on the bacterial richness of Bitahai peatland. This means
by anaerobic processes. These results were identical to those that natural and human activities that cause changes in soil
of a previous study of Zoige peatlands (Zhong et al. 2017). phosphorus could affect bacterial richness in the future
Such opposite trends of aerobic and anaerobic prokaryote (Zheng et al. 2020).
along with soil profiles may be explained by changes in soil Archaeal community structure was markedly impacted by
water content and oxygen limitations (Fierer et al. 2003). C:P soil C, N, and P concentrations and stoichiometric ratios along
and N:P in soil are generally negatively correlated with nutri- the peatland profile (Table 2). This is consistent with previous
ent mineralization rate and availability (Hu et al. 2019; Ren studies that have shown that soil C, N, and P (Bergkemper
et al. 2016; Shen et al. 2019). Higher C:P and N:P ratios in the et al. 2016) and elemental stoichiometry (Shen et al. 2019) are
deep soil layers (Fig. 1e, f) implied a relatively poor nutrient drivers of microbial community structure. Our findings also
status. The abundance of Chloroflexi was positively correlated showed that changes in soil physicochemical characteristics
with soil N:P ratio, with increasing variation along with the (e.g., pH, TC, TN, C: N, and N:P) with depth had significant
soil profiles (Figure 1e and S1f). These results possibly indi- positive or negative correlations with archaeal richness and
cate a reversed trend in the vertical distribution of diversity (Table 2). These results were similar to those of
copiotrophic (i.e., Proteobacteria) and oligotrophic bacteria previous studies that documented that the changes in prokary-
(i.e., Chloroflexi) along with the soil profiles. More precisely, otic diversity were probably attributable to the differences in
in the deeper soil layers of the Bitahai peatlands, physicochemical properties (Pachiadaki et al. 2011; Wu et al.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

2021; Zhong et al. 2017), and thus partly supported our sec- Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing interests.
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material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15774-6. of mires (in Chinese). Sci Sin Terrae 50:15–26. https://doi.org/10.
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supporting Dr. W. Li (YNQR-QNRC-2018-089), the Programs of ombrotrophic peatland: Implications for modelling and up-scaling.
Science and Technology Department Foundation of Yunnan Province Soil Biol Biochem 41:1315–1323
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Eilers KG, Debenport S, Anderson S, Fierer N (2012) Digging deeper to
Data availability All data generated or analyzed during the current study find unique microbial communities: the strong effect of depth on the
are included in this article and its supplementary information files. structure of bacterial and archaeal communities in soil. Soil Biol
Biochem 50:58–65
Fierer N, Schimel JP, Holden PA (2003) Variations in microbial commu-
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Ethical approval Not applicable. Fierer N, Bradford MA, Jackson RB (2007) Toward an ecological clas-
sification of soil bacteria. Ecology 88:1354–1364. https://doi.org/
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