V. A. Kotel'nikov, "On The Transmission Capacity of The "Ether" and Wire in Electrocommunications", Izd. Red. Upr. Svyazi RKKA, Moscow, 1933
V. A. Kotel'nikov, "On The Transmission Capacity of The "Ether" and Wire in Electrocommunications", Izd. Red. Upr. Svyazi RKKA, Moscow, 1933
V. A. Kotel'nikov, "On The Transmission Capacity of The "Ether" and Wire in Electrocommunications", Izd. Red. Upr. Svyazi RKKA, Moscow, 1933
F(t) = f Dk Sinwl (t
t -211
~ ik) (1)
Proof: Any function F(t), which satisfies the Dirichlet conditions (a finite
number of maxima, a finite number of minima and a finite number of discontinuity
points within every finite interval) and is integrable from -00 to 00 (which is
always fulfilled in electrical engineering) ,2 is representable by the Fourier integral 3
00 00
ing way:
F(t)= a l W1
C(w)Coswtdw+ a S(w)Sinwtdw (4)
As any other function, the functions C (w) and S (w) are representable by Fourier
series on the interval 0 < w < Wl. Moreover, these series may be taken to consist of
2In what follows we consider only functions satisfying the Dirichlet conditions.
3See for example Smirnov, Course of Higher Mathematics, vol. II , 1931, p.427.
30 v. A. Kotel'nikov
Figure 2.1
cosines only (or of sines only, as an option), by considering the periodic extension
to an interval of length 2WI. 4 Thus
S(W) = fBk Sin ~kw. (5b)
o 2WI
} (6)
C(w) = LDkCos~kw
S(w) = LDkSin~kw
Now, substituting the expressions (7) into the formula (4), we obtain the equation
(1) after some transforms (See Appendix 1) and prove the first statement of
Theorem I.
To prove the second statement of the theorem, we consider the special case of
F(t), in which the frequency spectrum is supported within the limits between 0
and h and is expressed by the equalities (7), in which all Dk, except one, are
equal to zero. It is clear that such F(t) consists of only one term of the series (1).
Thus, the converse assertion is true: if F(t) consists of one arbitrary term of the
series (1), then its frequency spectrum is contained within the limits between 0
and h. Therefore any sum composed of terms of the series (1), and hence the
sum of the series itself, consists of the frequencies, which are contained within
the limits between 0 and h. D
All terms of the series (1) are of the same form and differ only in the
factors Dk and in time. One of the terms, corresponding to the index k, is
plotted in Figure 2.1. It reaches the maximum at t = 2}" and its amplitude
decreases progressively on both sides.
Theorem II. Any function F(t), which consists of the frequencies between 0
and h, may be transmitted continuously with any accuracy by means of numbers
which follow one another at intervals of 2}, seconds.
= DnWl. (8)
All terms of the series (1) vanish for this value of t, except the term with k = n,
which equals DnWl. Thus, after each 2}, second we can determine the next Dk.
Transmitting these Dk in turn after each 2}, second, we may, according to the
equality (1), recover F(t) from them term by term with any accuracy. D
Figure 2.2
C(w) = -
271 +T
Sinwi (t - 2~1) Coswtdt
7r k
211- T t -2h
S(w) = -
/27 1
Sinwi (t - 2~
k 1
7r k
2h -
T t -2h
After the integration (see Appendix II) we obtain:
I?f Sin w ik
S(w) = lSi T (w + WI) - Si T (w - wd]
This function is tabulated, its values may found in tables 5 It is plotted in Fig-
ure 2.2. As it is seen from the figure, Si x tends to ~ as x -+ 00. Let us consider
the value of the square parentheses in expression (11). In Figure 2.3a this is plot-
ted for T = 2~1' in Figure 2.3b for T = 2~1' in Figure 2.3c for T = 22~, and in
Figure 2.3d for T = 00. As it is evident from these plots, the value within square
parentheses tends to the limit depicted in Figure 2.3d as T increases, i.e.
for w > WI [ ] = 0
5See, for example, E. Jahnke und F. Emde "Funktionentafeln mit Formeln. und Kur-
Chapter 2. On the Transmission Capacity of the "Ether" 33
T- 3
- 2/
T- 6
- 2/
T- 24
- 2/
W @
J w
Figure 2.3
34 V. A. Kotel'nikov
This is also evident directly from the expression (11), since with the increase of
T the scale of W is as if increasing and Si becomes rapidly damped. Thus the
resulting sum of Fk(t) has arbitrary small amplitudes on the frequencies larger
than f > h, for T big enough. From the received function F(t) it is easy to
recover the transmitted values Dk. Since all terms except one, with k = n, vanish
at t = {k, and the term with k = n equals Dnw, then
Thus, measuring the value of our function at t = 2~1 ' we are able to obtain the
value of a new Dk after each 2} second. In one second we receive N = 2h
~m~rn. 1 D
Theorem IV. Any function which consist of frequencies between hand 12,
may be represented in the form
and FI (t), F2 (t) are functions which consist of the frequencies from 0 to f =
Conversely, if in the equality (13) FI (t) and F2(t) are any functions, which consist
of the frequencies between 0 and f = ¥, then f(t) consists of frequencies
between hand 12.
Proof: If F(t) consists only of frequencies between hand 12, then C(w) and
S (w) for this function may be represented as
we obtain:
S(W)=C(W)=O} (14b)
for W > W2 or W < Wl .
Substituting the equalities (14) into the equality (2), we obtain after integration
and some transformations (see Appendix III):
C Wl +W2
os 2 t +
S · Wl + W2 t (15)
m 2 '
or, denoting
36 V. A. Kate} 'nikav
and taking into account that, according to Theorem I, H (t) and F2(t) must
consist of frequencies from 0 to f = h; 12, we may consider the first part of
Theorem IV as proved.
Since, according to Theorem I, it is possible to represent any function consisting
offrequencies from 0 to 12; h , by the series (16) and (17), and since no conditions
are posed on the coefficients D k , which appear in these series, the second part of
Theorem IV holds as well. D
2(12 - fI)
F (-k)
- -F (k)
h+h -
-- (18)
since at this value of t cosine equals 1 and sine equals O. At t = f~:t we obtain
for analogous reasons. Thus, after each h ~ 12 seconds, we may determine the
values FI (t) and F2 (t) one by one. From these values we may recover the functions
FI (t) and F2 (t) themselves, because according to Theorem II from the numbers
which follow so frequently one may recover functions which consist of frequencies
from 0 to f = 12 ~ h , whereas the functions FI (t) and F2 (t) consist of frequencies
between 0 and f = 12; h only.
According to Theorem II, each of the two functions FI(t) and F2(t) may be
transmitted by means of numbers which follow one another at intervals of 12~h
seconds, and these two functions simultaneously may be transmitted by means of
numbers which follow one other at intervals 2(12~h) seconds. From these numbers
we recover first FI(t) and F2(t). Further, according to the formula (13), we may
recover the function F(t) itself from them. D
Theorem VI. If
N = 2(12 - h), (19)
Chapter 2. On the Transmission Capacity of the "Ether" 37
Knowing only M numbers mi ... mM and of course the functions i.f!1 . . . i.f!M'
we have to recover the numbers ni ... nN from them.
However, this is equivalent to solving M equations (21) with N variables. And
it is impossible to do this if the number of the equations is less than the number
of the variables, i.e. if the inequality (20) holds. D
38 V. A. Kotel'nikov
M M'
N +2 L I::.fk > N ' +2 L I::.f£· (23)
The first part of this theorem is proved on the basis of Theorem V and
Theorem VI.
Indeed, according to Theorem V, we may transmit our N numbers per
second and M curves by means of P numbers per second, if
p= N +2 Lb./k (24)
pi = N ' +2 L b.f~. (25)
P> P'.
Thus the assumption that the second part of Theorem VII is false leads us
to a result which contradicts the lemma.
Figure 2.4
one can act as follows. We want, say, to transmit with the speed of N
elements per second elements which can take the values 0 or 1 and to
use frequency range of !f only (instead of If, as in Theorem VII). For
this purpose we transmit two such elements by means of one element (or
number), for example, according to the following table, where the values of
the first element are given in the first column, the value of the second one
- in the second column, and the value of the element by means of which
we want to transmit them - in the third column.
o o o
1 o 1
1 1 2
o 1 3
Appendix I
Substituting the expression (7) into the equality (4), we obtain
F(t) = l o
Wl 00
LDkCos~kw . Coswtdw +
Wl 00
L Dk Sin ~ kw . Sinwtdw =
o -00
' (cos ~ kw . Cos wt + Sin ~ kw . Sin wt) dw
00 Sin WI (t - 2~J
LDk k'
-00 t--
Chapter 2. On the Transmission Capacity of the "Ether" 43
Appendix II
Let us substitute
t = u + -I' dt = du,
2 I
1 !2~1 +T
C(w) = - Dk Cos wt dt
7f -A..-T
C(w) = -1 jT Dk Sin WI u Cos W
( U + -I
k ) d
7f -T U 2 I
= -
1 jT Dk Sin WI u . Cos wu C k d
os w -I U +
7f -T U 2 I
+ -
1 jT Dk Sin WI U. Sin wu S.
7f -T U 2 I
The function under the second integral is even. Because of this the second
integral vanishes. The function under the first integral does not changed
by replacing u with -u. Because of this we may take this integral between
o and T, multiplying it by two. Hence,
C(w) = 2Dk cos~ (Sin WIU Coswu du,
7f 2h 10 u
we obtain:
Dk k
C(w) = - Cos-
[l(W+Wd T -
Sin Y
- dy -
l(W-Wd T -
Sin YI 1
- dYI .
7f 2h 0 Y 0 YI
Appendix III
Substituting the equalities (14) into the equality (2), we obtain
+ l
L Dk
Sin 7r
W2 - Wl
(w - wd Sinwt dw.
C(w) = S(w) = 0
Replacing the difference of the sines with the product and simplifying, we
Cos ( '" : W, t_H Sin [ W2 ::' (t - ~ J,) ) 1
k 2(j,
Or, regrouping the terms with the even and with the odd k together, we
obtain the equality (15).
Chapter 2. On the Transmission Capacity of the "Ether" 45
1. In view of the "crowding of the ether" which is seen already by now
and in connection with the rapid growth of the radio engineering, es-
pecially in connection with the development of the short wave broad-
casting and of the telecasting, the research institutes must be con-
fronted with the acute problem of searching for methods of increasing
the channel capacity of the ether.
The problem of increasing the channel capacity of the wire is of great
economic importance as well. Because of this, this problem should be
also studied.
3. For the telegraph transmission and for the transmission of the im-
ages without the semi-tones or with a limited number of them, the
channel capacity may be increased without limits, at least theoret-
ically. However, such an increase involves a huge power increase as
well as a considerably more complicated equipment. Such a decrease
of the bandwidth may be applied in the wire communications in the
immediate future. This problem should be worked upon.
4. For first class programs (the telephone transmission and the semi-tone
video transmission) all efforts should be directed towards the elabo-
ration of methods of the single side band receiving and of the single
side band transmission as the methods allow a maximal exploitation
of the ether and of the wire.