BSBWHS521 AssessmentTask2Project2Student

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Ensure a safe workplace for

a work area
Learner Assessment
Assessment Task 2 – Project #2

Assessment 2 – Student Info – BSBWHS521

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Assessment 2 – Student Info – BSBWHS521
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Student Details and Declaration
Student Name Student ID Number

Unit Start Date Unit End Date

Assessment Due Date Date Submitted

Context and Conditions of Assessment – Information for Students

This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and
knowledge evidence required and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit
assessment task.
 Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
 This is an open book written and practical demonstration assessmentand will be
conducted at the Institute’s Campus – 355 Spencer Street West Melbourne.
 Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide feedback /
 You must answer ALL the questions correctly in the assessment tasks in your own words and
own handwriting.
 Timeframe for this assessment task is 3 hours.
 Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task.
 Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the
assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
 Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be deemed C
– Competent in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not satisfactorily complete
all the assessment tasks you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet Competent.
Assessment Appeal – Information for Students

 Students have access to an assessment appeals process to challenge the outcome within 20
working days of the assessment decision being made.
 The appeal is required to be submitted in writing with relevant evidence documentation
 The Institute will respond within 3 working days of the receipt of appeal to confirm it has been
 The Institute will review the appeal and inform student of the outcome within 10 working days
of the receipt of appeal.
 The outcome will outline information on student’s next steps including process for further
appeal process.

Reasonable Adjustments – Information for Students

 Reasonable adjustment refers to adjustments made for students with a disability, condition or
special learning need.
 Students can make a request for reasonable adjustment during their enrolment.
 Each case is considered individually and the all relevant circumstances are considered in

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making the decision
 The Institute reserves the right, after the review of the needs of the student with a disability, to
not provide services that would impose unjustifiable hardship upon the Institute or the
activities provided during the course of operations.
 The range of reasonable adjustments made may include (but not limited to):
• the use or loan of adaptive/assistive technology or equipment for use by people with a
disability or illness to enable them to undertake their training/assessment in a fair and
equitable manner (e.g. seating, personal computer access)
• alternative methods of assessment (e.g. verbal assessment, practical demonstration)
• individual conditions of assessment (e.g. seating arrangements, additional 10 minutes per
hour, toilet/rest/exercise breaks, bite sized food/drink)
• accessible learning formats (e.g. large print materials, coloured exam paper)
• provision of a scribe
• referral to additional services.

Re-Assessment Process and Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating – Information for Students

Re-Assessment Process
 If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the
evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the
assessment decision so that they can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
 Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given guidance on steps to
take to improve your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit evidence to
demonstrate competence. The assessor will determine and discuss the reasons for NS – Not
Satisfactory on any of the criteria and will assess you through a different method of
assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercises.
 You will be notified within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment of your result in
achieving competency
o If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to
why they did not complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate
must be produced and apply for Special Consideration in accordance to MITP91
Special Consideration Policy and Procedure.
o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for reassessment within 5
working days with no reassessment fee charged.
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with
information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students
will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task and relevant
reassessment fees will apply for the unit.
o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment, then the student is required to
reenrol for the entire unit of competency and relevant reenrolment fees will apply for
the unit.

Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating

Plagiarism means: taking someone’s words, ideas, work or other materials and present them as your

Collusion means: understanding or agreement between two or more people to intentionally cooperate
and gain an unfair advantage in assessment.

Cheating means: seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in an examination or assessment.

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If a student is found to be cheating, plagiarising or colluding during their assessment, the student will
immediately be deemed NS for the assessment task. The student will have to follow the reassessment
process and relevant reassessment fees will apply for the unit.
o If the student is found to be plagiarising, cheating or colluding again after the initial
instance, the student will be deemed NYC for the entire unit of competency. The
student will be required to reenrol for the entire unit of competency and relevant
reenrolment fees will apply for the unit.
o Any further instances of plagiarism, cheating or collusion will result in the suspension
or cancellation of the student’s enrolment
o The Institute has intervention strategies, including student support services available
to enable students to complete qualification in the expected time frame. Students at
risk of not completing within this time frame are identified as early as possible and an
intervention strategy is put in place. All students are encouraged to speak to the
trainer/assessor and/or Student Services Coordinator in regards to any issues about
their course.

The Institute will ensure access to:

 A safe environment that meets the training package requirements and conditions of
assessments by having adequate access to:
o relevant workplace documentation and resources
o case studies
o interaction with other students for discussions

Evidence to be submitted by the student: -

 Completed written responses to all questions in the assessment task and completion of all
There is a performance and observation checklist for the tasks provided.

Assessment Decision Making Rules

Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task:
 Completed written responses to all questions in the assessment task and completion of all
Your assessor may seek additional information or clarification from you of questions that you may not
have answered fully. There is a performance and observation checklist for the tasks provided.

Student to complete the below prior to commencing assessment

The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No

I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes / No

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I am aware of appeals process of an assessment decision (outlined in this Yes / No
document under Assessment Appeal)

I am aware of the consequences for plagiarism, cheating or collusion (outlined Yes / No

in this document under Re-Assessment Conditions and Plagiarism, Collusion
and Cheating)

I am aware of the reassessment processes if deemed not yet satisfactory for Yes / No
this assessment task or not yet competent for the entire unit of competency
(outlined in this document under Re-Assessment Process and Plagiarism,
Collusion and Cheating)

I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable

adjustments I require in order to undertake this assessment with the Student
Yes / No
Services Coordinator and Trainer / Assessor, (if applicable) (outlined in this
document under Reasonable Adjustments)

I have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Student Declaration: - I declare that I was adequately informed of the assessment process
prior to commencing this assessment task. I understand that if I disagree with the
assessment outcome, I understand the appeals process available.

Student Name

Student Signature


Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have adequately explained the above prior to
commencing assessment and provided clarifications to students as required.

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


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Assessment Task 2 – Project #2

Instructions for Students

 For this task, you will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to establish and
maintain effective and compliant participation arrangements for managing WHS. You will also
demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain procedures for
effectively identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks.

 Using the WHS policy and planning you developed in Assessment Task 1, you will undertake
consultation and manage WHS risk. You will develop or source and adapt risk management
and recordkeeping procedures, participate in two consultation role-plays or provide detailed
consultation meeting notes, follow risk management procedures, and plan follow-up
activities for ongoing risk management. You will also need to identify sources of expert
advice and seek input.

 You must assess the performance as per the performance criteria and checklist provided.
 Your assessor will assess your work according to the given performance criteria/
performance checklist.
 You may attach a separate sheet if required.
 You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the attached
o Student ID or Student Name
o Unit ID or Unit Code
o Course ID or Course Code
o Trainer and assessor name
o Page numbers
 You must staple the loose sheets together along with the cover page.
 You must attach the loose sheets chronologically as per the page numbers.
 Correction fluid and tape are not permitted. Please do any corrections by striking through the
incorrect words with one or two lines and rewriting the correct words.

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Please read carefully of the background of the simulated company
This task is a continuation from Assessment Task 1 and referring to the same simulated business case
scenario and appendices from Assessment Task 1.

Your Task to be completed – Part A

Part A
1. Review the following scenario:

You are a WHS consultant. You have been contracted by Australian Hardware to design and
implement a WHS management system (WHSMS) for the organisation. You have decided to
pilot your program in the Wollongong Store.

You will need to develop WHS risk management policy and procedures, and plan and
implement risk management in consultation with workers and their representatives.

1. Review the Australian Hardware simulated business information in the Appendices of the
previous Assessment Task. You can also review the Australia Hardware Employee Handbook in
C.1 Supplementary material (separate file)
Yes, I have looked over the simulated business information provided by Australian Hardware.
2. Develop a policy and procedure/s for WHS risk management. Ensure your policy and
a. define the organisation’s approach to WHS risk management and commitment to legal
Australian Hardware has a Lost Time to Injury Frequency Rate of 13.9, but the current industry
average is 10.1 in the same sector.
Need of WHMHS:
Compliance with the law in different jurisdictions
Reduce the frequency of missed time due to injury to a level lower than the national average, which
currently stands at 10% of total time lost.

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Ensure that the proposed workplace health and safety management system is connected with all
existing Australian Hardware management systems as well as operations and company culture.
b. refer to relevant legislation, codes of practice, etc.
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NAT)
Work Health and Safety (How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks) Code of Practice 2015
Work Health and Safety (Confined Spaces) Code of Practice 2015
Work Health and Safety (Abrasive Blasting) Code of Practice 2015
Work Health and Safety (Construction Work) Code of Practice 2015
Work Health and Safety (First Aid in the Workplace) Code of Practice 2015
Work Health and Safety (Excavation Work) Code of Practice 2015
Work Health and Safety (Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces) Code of Practice 2015
Work Health and Safety (Safe Design of Structures) Code of Practice 2015
Work Health and Safety (Spray Painting and Powder Coating) Code of Practice 2015
Work Health and Safety (Preventing Falls in Housing Construction) Code of Practice 2015
c. include procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risk
d. include reference to, and procedures for using, hierarchy of control
This is the initial step in the risk assessment process. This section requires that the employee is
knowledgeable with the many types of hazards, as well as with record-keeping systems and
instruments like as auditing and job safety analysis.
The most prevalent types of dangers include physical, psychological, mechanical, chemical, energy
sources, and environmental, each of which is further subdivided into subtypes. The table at the
conclusion of the response to the question contains examples of Australian Hazards.
Safety audits are conducted to ensure that the organisation is adhering to legal requirements such as
WHS Legislation. Its objective is to detect workplace hazards and then estimate the amount of risk
posed by the hazard. Numerous techniques and instruments are available for monitoring workplace
activities for potential risks and hazards. To keep track of occupational hazards, checklists and risk
registers are frequently employed. Similarly, incident reports track occupational dangers and
instances involving serious injury requiring hospitalisation, which must be reported to the
appropriate WorkCover body or regulator, strictly adhering with WHS legislation.

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Job Safety Analysis is a technique for identifying solutions to dangers by identifying the job activity,
equipment, materials, and personal protective equipment that were employed, as well as whether
maintenance checks were required.
This is a reference to the chance of the hazards occurring. This is simply graded on a scale of 1 to 5 (1
being extremely rare, indicating that the event occurs infrequently). While 5 is the most common and
predicted event). The table below illustrates this point precisely.

Frequency Description Detail

1 Rare The occurrence is possible only in extreme situations.

2 Unlikely At some point, the event may occur.

3 Moderate At some point, the event must occur.

4 Likely The occurrence will almost certainly occur in the

majority of circumstances.

5 Almost certain The event is likely to occur in the majority of cases.

This is a reference to the probable consequences of hazards. Similarly to frequency, severity is
likewise graded on a 1 to 5 scale (1 being insignificant and 5 being catastrophic). The figure below
elaborates on and explains severity in further detail.
Risk matrix:
The level of risk is calculated by multiplying the frequency by the severity. Additionally, the diagram
below can be used to perform calculations.
After determining the risk score using the risk matrix, the very next step is to evaluate risk, and the
diagram assists in determining the risk level from lowest to highest.
The final step in risk assessment is to employ the hierarchy of controls to eliminate the potential risk.
Control Engineering.
Control Administrative.

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Preference is given to PPE in order of elimination. This is because elimination is regarded as a
Following that, the next best option is substitution.
Review of improvements:
 Employees are being trained.
 Labels and signs should be used.
 Maintain order and cleanliness in the workplace.
 Using the appropriate tools and equipment
 Inspection on a regular basis.
Seek WHS Advice:
Advice can be obtained from a variety of sources, including organisations and individuals. The
following is a partial list, which does not include but is not limited to:
 Organizations such as labour unions and national and state regulatory bodies.
 Legal Advisory Services.
 Trainers and assessors for the workplace.
e. Refer to and assist the organisation to comply with consultation requirements under the
WHS Act.
WHS Act:
Sections 46–49 of the Act require duty holders and PCBUs to guarantee that WHS activities occur
inside their organisations. It also encompasses the duty holder's and PCBU's obligation to employees
by educating them on detecting and analysing hazards and then implementing controls to mitigate
the possible risks posed by hazards. Additionally, the employer is responsible for informing
employees about WHS and ensuring that employees perform work-related tasks in a safe & healthy
setting. The WHS Act is composed of three components:
A workgroup is a collection of shift employees (for example, co-workers in the very same department
or branch). The workgroup wants to pick a representative for health and safety (HSR).
HSRs are elected by workgroups to represent employees' WHS interests and to help with either
health or safety matters. HSR shall be provided with the resources, facilities, and help necessary to
carry out their responsibilities. Their duty demands rigorous adherence to monitor the employer's or
employees' compliance with applicable legislation, to inquire about potential hazards with
designated workgroups, and to attempt resolution of health and safety issues.
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HSR have the authority to suspend work if they consider there is a risk to a worker's health and
safety, and to issue a provisional improvement notice (PIN) if they think there has been a breach of
WHS regulations. HSRs are eligible to compensated time off for training (as required by the WHS
The WHS Act requires employers to create a health and safety committee (HSC) within 2 months of
being requested to do so by a HSR, five or more employees, or pursuant to the regulations. A health
and safety committee must have at least half of its members be employees, and must meet at least
every three months. They are founded to assist employers and employees in cooperating by
implementing health and safety measures and implementing and disseminating WHS standards,
rules, and procedures to employees.
Note: Policies/procedures may be sourced and adapted, rather than written from scratch.

3. Develop recordkeeping policy and procedure/s:

a. Include templates and procedures for collecting information on hazards, incidents and
actions taken, such as incident reports and risk registers.
Note: Policies, procedures, templates may be sourced and adapted, rather than written from

Risk collection and management:

Types Source Person Likelih Severi Risk Date Person Proposed action Required
affected ood ty level responsib and solution resources

Imprope Employe Employe 5 3 20 25/11/ HSR Training Training room

r es es 21

Forklift Employe Employe 3 4 12 25/11/ General Substitute Purchase of the

malfunc es es 21 manager new forklift
tion operation

Aggressi Employe Employe 5 4 20 25/11/ Store Policy Signs about the

on of es es 21 manager policy

Malfunc Employe Custom 3 5 15 25/11/ Electrical Rectify the Notice signs

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tion of es er, 21 and problem after
circuit employe plumbing the operating
es official hours

Chemica Employe Employe 3 4 12 25/11/ General Control Label tags

l es es 21 manager
mislabel operation

N Date Descripti Likelihoo Severit Impa Person Mitigatio Contingen Progress status
o on of risk d y ct responsib n cy

1 25/11/2 There is a Certain Major High HSR All If the risk Mitigatio Open
1 possibility personnel (back pain n action
that will as well as implemen
lower receive limb ted dated
lumbar the disorder) 25/11/21
pain and appropria does
upper te manual arise, it is
limb handling necessary
problem training. to
will document
develop. the
using an
form and
to check
that the

2 25/11/2 There is a Likely Major High Operation Ascertain If the Mitigatio closed
1 possibility s manager that the operation n action
that forklift is delayed implemen
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forklift has as a ted dated
malfuncti already result, a 26/11/21
ons will been new
cause examined electric
work to and forklift
cease, serviced would be
therefore on a purchased
delaying regular that is
the basis. regarded
store's safer and
operation requires
. very little

3 25/11/2 There Certain Major High Store Employ a If a Mitigatio Open

1 seems to manager confidenti worker's n action
be a al mental implemen
chance employee health is ted dated
that support harmed as 26/11/21
employee program a result of
s' mental me that an
health includes occurrenc
will be counsellin e, they
jeopardis g. may be
ed by granted
exceeding work
the leave for a
boundarie justifiable
s of reason.
or by
ng their

4 25/11/2 Likely Major High The Store Labelling Mitigatio Closed

1 danger of manager chemicals n action
mishandli properly implemen
ng and ted dated
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chemicals emphasisi 26/11/21
might ng their
result in safe usage
catastrop and
hic caution,
injuries to as well as
employee prominent
s, such as ly
chemical displaying
burns. first aid
kits at

4 25/11/2 A power Unlikely Catastr High electrical Guarante If damage Mitigatio Closed
1 outage or ophic and e that the happens n action
other plumbing circuit is as a result implemen
electrical manager inspected of an ted dated
issue and electrical 26/11/21
could checked problem
damage on a and
the store regular employee
and put basis, and s are hurt,
the safety that check that
as well as warning an
well- signs and emergenc
being of notices y helpline
the are put in is
personnel place contacted
at where and also
jeopardy. they are that
needed to insurance
avoid any will pay
accidents. the

Your Task to be completed – Part B

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Part B
1. Arrange with your assessor to meet with the Wollongong work group health (or an
alternative real workplace group) and safety representative (HSR). Prepare to collect
information on worker concerns and effectiveness of existing controls for risk.
Concerns regarding job dangers are addressed by a worker:
 Heavy lifting is required, and there are no available substitutes.
 Petrol-powered forklift.
 Electrical cords are left dangling in the section where administrative staff works.
 There is no information on storing, chemical handling, or MSDS.
 The warehouse, loading bay, and pickup sections are experiencing congestion.
Consultation issues include the following:
 The workers are unaware of the WHSMS's mission and objectives.
 Additionally, it encompasses the duty and procedures for the WHSMS.
 Workers simply assume that WHS is a system problem.
 The employees are unaware of how the consultation process operates.
 Workers are averse to including themselves in WHS processes.
2. In a role-play or the submission of detailed meeting notes, meet with the Wollongong HSR.
Script that minimised the Consultant's and HSR's discussion of the issues
3. Identify and seek expert advice for some aspect of planning or implementation of WHS risk
management or WHS legislation. For example:
a. determine safe storage of petrol, turpentine, poisons, paints, etc.
b. determine systems for safely directing traffic in warehouse areas.
Note: You may choose to contact your WorkCover authority for advice, for example, on
implementing aspects of the WHS Act.

Solutions to workers' worries about dangers include:

 Implementing administrative controls such as offering advice on lifting goods cautiously and
minimising load weight where possible.

 Substitution of an electric forklift for a petrol forklift results in increased performance &
eliminates exposure to exhaust pollutants.

 To make it safer, the electrical supervisor will employ engineering control in conjunction with a
cable management kit.

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 Distribute and ensure that a copy of information on storing, chemical handling, and MSDS is
available and visible throughout every store and section of the shop through administrative

 By installing a speed hump in a strategic position to redirect traffic, engineering control can be
used to alleviate the traffic issue.

Advice for resolving consultation issues:

 Announce a mandatory WHS workshop to discuss the organization's aims.

 Stipulate who is responsible for what and how the WHS process operates.

 Post displays about WHS and the shared duty of everyone involved in the store, including
management, staff, and visitors.

 Create an easily-understandable consultation procedure, with all employees expected to

cooperate with the HSR and HSC.

 Issue a note and email to all employees reminding them to adhere to the WHS protocol, since
failure to do so would constitute a violation of the legalisation.

2. Arrange with your assessor to meet with the Wollongong Store Manager. Prepare to discuss
worker concerns and possible actions to take.
3. In a role-play, meet with the Wollongong Store Manager. During the meeting, you will explain
and use your procedures to assess and record actions taken to control WHS risks. Discuss the
expert advice you researched or received.
Script for the consultation between the consultant and the store manager to find solutions
4. Develop a plan to implement appropriate measures to control risk. Include:
a. timelines, resources and actions
b. any new procedures to be developed
c. changes to procedures
d. further communication and consultation:
plan at least one meeting in detail to inform affected workers of changes and include
strategies to provide access to information and ease of understanding

e. ongoing, regular monitoring (plan for at least three monitoring activities, e.g. scheduled
f. recordkeeping or reporting actions to assist in compliance and organisational WHS
performance review.
Implementation plan:

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Identi Date Source Likeli Sev Ri Respo Propose Resour Comp Progre Sta
fied of hood erit sk nsibilit d action ce letion ss tus
risk identi y le y or require date
ficatio ve solution d
n l
Cable 25/11/ Repres 3 3 9 Depart Ascertai Electric Appoin Op
s that 21 entativ ment n that ians' tment en
are e for of all loose tools, is
too Health Electric cables duct made
loose and ity and are tape, with
cause Safety Health securely as well electric
unex and connect as a ian
pecte Safety ed using cable
d Commi a cable manag
slips ttee manage ement
and ment kit
trips. equipm
25/11/ 25/11
Heav Repres 2 5 10 Depart Controls Admini Appoin Clo
21 /21
y entativ ment adminis stration tment sed
lifting e for of tratively Staff for
might Health Opera to Trainin trainin
result and tions, demons g g with
in Safety Hardw trate Room, all
back are and Instruc employ
aches Depart educate tions, ees
as ment, on and
well and manual Notice
as Health handlin Board
injuri and g
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Chem Repres 2 4 8 Depart Install a Admini 25/11 Admini Clo
ical entativ ment poster stration /21 strative sed
misus e for of with Staff employ
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result and tions, tion , place
in Safety Hardw about Proced the

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fires are storage, ures, poster
as Depart chemica and onto
well ment, l Notice notice
as and manage Board boards.
chemi Health ment,
cal and includin
burns Safety g MSDS.
. Commi

Communication and monitoring plan:

Activity Date Responsible Participants Agenda Required

person resources
Announce a 25/11/21 All Employees Due to the fact A projector,
for Health and
mandatory of Australian that workers do notepad, a
WHS Hardware not whiteboard,
workshop to Stores comprehend marker pens,
discuss the the objective a computer,
organization's and effect of and
objectives the WHSMS, PowerPoint
we require a are required.
workshop to
discuss it.
Representative All Employees A projector,
Post posters 25/11/21 Due to workers'
for Health and of Australian notepad, a
stating that misconceptions
Safety Hardware whiteboard,
WHS will that WHS is a
Stores marker pens,
succeed if management
a computer,
everyone issue, we must
participates emphasise that
and assists. everyone plays
are required.
a critical role.
Representative All Employees A projector,
Plan the 25/11/21 Because
for Health and of Australian notepad, a
consultation workers are
Safety Hardware whiteboard,
process to be unaware as to
Stores marker pens,
engaging and how the
a computer,
interactive, consultation
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emphasising process
are required.
the operates, we,
importance of the Health and
collaboration Safety
in ensuring Committee, will
the success of need to
WHS. develop an
and kind

5. Submit all required documentation to your assessor as per the specifications below. Keep
copies for your records.
Yes, I have complied with all applicable requirements.

Performance criteria checklist forAssessment Task 2 – Project

Instructions for Students
You can view the following checklist as a guide for the areas and criteria that your assessor will be
assessing you on. Please note that this checklist is for your assessor to complete only.

Trainer and Assessor to complete

Did the candidate: Yes No
Develop procedures for ongoing hazard identification, and assessment
and control of associated risks:

● Use information technology skills to develop using appropriate

word processing software?
Include hazard identification at the planning, design and evaluation stages
of any change in the workplace to ensure that new hazards are not
created by the proposed changes and existing hazards are controlled?

● Include monitoring activities in implementation plan to ensure

audit and review?
Develop and maintain procedures for selecting and implementing risk
controls according to the hierarchy of control and WHS legislative

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Trainer and Assessor to complete
Did the candidate: Yes No
● Refer to hierarchy and use of hierarchy in procedures?

● Refer to relevant legislation in related policies?

Part B
Work with workers and their representatives to set up and maintain
participation arrangements according to relevant WHS legislation:

● Consult with HSR to gather information on safety issues, issues

with consultation?
● Plan changes to reflect consultation?
Appropriately resolve issues raised through participation and consultation
arrangements according to relevant WHS legislation:

● Plan intervention and control , conforming with procedures

developed in line with WHS legislation, for example:
○ WHS Act
○ ways to manage work health and safety risks code of
Promptly provide information about the outcomes of participation and
consultation to workers and ensure it is easy for them to access and

● Plan communication with affected workers with detail showing

strategies to provide access to information, such as posters, MSDS,
intranet, ongoing consultation?
● Plan communication with affected workers with detail showing
strategies to ensure understanding, such as explanation,
demonstration, etc.?
In described script of interaction with Store Manager, describe
inadequacies in existing risk controls according to the hierarchy of control
and WHS legislative requirements, and promptly provide resources to
enable implementation of new measures?

● Use procedures to identify, analyse, determine controls and record

● Uncover risk control inadequacies through consultation with HSR

Assessment 2 – Student Info – BSBWHS521

Version 6 – Updated on 2nd April 2019
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Trainer and Assessor to complete
Did the candidate: Yes No
● Plan actions and resources to implement controls in accordance
with procedures?
In described script of interaction with Store Manager, describe outcomes
of seeking expert WHS advice, and request this advice as required?

● Discuss expert advice and show how incorporated into proposed

plans for risk treatment?
Use a system for WHS recordkeeping to allow identification of patterns of
occupational injury and disease in the organisation, and to maintain a
record of WHS decisions made, including reasons for the decision:

● Develop procedures to allow identification of patterns

of injury, etc.?

Assessment 2 – Student Info – BSBWHS521

Version 6 – Updated on 2nd April 2019
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The student’s  Satisfactory
performance was:
 Not Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Student Name: Student


Assessor Assessor
Name: Signature:



Assessment 2 – Student Info – BSBWHS521

Version 6 – Updated on 2nd April 2019
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Assessment Task Outcome
Student and Assessor Details
Unit code BSBWHS521
Unit name Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
Outcome of

Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐

Assessment Task 2

Feedback to Student

Student Name

Student Signature


Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


Assessment 2 – Student Info – BSBWHS521

Version 6 – Updated on 2nd April 2019
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