EURAMET CG 21 V 2 1 2021
EURAMET CG 21 V 2 1 2021
EURAMET CG 21 V 2 1 2021
The authors of the current version acknowledge the contributions from Richard Paton (Convenor ISO TC28
SC2 WG4), Corinna Kroner (PTB, Germany) and Isabelle Care (LNE-CETIAT, France, EURAMET TC Flow
Bundesallee 100
38116 Braunschweig
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 531 592 1960
The change since the previous version concerns with correction of typos on pages 18 and 20 related to
notation of bullet points mentioned in the text and explanatory text above formula (11), respectively.
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permission to translate this text into other languages, subject to certain conditions available on application. In
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The copyright of this publication (EURAMET Calibration Guide No. 21, version 2.1 – English version) is held
by © EURAMET eV 2013. The English language version of this publication is the definitive version.
The text may not be copied for resale and may not be reproduced other than in full. Extracts may be taken
only with the permission of the EURAMET Secretariat.
ISBN 978-3-942992-66-4
This document gives guidance on measurement practices in the specified fields of measurements. By applying
the recommendations presented in this document laboratories can produce calibration results that can be
recognized and accepted throughout Europe. The approaches taken are not mandatory and are for the
guidance of calibration laboratories. The document has been produced as a means of promoting a consistent
approach to good measurement practice leading to and supporting laboratory accreditation.
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This document provides guidance to the calibration of a standard capacity measure or proving
tank utilising the volumetric calibration method and to the evaluation of the uncertainty
The guide aims to harmonize the procedures used by organizations that apply this method of
calibration in their laboratories or in the field of activity.
The current version reflects the actual practice applied in European National Metrology Institutes
in terms of calibration procedures and calculation models for the calibration of Standard
Capacity Measures (SCM) with the volumetric method. In particular, the changes to the previous
version include: harmonisation with the new edition of ISO 8222 standard, widened measurement
range of use, improvement of the criteria and the descriptions of general techniques, a better
and more detailed description of the calibration procedure, addition of a new chapter on Neck
scale calibration as well as technical details in different chapters and corresponding update of
This document provides guidance to the calibration of a standard capacity measure or proving
tank utilising the volumetric calibration method and to the evaluation of the measurement.
The guide aims to harmonize the procedures used by organizations that apply this method of
calibration in their laboratories or in the field of activity.
The current version reflects the actual practice applied in European National Metrology Institutes
in terms of calibration procedures and calculation models for the calibration of Standard Capacity
Measures (SCM) with the volumetric method. In particular, the changes to the previous version
include: harmonisation with the new edition of ISO 8222 standard, widened measurement range
of use, improvement of the criteria and the descriptions of general techniques, a better and more
detailed description of the calibration procedure, addition of a new chapter on Neck scale calibration
as well as technical details in different chapters and corresponding update of references.
3.8 Temperature of the standard capacity measure and reference standard.................................... 8 3.9 Conditions
for auxiliary equipment used during calibrations.................................... ............. 8 3.10 Adjusting the volume of the
standard capacity measure ........................... .............................. 8 3.11
Cleaning ............ .................................................................. .................................................................. ........................
8 3.12 Meniscus reading .................... .................................................................. ..................................................................
9 3.13 Coefficient of cubical thermal expansion of water ........................................ ............................. 10 3.14
Coefficient of cubical thermal expansion of the material ........... ................................................. 11th
4 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE.................................................. .................................................................. ......... 11 4.1
Preparation.................................... .................................................................. ............................................ 11 4.2
Calibration using the filling method .................................................. ............................................ 12 4.3 Calibration
using the withdrawing method .................................................. ................................. 13 4.4 Multiples
fillings ............. .................................................................. .................................................................. .......... 14
4.5 Neck scale calibration ................................................. .................................................................. ............. 14
5 DETERMINATION OF THE VOLUME .................................................. .................................................................. 15
6 PROCEDURE FOR ESTIMATING MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ......................................... .16 6.1 Parameters that
affect the uncertainty in volumetric determination of volume ........................... 16 6.1.1 Reference
standard .... ..................................................................
temperature of the reference standard .....................................
............................ 16 ..Water
16 6.1.2
of the standard capacity
features ......measure .............. ...................................... 17
.................................................................. Standard capacity
........................ measure
17 Water expansion
6.1.3 coefficient...................... .................................................................. ........................ 17
6.1.4 Operator................................ .................................................................. ................................................
6.1.5 17 Other influences................................. .................................................................. .................................
6.1.6 17
6.2 General procedure for the uncertainty calculation ............................................. ........................... 17 6.3
Procedure for calculating uncertainty in volumetric determination of volume............ ............... 18 6.3.1
the volume Vt .......................
volume determination ................................................
......................................... ....18
186.3 .2 Sources
Standard of
of each inputquantity
....................................... .............................. 18 Sensitivity coefficient of each
.................................................................. ...... 23 Combined standard uncertainty input
6.3.3 of measurand...................................... ........................... 24 Evaluation of any existing
6.3.4 covariances................. .................................................................. .......... 24 Choice of an appropriate
6.3.5 coverage factor k................ .................................................................. .... 24 Expanded
6.3.6 uncertainty ............................................. .................................................................. .......... 25
7 PRACTICAL APPLICATION.................................................. .................................................................. .............. 25
7.1 Measurement problem ................................................. .................................................................. ...............
25 7.2 Determination of the standard uncertainty of each input quantity ........................ ........................ 26 7.2.1
Reference standard ................................ .................................................................. ............................... 26
7.2.2 Water temperature of the reference standard ......................................... ...................... 26 Water
7.2.3 temperature of the standard capacity measure .................... .............................. 26 Coefficient of
7.2.4 cubical thermal expansion of the material of the reference standard and standard capacity
measure .................................................................. ............................................. 27 Coefficient of
7.2.5 cubical thermal expansion of the water ............................................... ........ 27 Quantity of water
7.2.6 added or removed ......................... ............................................. 27 Meniscus reading of the
7.2.7 standard capacity measure ................................................. ......... 27 Measurement
7.2.8 repeatability ......................................... .................................................................. ...... 27 Additional
7.2.9 uncertainty factors.................................... ............................. .................... 28 7.3 Sensitivity
coefficient of each input quantity ...................... .................................................................. ....... 28 7.3.1
Reference standard
in the reference standard........................
28 Water 28 Water
7.3.2 temperature in the standard capacity measure.................................................. ..... 28 Coefficient of
7.3.3 cubical thermal expansion of the reference standard................................. 28 Coefficient of cubical
7.3.4 thermal expansion of the standard capacity measure ................... 28 Coefficient of cubical thermal
7.3.5 expansion of the water ............. ........................................ 28 Quantity of water added or
7.3.6 removed .. .................................................................. .............................. 28 Meniscus
7.3.7 reading.................. ...................... .................................................................. ........................ 28
7.3.8 Measurement repeatability ......................... .................................................................. ....................
7.3.9 29 Additional factors ............................... .................................................................. ...............................
7.3.10 29
7.4 Combined standard uncertainty of measurand.................................................. .............................. 29 7.5
Evaluation of any existing covariances ............ .................................................................. ......................... 29 7.6
Choice of an appropriate coverage factor k ................ .................................................................. .............. 29 7.7
Expanded uncertainty ................................ .................................................................. .............................. 29
8 REFERENCES ................................................. .................................................................. ............................. 31
The accurate measurement of domestic and industrial consumption of water, fuels and other fluids is essential to
carry out business transactions in a clear and unequivocal way.
Therefore, it is necessary to use the correct volume standards, calibrated by competent entities that will ensure
the traceability and mutual recognition of the measurements. These volume standards are standard capacity
measures (SCM) and, depending on their nominal volume, can be divided in three categories: standard test
measures, standard flasks and proving tanks [1].
The calibrated standard capacity measures are used as working standards for calibration and verification of the
following measuring instruments or measuring systems:
fuel dispensers and adblue dispensers, measuring
systems (dynamic or static) on road tankers (delivery, or collected), measuring systems at truck
loading facilities, measuring systems for loading and unloading of tank containers, measuring
systems for milk and beer, standard metering equipment for wet calibration of storage tanks,
measuring systems for refueling aircrafts, measuring systems for loading and unloading ships, rail
and road tankers, large proving tanks.
The standard capacity measures can be calibrated at a higher level of accuracy by using the gravimetric method
[2, 3]. At a working level, where the required accuracy of the measurement is lower or when the capacity of a
standard capacity measure is so large that using weighing instruments is impracticable, the volumetric method
can be used.
The volumetric method consists of delivering a known quantity of liquid to or from a calibrated standard (reference
standard), to or from a standard capacity measure. This method can be used to calibrate SCM up to 10000 L
capacity, but other higher capacities can also be tested if technically possible.
In this Guide the volumetric calibration procedure is presented in detail along with the evaluation of the
measurement uncertainty.
The procedure and formulae suggested in this Guide are not intended to, nor can they replace the personal
judgment and responsible evaluation individually made by the metrologists in any particular application and
Symbols whose meaning are not self-evident, will be explained where they are first used.
The terminology used in this document is mainly based on existing documents, GUM [4], VIM [5], VIML [6], ISO
8222 [7] but there are some specific definitions that are explained below.
In the volumetric method a known amount of liquid is delivered into a container up to a certain point (usually
corresponding to a graduation mark on a scale) and this volume refers to a reference temperature applicable for
the intended use of the measure under
calibration. When the measure is equipped with an adjustable indicating device or scale
the calibrated volume can be adjusted to the nominal volume of the measure.
In the majority of cases the volumetric method is faster and easier than the gravimetric or
geometric method provided that certain laboratory set up arrangements are available. It is
considered a method of direct comparison, requiring specific structures such as overflow
pipettes or volumetric containers.
The volumetric method may be used in two different approaches: withdrawing or filling.
The volume delivered is always less than the “dry contained” volume, due to the film of
liquid left on the internal walls of the vessel. The volume of this film depends on the time
taken to deliver the liquid. The volume delivered decreases with decrease of delivery time.
On the contrary, the delivered volume of a vessel is equal to the “wet contained” volume
under the same delivery and drain time and the same liquid.
standard capacity measure and should be strictly applied during calibration and use of the
SCM, as well.
Measures may be filled from the top or from the bottom. The standard test measures and
standard flasks are emptied by pouring so that the liquid flows out from only one point of
the rim.
Proving tanks are always drained from the bottom through the drain valve.
Inspection and cleaning of the artefact must be performed prior to calibration of the SCM.
The readability and security of the scale, the leveling mechanism and any relevant seals
should be checked. The condition and leak tightness of the discharge valve in the case of
proving tanks, and the general condition of the measure eg existence of bumps, leaking
tubes or damages should be noted.
It is recommended that a leak-check is performed before the start of measurement in case
of measures with discharge valve and/or scales with glass gauges. Volume standards must
allow a precise and repeatable measurement of the quantity of liquid (water). The shape of
the measure must ensure that problems regarding the trapping of liquid or vapor are
avoided and should allow for easy cleaning. It shall be ensured, that liquids are easily
delivered to and from the standard and no pockets, dents or crevices capable of trapping
the liquid, air or vapor are present.
The standard capacity measure shall be leveled before calibration commences.
locations across the liquid volume in order to estimate the mean temperature of the liquid
inside the tank.
When performing calibrations in the laboratory the water temperature shall have a maximum
variation of ± 1 ÿC and be as close as possible to ambient air temperature [1].
For standard capacity measures installed in fixed systems it is recommended that this
method shall be carried out on site and within a period so that the water temperature in the
standard capacity measure being calibrated will not vary by more than 2 ºC during the
filling [1] . In this case a calibrated reference standard in delivery mode ("Ex") should be
used. Measures to limit the exposure of the calibration equipment and standard capacity
measure under calibration to direct sunlight, wind and precipitation (rain) should be taken
in order to keep temperature gradients within the water inside the standards as low as
possible and within the above-mentioned range
3.11 Cleaning
The standard capacity measure must be sufficiently clean to permit uniform wetting of its
internal surface. When clean, the walls will be uniformly wetted, and the water will adhere
to the interior surface forming a uniform film. Lack of obliging causes irregularities in
capacity by distorting the free water surface as well. If the calibration is done without
cleaning this should be stated in the calibration certificate.
The liquids usually used for cleaning are cleaning solutions (commercially available from
laboratory suppliers), alcohol and water. The choice of cleaning agent to be used depends
on the nature of the contaminant (do not use detergents which will attack, discolor or swell
the material of the surface on the measure). Always follow the instructions of the
manufacturer After cleaning with the cleaning solution, if applicable, the measure should
be rinsed with ethyl alcohol, then thoroughly rinsed with tap water and dried at room
It is not necessary to dry any measure to be calibrated to provide a volume “to deliver”.
A more complex formula for ÿ in ÿC , derived from the Tanaka equation of the water
density [9], can be used (2):
2 ÿ ÿ a 1ÿÿ ÿ ÿ
(ÿ + + ÿ + t a)1 ÿ
ÿ ÿ
horse 2 1
ÿ 2
horse ÿa +3 ÿ4ÿ + t a 1
)( ÿ
) ( ÿ + ta 2 ÿ
t - water temperature, in °C -
reference temperature value, in °C
ÿt = t ÿ t
= +0
a1 = ÿ3,983035 °C
a2 = 301.797 °C
a3 = 522528 .9 (°C)2
a4 = 69.34881 °C
Note: Both equations are provided for the sake of completeness and they have the same uncertainty
The material used should be documented and the coefficient of cubical thermal expansion should be
given on the design, identification plate and calibration certificates.
4.1 preparation
Select a reference standard of known volume at a specified reference temperature and a known
coefficient of cubical thermal expansion.
Perform an inspection and cleaning process on the standard capacity measure, note any defects
such as bumps or dents, leaking valves and leaking tubes.
Level the SCM and RS when empty either by attached or built-in levels or by placing a level
across the top of the open neck and check again when they are filled with water. In case of
a SCM with double scale (or window) on the neck, the front window has to be observed by
looking at it from the back window, and vice-versa. The leveling of the tank is adjusted so
that both scales must appear correct when viewed from alternate sides.
If the standard capacity measure is to be calibrated to “dry contained” (In type) volume, the
internal surfaces of the vessel must be completely dry.
For “wet contained” (Ex type) volume the internal surface must be wetted according to the
prewetting conditions and the corresponding delivery and dripping time defined for every
specific vessel. This prewetting of the SCM, beyond the establishment of the residual
volume, is also a very important priming step for the thermal equilibration of the measure
with the water temperature and the prevailing ambient conditions.
After the above mentioned “priming” of the equipment and 6 hours of equilibration time is
guaranteed the calibration can be started.
The volumetric method of calibration may be used in two different approaches: withdrawing
or filling.
g) Repeat the procedure as many times as required in order to obtain an estimate of the
repeatability. It should be noted that with a SCM larger than 100 L, 2-3 repeats should
be adequate while for SCM smaller than 100 L, 3 times minimum are recommended.
If the SCM is equipped by a correction device/scale and upon customer request, it is
possible to adjust the volume to obtain Vread =Vt , adjustment
that is V0SCM
the =VN . After
standard the be
calibrated again.
In case of adjustment of the SCM, the scale must be fixed with appropriated tools in order
to avoid possible changes.
The indication error E of the SCM will be the difference between the value of the volume
read on its scale Vread and Vt ,reference
where Vt measure
, (equation
at (13)) is thereference
the same volume delivered fromt the
(after the application of appropriate thermal corrections):
E =Vread ÿVt .
The estimated volume of the SCM V0SCM at the reference temperature t , at the nominal
value VN (assuming linearity of the scale) will be:
V0SCM =VN ÿ E .
a) Measure and record the ambient conditions (air temperature, humidity and barometric
b) Prime the receiving reference standard according to its type of use (“In” (dry or wet) or
'”Ex”) using the appropriate dripping time according to its calibration certificate where
necessary. c) Level and fill the standard capacity measure (SCM). Measure the water
temperature, adjust the meniscus and deliver the liquid into the reference standard (RS).
Keep the delivery or dripping time indicated on the SCM.
c) Measure and record the temperature of the water in the RS (the volume variability
caused by the water drops that remains in the sensor are considered in the uncertainty
budget as additional factors).
d) Determine the delivered volume at the reference line ( VN ) and the error ( E ) of the
SCM by removing or adding a known quantity of water ( ÿV ) until the volume
corresponds to the nominal volume mark ( Vt ) of the RS .
e) Repeat the procedure as many times as required obtaining an estimate of repeatability.
It should be noted that with big SCM 2-3 repeats should be adequate, while in smaller
or medium size SCM 3 times minimum are recommended.
f) In case of adjustment of the SCM, the scale must be fixed with appropriate tools in
order to avoid possible changes.
The indication error E of the SCM will be the difference between the value of the volume read
in its scale Vread =VN and Vt , wheremeasure
Vt , is theatvolume
the same
or captured
by the
t : reference
E =Vread ÿVt .
The estimated volume of the SCM at the reference temperature t , V0SCM , at the
nominal value VN (assuming linearity of the scale) will be:
V0SCM =VN ÿ E .
In the end of paragraph 4.2 an assumption is made about the linearity of the scale indications.
Provided the validity of this assumption, once the indication error at the nominal value is
determined, the volume corresponding to any other scale mark at reference temperature can
be calculated. However, this is not always true due to dimensional or constructural irregularities
of the neck of the SCM or due to other factors that may deform the almost perfect cylindrical
shape of the neck. When this is the case, the volume of the SCM at each major scale mark of
its scale has to be determined. This is a necessary additional calibration step especially in
cases where the SCM is used in the frame of legal metrology for inspection and verification of
eg fuel pumps where during the relevant test the level of the liquid transferred to the SCM is
never expected to correspond to one specific mark of the scale, but on the contrary is expected
to be anywhere between the frame of visual inspection of the scale.
The neck scale calibration is also necessary when it is desired to adjust the scale of a SCM in
order to correct for the indication error, E . This means that the scale of the SCM (upward or
downward depending on sign of the error E ) must move in order for the main indication to
correspond to the nominal volume of the SCM at reference temperature.
In order to do this, again, it is necessary to determine the volume of the SCM at each major
scale mark of its scale. This procedure is equivalent to the determination of the resolution of
the scale of the SCM expressed usually in mL per mm of scale length (mL/mm) or ml per
division (mL/div).
The usual procedure to perform a neck scale calibration is to start from the known major
indication mark established by either the filling or withdrawing method described in the previous
paragraphs. With the SCM filled with water up to that mark a known quantity of water is added
until one of the major scale marks above the major mark is reached.
Each one of the discrete volumes added have to be recorded. These discrete volumes can be
determined either gravimetrically or can be measured using volumetric instruments like
pipettes, burettes, flasks, etc. Their temperature should also be recorded for appropriate
thermal corrections if needed.
Then it is necessary to remove known quantities of water until each one of the major scale
marks below the known major mark is reached again. These discrete volumes can be
determined either gravimetrically or can be measured using volumetric instruments like
pipettes, burettes, flasks, etc. Their temperature should also be recorded for appropriate
thermal corrections.
Finally, the total length of the scale of the SCM between the two extreme scale marks at
the top and bottom of the scale is measured. Alternatively, the length between successive
major scale marks can be measured.
The results of the neck scale calibration can be plotted in a diagram like as shown in Figure
4, where on the y-axis is the measured volume and, on the x-axis, the corresponding scale
marks. In this diagram the x-axis data can easily be replaced by the length if the scale
length between successive marks is measured. The resolution of the scale of the SCM is
obtained by the slope of the regression line through the plotted points.
Even more simple, one could also measure the total volume between the two extreme
scale marks at the top and bottom of the scale and divide this volume with the total length
between the same points. This ratio is the average resolution of the neck scale. For a more
accurate estimation of the resolution, though, the slope of the regression line is preferable.
Vt = NV0 ÿ1ÿ ÿRS (t 0RS ÿtRS )+ÿ(t SCM ÿtRS )+ ÿSCM (t ÿt SCM )ÿ+ ÿV (3)
t RS t RSi _
= I one
where i tRS is the temperature of liquid in RS for each individual filling i out of N fillings.
Note: if a combination of more than one different standard is used for the calibration,
equation (3) can be expanded accordingly.
The approach for volume determination described in ISO 8222 [7] can also be used as an
alternative to equation (3).
In the case where more fillings are necessary to fill the SCM (using the same reference
standard), the water temperature of each fill is recorded, and the average temperature value
is used to determine the volume.
The thermometer used should have a resolution of at least 0.1 ºC.
6.1.6 Operator
The operator can directly influence the measurement in the meniscus reading, in the filling
and emptying procedure or in the handling of the equipment.
It should be noted that for steps g) to k) suitable computer programs exist which can replace manual
calculation. Step a) is the most important part in the whole GUM procedure.
It is relevant to point out that special conditions can arise where the GUM uncertainty framework might not
be the best approach to evaluate measurement uncertainty. This is particularly relevant when there is a
dominant source of uncertainty with a non-Gaussian distribution. In such cases the alternative methods
may provide a better approach, eg, GUM supplement 1 [12] or a Bayesian method [13].
= 0 ÿ1 ÿÿ ( t RSÿ
RS 0RS t ÿ) + ÿ(tÿSCM
+ÿ t +ÿRS ) +ÿSCM
+ÿ +ÿ (tt SCM
V Vmen )ÿ
Vrep vadd
When the input quantities of the measurand, ie the volume Vt , in equation (5), are identified it is then
possible to identify the sources of uncertainty coming from the different input quantities; these are:
• Reference standard, V0 ;
• Water temperature of the reference standard, t RS ;
• Water temperature of the standard capacity measure, t ;
• Coefficient of cubical thermal expansion of the reference standard material, RS ÿ ;
• Coefficient of cubical thermal expansion of the standard capacity measure material, ÿSCM ;
Measurement repeatability, ÿVrep ;
• Additional factors, Vadd ÿ .
Note: For this uncertainty calculation it is considered that all errors of the used equiment are previously
The uncertainty contribution for the calibration of the reference standard will be given by:
U 0)
cal 0( )
= cal (V (6)
( ) Ucal V0 is the expanded measurement uncertainty of the reference standard, in volume
units (the value is obtained from the last calibration certificate of the reference standard); k
is the coverage factor. If the uncertainty in the calibration certificate has been estimated
for a 95.45% confidence level, then k = 2.
Also, reference standards may drift between calibrations. This fact adds an additional
uncertainty contribution given by:
ÿ ( V)
udrift 0(V) = drift 0 (7)
where ÿdrift( V0
) is the difference for reference values between consecutive calibrations, in
In addition, in case the reference standard has a scale, the uncertainty of the scale interval
should also be added. This is not necessary if this uncertainty contribution has already ( )
been taken into account in the uncertainty estimation of the reference standard Ucal V0 .
The overall uncertainty for the reference standard would be given by equation (8):
2 2
+ (V0) =( ) u
terminal V0 drift ( )0 (8)
u (t RS ) = ( RS) ( )+ ( RS)
2 tsteal 2 ts
res+ RS drift ( ) RS
ÿt 2 ut + (9)
u cal
t RS ) - standard uncertainty of the thermometer in the reference standard, in ºC, -
t (RS(
u res ) resolution of the used thermometer, in ºC, - estimate of the uncertainty
u RS (
t drift
) caused by possible drift and aging of the temperature measuring system
after its calibration, in ºC, - estimate of the uncertainty of the average
u t ÿt ) RS water temperature caused by temperature differences (and temperature
gradients) that can be measured or estimated between bottom and top
of the instrument under calibration, in ºC.
Note: the maximum temperature difference between various parts of the measure can be
reduced if the water is effectively stirred with a rod (care has to be taken to ensure the rod
is at the same temperature as the water before use to avoid heat transfer). If this is not
possible, temperature can be measured in different, representative locations; having
defined trectangular
ax t as the
highest andnamely,
uncertainty oflowest uÿt
the mean (tRS ) = (tmax
temperature. ÿtmin
the )standard
12 is an deviation
upper limitoffor
Temperature gradients can occur in any direction within the measure. The personal
judgment of the operator could be a guide towards the direction of a realistic estimation of
this uncertainty depending on the prevailing environmental conditions (eg exposure to
sunlight, air streams, air conditioning outlets, etc).
The components are the same ones as in the case for the reference standard but applied
for the standard capacity measure.
If the same thermometer is used for measuring t and
RS t there
SCMis a strong correlation, which
is difficult to calculate. In order to avoid this problem, there is the possibility to redefine the
quantities to be measured and change the model. If = RS, equation (5) can SCM be expressed
as: ÿ
Vt NV 0 ÿ1 ÿÿ (t )ÿt ÿ +ÿ tÿ +SCMÿ (ÿt ÿ t +t +
ÿ + ÿ + ÿ VV
=rep ban add
= NV0 ÿ1 ÿ ÿ RSt0RS ( +SCM
ÿ+ t )ÿ ÿ ÿ SCM )ÿ(t+ÿ ÿ+ SCM )t
+ ÿ +VVVV
ÿ + ÿ +banÿ rep add
The uncertainty components for t RS will be the same as the ones in equation (9).
For ÿt the uncertainty contribution is given by
u (ÿt) lin - standard uncertainty due to the linearity of the thermometer between t RS
and t SCM , in
u (ÿt) ºC, - estimate of the uncertainty caused by the finite resolution of the
instrument, in ºC, - estimate of the uncertainty of the average water
ÿ ( t) t temperature caused by temperature differences and temperature gradients in
the standard capacity measure that can be measured or estimated between
bottom and top of the instrument under calibration, in ºC. Coefficient of cubical thermal expansion of the material of the reference standard and
standard capacity measure
The thermal expansion coefficients depend on knowledge of the actual material of the
standard and on the source of data which provides the user with an appropriate value.
Data from the literature or manufacturer should be used and this would be expected to
have a (standard) uncertainty between 5 % and 10 %. If the upper and lower limits of this
table values are known, the standard uncertainty can also be determined applying a
rectangular probability distribution at these limits.
The thermal expansion coefficients of the water can be determined with formula (1) or (2),
in these cases the standard uncertainty is 2×10-6 ºC-1 .
The uncertainty contribution for the added/removed volume will be given by:
( ÿ
UVstealÿ = )
uV( ) (13)
where U (ÿV ) is the expanded measurement uncertainty of the added or removed quantity
The variability of meniscus settings and scale readings made by a single operator depends
upon his/her individual expertise and experience. This reading directly influences the
experimental standard deviation; Therefore, only type B components of meniscus and scale
reading uncertainty should be estimated and compiled. These components are intended to
take into account the unavoidable bias (or average deviations of the positioning of meniscus
that is characteristic of a given operator in a given artefact) with reference to the ideal
position defined in [2] (“the meniscus shall be set so that the plane of the upper edge of the
graduation line is horizontally tangential to the lowest point of the meniscus, the line of sight
being in the same plane”). It is recommended that the estimate of this contribution to the
uncertainty separately declared in calibration certificates, in order to allow users (who are
responsible for evaluation of actual uncertainties occurring during the use of their own
instrument) to estimate and compose a supplementary contribution if they are unable to
approximate, the correct meniscus positioning within the same uncertainty limits.
Several approaches can be used to determine the uncertainty of the meniscus [3].
In the case where the transferred volume is adjusted by removing or adding a known
quantity of water until the volume corresponds to the nominal volume mark of the SCM the
sensitivity of the scale should be taken in to account (0.5 mm of the neck) , and therefore
the uncertainty of the resolution should be added to the uncertainty budget.
s (Vt)
u (ÿ
V rep) = (14)
( ) Vts
- standard deviation of a series of independent volume measurements, in L,
n - number of measurements.
Note: the value of volume that will be given as a result of n repeated measurements is the
arithmetic mean of the n results, therefore the type A uncertainty component is the standard
deviation of the mean, ( u ÿVrep asnumber ) of above.
defined However,n itand
measurements is recommended
their standard that the
( ) Vt s be quoted in calibration reports or certificates, because if the user is going
to make
averaged measurements, its type A uncertainty contribution will not be ( ) u ÿVrep , but the
standard ndeviation
knowing and ( ) Vtofsthe whole population of possible measurements, whose
can be best
There are some additional uncertainty factors that can contribute to the combined
Air bubbles in
the water 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 one 2 4 5 10 20
Loss by the
evaporation 0.03 0.014 0.25 0.51 1.3 2.6 5.2 10.4 13 26 52
Variation in
the amount of
0.24 0.45 0.55 0.68 1.7 3,4 6.8 13.6 17 34 68
liquid residue
t ) (18)
ÿÿ RS
t ) (19)
0 0SCM
ÿÿ SCM
Using the expressions presented in the section 6.3, the resultant combined standard
uncertainty of the measurement is:
2 2 2 2
ÿÿ V t ÿÿÿ Vt ÿÿÿ Vt ÿÿÿ Vt ÿ
ÿÿÿÿ u V0 ÿ ÿ ( )ÿut
ÿ+ ÿ ÿ ( )ÿ+ÿÿt ÿ ÿ ( SCM
lute ÿ ÿ ) + ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ u (ÿ RS ÿ )
V0 RS ÿ ÿ ÿ t RS SCM RS
2 2 2
ÿ ÿ Vt ÿÿÿ Vt ÿÿ()ÿ ÿ Vt (26)
( )t = + ÿ u( ÿ SCM ÿÿ ÿ) ) ÿ ÿ + ÿ ÿ ÿ uÿ ÿ + ÿ ÿ ÿ u (Vÿ ÿÿ ÿ ) ÿ
ÿ ÿÿ ( SCM V +ÿ
2 2 2
+ ÿu +Vÿu+Vÿ u)V
ban ( rep
( ) add
4 uV
ÿ = eff
4 uI (27)
I ÿ one
uV - combined uncertainty of the determined volume, - standard
ui uncertainty of each component, - degrees of freedom.
This allows the calculation of an appropriate coverage factor k for a given level of confidence, the most
usual is 95 %.
With the value of the coverage factor k and of the standard uncertainty of the measurand ( ) u Vt ,
the expanded uncertainty is combined:
( )t= ku
UV ( ) Vt (28)
Table 3. Summary of data for volumetric calibration of a 2000 L proving tank (average
After analyzing the measurement problem and determining the indication error of the SCM
based on Vt , itthe
is sensitivity
necessary coefficients,
to determinethe
standard uncertainty,
uncertainty of
input of
and corresponding k factor and finally the expanded uncertainty. The pertinent aspects of
this example as discussed in this and the followings subclauses are summarised in Table 4.
The expanded uncertainty for the calibration of the reference standard is Ucal(V0 ) = 0.19 L.
This RS was used 4 times ( N = 4 ). Considering that the reference standard used does not
have any drift between consecutive calibrations the overall uncertainty for the reference
standard is:
2 2
u (V)0 = ÿ UV ÿ( )ÿ0ÿ ÿ uV
+( )
ÿ ÿÿ0.19
ÿ2 ÿÿ 2
= 0 9,5 10 L + = ÿ
drift 0
k ÿ
2 2 2
3 ÿ
+ + + =0 6.46 10 Cÿ
2 ÿÿ 23 ÿÿ 12
u t( = 2
cal ) + u SCM(
t res + u t2 ( ) + oud ( 2
SCM ) ) drift SCM ÿ SCM t
2 2 2 2
= 0.01 0.01
ÿ ÿ0.03
ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ 0.01
ÿÿÿÿ = 1.08 10C 2 ÿ
+ + +
2 ÿÿ23 12 ÿ ÿ 12
7.2.4 Coefficient of cubical thermal expansion of the material of the reference standard and
standard capacity measure
The thermal expansion coefficient of the reference standard and of the standard capacity
measure is given by Table 1 as ÿ = 51.8×10-6 ºC-1 with, lack
a standard
of a more
of statement,
5 %; in the a
rectangular probability distribution is assumed.
The relevant standard uncertainty is therefore:
u ÿ ( RS ) = u (ÿ SCM ) =ÿ 2.59 10ÿ ºC-1
u ÿ () 2 10ÿ = ÿ ºC-1
( )
= =ÿ 1.4 10L
k 2
0.0249 = 2
) =
(ÿ ) rep ÿ
In this practical application the calibration of the 2000 L tank was repeated 3 times, therefore
n = 3.
ÿ Vt
N t ÿ1
=ÿÿ t ) ÿ +ÿ(tÿ
RS ( 0RS
RS + ÿ tRS ) SCM (tt SCM ) ÿ=4
ÿ V0
0 RSÿ
= NV0
ÿ t SCM
t 1 10 LC =ÿ
0 0SCM
) = ÿ 1 10 LC
ÿÿ Vban
ÿÿ V
ÿ Vt
= one
ÿÿ Vadd
2 2 2
ÿ ÿ Vt ÿÿ Vt ÿ ÿ ( ) ÿ Vt ÿ
( )t = +
uV ÿ
u (ÿ SCM ÿ ) + ÿÿ)
u ÿÿÿ + uV
( +ÿÿÿÿ ) =ÿ 41 10L
ÿÿÿ SCM ÿ
ÿÿ ÿÿ V ÿÿ
2 2 2
u V(ÿu Vbanu )V++ + ÿ rep
(ÿ add )
4 uV
ÿ = eff
N 4
= 65
ui _
I one
( t) = ÿ ( ) 2 0.41 0.82 L
UV ku V t
expansion of the
RS material
Coefficient of
cubical thermal
u (ÿSCM ) 2.59×10-6 ºC-1 -1×103 LÿC 2.59×10-3 ÿ
expansion of the
SCM material
Coefficient of
cubical thermal
u(ÿ) 2×10-6 ºC-1 1×102 LÿC 2.00×10-4 ÿ
expansion of the
Quantity of water
u(ÿV ) added or 1.4×10-4 L one
1.40×10-4 50
()u () Meniscus reading
1.44×10-2 L one
1.44×10-2 ÿ
of the SCM
u ÿVrep
Vadd ÿ u( ) Measurements
2.89×10-2 L one
2.89×10-2 2
Additional factors 1.4×10-1 L one
1.40×10-1 ÿ
u Vc( 4.1
20 10 L ÿ
) (V20
ÿeff =) 65,
( )=2k
8.2 10= ÿL ÿ
[1] OIML R 120:2010 – Standard capacity measures for testing measuring systems for
liquids other than water
[2] ISO 4787:2010 - Laboratory glassware - Volumetric glassware - Methods for use and testing of capacity
[11] API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards
[12] JCGM 2008 JCGM 101:2008 Evaluation of Measurement Data – Supplement 1 to the
“Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement” – Propagation of Distributions
Using a Monte Carlo Method (Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology)
[13] Sousa, JA, Batista, E., Pellegrino, O., Ribeiro, AS, Martins, LL, Method selection to evaluate measurement
uncertainty in microflow applications 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1379 012033