System Verilog
System Verilog
No specific courseware for modules, faculty may share some course materials.
1. System Verilog for Design by Sutherland, Davidmann and Flake / Springer
2. System Verilog for Verification by Chris Spear / Springer
3. Writing Testbenches using System Verilog by Janick Bergeron
4. System Verilog Language Reference Manual 3.1a
Session 1 & 2
Lecture: Introduction to System Verilog
System Verilog: Origins, Overview, Need and Importance
System Verilog Declaration Spaces
Data types
o 4-state and 2-state data type
o String
o Event
o Type casting
o User defined date types (typedef)
o Enumerated data types (enum)
Data Declaration
Operators and Expression
Assignment – Lab:
Review Exercises – Handling variables, types, basic operations in System Verilog (SV)
Session 3 & 4
Lecture: Introduction to System Verilog
o Packed and unpacked arrays
o Array initialization at declaration
o Multiple dimensions
o Array Handling
o Dynamic Array
o Associative Array
o Synthesis guidelines
Overview of Structures
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ACTS, Pune
Suggested Teaching Guidelines for
System Verilog PG-DVLSI September 2022
o Declarations, assigning values to structures
o Types: Packed and unpacked structures
o Passing structures through ports, Passing structures as arguments to tasks and functions
o Synthesis guidelines
Overview of Unions
o Types: Unpacked unions, Tagged unions, Packed unions
o Synthesis guidelines
An example of using structures and unions
Assignment – Lab:
Review Exercises – Array declaration, Array Handling exercises
Session 5
Lecture: Procedural Blocks and Statements
Procedural Statements
o Initial, final and always block
o Loop
o Combinational
o Latched and sequential
o Continuous assignment
o Fork-join and its variant
Clocking Domains
Assignment – Lab:
Review Exercises – Using procedural statements in SV coding
Session 6
Lecture: Tasks and Functions
Introduction to Task and function
Scope and life time of Task and function
Argument passing in Task and function
o Pass by value
o Pass by reference
o Default argument value
o Argument passing by name
o Optional argument list
Assignment – Lab:
Review Exercises – Lab assignments of SV coding using tasks and functions
Session 7 & 8
Lecture: Case Studies – Design
Design of combinational circuit, sequential circuit and Finite State Machine using System
Case study of Traffic Light Controller / ATM Design / AHB Peripheral using System Verilog
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System Verilog PG-DVLSI September 2022
Session 9
Lecture: Review of OOP Concepts
OOP terminology
Data hiding and encapsulation
Introduction to inheritance
Introduction to polymorphism
o Compile time polymorphism
o Run time polymorphism
Introduction to Class
Objects and properties
Object methods
Static Properties and methods
Assignment and re-naming and copying
Assignment – Lab:
Review Exercises – OOPs practice codes in C++/SV
Session 10
Lecture: OOP in System Verilog
Inheritance in System Verilog
Overridden member
Constant properties
Abstract class and virtual methods
Scope resolution operator
Difference between classes, structures and unions
Memory management
Assignment – Lab:
Review Exercises – Practice codes for using OOPs in SV.
Note: More lab practice should be taken for this session.
Session 11
Lecture: Introduction to Verification
The Verification Process
Importance of Verification
Types of Verification
o Formal Verification
o Equivalence Checking
o Model Checking
o Functional Verification
Functional Verification approach
o Black-box
o White –box
o Grey-box
Comparison between testing and Verification
Verification reuse
o Costing behind the verification
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System Verilog PG-DVLSI September 2022
Session 12
Lecture: Coverage
Understanding Coverage
Code Coverage
o Statement Coverage
o Path Coverage
o Expression Coverage
o FSM Coverage
Functional Coverage
o Item Coverage
o Cross Coverage
o Transition Coverage
Case Study
Assignment – Lab:
Review Exercises - some lab assignments which taking care of code coverage
Session 13
Lecture: Randomization - I
Randomization in real world
Randomization in System Verilog
Random variables
Constraint blocks
o Inside
o Weighted distribution
o ‘dist’
o Array constraints
o Conditional constraints
o Bidirectional constraints
Review Exercises –
Create a System Verilog program class to prove that variables declared with rand keyword
are standard random variables.
Create and run a SV project to check status of randomization return value.
Write SV program in which if an extended object is casted to base object, all the constraints
in extended object are solved along with the constraints in base object.
Write SV program in array of objects are created before calling randomize.
Write a SV program to implicit the weighted distribution in constraint expression.
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System Verilog PG-DVLSI September 2022
Session 14
Lecture: Randomization - II
Controlling multiple randomization
o Solve-before
o Constraint_mode()
o If-else constraining
Pre and post randomize functions
Random Number function
Tips and techniques of handling the randomization
Review Exercises –
Create a project to add a new process without disturbing the random number generator state.
Write a SV program on pre_randomize and post_randomize methods that can be used as
hooks for the user to perform operations such as setting initial values and performing
functions after assigning random variables.
Create a project in which the constraint blocks are defined externally in the same file or other
Specification: Create a test_1 file which requires Var between 0 to 100 and tets_2 file
requires Var between 50 to 100.
Declare the constraint block as empty and define them in other files.
Write a SV program to randomize the class instances using global constraints.
A simple testbench may use a data class with just a few constraints. Write SV program on
how to have two tests with very different flavors of data.
Create a project which implies that the constraints can be on or off with Constraint mode.
Session 15 & 16
Lecture: Case Studies – Randomization
In general, randomization does not depend on life time of variable.
Even if a variable is static, randomization is specfic to object.
So rand_mode() on static variable, only switches off the randomization on the variable of that
Implement it with the following:
o Initialize Var1 as static and Var2 as automatic.
o Var1 and Var2 in obj_2 should be nonrandomized
o Var1 and Var2 in obj_1 are getting randomized.
o Show that the only difference between Var1 and Var2 is that new random value for Var1
is appears on both objects.
Session 17 & 18
Lecture: Case Studies – Verification
Case studies of Verification Environments in SystemVerilog for combinational designs,
sequential designs and finite state machines
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System Verilog PG-DVLSI September 2022
Session 19
Lecture: Assertions Property
Definition and concept
Immediate assertions
Concurrent assertions
Session 20
Lecture: Assertions timing
Assertion sampling
Multiple clock support
Clock resolution
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