Ebbesson, Sven O. E. (1980) - Comparative Neurology of The Telencephalon. The Telencephalon of Snakes

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The Telencephalon of Snakes


I. Introduction

Reptiles, as a group, are most interesting subjects for the study of telencephalic
development, because it is in reptiles that the differentiation of cortical regions first
becomes obvious. The relative simplicity of the reptilian telencephalon and its
position intermediate between amphibian and mammalian telencephalic develop-
ment offer further inducements to its study. Of particular interest to students of
development of the central nervous system and those attempting to define homol-
ogous structures is the observation that the development of the reptilian brain
parallels the development of mammalian brains (Warner, 1946) and that many
similarities exist between the final adult reptilian telencephalon and intermediate
stages of mammalian telencephalic ontogenetic development (Humphrey, 1967).
Interestingly, reptiles differ among themselves considerably and must be considered
an exceptionally heterogeneous group. It is therefore somewhat surprising that
with the exception of a few scattered reports (Meyer, 1892, 1895; Rabl-Ruckhard,
1894; Edinger, 1896; Ariens Kappers and Theunissen, 1908; DeLange, 1911; Rose,
1923; Ariens Kappers et al., 1960), one serious series of investigations (Warner,
1931, 1946, 1947), and a short paper by Carey (1967) little attention has been paid
in the past to the study of the ophidian telencephalon. It has only been within the
past 3-4 years that experimental work has been reported on the telencephalon of
snakes. It will become dear as this chapter progresses that the major current work
on the ophidian telencephalon is occurring in Dr. Philip Ulinski's laboratory and
my own.
The present chapter will survey the ophidian telencephalon in terms of its
normal anatomy and its fiber connections, to the extent that these are known. The

MIMI HALPERN • Department of Anatomy and Program in Biological Psychology, Downstate

Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York 11203.


S. O. E. Ebbesson (ed.), Comparative Neurology of the Telencephalon

© Plenum Press, New York 1980
258 purpose of this chapter is to serve as aguide to the reader in exploring the snake
brain. Wherever possible, I have cited the details of studies of the snake brain, but,
as all who work in this area realize, enormous gaps remain. Thus this survey
through the ophidian telencephalon cannot be and is not intended to be exhaustive.
As each region of the telencephalon is surveyed, I will summarize findings of
previous investigators and discuss my own observations as well. The normal material
from which my own observations are made has been stained with cresyl violet, and
by the methods of Weil, Kluver-Barrera, and Ram6n y Cajal. Whenever possible,
horizontal and sagittal sections were made in addition to coronal sections. I have
examined Golgi-impregnated material but not sufficiendy to add significandy to
the literature at this time. I have therefore relied entirely on the studies emanating
from Dr. Ulinski's laboratory for description of neuronal morphology of those
telencephalic regions for which studies have been reported. Similarly, I have not
examined electron micrographs of snake telencephalon and have relied again on
Dr. Ulinski's published work on this subject.
The vast majority of the material gathered in my laboratory is from snakes of
the genus Thamnophis, with the following species represented: Thamnophis radix,
Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis, Thamnophis parietalis, Thamnophis elegans. I have in
addition obtained a few specimens of Typhlops punctata, Natrix sipedon, Boa con-
strictor constrictor, Elaphe obsoleta rosalleni, Coluber constrictor, and Pituophis catonZjer
catonifer. Examination of the brains of these other snakes has permitted me a
somewhat broader view of ophidians than would be obtained from a study restricted
to one genus. The reader will note that the vast majority of photomicrographs of
the normal brain are coronal sections through the telencephalon of the rat snake
(Elaphe obsoleta rosalleni) (Fig. 1; see Table I for list of abbreviations used in figures).
Although my greatest familiarity is with the brain of Thamnophis and the bulk of
my material is also from snakes of the genus Thamnophis, the brain of the rat snake
offered several advantages that I could not overlook. To my knowledge, no detailed
description of this brain has ever been published. The brain and animal itself are
larger than in the species of the genus Thamnophis. The advantage of large brain
size is obvious: discrete lesions, discrete injections, and discrete stimulation are
facilitated. On a more subjective and qualitative level, the nuclear regions of the
telencephalon and diencephalon appear to be better differentiated from each other.
Although this is an advantage in terms of labeling discrete areas, it may prove to
be a disadvantage if what superficially appear to be separable regions turn out to
be a single region. Compare, for example, Figs. 2 and 3. Figure 3 is a series of
sections through the brain of Natrix sipidon and shows many fewer distinct subdi-
visions than the telencephalon of Elaphe. Several specific areas of the rat snake
brain appear to be particularly well developed compared to that of other species.
These include the lateral pallium, which can easily be subdivided into five parts-
the ventral amygdaloid nucleus, and the posterior colliculus, to mention a few.
The experimental material from which statements based on my own studies
of fiber connections are made has been obtained solely from snakes of the genus
Thamnophis and should not be generalized for snakes as a group until supportive
evidence is obtained from other species. All of the fiber connection studies reported
in this chapter from my own laboratory or from that of Dr. Ulinski utilize the
same general approach. Lesions are placed in the structure whose efferent con-
nections are under study. The lesion is made either by heat coagulation or by
passing a current through the exposed tip of a metal electrode. The animal survives 259
under constant environmental conditions for a number of days. The optimal
survival interval for demonstrating the degenerating efferent fibers is determined OF SNAKES
experimentally by sampling over a broad range of survival times. Each area of the
brain, each system within an area, may have a different survival interval at which
the degenerating fibers and terminals are maximally demonstrable. Animals are
killed by perfusion with saline followed by formol-saline, stored in fixative, embed-

Table I. List of Abbreviations

A Nucleus accumbens (of Warner, 1946, MS Medial superposition
1947) nAOT Nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract
AC Anterior Gommissure nDB Nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca?
aDVR Anterior dorsal ventricular ridge nHC Nucleus of the hippocampal commissure
aDVRI Anterior dorsal ventricular ridge, lateral nLOT Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract
portion NS (NSp) Nucleus sphencub
aDVRm Anterior dorsal ventricular ridge, medial NSh Nucleus sphericus, hilar layer
portion NSm Nucleus sphericus, mural layer
AM Angulostriatal mass NSma Nucleus sphericus, marginal layer
AOB Accessory olfactory bulb OG Olfactory gray
AOT Accessory olfactory tract OpCh (ope) Optic chiasm
bAC Bed nucleus of the anterior commissure OpN Optic nerve
D Dorsal cortex OpTr Optic tract
Dc Dorsal cortex, cortical layer OS Olfactostriatum
DM Dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus OT Olfactory tubercle
Dp Dorsal cortex, polymorphic layer OV Olfactory ventricle
DVR Dorsal ventricular ridge pDVR Posterior dorsal ventricular ridge
eg External granular layer PED Peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle
En External nucleus of optic tract Pn Paraterminal nucleus
ep External plexiform layer po Preoptic area
gl Glomerular layer PS Paleostriatum
H (Hy,hy) Hypothalamus PSb Paleostriatum, bed nucleus of stria
ig Internal granular layer terminalis?
ip Internal plexiform layer PSd Paleostriatum, dorsal portion
IVF Interventricular foramen PSv Paleostriatum, ventral portion
L (Ip) Lateral pallium RA Rostral amygdaloid nucleus
Ld Lateral pallium, dorsal portion Rdi Retrobulbar region pars dorsalis internus
Le Lateral pallium, external portion Rdm Retrobulbar region pars dorsomedialis
LFB Lateral forebrain bundle S Septum
Li Lateral pallium, internal portion SCn Suprachiasmatic nucleus
LI Lateral pallium, lateral portion Sd Dorsal septal nucleus
LM Lateral mammillary nucleus Sf Medial septal nucleus pars fimbriae
LPO Lateral preoptic area SI Lateral septal nucleus
LS Lateral superposition Sm Medial septal nucleus
LV Lateral ventricle SOn Supraoptic nucleus
Lv Lateral pallium, ventral portion Sr Rostral septal nude us
m Mitral cell layer Th Thalamus
M Medial cortex V Ventral cortex
MFB Medial forebrain bundle VA Ventral amygdaloid nucleus
MI Medial cortex, lateral portion VAl Ventral amygdaloid nucleus, lateral portion
Mm Medial cortex, medial portion YAm Ventral amygdaloid nucleus, medial portion
MM Medial mammillary nucleus VM Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus
MOB Main olfactory bulb VNn (vn) Vomeronasal nerve
MOT Main olfactory tract ZLi Zona limitans interstriata
MPO Medial preoptic area III Third ventricle
260 ded in a gelatin and/or egg yolk matrix, cut frozen, and stained. Normally a closely
spaced series of sections is stained by one of the modifications of the Fink-Heimer
(1967) procedure for demonstrating degenerating axons and terminals. Adjacent
sections are stained for Nissl substance with cresyl violet.

II. Normal Anatomy

A. Gross Appearance

The telencephalon of all snakes examined conforms to a general pattern as

follows: An olfactory bulb is situated at the rostral end of an elongated but relatively
broad olfactory peduncle. The accessory olfactory bulb occupies the medial aspect
of the entire length of the olfactory peduncle. As the peduncle attaches to the







Figure 1. Dorsal reconstruction of the telencephalon of the rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta rosalleni). Lines
transverse to the longitudinal axis indicate levels from which photomicrographs in Fig. 2A-G are
retrobulbar telencephalon, there is an expansion of the brain tissue in a lateral 261
direction as well as in a ventral direction. This expansion continues to approximately
the level of the anterior commissure, at which point there is a slight and gradual OF SNAKES
reduction of the lateral expansion of the telencephalic hemisphere.
At caudal diencephalic levels the cerebral hemispheres diminish markedly
along their medial wall, making room for the developing optic tectum medially.
The caudal telencephalic pole persists for a considerable distance alongside the
optic tectum.
In general terms the telencephalon can be partitioned into the following
regions: main olfactory bulb, accessory olfactory bulb, retrobulbar region (anterior
olfactory nucleus of most authors), cortical mantle, septum, dorsal ventricular ridge
(neostriatum), amygdala (archistriatum), basal lateral telencephalic structures (pa-
leostriatum), and preoptic area.

B. Lateral Ventricle

The lateral ventricle occupies the entire extent of the telencephalic hemisphere.
In the main olfactory bulb the ventricle occupies a central position and is oval in
cross section. The ventricle expands dorsoventrally in its course through the olfac-
tory peduncle, separating the accessory olfactory bulb formation medially from the
olfactory tract fibers which occupy the lateral wall of the olfactory peduncle. As
seen in cross section, the ventricle rapidly changes shape in the retrobulbar region,
becoming slit shaped, angled mediodorsal to ventrolateral in the rostral retrobulbar
region, and assuming a C shape more caudally with the arms of the C pointing
laterally and ventrolaterally. As midtelencephalic levels are approached, the cross-
sectional appearance of the ventricle becomes "wishbone shaped," with the handle
representing the medial expansion of the ventricle. The lateral extension of the
ventricle separates the cortical mantle dorsally from the ventricular ridge ventrally,
and the ventral extension of the ventricle separates the septum medially from the
ventricular ridge dorsolaterally. The ventral extension of the ventricle develops a
medial pocket at the level of the anterior commissure, which expands behind the
commissure to become the interventricular foramen, connecting the two lateral
ventricles with the medianly situated third ventricle. The development of the
interventricular foramen separates the postcommissural septum dorsally from the
rostral, dorsal diencephalon ventrally. Caudal to the interventricular foramen, the
postcommissural septum gradually disappears and with it the medial wing of the
lateral ventricle. The lateral aspect of the ventricle continues to expand laterally
and ventrolaterally until it reaches the ventral border of the hemisphere, where its
wall becomes thinned to a tela choroidea. At the caudal pole of the telencephalon
the lateral ventricle totally separates the nucleus sphericus from the remaining
cortical mantle.

c. Main Olfactory Bulb

The olfactory nerves are formed by the axons of bipolar neurons situated in
the posterior part of the nasal chamber. The nerves travel a relatively short distance
to terminate along the periphery of the main olfactory bulb.
262 Crosby and Humphrey (1939) described the olfactory bulbs of the copperhead
(Agkistrodon mokasen), the water moccasin (Natrix), and the garter snake (Thamnophis
sirtalis). In each snake six layers were identified from the periphery to the ventri-
cular surface: (1) a nerve fiber layer, (2) a glomerular layer containing periglomer-
ular cells, (3) an external molecular (plexiform) layer with few neuronal perikarya
but occasional "displaced mitral cells," (4) a mitral cell layer, whose cell bodies are
widely scattered, (5) an internal molecular (plexiform) layer with few cell bodies,
and (6) a densely packed peri ventricular internal granular layer. An external
granular layer, sandwiched between the glomerular layer and the external molec-


C ----'==---
Figure 2. Series of photomicrographs of cresyl violet-stained sections through the telencephalon
of the rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta rosalleni). With the exception of A, all sections represent the left side
of the brain. The bars at the lower portion of the figures represent 500 I'm, and the numbers
represent the position of the section in the original sequence of sections cut from the brain. A few
photomicrographs have been "touched up" because handling of the tissue damaged them.
aDVR 263




:. ~,'

,...:..... / . os
. ::"" ~ ~ - ,

Figure 2. (cont.)
264 ular layer, is illustrated by Crosby and Humphrey (their Fig. 2A) but not described
in the text. Rudin (1974) similarly describes six layers of the olfactory bulb in a
large variety of ophidian species.
The rostral portions of the main olfactory bulb of the rat snake (Fig. 2B) are
surrounded on all sides by olfactory nerve fibers. These olfactory nerve fibers
terminate in well-formed glomeruli situated along the periphery of the main ol-
factory bulb. A single layer of small periglomerular cells surrounds each glomer-
ulus. Internal to the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb, small- to medium-
sized cells form an outer granular layer. A narrow outer plexiform layer containing
few cell bodies separates the outer granular layer from the mitral cell layer. The



Figure 2. (cont.)
Figure 2. (cont.)
266 mitral cell layer is approximately eight cells deep. The cell bodies (15-20 /-Lm along
their long axis and 8-12 /-Lm along their short axis) are not tightly packed, and an
extensive neuropil containing axons forming a loose feltwork exists between the
cell bodies. The internal plexiform layer, which lies just internal to the mitral cell
layer, is broader than the outer plexiform layer but narrower than the mitral cell
layer. The internal plexiform layer contains many small, pale-staining cells, very
loosely packed with an occasional "displaced mitral cell" present. The neuropil of
the internal plexiform layer is occupied by a dense fiber bundle which, when traced
caudally, appears continuous with the olfactory tract. The internal granular layer,
situated between the internal plexiform layer and the lumen of the olfactory
ventricle, is composed of small cells whose nuclei are usually the only visible
components. The nucleolus is barely visible. When the perinuclear Nissl substance
does stain, it forms a very thin cuff around the nucleus. The outer two-thirds of
the granular layer shows' a gradation of packing density from moderate adjacent
to the internal plexiform layer to very dense closer to the ependymal lining of the
olfactory ventricle. The inner one-third of the internal granular layer is uniformly
dense with virtually no discernible neuropil, in light microscopic sections, between
the cell bodies.


Figure 3. Series of photomicrographs of cresyl violet,stained sections through the telencephalon
of Natrix sipedon. The bars represent 500 #Lm.

Figure 3. (coni.)
268 The vomeronasal nerve courses medial to the main olfactory bulb at all but
the most rostral levels. The medial surface of the main olfactory bulb adjacent to
the vomeronasal nerve is devoid of glomeruli. At caudal levels of the main olfactory
bulb the external granular layer and mitral cell layer disappear medially, leaving
only internal plexiform and granular layers. Laterally, dorsally and ventrally all
layers remain. As the accessory olfactory bulb develops medially, the main olfactory
bulb tissue disappears, first dorsally, then laterally, and finally ventrally.
The olfactory bulbs of Natrix sipedon (Fig. 3A) and Typhlops punctata (Fig. 4A)
are illustrated for the purpose of comparison with the rat snake (Fig. 2A). The
olfactory bulbs of Natrix and Elaphe are very similar in both differentiation and
size of cellular components. The layers of the olfactory bulb of Typhlops, however,
are more difficult to distinguish, the cellular elements being smaller overall and
having few distinguishable characteristics. The internal plexiform layer in Typhlops
is almost entirely absent.

D. Main Olfactory Tract

The main olfactory tract is a caudal continuation of a prominent fiber bundle

located in the internal plexiform layer of the main olfactory bulb. Following the
disappearance of the lateral portion of the main olfactory bulb, the olfactory tract

Figure 4. Series of photomicrographs of cresyl violet"stained sections through the telencephalon

of Typhlops punctata. The bars represent 500 p,m.
Sf' 269

270 occupies a thin portion of the olfactory peduncle between the olfactory ventricle
and pial surface. Many of the fibers which make up the olfactory tract at the level
of the olfactory peduncle are myelinated, as observed in Weil-stained material.
Most of the fibers, however, lose their myelin sheaths as retrobulbar levels are
approached and travel considerable distances to their target neurons as unmyeli-
nated fibers.
Immediately posterior to the main olfactory bulb, the main olfactory tract
occupies the entire lateral wall of the olfactory peduncle (Figs. 2B and 3B). In
Typhlops the main olfactory tract runs ventrally in the olfactory peduncle (Fig. 4B).
As the accessory bulb develops, its accessory olfactory tract begins to occupy the
dorsal and dorsolateral aspects of the olfactory peduncle. It is at this point and
only at this point that the two tracts are adjacent. With the subsequent development
of the lateral pallium (see below) the two tracts are effectively separated by the cell
bodies of the lateral pallium.

E. Accessory Olfactory Bulb

The vomeronasal nerves are the axons of bipolar cells whose cell bodies are
found in the sensory epithelium of the vomeronasal (Jacobson's) organ. This organ,
in snakes, is located on either side of the septal bone just above the hard palate.
The nerves exit from the organ's dome-shaped dorsal surface and course dorso-
caudally along the septal bone for a considerable distance. The nerves enter the
cranial cavity alongside the most medial fibers of the olfactory nerve. Their intra-
cranial course is parallel to the horizontal axis of the brain just medial to the main
olfactory bulb (Figs. 2A, 3A, and 4A) within a groove in the bony intracranial
According to Crosby and Humphrey (1939) and Rudin (1974), the accessory
olfactory bulb of snakes is composed of six layers identified, from the medial to
ventricular surface, as (1) an entering nerve fiber layer, (2) a glomerular layer, (3)
an external molecular (plexiform) layer, (4) a mitral cell layer, (5) an internal
molecular (plexiform) layer, and (6) an internal granular layer. Crosby and Hum-
phrey include an external granular layer between the glomerular layer and the
external molecular layer in their illustration (their Fig. 2B).
The accessory olfactory bulb of the rat snake replaces the medial part of the
main olfactory bulb and extends for a considerable rostrocaudal distance. The
accessory olfactory bulb in total rostrocaudal extent is more than 21 times longer
than the main olfactory bulb. The major layers of the two bulbs are similar,
although their extent differs.
The layers of the accessory olfactory bulb differ somewhat when rostral and
caudal sections are compared. The rostral accessory olfactory bulb lacks an external
plexiform layer and has a very poorly developed external granular layer. Thus the
mitral cell layer is found closely apposed to the glomerular cell layer. The mitral
cells (20-25 #Lm along their long axis and 7-12 #Lm along their short axis) stain
darkly with cresyl violet and are more tightly packed than the mitral cells of the
main olfactory bulb. The internal plexiform layer, which is broader than the
equivalent main olfactory bulb layer, contains a dorsoventrally oriented prominent
fiber bundle. A narrow internal granular layer intervenes between the internal 271
plexiform layer and ependymal lining of the olfactory ventricle.
In more caudal sections through the accessory olfactory bulb a prominent OF SNAKES
vomeronasal nerve layer is present medial to a glomerular layer which is two to
four glomeruli broad in mediolateral extent. Small' cells are present between and
around the glomeruli. An external granular layer and very narrow external plex-
iform layer intervene between the glomerular and mitral cell layers. The internal
plexiform layer is divisible into a medial portion and lateral portion by the fibers
of the accessory olfactory tract which travel dorsoventrally through the middle of
the internal plexiform layer. The medial portion of the internal plexiform layer is
relatively cell free and contains a fine neuropil as seen in Ramon y Cajal-stained
sections. The lateral portion of this layer contains more perikarya, which are scat-
tered in the neuropil. The internal granular layer is thinner (five to eight cells
thick) than the comparable layer of the main olfactory bulb, and contains small,
tightly packed cell bodies.
The structure of the accessory olfactory bulb changes gradually in appearance.
A progression of changes, beginning with a thinning of the vomeronasal nerve
layer, followed by a diminution of the glomerular layer and then the disappearance
of the mitral cell layer, ensues as the retrobulbar region is approached. The internal
plexiform layer and granular layers extend well into retrobulbar levels.

F. Accessory Olfactory Tract

The accessory olfactory tract (lateral olfactory tract of Warner, 1947) takes
origin from the mitral cells of the accessory olfactory bulb. The tract forms as a
distinctive structure lateral to the olfactory ventricle shortly after the accessory
olfactory bulb has developed its full complement of layers (Fig. 2C). The fibers
which travel in the accessory olfactory tract course first in the internal plexiform
layer of the accessory olfactory bulb, travel dorsocaudally over the dorsal edge of
the olfactory ventricle, and enter the caudally directed accessory olfactory tract.
This tract is heavily myelinated at the level of the accessory olfactory bulb and
continues to be myelinated until rostral levels of the nucleus sphericus are reached.
The tract lacks myelin throughout its long course within the hilar layer of the
nucleus sphericus. In its rostral trajectory through the retrobulbar region the
accessory olfactory tract is sandwiched between the cells of the anterior dorsal
ventricular ridge and the innermost cells of the lateral pallium (Fig. 2D,E). At
caudal levels of the retrobulbar region the tract lies ventral to the cells of the
anterior dorsal ventricular ridge and medial to the most ventral cells of the lateral
pallium (Fig. 2F-H). At midtelencephalic levels the accessory olfactory tract occupies
a ventrolateral position bordered medially by the lateral cells of the olfactory
tubercle and laterally by cells associated with the "nucleus of the lateral olfactory
tract" (Fig. 21,J). As the rostral and ventral amygdaloid nuclei develop caudally
(Fig. 2K), the tract loses its relatively superficial position, expands dorsally, and,
once the nucleus sphericus is fully developed, occupies virtually the entire depth
of the ventricular ridge (Fig. 2N-R).
The accessory olfactory tract contains a prominent interstitial nucleus along
most of its course (Fig. 2F-J). It is first observed at retrobulbar levels and extends
272 to midtelencephalic levels. The nucleus is quite distinctive, being composed of dark-
staining medium-sized scattered cells. It is almost always found in the dorsomedial
portion of the accessory olfactory tract. The nucleus is most easily identified in
Ramon y Cajal-stained sections or sections from brains in which the accessory
olfactory bulb has been damaged and the tissue stained by the Fink-Heimer

G. Retrobulbar Region

The region behind the olfactory bulb and accessory olfactory bulb is probably
best termed the retrobulbar region, although it has typically been called the anterior
olfactory nucleus. This region contains so many diverse parts, some of which may
have no relation to the main olfactory bulb, that it is important to carefully scrutinize
the nomenclature being used at this time. Certainly my own studies on the efferent
connection of the olfactory bulb in Thamnophis sirtalis and Thamnophis radix indicate
that just caudal to the termination of the accessory olfactory bulb a ringlike cortical
mantle appears which receives on its subpial surface efferent fibers from the
olfactory bulb. This region, however, is continuous and indistinguishable from
some telencephalic areas which develop caudal to the retrobulbar region. In an
earlier paper (Halpern, 1976b) I have taken the liberty of not using the term
"anterior olfactory nucleus" to describe this retrobulbar region. It is clear from my
own observations in Thamnophis sirtalis and Thamnophis radix that the lateral pallium
actually forms rostrally in the retrobulbar region, extending medially to form a
semicircle on the dorsal surface of the anterior telencephalon. This appearance is
not the same in all snakes; i.e., in the rat snake, for which I have no experimental
data, the region just behind the accessory bulb is exceedingly complex, and it is not
clear at this point that in fact thet lateral pallium extends as far medially along the
dorsal convexity of the retrobulbar region as this structure does in Thamnophis.
Crosby and Humphrey (1939) describe the region just posterior to the olfactory
formation in garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis), python (Python molurus), copper-
head (Agkistrodon mokasen), and water moccasin (Natrix). In Thamnophis they de-
scribe an anterior olfactory nucleus divided into a pars medialis, a pars dorsalis, a
pars lateralis, and a pars ventralis. The pars lateralis appears most rostrally in the
lateral wall of the telencephalic vesicle and is continuous caudally with the pyriform
cortex. The pars dorsalis can be traced caudally into the general cortex. The pars
ventralis lies just ventral to the ventricle and is continuous caudally with the tub-
erculum olfactorium. The pars medialis is represented by periventricular gray
matter. The anterior olfactory nucleus of the python and copperhead appears to
be similar in general outline to that of garter snakes. In the water moccasin the
nucleus appears to be somewhat less well developed than in the garter snake.
Warner in his 1931 article does not deal with the details of the structure of the
anterior olfactory nucleus.
Following a series of coronal sections of the rat snake caudally through pos-
terior accessory olfactory bulb levels, the first structure encountered is a cellular
aggregation which accompanies a gradual thickening of the tissue lateral to the
olfactory ventricle. The cell bodies first appear adjacent to the ventricle approxi-
mately midway between the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the olfactory peduncle
(Fig. 2C). In more caudal sections the number of cell bodies increases dorsally, and 273
these cells take a more lateral position, although they never reach the pial surface
(Fig. 2D). The fibers of the olfactory tract are always found external to these cell OF SNAKES
bodies, and at rostral levels the accessory olfactory tract lies medial to these cells.
The mass is composed of cells with ovoid nuclei and a cap of Nissl substance at
each pole. The orientation of the long axis of these cells is parallel to the pial
surface. This cell group develops into a massive structure caudally and is continu-
ous, without interruption, with the cells forming the lateral pallium (Fig. 2E). At
most rostral retrobulbar levels these cells could easily be labeled anterior olfactory
nucleus pars lateralis; however, it is impossible to determine where the anterior
olfactory nucleus ends and the lateral pallium begins. As stated previously, I have
used the term "lateral pallium" throughout. The accessory olfactory tract lies be-
tween the cells of the rostral lateral pallium and the olfactory ventricle (Fig. 2C).
Shordy after the lateral pallial cells appear, a second group of cell bodies
develops between the fibers of the accessory olfactory tract and the olfactory
ventricle. This group of cells may be traced into caudal continuity with the cells of
the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge (Fig. 2D). It will be described in detail below
in the section on the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge.
As the lateral pallium enlarges caudally it develops a heterogeneity of appear-
ance and expands medially to cover most of the dorsal aspect of the retrobulbar
telencephalon (Fig. 2F,G). It is composed at this level of several distinct subdivisions,
all of which contain a broad molecular layer. The lateral pallium in the rostral
retrobulbar region contains a dorsal portion (Ld) composed of small light-staining
scattered cells forming a thin sheet along the dorsal aspect of the telencephalon
(Fig. 2H), a lateral portion (U) composed of a thick sheet of dark-staining tighdy
clumped cells (Fig. 2F-I), and a ventral portion (Lv) of light-staining moderate-
sized cells with a moderate packing density (Fig. 2F,G). At caudal levels through
the retrobulbar region a dense clump of perikarya appear dorsomedial to the
lateral portion of the lateral pallium. This clump is identified here as the internal
portion (Li) of the lateral pallium (Fig. 2G-J).
The ventral portion of the retrobulbar portion of the lateral pallium is contin-
uous with a distinctive cell cluster of medium- and small-sized cells packed mod-
erately in the shape of an elongated triangle, the olfactory gray (Fig. 2D-F). The
long axis of the triangle follows the contour of the lateral pial surface and contains
a cell-free molecular layer between the pia and its cellular mass. Rostrally this
nucleus originates at the junctional region between the developing anterior dorsal
ventricular ridge and lateral pallium (Fig. 2D). A similar region in Thamnophis was
identified by me in an earlier paper (Halpern, 1976b) as olfactory gray (see also
Fig. 3C for this structure in Natrix). This nuclear region disappears as the accessory
olfactory tract approaches the pial surface caudally.
The ventral portion of the retrobulbar region was designated anterior olfactory
nucleus pars ventralis by Crosby and Humphrey (1939) and noted by them to be
in continuity caudally with the olfactory tubercle. Here again, I have omitted the
anterior olfactory nucleus designation and utilized the term ':olfactory tubercle"
throughout. hi rat snake, more than in Thamnophis, the olfactory tubercle is very
well developed and composed of several subdivisions. The structure as a whole
(Fig. 2E-G) has at least three layers: an outer (subpial) molecular layer, which may
vary in thickness; a cortical layer, which not only varies in thickness but also may,
274 at some levels, be readily divided into medial and lateral portions; and an inner
plexiform layer, which contains cell-free regions, scattered cell bodies, and occa-
sionally dense aggregations of neuronal perikarya. Caudally in the retrobulbar
region the olfactory tubercle's cortical layer becomes less distinct and its molecular
layer narrower (Fig. 2H). The olfactory tubercle continues caudally, losing its
laminated appearance until rostral levels of the preoptic area, where it disappears.
Internal to the olfactory tubercle is a complex region which contains the bulk
of the rostral portion of the medial forebrain bundle. Following Durward (1930)
this region is labeled olfacto-striatum (Fig. 2F,G,I). Durward includes in his olfacto-
striatum the nucleus accumbens septi. This nucleus is represented by Durward in
a more rostral position than the nucleus accumbnes of Warner (1947) and this
chapter, and these probably are not homologous structures. On the other hand,
the olfacto-striatum of Durward appears similar to that observed here in snakes
and probably contains similar structures.
The dorsomedial portion of the retrobulbar region presents a more complex
problem of nomenclature because several cell groups appear in this area which do
not have a clear continuity with named structures caudally. Thus, just as the
accessory olfactory bulb disappears, a dorsomedially placed cell mass appears,
composed of perikarya which stain deeply with cresyl violet and are relatively tightly
clustered. The overall shape of this cell mass (labeled here retrobulbar region pars
dorsomedialis, Fig. 2G,H) is triangular in cross section, with its long axis parallel to
the medial wall. It is tempting to consider this cell group the rostral continuation
of the medial or dorsomedial cortex; however, it disappears prior to the emergence
of those cortices in more caudal sections. One could identify this cell group as the
pars medialis of the anterior olfactory nucleus, but this would lead to a conflict
with the previous description of the pars medialis as represented by periventricular
gray matter (Crosby and Humphrey, 1939). As a result, I have introduced the term
"retrobulbar region pars dorsomedialis" to distinguish it from the previous desig-
nations of other authors.
Along the dorsal surface of middle to caudal levels of the retrobulbar region
a thin layer of pale-staining medium-sized cells appears (see Fig. 2F,H, unlabeled
dorsalmost cells). External to this cell layer is a molecular layer and internal to it is
a variably constituted plexiform layer (Fig. 21). Progressing caudally in the telen-
cephalon, this region contains more dark-staining neurons until it clearly forms the
cortical layer of the dorsal cortex (DC, Fig. 21). The anterior portion of this cell
plate was identified by Crosby and Humphrey (1939) as anterior olfactory nucleus
pars dorsalis. As explained previously, I prefer to consider this region as part of
the dorsal cortex because its caudal boundary is inseparable from the dorsal cortex
as usually defined.
Ventral to the dorsal cell plate of the retrobulbar region and just dorsal to the
lateral ventricle, a thick, dark-staining band of cells is present for a short rostro-
caudal distance. This cell mass, labeled here "retrobulbar region pars dorsalis
internus" (Fig. 2H,I), does not appear to have a caudal continuity with any named
structure, although it has a superficial resemblance, in light microscopic sections
stained for Nissl substance, with the mass of cells just lateral to it which forms more
caudally the polymorphic layer of the dorsal cortex. This suggests that the retro-
bulbar region pars dorsalis internus may merge into the polymorphic layer of the
dorsal cortex. Rostrally these two structures, the polymorphic layer of the dorsal
cortex and the retrobulbar regions pars dorsalis internus, are in fact adjacent to 275
each other.
The polymorphic layer of the dorsal cortex is a prominent structure in the OF SNAKES
retrobulbar region and appears rostral to the level where a cortical layer of the
dorsal cortex can be clearly distinguished (Fig. 2F). It is first observed in coronal
sections as an oval cluster of dark-staining perikarya just ventral to the dorsal
cortical portion of the rostral lateral pallium and dorsal to the lateral margin of the
rostral anterior dorsal ventricular ridge. In Ram6n y Cajal-stained sections one
gains the distinct impression that fibers of the LFB travel through the anterior
dorsal ventricular ridge to gain access to this region. The polymorphic layer of the
dorsal cortex at rostral levels resembles the pallial thickening of other reptiles (Riss
et al., 1969) and may be considered homologous to it, although one should exercise
caution here as in other places prior to suggesting a functional homology on the
basis of superficial resemblance. The polymorphic layer of the dorsal cortex will be
dealt with in more detail in Section 11.1.

H. Septum

The septal region is defined here as that portion of the telencephalon which
lies medial to the lateral ventricle, ventral to the cortical mantle, and dorsal to the
olfactostriatum and olfactory tubercle in the rostral telencephalon and dorsal to the
anterior commissure and interventricular foramen in the caudal telencephalon.
Carey (1967) identified eight distinct septal nuclei in the brain of the black
snake (Coluber constrictor constrictor). Lateral and medial nuclei were described as
extending through the septum, with the medial nucleus larger than the lateral
nucleus. A dorsal septal nucleus was identified and illustrated at a level which
corresponds to the dorsal part of rat snake section 272 (Fig. 2K). The nucleus is
illustrated as medially placed in the dorsal septum adjacent to the most ventral cells
of the cornu ammonis (medial cortex of the present chapter). Since there is no
verbal description of the dorsal septal nucleus in the Carey chapter and there are
no further illustrations, its rostral-caudal extent and morphological characteristics
are not ascertainable. A well-developed nucleus accumbens septi was identified and
described as extending from the rostral septum to the level of the anterior com-
missure, where it becomes indistinct and merges with the bed nucleus of the
anterior commissure. The latter nucleus and the nucleus of the hippocampal
commissure are both identified by Carey in the blacksnake septum. The nucleus
of the diagonal band of Broca "extends over the caudal border of the tuberculum
olfactorium" from the ventral margin of the medial septal nucleus to the ventral
border of the pyriform area (lateral cortex of the present chapter) and neostriatum.
This latter relationship is not clear from Carey's illustrations as the nucleus of the
diagonal band of Broca is not labeled in his illustrations. The nucleus hippocam-
poseptalis, "actually intermediate between the septum and the hippocampus," lies,
according to Carey, at levels through the posterior portion of the olfactory tubercle
just ventral to the dorsomedial tip of the hippocampal formation (my retrobulbar
region pars dorsomedialis). The section in which Carey labels the nucleus hippo-
camposeptalis is, as close as I can determine, comparable in level to the rat snake
section 312 (Fig. 2F), which, in fact, is not a level through the caudal olfactory
276 tubercle. In the blacksnake this nucleus is better developed caudally. In the rat
snake I have been unable to identify this nucleus caudal to section 316 Gust rostral
to Fig. 2F).
Crosby et at. (1967) identify nine septal nuclei in Boa constrictor, adding to
Carey's list a nucleus triangularis, which lies just dorsomedial to the bed nucleus of
the anterior commissure. Warner (1947) describes, in the septum, four major
nuclei: medial and lateral septal nuclei, the nucleus accumbens septi, and a para-
terminal nucleus. The last nucleus is described as being oval in shape, lying dorsal
to the anterior commissure close to the midline. The nucleus accumbens of Warner
does not coincide with other descriptions but is described as "a small oval cell mass
situated at the ventral extremity of the lateral ventricle, at the precommissurallevel
of the telencephalon.... It lies just medial to the paleostriatum, and just ventral to
the lateral septal nucleus:
Inex:aminil1g the septal region of the rat snake the following clear subdivisions
can be made: ([) a rostral nucleus, (2) a dorsal nucleus, (3) a lateral nucleus, (4) a
medial nucleus, (5) a nucleus accumbens septi, (6) a nucleus of the hippocampal
commissure or nucleus of the posterior pallial commissure, (7) a nucleus of the
anterior commissure, (8) a nucleus of the diagonal band, and (9) a paraterminal
The rostral septal nucleus (Figs. 2F-J and 3D) is found just caudal to the
accessory olfactory bulb and appears basically homogeneous in cresyl violet-stained
sections. In a few rostral sections (Fig. 2F) a densely staining small lateral subdivision
can be distinguished (rostral septal nucleus pars lateralis, but not labeled). This
subdivision is not continuous caudally with the lateral septal nucleus and therefore
does not bear that name. Just ventral to the rostral nucleus a densely stained band
of small cells is invariably present as well (Fig. 2F-J, but not labeled). I have been
unable to find this nucleus described previously, and since it does not appear to be
associated consistently with a fiber bundle I have simply considered it a ventral
subdivision of the rostral septal nucleus. The bulk of the rostral septal nucleus is
semicircular to circular in shape, consisting of moderately packed nondescript cells.
Its neuropil, in Ramon y Cajal-stained sections, is intensely stained, setting it apart
from adjoining regions. It appears from the normal material as if the fibers of the
medial forebrain bundle which course through the telencephalon just ventral to
the rostral nucleus are terminating densely in the neuropil between the cell bodies
and thus contribute to the dark background.
Ventromedial to the rostral septal nucleus a cluster of cells can be observed
which follows the ventromedial curve of the medial wall of the rostral telencephalon.
This nucleus appears in Ramon y Cajal-stained sections to be associated with a fiber
bundle running in a similar pattern, i.e., from a dorsal medial position to a ventral
position along the ventromedial curvature of the telencephalon and then laterally
along the olfactory tubercle. On the basis of this observation I have labeled this the
"nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca" (Fig. 2H-J), although without any assUl-
ance that this fiber bundle is the diagonal band.
The rostral septal nucleus is replaced caudally, at a level coincident with the
appearance of a definitive medial cortex, by the medial, lateral, and dorsal septal
nuclei (Figs. 2K and 3E). These three nuclei represent cellular aggregations within
the septal mass in medial, lateral, and dorsal positions. Use of these terms here is
consistent with use by the previous authors already discussed; however, I intend
no homology with similarly named septal nuclei of other vertebrates. The terms
are utilized here purely to communicate to the reader their location within the 277
The lateral septal nucleus extends from just caudal to the rostral septal nucleus OF SNAKES
to almost the caudal pole of the postcommissural septum. It is characterized rostrally
by dark-staining, closely packed cells lying along the ventral margin of the ventral
wing of the lateral ventricle. In the postcommissural region the lateral nucleus
occupies the entire lateral wall of the septum, its cells are less darkly stained with
cresyl violet, and the cells are less tighdy packed. The pre- and postcommissural
portions of the lateral septal nucleus blend gradually into each other; however,
they do have differing gross morphological appearances and should probably be
considered as distinctive subdivisions of a single larger structure.
The dorsal septal nucleus (Fig. 2L,M) is a moderate aggregation of cells in the
dorsal aspect of the septum just ventral to the medial wine of the lateral ventricle.
It extends from just caudal to the rostral septal nucleus to the lewl of the hippo..
campal (or posterior pallial) commissure and is not found in the postcommissuraI
The medial septal nucleus is a heterogeneous structure occupying rostrally a
large portion of the septum as an amorphous mass (Fig. 2K). Rapidly, however,
dense aggregations develop in the medial region, forming subdivisions of the
medial nucleus (Fig. 2D,N). In the commissural region a distinctive subnucleus of
the medial septal nucleus is seen dorsally in a paramedian position and appears to
correspond to the nucleus fimbriae of Frederikse (1931) (Figs. 2M,N, 3F, and 4E).
The paraterminal nucleus (Fig. 2L,M) appears just rostral to the closure of the
interhemispheric fissure precommissurally and extends into the commissural ridge
as a distinctive medially placed, darkly staining nucleus.
The nucleus of the hippocampal (Figs. 2N and 4E) or pallial commissure
replaces the paraterminal nucleus caudally. Warner (1931) does not distinguish
between the paraterminal nucleus and the nucleus of the hippocampal commissure,
but they appear so distinctive from each other in the rat snake as to be easily
differentiated. The nucleus of the hippocampal commissure is distinctively H
shaped, and in Ramon y Cajal-stained sections can be seen to be pervaded by
crossing fibers originating in septal and cortical regions.
The bed nucleus of the anterior commissure (Figs. 2M, 3F, and 4E) lies just
dorsal and just ventral to the anterior commissure on either side of the paraterminal
nucleus and nucleus of the hippocampal commissure.
The nucleus accumbens (Figs. 2L,M and 3F) is a dark-staining aggregate of
neuronal perikarya which bridges between the septum and paleostriatum. In fact,
the structure may be more appropriately designated a part of the paleostriatum.
The nucleus originates at mid telencephalic levels and extends to the level of the
anterior commissure. In identifying this structure as nucleus accumbens, I arbi-
trarily followed the labeling of Warner (1947, his Fig. 6). This label should be
considered very tentative and awaits comparative studies of histochemical identifi-
cation and experimental studies of interconnections with other telencephalic studies.

I. Cortical Mantle

Warner (1931) following Meyer (1892) separated the cortical mande into three
distinct parts. The medial part was separated from the dorsal portion by the
278 superposito-medialis. The dorsal cortex was separated from the lateral cortex by
the superposito-Iateralis. The medial cortex was described by Warner as containing
two parts, a medial portion in which the cells were small and tightly packed and a
more dorsal portion in which the cells were larger and less crowded. Warner
divides the lateral cortex into an area praepiriformis and a ventrally placed dark-
staining region with crowded cells, the ventrolateral cortex.
Ulinski (1974) has described the cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex of
snakes of the families Boidae and Colubridae using electron microscopy and Golgi-
impregnated material in addition to cresyl violet- and Kliiver-Barrera-stained ma-
terial. The four cortices described are a medial, a dorsal medial, a dorsal, and a
lateral cortex. Each cortex contains three neuronal layers: an outer layer (layer 1),
containing primarily axons and dendrites from lower layers and other CNS struc-
tures; a middle layer (layer 2), characterized by the presence of many densely
packed somata; and an inner layer (layer 3), frequently containing many loosely
packed somata. The somata of cells in medial cortex appear confined almost
exclusively to layer 2. These cells have a candelabra appearance when their dendritic
organization is viewed. Most of the dendrites reach toward the pial surface of layer
1. A few dendrites descend toward the ventricular surface. The cells of layer 2 of
the dorsal medial cortex are characterized by a double pyramidal dendritic field.
The upper dendritic arbors extend into the subpial layer while the lower arbors
extend into the periventricular region. The dorsal medial cortex also contains
stellate-type cells in layer 3 adjacent to the ventricle. The dorsal cortex, which lies
lateral to the dorsal medial cortex, is characterized by the presence in the subpial
layer of a myelinated fibrous system. This subpial layer contains relatively few
neuronal cell bodies. On the other hand, layer 2 is quite broad, about four cells
thick. The shape of the cells varies from fusiform to circular. The fusiform somata
have dendrites which go to layer 1 or layer 2, while the more rounded somata have
dendrites forming a stellate pattern. The innermost layer of dorsal cortex contains
a relatively large number of neurons which vary in shape and size and dendritic
field. The lateral cortex lies just lateral to the dorsal cortex and is separated from
it by the lateral superposition. Ulinski subdivides the lateral cortex into a dorsal
portion, which is relatively thin with small densely packed cells, an intermediate
portion, which is very wide and contains loosely packed cells, and a thinner ventral
portion. The outer layer of lateral cortex is approximately 200 p,m thick and
contains few somata, if any at all. It is mainly composed of fiber bundles. The
neuronal somata of layer 2 are predominantly circular, but double pyramidal cells
are also present. Layer 3 of lateral cortex contains large numbers of scattered
circular somata.
The first cortical area to appear as one views the rat snake brain in coronal
section, progressing from rostral to caudal, is the lateral cortex or pallium (Fig. 2C).
As noted above, the lateral pallium is first observed lateral to the olfactory ventricle
at levels through the caudal accessory olfactory bulb. The lateral pallium of the
retrobulbar region was described previously as heterogeneous. This heterogeneity
continues into more caudal portions of the telencephalon, with some subdivisions
disappearing and others appearing for the first time caudal to the retmbulbar
region. The ventral portion of the lateral pallium does not extend caudally to
midtelencephalic levels. Otherwise, all portions of the lateral pallium described in
the retrobulbar region extend caudally to midtelencephalic levels. The dorsal por-
tion is the first to disappear, being last seen at the level of crossing of the anterior 279
commissure. Just before the dorsal portion disappears, however, a new portion
appears which is characterized by exceptionally dark-staining, very tightly packed OF SNAKES
perikarya forming a dorsoventrally oriented band approximately six cells thick.
This external portion of the lateral pallium (first illustrated but not labeled in Fig.
2L, labeled in Fig. 2M,N as Le) forms a lateral margin to the cellular layers of the
lateral pallium. Very soon after the disappearance of the dorsal portion of the
lateral pallium, the internal portion disappears as a separate entity. These changes
leave the lateral pallium with a subpial molecular layer, a cortexlike external portion,
and a nuclearlike lateral portion. Prior to the disappearance of the lateral portion
of the lateral pallium, a transition region (intermediate portion) develops between
the external and lateral regions (Fig. 2N). This portion and the external layer
cannot be clearly distinguished in the most caudal levels of the telencephalon but
do not end abruptly.
In Ramon y Cajal- and Weil-stained sections the entire length oflateral pallium
is notable for its relative paucity of well-stained axons. The molecular layer contains
a very fine, loosely woven neuropil while the internal and lateral portions have a
somewhat closer-knit but still exceedingly fine neuropil. The appearance of the
neuropil is quite striking and characteristic of the lateral pallium as contrasted to
the other portions of the cortical mantle.
The lateral pallium of Natrix and Typhlops, as illustrated in Figs. 3E,F and 4C-
F, suggests some of the variability this structure may evince. The lateral pallium of
Natrix has all the sublayers described for Elaphe except that the external and lateral
portions are less differentiated. Typhlops, on the other hand, has a poorly differ-
entiated but nonetheless extensive lateral pallium. The poor differentiation of the
lateral pallium of Typhlops with its narrow molecular layer reminds one of the
poorly differentiated main olfactory bulb and narrow internal plexiform layer.
The development of the dorsal cortex of the rat snake has been described in
Section II.C. At midtelencephalic levels the dorsal cortex is characterized by a
subpial molecular layer, a cortical layer containing medium-sized, moderately dark-
staining cells arranged in a sheet parallel to the pial surface. A polymorphic layer
lies between the cortical layer and the ependymal lining of the dorsal wing of the
lateral ventricle. This polymorphic layer is populated with numerous dark-staining,
closely packed perikarya laterally, but is sparsely populated medially. At the medial
superposition (Fig. 2N) the medial edge of the cortical layer of the dorsal cortex
underlies the lateral border of the cortical layer of the medial cortex. At the lateral
superposition (not labeled in Fig. 2 but labeled in Fig. 3E,F) the medial edge of the
lateral pallium overlies the polymorphic layer of the dorsal cortex. At the medial
superposition a loose cluster of cells can be observed just medial to the medial edge
of the cortical layer of the dorsal cortex and just ventral to the lateralmost portion
of the medial cortex. In Ramon y Cajal-stained sections the dorsal cortex is char-
acterized by an intensely stained, very intricate fiber plexus in its supraventricular
layer. Since the polymorphic layer laterally lies along the dorsal bank of the lateral
ventricle, this region does not contain a well-developed fiber plexus. The middle
portion of the molecular layer of the dorsal cortex also contains a well-developed
fiber plexus, although it does not stain with the intensity of the supraventricular
The dorsal cortex extends a considerable distance in the caudal telencephalon,
280 following the curvature of the lateral ventricle as this latter structure encircles the
ventricular ridge. The cortical layer, which is abbreviated in media-lateral extent
rostrally, expands considerably caudally. The polymorphic layer, at postcommis-
sural levels, moves away from the ventricular layer and occupies a position adjacent
to the lateral limit of the cortical layer. Thus, at caudal levels, the polymorphic layer
does not represent the supraventricular layer of the dorsal cortex but rather a
lateral extension of the cortical layer. Eventually, the dorsal cortex is replaced
entirely by the medial cortex, which expands laterally at caudal levels of the telen-
cephalon and almost completely encircles the nucleus sphericus.
The dorsal cortex of Natrix, as illustrated in Fig. 3E-G, is in all ways compa-
rable to the dorsal cortex of Elaphe. Typhlops, on the other hand, has a less extensive
dorsal cortex, although further analysis is needed before stating that it is in fact
more poorly developed or differentiated. The dorsal cortical structure most obvious
by its reduction or absence in Typhlops is the polymorphic layer, which in other
snakes is so well developed.
The medial cortex is customarily subdivided into a medial (small-celled) portion
and a lateral (large-celled) portion. Ulinski (1974) refers to the medial portion as
the medial cortex and the lateral portion as the dorsomedial cortex. As previously
stated by others, the medial part of the medial cortex is distinguished from the
lateral portion by the relatively small size and greater packing density of the neurons
of the medial portion. The cortical layer of the medial portion of the medial cortex
is frequently eight cells thick (10-12 caudally) while the lateral portion of the medial
cortex is more frequently two or three cells thick. In Ram6n y Cajal-stained sections
a well-formed fiber bundle running parallel to the dorsal pial surface can be seen
below the cortical cell layer of the medial portion of the medial cortex. This fiber
bundle (the alveus of Warner, 1946) extends medially to the pial surface of the
midline and bends ventrally in the septum. The molecular layer of the rostral
medial cortex contains a moderately well-developed fiber plexus in its inner half:
the subpial portion is sparsely populated with axons as seen in Ram6n y Cajal-
stained coronal sections. In caudal sections through the medial cortex the supra-
ventricular fiber bundle (alveus?) becomes very well developed and is clearly related
(originating from and/or terminating in) the internal portion of the medial cortex.
A similar relationship exists between this fiber bundle and the dorsal cortex. The
molecular layer of the lateral portion of the medial cortex develops a unique
appearance in caudal sections. A fiber bundle with axons running in not perfect
parallel array is seen medially adjacent to the cell layer, and progressing closer and
closer to the pial surface as one follows the lateral portion of the medial cortex
laterally. The cortical layer of the lateral portion of the medial cortex also ap-
proaches the pial surface, but no so rapidly as this fiber bundle. This bundle is at
least partially composed of commissural fibers from the contralateral medial cortex
(Ulinski, 1976b; Halpern, 1974).
At postcommissurallevels the medial cortex extends laterally along the dorsal
surface of the telencephalon. Just caudal to the disappearance of the septum the
medial portion of the medial cortex bends in on itself, forming a J-shaped hook
(Figs. 2Q and 3G). Its polymorphic layer, which is relatively narrow rostrally and
sparsely populated with perikarya, contains a massive fiber bundle running medi-
olaterally, forming what is commonly called the postcommissural fornix. The fibers
of this bundle are clearly related to the lateral portion of the medial cortex. Whereas
rostrally the polymorphic layer of the medial part of the medial cortex is virtually 281
nonexistent, caudally it is broad and well populated with cells. The lateral portion TELENCEPHALON
also expands its polymorphic layers caudally. The cortical layer (layer 2) of the OF SNAKES
lateral portion does not appear, in Nissl-stained coronal sections, to be composed
of a homogeneous population of cells. The more medially placed cells are more
darkly stained and larger than the more tightly stained, smaller, laterally placed
In the most caudal sections of the telencephalon the medial cortex swings
around laterally, replacing both dorsal and lateral cortices, to encircle the dorsal
and lateral aspects of the nucleus sphericus.
A small ventral region of the cortical mantle is seen only at midcaudal levels
of the telencephalon (Fig. 2N-P). This ventral cortex is associated in coronal section
with the appearance of the ventral aspect of the lateral ventricle. It is distinguished
from the adjacent lateral cortex by its exceptionally well-populated polymorphic
layer. Caudally it joins the more dorsally situated cortex but continues to be iden-
tifiable by its well populated polymorphic layer. In Ramon y Cajal-stained sections
this ventral cortex is also distinguished by having a very dense plexus of fibers
within its polymorphic layer and another dense plexus associated with its dorsal
aspect in the molecular layer.

J. Dorsal Ventricular Ridge

The dorsal ventricular ridge is composed of three distinct structures, the

anterior dorsal ventricular ridge (neostriatum of Warner, 1931, 1947), the posterior
dorsal ventricular ridge,* and the angulostriatal mass (the latter two composing the
angulostriatal cells of Warner). Warner describes in the neostriatum a dorsal lateral
cell group which is larger than the smaller central cells. These dorsal lateral cells
form a cap over the smaller central cells. Warner also describes a cell group in the
dorsal lateral aspect of the ventricular ridge which he labels the "angulostriatal
cells." In his (1931) illustration No.8 he indicates that these cells are continuous
with the cells that we currently call the posterior dorsal ventricular ridge. Ulinski
(l976a) has described in detail the structure of the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge
(aDVR) in snakes. Ulinski finds in his studies of both light microscopic sections and
electron microscopic sections that the neuronal somata of the anterior dorsal ven-
tricular ridge show the same cytological characteristics in all regions of the aDVR.
However, the distribution of these neurons within the aDVR is not homogeneous.
There is a great deal of clustering of cells, two to five in each cluster throughout
the aDVR. This clustering is particularly apparent at the periphery of the aDVR
along the ventricular surface. Ulinski describes two fiber bundles afferent to the
aDVR. One comes from the lateral forebrain bundle and enters the aDVR rostrally,
curving backward to reach caudal portions of aDVR. The second system of affer-
ents to the aDVR comes from the anterior commissure and enters aDVR caudally.
The aDVR of the rat snake, as described in the section on the retrobulbar
region, first develops lateral to the olfactory ventricle at caudal accessory olfactory

* Theposterior dorsal ventricular ridge is commonly considered a part of the amgydala (Senn and
Northcutt, 1973).
282 bulb levels (Fig. 2D). In the retrobulbar region, the aDVR is found dorsolateral to
the slit-shaped lateral ventricle (Fig. 2E-H). When the lateral ventricle develops its
lateral extension, the aDVR is situated ventral to the lateral extension and lateral
to the ventromedial arm of the ventricle (Fig. 21-0). The aDVR is separated from
the telencephalic structures lying ventral to it by a cell-free zone (zona limitans
interstriata of Ariens Kappers et al., 1960) (Fig. 2K). In the rat snake the zona
limitans becomes obscured caudally (Fig. 2L,M) at approximately the level that the
mural layer of the nucleus sphericus first becomes distinctive. When the dorsal
aspect of the mural layer of the nucleus sphericus reaches the lateral ventricle (Fig.
2N), the aDVR is found medial to the nucleus sphericus. The aDVR becomes
smaller (Fig. 2P,Q) and gradually disappears (Fig. 2R) caudal to the interventricular
The cells of the rostral part of the aDVR are medium sized (about 10 #JID in
their long axis) with round nuclei and relatively abundant perinuclear Nissl sub-
stance. They are moderately well packed and do not give the corticoid appearance
which becomes characteristic more caudally of the subventricular layer. Ramon y
Cajal-stained sections of this rostral portion of the aDVR reveal a rich fiber plexus
in its neuropil with many of these fibers traceable to the lateral forebrain bundle
situated in the ventral portion of the rostral telencephalon.
At a level approximately coincident with the definitive development of a medial
cortex (Fig. 2K) the aDVR reaches its broadest, medial to lateral, development. At
this level it is clear that the aDVR is a heterogeneous structure composed of a
medial portion containing smaller (about 10 #Lm in their long axis) and more light-
staining cells than the lateral portion, in which not only are the cells larger (14-20
#Lm in their long axis), more darkly stained, with a more distinctive perinuclear
cytoplasm, but also the perikarya are more irregularly packed, giving the general
appearance of greater scatter with occasional clumps. At telencephalic levels
through the anterior commissure the lateral portion of the aDVR assumes a dor-
solateral position subjacent to the lateral ventricle and is flanked laterally by the
angulostriatal mass (Fig. 2L-N). As the mural layer of the nucleus sphericus de-
velops, the lateral part of the aDVR diminishes in size until it is represented by a
few darkly stained cells interposed between the rest of the aDVR and the angulo-
striatal mass. At these midtelencephalic levels the dorsal and medial aspect of the
aDVR takes on a corticoid appearance, with many clumps of cells appearing in the
subventricular zone. The core of the aDVR remains relatively homogeneous in
The aDVR of Natrzx is very similar in appearance to that of Elaphe (Fig. 3E,F).
On the other hand, in Typhlops, as noted previously by Senn and Northcutt (1973),
the aDVR is markedly reduced (Fig. 4D).
The angulostriatal mass is situated just below the lateral ventricle lateral to the
aDVR at midtelencephalic levels (Fig. 2L) and is composed of medium-sized, very
dark-staining, tightly clumped cells. It extends caudally to a level when the mural
layer of the nucleus sphericus reaches the ventricular surface (Fig. 20), where it
blends indistinguishably into the dorsal part of the posterior dorsal ventricular
The posterior dorsal ventricular ridge is composed of a loose aggregation of
moderately to lightly stained cells (Fig. 2L-Q). It is sandwiched between the lateral
wall of the mural layer of the nucleus sphericus and the lateral portion of the 283
lateral pallium (rostrally) or the lateral extension of the lateral ventricle caudally.
In its rostral portion the cells of pDVR are similar in size and staining properties OF SNAKES
to the cells of the core of aDVR, while the caudal portions of pDVR contain larger,
more darkly stained cells which tend to be found in small aggregations.

K. Paleostriatum

The basal lateral telencephalon contains a variety of structures which together

could be considered part of the paleostriatum. Warner (1947) describes a triangular
area of densely packed cells located medial and ventral to the anterior dorsal
ventricular ridge (his neostriatum). This area is illustrated by him in two figures
(his Figs. 6 and 7, which correspond approximately to the dorsal portions of Fig.
2L and Fig. 2N of the present chapter). In the more rostral illustration he identifies
the paleostriatum as an area dorsolateral to nucleus accumbens septi and ventral
to neostriatum. In the more caudal section the paleostriatum is figured ventral to
the neostriatum, medial to nucleus sphericus, and bridging the region between the
ventricular ridge and the preoptic area.
That region of the ventral telencephalon not belonging to the amygdaloid
complex (see below) or septum is designated here as paleostriatum. Although clear
subdivisions can be identified, their relationship (homologous or analogous) to
similarly situated structures in the telencephalon of other vertebrates cannot be
determined in the present study. Connectivity studies and histochemical analysis of
this region will help immeasurably in understanding the significance of the various
subdivisions. In general, the paleostriatum is situated ventral to the aDVR, lateral
to the septum, and medial to the accessory olfactory tract. A large portion of the
paleostriatum is found interstitial to the fibers of the lateral forebrain bundle as
that fiber tract travels dorsally to reach the aDVR. Another large part of the
paleostriatum (as defined by Warner) is a nucleus medial to the mid portion of the
nucleus sphericus. This triangular-shaped nucleus (in cross section) extends from
the medial wall of the nucleus sphericus to the lateral preoptic region. The efferent
fibers of the nucleus sphericus form a fiber bundle similar to the stria terminalis
(Halpern and Silfen, 1974) of other vertebrates. This fiber bundle courses through
the triangular-shaped nucleus, and therefore this portion of the paleostriatum may
be considered comparable to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis* of other
vertebrates. It has been so labeled here (PSb) tentatively.
At levels rostral to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis the paleostriatum is
composed of two portions. The dorsal part (Fig. 2K-M) is found adjacent to the
ventral arm of the lateral ventricle just ventral to the zona limitans intrastriata. The
ventral portion is found ventral to the dorsal part of the paleostriatum and medial
to the accessory olfactory tract (Fig. 2L). It is composed of very darkly staining cells
which are frequently clumped. Both dorsal and ventral portions of the paleostria-
tum are interstitial to the LFB as seen in Ramon y Cajal-stained material.

* The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is generally considered a part of the preoptic area (Crosby
et al., 1962).
284 L. Archistriatum or Amygdala
Warner (1947) includes the nucleus sphericus and the nucleus ventromedialis
(ventral amygdaloid nucleus of present chapter) in the archistriatum. Following
Curwen (1939) one would also include the posterior dorsal ventricular ridge in the
archistriatum or amygdala. I have chosen to discuss the posterior DVR above and
to include the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract* in the amygdaloid region.
The nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (of Warner) is situated along the
ventral border of the telencephalon from rostral (precommissural) levels (Fig. 2H)
to a level coincident with the appearance of the ventral amygdaloid nucleus (Fig.
2K). Since no lateral olfactory tract exists at these levels, the nucleus is misnamed.
Its position lateral to the accessory olfactory tract would make a name such as
"lateral nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract" more appropriate. It remains to be
demonstrated, however, that this nucleus has any relationships other than proximity
to the accessory olfactory tract.
Just caudal to the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (Fig. 2H) a second
nucleus appears which occupies a position lateral and ventral to the accessory
olfactory tract and dorsal to the ventral amygdaloid nucleus. I have labeled this
nucleus the "rostral amygdaloid nucleus" (Fig. 2L) to indicate its position. Its cells
are of moderate to small size and are moderately clumped.
The ventral amygdaloid nucleus first appears at levels through the most rostral
anterior commissure (Fig. 2K). In coronal sections its most rostral aspect .appears
to hang off the ventrolateral border of the telencephalon. The nucleus is separated
dorsally from the rest of the telencephalon by a relatively cell-free zone through
which fibers travel to and from the lateral pallium (Halpern, 1976b). The ventral
amygdaloid nucleus is not a homogeneous structure. The cells in its ventral portion
are more rounded and somewhat larger than the cells in its dorsal portion. The
perikarya in the dorsomedial portion are elongated, with their long axis parallel to
the cell-free zone dorsal to them. The cells in the dorsolateral region are more
tightly packed, and the neuropil in this region is marked by a very dense and
intricate fiber plexus. In caudal sections through the ventral amygdaloid nucleus
the middle portion of the nucleus is replaced by the ventral portion of the mural
layer of the nucleus sphericus. The nucleus sphericus thus splits the ventral amyg-
daloid nucleus into medial and lateral caudal segments (Fig. 2M) prior to the
disappearance of the nucleus entirely (Fig. 20).
The nucleus sphericus is probably the most prominent and most constant
feature of the snake telencephalon. It occupies virtually the entire ventricular ridge
of the caudal telencephalon. The nucleus is clearly laminated, consisting of an outer
marginal layer, an inner hilar layer, and a dense cellular mural layer (Ulinski and
Kanarek, 1973). Ulinski and Kanarek describe the nucleus sphericus of the common
boa (Constrictor constrictor) as a cup-shaped aggregation of cells found posterior to
the anterior commissure. The cells of the marginal layer are fusiform in shape,
with their long axes oriented tangential to the mural layer. These cells have three
to five primary dendrites with secondary and tertiary dendrites. The dendritic field
is oriented tangential to the mural layer. The murC;lllayer contains the vast majority

* The nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract is commonly considered a subdivision of the amgydala
(Crosby et at., 1962.)
of the cells of the nucleus sphericus. These cells have three sets of dendrites: one 285
set which extends into the marginal layer, a second set of dendrites which run
horizontally within the mural layer, and a third set of dendrites which enter the OF SNAKES
hilar layer. There are relatively few cens in the hilar layer. As seen in our own
material, the hilar layer is occupied almost entirely by the unmyelinated portions
of the axons of the accessory olfactory tract (lateral olfactory tract of Warner and
others). The accessory olfactory tract enters the nucleus sphericus rostrally, where
the nucleus is incomplete in its circumference. The mural layer cells are first clearly
distinguishable at a level corresponding to the most rostral crossing fibers of the
anterior commissure (Fig. 2M). At this level only the dorsolateral mural cells are
clearly distinguishable. Subsequently the ventral portion of the nucleus sphericus
becomes formed both in its medial and in its lateral aspect, and finally at the level
of the hippocampal commissure the entire nucleus is seen in cross section. Exam-
ination of Nissl-stained sections makes it quite clear that the mural layer is not
homogeneous in packing density or thickness. Dorsal and ventral portions appear
more uniformly densely packed while the medial and lateral walls vary considerably
in both packing density and thickness. At rostral levels through the anterior com-
missure the medial wall appears continuous with the cells of the bed nucleus of the
stria terminalis.

M. Preoptic Area

Surrounding the preoptic recess of the third ventricle is a dense core of

periventricular gray matter, the medial preoptic nucleus. Along the ventral aspect
of the medial preoptic nucleus the densely stained suprachiasmatic nucleus is
located. Lateral to the medial preoptic nucleus the forebrain bundles and stria
terminalis course through the cell-poor lateral preoptic area. The supraoptic nu-
cleus, a flat oval-shaped nucleus lying along the optic tracts as they course toward
the diencephalon, separates the lateral preoptic area from the underlying optic
tracts. The preoptic area blends imperceptibly into the anterior hypothalamus.

III. Fiber Connections

A. Main Olfactory Bulb

The efferent connections of the main olfactory bulb of snakes have recently
been studied (Kowell, 1974; Halpern, 1973, 1976b). Following lesions restricted to
the main olfactory bulb, degeneration (Fig. 5) is observed in the main olfactory
tract, which lies lateral to the olfactory ventricle in the olfactory peduncle. As the
retrobulbar region is approached and the lateral pallium develops, the degeneration
is restricted to the peripheral portions of the retrobulbar region and almost com-
pletely encircles this area (anterior olfactory nucleus of most authors). In the region
of the olfactory gray and olfactory tubercle, degenerating terminals invade the
cellular areas. Otherwise, the degeneration is restricted to the molecular layer of
the pallium. More caudally in the retrobulbar region the lateral pallium occupies
286 a more restricted lateral posItIon, and the degeneration of main olfactory bulb
origin is associated with the lateral pallium and olfactory tubercle exclusively. The
lateral pallium extends posteriorly to a level caudal to the hippocampal commissure,
and degeneration of olfactory bulb origin is always associated with it. The olfactory
tubercle extends to the level of the optic chiasma and has associated with it degen-
eration of main olfactory bulb origin. This degeneration continues caudally in the
stria medullaris thalami, which is situated dorsal to the dorsal aspect of the optic
tract. The degenerating fibers travel in the stria medullaris to the level of the
habenular commissure, where they cross the midline and enter the contralateral
stria medullaris. The stria medullaris thalami contralateral to the main olfactory
bulb lesion contains degenerating fibers which traverse the base of the telenceph-
alon dorsal to the ventral amygdaloid nucleus to gain access to the lateral pallium
where they terminate.

B. Accessory Olfactory Bulb

The efferent fibers from the accessory olfactory bulb (Kowell, 1974; Halpern,
1973, 1976b) travel exclusively in the accessory olfactory tract (Fig. 6). The nucleus
interstitial to the accessory olfactory tract is, in all probability, a major recipient of
accessory olfactory bulb efferents. The remaining fibers continue caudally in the
accessory olfactory tract and terminate within the hilar layer of the nucleus spher-
icus. A degeneration-free zone surrounds the core degeneration in the hilar layer.

Figure 5. Series of projection drawings through the telencephalon of a garter snake (Thamnophis
sirta/is sirtalis) that survived 7 days following main olfactory bulb ablation. The lesion area is indicated
in black. The location of the resulting degeneration is marked by black dots.
No degeneration is seen in the contralateral telencephalon following accessory 287
olfactory bulb lesions. Although the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract is adjacent
to the accessory olfactory tract for a considerable rostro-caudal distance, there OF SNAKES
appear to be no terminations of accessory olfactory bulb efferents in its immediate

C. Nucleus Sphericus

The nucleus sphericus is the major recipient of efferent fibers from the
accessory olfactory bulb (Halpern, 1973, 1976b; Kowell, 1974). In order to trace
the further connections of the vomeronasal-accessory olfactory bulb system, elec-
trolytic lesions were placed in the nucleus sphericus of 17 garter snakes (Thamnophis
sirtalis sirtalis and Thamnophis radix) (Halpern and Silfen, 1974). Since considerable
damage to the overlying cortices accompanies such ablation, lesions were placed in
the dorsal and medial cortices of additional subjects, avoiding involvement of the
nucleus sphericus. The results of these ablations are reported in the sections
devoted to the connections of those cortices. Although the anterior dorsal ventric-
ular ridge sustained damage in some of the animals with nucleus sphericus lesions,
a sufficient number of brains containing nucleus sphericus lesions without anterior
dorsal ventricular ridge damage were available for identification of the pathways.
Animals in this study survived 7 and 9 days.

Figure 6. crics oC dr'Ming' lhroll gh Ihc lc l·

cncephaloll oC a garter snakc (TI/{/lI/lIojlhi., sir-
/ali., .,i'-/lIli<) lhal survi\'ed 7 (hl)'s Collowing a ll
acccssor')' olracloJ'Y bulb ablalion. The lesion
area is indicaled in solid blal'k. The reslIhillg
dcgCllcr:uiUIl is ma rked h} black dOls.
288 Figure 7 is a series of projection drawings through the forebrain of a snake
with a lesion (indicated in solid black) of the nucleus sphericus. Ipsilaterally, de-
generation can be traced within the nucleus sphericus rostral and caudal to the
lesion. The central core of degeneration is identical in location to that observed
after accessory olfactory bulb lesions. However, additional degeneration not seen
after accessory olfactory bulb lesions is observed in the more superficial portions of
the hilar layer, the mural layer, and the marginal layer of the nucleus.
Degenerating fibers leaving the nucleus sphericus pass through the nucleus
we have tentatively identified as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, which lies
just medial to the nucleus sphericus at preoptic levels. These fibers pass medially
into the preoptic area and hypothalamus, terminating in a ventromedially placed
hypothalamic nucleus located midway through the rostral-caudal extent of the
hypothalamus. This nucleus will be referred to as the ventromedial hypothalamic
nucleus. No degeneration is observed in the contralateral hypothalamus, thalamus,
or preoptic area.
Degeneration ipsilateral to the nucleus sphericus can also be followed rostrally
to terminate in the ipsilateral accessory olfactory bulb. These degenerating axons
surround the core of the accessory olfactory tract, and a few degenerating fibers
are found within the tract. This rostrally traveling degeneration terminates in the
internal granular layer and the adjacent portion of the internal plexiform layer of
the accessory olfactory bulb. No degeneration is observed in the contralateral
accessory olfactory bulb or either main olfactory bulb following nucleus sphericus
Efferent fibers from the nucleus sphericus cross the midline in the anterior
commissure and terminate predominantly in the more superficial layers of the


Figure 7. SCI-ie ' of projcction drawings

through the telencephalon an d dien ephalon
of a garter snake (Thall/I/ophis radi.>:) lhal 1I1'-
\'ived 7 da}'s following placement of a lesion in
thc nlldell sphericll . The Ie ion area is in-
dicated in solid black. The location of the re-
SlIh ing d 'generation is marked by bla k dOl .
contralateral nucleus sphericus. The hilar layer is relatively clear of degeneration; 289
the few particles present in this layer appear to be axons crossing to the lateral
aspect of the nucleus. Contralateral degeneration predominates in the marginal OF SNAKES
and mural layers. Degeneration on the side contralateral to the lesion is not wide-
spread throughout the nucleus sphericus, but is located at those levels correspond-
ing to the lesion levels.

D. Medial Cortex

The medial cortex is a major recipient of efferent fibers from the dorsal and
lateral cortices (Ulinski, 1976b). The terminations of ipsilateral cortico-cortical and
commissural fibers on the dendrites of these cells occur in a highly organized
manner, suggesting that the cells of the medial cortex are capable of integrating
information derived from diverse sources and modulating their own output in
response to differing patterns of stimulation. Nothing is known at present, however,
of additional noncortical sources of input to the medial cortex. U1inski (1976b)
reports as well that medial cortex projects to the ipsilateral, dorsal, and lateral
Laminar heat lesions were placed in the medial cortex of 16 garter snakes.
The animals survived 2-21 days at 22-24°C. Large lesions of the medial cortex
produce the pattern of degeneration shown in Fig. 8. Ipsilaterally the degeneration
extends the entire length of the medial cortex rostral to and caudal to the lesion.
Degeneration is also seen at the level of the lesion in the ipsilateral dorsal cortex in
its molecular layer. The appearance of degeneration in the lateral cortex is variable
and appears to be related to the size and lateral placement of the lesion.

Figure 8. Series of projection drawings through the telencephalon

and diencephalon of a garter snake (Thamnophis radix) that survived
14 days following placement of a lesion in the medial cortex. The
location of the resulting degeneration is marked by black dots.
290 Degenerating efferent fibers leave the medial cortex and terminate in the
dorsal and intermediate regions of the septum ipsilaterally. In Fig. 8 the degen-
eration in the postcommissural septum is in all likelihood due to the interruption
by the lesion of fibers originating in the dorsal cortex and traversing the supra-
ventricular layer of the medial cortex. Axons are seen crossing the midline in the
nucleus of the hippocampal commissure, a cellular commissural area dorsal to the
anterior commissure. These crossing fibers distribute to the contralateral septum
and medial cortex. Within the medial cortex the axons of contralateral origin
terminate in a lamina adjacent to the cell bodies of the medial cortex.
Fibers destined for the hypothalamus travel medial to the septal nuclei, above
the anterior commissure, and pass ventrally behind the commissure to enter the
anterior thalamus. Degeneration is observed in this anterior thalamic area following
dorsal cortex lesions as well as following medial cortex lesions and may therefore
be the result of interruption of fibers from the dorsal cortex. The degenerating
fiber bundle descends medially in the thalamus and periventricular region of the
hypothalamus, continuing in a ventrocaudal direction until it passes caudal to the
ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. Caudal to the ventromedial nucleus,
the fiber bundle flares out laterally prior to terminating in two nuclei identified by
Crosby and Woodburne (1940) as the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei. The
medial cortex to hypothalamus connection is entirely ipsilateral.
The small amount of degeneration illustrated in the ventricular ridge in Fig.
8 is the result of heat damage to the aDVR and should not be considered part of
the efferent connections of the medial cortex.

E. Dorsal Cortex

To date, with the exception of Ulinski's (1976b) demonstration of medial cortex

to dorsal cortex connections, no experimental evidence has been presented of the
afferents of the dorsal cortex in snakes. Based on information in other reptiles
(Butler and Ebner, 1972; Hall and Ebner, 1970), however, one would expect that
thalamocortical fibers terminate in the dorsal cortex.
The efferent connections of the dorsal cortex (Fig. 9) were studied by placing
laminar heat lesions in the dorsal cortex. Since this region is relatively small and
interposed between the medial and lateral cortices, many of the lesions included
either the medial part of the lateral cortex or the lateral tip of the medial cortex.
A few fortuitous lesions in which the dorsal cortex alone was damaged combined
with the ability to compare two different types of contaminated lesions permitted
the following analysis of the results (Halpern, 1976a).
The major intracortical connection of the dorsal cortex is with the medial
cortex. Degeneration arising from a dorsal cortex lesion occupies a lamina in the
middle part of the molecular layer of the medial cortex. Thus dorsal cortex axons
terminate between the subpial lamina formed by terminals from the lateral cortex
and the deep lamina formed by terminals from the contralateral medial cortex and
the lateral part of the ipsilateral medial cortex. The dorsal cortex itself contains
degeneration both rostral to and caudal to the lesion in all of its layers.
Dorsal cortex lesions result in an abundance of degeneration in the medial and
ventrolateral portions of the precommissural septum, the rostral septal nucleus, 291
and the dorsal intermediate postcommissural septum.
The posterior dorsal ventricular ridge contains a considerable amount of OF SNAKES
degeneration following dorsal cortex lesions while the anterior dorsal ventricular
ridge and angulostriatal mass rarely contain degeneration following such lesions.
These structures did not contain degeneration in the case illustrated in Fig. 9.
A small but consistent amount of degeneration can be traced out of the septum
running in the lateral portion of the nucleus of the hippocampal commissure,
above the anterior commissure and just rostral to the interventricular foramen.
This degeneration appears to terminate at the most rostral dorsal limit of the
diencephalon in a small, poorly defined nucleus which probably corresponds to a
rostral extension of Warner's nucleus anterior of the thalamus (Warner, 1931).

F. lateral Cortex

The major known sources of afferents to the lateral cortex are the ipsilateral
and contralateral main olfactory bulbs (Halpern, 1973, 1976b; Kowell, 1974). The
axons from the main olfactory bulb terminate in the outermost portion of the

o M

~ OT

Figure 9. Series or projeClion drawings through the tel ·n<.:ephalon

and diencephalon ora garLer nakc (ThIlJIIllophi.\ radix) thaI survivcd
7 days following placement of a lesion in the dorsal cortex. The
lesion are,t is indicated in solid black. The location or th e resulting
degeneration is marked by black dot.
292 molecular layer. Ulinski (l976b) reports a source of afferents to the lateral pallium
from the ipsilateral medial cortex. Following lesions of the rostral lateral pallium
(Fig. 10), the pattern of degeneration indicates that the lateral pallium is heavily
interconnected. The degeneration fills the molecular layer between the outer third,
which contains degeneration of main olfactory bulb origin, and the outer cellular
layer along its entire rostrocaudal extent.
The other cortical recipient of lateral cortex efferents is the medial portion of
the medial cortex. The subpial portion of its molecular layer contains a dense
accumulation of degenerating terminals for its entire rostrocaudal extent following
lateral pallial lesions.
In the retrobulbar region relatively dense degeneration encircles all but the
most ventral portion and invades most of the peripherally-lying cell groups. The
olfactory tubercle is devoid of degeneration except for some scattered particles
most rostrally. Degeneration following lateral cortex lesions can be followed rostrally
in the main olfactory tract to the main olfactory bulb, where it is found in the
internal granular layer and adjacent portions of the internal plexiform layer.
No contralateral degeneration is seen following lateral pallial lesions, nor IS
there any evidence of a diencephalic projection.

G. Septum

Ulinski (1975) reports a topographic heterogeneity in cortico-septal projections.

The dorsal and medial cortices appear to be the major sources of cortico-septal
fibers. The medial cortex projects bilaterally to the dorsal precommissural septum,

Figu re 10. Series of projection drawings throu gh the telence-

phalon of a gartcl- sn;lke (Tll(lIIl11ophis radix) that survived 7 days
following pl;lcemcnt of a lesion in the rostral latel-al pallium. The
lesion area is indicated in solid black. The location of the resuhing
degenermion is marked by black dots.
and the dorsal cortex projects to the ipsilateral dorsal postcommissural septum and 293
a strip of septum which becomes more ventral at more rostral levels.
Although no restricted lesions of D M cortex were made, Ulinski (1975) argues OF SNAKES
from Golgi material and combined dorsal cortex-dorsomedial cortex lesions in
which all septal degeneration terminates in dorsal cortex termination sites that
dorsomedial cortex does not send axons to the septum. He remains equivocal on
whether lateral cortex sends axons to the septum. Our own data suggest that this
is not the case.
To date, no experimental study of the efferent connections of the septum has
been reported.

IV. Concluding Remarks

The telencephalon of snakes shares much in common with the telencephalon

of other reptiles but is distinctly different as well. A considerable amount of work
is needed before we can feel entirely comfortable with the use of a universal
nomenclature for all reptiles. Comparative histochemical studies of the telenceph~
alon will aid in identifying structures of similar chemical constitution. Connec-
tivity studies such as those described in Section III of this chapter will also facilitate
comparisons between reptile groups and the development of a single system of
nomenclature. Several structures within the telencephalon of snakes have remained
relatively unstudied because of technical difficulties involved in placing restricted
lesions within their borders. The application to snakes of the newer histochemical
and autoradiographic techniques for describing axonal connections within the cen-
tral nervous system will permit easier access to those structures which have, up to
now, been relatively inaccessible. For example, in my laboratory we have been
injecting horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the dorsolateral thalamus. The HRP
is transported in both an orthograde (Colman et at., 1976) and a retrograde
(Kristensson and Olsson, 1971) direction. The HRP transported in an orthograde
manner can be traced from the thalamus through the lateral forebrain bundle to
the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge, where the fibers terminate in a fine plexus.
HRP transported in a retrograde manner can be traced to the cells of the paleo-
striatum surrounding the lateral forebrain bundle (Wang and Halpern, unpublished

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The work described in this chapter was supported by NINDS

Grant NSl215201 and a SUNY Grain-in-Aid. Dr. Walter Riss generously gave of
his time to read and criticize the manuscript. I am deeply appreciative of the
histological assistance of Natalie Frumin, the photographic work of Jack Illari, and
the secretarial assistance of Ida Muntner and Rose Kraus.

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