Correlation Between The Entrance Exam Score and The Academic Performance of The BS Computer Science Graduates of de La Salle Lipa From AY 2010-2015

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VOL. 05 NO. 01 | 15

Correlation between the Entrance Exam

Score and the Academic Performance of
the BS Computer Science Graduates of
De La Salle Lipa from AY 2010-2015
Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera
De La Salle Lipa, Lipa City


The research focused on the graduates of BS Computer Science Graduates of De La Salle Lipa AY 2010-
2015 to assess the relationship between the entrance examination results and the academic performance
of students. A sample of 50 respondents who graduated from the said program from academic year 2010-
2015 in DLSL were surveyed. Variables gathered are the entrance examination from the Institutional
Admission’s and Testing Office and the academic performance of the respondents from the Office of
the College Registrar. Collected data were analyzed with descriptive quantitative statistics. The results
showed that significant relationship occurred between the academic performance of the respondent’s
entrance examination and academic performance in mathematics and major courses. The analysis
of variance revealed that there is no significant difference between the academic performance of the
respondents’ entrance examination and academic performance. The study recommended that admission
policy should be better aligned with institutional strategies that can improve the students’ academic
performance and successively influence the retention of students.

Keywords: Academic performance, correlation, Entrance Examination, computer science

Entrance Exam Score and the Academic Performance | Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera
16 | Future Ed Special Edition: Multidisciplinary Research Journal DE LA SALLE LIPA

the impact of entrance examination on the students’

1. Introduction
academic performance. Additionally, the result of the
Academic performance is the student’s standing in study can be used by the Program Chair to recommend
the conduct of his school activities; as usual, students co-curricular activities that would supplement a
follow directions given by teachers and utilize the student’s poor academic performance. The Guidance
use of facilities to comprehend the lessons and Counselor considering their vital function, may also
articulate the learnings. Too often, the student’s class benefit from the study by attributing the entrance exam
performance is attributed to the student’s willingness results to the student’s academic performance and
to learn, teacher’s course delivery, laboratory facilities devise counseling activities to the Program Chair, the
and the school’s environment; when these are under students and their parents.
satisfactory conditions, students are likely to succeed
and graduate on time. On the other hand, problems on This study was conducted to determine the
academic performance may be perceived at the horizon. correlation between Entrance Exam Score and
Academic Performance of the BS Computer Science
It was observed that in De La Salle Lipa, enrolment Graduates of De La Salle Lipa from AY 2010-2015.
in the Computer Science program continues to decline
and 2-5 students shift to other programs or school
yearly. These can possibly be attributed to the learning Statement of the Problem
environment specifically the school’s facilities, The study aimed at identifying the correlation
students’ academic capacity, the kind of formation that between Entrance Exam Score and the Academic
a faculty member can deliver, curriculum content and Performance of the BS Computer Science Graduates
cost of education. These are essential parameters that of De La Salle Lipa from AY 2010-2015. The present
need consideration to improve the enrolment figures for study sought to answer the following questions:
the DLSL’s BS Computer Science program. With the
given factors, it is significant to know how the entrance 1. What is the level of student performance in terms
exam results will contribute to the students’ academic of the stanine interpretations of their entrance exam
performance. scores?

In September of 2012 during the PAASCU visit, the 2. What is the level of the academic performance of
esteemed accreditors had the same observation and has the respondents in terms of their:
driven them to recommend that the Computer Science A.) average grade in Math subjects;
department conduct a study about the correlation of the B.) average grade in English subjects;
entrance exam and the Academic Performance of the BS C.) average grade in Science subjects; and
Computer Science graduates of De La Salle Lipa. The D.) average grade in Major subjects?
recommendation could partly address the program’s
low-enrolment and high number of shifters to another 3. Is there a significant relationship between the
program during their freshmen to sophomore years. It entrance exam score and the academic performance
is also expected that the program’s admission policy be of the respondents?
reviewed and be set with recommendations considering

Entrance Exam Score and the Academic Performance | Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera
DECEMBER 2018 VOL. 05 NO. 01 | 17

4. What action plan can be devised based on the first jobs are grades awarded at the end of an academic
results of the study? study. Wise (1975) cited that as a result, numerous
researches revealed a direct correlation between
This study is vital in the improvement of the existing university grades and entry salaries as well as efficiency.
policy of school’s Institutional Admissions and Testing
Office for the BSCS program. The improvement will Numerous researches reveal students with high
hopefully address the low enrolment and high number scores in their exams attain high ratings in their
of shifters of the above mentioned program to another academic studies (Jirjahn, 2007; Erdel, 2010; Dooley et
program. If the admission test results have no correlation al., 2012). Explanations might be that high grades show
to the academic performance of the Computer Science high intrinsic enthusiasm, distinct abilities and parents’
students it can therefore increase enrollees by admitting contribution throughout the period of academic study.
students with exam results below the cut off or if there
are recommended co-curricular programs to support The study undertaken by Fan (2014), reveals
student learning. that the college entrance examination has limited effect
to 940 students from 5 universities who took college
The study specifically focused on determining the computer science programs in Taiwan with their
correlation of the Entrance Exam and the Academic academic performance. It was highlighted that more
Performance of the BS Computer Science Graduates than the entrance exams, it was seen that middle school
of De La Salle Lipa AY 2010-2015. The entrance achievement and performance in math courses were
examination results included are: Mathematics, Science seen better predictors for academic performance.
and English while academic profile is in terms of the
minor and major courses. According to Adewale and Adhuze (2013) the poor
performance of the graduates of architecture towards
The data analyzed for results of the entrance their conduct of profession is being attributed to the
exam were gathered from the school’s Institutional wrong admission requirements, and if not addressed
Admissions and Testing Office and the academic properly will continue to admit wrong candidates for
performance results were gathered from the Office of the architecture program.
the College Registrar.
Agboola et al. (2014) revealed a significant
Academic achievement is, no doubt, the main focus relationship existed between an admission policy and
of all educational activities (Momoh-Olle, 2007). It the academic performance of students considering
is the school policy that all students who are going to a carefully executed admission policy and retention
be freshmen in De La Salle Lipa are required to take programs.
the entrance exam. There were students who were
exempted in taking the entrance exam because these The study of Ogbonnaya et al. (2014) showed a
students obtained a CSAT (College Scholastic Aptitude positive correlation between the entry qualification
Test) score of 60 percentile rank. scores and the final academic performance. There was
also a test performed between science and non-science
According to Zwick (2012), the important indicators students. A recommendation was set to students
of skill and efficiency of an individual looking for their applying for the nursing program to pass all science

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18 | Future Ed Special Edition: Multidisciplinary Research Journal DE LA SALLE LIPA

exams in the admission tests. integration (Tinto,1975). It has been established that
student academic performance, retention and graduation
Wambugu and Emeke (2015) indicated that the rate could be predicted by examining the standards by
variation for entry qualification is not the best variable which students were admitted (Adeyemi, 2001; Allen
to qualify academic performance. According to and Sherry, 2008 and Agboola, 2011). Other research
Ketim and Olowo (2013), admission examination is findings have revealed that academic factors considered
not a factor in the variation of the students’ academic in the admission criteria have been found to be critically
performance. related to students’ academic performance than the non-
academic factors and could also influence student quality
Pasha, (2011) revealed that admission exams and their persistence in school (Ali, 2008). Outstanding
with the combination of high school GPA is not an performance and performance advantage correlate with
indicator of academic performance and the predictor of high perseverance and student’s academic performance
validity declines over the academic years of the medical at the selection and qualifying examination (Leppel,
school. 2005)

A local study conducted by Bautista, Rey and Suan Many other related studies have revealed
(2014) showed the evaluation of students’ academic that recruitment/admission processes and academic
performance and the admission evaluation using a performance had influence on the student quality and
selection model. The study was conducted to a graduate subsequent retention (Swail, 2004; Boyd, 2004; Curtis,
business program in the University of the Philippines. Samuel et al., 2007 and Bruce, 2009). However, Garton,
The variable used was the undergraduate performance Ball and Dyer (2002) found that pre-admissions criteria
and the quantitative aptitude test score. The study traditionally used to evaluate applicants and for college
proved that the entrance examination score and the admissions were weak predictors for first-year students’
undergraduate GWA are significant in the prediction of graduation.
the student’s academic performance.
Figure 1 presents the working paradigm of the study.
The study adopted Agboola’s (2011) admission It shows the relationship between the independent
and retention interaction model. The highlights and dependent variable. The admission process is an
interrelationship that exist between educational important factor in the student performance according
survival, school involvement, student attribute and to Bamgboye et al. (2001), Ayeni (1972), Grey et al
sustainability, supports in avoiding critical admission . (2001). Gibs (1986) reported the effect of the class
mistake. Admission process into universities is critical. size on the performances of the students. The study
Allen & Sherry (2008) revealed that retention at the undertaken by Fan (2014) presented that there is
first-to-second year stage is very crucial since students a weak correlation between the college entrance exam
often drop out at this stage (Rivas et al., 2007 and and the grades earned in the college computer science
Ochuba 2000). It is through admission process that program. It was stated in the study that high school
students who are at risk of failure and those that are performance, specifically grades in math courses, were
most likely to drop-out can be identified early, while recognized to be better predictors of good academic
the institution provides support services that can performance in college computer science programs.
foster students’ academic and social commitment and

Entrance Exam Score and the Academic Performance | Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera
DECEMBER 2018 VOL. 05 NO. 01 | 19

In contrast with the study of Agboola, Adeyami and between the entry qualification scores and the final
Ogbodo (2014) revealed a significant relationship that academic performance. The entrance examination
existed between an admission policy and the academic score and the undergraduate GWA are significant in
performance of students considering a carefully the prediction of the students’ academic performance
executed admission policy and retention programs. (Bautista, Rey and Suan, 2014).
Ogbonnaya et al. (2014) showed a positive correlation

1. Improve admission policy of the

Demographic profile: Scholastic program
• Entrance Exam Score achievement 2. Propose additional extra
academic activities for academically
challenged students

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

2. Method
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Research Design and Procedure from 2010 – 2015 from the College of Information
This study used a descriptive research design. The Technology and Engineering. The data were obtained
study determined the relationships that existed among during the month of June 2016 from the admission
the independent and the dependent variables in the office and the registrar’s office.
The study used statistical methods to solidify the
Results of the entrance examination were collected data that were gathered from the Admission’s and the
from the Institutional Admissions and Testing Office. Registrar’s Office. Frequency was used to understand
Grades of the respondents were gathered from the the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of
Office the College Registrar. stanine and academic performance in Math, English,
Science and CS major courses. To comprehend the linear
The study was conducted at DLSL, an institution that relationship of the respondents’ entrance examination
provides education from pre-school level to graduate and their academic performance, the proponents used
study. The respondents are students who graduated with the Pearson’s chi squared test for correlation.

Entrance Exam Score and the Academic Performance | Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera
20 | Future Ed Special Edition: Multidisciplinary Research Journal DE LA SALLE LIPA

Data for the results of the entrance examination of the students from the admissions office were presented
on a nine -point scale and were interpreted as follows:

Quality Index Standard Score Interval Percentile Rank Interval Stanine

Very Poor (VP) 200 – 318 Below 4 1

Inferior (I) 319 – 374 4 – 10 2
Below Average (BA) 375 – 424 11 – 22 3
Low Average (LA) 425 – 473 23 – 39 4
Average (A) 474 – 522 40 – 59 5
High Average (HA) 523 – 571 60 – 76 6
Above Average (AA) 572 – 619 77 – 88 7
Superior (S) 620 – 668 89 – 95 8
Excellent (E) 669 – 800 Above 95 9

Data for the results of the entrance examination of the students from the admissions office were presented
on a nine-point scale and were interpreted as follows:

Grade Point Verbal Interpretation

1.00 Excellent
1.25 Superior
1.50 Very Good
1.75 Above Average
2.00 Good
2.25 Average
2.50 Satisfactory
2.75 Fair
3.00 Passing
5.00 Repeat

Pearson product moment correlation was conducted to identify the significant relationship between
the entrance exam and the academic performance.

Entrance Exam Score and the Academic Performance | Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera
DECEMBER 2018 VOL. 05 NO. 01 | 21

3. Results and Discussion Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Respondents

According to their Math Average Grades

The table below discusses the results from the

Range Frequency Percent
data collected through the Admissions Office of the
stanine results. The study attempted to investigate the
1.50-1.74 2 4.0
correlation between the entrance exam score and the
1.75-1.99 6 12.0
academic performance of the BS Computer Science 2.00-2.24 2 4.0
graduates of De La Salle Lipa from AY 2010-2015. 2.25-2.49 8 16.0
2.50-2.74 14 28.0
The table below reveals that most of the respondents 2.75-2.99 4 8.0
(36%) have a stanine 5 (with standard score of 474 – 3-3.24 5 10.0
522) with quality index of Average, followed by 28% 3.25-3.49 4 8.0
have a stanine 4 (with standard score of 425 – 473) with 3.50-3.74 5 10.0
quality index of Low Average and 4% got a stanine 8
(with standard score of 669 – 800) with quality index Total 50 100.0
of Excellent. However, eight percent of the respondents
got a stanine 3 (with standard score of 375 – 424) with
quality index of Below Average. Table 3 shows that majority of the respondents
which is 48 percent have an average English grade of
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents 2.00-2.49, followed by students with a grade of 2.50-
According to their Stanine 2.74 with a percentage of 18 (9 respondents). However,
there are three (6%) of the respondents who failed and
STANINE Frequency Percent got average grades in English ranging from 3.25-3.49.

3 4 8.0
4 14 28.0 Table 3. Frequency Distribution of Respondents
According to their English average Grades
5 18 36.0
6 7 14.0
7 5 10.0 Range Frequency Percent
8 2 4.0
1.25-1.49 3 6.0
Total 50 100.0 1.50-1.74 3 6.0
1.75-1.99 7 14.0
2.00-2.24 12 24.0
2.25-2.49 12 24.0
Table 2 shows that majority of the respondents which 2.50-2.74 9 18.0
is 28 percent have an average math grade of 2.50-2.74, 2.75-2.99 1 2.0
followed by students with a grade of 2.25-2.49 with a 3-3.24 0 .0
percentage of 16%. However, there are fourteen (14%) 3.25-3.49 3 6.0
of the respondents who failed and got average grades in
math ranging from 3-3.74. Total 50 100.0

Entrance Exam Score and the Academic Performance | Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera
22 | Future Ed Special Edition: Multidisciplinary Research Journal DE LA SALLE LIPA

Table 4 shows that majority of the respondents which Table 5 shows that majority of the respondents which
is 26 percent have an average Science grade of 2.00- is 26 percent have an average grade in their major
2.24, followed by students with a grade of 1.75-1.99 courses of 2.00-2.24, followed by students with a grade
with a percentage of 18 (9 respondents). However, one of 2.50-2.74 with a percentage of 22 (11 respondents).
(2%) of the respondents failed and got average grades However, there is one (2%) of the respondents who
in science ranging from 3.00-3.24. failed and got average grades in major courses ranging
from 3.00-3.24.

Table 4. Frequency Distribution of Respondents Table 5. Frequency Distribution of Respondents

According to their Science Average Grades According to their Major Courses

Range Frequency Percent Range Frequency Percent

1.25-1.49 3 6.0 1.50-1.74 5 10.0

1.50-1.74 6 12.0 1.75-1.99 6 12.0
1.75-1.99 9 18.0 2.00-2.24 13 26.0
2.00-2.24 13 26.0 2.25-2.49 10 20.0
2.25-2.49 8 16.0 2.50-2.74 11 22.0
2.50-2.74 7 14.0 2.75-2.99 4 8.0
2.75-2.99 3 6.0 3-3.24 1 2.0
3-3.24 1 2.0
Total 50 100.0
Total 50 100.0

Entrance Exam Score and the Academic Performance | Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera
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The table below shows the relationship of the Action Plan

academic performance in Math, English, Science, and The results suggest that the school strategically
Major courses with the entrance examination. The result looks at the following components: (1) Admission
shows that only the academic performance in math and exam policies, (2) Course assessments, (3) Faculty
major courses have a direct and significant relationship development, (4) Student Activities and (5) Marketing
with the entrance examination score. This shows that activities. Explicitly, the researchers recommend that
the students who got a high score in their entrance exam the following be undertaken:
perform better in mathematics and their major courses.
(1) On admission exams, since there had been a
number of shiftees from the BSCS program to non-
Table 6. Relationship of Academic Performance with
the entrance Examination Score
computing programs it is therefore seen that increasing
the stanine requirement will hopefully lessen shiftees
Entrance Examination Score that usually happens during the first 2 years students
were admitted to the program.
Chi- p-value Interpratation (2) On course assessments, there should be a
Square standardized examination on major courses to assure
that the required competencies are commonly attained
Math 58.658a .029 significant by all CS students.
English 35.617a .439 Not significant
Science 41.283a .215 Not significant
(3) On faculty development, intensive faculty
Major Courses 55.658a .032 significant
development program should be in place; specifically,
pedagogy. This will enable the faculty to complement
the needs of academically-challenged students.
Numerous researches reveal the direct and significant Additionally, an immersion program be held to enable
relationship between entrance examination score and the department to offer industry-relevant learning for
academic performance, and that admission process is its students.
an important factor in student performance (Jirjahn,
2007; Erdel, 2010; Dooley et al., 2012; Ogbonnaya (4) On extra and co-curricular activities, the
et al., 2014; Swail, 2004; Boyd, 2004; Curtis et al., department in coordination with the student services
2007; Bruce, 2009; Bamgboye et al 2001; Ayeni 1972; should devise extra and co-curricular activities to
Grey et al., 2001; Agboola et al., 2014; Bautista et al., support learning of students with poor academic
2014). However, some studies undertaken reveal that performance like peer tutorials and protracted faculty
the college entrance examination has a limited effect on consultations and advising
the student’s academic performances (Fan, 2014;
Garton et al., 2002) as can be seen in this study. Several (5) For the school’s marketing, a program in
studies including this study only show the importance coordination with the college specific to the Computer
of the entrance examination in accepting students in Science program be developed; a graduate tracer study
college level. will help pursue a good market for the school’s BSCS

Entrance Exam Score and the Academic Performance | Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera
24 | Future Ed Special Edition: Multidisciplinary Research Journal DE LA SALLE LIPA

4. Conclusions and Recommendations previously enrolled, high school grades, achievements,

and family income.
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Entrance Exam Score and the Academic Performance | Melanie D. Lugo and Mark G. De Vera

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