Manual Servicio LGMG AR14JAR16J

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Service Manual


Mobile Elevating Work Platform


Before operation and maintenance, the

drivers and maintenance personnel are

required to read this manual thoroughly.

Otherwise, fatal accident may occur. This

manual shall be kept properly for future

reference by the personnel concerned.


Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Operation Manual
880*1230 mm sixteen format 8 printed sheet
First edition and printed for the first time in December 2021

Lingong Group Jinan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

Add: F12,Building 3 LushangGuoao Plaza, 9777 Jingshi Road,Lixia District, Jinan,
Shandong, 250000,China
Tel: 86-0531-67605017 Technical service: 86-0531-67605017
Web: Sales of accessories:86-0531-67605016
Service Manual

Foreword ................................................................................................................ VI
Safety Notices .................................................................................................... VIII
Chapter 1 Safety and Environment .............................................................. 1
1.1 Terms and definitions................................................................................... 3
1.2 Compliance ................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Before maintenance .................................................................................... 3
1.4 Workplace requirements ............................................................................. 4
1.5 Safety considerations for maintenance and repair ................................. 4
1.6 Intended use ................................................................................................. 6
1.7 Instructions .................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2 Product Introduction ............................................................................ 7
2.1 Parameters of machine ............................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Parameters of AR14J (A0014JNDCH20) articulated lifting platform ................ 9
2.1.2 Parameters of AR16J (A0016JNDCH20) articulated lifting platform .............. 13
2.2 Pressure parameters of filters and valves ............................................. 15
2.3 Tightening torque of joints and plugs ...................................................... 16
2.4 Tightening torque of nuts and bolts ......................................................... 18
Chapter 3 Maintenance ....................................................................................... 21
3.1 Platform assembly ..................................................................................... 23
3.1.1 Assembling the file box .......................................................................................... 23
3.1.2 Assembling the foot switch .................................................................................... 23
3.1.3 Assembling the lifting cross bar ............................................................................ 23
3.1.4 Assembling the platform support .......................................................................... 24
3.1.5 Assembling the load cell ........................................................................................ 24
3.1.6 Assembling the swing motor mounting bracket .................................................. 25
3.1.7 Assembling the platform control unit (PCU) ........................................................ 25
3.1.8 Assembling the anti-collision rubber pad ............................................................. 26
3.1.9 Assembling the platform ......................................................................................... 26
3.2 Axle assembly ............................................................................................. 26
3.2.1 Disassembling the front axle assembly ............................................................... 26
3.2.2 Assembling the front axle assembly ..................................................................... 28
3.2.3 Disassembling the rear axle assembly ................................................................ 31
3.2.4 Assembling the rear axle assembly...................................................................... 32
3.2.5 Disassembling the wheel ....................................................................................... 33
3.2.6 Assembling the wheel ............................................................................................. 33
Service Manual
3.3 Jib assembly ............................................................................................... 34
3.3.1 Disassembling the swing cylinder, the fly jib cylinder and the jib .................... 34
3.3.2 Assembling the swing cylinder, the fly jib cylinder and the jib .......................... 36
3.4 Engine assembly ........................................................................................ 39
3.4.1 Subassembling the engine .................................................................................... 39
3.4.2 Assembling the engine cooling system ................................................................ 42
3.4.3 Assembling the engine fuel pipeline ..................................................................... 43
3.5 Cable carrier assembly ............................................................................. 45
3.5.1 Disassembling the cable carrier ............................................................................ 45
3.5.2 Assembling the cable carrier ................................................................................. 47
3.6 Boom/extension jib assembly .................................................................. 49
3.6.1 Disassembling the boom ........................................................................................ 49
3.6.2 Assembling the boom assembly ........................................................................... 51
3.6.3 Disassembling the extension jib assembly .......................................................... 52
3.6.4 Assembling the extension jib assembly ............................................................... 53
3.6.5 Assembling the telescopic boom assembly ........................................................ 55
3.7 Hydraulic tank/fuel tank ............................................................................. 57
3.7.1 Assembling the hydraulic tank............................................................................... 57
3.7.2 Disassembling the hydraulic tank ......................................................................... 58
3.7.3 Assembling the fuel tank ........................................................................................ 59
3.7.4 Disassembling the fuel tank ................................................................................... 60
3.8 Cylinder assembly...................................................................................... 61
3.8.1 Disassembling the boom luffing cylinder ............................................................. 61
3.8.2 Assembling the boom luffing cylinder .................................................................. 62
3.8.3 Disassembling the boom telescopic cylinder ...................................................... 63
3.8.4 Disassembling the lower leveling cylinder ........................................................... 64
3.8.5 Assembling the lower leveling cylinder ................................................................ 65
3.8.6 Disassembling the upper leveling cylinder .......................................................... 66
3.9 Bleeding cylinder ........................................................................................ 68
3.9.1 Bleeding function pump .......................................................................................... 68
3.9.2 Bleeding slewing motor .......................................................................................... 68
3.9.3 Bleeding walking motor .......................................................................................... 68
3.9.4 Bleeding steering cylinder ...................................................................................... 68
3.9.5 Bleeding folding jib luffing cylinder ....................................................................... 69
3.9.6 Bleeding main boom luffing cylinder and lower leveling cylinder .................... 69
3.9.7 Bleeding main boom telescopic cylinder ............................................................. 70
3.9.8 Bleeding fly jib luffing cylinder and upper leveling cylinder .............................. 70
Service Manual
3.9.9 Bleeding platform swing cylinder .......................................................................... 71
3.10 Folding jib assembly ................................................................................ 72
3.10.1 Removing folding jib ............................................................................................. 73
3.10.2 Assembling folding jib assembly ......................................................................... 77
3.10.3 Removing folding jib lift cylinder ......................................................................... 79
3.10.4 Assembling folding jib lift cylinder ....................................................................... 80
3.11 Rotary table swing assembly ................................................................. 82
3.11.1 Removing slewing drive assembly ..................................................................... 82
3.11.2 Assembling slewing drive assembly................................................................... 82
3.11.3 Lifting rotary table .................................................................................................. 83
3.12 Other components ................................................................................... 83
3.12.1 Assembling battery ............................................................................................... 83
3.12.2 Assembling tilt sensor........................................................................................... 83
3.12.3 Assembling horn .................................................................................................... 84
3.12.4 Assembling slewing ring grease filler hose ....................................................... 84
3.12.5 Assembling ground control system .................................................................... 85
3.12.6 Assembling hydraulic oil radiator ........................................................................ 86
3.13 Valve group ............................................................................................... 87
3.13.1 Multi-way valve assembly AR16JEDC-5 ........................................................... 87
3.13.2 Platform swing control valve ST4277-AB00 ..................................................... 88
3.13.3 ST5093-AB0C walking control valve group ...................................................... 89
Chapter 4 Maintenance ....................................................................................... 91
4.1 Observing the regulations ......................................................................... 93
4.2 Checking the battery.................................................................................. 93
4.3 Checking the hydraulic filter ..................................................................... 94
4.4 Replacing the air filter of the hydraulic tank .......................................... 96
4.5 Checking the hydraulic oil level ............................................................... 96
4.6 Checking the oil level of the reducer....................................................... 97
4.7 Changing the reducer gear oil ................................................................. 97
4.8 Maintenance of worm-type slewing drive ............................................... 98
4.9 Maintenance of Deutz engine .................................................................. 99
4.9.1 Checking the engine oil level ................................................................................. 99
4.9.2 Changing engine oil and replacing oil filter ....................................................... 100
4.9.3 Checking fuel leaks ............................................................................................... 102
4.9.4 Bleeding or replacing the fuel filter ..................................................................... 102
4.9.5 Checking the air cleaner of the engine .............................................................. 104
4.9.6 Cleaning or replacing the air cleaner ................................................................. 105
Service Manual
4.9.7 Checking the coolant level ................................................................................... 105
4.9.8 Adding or changing engine coolant .................................................................... 106
4.9.9 Checking the engine belt...................................................................................... 107
4.10 Scheduled maintenance ....................................................................... 108
4.11 Fault diagnosis of engine ...................................................................... 109
Chapter 5 Commissioning ................................................................................. 121
5.1 Safety instructions.................................................................................... 123
5.2 Commissioning process .......................................................................... 124
5.3 Machine inspection .................................................................................. 125
5.4 Basic test ................................................................................................... 126
5.4.1 Start test.................................................................................................................. 126
5.4.2 Basic operation test of ground control unit ........................................................ 128
5.4.3 Basic operation test of platform control system ................................................ 131
5.4.4 Hydraulic oil level test ........................................................................................... 134
5.4.5 Load test (1.1 times rated load) .......................................................................... 135
5.4.6 Travel speed (high speed) test............................................................................ 135
5.4.7 Braking distance test............................................................................................. 136
5.4.8 Drive speed limit test............................................................................................. 136
5.4.9 Braking distance test (at slow speed) ................................................................ 137
5.4.10 Drive enable system test.................................................................................... 137
5.4.11 Tilt sensor test ..................................................................................................... 138
5.4.12 Gradeability test (45%) ....................................................................................... 138
5.4.13 Gradeability test (25%) ....................................................................................... 139
5.4.14 Floating test.......................................................................................................... 139
5.4.15 Operation time test .............................................................................................. 140
5.4.16 Lifting height test ................................................................................................. 142
5.4.17 Load test (1.25 times) ......................................................................................... 143
5.4.18 Rated load calibration ......................................................................................... 143
5.5 Pressure test ............................................................................................. 144
5.5.1 Function valve relief pressure test ...................................................................... 144
Chapter 6 Appendix ............................................................................................ 145
6.1 DTCs of COBO system ........................................................................... 147
6.2 Schematic diagram .................................................................................. 148
6.2.1 AR14J/AR16J hydraulic schematic diagram (Rexroth) ................................... 148
6.2.2 AR14J/AR16J hydraulic schematic diagram (Sant main valve) .................... 149
6.2.3 AR14J/AR16J electrical schematic diagram (Rexroth) ................................... 150
6.2.4 AR14J/AR16J electrical schematic diagram (Sant main valve) ..................... 151
Service Manual
6.3 Diagram of common hydraulic part symbols ....................................... 152

Service Manual

Thanks for purchasing the product produced by Lingong Group Jinan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

This manual introduces the technical parameters and maintenance & adjustment data of the articulated

lifting platform, and also the troubleshooting and maintenance process for reference by qualified

professional maintenance personnel.

The information contained in this manual are correct at the time of publication, but due to the

continuous improvement of the structure and performance of our products, the design as well as

operation and maintenance instructions of the product may be subject to change without notice. For the

latest information of the machine or any question about this manual, please consult us. In additions,

readers of this manual are encouraged to feedback the errors and put forward suggestions to Lingong

Group Jinan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., which will be carefully considered in the future publication and

printing of this manual.

This manual is the property of Lingong Group Jinan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., and is not allowed to

be duplicated or reprinted without our written permission.


 Only the personnel who have professionally trained and qualified are

allowed to operate and maintain the machine.

 Incorrect operation, maintenance and repair are dangerous and may lead to

personal injury or death.

 Before operation or maintenance, please read this manual thoroughly.

Otherwise, do not operate, maintain or repair this machine.

 Please load the machine in strict accordance with the rating, otherwise all

the consequences arising from overloading or unauthorized modification will

Service Manual

be borne by the user.

 The operation instructions and precautions in this manual apply only to the

intended use of the machine. If the machine is used for an operation that is

out of the specification herein but not prohibited, always make sure that this

operation will not cause personal injury to yourself or others.

Service Manual

Safety Notices
The operator shall understand and abide by the current national and local safety regulations. If such

regulations are not available, the safety instructions in this manual shall prevail.

Most accidents are caused by failure to obey operation and maintenance specifications of the

machine. To avoid unnecessary accident, please read and follow all warnings and precautions in this

manual and on the machine before operation or maintenance. Failure to comply with the instructions and

safety rules in this manual and the corresponding manual on the machine will result in death or serious


Considering the fact that not all possible hazards are foreseeable, it is impossible for safety notices in

this manual and on the machine to cover all safety precautions. If it is necessary to take steps and

operations not recommended herein, always protect the safety of yourself and others, and keep the

machine from any damage. If the safety of some operations remains uncertain, please consult us or


Some operations to the machine require not only basic mechanical, hydraulic and electrical skills, but

also professional skills, tools, lifting equipment and suitable workshop. Considering this, it is strongly

recommended for you to get the machine maintained and repaired in the service center authorized by

Lingong Group Jinan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

The operation and maintenance precautions referred to herein apply only to the intended use of this

machine. If the machine is to be used for other purposes than those listed herein, it is the user or

operator instead of us that shall take the safety liabilities therefrom.

In no case shall any operations expressively prohibited herein be performed.

For the purpose of this manual, the following signal words are applied to identify safety instructions:

! DANGER - Indicating any existing dangers that, if not avoided, will cause
serious injury or even death, and also serious machine damage.
Service Manual

! WARNING - Indicating any potential dangers that, if not avoided, may cause
death or serious injury, and also serious machine damage.

! CAUTION - Indicating situations that, if not avoided, may cause minor or
moderate injury, and also machine damage or shortened machine service life.

Service Manua

Chapter 1 Safety and Environment

Service Manua

Service Manua

1.1 Terms and definitions

Administrator: the entity or individual that directly controls the use and application of the lifting platform,

which usually refers to the owner, the renter or the authorized personnel of owner who obtains the

control right of the lifting platform;

Operator: personnel who has been professionally trained and mastered qualified knowledge and

practical experience to operate the lifting platform.

Qualified personnel: personnel who has recognized academic qualifications, certificates, professional

status or relevant professional knowledge, has been professionally trained and experienced,

and has evidences to prove that he/she has the ability to solve difficulties encountered in related matters,

work or projects.

Safety Bulletin: relevant safety information issued by Lingong Group Jinan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

1.2 Compliance

1. The maintenance is required to be carried out by personnel who have received and qualified in the

maintenance training of this machine.

2. Immediately mark the machine if it is damaged or faulty, and withdraw it out of service.

3. Repair any damage or fault before operating the machine.

1.3 Before maintenance

1. Read and follow the safety rules and maintenance instructions in the corresponding operation

manuals on the machine.

2. Ensure that all necessary tools and parts are in place.

3. Do not use parts not sold by Lingong Group Jinan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

4. Please read each step thoroughly and follow the instructions, and do not try to perform repair by

shortcut, as this is dangerous.

5. Please wear goggles and other PPEs when necessary.

6. When lifting or placing loads, pay attention to the potential pinch risk by parts which are moving, freely

swinging or unstable. Always wear acceptable steel protective shoes.

Service Manua

1.4 Workplace requirements

Unless specially specified, the machine shall be able to operate safely under the following conditions:

1. Altitude ≤ 1000m;

2. Ambient humidity ≤ 90% (at +25℃).

3. The machine shall be able to operate normally under the following safe conditions:

- Ambient temperature of -20℃ ~ +40℃;

- Wind speed ≤ 12.5 m/s.

4. During normal operation or maintenance, please set up protective devices as the movement of

mechanism and parts may cause danger to human body.

5. Take measures to prevent the danger caused by parts falling from the platform.

6. During maintenance, please place a satisfactory fire extinguisher in a readily available position.

7. Keep the workplace tidy and clean, so as to avoid dirt entering machine parts and causing damage


8. Make sure that the forklift, crane or other lifting or supporting equipment has a sufficient lifting

capacity to support and secure the weight to be lifted.

9. Do not reuse disposable fasteners (such as cotter pins and lock nuts) during maintenance, as they

may not function normally when being reused.

10. Please dispose of the waste oil in an environment-friendly way.

11. Please ensure that the workplace is well ventilated and illuminated.

1.5 Safety considerations for maintenance and repair

1. Before adjusting and repairing the machine, please take the following preventive measures:

 Park the machine on a solid and level ground

 Block the wheels

 Cut off the power supply to disable the machine;

 Set all controls in “OFF” position to prevent the operating system from being started by accident;

 If possible, lower the platform as much as possible; otherwise, ensure that it will not fall;

 Before loosening or removing hydraulic components, release the hydraulic oil pressure in the hydraulic


 Place safety supports as required.

Service Manua

2. Training of maintenance personnel:

Maintenance personnel are required to be trained by qualified personnel, and then check and maintain the

machine according to the requirements of this machine.

3. Replacement of parts

The genuine parts of our company must be used for replacement; otherwise, we have the right to refuse to

provide maintenance and repair service for the machine concerned.

4. Service Bulletin

Users should maintain and repair the machine in strict accordance with the Service Bulletin issued by Lingong

Group Jinan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

5. Weld repair of machine

1) Shut down the engine and switch off the low-voltage power supply before repair;

2) Ensure that the maintenance personnel has the special operation certificate;

3) Clean up the flammable materials around the welding position, and apply for a welding permit;

4) Protect the vehicle body against splashing and fire;

5) Operate in strict accordance with the welding process;

6. Precautions for battery maintenance

1) Do not store the battery which is fully discharged, and charge the battery in time after use.

2) In the process of use, correctly control the charging time according to the actual situation, and determine

the charging frequency according to the actual use frequency.

3) Prevent exposure to the sun, as a high temperature will increase the internal pressure of the battery and

cause electrolyte loss in the battery, leading to decrease of battery activity and faster aging of polar plate.

Therefore, be sure to stop the vehicle in a cool place.

4) In the process of use, check the battery for faults on a regular basis. If any problem is found, drive the

vehicle to the sales center or dealer for inspection and repair, so as to prolong the service life of the battery

pack and save maintenance costs to the greatest extent.

7. Coolant

When the radiator is hot, do not open the radiator cover for fear of scalding by the boiling coolant. Therefore,

be sure to open the radiator cover after the coolant temperature drops to an acceptable level.

Service Manua

1.6 Intended use

This machine is only intended for lifting people and their tools and materials to a high-altitude workplace.

1.7 Instructions

Most maintenance processes can only be performed by professionally trained maintenance personnel in a

properly equipped workshop. After troubleshooting, select the appropriate maintenance procedure.

Perform removal to such an extent that the fault can be eliminated by repair. Then perform refitting in the

order reverse to removal.

It is strongly recommended to get the machine maintained and repaired in the service center authorized

by Lingong Group Jinan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

Service Manua

Chapter 2 Product Introduction

Service Manual

Service Manual

2.1 Parameters of machine

S/N 1 2
Name AR14J articulated lifting platform AR16J articulated lifting platform
Order No. A0014JNDCH20 A0016JNDCH20
1. Deutz (Euro V) engine 1. Deutz (Euro V) engine
2. Danfoss walking pump and motor 2. Danfoss walking pump and motor
Configurations 3. Turbo-worm slewing drive 3. Turbo-worm slewing drive
4. 315/55 D20 filled off-road tire 4. 315/55 D20 filled off-road tire
5. COBO electronic control system 5. COBO electronic control system

2.1.1 Parameters of AR14J (A0014JNDCH20) articulated lifting platform

1) Parameters of machine
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Rotary table rotation time per circle
(stowed) (s)
Rated load (kg) 230
Rotary table rotation time per circle
(extended) (s)
Total weight (kg) 7160 Boom lifting time (s) 35-45
Max. allowed workers 2 Boom lowering time (s) 30-40
Max. working height (m) 16.09 Articulating boom lifting time (s) 25-35
Max. platform height (m) 14.09 Articulating boom lowering time (s) 26-40
Max. horizontal reach (m) 7.67 Boom extension time (s) 20-30
Max. span height (m) 7.56 Boom retraction time (s) 20-30
Min. turning radius (inner wheel)
1.94 Jib lifting time (s) 30-50
Min. turning radius (outer wheel)
4.41 Jib lowering time (s) 20-35
Max. braking distance (no-load,
1≤S≤1.5 Platform rotation time (s) 13-26
stowed) (m)
Theoretical maximum gradeability
Max. travel speed (stowed) (km/h) 6.1±0.5 45%
(no-load, stowed)
Max. travel speed (extended)
0.8±0.05 Max. operation effort (N) 400
Climbing speed (stowed) (km/h) >1.5 Max. allowed wind speed (m/s) 12.5
Climbing speed (extended) (km/h) ≤0.8 Drive mode Four-wheel

Service Manual
Max. allowed Along the boom 4.5° Front wheel
inclination of steering
chassis Orthogonal to
2) Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Overall length (mm) 6766 Track width (mm) 1981.5
Overall width (mm) 2310 Wheelbase (front/rear) (mm) 2059
Overall height (mm) 2170 Min. ground clearance (mm) 360
Dimension of working platform
1830×760 Tire specification 315/55D20
(length × width) (mm)

3) Engine system
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Model Deutz D2.9L4 Number of cylinders 4
In-line, water-cooled,
Type Bore/stroke (mm) 92/110
Rated fuel consumption
Rated power (kW) 36.4 233
Max. torque (N.M)/speed
Rated speed (r/min) 2600 150/1600
Displacement (ml) 2900 Emission standard EU StageⅤ
4) Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Closed
Pump displacement (ml/r) 46
Walking system Max. working pressure
Motor displacement (ml/r) 38
Type Open
Functional Pump displacement (ml/r) 18
system Lifting Max. working pressure
system (MPa)

Service Manual
Max. working pressure
Slewing 15
Motor displacement (ml/r) 160
Steering Max. working pressure
system (MPa)
Boom luffing cylinder (mm) Φ90×Φ45-595-1135
Boom telescopic cylinder (mm) Φ50×Φ32-1828-2122
Up-and-down leveling cylinder (mm) Φ75×Φ40-345-645
Folding jib luffing cylinder (mm) Φ63×Φ45-670-924
Fly jib cylinder (mm) Φ55×Φ35-436-789
Steering cylinder (mm) Φ50×Φ30-260-500
Floating cylinder (mm) Φ88.9-96-380
5) Transmission system
Item Parameter
Rated output torque
Walking reducer (Nm)
Speed ratio 57.49:1
Rated output torque
Slewing reducer (Nm)
Speed ratio 86:1

6) Electronic control system

Item Parameter
Output voltage (V) 12
Capacity (Ah) 120 (20HR discharge rate)
Control system Voltage (V) 12

7) Refilling capacity
Item Parameter
Hydraulic oil (L) 130 (in case of oil change)
Engine oil (L) 8.5
Diesel (L) 65
Gearbox oil (L) 0.68L*4
Engine antifreeze (L) 8.5
Note: The type of hydraulic oil or diesel for refilling shall be selected according to the working
environment and temperature:

Service Manual

1) -25℃< Min. temperature: L-HV 32 low-temperature hydraulic oil;

2) -40℃< Min. temperature ≤-25℃: L-HS 32 ultra-low temperature hydraulic oil;

3) Min. temperature ≤-40℃: 10# aviation hydraulic oil.

Ambient temperature ≥ 4℃: 0# diesel; ambient temperature ≥ -5℃: -10# diesel; ambient temperature

≥-14℃: -20 # diesel; ambient temperature ≥-29℃: -35# diesel.

Service Manual

2.1.2 Parameters of AR16J (A0016JNDCH20) articulated lifting platform

1) Parameters of machine
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Rotary table rotation time per
circle (stowed) (s)
Rated load (kg) 230
Rotary table rotation time per
circle (extended) (s)
Total weight (kg) 8180 Boom lifting time (s) 35-45
Max. allowed workers 2 Boom lowering time (s) 30-40
Articulating boom lifting time
Max. working height (m) 17.70 25-35
Articulating boom lowering
Max. platform height (m) 15.70 26-40
time (s)
Max. horizontal reach (m) 9.39 Boom extension time (s) 20-30
Max. span height (m) 7.56 Boom retraction time (s) 20-30
Min. turning radius (inner wheel)
1.94 Jib lifting time (s) 30-50
Min. turning radius (outer wheel)
4.41 Jib lowering time (s) 20-35
Max. braking distance (no-load,
1≤S≤1.5 Platform rotation time (s) 13-26
stowed) (m)
Theoretical maximum
Max. travel speed (stowed) (km/h) 6.1±0.5 45%
gradeability (no-load, stowed)
Max. travel speed (extended)
0.8±0.05 Max. operation effort (N) 400
Max. allowed wind speed
Climbing speed (stowed) (km/h) >1.5 12.5
Climbing speed (extended) (km/h) ≤0.8 Four-wheel
Drive mode
Max. allowed Along the boom 4.5° Front wheel
inclination of steering
chassis Orthogonal to
2) Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Service Manual
Overall length (mm) 7560 Wheelbase (mm) 2059
Overall width (mm) 2310 Track width (mm) 1981.5
Overall height (mm) 2170 Min. ground clearance (mm) 360
Dimension of working platform
1830×760 Tire specification 315/55D20
(length × width) (mm)
3) Engine system
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Model Deutz D2.9L4 Number of cylinders 4
In-line, water-cooled,
Type Bore/stroke (mm) 92/110
Rated fuel consumption
Rated power (kW) 36.4 233
Max. torque (N.M)/speed
Rated speed (r/min) 2600 150/1600
Displacement (ml) 2900 Emission standard EU StageⅤ
4) Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Closed
Pump displacement (ml/r) 46
Walking system Max. working pressure
Motor displacement (ml/r) 38
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 18
Lifting Max. working pressure
system (MPa)
Max. working pressure
system Slewing 15
Motor displacement (ml/r) 160
Steering Max. working pressure
system (MPa)
Boom luffing cylinder (mm) Φ100×Φ50-595-1135
Boom telescopic cylinder (mm) Φ50×Φ35-2590-2884
Up-and-down leveling cylinder (mm) Φ75×Φ40-345-645
Folding jib luffing cylinder (mm) Φ63×Φ45-670-924

Service Manual
Fly jib cylinder (mm) Φ55×Φ35-436-789
Steering cylinder (mm) Φ50×Φ30-260-500
Floating cylinder (mm) Φ88.9-96-380
5) Transmission system
Item Parameter
Rated output torque
Walking reducer (Nm)
Speed ratio 57.49:1
Rated output torque
Slewing reducer (Nm)
Speed ratio 86:1

6) Electronic control system

Item Parameter
Output voltage (V) 12
Capacity (Ah) 120 (20HR discharge rate)
Control system Voltage (V) 12

7) Refilling capacity
Item Parameter
Hydraulic oil (L) 130 (in case of oil change)
Engine oil (L) 8.5
Diesel (L) 65
Gearbox oil (L) 0.68L*4
Engine antifreeze (L) 8.5
Note: The type of hydraulic oil or diesel for refilling shall be selected according to the working
environment and temperature:

1) -25℃< Min. temperature: L-HV 32 low-temperature hydraulic oil;

2) -40℃< Min. temperature ≤-25℃: L-HS 32 ultra-low temperature hydraulic oil;

3) Min. temperature ≤-40℃: 10# aviation hydraulic oil.

Ambient temperature ≥ 4℃: 0# diesel; ambient temperature ≥ -5℃: -10# diesel; ambient temperature

≥-14℃: -20 # diesel; ambient temperature ≥-29℃: -35# diesel.

2.2 Pressure parameters of filters and valves

Table 1: Pressure parameters of valves

Service Manual
Code Name Pressure (bar)
4120705740 Luffing balance valve A-VBSO-SE30-FC2-PI-PL-38-28-1.4:1 350
4120705322 Telescopic balance valve ST4921-A00B 350
4120704727 Check valve SY-RV-L15-M22*1.5-0.5 350
4120705965 Multi-way valve AR16JEDC-5 270
4120704690 Relief valve block 250
4120704392 6/2 electromagnetic switching valve 250
4120706178 Solenoid valve ST0010-AB0F 250
4120703874 Ball valve Q11F-16P-1'' 16
4120703386 Floating valve DCV20/1-0145 350
4120705600 Floating balance valve 280
4120707095 Platform swing control valve ST4277-AB00 207
4120704705 Jib luffing balance valve 350
Table 2: Pressure parameters of filters
Code Name Pressure
4110001498 Air cleaner G068663 2.5Kpa
4120001428 High-pressure filter KGLB-0080005L 32Mpa
4120001891 Suction filter WU-100*180-J 0.7Mpa

2.3 Tightening torque of joints and plugs

The tightening torque tolerance range is 10% for all hydraulic seals,
important transmission connectors and key processes with defined torque
tightening requirements, and 20% for non-essential reference torques,
which is to be rounded to the nearest integer when necessary;
Table 1: Tightening torque of metric/inch-threaded joints and plugs (unit: N.m)
Tightening torque of metric-threaded oil ports Tightening torque of inch-threaded oil port

Thread Joint type Plug Thread Joint type Plug

Pipe diameter specificatio VSTI- Pipe diameter specificatio VSTI-E

Type E Type F Type E Type F
n (mm) E n (Inch) D

6L M10X1.0 27 22 16 6L G1/8A 22 16 16

8L M12X1.5 37 32 27 8L G1/4A 37 32 32

10L M14X1.5 58 48 37 10L G1/4A 37 32 /

12L M16X1.5 75 58 58 12L G3/8A 75 58 63

15L M18X1.5 95 75 70 15L G1/2A 120 95 85

18L M22X1.5 140 115 95 18L G1/2A 120 95 /

Service Manual
22L M28X2.0 190 160 140 22L G3/4A 190 160 140

28L M33X2.0 325 220 235 28L G1A 325 220 210

35L M42X2.0 470 295 380 35L G11/4A 470 315 470

42L M48X2.0 565 380 / 42L G11/4A 565 380 470

6S M12X1.5 42 37 / 6S G1/4A 42 37 /

8S M14X1.5 53 48 / 8S G1/4A 42 37 /

10S M16X1.5 75 58 / 10S G3/8A 85 63 /

12S M18X1.5 95 75 / 12S G3/8A 85 63 /

14S M20X1.5 130 85 / 14S G1/2A 120 95 /

16S M22X1.5 140 105 / 16S G1/2A 120 95 /

20S M27X2.0 190 180 / 20S G3/4A 190 160 /

25S M33X2.0 325 325 / 25S G1A 325 220 /

30S M42X2.0 470 345 / 30S G11/4A 470 315 /

38S M48X2.0 565 440 / 38S G11/2A 565 380 /

Table 2: Tightening torque of UN-threaded joints and plugs (unit: N.m)

Product series Thread UN/UNF Assembly torque with direction Assembly torque with

unadjustable (N.m) direction unadjustable (N.m)

7/16-20 UN(F) 23 18

1/2-20 UN(F) 28 28

9/16-18 UN(F) 34 34

3/4-16 UN(F) 60 55

EO-L 7/8-14 UN(F) 115 80

1-1/16-12 UN(F) 140 100

1-5/16-12 UN(F) 210 150

1-5/8-12 UN(F) 290 290

1-7/8-12 UN(F) 325 325

7/16-20 UN(F) 20 20

1/2-20 UN(F) 40 40

9/16-18 UN(F) 46 46

3/4-16 UN(F) 80 80
7/8-14 UN(F) 135 135

1-1/16-12 UN(F) 185 185

1-5/16-12 UN(F) 270 270

1-5/16-12 UN(F) 270 270

1-5/8-12 UN(F) 340 340

Service Manual
1-7/8-12 UN(F) 415 415


1. Table 1 gives the torques for metric-threaded joints and inch-threaded joints, and Table 2 gives

the torques for UN-threaded joints, and for those torques, an error of +10% is allowed;

2. The torque values given in Table 1 and Table 2 are based on the condition that the connected

part is made of steel, and for connected part made of aluminum, the tightening torque equal to 60%

of the corresponding torque in Table 2 and Table 3 shall apply and shall be rounded to the nearest

integer after calculation;

3. For Parker joints, the torque is to be selected according to the name and specification, and for

ordinary joints, the torque is to be selected according to the thread specification.

For example:

1) GE 28 L M ED OMD A3C: GE for straight-through joint, 28 for pipe diameter, L for normal

pressure, M for metric thread, ED for E-type elastic seal, OMD for no nut sleeve, A3C for

galvanizing; then according to 28L MED, the torque selected from Table 1 is 325N.m

2) GE O 22L R 3/4 OMDA3C: O for F-type O-ring, R for inch thread, and 3/4 for thread

specification G3/4; then according to O 22L R3/4, the torque selected from Table 2 is 160N.m;

3) GE O 20S R OMDCF: S for heavy pressure; then according to O 20S R, the torque selected is


2.4 Tightening torque of nuts and bolts

Table 3: Tightening torque of metric-threaded swivel nuts (unit: N.m)

Pipe Thread Tightening Pipe Thread Tightening

diameter specification torque diameter specification torque

06L M12X1.5 16 06S M14X1.5 27

08L M14X1.5 22 08S M16X1.5 42

10L M16X1.5 32 10S M18X1.5 53

Service Manual

12L M18X1.5 42 12S M20X1.5 63

15L M22X1.5 58 14S M22X1.5 80

18L M26X1.5 90 16S M24X1.5 85

22L M30X2 115 20S M30X2 125

28L M36X2 135 25S M36X2 180

35L M45X2 220 30S M45X2 260

42L M52X2 345 38S M52X2 370


1. For torques given in Table 2, an error of +10% is allowed;

2. The torque values given in Table 3 are based on the condition that the connected part is made of steel,

and for connected part made of aluminum, the tightening torque equal to 60% of the corresponding

torque in Table 1 shall apply and shall be rounded to the nearest integer after calculation;

3. For Parker rubber hoses, right-angle joints and tee joints, the torque is to be selected according to the

name and specification, and for ordinary rubber hoses, right-angle joints and tee joints, the torque is to

be selected according to the thread specification.

For example:

1) F481 CACF 2815 16: F481 for crimping form and hose type, CACF for joint type at both ends, CA for

24°conical swivel nut with O-ring, CF for 90°elbow of 24°conical swivel nut with O-ring, and 2815 for

connection specification of joint at both ends of hose. According to this, the torque selected for end 28 is

135N.m, and the torque selected for end 15 is 58N.m;

2) F412 SN CACF 1210 06: SN for heavy pressure hose. According to this, the torque selected for end

12 is 63N.m, and the torque selected for end 10 is 53N.m;

3) EW15LOMDA3C: EW for right-angle combined joint. According to 15L, the torque selected from Table

1 is 32N.m.

Service Manual
Table 4: Tightening torque of ordinary bolts (unit: N.m)
Nominal diameter of bolt, mm
Bolt strength Yield strength,
6 8 10 12 14
grade N/MM2
Tightening torque, N·m
4.6 240 4~5 10~12 20~25 36~45 55~70
5.6 300 5~7 12~15 25~32 45~55 70~90
6.8 480 7~9 17~23 33~45 58~78 93~124
8.8 640 9~12 22~30 45~59 78~104 124~165
10.9 900 13~16 30~36 65~78 110~130 180~210
12.9 1080 16~21 38~51 75~100 131~175 209~278
Nominal diameter of bolt, mm
Bolt strength Yield strength,
16 18 20 22 24
grade N/MM2
Tightening torque, N·m
4.6 240 90~110 120~150 170~210 230~290 300~377
5.6 300 110~140 150~190 210~270 290~350 370~450
6.8 480 145~193 199~264 282~376 384~512 488~650
8.8 640 193~257 264~354 376~502 521~683 651~868
10.9 900 280~330 380~450 540~650 740~880 940~1120
12.9 1080 326~434 448~597 635~847 864~1152
Nominal diameter of bolt, mm
Bolt strength Yield strength,
27 30 33 36 39
grade N/MM2
Tightening torque, N·m
4.6 240 450~530 540~680 670~880 900~1100
1120~140 1160~154
5.6 300 550~700 680~850 825~1100
0 6
969~129 1319~17 1694~22 1559~20
6.8 480 714~952
3 59 59 79
952~126 1293~17 1759~23 2259~30 2923~38
8.8 640
9 23 45 12 98
1400~16 1700~20 2473~32 2800~33 4111~548
10.9 900
50 00 98 50 1
1606~21 2181~29 2968~39 3812~50 4933~65
12.9 1080
42 08 58 82 77

Service Manual

Chapter 3 Maintenance

Service Manual

Service Manual

3.1 Platform assembly

3.1.2 Assembling the foot switch

3.1.1 Assembling the file box

1. Foot switch 2. Screw 3. Screw 4. Washer

1) Assemble part 1 with parts 2/3/4 to the

1 assembling position at the bottom of the

2 3 4 5
platform frame, and tighten the screws.

Reference tightening torque of parts 2/3:

1. Platform frame 2. File box 3. Bolt 4. Washer 5.
Tools: Allen wrench M4

1) Assemble part 2 with part 3/4 (nut end)/5 to 3.1.3 Assembling the lifting cross bar

the mounting position in the middle of part 1,

and tighten the bolts.

Reference tightening torque of part 3: 1 2 3 4
12±1N.m 5 6

Tools: open-end wrench 8-10

Note: Pay attention that the simple removal 1. Lifting cross bar 2. U-bolt 3. Rubber hose 4.

process will not be described. Please refer to Nut 5. Washer 6. Nut 7. Lifting side bar

the assembling process. 1) Pre-install part 3 on part 2, screw on part 4,

then attach part 1 to the front door railing of the

Service Manual

platform with U-bolts, fix it with parts 5/6, and wrench 1/2-16mm

install part 7 to the side door railing of the

3.1.5 Assembling the load cell
platform in the same way as part 1.

Reference tightening torque of part 6:


Tools: open-end wrench 13-16

3.1.4 Assembling the platform support

1. Load cell 2. Bolt 3. Washer 4. Nut 5.

Triangular bracket assembly 6. Adjusting bolt 7.

5 Nut

1 2 4

1. Platform support 2. Bolt 3. Washer 4. Nut 5. 8. Stop block 9. Screw 10. Washer 11. Nut

U-bolt 6. Washer Install part 1 with parts 2/3 (nut end)/4 to part 5

Place part 1 on the subassembling bench, then (one of them), then screw part 7 on part 6, install

hoist the platform frame to the platform support, part 6 to part 1 with the farthest end of part 6

fix it with part 2 (inserting from top to bottom)/3 about 27-29mm from the surface of the load cell,

(for both bolt end and nut end)/4, and then fix tighten part 7 on triangular bracket where the

the platform support and platform frame with load cell is not installed, and assemble parts

parts 5/6/4. 8/9/10/11.

Tightening torque of part 2: 52±5N.m Tightening torque of part 2: 90±9N.m

Tools: open-end ratchet wrench 16, socket Tightening torque of part 6: 52±5N.m
Service Manual

Reference tightening torque of part 9: 2) Insert part 4, fix it with part 5 (to be

12±1N.m pre-coated with adhesive), install part 6 on part

Tools: open-end wrench 16-18, open-end 1, then add lithium grease 2# until the grease

wrench 13-16 overflows from both sides of triangular bracket

Socket wrench 1/2-18mm, QSP100N4, S6 assembly, and then assemble part 7 to part 6.

Allen wrench Tightening torque of part 5: 52±5N.m

Tools: QSP100N4/socket wrench 1/2-16mm/

3.1.6 Assembling the swing motor
open-end wrench 13-16
mounting bracket

1) Connect the triangular bracket assembly to 3.1.7 Assembling the platform control

part 3 and platform support with parts 1. When unit (PCU)

knocking the part 1 for assembling, adjust the

gap of triangular bracket assembly with platform

support and swing motor mounting bracket

using part 2 until the part 2 cannot be inserted

any more. Pay attention that the knocking

direction of parts 1 shall be consistent (that is,

1. PCU assembly 2. Bolt 3. Washer
the grease nipples are on the same side after
1) Assemble part 1 to the mounting position in
the middle of platform frame with parts 2 (to be

pre-coated with adhesive)/3.

Reference tightening torque of part 2:

1. Transition support pin 2. Adjusting washer 3.
Tools: open-end ratchet wrench 16
Swing motor mounting bracket 4. Bolt 5. Bolt 6.

Bolt 7. Bolt
Service Manual

tighten them, and finally torque tighten parts 4:

3.1.8 Assembling the anti-collision

rubber pad

1. Screw 2. Washer 3. Nut 4. Screw 5. Washer

1. Anti-collision rubber pad 2. Screw 3. Washer

4. Nut Tightening torque of part 1: 595±55N.m

Tightening torque of part 4: 71±7N.m

Reference tightening torque of part 2:

Tools: open-end wrench 30-32/QLE-750N/


Tools: 9-piece Allen wrench set/open-end

2) Connect the platform harness to PCU and

wrench 13-16

connectors of load cell and platform valve block,

3.1.9 Assembling the platform
and connect the corresponding oil pipes to the
1) Lift the platform to the assembling position of
the swing cylinder, insert the part 1 through the
3.2 Axle assembly
platform support and the swing cylinder,
3.2.1 Disassembling the front axle
manually screw on the parts 2/3 (note that do
not tighten the part 1 at this time), adjust the

perpendicularity between the platform and the △

! CAUTION: Before refitting, the

fly jib, and after the adjustment, apply adhesive O-ring of the removed fitting and/or hose
to parts 4 and pre-tighten them symmetrically assembly must be replaced and then
(do not torque tighten them for the time being), tightened to the specified torque. Please

then apply adhesive to parts 1 and torque refer to hydraulic hose and fitting torque

Service Manual

specifications. two ends of the floating cylinder as shown

1) Fix the non-steered wheels and place the below:

jack in the middle of the steering end (i.e., front

axle) of the chassis.

2) Unscrew the wheel nuts, but do not remove


3) Raise the machine by 5 cm. Place the

bracket under the chassis for the purpose of 9) Remove the floating cylinder carefully.

supporting. 10) Mark, disconnect and plug the hoses and

4) Fix the sling connected to the crane to the fittings connected to the walking motor.

front axle securely.

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury

! Caution: Risk of crushing. If not Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and

supported, the chassis may fall. burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen

5) Unscrew the wheel nuts and remove the tires. the hydraulic fitting connection very slowly

6) Remove the pipe clamp. to reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do

7) Mark, disconnect and plug the hoses and not spray or eject the oil.

fittings connected to the floating cylinder. 11) Remove the securing fastener of center

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury
shaft for connecting the front axle to the chassis,

and knock the pin out with the copper bar.

Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and
12) Move away the front axle slowly with the
burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen
the hydraulic fitting connection very slowly

to reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do △

! Caution: Risk of crushing. If not

not spray or eject the oil. supported correctly by the sling, the front

8) Remove the pins and securing fasteners at axle may fall.

Service Manual

plate 3. Screw
3.2.2 Assembling the front axle
4. Washer 5. O-ring 6. Shaft sleeve
Tightening torque of part 3: 260±26N.m
1) Lift part 1 to the subassembly tooling, and lift
Tool: QSP420N4/ hexagon head socket
part 2 onto part 1. Then rotate part 2 to adjust
wrench S14
the assembly position so that the illustrated
2) Install the subassembled walking motor onto
motor mounting bolt hole is parallel with the pin
the walking reducer, making the brake oil ports
mounting hole. Next, remove the plug in the
coincident. Then install part 1, and fasten it with
illustrated yellow circle, which is located at
part 2 (coated with sealant) / 3. See the figure
right-hand end of the operator. After the
adjustment, use part 3 (coated with sealant)/ 4

to put fastener 5 for the connecting plate and

the walking reducer at the plug hole, and

press-fit part 6 into the pin hole of steering

connecting plate steering cylinder and steering

rod. 1. O-ring 2. Bolt 3. Washer

Note: The right steering connecting plate should Tightening torque of part 2: 110±11N.m

be connected to the reducer in the same way. Tool: QSP200N4/ hexagon head socket

wrench S14

3) Lift the subassembled connecting plate to the

assembly position of the front axle, and install

part 1 to the upper and lower contact surfaces

between the connecting plate and the front axle

weldment. Install the pin (part 2) from top to

1. Walking reducer 2. Left steering connecting bottom (from bottom to top for the lower part),

Service Manual

adjust its position and fix it with parts 3, 4 and 5. install the rod end of steering cylinder to the

See the figure below: steering connecting plate. Afterwards, install

part 6 from top to bottom, install the washer, and

fix with part 7.

1. Wear washer 2. Front hub connecting pin 3.


4. Bolt 5. Washer 1. Steering cylinder 2. Steering cylinder pin 3.

Note: Wear washers should be installed on both Latch 4. Bolt 5. Washer 6. Rod pin 7. Cotter pin

upper and lower surfaces of the steering Tightening torque of part 4: 52±5N.m

connecting plate. Tool: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 16

Tightening torque of part 4: 52±5N.m 5) Connect and install the hoses and fittings of

Tool: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 16 two steering cylinders.

4) Remove the plug of the steering cylinder (part 6) Install part 1 to the front axle, and connect the

1). Note that residual oil in the cylinder will flow two ends to the left and right steering

out during removal, and should be collected with connecting plates. Then install part 2 from top to

an oil collector. Install the steering cylinder rod bottom, install part 3, and fix with part 4.

with the non-rod piston chamber pulled out in

the middle of front axle weldment. Then install

washers (2504000277:4) on both upper and

lower surfaces of the cylinder pin mounting hole,

and install part 2 from top to bottom. Next, fix 1. Steering rod 2. Rod pin 3. Washer 4. Cotter

the pin with part 3/4/5 at the upper part, and pin

Service Manual

7) Lift the subassembled front axle assembly Tool: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 16

with the lifting rope. Note: The lifting rope should 10) Pull out the floating cylinder, and make the

be laid such that the front axle is horizontal upper opening of the cylinder parallel with the

during lifting. Adjust the position and height of front axle.

front axle to make the axes of two connecting 11) As shown (at the part of front axle indicated

holes between the chassis and the front axle in the yellow circle), thread the lower pin (part 1)

coincident. of floating cylinder through the lower connecting

8) Thread the front axle connecting pin (part 1) hole of floating cylinder from outside to inside,

through the lower connecting hole of the floating and bring it out of the inside welded plate of

cylinder from outside to inside, and add the front axle; adjust the position of pin, and fasten

adjusting washer (part 2) at the inside welded the floating cylinder to the outside weld surface

plate of front axle until it can be no longer of front axle with parts 2, 3 and 4 tightened to

added. the specified torque.

9) Adjust the position of pin, and fasten part 1 to See the figure below:

the outside weld surface of front axle with parts

3, 4 and 5 tightened to specified torque. See the

figure below:

1. Lower pin of floating cylinder 2. Latch 3. Bolt

4. Washer

Tightening torque of part 3: 52±5N.m

1. Axle connecting pin 2. Adjusting washer 3. Tool: QSP100N3/ socket wrench 16

Bolt 4. Washer 5. Latch

Tightening torque of part 3: 52±5N.m

Service Manual

3.2.3 Disassembling the rear axle


! CAUTION: Before refitting, the

O-ring of the removed fitting and/or hose

assembly must be replaced and then △

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury

tightened to the specified torque Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and

. Please refer to hydraulic hose and fitting burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen

torque specifications. the hydraulic fitting connection very slowly

1) Fix the non-steered wheels and place the to reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do
jack in the middle of the steering end (i.e., front not spray or eject the oil.

axle) of the chassis. 6) Remove the securing fastener of connecting

2) Unscrew the wheel nuts, but do not remove shaft for connecting the rear axle to the chassis,

them. and knock the pin out with the copper bar, as

3) Raise the machine by 5 cm. Place the shown below:

bracket under the chassis for the purpose of


4) Fix the sling connected to the crane to the

rear axle securely.

5) Mark, disconnect and plug the hoses and 7) Move away the front axle slowly with the

fittings connected to the rear axle walking motor, crane.

as shown below:
! Caution: Risk of crushing. If not

supported correctly by the sling, the front

axle may fall.

Service Manual

yellow circle) of the subassembled rear axle

3.2.4 Assembling the rear axle
motor, and lift the motor to the assembly
position of the rear axle reducer. Remember to
1) Lift the rear axle weldment onto the
add part 1 before installing the motor, and
subassembly tooling, and lift the walking
ensure that the motor parking brake oil port is
reducer to the mounting positions at two ends.
coincident with the reducer parking brake oil
Then rotate the walking reducer to adjust its
port during the installation. Then fix the motor
mounting angle, ensuring that the motor
with part 2 (coated with sealant)/ 3.
mounting hole is at the horizontal mounting

position and the reducer plug is on the right of

the operator. Next, fasten the walking reducer

with part 3 (coated with sealant)/ 4. Afterwards,

remove the protection of parking brake oil port

on the reducer, and install the O-ring. After that, 1. O-ring 2. Bolt 3. Washer

press-fit the shaft sleeves at two ends of the pin Tightening torque of part 2: 110±11N.m

mounting hole in the middle of rear axle. Tool: QSP200N4/ socket wrench 19

3) Lift the grooved parts of reducers on two

sides of rear axle to the chassis, and install the

shaft (part 1), making the side with gap toward

the rear side of machine. During installation of

1. Screw 2. Washer the shaft, adjust the gap between the rear axle

Tightening torque of part 1: 260±26N.m and the chassis with part 2 until the part can no

Tool: QSP400N4/ hexagon head socket longer be added. Install the part from outside to

wrench S14 inside, connect the inside and install it as a

2) Remove the plug (indicated by the illustrated whole. Afterwards, fasten the part with parts 3, 4

Service Manual

and 5 tightened to specified torque. See the washer 4. Bolt 5. Washer

figure below: Tightening torque of part 4: 52±5N.m

Tool: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 16

3.2.5 Disassembling the wheel

1) Unscrew the wheel nuts, but do not remove

them .

2) Block the non-steered wheel, and place a

1. Rear axle connecting pin 2. Adjusting washer

jack with sufficient bearing capacity under the

3. Bolt 4. Washer
steering axle.

5. Latch
3) Raise the machine by 15 cm, and place a

Tightening torque of part 3: 52±5N.m cushion block under the chassis for the purpose

Tool: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 16 of supporting.

4) Place the gap adjusting block between the

chassis and the rear axle, and install part 1 to

! CAUTION: Risk of crushing.

If improperly supported, the machine may fall.

the rear axle with parts 4 and 5. Then adjust the
4) Unscrew the wheel nuts and remove the
gap of rear axle with parts 2 and 3. Gap control
criterion: 4-5 mm.
5) Unscrew the hub fixing nuts.
Note: The number of part 2/3 may be
6) Remove the hub.
determined according to the actual gap.
The illustrated bolt for the left
block should not be tightened at
this time, in order to prepare for
the installation of the floating 3.2.6 Assembling the wheel

1) Lift the tire with the crane, and adjust the

angle of tire to make the tire bolt holes

coincident with the motor bolts.

2) Push in the tire horizontally and make it fit

1. Stop block 2. Adjusting washer 3. Adjusting
Service Manual

closely. Then pretighten the tire with part 2

! CAUTION: The O-ring (if any) of the
(coated with threadlock before pretightening).
removed fitting and/or hose assembly
3) Tighten all nuts to specified torque
must be replaced. During installation, all
connections must be tightened to

specified torque. Please refer to the

specification for selection of tightening

torque of the lifting platform.

1) Remove the platform.

2) Disconnect the electrical connection from the

1. Tire 2. Hexagon cone nut jib/platform changeover valve installed on the

Note: The left and right tires may not be platform bracket.

mistaken during installation: 3) Mark, disconnect and plug all hydraulic hoses

on the jib/platform changeover valve. Plug the

hose fittings, as shown below:


Tire pattern

Tightening torque of part 2: 305±25N.m

Tool: QSP400N4/ socket wrench 24

3.3 Jib assembly

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury

3.3.1 Disassembling the swing cylinder, Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and

the fly jib cylinder and the jib burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen

the hydraulic fitting connection very slowly

! CAUTION: This procedure should be
to reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do
implemented when the boom is retracted.
Service Manual

not spray or eject the oil. 11) Remove the hose/ cable cover from the jib

4) Remove the platform mounting weldment. (upper link) side, and then take off the hose/

5) Attach the sling from the overhead crane to cable cover.

the swing cylinder for the purpose of supporting. 12) Attach the sling from the overhead crane to

6) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the the fly jib.

cylinder mounting shaft at the fly jib cylinder 13) Use a suitable lifting device to support the

barrel end. But do not remove the cylinder fly jib cylinder barrel end.

mounting shaft. 14) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic

7) Remove the fasteners of dowel pins at two hoses of the fly jib cylinder. And plug the fittings

ends of the jib link. But do not remove the pin. on the cylinder.

8) Use the copper hammer to knock out the

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury
cylinder mounting shaft connected to the upper
Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and
link, to make the upper link sink.
burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen
9) Disconnect and plug the hoses and fittings on
the hydraulic fitting connection very slowly
the swing cylinder, remove the securing
to reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do
fasteners on the swing cylinder, and remove the
not spray or eject the oil.
swing cylinder from the machine, as shown
15) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the
pivot at the fly jib cylinder block end.

16) Use a copper hammer to remove the pin

and make the cylinder sink.

! WARNING: Risk of crushing

If not properly supported by the crane, the

10) Slide the two jib leveling arms away from the jib may fall during removal of the pivot pin

pivot pin at the boom cylinder rod end. at the barrel end.
Service Manual

17) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the

jib mounting shaft. Remove the pin with the

copper hammer, and then remove the jib from

the boom head connecting plate.

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
1. Lower connecting bracket assembly 2. Lower
If not properly supported by the crane, the
link 3. Upper link 4. Upper connector assembly
jib may fall due to loss of balance during
2) Connect the upper/lower connector assembly
removal from the machine.
to the upper link with part 1, and then fix them
18) Attach the sling from the overhead crane to
with part 2/3/4/5, as shown below:
the lifting lug at the fly jib cylinder rod end.

19) Knock out the mounting shaft at the fly jib

cylinder barrel end with the copper hammer,

and then remove the fly jib cylinder from the

boom head connecting plate.

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
1. Shaft 2. Latch 3. Bolt 4. Washer 5. Nut
If not properly supported by the crane, the
Tool: Open-end ratchet wrench 16
jib may fall due to loss of balance during
3) Install the cushion block, use part 1/2 to
removal from the machine.
install part 3/4 to the assembly position at front

3.3.2 Assembling the swing cylinder, end of upper link, and tighten the bolt, as shown

the fly jib cylinder and the jib below:

1) Place part 1/2/3/4 onto the jib subassembly

tooling as shown below.

Service Manual

Tools: electric impact wrench (SATA 51082),

socket wrench 1/2-10mm

5) Connect the cylinder piston rod to the jib

lower connecting bracket assembly and the

lower link with the shaft (part 1), and fix them
1. Cushion block 2. Bolt 3. Washer
with part 2/3/4/5. Similarly, connect the lower
Reference tightening torque of part 3:
link to the upper connecting bracket assembly
with part 1/2/3 (coated with sealant)/ 4/5,
Tool: Open-end ratchet wrench 13
connect the cylinder base to the upper link with
4) Install the balance valve (part 2) onto the fly
part 6, and fix them with part 2/4/5/7 (coated
jib cylinder (part 1), and fasten it with the bolt
with sealant). See the figure below:
(part 4). Then remove the attached plugs at

ports V1 and V2 of the balance valve, install the

straight fitting (part 3) to the two ports and

tighten them to specified torque. See the figure

1. Shaft 2. Latch 3. Bolt 4. Washer 5. Nut 6.

Shaft 7. Bolt

Tightening torque of part 3/7: 52±5N.m

Tools: socket wrench 1/2-16mm, open-end

wrenches 16-18

6) Install part 1 onto the upper connector

1. Fly jib cylinder 2. Jib luffing balance valve 3. assembly with part 2 (coated with sealant)/ 3/4,

Straight fitting 4. Bolt as shown below:

Tightening torque of part 3: 32±3N.m

Tightening torque of part 4: 19±2N.m

Service Manual

wrench 16-1

9) As shown above, fix the pipe and harness at

the fly jib onto part 6 with part 2/3/4/5, and

tighten the bolt.

The pipe harness should be arranged as shown

1. Swing cylinder 2. Bolt 3. Washer 4. Nut
Tightening torque of part 2: 305±25N.m

Tools: open-end wrenches 24-27, socket

wrench 3/4-24
connecting wire
7) Lift the subassembled jib to the mounting
Inner Oute
position of telescopic boom, and connect the
Oil pipe
telescopic boom to the lower connector

assembly with part 1, as shown below:

Reference tightening torque of part 3:


Tools: Open-end wrench 13, ratchet wrench


10) Bundle up the platform control connecting

1. Shaft 2. Latch 3. Bolt 4. Washer 5. Nut 6. wire and the fly jib valve block pipe at the

Shaft illustrated position with the strap, and fix the

8) Install part 2/3 (coated with sealant)/ 4/5 for pipe at the fly jib with part 1/2/3, as shown

fixing; connect the upper leveling cylinder to the below:

lower connector assembly with part 6.

Tightening torque of part 3: 52±5N.m

Tools: open-end wrench 16-1, open-end

Service Manual

3.4 Engine assembly

3.4.1 Subassembling the engine

1) Install part 1 to the engine with part 2

(coated with sealant)/ 3, apply the sealant

1.Pipe clamp 2. Cushion collar 3. Spacer ring

and tighten the part to the specified

11) Install the guard plate onto the fly jib upper

Note: During fixing and connection of the

link with part 1/2/3. Then thread the pipe and

coupling, apply AT272 threadlock to prevent

harness through the pipe clamp, wind 600PVC

around them at the point 100 mm from the pipe

2) After fastening part 1, apply 596 plane

clamp, and fix them with black insulating tape.

sealant to the edge of engine, and install the

Afterwards, fix the pipe at the fly jib with part

pump cover (part 4) to the engine with part 5.


See the figure below:

1. Flywheel coupling 2. Bolt 3. Washer 4. Pump

cover 5. Screw

Tightening torque of part 2/5: 52±5N.m

Tools: QSP100N4, socket wrench 16

1. Bolt 2. Washer 3. Nut 4. Pipe clamp 5.

3) Lift the engine assembly, and install part 1 at

Cushion collar 6. Spacer ring

the assembly position on the rear end of engine

Tightening torque of part 1: 12±1N.m

with part 2 (coated with sealant)/ 3. See the

Tools: socket wrench 1/2-10mm, socket

figure below:
wrench 1/2-16mm, QSP100N4

, QSP25N4
Service Manual

1. Shock absorber 2. Bolt 3. Washer 4.

Nut 5. Bolt
1. Rear outrigger 2. Bolt 3. Washer
Tightening torque of part 2: 52±5N.m
Tightening torque of part 2: 90±9N.m
Tightening torque of part 5: 32±3N.m
Tools: QSP100N4, socket wrench 21
Tools: QSP100N4, open-end wrench 16,
4) Install part 1/3 on the right front side of
QSP50N3, socket wrench 16/18
engine with part 4/5, and install part 2 on the left
6) Fix part 1 onto the engine with part 2 and
front side of engine with part 4/5.
fasten part 1 with part 3/4/5/6;

1. Right front outrigger 2. Left front outrigger 3.

Intake steel pipe mounting bracket 4. Bolt 5.


Tightening torque of part 4: 90±9N.m

1. Intake pipe weldment 2. Hose clamp 3.
Tools: QSP200N4, socket wrench 21
Stainless steel mount 4. U-bolt 5. Nut 6. Washer
5) Install part 1 to the engine tray with part 2,
Tightening torque of part 2: 5-5.5N.m
and fix it with part 2 (coated with sealant) /3/4.
Tightening torque of part 5: 6N.m
Lower the subassembled engine to the damping
Tools: 8mm so
pad of the engine tray and fix it with part 5.
cket wrench, 7mm socket wrench

7) Use part 2 to connect part 1 to the engine

Service Manual

intake steel pipe, and use part 4/5/6 to fix part 8

(4110001498: air cleaner G068663 1) onto the

tray. Then install part 7 to the air cleaner inlet

and tighten it. Afterwards, use part 2 to connect

1. Engine intake connecting pipe 2. Engine
the engine intake hose to the air cleaner;
intake steel pipe 3. Hose clamp 4. U-bolt 5.

Stainless steel mount 6. Nut 7. Washer 8. Hose


Tightening torque of part 3: 5-5.5N.m

Tightening torque of part 6: 6N.m

Tools: 13mm socket wrench, 7mm socket

1. Engine intake hose 2. Hose clamp 3. Bolt 4.
Washer 5. Nut 6. Hoop 7. Electronic differential
9) The tail pipe should be assembled in a
pressure alarm
direction parallel to the axis of the engine
Tightening torque of part 2: 5-5.5N.m;
muffler, as shown by the yellow arrows, with the
Tightening torque of part 3: 28±3N.m;
U-bolt mount on the side away from the engine
Reference tightening torque of part 6:
body, and should be fastened with part 2/3/4.
Note that the U-bolt should be clamped in the
Tools: 13mm socket wrench, 7mm socket
middle of the exhaust connecting pipe
8) Use part 3 to connect part 1 to the air cleaner,

use part 8 (4017000017 hose clamp

JB8870-d70 1) to connect part 2 to part 1, and

use part 4/5/6/7 to fix part 2 to the intake steel

pipe mounting bracket;

1. U-bolt 2. U-bolt mount 3. Washer 4. Nut 5.

Service Manual

Exhaust connecting pipe weldment Tools: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 16,

Tools: electric impact wrench, socket open-end wrench 16

wrench 13 2) Adjust the clearance between the engine fan

and the radiator, where the clearance between

3.4.2 Assembling the engine cooling
the engine/fan and the fan shroud should be
within 15±5mm, the clearance from the
1) Place one rubber plate (part 2) on the radiator
outermost end of the fan to the outermost end of
bracket, then place the mounting plate (part 1)
the guard net in the left and right directions
on the rubber plate, and place the radiator
should be within 20±6mm, and the clearance
assembly (part 3) on part 1. Next, use part 4
from the outermost end of the fan to the
(coated with sealant, and threaded from bottom
outermost end of the guard net in the front and
to top) /5/6 for front side, and part 8
rear directions should be within 18.5±3mm.
(4011000184 bolt GB5783-M10*40EpZn-8.8 2)
3) Install the radiator flitch weldment (part 1)
/5 for rear side to connect the radiator assembly
onto the rotary table weldment with the bolt (part
to the radiator bracket. Note that part 7 needs to
2) and the washer (part 3). Install the flitch
be added for the fixing bolt on the right rear side
weldment onto the battery tray with the bolt (part
of the radiator.
4), the washer for bolt (part 5), the washer for

nut (part 6), and the nut (part 7).

1. Mounting plate 2. Rubber plate 3. Radiator

assembly 4. Bolt 5. Washer 6. Nut 7. Intake

steel pipe mounting bracket 8. Bolt 9. Washer 1. Radiator flitch weldment 2. Bolt 3. Washer 4.

Tightening torque of part 4/8: 28±3N.m Bolt 5. Washer 6. Washer 7. Nut

Service Manual

Tools: QSP100N4, socket wrench 18/13, 2-2.5N.m;

open-end wrench 13 Tools: electric impact wrench 51082, socket

4) Connect one end of part 1 to the radiator inlet, wrench 7

and the other end to the engine water outlet,

3.4.3 Assembling the engine fuel
and fasten both ends with part 5; connect one
end of part 2 to the radiator vent, and the other
1) Install part 1 onto the engine tray with part
end to the engine vent, and fasten both ends
with part 6; connect one end of part 3 to the top
2) Fix part 5 onto part 1 with part 6/7/8.
outlet of radiator, and the other end to the

engine water filler, and fasten both ends with

part 7; connect one end of part 4 to the bottom

outlet of radiator, and the other end to the

engine water inlet, and fasten both ends with

part 5.

1. EFP mounting plate 2. Bolt 3. Nut 4. Washer

5. EFP 6. Bolt 7. Nut 8. Washer

1. Engine water outlet pipe 2. Engine vent pipe Tightening torque of part 6: 6±1N.m

3. Engine makeup water pipe 4. Engine water Tightening torque of part 2: 28±3N.m

inlet pipe 5. Hose clamp 6. Hose clamp 7. Tools: QSP100N4, QSP50N3, socket wrench

Hose clamp 10/14

Reference tightening torque of part 5/7: 3) Install part 1 onto the engine tray with part

5-5.5N.m; 2/3/4.

Reference tightening torque of part 6: 4) Fix part 5 onto part 1 with part 6/7/8.

Service Manual

1. Secondary filter cushion block 2. Bolt

Tightening torque of part 2: 52±5N.m

1. Water separator mounting plate 2. Bolt 3. Nut
Tools: QSP100N4, socket wrench 16
4. Washer 5. Water separator 6. Bolt 7. Nut 8.
7) Connect one end of part 1 to the fuel tank,
and fix it with part 3/4. Connect the other end to
Tightening torque of part 6: 52±5N.m
the water separator inlet, and fix it with part 6/7.
Tightening torque of part 2: 28±3N.m
8) Connect one end of part 2 to the fuel tank,
Tools: QSP100N4, QSP50N3, socket wrench
and fix it with part 3/4. Connect the other end to
the engine, and fix it onto the quick connector
5) Remove the fuel secondary filter supplied
with part 5.
with the engine.

6) Add part 1 between the secondary filter and

the engine housing, and fasten the secondary

filter and the secondary filter cushion block with

part 2.

1. Water separator inlet pipe 2. Engine fuel

return pipe 3. Bolt 4. Washer 5. Hose clamp 6.

Bolt 7. Washer

Tightening torque of part 3/6: 32±3N.m

Reference tightening torque of part 5:

Service Manual

2.5-3N.m Reference tightening torque of part 4:

Tools: QSP100N4, socket wrench 8/20/22, 2.5-3N.m

bent wrench with straight shank Tools: QSP100N4, socket wrench 8/22, bent

9) Connect one end of part 1 to the water wrench with straight shank

separator outlet, and fix it with part 5/6. Connect 3.5 Cable carrier assembly
the other end to the EFP inlet, and fix it with part
3.5.1 Disassembling the cable carrier

10) Connect one end of part 2 to the EFP outlet, △

! CAUTION: The O-ring (if any) of the

and fix it with part 4. Connect the other end to removed fitting and/or hose assembly

the secondary filter inlet, and fix it with part 5/6. must be replaced. During installation, all

11) Connect one end of part 3 to the secondary connections must be tightened to

filter outlet, and fix it with part 5/6. Then connect specified torque. Please refer to the

the other end to the engine fuel inlet, and fix it specification for selection of tightening

onto the quick connector with part 4. Avoid torque of the lifting platform.

interference with engine edges through 1) Determine the position of cable from the

adjustment of pipeline fitting. cable carrier to the platform control unit.

Number each cable and its entry to the platform

control unit.

2) Disconnect the cable from the platform

control unit.

3) Remove the hose and cable cover from the

1. EFP inlet pipe 2. Secondary filter inlet pipe 3.

side of boom. Remove the hose and cable

Engine inlet pipe 4. Hose clamp 5. Bolt 6.


4) Remove the hose clamp on the boom head

Tightening torque of part 5: 32±3N.m connecting plate.

Service Manual

5) Pull out all cable harnesses from the cable 9) Lift the boom to a horizontal position.

carrier. Do not pull out the hydraulic hose. 10) Place the cushion block between the upper

6) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic and lower cable carriers, and fix the moving

hoses on ports V1 and V2 of the balance valve parts of upper and lower rails.

on the swing cylinder. And cover the hose

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
If not properly fixed, the upper and lower

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury cable carriers may become unbalanced

Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and and fall during removal from the machine.

burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen 11) Attach a sling from an overhead crane with

the hydraulic fitting connection very slowly the lifting capacity of 5 t/5,000 kg to the platform

to reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do end of the boom for purpose of supporting. But

not spray or eject the oil. do not lift it.

7) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic 12) Remove all hoses and harness clamps from

hoses on the fly jib/ swing cylinder. And cover the underside of the boom.

the hose fitting. 13) Support the rod end of the boom luffing

8) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic cylinder with a suitable lifting device.

hoses on the leveling cylinder. And cover the 14) Remove the latches and other securing

fittings on the cylinder. fasteners from the cylinder mounting shaft at the

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury
rod end of the boom luffing cylinder. But do not

remove the cylinder mounting shaft.

Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and
15) Raise the boom slightly with the overhead
burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen
crane to release the pressure on the pivot at the
the hydraulic fitting connection very slowly
boom luffing cylinder rod end.
to reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do
16) Remove the pivot at the boom luffing
not spray or eject the oil.
Service Manual

cylinder rod end with the copper hammer. crane, the cable carrier may become

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
unbalanced and fall.

If not properly supported by the lifting △

! CAUTION: Risk of part damage

device, the boom luffing cylinder may If being kinked or squeezed, the cable

become unbalanced and fall. harness and hose may be damaged. If

17) Lower the rod end of the boom luffing being twisted, the boom cable carrier may

cylinder by approximately 30 cm. be damaged.

18) Pull all hoses and cables out of the mount at

3.5.2 Assembling the cable carrier
the rod end of the boom luffing cylinder.
1) Place part 1 on the side mounting plate of the
19) Raise the rod end of the boom luffing
boom, then place parts 2/3 on the lower end of
cylinder in place, and then install the pivot at rod
the mounting plate of the support plate near the
end and the dowel pin fasteners.
counterweight, then pre-tighten them with parts
20) Attach the sling from the overhead crane to
4/5/6 (do not tighten them at this time), arrange
the cable carrier.
the boom oil pipe harness, and then tighten the
21) Remove the mounting fastener from the
pipe clamp bolt (part 4).
upper cable carrier at the platform end of the

telescopic boom.

22) Remove the mounting fastener of the lower The washer is at the
bolt end

cable carrier at the platform end of the

telescopic boom.

23) Remove the cable carrier from the machine

and place it on a structure that will support it.

! WARNING: Risk of crushing 1. Cable carrier support plate 2. Pipe clamp 3.

If not properly connected to the overhead Pipe clamp pressure plate 4. Bolt 5. Washer 6.

Service Manual

Nut support plate, reserve the oil pipe and harness

Reference tightening torque of part 4: to be fixed at both ends of the cable carrier with

15±2N.m straps according to the length as shown, and

Tool: 13mm open-end ratchet wrench then wrap the reserved pipes and harnesses

2) Arrange the oil pipes and harnesses under with 100mm long PVC (PVC ends are wrapped

the support plate, then install clip rubber strips with black insulating tape) for protection, as

(with applied adhesive) at both ends of part 1, shown in the figure below:

then fix part 1 with parts 2/3/4 (the insertion

direction of the bolt is shown in the figure), and

tighten the nut, as shown in the figure below:

The washer is at the

nut end 4. Aluminum pipe 5. Screw 6. Washer 7. Nut

Reference tightening torque of part 5: 12±1N


Tools: open-end ratchet wrench 10

1. Cover plate weldment 2. Bolt 3. Nut 4.
4) Install the front end of the aluminum tube
onto the telescopic boom mounting plate with
3) Install one end of the cable carrier on the
parts 1/2/3 (indicated by the yellow circle in the
support plate with parts 5/6/7 and the other end
figure), and then fasten parts 4/5 with parts
on the aluminum pipe with parts 5/6/7 (with the
6/7/8, as shown in the figure below:
screw at the cable carrier end and the washer at

the nut end, and tighten the screw), then insert

the oil pipe and harness into the cable carrier

when passing them upward from under the

Service Manual

assembly must be replaced. During

installation, all connections must be

The washer is at tightened to specified torque. Please

the bolt end

refer to the specification for selection

of tightening torque of the lifting

1. Screw 2. Washer 3. Nut 4. Pipe clamp 5. Pipe
1) Remove the platform.
clamp pressure plate 6. Bolt 7. Washer 8. Nut
2) Remove the fly jib. Refer to "Disassembling
3.6 Boom/extension jib assembly
the fly jib".

3.6.1 Disassembling the boom

3) Remove the cable carrier. Refer to

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury "Disassembling the cable carrier".

4) Lift the boom to a horizontal position.

This procedure requires specific
5) Remove the hose and cable cover from
maintenance skills, lifting equipment and
upper pivot.
a suitable workshop. Carrying out this
6) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the
procedure without these skills and tools
mounting shaft at the barrel end of the boom
may result in death or serious injury, as
luffing cylinder. Remove the cylinder mounting
well as serious component damage.
shaft with a copper hammer. Then put down the
Therefore, it is strongly recommended
cylinder and make it sink.
that this service is performed by dealers.

! CAUTION: This procedure should △
! CAUTION: Risk of part damage

be implemented when the boom is When lowering the cylinder, make sure

retracted. that the hose or fitting of the cylinder is not


! CAUTION: The O-ring (if any) of
7) Position the boom speed limit switch on the
the removed fitting and/or hose
Service Manual

inner side of the upper pivot. 15) Connect similar lifting equipment to the

8) Remove the boom speed limit switch boom luffing cylinder.

mounting fasteners. Do not disconnect the 16) Place the support block under the boom

connecting wire. luffing cylinder.

9) Position the main telescopic boom drive 17) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the

speed limit switch inside the telescopic boom. boom luffing cylinder mounting shaft. Remove

10) Remove the main telescopic boom drive the pin with a copper hammer.

speed limit switch mounting fasteners. Do not

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
disconnect the connecting wire.
If the support is improper, the boom lift
11) Pull the limit switch and wires out of the
cylinder and the boom will descend.
extension pipe and move it away.
18) Lower the link end of the boom luffing
12) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic
cylinder to the support block. Protect the
hose of the boom extension cylinder. And cover
cylinder rod from damage.
the fittings on the cylinder.
19) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the

! WARNING: Danger of injury boom spindle.

Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and 20) Remove the boom pivot with a copper

burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen hammer, then carefully remove the boom from

the hydraulic fitting connection very slowly the machine and place it on a structure capable

to reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do of supporting the boom.

not spray or eject the oil.

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
13) Remove the hose clamp of the boom end
If it is not properly connected to the
overhead crane, the boom may become
14) Connect a 5 ton/5000 kg overhead crane to
unbalanced and fall when removed from
the center point of the boom.
the machine.
Service Manual

tooling, as shown in Fig. 2;

3.6.2 Assembling the boom assembly
④ Adjust the rear end hole of the telescopic
1) Lift the telescopic boom assembly onto the
boom to make it coaxial with the upper pivot
right side of the boom subassembly tooling.
hole, and hammer the pin that was not
completely installed previously, as shown in
① Ensure the balance of the telescopic boom
Fig. 3;
assembly during hoisting. The operator
⑤ Fix the shaft with parts 1/2/3, as shown in
shall not stand at either end;
Fig. 4. Note: After fixation, there shall be no
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
gap between the inner surface of the latch
pipe Support
and the plate surface.

2) Install the travel switch (part 4) (1 piece) at

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

the rear end of the boom, and fix it with parts

shaft 5/6/7, as shown in the figure:

1. Latch 2. Bolt 3. Washer

Part 5/6/7

Tightening torque of part 2: 90±9N.m;

Coat the latch fixing bolt (part 2) with AT262

threadlock. The roller is

adjusted to Part 4
be vertically
Tool: QSP100N4/socket wrench 18# downward

4. Travel switch 5. Screw 6. Nut 7. Washer

② Before lifting, place a support pipe in the

middle of the tooling to prevent the

telescopic boom from falling, as shown in ① In this step, it is required to adjust the travel

switch roller to be vertically downward;

Fig. 1;

② The bolt passes outward from the travel

③ Place the front end of the telescopic boom

switch side, with the washer at the bolt end

on the support beam at the front end of the

Service Manual

and the nut on the outer side.

3.6.3 Disassembling the extension jib
3) Install the travel switch (part 4) (1 piece) onto
the right inner side of the upper pivot, and fix it
Only when the outer jib or inner jib must be
with parts 5/6/7/8, as shown in the figure:
replaced, it is necessary to completely

Part Part disassemble the boom. The telescopic cylinder

5/6/7 8
can be removed with the boom not completely

disassembled. Refer to "Disassembling the

The roller
to the right
Part boom telescopic cylinder”.
1) Remove the boom. Refer to "Disassembling

4. Travel switch 5. Screw 6. Nut 7. Washer 8.

the boom".

Boom luffing limit packing plate

2) Place the cushion block under the barrel end

of the boom telescopic cylinder for support.

① In this step, the travel switch roller faces the 3) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the

right side;
telescopic cylinder mounting shaft at the spindle

② The bolt passes outward from the travel end of the boom. Knock out the cylinder

switch side, with the washer at the bolt end

mounting shaft with a copper hammer.

and the nut on the outer side;

4) Remove the wear-resistant cushion block

③ In this step, it is required to use the packing from the platform end of the boom and mark its

plate (part 8) on the right side of the travel


Note: Pay attention to the position and quantity

Reference tightening torque of screw (part 5):

of washers used for each wear-resistant

3±0.3 N.m;
cushion block.

Tools: open-end wrench 8-10 5) Make sure the support is secure and pull the

4) Connect the boom oil pipe.

telescopic boom and telescopic cylinder

Service Manual

assembly out of the boom. crane slings need to be carefully adjusted

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
to achieve proper balance.

If the support is improper, the boom may 3.6.4 Assembling the extension jib

become unbalanced and fall off when the assembly

inner telescopic boom is removed from 1) Lift the extension jib (part 1) onto the

the boom. assembly tooling;

Note: During disassembling, the overhead Part 4/5

Part 2
crane slings need to be carefully adjusted to Part 1

Assembling the
achieve proper balance. bottom slider at
rear end of

6) Remove the outer snap ring from the

Part 6
telescopic cylinder mounting shaft pin at the 7/5 Part
platform end of the telescopic boom. Knock out
1. Extension jib 2. Slider 3. Slider 4. Bolt 5.
the cylinder mounting shaft with a copper
Tightening torque of part 4: 23±2N.m;
7) Support and slide the telescopic cylinder out
Tool: QSP50N3/socket wrench 16#
of the bottom of the telescopic boom. Place the
Note: Ensure the balance of the workpiece
telescopic cylinder on the cushion block for
during lifting and placement. The operator shall
not stand at either end of the workpiece.

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
2) Install the sliders (parts 2/3) at the rear end of

If the support is improper, the telescopic the extension jib respectively, as shown in the

cylinder may fall off due to imbalance figure;

when removed from the boom extension Note:

pipe. ① Install the slider (part 3) at the bottom of the

Note: During disassembling, the overhead extension jib;

Service Manual

② After the slider is installed, measure the Note: Perform visual inspection for confirmation,

outer dimensions of the upper, lower, left rather than touch with hands.

and right sliders, then measure the front 6) Install parts 2/3 at both ends of the shaft (part

end dimensions of the boom at the 1) respectively:

corresponding positions, and determine the

number of washers (part 6) used according Part 1 Part 3

to the dimension difference;

③ The gap between the sliders on both sides

Part 2
and the boom is required to be ≤ 1mm.
1. Shaft 2. Washer 3. Snap ring
3) Remove the slider bolt, then apply 242
7) Install the telescopic cylinder of the boom at
threadlock, and fix the slider again;
the rear end of the extension jib;
4) Install the upper leveling cylinder
Install the slider (part 2) onto the front end riser
subassembly to the front end of the extension
at the cylinder barrel end with parts 3/4/5, as
jib. As shown in the figure below, install the fixed
shown in the figure below:
end of the upper leveling cylinder from the front

end of the extension jib:

Part 1

Part 4/5
The assembled oil
pipe of the upper Part 2 Part 3
leveling cylinder
faces down

1. Boom telescopic cylinder 2. Support slider for

5) Adjust the shaft hole at the fixed end of the
telescopic cylinder 3. Bolt 4. Nut 5. Washer
cylinder, make it coaxial with the first group of
Tightening torque of part 3: 23±2N.m
holes at the front end of the extension jib
Tools: Open-end wrench 13#-16#/socket 16#
rectangular tube, and fix it with the shaft (part 1).
Service Manual

① Install the slider in front of the riser, with the rather than touch with hands.

riser protruding from the lower part of the 12) Install parts 2/3 at both ends of the shaft

slider, and the nut and washer on the slider (part 1) respectively;

3.6.5 Assembling the telescopic boom
② Apply 242 threadlock to the bolt end.
8) Remove the accompanying blind at the fixed
1) Install the rear end of the extension jib
end of the cylinder, and clean impurities such as
assembly from the front end of the boom, as
paint residue on the surface;
shown in the figure:
9) Pull the front end of the cylinder out about
For the
locations of
1500mm; the slider
and bolt,

10) Install the front end of the telescopic Front

end of

cylinder of the boom from the rear end of the

Part 1

extension jib; Note: The assembled slider of the

cylinder faces down. Rear end

of the
11) Adjust the shaft hole at the front end of the
1. Boom assembly
cylinder, make it coaxial with the second group
Note: After installation, the rear end of the
of holes at the front end of the extension jib
telescopic cylinder should go beyond the stop
rectangular tube, and fix it with part 1;
block inside the rear end of the boom.

2) Install parts 2~7 at the front end of the boom

Part 1 Part 3
as shown below:

Part 2

1. Shaft 2. Washer 3. Snap ring

Note: Perform visual inspection for confirmation,

Service Manual

Part inside the stop block, and install the cylinder


pressure plate (part 1) onto the limit plate at the

Part 2

rear end of the boom with parts 2/3, as shown in

4/3 the figure below:

2. Slider 3. Washer 4. Bolt

Part 1

○1 After the slider is installed, check
the gap between the slider and the

telescopic boom with a feeler gauge.

The gap between the sliders on 1. Cylinder pressure plate 2. Bolt 3. Washer

both sides and the telescopic boom Note: Do not pry the rear end face of the

shall be ≤ 1mm, otherwise washers telescopic cylinder directly with hard objects.

should be added for adjustment; 4) Assembling the telescopic balance valve

○2 After adjustment according to the assembly: install the straight fitting (part 2) onto

gap requirements, apply 242 the telescopic balance valve (part 1), as shown

threadlock to parts 4/5/6; in the figure:

○3 The assembling direction of the

cushion block (part 3) shall not be

reversed, and the length of the

Part 3
fixing bolt here shall be correct.
Part 1 Part 2
Tightening torque of part 4: 23±3N.m;

Tool: QSP50N3/socket wrench 16#

1. Telescopic balance valve 2. Straight fitting 3.
3) Clamp the rear end of the telescopic cylinder

Service Manual

5) Install the telescopic balance valve assembly 1. Air cleaner 2. Hydraulic tank weldment

onto the fixed end of the telescopic cylinder with 3. Oil return filter element assembly 4.

part 3. O-ring 5. Oil return flange assembly 6.

Tightening torque of part 9: 52±7N.m; Bolt 7. Oil level meter 8. Fitting

Tightening torque of part 12: 75±5N.M; Tightening torque of part 6: 28±3N.m

Tightening torque of part 13: 32±3N.m; Tightening torque of part 8: 135±14N.m

Tools: QSP100N4/QSP50N3, socket wrench Tools: QSP50N3/socket wrench 10#, and

22#, and socket wrench 16# SP220N*36

3.7 Hydraulic tank/fuel tank 3) Install the oil suction filter together with the

O-ring and the oil suction flange assembly (part

3.7.1 Assembling the hydraulic tank
3) at the bottom of the hydraulic tank with the
1) Install the air cleaner (part 1) onto the
bolts (part 4), connect the straight fitting (part 5)
hydraulic tank weldment (part 2).
onto the oil suction flange externally, connect
2) Install the oil return filter element (part 3), the
the ball valve (part 6) externally onto the straight
O-ring (part 4) and the oil return flange
fitting, and connect the straight fitting (part 7)
assembly (part 5) onto the top of the hydraulic
externally onto the ball valve, tighten the parts
tank weldment with the bolts (part 6), and install
to the specified torque and make marks.
the oil level meter (part 7) onto the hydraulic

tank weldment with its accompanying bolt; then

install part 8 at the position shown in the figure:

1. Ball valve 2. Straight fitting 3. Oil suction

flange assembly

4. Bolt 5. Straight fitting

Service Manual

Tightening torque of part 4: 12±1N.m; parts 2/4 (indicated by the red box in the figure).

Tightening torque of part 5: 135±14N.m;

Tightening torque of part 2: 220±22N.m

Tools: QSP25N4/socket wrench 8#, and


4) Install the ring magnet (part 1), the O-ring

(part 2) and the screw plug (part 3) onto the oil

1. Bolt 2. Washer 3. Nut 4. Bolt
drain flange cover (part 4). Install the
Tightening torque of part 2/4: 52±5N.m
subassembled oil drain flange cover together
Tools: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 16,
with the O-ring (part 5) at the bottom of the
open-end wrench 16
hydraulic tank with the bolt (part 6), tighten the

3.7.2 Disassembling the hydraulic tank

parts to the specified torque and make marks.

! Risk of part damage. The working

area and surface for performing this

procedure must be clean. If debris enters

the hydraulic system, serious damage

may be caused to the components.

1. Ring magnet 2. O-ring 3. Screw plug
Therefore, it is recommended that this
4. Oil drain flange cover 5. O-ring 6. Bolt
service is performed by dealers.
Tightening torque of part 6: 28±3N.m
The O-rings (if any) of the fittings and/or
Tool: QSP25N4/ socket wrench 10
hoses must be replaced. During
5) Install the subassembled hydraulic tank at the
installation, all connections must be
assembling location at the right end of the rotary
tightened to the specified torque. Please
table near the platform with parts 1/2/3
refer to torque specifications of hydraulic
(indicated by the blue box in the figure) and

Service Manual

hoses and fittings. appropriate lifting equipment. (6) Remove the

(1) Close the two hydraulic ball valves on the securing fasteners of the hydraulic tank.

hydraulic tank. (7) Remove the hydraulic tank from the

! CAUTION: Risk of part damage. The

engine shall not be started when the valve △

! WARNING: Risk of crushing. If not

of the hydraulic tank is closed, otherwise properly supported and fixed on the lifting

parts may be damaged. If the valve is equipment during removal from the

closed, remove the key from the key machine, the hydraulic tank may become

switch and put a label on the machine to unbalanced and fall.

inform related personnel.

3.7.3 Assembling the fuel tank
(2) Remove the drain plug from the hydraulic
1) Install the oil level sensor (part 1) on the top
tank, and completely drain hydraulic oil into a
4 2 and 3, and tighten part 2:
of part 4 with parts
suitable container.

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury.

Sprayed hydraulic oil will penetrate and

burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen

hydraulic connectors very slowly to

reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do not

spray or eject the oil.

(3) Mark, disconnect and plug the suction pipes

connected to the ball valves of hydraulic tank.

(4) Mark, disconnect and plug the fuel return

1. Oil level sensor 2. Screw 3. Washer 4. Fuel
pipe at the fuel tank.
tank delivery assembly
(5) Support the hydraulic tank and fix it to

Service Manual

Reference tightening torque of part 2: 6N.m extinguishers should be always provided

Tool: S4 Allen wrench in easily accessible places.

2) Install the subassembled fuel tank at

! WARNING: Risk of explosion and
the assembling location on the right end
fire Do not drain or store fuel in open
of the rotary table near the counterweight
containers for fear of possible fire.
with parts 1/2.
(1) Mark, disconnect and plug the fuel supply

and return hoses.

(2) Remove the fuel filler cap from the fuel tank.

(3) Remove the drain plug at the bottom of the

fuel tank, and drain the fuel into a suitable

1. Bolt 2. Washer

Tightening torque of part 1: 52±5N.m △

! WARNING: Risk of explosion and

Tools: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 16, fire When delivering fuel, connect a

open-end wrench 21 ground wire between the machine and the

3) Assemble the two fuel pipes of the engine to pump or container.

the oil inlet and return ports at the rear end of Note: Ensure that only manual pumps suitable

the fuel tank, and tighten the bolts. for gasoline and/or diesel are used.

(4) Remove the securing fasteners of the fuel

3.7.4 Disassembling the fuel tank

! WARNING: Risk of explosion and (5) Support the fuel tank and fix it to appropriate

fire Fuel is combustible. Please perform lifting equipment.

this procedure in an open, well-ventilated (6) Remove the fuel tank from the machine.

area away from heaters, sparks, flames, Note: Before installation, please clean the fuel

and fireworks. Acceptable fire tank and check for cracks and other damage.

Service Manual

3.8 Cylinder assembly 3) Connect a 5 ton/5000 kg overhead crane to

the boom for support.

3.8.1 Disassembling the boom luffing
4) Raise the boom slightly with the overhead
crane to release the pressure of the mounting

! WARNING: Danger of injury shaft pin of the boom luffing cylinder.

This procedure requires specific 5) Support the rod end and barrel end of the

maintenance skills, lifting equipment and boom luffing cylinder with a second overhead

a suitable workshop. Carrying out this crane or similar lifting equipment.

process without these skills and tools may 6) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose

result in death or serious injury, as well as of the boom luffing cylinder. And cover the

serious component damage. Therefore, it fittings on the cylinder.

is strongly recommended that this service
is performed by dealers.
Risk of personal injury. Sprayed hydraulic

! CAUTION: The O-ring (if any) of the oil can penetrate and burn the skin.

removed fitting and/or hose assembly Therefore, please loosen the hydraulic

must be replaced. During installation, all fitting connection very slowly to reduce

connections must be tightened to the oil pressure gradually. Do not spray or

specified torque. Please refer to the eject the oil.

specification for selection of tightening 7) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the

torque of the lifting platform. rod end cylinder mounting shaft of the boom

1) Lift the boom to a horizontal position. luffing cylinder. Remove the cylinder mounting

2) Lift the folding jib until the cylinder mounting shaft with a copper hammer.

shaft pin at the barrel end of the boom luffing
! WARNING: Risk of crushing
cylinder is higher than the cover.
During removal of the mounting shaft of
Service Manual

the boom rod end cylinder, the boom will become unbalanced and fall.

be lowered if it is not supported properly.

3.8.2 Assembling the boom luffing
8) Place the support block under the luffing
cylinder of the boom across the two covers for
1) Assemble the boom luffing cylinder onto the
upper pivot, as shown in Fig. 1:
9) Lower the rod end of the lift cylinder into the
Fig. Left side
cylinder block. Protect the cylinder rod from 1


! WARNING: Risk of crushing

If not properly supported by the lifting

Right 1
device, the boom luffing cylinder may side

become unbalanced and fall. 1. Boom luffing cylinder

Hoist the middle position of the cylinder, and

10) Remove the fastener of dowel pin of

pay attention to the balance of the cylinder. The

cylinder mounting shaft at the barrel end of the

operator shall not stand at either end.

boom luffing cylinder. But do not remove the

Note: ①. The telescopic end of the cylinder is

cylinder mounting shaft.

placed on the tooling support beam (padded

11) Remove the cylinder mounting shaft at the

with a polyurethane plate).

barrel end with a copper hammer. Carefully

② The hook can only be removed after the

remove the boom luffing cylinder from the

shaft at the rear end of the cylinder is knocked


! WARNING: Risk of crushing 2) Install the fixed end of the cylinder (part 1)

onto the lower mounting hole of the upper pivot

If not properly supported and fixed on the
with the shaft (part 2);
lifting equipment, the lift cylinder may
Service Manual

Note: The end of the shaft with latch hole is on maintenance skills, lifting equipment and

the left side. a suitable workshop. Carrying out this

3) Fix the shaft with parts 3/4/5, as shown in Fig. process without these skills and tools may

2. Note: After fixation, there shall be no gap result in death or serious injury, as well as

between the inner surface of the latch and the serious component damage. Therefore, it

plate surface: is strongly recommended that this service

Fig. 2 is performed by dealers.

NOTE: The O-ring (if any) of the removed

fitting and/or hose assembly must be

replaced. During installation, all

connections must be tightened to

2. Shaft 3. Latch 4. Bolt 5. Washer
specified torque. Please refer to the
Tightening torque of part 20: 90±9N.m;
specification for selection of tightening
Tool: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 18
torque of the lifting platform.

3.8.3 Disassembling the boom 1) Lift the boom to a horizontal position.

telescopic cylinder 2) Extend the boom until the pivot at the link end

of the boom telescopic cylinder can be reached

The boom telescopic cylinder is used to

in the boom telescopic pipe.

extend and retract the boom. The boom

3) Remove the hose and cable guard from the

telescopic cylinder is provided with a balance

upper pivot.
valve to prevent movement in case of hydraulic

4) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose

pipeline failure.

of the boom telescopic cylinder. And cover the

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury fittings on the cylinder.

This procedure requires specific

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury

Service Manual

Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and cylinder.

burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen

! CAUTION: Risk of part damage
hydraulic connectors very slowly to
If the boom extension cylinder is dragged,
reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do not
the hose and harness may be damaged.
spray or eject the oil.
Note: Pay attention to the length of
5) At the platform end of the boom, remove the
cylinder after disassembling. The
outer snap ring from the cylinder mounting shaft
mounting spacing of cylinders must be the
at the rod end of the telescopic cylinder.
Remove the cylinder mounting shaft with a
Note: For the assembling method of the
copper hammer.
boom telescopic cylinder, refer to
6) Remove the fastener of dowel pin of the
Assembling the extension jib assembly.
cylinder mounting shaft at the barrel end.

3.8.4 Disassembling the lower leveling

7) Pass a rod through the barrel end pivot, and

remove the cylinder pin by turning it outward.

8) Support the telescopic cylinder and pull it out The lower leveling cylinder are in the same

of the boom barrel. hydraulic circuit as the upper leveling cylinder,

and is intended for leveling the work gate. It is a
! WARNING: Risk of crushing
part of the closed-loop hydraulic circuit, which
If the support is improper, the telescopic
keeps the platform level throughout the
cylinder may fall off when it is removed
movement range of the boom. The lower
from the telescopic boom.
leveling cylinder is located on the base of the

! CAUTION: Risk of part damage

When removing the cylinder from the

! WARNING: Danger of injury
boom, be careful not to damage the
This procedure requires specific
balance valve on the boom extension
Service Manual

maintenance skills, lifting equipment and hydraulic connectors very slowly to

a suitable workshop. Carrying out this reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do not

process without these skills and tools may spray or eject the oil.

result in death or serious injury, as well as 3) Connect the overhead crane or similar lifting

serious component damage. Therefore, it equipment to the lower leveling cylinder.

is strongly recommended that this service 4) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the

is performed by dealers. cylinder mounting shaft at the barrel end.

! CAUTION: The O-ring (if any) of
5) Pass a rod through the barrel end pivot, and

remove the cylinder pin by turning it outward.

the removed fitting and/or hose
6) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the
assembly must be replaced. During
rod end cylinder mounting shaft.
installation, all connections must be
7) Pass a rod through the barrel end pivot, and
tightened to specified torque. Please
remove the cylinder pin by turning it outward.
refer to the specification for selection
8) Remove the lower leveling cylinder from the
of tightening torque of the lifting

1) Lift the folding jib until it can come into △

! WARNING: Risk of crushing

contact with the link end and barrel end pivots of If not properly connected to the overhead

the lower leveling cylinder. crane, the lower leveling cylinder may

(2) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic become unbalanced and fall.

hose of the main pump. Plug the fittings on the

3.8.5 Assembling the lower leveling

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury
1) Install the lower leveling cylinder onto the
Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and
upper pivot, as shown in the figure:
burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen
Service Manual

Left side plate surface.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2 Part
Part 3
The latch
end of the
pin is on
this side

Part 1 Part 2

Right The oil opening of the

side cylinder is downward

4. Latch 5. Bolt 6. Washer

1. Shaft sleeve 2. Lower leveling cylinder 3.

Tightening torque of part 5: 52±5N.m;
Leveling cylinder shaft

1) Install the shaft sleeve (part 1) in the Coat the latch fixing bolt (part 5) with AT262

mounting hole of the lower leveling cylinder on threadlock.

the middle plate of the upper pivot, as shown in Tool: QSP100N4/socket wrench 16#

Fig. 1;
3.8.6 Disassembling the upper leveling
2) Install the lower leveling cylinder (part 2) onto
the upper pivot, and fix it with part 3;
Note: ①. Install the telescopic end of the lower
1. Make sure there is no air in the closed
leveling cylinder onto the upper pivot, with the
circuit before removing the cylinder.
oil port of the cylinder barrel facing down without

2. The O-ring (if any) of the

reverse orientation;

removed fitting or hose assembly

② Knock in the shaft (part 3) leftward, the end

must be replaced. During installation,

with latch hole positioned on the right side.
all connections must be tightened to
3) Fix the shaft with parts 4/5/6, as shown in Fig.
specified torque. Please refer to the
2. Note: After fixation, there shall be no gap
specification for selection of tightening
between the inner surface of the latch and the
torque of the lifting platform.
Service Manual

1) Extend the boom until it can come into cylinder mounting shaft at the rod end of the

contact with the cylinder mounting shaft at the upper leveling cylinder. Do not remove the

barrel end of the upper leveling cylinder; cylinder mounting shaft;

2) Lift the boom slightly and place the cushion 6) Remove the fastener of dowel pin on the

block under the platform for support; cylinder mounting shaft at the barrel end of the

3) Lower the boom until the platform rests on swing cylinder. Do not remove the cylinder

the cushion block supporting the platform; mounting shaft;

Note: Do not concentrate all the weight of the 7) Place a cushion block under the upper

boom on the cushion block. leveling cylinder for support. Protect the cylinder

4) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose rod from damage.

of the swing cylinder at the fitting as shown 8) Support the rotating mechanism of the

below, and then connect them together with the platform with suitable lifting equipment;

fitting. Connect the hoses on the cylinder with 9) Knock out the cylinder mounting shaft at the

the fitting; rod end with a copper hammer;

! WARNING: Risk of crushing

If the support is improper, the platform

may fall during removal of the cylinder

mounting shaft at the link end of the slave

△ ! WARNING: Risk of personal injury

Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and

! CAUTION: Risk of part damage

burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen If the lifting equipment does not provide
the hydraulic fitting connection very slowly
proper support and causes the slave
to reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do
leveling cylinder to fall, the cylinder may
not spray or eject the oil.

5) Remove the fastener of dowel pin from the be damaged.

Service Manual

10) Knock out the pin at the barrel end with a

3.9.2 Bleeding slewing motor
copper hammer;
1) Keep the “Turtle” position, and activate the
11) Carefully pull the cylinder out of the boom.
rotary table slewing button to carry out left and
Note: For the assembling method of the upper
right slewing for 1~2min. The machine should
leveling cylinder, refer to 3.6.4 Assembling the
not swing greatly to ensure safety;
extension jib assembly.

3.9 Bleeding cylinder

The ground control system is preferred for


3.9.1 Bleeding function pump Bleeding slewing motor

1) After each cylinder is replaced, it is necessary

3.9.3 Bleeding walking motor
to carry out bleeding. After checking the "key
1) Use the platform control mode and activate
switch", activate the ground control mode;
the “Turtle” position;
2) Activate the “Turtle” position to keep the
2) Operate the machine to walk back and forth
machine at a low speed;
for 1-2min under no load.
3) Activate the platform swing button to keep the

function pump running at a low speed for 3.9.4 Bleeding steering cylinder

1-2min; 1) Use the platform control mode and activate

the “Turtle” position;

2) Activate the steering button, and operate the

machine to turn left and right. The steering

cylinder can be divided into three parts, as

shown. The extension and retraction of piston

Bleeding function pump
rod should count as one cycle. The operation

Service Manual

steps are as follows: operate the machine to retract and extend the

Step 1: Operate the machine so that the piston folding jib luffing cylinder. The folding jib luffing

rod of the steering cylinder moves slowly 5 cylinder can be divided into three parts, as

times in area A; shown. The extension and retraction of piston

Step 2: Operate the machine so that the piston rod should count as one cycle. The operation

rod of the steering cylinder moves slowly twice steps are as follows:

in the minimum (C) and maximum (B) stroke Step 1: Operate the machine so that the piston

areas; rod of the folding jib luffing cylinder moves

Precautions: slowly 5 times in area A;

1. Take care when bleeding the machine, and Step 2: Operate the machine so that the piston

operate the machine gently; rod of the folding jib luffing cylinder moves

slowly twice in the minimum (C) and maximum

(B) stroke areas;

Bleeding steering cylinder Bleeding folding jib luffing cylinder

3.9.5 Bleeding folding jib luffing 3.9.6 Bleeding main boom luffing

cylinder cylinder and lower leveling cylinder

1) Activate the “Rabbit” position to keep the 1) Activate the main boom luffing lifting button to

machine at a high speed; bleed the main boom luffing cylinder and lower

2) Activate the folding jib lifting button, and leveling cylinder;

Service Manual

2) Taking the main boom luffing cylinder as the

reference, it can be divided into three parts, as

shown. Refer to "Bleeding folding jib luffing

cylinder” for the bleeding steps and


Bleeding main boom telescopic cylinder
luffing 3.9.8 Bleeding fly jib luffing cylinder

and upper leveling cylinder

Bleeding main boom luffing cylinder
1) Activate the fly jib luffing lifting button to bleed

3.9.7 Bleeding main boom telescopic the fly jib luffing cylinder and upper leveling

cylinder cylinder;

1) Activate the main boom telescoping button to 2) Taking the fly jib luffing cylinder as the

bleed the main boom telescopic cylinder; reference, it can be divided into three parts, as

2) The main boom luffing cylinder can be shown. Refer to "Bleeding folding jib luffing

divided into three parts by taking the extension cylinder” for the bleeding steps and

jib as the reference, as shown. Refer to requirements.

"Bleeding folding jib luffing cylinder” for the

bleeding steps and requirements.

Bleeding fly jib luffing cylinder

Service Manual

3.9.9 Bleeding platform swing cylinder

1) Activate the platform rotation button, and

carry out left and right slewing for 1~2 min. The

machine should not swing greatly to ensure


Bleeding platform swing cylinder

Service Manual

3.10 Folding jib assembly

(1) Upper 2nd jib assembly (#1 jib) (6) Folding jib cylinder
(2) Upper 1st jib assembly (#2 jib) (7) Lower 2nd jib assembly (#4 jib)
(3) Lower 1st jib assembly (#3 jib) (8) Rotary table assembly
(4) Middle pivot (9) Upper pivot
(5) Link

Service Manual

3.10.1 Removing folding jib △

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury

! CAUTION: Risk of personal injury Spilled hydraulic oil can penetrate and

This procedure requires specific service burn skin. Release the hydraulic device
skills, lifting equipment and a suitable
slowly to reduce the oil pressure gradually.
workshop. Otherwise, performing this
procedure may lead to death or serious Avoid oil jet or splash.
injury and damage to important parts.
7) Remove the fastener of the center pin from
Therefore, it is strongly recommended
that this service is performed by dealers. the main boom cylinder barrel end.

! CAUTION: Before refitting, the 8) Remove the pin with a copper rod and

O-ring of the removed fitting and/or hose remove the main boom luffing cylinder from the
assembly must be replaced and then
tightened to the specified torque. Please
refer to hydraulic hose and fitting torque

! WARNING: Risk of squeezing

1) Remove the platform. Without proper support from the lifting

2) Remove the jib. Refer to 3.3.1 for removing device, the main boom luffing cylinder

the jib. may fall due to loss of balance.

9) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic

3) Remove the main boom. Refer to 3.6.1

hoses on the two folding jib lift cylinders. And

Removing main boom.

cover the fittings on the cylinder.

4) Remove the lower leveling cylinder. Refer

to 3.8.4 for removing the lower leveling cylinder. △

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury

5) Fix the crane sling to the main boom luffing Spilled hydraulic oil can penetrate and

cylinder end, and then lift the main boom luffing burn skin. Therefore, please loosen

cylinder vertically with the crane. hydraulic connectors very slowly to

6) Mark the main boom luffing cylinder, reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do not
disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose. Cover spray or eject the oil.
the fittings on the cylinder. 10) Remove the pin securing fasteners at both
Service Manual
sides of the pin at the connecting rod end and upper pivot for support. Do not lift it.
pivot at the barrel end of the folding jib lift
cylinder. But do not remove the pin. 16) Connect the sling of another overhead

11) Tie the sling from the crane to the crane to the #1 jib midway between the

connecting rod end of the folding jib lift cylinder upper and middle pivots.

for support. Do not apply any lifting force. 17) Remove the pin securing fasteners from the

12) Knock out half of the pivot pin at the middle and upper pivots of the #1 jib. But do not

cylinder barrel end with a copper hammer. remove the pin.

Lower the barrel end of the folding jib lift cylinder 18) Knock out both pins with a copper hammer.

so that it hangs down. 19) Remove the #1 jib from the machine.

Knock out half of the pivot pin at the rod end with
a copper hammer. △
! WARNING: Risk of crushing

13) Remove the folding jib lift cylinder from the Without proper connection to the

machine. overhead crane, the #1 jib may fall due to

14) Repeat steps 11 to 14 for the other folding loss of balance during removal from the

jib lift cylinder. machine.

! WARNING: Risk of crushing △
! WARNING: Risk of crushing

Without proper connection to the crane, Without proper support from the overhead
crane, the upper pivot may fall during
the folding jib lift cylinder may fall due to removal of the #1 jib from the machine.
loss of balance during removal from the 20) Connect an overhead crane to the upper

machine. pivot to raise the folding jib assembly by about

CAUTION: Risk of part damage. When 76cm.

removing the folding jib lift cylinder from 21) Insert a 10×10×28cm block between the #2

the machine, be careful not to damage the jib and the boom. Then lower the folding jib

balance valve at the cylinder barrel end. assembly to the cushion block.

15) Connect the sling from the crane to the

Service Manual

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
to the #2 jib at the upper pivot end.

28) Lift the #2 jib slightly and remove the

Without proper support from the
10×10×28cm cushion block, the folding jib 10×10×28cm cushion block.
may fall.
29) Lower the #2 jib to the boom support pad.
22) Pull out all cables and hoses through the
30) Insert a 10×10×22cm cushion block at the
upper pivot.
middle pivot end of #3 and #4 jibs.

! CAUTION: Risk of part damage
31) Connect the sling from the overhead crane
If being kinked or squeezed, the cables
to the middle pivot for support. Do not lift it.
and hoses may be damaged.
23) Remove the hose and cable sheaths from 32) Remove the pin securing fasteners from the

the top of #2 jib. pivots of #2, #3 and #4 jibs at the middle pivot.

24) Pull all hoses and cables out of the upper Do not remove the pin.

pivot through the middle pivot. Place the 33) Knock out each pin with a copper hammer.

hoses and cables on the ground. Then remove the middle pivot from the folding

! WARNING: Risk of part damage
jib assembly.

If being kinked or squeezed, the parts △

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
may be damaged.
Without proper support from the overhead crane,
25) Remove the pin fastener securing the #2 jib
the middle pivot may fall due to loss of balance
on the upper pivot. Remove the pin with a
during removal from the folding jib assembly.
copper hammer.
34) Connect the sling from the overhead crane
26) Remove the upper pivot.
to the center point of the #2 jib for support. Do

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
not lift it.
Without proper connection to the
overhead crane, the upper pivot may fall 35) Connect the sling from another overhead

due to loss of balance during removal crane to the center point of the #4 jib for support.
from the machine.
Do not lift it.
27) Connect the sling from the overhead crane

Service Manual

36) Remove the pin securing fasteners from

! CAUTION: Risk of part damage
both links. Do not remove the pin.
If being kinked or squeezed, the
37) Remove the lower link shaft from the #3 jib cables and hoses may be
with a copper hammer.
43) Open the hood on the ground control unit
38) Support the link with appropriate lifting
44) Remove the fuel tank filler cap.
39) Remove the upper link shaft from the #2 jib
45) Use an approved manual pump to drain the
with a copper hammer. Remove the link
fuel in the fuel tank into a container with
from the machine.
appropriate capacity.

! WARNING: Risk of crushing

! DANGER: Risk of explosion and fire
Without proper support from the overhead
crane, the #2 jib may fall during removal Fuel is flammable. Operate in an open,
of the link from the #2 jib. well-ventilated area, and always keep

! WARNING: Risk of crushing away from heaters, sparks, flames and
Without proper support, the link may fall ignited smoke. Acceptable fire
during removal from the boom assembly.
extinguishers should be provided in easily
40) Remove the #2 jib from the machine.
accessible places.

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
Without proper support from the overhead △
! DANGER: Risk of explosion and fire
crane, the #2 jib may fall due to loss of When delivering fuel, connect a ground
balance during removal from the folding wire between the machine and the pump
jib assembly. or container.
41) Remove upper and lower hose and cable CAUTION: Ensure that only a manual
pump suitable for diesel is used.
connectors from the #3 jib.
46) Mark, disconnect and plug the fuel hose of
42) Pull off all cables and hoses from #3 jib and
the fuel tank. Clean up any spilled fuel.
place them on the rotary table
47) Remove the fuel tank mounting fasteners.
Service Manual

Carefully remove the fuel tank from the 54) Remove the #3 jib from the machine.


! WARNING: Risk of crushing

! CAUTION: Risk of part damage Without proper support from the crane, the #3
jib may fall due to loss of balance during
CAUTION: Risk of part damage. The fuel
removal from the machine.
tank may be damaged if it falls. Before
installation on the machine, clean the fuel 55) Remove upper and lower hose and cable

tank and check for cracks and other covers from the #3 jib.
56) Remove the mounting fasteners of folding
48) Remove the securing fasteners from the
jib drive speed limit switch from the #4 jib at the
ground control unit and main boom function
middle shaft end. Do not disconnect the wire.
valve fixing plate.
57) Remove the pin securing fasteners of rotary
49) Remove the ground control unit and main
table connecting shaft from the #4 jib. Do not
boom function valve fixing plate for easy access
remove the pin.
to the #3 jib pivot.
58) Connect the sling from the overhead crane
50) Connect the sling from the overhead crane
to the center point of the #4 jib. Do not lift it.
to the center point of the #3 jib for support. Do
59) Remove the #4 jib from the rotary table
not lift it.
riser with a copper rod through the ground
51) Remove the mounting fasteners from the
control unit side partition.
hood cover to get access to the pin fasteners for
60) Remove the #4 jib from the machine.
the pivots of #3 and #4 jibs at the rotary table

riser. △
! WARNING: Risk of crushing

52) Remove pin securing fasteners from the #3 Without proper support from the crane, the #4
jib may fall due to loss of balance during
jib of rotary table riser. Do not remove the pin. removal from the machine.

53) Remove the #3 jib pivot from the rotary

3.10.2 Assembling folding jib assembly
table with a copper rod through the access hole 1) Lift the boom assembly on line using slings
as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2:
at the back of the ground control unit.

Service Manual

Fig. 1 be lifted together with the main boom, as shown

in Fig. 2;

The sling CAUTION:

should be
above the
① After being lifted, the boom should be stable

and basically vertical, with the front and rear

ends basically horizontal;

Fig. 2

② During lifting, no one shall stand in front of

the boom, the boom shall not pass directly

above any personnel, and the operator shall

The sling
should be in stand at the oblique rear;
front of the
cylinder and
below the main 5) Lift the boom assembly to the rotary table, so

2) Use slings to tie the upper 1st jib assembly that the shaft holes at the rear ends of the lower

together with the lower 1st jib assembly, and tie 1st jib assembly and lower 2nd jib assembly are
the lower 1st jib assembly together with the
lower 2nd jib assembly, as shown by the red coaxial with the rotary table mounting holes, and

circles in Fig. 3; fix them with the shafts (part 1); fix part 1 with

Fig. 3
parts 2/3 (glued)/4.

Upper 1st jib


Lower 1st jib


Lower 2nd jib


3) The rear lifting point of boom is the rear end

of the leveling cylinder mounting plate. Pass the 1. Shaft 2. Latch 3. Bolt 4. Washer

sling above the cylinder, as shown in Fig. 1; Tightening torque of part 3: 90±9N.m;

4) The front lifting point of boom is in front of the Tools: QSP100N4/open-end ratchet wrench

articulating boom luffing cylinder, and it should 10 / socket wrench 1/2-18mm

Service Manual
Note: skills, lifting equipment and a suitable
① When adjusting the boom and rotary table workshop. Carrying out removal without
mounting holes, make confirmation visually these skills and tools may result in
and not by hand; no one is allowed to stand personal injury or death, as well as
in front of the boom in this process; serious component damage. Be sure to
② Knock in the shaft leftward, the end with contact the dealer service.
latch hole positioned on the right side. CAUTION: The O-ring (if any) of the
③ Arrange the pipelines at the rear end of the removed hose assembly or fitting must be
boom in the rotary table in the order shown replaced. During installation, all
in the following table. connections must be tightened to the
6) Wrap the oil pipe arranged above the lower specified torque. Please refer to the
1st jib assembly with the canvas (part 1), and specification for selection of tightening
wrap the oil pipe and harness arranged below torque of the lifting platform.
the lower 1st jib with PVC. 1) Lower the folding jib to the retracted position.
2) Lift the main boom so that it is higher than the
shaft at the connecting rod end of the folding jib
lift cylinder.
3) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose
of folding jib lift cylinder.

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury
Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen
hydraulic connectors very slowly to
1. Canvas reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do not
spray or eject the oil.
3.10.3 Removing folding jib lift cylinder
4) Remove the fasteners of the pins at the
In the structure of folding jib assembly,
there are two folding jib lift cylinders. The two connecting rod end and barrel end of the folding
cylinders work in parallel and extend and retract
jib cylinder. But do not remove the pin.
by hydraulic pressure. Each folding jib lift
cylinder is equipped with a balance valve to 5) Connect the sling from the overhead crane to
prevent movement in the event of a hydraulic
the connecting rod end of the folding jib lift
pipe failure.
cylinder for support. Do not apply any lifting

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury
Removal requires specific maintenance
Service Manual

6) Knock out half of the pivot pin at the cylinder

Part 2
barrel end with a copper hammer. Lower the
Upper 2nd jib
barrel end of the folding jib lift cylinder so that it assembly

hangs down.

7) Knock out half of the pivot pin at the rod end
2nd jib
with a copper hammer. Part 1

Parts 2, 3, 4
8) Remove the folding jib lift cylinder from the
1. Folding jib lift cylinder 2. Shaft 3. Bolt 4. Nut
machine. 2) Pass the shaft (part 2) through the lower
mounting seat of left cylinder, and fix it with

! WARNING: Risk of crushing parts 3/4 (pass the bolt through it from back to
Without proper connection to the overhead front);
crane, the folding jib lift cylinder may fall due to 3) Pass the lower shaft of left cylinder into the
loss of balance during removal from the
machine. front shaft hole of lower 2nd jib assembly, adjust

! CAUTION: Risk of part damage
the position of the upper hole of left cylinder, fix

the upper 2nd jib assembly with the shaft (part

When removing the folding jib lift cylinder
2), and make sure that the shaft does not
from the machine, be careful not to
protrude from the right side of upper 2nd jib
damage the balance valve at the cylinder
assembly at this time;
barrel end.
4) Install the lower end of right cylinder to the
3.10.4 Assembling folding jib lift
right side of lower fixed shaft; be sure to block
1) Assemble the folding jib lift cylinders to both the left cylinder to prevent the shaft coming out.
sides of the front end of the boom, as shown:
5) Adjust the position of the upper mounting

seat of right cylinder and knock the upper fixed

shaft in;

CAUTION: The shaft fixing bolts of both

cylinders are at the outside, and should be

Service Manual

passed from back to front. Parts 7, Parts 9, 10, Parts 7,

8 11 8
6) Fix both ends of the upper and lower fixed

shafts with parts 3/4, as shown:

Left side side

Part 7. Bolt 8. M8 hard gasket 9. Straight

fitting 10. Right-angle fitting 11. Tee
CAUTION: The upper end of the folding jib
luffing balance valve is V2 and the lower end is
3. Bolt 4. Nut
①. The straight fitting (part 9) is installed at
Tightening torque of part 3: 52±5N.m; different positions on the left and right balance
valves, and should be tightened using torque
Tools: QSP100N4/ socket wrench 16 #,
wrench and marked by a marker pen.
open-end wrench 13-16
②. The right-angle fitting (part 10) is installed at
7) Install the balance valves (part 5) to the lower different positions on the left and right balance
part of both cylinders as shown below: valves, and should not be tightened at this time
(should be tightened after the oil pipes are
Part 6 ③ . The tee fitting (part 11) is installed at
Part 5 different positions on the left and right balance
valves, and should not be tightened at this time
(should be tightened after the oil pipes are
5. Folding jib luffing balance valve 6. Plug
Tightening torque of part 6: 32±3N.m;
CAUTION: Before installation, make sure that
tightening torque of parts 7, 8 and 9:
the supplied O-ring on the mounting surface of
the balance valve does not fall off or be
damaged. Tools: QSP50N3 / socket wrench 13/ socket
8) Assemble parts 9/10 to the balance valves of wrench 22
the left and right cylinders as shown below:

Service Manual

3.11 Rotary table swing assembly

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury
3.11.1 Removing slewing drive Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn the skin. Therefore, please loosen

! CAUTION: The O-ring (if any)
hydraulic connectors very slowly to
of the removed hose assembly reduce the oil pressure gradually. Do not
and/or fitting must be replaced. spray or eject the oil.
During installation, all connections must
7) Connect the sling and overhead crane or

be tightened to the specified torque.

other suitable lifting device to the slewing drive

Please refer to the specification for


selection of tightening torque of the lifting

8) Remove the slewing drive assembly

mounting fasteners.

! WARNING: Risk of personal injury 9) Carefully remove the slewing drive assembly

This procedure requires specific from the machine.

maintenance skills, lifting equipment and

! WARNING: Risk of crushing
a suitable workshop. Carrying out this Without proper connection to the
overhead crane, the rotary table rotation
procedure without these skills and tools
assembly may fall due to loss of balance
may result in death or serious injury, as during removal from the machine.

well as serious component damage. 3.11.2 Assembling slewing drive

Therefore, it is strongly recommended assembly

1) Install the hose fittings to the two ports in part

that this service is performed by dealers.
1, as shown.
1) Remove the rotary table.

2) Lift the slewing drive assembly to the slewing

2) Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose

assembly tooling, and assemble the slewing

of the rotary table slewing drive assembly. Plug

drive assembly to the rotary table with parts 2

the fitting.

Service Manual

(glued) and 3.

Tightening torque of part 2: 305±25N.m

Tools: QSP420N, QSP100N4, socket wrench

24, socket wrench 18

1. Battery 2. Locking angle steel 3. Washer 4.


Reference tightening torque of part 5:


Tools: Ratchet wrench 13

1. Slewing drive assembly 2. Bolt 3. Washer
Note: The removal is carried out in reverse

3.11.3 Lifting rotary table order of assembly, and just corresponding

fasteners need to be removed, which is not
1) Lift the rotary table assembly to the chassis.
described in detail here.
2) Adjust the mounting position of the slewing
ring and fix it with parts 1 (glued)/2.
3.12.2 Assembling tilt sensor
1) Install the tilt switch (part 1) to the mounting
position on the engine tray with the screw (part
2) and washer (part 3), and tighten the screw;

1. Bolt 2. Washer

Tightening torque of part 1: 305±25N.m

Tool: QSP420N/ socket wrench 24

1. Tilt switch 2. Screw 3. Washer
3.12 Other components
Note: When installing the tilt switch, ensure the

3.12.1 Assembling battery correct installation direction, where X is in the

1) Place the battery (part 1) on the battery tray,
direction of the boom, and adjust the bubble to
fix it with the locking angle steel (part 2),
threaded rod (part 3), washer (part 4) and nut the center by tightening the screw on the tilt
(part 5), and then tighten the nut.
Service Manual

switch. The tilt switch X is in the direction of the

3.12.4 Assembling slewing ring grease
boom. filler hose

Note: The removal is carried out in reverse

order of assembly, and just corresponding

fasteners need to be removed, which is not

described in detail here.

3.12.3 Assembling horn

1) Assemble the horn (part 1) to the part 2 with

the parts 3/4/5, and assemble the

subassembled horn to the assembly position on

the right hood mounting plate with the parts


1. Straight fitting 2. Hose 3. Bulkhead fitting 4.


5. Washer 6. Oil bowl 7. Oil bowl dust cap

1) Remove the grease filler from the slewing

ring and screw-on part 1 (just tighten it), connect

1. Horn 2. Horn fixing plate 3. Bolt 4. Washer
part 2 to part 1 and then wind it around to the
5. Nut

Tightening torque of part 3: 28±3N.m right side of the rotary table, install parts

Tools: QSP50N3/ socket wrench 13, 3/4/5/6/7 to the mounting position on the

open-end wrench 13 hydraulic tank (upper installation hole), and then

Note: The removal is carried out in reverse connect the hose to the bulkhead fitting.
order of assembly, and just corresponding
fasteners need to be removed, which is not Tightening torque of part 2: 22±2N.m

described in detail here.

Tool: SP67N*19

Service Manual

2) Fill the grease into the grease filler hose with Tightening torque of part 2: 28±3N.m

the grease filling machine until the grease Tool: QSP50N3/ socket wrench 13

overflows from the oil bowl slightly. 2) Assemble part 1 to the ground control unit

Note: The removal is carried out in reverse bracket weldment on the right side of the rotary

order of assembly, and just corresponding table, and fix it with parts 2/3:

fasteners need to be removed, which is not

described in detail here.

3.12.5 Assembling ground control


1) Assemble the electric control box bracket

weldment 1 (part 1) to the upper right part of the

rotary table weldment with the bolt (part 2) and

washer (part 3), assemble the electric control

box bracket weldment 2 (part 4) to the electric

control box bracket weldment 1 with the bolt

(part 2) and washer (part 3), and tighten them to

1. Ground control unit assembly 2. Bolt 3.
the specified torque: Washer

Tightening torque of part 2: 28±3N.m

Tool: QSP50N3/ socket wrench 13

Note: The removal is carried out in reverse

order of assembly, and just corresponding

fasteners need to be removed, which is not

1. Electric control box bracket weldment 2. Bolt described in detail here.

3. Washer 4. Electric control box bracket

Service Manual

3.12.6 Assembling hydraulic oil

1) Assemble part 1 to the radiator mounting
plate weldment with parts 2/3/4.
2) Install the parts 5/7 at the upper port and do
not tighten the part 7.
3) Install the parts 5/6/8 (4120002548 fitting
2C-22-30 1) at the lower port and do not tighten
the parts 6/8.

1. Hydraulic oil radiator 2. Bolt 3. Washer 4. Nut

5. Straight fitting 6. Tee fitting 7. Combination

Tightening torque of part 2: 28±3N.m

Tightening torque of part 5: 160±16N.m

Tools: Electric impact wrench 51082, socket

wrench 13

Service Manual

3.13 Valve group

3.13.1 Multi-way valve assembly AR16JEDC-5

S/N Name Function

1 Oil inlet valve Oil inlet and return; connecting
the valve block, pump and tank
2 Luffing valve For luffing

3 Coil /
4 Sandwich plate relief Secondary relief valve to
valve protect oil cylinder
5 Hexagon socket screw /
6 Slewing valve For slewing
7 Sandwich plate relief Secondary relief valve to
valve protect oil cylinder
8 End plate For fixing the valve block
9 Assembling bolts /
10 Platform working valve For leveling, jib flying and
Service Manual

11 Telescoping valve For telescoping

3.13.2 Platform swing control valve ST4277-AB00

Mounting torque
S/N Name Code
Valve block
1 4120001998001 /
Solenoid valve
2 4120001998002 /
3 Coil 4303612 4120001571010 /

Service Manual

3.13.3 ST5093-AB0C walking control valve group

S/N Name Code Spool function

0 Valve block 4120704576003 Carrier of spool and
ST5093-A000M oil passage
1 Flow 4120001571002 Flow diversion and
divider/combiner combination,
FD56-45-0-P-66 increasing or
decreasing fluid
2 Flow 4120001571003 Flow diversion and
divider/combiner combination,
FD52-45-0-P-66 increasing or
decreasing fluid
3 Damper 4120001571004 Restricting flow rate
STTY002-2.3 and stabilizing the
4 Damper 4120001571005 Restricting flow rate
STTY002-1.2 and stabilizing the
Service Manual

5 Check valve 4120704190002 Unidirectional oil
CVC0.S10.0Y.000 flow
6 Flush valve 4120001571007 Closed system flush
HS50-43-0-P valve
7 Relief valve 4120001571008 Restricting flushing
RVC0.S08.0Y.000 pressure
8 Check valve 4120001490007 Unidirectional oil
STCV08-0-000A flow
9 Solenoid valve 4120001998002 2-speed, braking
10 Damper 4120001159010 Restricting flow rate
11 Plug 4BN-02WD 4129900116002 Plug
12 Plug 4BN-04WD 4190001419 Plug
13 Plug 4BN-06WD 4120001493 Plug
14 Coil 4303612 4120001571010 Coil
15 Plug 4BN-08WD 4120001371 Plug
16 Damper 4120704576001 Restricting flow rate
17 Plug CP10-20-N 4120704576002 Plug
18 Shuttle valve 4120704189010 Shuttle valve
19 Pressure reducing 4120704543006 Restricting float
valve pressure
20 Damper 4120704053013 Restricting flow rate

Service Manual

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Service Manual

Service Manual

4.1 Observing the regulations Indicating that dealers are required to

1) The operator can only check the implement this procedure.

regular maintenance items specified in this

manual. 4.2 Checking the battery

2) As required by the manufacturer, the

! Danger: Risk of explosion! Risk of
regular maintenance and inspection shall be
electric shock! Risk of burns!
performed by the trained maintenance
Stay away from the fireworks, and remove
all rings, watches and other ornaments. Wear
Maintenance symbols
goggles, protective gloves and protective
The following symbols are used in this
clothes if necessary. Avoid touching the spilled
manual to express the relevant meanings in the
electrolyte with hands or other parts of the body.
instructions. The meanings of one or
Use soda and water to neutralize the spilled
more symbols prefixed to the
maintenance procedure are as
This machine uses the maintenance-free
lead-acid battery. It is essential to keep the

battery in good condition to achieve superior

Indicating that tools are required to
machine performance and safe operation. If the
implement this procedure.
voltage is improper or the cable or wire is

damaged, the parts may be damaged and

hazards may be caused. This inspection shall

Indicating that new parts are
be performed once every 8h or every day for the
required to implement this procedure.

 Check if the battery lock lever is stable.

 Check if the battery cable is connected

Service Manual

firmly, without corrosion. qualified maintenance personnel shall

 Check if the electrolyte leaks, and if the conduct further inspection of the battery.

battery is dry and clean.

! CAUTION: If an external power
 Check the color of the battery hydrometer:
supply is required to charge the battery,

only the charger approved by LGMG can

be used.

It is necessary to add the terminal

Battery hydrometer protector and corrosion-resistant sealant

Hydrometer Meaning and measures to protect the battery terminals and cables

color against corrosion.

White Lack of electrolyte; please shut 4.3 Checking the hydraulic filter
down the machine to stop using it The hydraulic filter shall be checked or replaced

Black Undervoltage or damage once every 500h or every six months.

Green Measure the voltage of each

! In a dusty working environment, it is
battery, and if the voltage is lower
required to increase the number of times
than 11V, it means the battery is
for implementation of this step.
damaged; if the voltage is
It is essential to replace the hydraulic filter to
between 12.4V-12.7, it means the
achieve superior performance and long service
battery is in good condition
life of the machine. If the filter is dirty or clogged,
Battery hydrometer color and
the performance of the machine may be
deteriorated, and the parts may be damaged
 If the color of the battery hydrometer is
after continuous use. In an extremely dirty
green and the voltage is above 12V, but the
working environment, it is required to increase
starter cannot be driven, the trained and
the number of times for replacement of the filter.
Service Manual

! Risk of personal injury. Be careful of
③ Pull out the filter element and replace it

with a new one.

hot oil. The contact with hot oil will cause
④ Install the flange and cover.
severe burns.
⑤ Use a marker to write down the

! This step shall be implemented when
replacement time and date on the filter element
the engine is shut down.
replacement record.
Replacement of the return filter element of
⑥ Turn the key switch to the GCU mode,
the hydraulic tank
and pull up the red emergency stop buttons of
1) Implement this step once every 500h or every
GCU and PCU.
six months whichever comes first.
⑦ Press the lift switch.
2) It is essential to replace the return filter
⑧ Check the filter components for oil
element to achieve superior performance and
long service life of the machine. If the filter is
Replacement of the high pressure filter
dirty or clogged, the performance of the
machine may be affected, and the parts may be
1) Place a suitable container under the filter.
damaged after continuous use. The filter
2) Remove the nut at the bottom of the filter
element shall be replaced frequently in a harsh
cover with a wrench, and remove the filter cover.
working environment.
3) Take out the filter element from the filter
CAUTION: Risk of burns.
Be careful of hot oil. The contact with hot oil may
4) Check the seal of the filter cover, and replace
cause severe burns.
it when necessary.
① Open the upper cover of the hydraulic
5) Install a new high pressure filter element, and
tighten it.
② Remove the upper filter element flange
6) Wipe off any oil droplets splashed during
of the hydraulic tank.
Service Manual

7) Check that the filter cover and relevant inspector can determine the hydraulic oil level

components are free of leakage. change which indicates that the hydraulic

4.4 Replacing the air filter of the system is faulty.

hydraulic tank

! If the hydraulic oil isn’t changed
The air filter of the hydraulic tank shall be
during inspection in two years, it shall be
replaced once very 500h or every day. In a
checked on a quarterly basis. The
dusty working environment, it is required to
hydraulic oil shall be changed if any
increase the number of times for implementation
nonconformity is found during inspection.
of this step.
1) Make sure that the arm rod is retracted,

! This step shall be implemented when and then perform a visual inspection of the

the engine is shut down. hydraulic tank.

1) Remove the filter element. Result: The hydraulic oil level shall be

2) Wipe the internal part and rear cover of the 20mm above and below the middle position of

cartridge with a piece of wet cloth. the oil level meter.

Install a new air filter element. 2) Add the oil as needed, and do not add

4.5 Checking the hydraulic oil too much. See the table below for hydraulic oil

level grades.

Temperature Model

Minimum temperature > L-HV32 low temperature

-25°C hydraulic oil

-40°C < Minimum L-HS32 ultra-low

The proper hydraulic oil level is essential

temperature ≤ -25°C temperature hydraulic oil

for operating the machine. If the hydraulic oil is

at an improper level, the hydraulic components Minimum temperature ≤ 10# aviation hydraulic oil

will be damaged. Through a daily inspection, the -40°C

Service Manual

4.6 Checking the oil level of the 4.7 Changing the reducer gear oil

reducer The first maintenance shall be performed

This procedure shall be implemented every upon operation for 50h, thereafter reducer gear

250h. oil shall be changed every 1000h or every year.

If the oil level of the reducer is incorrect, the It is essential to change the reducer gear oil to

performance of the machine will be deteriorated, achieve superior performance and long service

and the parts will be damaged after continuous life of the equipment. If the reducer gear oil isn’t

use. changed every year, the performance of the

equipment may be deteriorated, and the parts

may be damaged after continuous use.

1) Select the reducer to be maintained

and drive the equipment until one of the

two plugs is at the lowest point.

1) Drive the equipment to rotate until one oil
2) Remove the two plugs, drain the gear oil
filler is at the highest point.
(completely), and collect it in a suitable
2) Remove the other plug, and check the oil
3) Drive the equipment to rotate until one plug
Result: The oil level shall be flush with the
is at the highest point.
bottom of the side plug hole.
4) Add oil from the hole of the reducer at the
3) When necessary, remove the upper plug,
high point until the oil level is flush with the side
and add oil until the oil level is flush with the
hole at the bottom. Install the plug.
bottom of the side plug hole.
5) Repeat this step to add oil to each reducer.
4) Apply the pipe thread sealant to the plug,
Item Conditions Grade

and install the plug into the reducer.

Gear 30°C < Minimum 85W/140

5) Repeat this step for each reducer.

Service Manual

oil temperature
Position 3 Position 2 Position 3

-10°C < Minimum 85W/90

temperature < 30°C

-30°C < Minimum 80W/90

temperature < -10°C

1. Maintenance before delivery

Minimum temperature < 75W
(Remarks: This refers to the lubrication of
LGMG mobile elevating work platform before
4.8 Maintenance of worm-type
slewing drive
1) Position 1. Lubrication of race: Completed,
The worm-type slewing drive assembly has
no need of further lubrication.
three lubrication positions, that is, race (position
2) Position 2. Lubrication at the mesh
1), mesh between worm and slewing bearing
between worm and slewing bearing.
(position 2), and tapered roller bearing (position
Lubrication amount: 650g grease.
3, two places). The specific lubrication positions
Lubrication method: While rotating the
are as shown below:
slewing reducer, continuously add grease

into the grease filler.

Grease grade: 3# grease

3) Position 3. Lubrication of tapered roller

Position 1

bearing: Completed, no need of further


2. Maintenance after delivery

1) Position 1. Lubrication of race:

Lubrication amount: Appropriate

(recommended value: 18g)

Service Manual

Lubrication frequency: Every year or Grease grade: 3# grease

every 1000h whichever comes first. 4.9 Maintenance of Deutz engine

Lubrication method: While rotating
4.9.1 Checking the engine oil level
the slewing reducer, continuously add

grease into the grease filler.

Grease grade: 3# grease

2) Position 2. Lubrication at the mesh

between worm and slewing bearing.

Lubrication amount: Appropriate

(recommended total value: 400g) TD2.9 L4 engine

Lubrication frequency: Every 3 1. Oil dipstick 2. Oil drain plug 3. Oil filter 4. Oil

months or every 150h whichever comes filler


! No working on a running engine! No

Lubrication method: While rotating

smoking or open flames! Be careful when
the slewing reducer, continuously add
handling high temperature engine oil. Risk
grease into the grease filler.
of burns!
Grease grade: 3# grease

3) Position 3. Lubrication of tapered roller

! When working on the oil system, pay

attention to the cleanliness of the outer

surface. Carefully clean all areas involved.
Lubrication amount: Appropriate
Dry the wet parts with compressed air.
(recommended: 5g/place, a total of 10g)

Lubrication frequency: Every year or △

! Please abide by the oil safety

every 1000h whichever comes first. provisions and local regulations. Dispose

Lubrication method: Direct of spilled oil and filter elements as

lubrication specified. Ensure that waste oil doesn't

Service Manual

drip to the ground. Add the engine oil until it reaches the MAX

! Perform a trial run after each
mark if necessary.

operation. Meanwhile, pay attention to the 4.9.2 Changing engine oil and

tightness and lubricating oil pressure, and replacing oil filter

check the engine oil level once every 8h

! No working on a running engine! No
or every day.
smoking or open flames! Be careful when
Insufficient or excessive oil will cause engine
handling high temperature engine oil. Risk
damage. The oil level can be checked only
of burns!
when the engine is placed horizontally and shut

down. If the engine is hot, shut it down, and △

! When working on the oil system, pay

after 5 minutes, check the oil level. If the engine attention to the cleanliness of the outer

is cold, check the oil level immediately. surface. Carefully clean all areas involved.

Dry the wet parts with compressed air.

! Please abide by the oil safety

provisions and local regulations. Dispose

of spilled oil and filter elements as

specified. Ensure that waste oil doesn't

1) Insert the oil dipstick, and wipe it with a drip to the ground.

piece of clean fiber-free cloth.

! Perform a trial run after each

2) Insert the oil dipstick to the end.

operation. Meanwhile, pay attention to the
3) Pull out the oil dipstick, and read the oil
tightness and lubricating oil pressure, and
check the engine oil level once
4) Ensure that the oil level is always between The engine oil shall be changed and the filter

MIN and MAX!

shall be replaced every 500h or every six
Service Manual

months. After 50h of first use, the engine oil 7) Add oil at the oil filler.

shall be changed and the filter shall be replaced. 8) Warm up the engine (oil temperature > 80°C).

If the ambient temperature is consistently below 9) Place the engine horizontally.

-10°C, the oil temperature is below 60°C, or the 10) After the oil is added, wait for more than 5

sulfur content in diesel is within 0.5%-1%, the oil minutes, check the oil level, and add oil if

change cycle shall be halved; if the oil does not necessary.

reach the change cycle in one year, the oil shall Replacing the oil filter

be changed at least once a year.

! Risk of burns: Be careful of high

temperature engine parts and oil. Getting

into contact with high temperature engine

oil and/or engine parts can cause serious


! Perform this function after the engine

warms up to normal operating

1. Oil filter 2. Oil drain plug
Changing engine oil
Every time the oil is changed, the oil filter
1) Warm up the engine (oil temperature > 80°C).
element shall be replaced.
2) Place the engine horizontally.

3) Shut down the engine. △

! Never pre-install the oil filter. There is

4) Place a container under the oil drain plug. a risk of contamination.

5) Unscrew the oil drain plug to drain the old oil. 1) If a torsion stop is installed, remove the

6) Install a new seal ring on the oil drain plug, clamp (optional).

screw the oil drain plug in and tighten it. 2) Loosen and unscrew the filter element using
Service Manual

a wrench. open and well-ventilated areas away from

3) Collect the discharged engine oil. heaters, sparks, flames, and burning

4) Clean the sealing surface of the filter tobacco. A conforming fire extinguisher

bracket with a clean fiber-free cloth. should be placed in an easily accessible

5) Apply a thin layer of oil to the seal ring of the place.

new filter.

! Explosion and fire hazard. If a fuel
6) Screw in the new filter by hand until the seal
leak is found, irrelevant personnel shall be
ring fits, and then tighten it fully.
prevented from entering the area and
7) Secure the clamp of torsion stop (optional).
operation on the equipment is prohibited.

4.9.3 Checking fuel leaks The leak shall be repaired immediately.

! Engine must be shut down! No 4.9.4 Bleeding or replacing the fuel

smoking or open flames, and be careful filter

when handling hot fuel!

! Engine must be shut down! No
Please observe safety regulations on
smoking or open flames! Be careful when
fuel and relevant local laws and
handling hot fuel!
regulations. Dispose of spilled fuel and

filter elements according to regulations.

! Do not loosen the fuel injection

pipeline or high pressure fuel pipeline

Fuel must not leak to the ground.
while the engine is running.
Visually check whether there is fuel

leakage every 8 hours or everyday. △

! Carefully clean all areas involved.

! Explosion and fire hazard. Fuel is
Dry the wet parts with compressed air.

combustible. Check the location of the △

! Please observe safety regulations on

machine. This step shall be performed in fuel and relevant local laws and

Service Manual

regulations. Dispose of spilled fuel and

filter elements according to national

regulations. Fuel must not leak to the


! After the operation on the fuel

system is completed, bleed the system, Fig. 1-14 (D/TD2.9L4)

conduct a trial run and check the 1. Fuel inlet of pump 2. Bleed bolt 3. Electrical

tightness. interface of water level sensor 4. Drain plug 5.

Replace the filter every 500h, or more frequent Filter element 6. Fuel inlet of fuel tank

in case of extremely dirty working environment. Bleeding the primary fuel filter

! Risk of explosion and fire. Fuel is
Shut down the engine.

1. Place a suitable container underneath.

combustible. Check the location of the
2. Disconnect the cable.
machine. This step shall be performed in
3. Unscrew the drain plug.
open and well-ventilated areas away from
4. Drain the liquid until pure diesel flows out.
heaters, sparks, flames, and burning
5. Install the drain plug and the electrical
tobacco. A conforming fire extinguisher
should be placed in an easily accessible
6. Tightening torque: 1.6±0.3Nm
Replacing the primary fuel filter element

! Never pre-install the oil filter. There is
1. Shut down the engine.
a risk of contamination.
2. Cut off the fuel supply to the engine (when the

level of the fuel tank is high).

3. Place a suitable container underneath.

4. Disconnect the cable.

Service Manual

5. Loosen the drain plug and drain the liquid. 5. Repeat this process at least 2 times until the

6. Remove the filter element. fuel system is bled completely.

7. Clean the sealing surface of the new filter

4.9.5 Checking the air cleaner of the
element and the back of the filter head to avoid

8. Wet the sealing surface of the filter element △

! This step shall be implemented when

slightly with fuel and install the filter element the engine is shut down.

clockwise (by 17-18 Nm) to the filter head.

9. Install the drain plug.

10. Connect the cable.

11. Remove the fuel cock and bleed the system.

Bleeding the fuel system 1) Check the air cleaner daily.

1. The fuel system is bled by the electric fuel 2) Check the maintenance indicator (if any) of

pump. the air cleaner. When the transparent part of the

2. To ensure that no error message is sent, do indicator turns red, clean or replace the air

not attempt to start the engine during bleeding. cleaner element.

Perform the bleeding operation as follows: 3) Clean the air cleaner every 250h or quarterly,

1. Turn on the ignition switch. and replace the air cleaner every 1000h or

2. After the electronic fuel pump is turned on, when it is damaged. In a dusty working

run it for 20 seconds so that the fuel system is environment, it is required to increase the

bled completely and necessary fuel pressure is number of times for implementation of this step.


3. Wait until the electric fuel pump is turned off

by the control unit.

4. Turn off the ignition switch.

Service Manual

shall be replaced together.

4.9.6 Cleaning or replacing the air
1) Unscrew the inner filter (1). Install a new
inner element.

2) Screw in the new outer element (2), gently

press the outer edge surface, install the

cover (4) and fix it with the positioning plate


4.9.7 Checking the coolant level

1. Inner element 2. Outer element 3. Positioning Check the coolant level every 8 hours or

plate everyday.

4. End cover 5. Dust valve

! High temperature coolant can cause
1) Open the positioning plate (3).
2) Take off the filter cover (4) and unscrew the
The cooling system is under pressure! The
outer element (2).
cover can only be opened when it is cooled.
3) Clean the outer element (2): In case of slight
Coolant must have the protectant
contamination, tap the end surface or purge
concentration specified for the cooling system!
the air cleaner from inside towards outside
Please observe safety regulations on coolant
with dry compressed air for cleaning
and relevant local laws and regulations.
(generally not more than 5 times of
Dispose of spilled coolant according to
cleaning); replace the cleaner element when
regulations and do not spill it on the ground.
it is seriously contaminated.
Never run the engine without coolant, even for
Replacing the air cleaner inner element
a very short time.

! Never clean the inner element (1). 1) Carefully open the cover of the cooling

The outer element and the inner element system.

Service Manual

2) The coolant level should always be between 4) Reconnect and tighten the coolant port.

the Min. and Max. marks! Add the engine oil 5) Close the cooler cover.

until it reaches the MAX mark if necessary. Adding coolant

1) Carefully open the cover of the cooling

4.9.8 Adding or changing engine
2) Add the coolant to the Max. mark or to the
Change the engine coolant every 2000 hours
limit position.
or every two years.
3) Turn on the possible heater and adjust it to

! High temperature coolant can cause the maximum, so as to fill the heater circuit and

burns. bleed it.

The cooling system is under pressure! The 4) Close the cooler cover.

cover can only be opened when it is cooled. 5) When the engine is still hot, start it to the

Coolant must have the protectant operating temperature.

concentration specified for the cooling system! 6) Shut down the engine.

Please observe safety regulations on coolant 7) Check the coolant level when the engine

and relevant local laws and regulations. cools down, and add coolant to the Max. mark if

Dispose of spilled coolant according to necessary.

regulations and do not spill it on the ground. If the coolant reduces rapidly,
Never run the engine without coolant, even for 1) Check whether there is dust and dirt

a very short time. between the radiator fins and the radiator

Draining the cooling system tubes.

1) Carefully open the cooler cover. 2) Check the fan belt tension.

2) Position the container under the coolant 3) Check the radiator water pipe for scale.


3) Drain the coolant.

Service Manual

1 Tensioner 2 Locating pin 3 Mounting hole

4.9.9 Checking the engine belt
1) Use a socket wrench to press the tensioner
Check the belt every 8h or everyday.
as arrowed until the locating pin can be fixed

! Work on the pulley only when the in the mounting hole. Then handle the slack

engine is at rest. If the double belt is worn V-belt.

or the V-belt is damaged, it shall always 2) First remove the V-belt from the smallest

be replaced together. pulley or tensioner.

! Be careful of high temperature 3) Install a new V-belt.

4) Use the socket wrench to hold the tensioner

engine parts. Getting into contact with
to prevent it from turning, and remove the
high temperature engine parts may cause
locating pin.
serious burns.

1) Visually check all pulleys for damage. 5) Tension the V-belt by the tensioner and the

socket wrench. Check if the V-belt is

2) Replace the damaged components.

properly installed on the guide.

3) Reinstall the protective device if necessary.

4) When it is a new belt, pay attention to Replacing the belt

whether its position is correct. After running for

15 minutes, check the tension.

1 Bolt 2 Bolt 3 Bolt

1) Loosen the bolts and lock nuts.

Replace the V-belt
2) Move the engine in the direction of (B)
Service Manual

until the belt is loose.

3) Remove the old belt and install a new


4) Move the engine in the direction of (A)

until the correct belt tension is reached.

5) Check the belt tension.

6) Tighten the bolts and lock nuts.

Tightening torque: Bolt 1: 42 Nm

Bolt 2: 30 Nm

Bolt 3 M8: 30 Nm

Bolt 3 M10: 42 Nm

4.10 Scheduled maintenance

1) Quarterly, yearly and biennial

maintenance items must be performed by

qualified personnel trained on the maintenance

of the machine in accordance with the

procedures in the Maintenance Manual of the


2) Machines that are not used for more

than three months must be subject to quarterly

inspection before put into use again.

Service Manual

4.11 Fault diagnosis of engine

Symptom Cause Action

Coupling failure (if possible) Check the coupling

No fuel in fuel tank Fuel tank

The fuel inlet pipe is blocked Check

Below the limit starting temperature Check

Cold starter Check/replace

Wrong engine oil SAE viscosity grade Change the oil

The fuel quality is not as specified in the operation

manual Change the fuel

Engine fails to be The battery is damaged or not charged Check the battery

started or starting The starter cable connector is loose or oxidized Check the cable connector

condition is poor The starter is damaged or the pinion is not

engaged Check the starter

The air cleaner is dirty / the exhaust turbocharger

is damaged Check/replace

Air in the fuel system Bleeding the fuel system

Low compression force Check the compression force

High exhaust back pressure Check

The nozzle tube is not sealed Check the nozzle tube

The high-pressure pump is damaged Check/replace

Engine fails to be The EMS prevents starting Check the error according to the DTC

started and diagnostic and troubleshoot it

indicator flashes

Service Manual

High exhaust back pressure Check

Low compression force Check the compression force

Cold starter Check/replace

Air in the fuel system Bleed

Engine is started, but it
The primary fuel filter is dirty Clean
runs unstably or is
The fuel quality is not as specified in the operation
manual Change the fuel

The injector is damaged Replace

The nozzle tube is not sealed Check the nozzle tube

The engine cable harness is damaged Check/replace

Engine speed changes The EMS detects a system error and activates the Check the error according to the DTC

and diagnostic compensation speed and troubleshoot it

indicator lights up

The bleed pipe of the coolant reservoir is blocked Clean

The oil cooler is damaged Check/replace

The air or oil side of the oil filter is dirty Replace

Check the oil level and drain the oil if

Engine is overheated
The oil level is too high necessary.
and temperature
The oil level is too low Add oil
warning device
The injector is damaged Replace
The coolant heat exchanger is dirty Clean

The coolant pump is damaged (V-belt is broken or

loosened) Check whether it is broken or loose

Coolant is in short supply Add coolant

Service Manual

Resistance in the cooling system is too high/flow is

too small Check the cooling system

The fan/viscous coupler is damaged, or the belt is

torn or loosened Check/replace/tension

The turbocharger air pipe is not tightly sealed Check the turbocharger air pipe

The turbocharger air cooler is dirty Check/clean

The air cleaner is dirty / the exhaust turbocharger

is damaged Check/replace

The air cleaner maintenance switch/maintenance

indicator is damaged Check/replace

Check the fan/V belt, replace it if

The fan is damaged/V-belt is broken or loosened necessary

High exhaust back pressure Check

The throttle valve damaged Check/replace

Coolant temperature sensor Check/replace

The coolant thermostat is damaged Check/replace

The coolant reservoir cap is damaged Check/replace

Check the oil level and drain the oil if

The oil level is too high necessary.

The fuel inhaler temperature is too high Check the system

Insufficient engine
The fuel quality is not as specified in the operation
manual Change the fuel

The air cleaner is dirty / the exhaust turbocharger

is damaged Check/replace

Service Manual

The air cleaner maintenance switch/maintenance

indicator is damaged Check/replace

Check the fan/V belt, replace it if

The fan is damaged/V-belt is broken or loosened necessary

The turbocharger air pipe is not tightly sealed Check the turbocharger air pipe

The turbocharger air cooler is dirty Clean

The nozzle tube is not sealed Check the nozzle tube

The injector is damaged Replace

The throttle valve damaged Check/replace

The exhaust gas is recirculated, and the control

unit is damaged Check/replace

High exhaust back pressure Check/clean

The exhaust turbocharger is damaged Replace

Insufficient engine The EMS reduces power Please consult DEUTZ service provider

power and diagnosis

indicator on

The nozzle tube is not sealed Check the nozzle tube

Not all engine cylinders The injector is damaged Replace

are working Low compression force Check the compression force

The engine cable harness is damaged Check/replace

The engine has no oil The oil level is too low Add oil

pressure or the oil

pressure is too low

The engine has no oil The engine is tilted too a great extent Check engine mount / lower the tilt

Service Manual

pressure or the oil position

pressure is too low Wrong engine oil SAE viscosity grade Change the oil

The oil pressure sensor is damaged Check/replace

The oil pressure control valve is stuck Check/clean

The oil suction pipe is blocked Check/clean

Check the oil level and drain the oil if

The oil level is too high necessary

Excessive engine oil
Check engine mount / lower the tilt
The engine is tilted too a great extent position

Crankcase exhaust system Check/replace

The engine has been running under too small load

There is oil in the (< 20-30%) for a long time Check the load factor

exhaust system The valve oil seal is damaged Check/replace

The exhaust turbocharger is damaged Check/replace

Check the oil level and drain the oil if

The engine emits The oil level is too high necessary

heavy blue smoke Check engine mount / lower the tilt

The engine is tilted too a great extent position

The fuel quality is not as specified in the operation

manual Change the fuel

The engine emits
The injector is damaged Replace
heavy white smoke
The engine warms up to evaporate the

Condensed water remaining water

The engine emits The air cleaner is dirty / the exhaust turbocharger Check/replace

Service Manual

heavy black smoke is damaged

The air cleaner maintenance switch/maintenance

indicator is damaged Check/replace

The turbocharger air pipe is not tightly sealed Check the turbocharger air pipe

The injector is damaged Replace

The regeneration air cleaner is dirty / the exhaust

turbocharger is damaged Check/replace

The turbocharger air pipe is not tightly sealed Check the turbocharger air pipe

The injector is damaged Replace

The differential pressure flowmeter is damaged Replace

Frequent stop
NOx-sensor Replace

Diesel particulate filter differential pressure sensor

provides incredible signal Replace

There are impurities in the differential pressure

pipe Clean

4.12 Maintenance schedule

AR14JD/AR16JD (A0014JNDCH20, A0016JNDCH20)

Maintenan Quant
Material code Material name Spec. Unit Remarks
ce period ity

5301000045 Diesel oil CH-4 15W/40 Liter 8.5

50h 4110001407001 Oil filter 01174416 Piece 1

5301000007 Gear oil SAE 85W/90 GL-5 Liter 2.72 Walking reducer: 0.68L×4

5301000045 Diesel oil CH-4 15W/40 Liter 8.5

4110001407001 Oil filter 01174416 Piece 1

Secondary diesel
500h 4110702802001 04137456 Piece 1

High pressure One working pump and one

4120001428001 GFX-80×5 Piece 2
filter element walking pump

Service Manual
Return filter
4120000304 SJXHL-250*10 Piece 1 Hydraulic tank

5301000045 Diesel oil CH-4 15W/40 Liter 8.5

4110001407001 Oil filter 01174416 Piece 1

Secondary diesel
4110702802001 04137456 Piece 1 Deutz-D2.9L4

Primary diesel
4110702802002 04130241 Piece 1

High pressure One working pump and one

4120001428001 GFX-80×5 Piece 2
filter element walking pump
4120001427 Air cleaner EF2-32 Piece 1

Return filter Hydraulic tank

4120000304 SJXHL-250*10 Piece 1

5301000007 Gear oil SAE 85W/90 GL-5 Liter 2.72 Walking reducer: 0.68L×4

Cleaner outer Engine intake system (clean

4110001498004 P822768 Piece 1
element the cleaner outer element for

Cleaner inner 5-6 times as indicated, or

4110001498003 P822769 Piece 1
element replace it after it is damaged)

5301000045 Diesel oil CH-4 15W/40 Liter 8.5

4110001407001 Oil filter 01174416 Piece 1

Secondary diesel
4110702802001 04137456 Piece 1
High pressure One working pump and one
4120001428001 GFX-80×5 Piece 2
filter element walking pump

Return filter
4120000304 SJXHL-250*10 Piece 1 Hydraulic tank

5301000045 Diesel oil CH-4 15W/40 Liter 8.5

4110001407001 Oil filter 01174416 Piece 1

Secondary diesel
4110702802001 04137456 Piece 1 Deutz-D2.9L4

2000h Primary diesel

4110702802002 04130241 Piece 1

High pressure One working pump and one

4120001428001 GFX-80×5 Piece 2
filter element walking pump

4120001427 Air cleaner EF2-32 Piece 1 Hydraulic tank

Service Manual
Return filter
4120000304 SJXHL-250*10 Piece 1

Hydraulic tank

4120001891 Suction filter WU-100*180-J Piece 2 (replace it when changing

hydraulic oil)

5301000007 Gear oil SAE 85W/90 GL-5 Liter 2.72 Walking reducer: 0.68L×4

Cleaner outer Engine intake system (clean

4110001498004 P822768 Piece 1
element the cleaner outer element for

Cleaner inner 5-6 times as indicated, or

4110001498003 P822769 Piece 1
element replace it after it is damaged)

△ ! Note: The working hours are based on the engine working time, and the operation cycle is

calculated from the date of production.

Maintenance period
Maintenance Routine Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

level inspection maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance


period Daily 50h 300h 550h 800h 1050h

△ ! Note: The working hours are based on the engine working time.

List of maintenance items

Maintenance level Remarks
Level 1 100h Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
System Operation Routine
mainten mainte mainten mainten mainten mainte
ance nance ance ance ance nance
Check the engine oil

Check the fuel level in

the fuel tank
Check if the fuel system

pipeline leaks
Check the connection
between the engine and ● ● ● ●
Powertrain the tray
At least
Change the engine oil First 50h, thereafter every 500h or every six months, whichever comes first.
once a year
Replace the engine oil At least
First 50h, thereafter every 500h or every six months, whichever comes first.
filter element once a year
Check and adjust the
● ● ● ● ● ●
tightness of the fan belt
Clean the radiator with
● ● ● ● ●
compressed air

Service Manual
Clean the fuel filter of
● ● ● ● ●
fuel tank
Drain deposits from the
● ● ● ● ●
fuel tank
Replace the fine diesel
Every 500h or every six months, whichever comes first.
Replace the primary fuel
Every 500h or every six months, whichever comes first.
filter element
Check the water level in
the water separator, and Daily
drain the water regularly
It can be
Clean or replace the air cleaned for
Clean the air cleaner outer element every 250h or when the indicator alarms,
cleaner outer element at most 5
and it is forbidden to clean the air cleaner inner element
and inner element times
Check the battery for
Check if buttons on the
PCU panel operate Daily
Check if the PCU
harness connector is Daily
connected firmly
Check if the PCU
harness connector is Daily
Check if the PCU
harness is extruded or Daily
Check if the
inclinometer is wired Daily
Check the position of
the rotary table swing
limit switch rocker arm
and if it is wired loosely
Check if the solenoid
valve connector of the
walking pump is loose
and is wired normally
Check if buttons on the
ground control panel Daily
operate normally
Check if the warning
lamp and horn function Daily
Check if the solenoid
valve coils of main valve
block are wired normally
or loose
Check the starter motor
terminals for looseness, Daily
breakage, etc.
Load cell zero
● ● ● ●
Check if the battery Daily
Service Manual
terminals are loose or
Check if the system
● ● ● ● ●
pressure is normal
Check if the steering
system pressure is ● ● ● ● ●
Check if the traveling
system pressure is ● ● ● ● ●
Check if the oil pipes
and joints are loose
Check if the oil cylinder
leaks oil
Check if the valve
spools leak oil
Check if the two ball
valves at the suction
port at the bottom of the
hydraulic tank are open
Check if the walking oil
pipe fixing clip is loose
hydraulic oil
Hydraulic L-HV32
system Check the oil level in the when the
hydraulic tank level is
lower than
the M"
Replace hydraulic oil Hydraulic
Every 2,000h or every two years, whichever comes first
and suction filter oil L-HV32,
Replacement of the high
Every 500h or every six months, whichever comes first.
pressure filter element
Check the hydraulic
tank vent cap for Daily

Replace the air cleaner Every 1,000 hours or every year, whichever comes first

Check the reducer for oil

Check the walking
motor for oil leakage
Change the reducer
First 50h, thereafter every 1,000h or every year
gear oil
Replace the return filter
Every 500h or every six months, whichever comes first.
Check if the attached
documents are
complete, easy to read, Daily
and if they are in the file
Check if the safety
identification is correct Daily
or stained

Service Manual
Check the machine
bolts, nuts and other
fasteners for looseness
or abnormal noise
Check the structural
parts of the machine for
cracks and if there is
any open weld
Check if the machine
paint for falling off,
serious rust, corrosion
or oxidation
Check if the slider is
loose and if there is zero
● ●
clearance between the
slider and the arm rod
Lubricate the slewing
● ● ● ● ● ed grease
Lubricatio 3#
n Grease the slewing Lithium-bas
bearing and the gears of ● ● ● ● ● ed grease
the slewing reducer 3#

Service Manual

Service Manual

Chapter 5 Commissioning

Service Manual

Service Manual

5.1 Safety instructions to others, yourself, the machine or obstacles,

Before commissioning, please make sure and other people are not allowed to operate the

to refer to the Operation and Maintenance machine during commissioning;

Manual, familiarize yourself with the relevant 5) This machine is not insulated, and does not

safety precautions and basic operating provide protection against electric shock when it

requirements, and be particularly familiar with is in contact with or near wires, power supplies

the following safety matters: or electrical equipment.

1) It is strictly forbidden for alcoholics, drug

users, and those taking inhibition reaction drugs

to approach and operate the machine;

2) Before operating the machine, please ensure

that you have equipped with protection

equipment, such as helmet, safety belts

(five-point), safety shoes, and your body is in Please follow the applicable laws and

good condition; regulations and the instructions in the table

3) The machine cannot be operated with the below to maintain a sufficient safety distance

hood open. Before starting the engine, confirm from wires, power supplies, and electrical

the surrounding environment of the machine to equipment.

ensure that the engine is unmanned to avoid the

danger of starting the engine. and these Voltage Required safety

instructions will not be repeated below; distance

4) Before operating the machine, sound the 0V~50KV 3.05m

horn to ensure that there are no people or 50V~200KV 4.60 m

obstacles around, so as to avoid safety damage 200V~350KV 6.10 m

Service Manual

350V~500KV 7.62 m 9) In the retracted state, be very careful and

500V~750KV 10.67 m reduce the speed when the machine is driven

750V~1000KV 13.72 m on gravel, unstable or smooth surfaces, near

If the machine comes into contact with a live openings or steep slopes, etc.;

wire, stay away from the machine immediately. 10. Do not sit, stand or climb on the protective

Before the power of the wire is cut off, personnel guard of the platform. Stand steadily on the

are forbidden to touch or operate the machine. platform base plate at all times.

Do not operate or use the machine during 5.2 Commissioning process

lightning or storms. S/N Commissioning steps

6) Do not raise the arm rod when the wind 1 Pick-up inspection

speed may exceed 12.5m/s. If the wind speed 2 Start test

exceeds 12.5m/s after the arm rod is raised, 3 Basic operation test of ground

lower the arm rod and do not continue to control unit

operate the machine; 4 Basic operation test of platform

7) Do not operate the machine in strong winds control unit

or gusts. Do not increase the surface area of the 5 Oil level inspection

platform or load. Enlarging the area exposed to 6 System overflow pressure

the wind will reduce the stability of the machine; 7 Folding jib lowering overflow

8) Do not operate the machine via the PCU box pressure

when the platform is tripped, stuck, or other

8 Boom lowering overflow

objects nearby hinder its normal movement. If it


is expected to operate the machine via the

9 Parameter setting

ground control unit, this operation can be done

10 Load cell calibration

only after all personnel have left the platform;

11 1.1 times load test
Service Manual

12 Travel speed test (high speed) water volume, electrical components, etc., as

13 Braking distance test shown in the above figure (left); any problem

14 Speed limit test found should be recorded in time.

15 Operation time test 2) The following electrical components should

16 Drive enable function be carefully checked: key switch, emergency

17 Tilt sensor test stop button, ground control system switch,

18 Gradeability test platform control switch, foot switch;

19 Curb test Inspection criteria: effective in use.

20 Pothole test Visual inspection

21 Emergency function test Check the appearance of the vehicle as follows:

1) The top coat has no bumps, scratches, or

22 Max. lifting height

color difference;
23 1.25 times load test

3) Anti-rust treatment on exposed metal should

24 Horizontal stability

be done
25 Clearance inspection

3) There should be no porosity, undercut, crack,

26 Visual inspection
burn through, etc. after welding
27 Charging test
4) The hydraulic pipelines should be arranged
28 Machine inspection
neatly and reasonably, the connection

should be tight and firm, mark or mark glue

5.3 Machine inspection
should be provided
Pick-up inspection
5) No oil and water leakage is found
1) After picking up the machine, follow the
6) Signs and marks are installed firmly, and
machine checklist to check the machine to be
they should be upright, eye-catching,
tested: basic information, appearance of the
correct and clear
machine, configuration of the machine, oil and
Service Manual

Clearance inspection

1) Check the gap of the rear axle

Insert a feeler into the gap between the rear

axle and the chassis, and measure the gap

between the left and right sides of the rear axle;

control criteria: 4≤A≤5mm 3) Check the gap between the slider and the

arm rod

Insert a feeler into the gap between the

telescopic boom and the slider, and measure

the sum of the left and right gaps and the sum of

Rear axle gap the upper and lower gaps of the boom

2) Check the gap between the left and right Control criteria: F/G<1mm.

covers and the counterweight

Use a feeler to measure the gap between the

left and right covers and the counterweight, and

the upper and lower gap should be even.

Control criteria: E clearance requirement:

6-9mm, the upper and lower gap difference

should not be more than 2mm; Gap between the slider and the boom

5.4 Basic test

5.4.1 Start test

1) After the key is inserted into the key switch

socket and turned to "Platform Control" mode,

Service Manual

then the beacon will flash, the screen will light Ground
control system
panel Emergenc
up, and the platform control unit will run; after y stop
Display Key switch
the key switch is turned to the neutral position, Engine start
Enable button
the machine will be turned off, and the beacon
Button Engine start
control button
will be turned off, the screen will be off; after the

key switch is turned to "Ground Control" mode,

3) Engine high/low speed test (DEUTZ-D2.9L4):
the beacon will flash, the screen will light up,
Low speed : 1,500r/min, engine running
and the ground control unit will run;
smoothly without abnormal noise (idling)

High speed: 2,500r/min, engine running

Ground control
system panel Emergency smoothly without abnormal noise (high idle
stop switch

Display Key switch speed)

button Control criteria: conforming to requirements
Engine start
Button button
control 4) Emergency stop switch

The engine cannot be started smoothly

Control criteria: effective in use
without abnormal noise after the emergency
2) Engine start switch
stop switch of the ground control system is
The engine can be started smoothly without
pressed and the engine start switch is turned;
abnormal noise if the engine start switch is
Platform control Emergency
system panel stop switch
Control criteria: effective in use, conforming to



The engine can be started smoothly after the

Service Manual

emergency stop switches of the platform control

5.4.2 Basic operation test of ground
switch and the ground control switch are pulled
control unit
outward and the engine start switch is turned;
1. The machine can be started when the key is
The engine can be started smoothly after the
turned to the GCU mode, and the emergency
emergency stop switch of the platform control
stop switch is turned on.
system is pressed, the emergency stop switch
2) Press and hold the enable button (this
of the ground control system is pulled outward,
operation is required for the following basic
and the engine start switch (ground control) is
operation test)
turned; First arm rod
Short arm lift extension and
switch retraction
The working engine stops working if the

emergency stop switch is pressed; Platfor

First arm rod
m switch
5) Horn switch Second
arm rod
The horn will sound if the horn switch is switch Rotary
Auxiliar table
y power rotary

6) Enable button Ground control system panel

With the enable button not held, all arm rods 3) Platform leveling switch

and platform functions should not operate after The platform level will rise if the platform

each boom and platform function toggle switch leveling switch is moved upwards; the platform

is turned on. level will drop if the platform leveling switch is

With the enable button held, all arm rods and moved downwards.

platform functions should operate for a

complete cycle after each boom and platform

function toggle switch is turned on.

Control criteria: effective in use

Service Manual

Platform leveling
Short arm
lifting/lowering test
4) Platform rotary switch 6) First arm rod extension and retraction

The platform will rotate to the left if the platform switch

rotary switch is moved upwards; the platform The arm rod will extend if the first arm rod

will rotate to the right if the platform rotary switch extension and retraction switch is moved

is moved downwards. leftward; the arm rod will retract if the first arm

rod extension and retraction switch is moved


rotating test

5) Short arm lift switch First arm rod

The short arm will rise if the short arm lift switch
is moved upwards; the short arm will drop if the 7) First arm rod lift switch

short arm lift switch is moved downwards. The first arm rod will rise if the first arm rod lift

switch is moved upwards; the first arm rod will

drop if the first arm rod lift switch is moved


Service Manual

Rotary table
swing test
First arm rod
lifting/lowering test
8) Second arm rod lift switch


1. Commissioning shall be done by a

The second arm rod will rise if the second arm
dedicated person, and during the
rod lift switch is moved upwards; the second
commissioning period, no one else is
arm rod will drop if the second arm rod lift switch
allowed to operate the machine.
is moved downwards.
2. Each commissioning should be done

separately, two or more operations cannot

be carried out at the same time.

3. The commissioning time of each

Second arm rod operation should be 3-5S, the

lifting/lowering test commissioning is visible to the naked eye,

9) Rotary table rotary switch
and it should be stopped when it is
The rotary table will rotate to the right if the
rotary table rotary switch is moved rightward;
4. After the all commissioning operations
the rotary table will rotate to the left if the rotary
are completed, the buttons and switches
table rotary switch is moved leftward.
shall be returned to their positions.

10) Auxiliary power switch

Turn the key switch to the GCU; pull the red

"emergency stop switch" button outward to the

Service Manual

ON position; move the auxiliary power switch to 3) Push the red emergency stop
either side, repeat all the above operations until button outward to the “ON” position.
all operations can be achieved. Control criteria: the function control lever or

Note: (1) When testing the auxiliary power button can be operated normally to operate the

switch, in order to save battery power, please machine.

test each function in a part of the cycle. 4) Do not press down the foot switch, and test

(2) The drive function shall not work with the control lever or button of each function of the

the auxiliary power supply. machine. Control criteria: the machine

functions shall not run;

5.4.3 Basic operation test of platform

control system

1) Start the machine and turn the key to the

platform control mode

Platform control
Platform rotary Drive enable button Engine speed selector
system panel Indicator Engine start button
button button
Foot switch
Horn button
stop switch
Short arm luffing
Emergency lowering
5) Press down the foot switch, and test the
button (auxiliary)
Platform leveling

Boom Steering thumb button

control lever or button of each function of the
Boom luffing/ rotary
table swing

Folding jib
luffing lever
Drive speed selector
button Drive control lever
machine. Control criteria: all arm rods and

Platform control system panel platform functions should operate for a

2) Push the red emergency stop button inward complete cycle.

to the “OFF” position. Control criteria: all 6) When the emergency stop switch is in the

functions cannot be operated after each "ON” position, press the horn button. Control

function control lever or button of the machine is criteria: The horn sounds.

turned on. 7) Release the horn button. Control criteria:

Service Manual

The horn stops sounding. leveling switch if the platform leveling switch is

moved downwards.

1) Commissioning shall be done by a

dedicated person, and during the

commissioning period, no one else is leveling test
allowed to operate the machine;

2) Each commissioning should be done

10) Platform rotary button
separately, two or more operations cannot
Control criteria: The rotary table will
be carried out at the same time;
rotate to the right if the rotary table
3) The commissioning time of each
rotary switch is moved rightward;
operation should be 3-5S, the
the rotary table will rotate to the left
commissioning is visible to the naked eye,
if the rotary table rotary switch is
and it should be stopped when it is
moved leftward.

4) After the all commissioning operations

are completed, the buttons and switches

shall be returned to their positions.

8) Turn the key switch to the platform control Platform rotating

mode, turn on the emergency stop switch, start
11) Short arm lift switch

the engine, and step on the foot switch. Control criteria: The short arm will rise if the

9) Platform leveling switch short arm lift switch is moved upwards; the short

Control criteria: The platform level will rise if the arm will drop if the short arm lift switch is moved

platform leveling switch is moved upwards; the downwards.

platform level will drop if move the platform

Service Manual

control lever is moved leftward.

Rotary table
Short arm swing

lifting/lowering test
12) Control the lifting/lowering of the second
Boom luffing
arm rod via the middle lever.
Left control lever

14) Control the lifting/lowering of the first arm

Folding boom rod via the left control lever.

Control criteria: The boom will rise if the lever is

moved upwards, the boom will drop and the

Control criteria: The folding jib will rise if the
alarm will sound if the lever is moved
lever is moved upwards, the folding jib will drop
and the alarm will sound if the lever is moved
15) First arm rod extension and retraction switch
Control criteria: The first arm rod will extend if

the first arm rod extension and retraction switch

is moved downwards; the first arm rod will

Second arm rod retract if the first arm rod extension and
lifting/lowering test
retraction switch is moved upwards.
13) Control the rotation of the rotary table via
16) Control the drive travel of the machine via
the left control lever.
the right control lever.
Control criteria: The rotary table will rotate to the
Control criteria: The machine will be driven
right if the left control lever is moved rightward.
forward if the right control lever is moved
The rotary table will rotate to the left if the left
upwards. The machine will be driven backward
Service Manual

if the right control lever is moved downwards. The machine is on a horizontal plane. Symbol:

driving at high speed

20) Engine idle speed selection

If the foot switch is not depressed, the engine

Left turn Right turn
button button
will idle at the lowest speed. Turtle symbol: foot
Left turn Right turn
indicator indicator
switch activates low idle speed; rabbit symbol:
Right control lever
foot switch activates high idle speed.
17) Control theForward/backward signs via the
turning of the machine

right control lever.


1. In the case of a large slope, engage

Control criteria: When the thumb presses the
climbing gear for operation, and for other
left button (red circle) of the right control lever,
road conditions, please select the
the machine will turn to the left. When the thumb
horizontal gear.
presses the right button (blue circle) of the right

control lever, the machine will turn to the right. 5.4.4 Hydraulic oil level test

18) Move the speed adjustment switch to select

1) Retract the boom in place, lower the short

different speed modes, and perform the function

arm to the lowest position, push the emergency

tests respectively.
stop switch to the “OFF” position, pull open the

Control criteria: The speed of the machine

rubber hook under the right cover by hands,

function increases or decreases with different

open the right cover, and snap the support rod

modes, and the speed of the fly jib and platform

into the rubber groove.

does not change.

19) Drive speed selector switch

The machine is on a slope. Symbol: Climbing

position, driving at low speed.

Service Manual

2) After parking for 5 min, observe the oil level of

5.4.6 Travel speed (high speed) test
the hydraulic tank.
1) Press down the foot switch in the platform
Control criteria: The amount of oil in the
control mode;
hydraulic tank is higher than 1/3 of the scale of
2) Drive the machine to the test road at a low
the level gauge, but not higher than 1/2 of the
speed, adjust the direction of the machine to
level of the level gauge.
ensure that the machine is straight and travels

5.4.5 Load test (1.1 times rated load) in a straight line;

1) When the machine is stopped, suspend the

counterweight trolley with a load 1.1 times rated

load (253Kg) on the working platform.

Control criteria: If the engine is overloaded

during running, the overload indicator will be

3) Slowly move the drive control lever 5m in
always on and the buzzer will sound; if the
front of start line of test road to the high speed
engine is overloaded in the non-running state,
position; start timing when the center of front
the engine cannot be started. After
wheels of the machine crosses the test start line,
removing the heavy object to the
and stop timing when the center of front wheels
standard weight, it will return to
of the machine crosses the finish line, i.e. record
the time for the trolley to travel through the test

road for a total of 20m. Stop the machine safely

and record the time.

Control criteria: 6.1±0.5km/h, i.e. time: 10.9<t

<12.8 S

Service Manual

5.4.7 Braking distance test

1) Follow the travel speed test closely;

Boom lifted
2) When the center of the front wheel of the by
machine passes the 20m test line, turn off the

power switch and let the machine stop

2) Adjust the traveling direction of the machine


to ensure that the machine is straightened and

Use a tape measure to measure the distance

driven on a straight line;

from the 20m line to the center line of the front

3) Slowly move the drive control lever about 5m

wheel (stopped), and the measured distance is

in front of start line of test road to the full drive

the braking distance.

position; start timing when the center of front

Control criteria:1.0m-1.5m.

wheels of the machine crosses the test start line,

and stop timing when the center of front wheels
1. The machine under test shall be kept in
of the machine crosses the finish line, i.e. record
the no-load state, with the boom retracted;
the time for the trolley to travel through the test
2. Pay attention to driving safety.
road for a total of 20m. Stop the machine safely

5.4.8 Drive speed limit test and record the time.

1) In the platform control mode, depress the foot Control criteria: 0.8±0.05km/h, i.e. time: 85s<

switch, after which the boom is lifted by about t<96s

90cm (or the articulating boom、 is lifted by

about 90cm, or the boom is extended by 30cm);
1. Conduct timing in one of the three

states. For other two states, determine

that the speed limit function can be

Service Manual

achieved under specific conditions; platform control system;

2. Expect the test arm rod, the other arm

rods are retracted;

3. Pay attention to driving safety.

5.4.9 Braking distance test (at slow

Drive enable
system test
2) Adjust the arm rod to the retraction position,

1) Follow the travel speed (low speed) test keep the vehicle retracted, and depress the foot

closely; switch; rotate the rotary table until the arm rod

2) When the center of the front wheel of the moves over one non-steered wheel (in both

machine passes the 20m test line, turn off the directions);

power switch and let the machine stop Control criteria: the drive indicator light is on at

automatically. any position within the rotation range. Move the

Use a tape measure to measure the distance drive control lever away from the center, after

from the 10m line to the center line of the front which the drive function cannot be achieved.

wheel (stopped), and the measured distance is

the braking distance.

3. Control criteria: ≤0.5m

Rotary table
1. The machine under test shall be kept in rotation
3) Turn and hold the drive enable toggle switch
the no-load state, with the boom retracted;
to one side, and move the drive control lever
2. Pay attention to driving safety.
away from the center slowly, after which the

5.4.10 Drive enable system test drive function can be achieved normally.

1) Start the machine, and operate it using the

Service Manual

arm rod extension, slewing, leveling and

traveling are restricted.

1. The machine travels in the opposite
4) Continue driving to the downhill plane of the
direction of the travel and direction control
slope. Control criteria: the tilt indicator light does
lever movement;
not come on, the buzzer does not sound, and all
2. Pay attention to safety during the
functions are normal.
rotation test.
5) In the platform control mode, depress the foot

5.4.11 Tilt sensor test

switch, retract the boom, and repeat the above

1) In the platform control mode, depress the foot 4.5°test.

switch, after which the boom is lifted by about 6) Similarly, use the same method to test the

90cm (or the articulating boom、 is lifted by slope with a 4.5°angle between the chassis and

about 90cm, or the boom is extended by 30cm); the ground for both the front and rear axles.

2) Keep the arm rod in a direction consistent
with the travel direction, and drive the machine
1. Conduct the test in one of the three
up the slope (below the highest point) in the
states. For other two states, test the tilt
direction of the slope.
indicator light and buzzer under specific
Control criteria: the tilt indicator light does not
come on, the buzzer does not sound, and all
2. Expect the test arm rod, the other arm
functions are normal.
rods are retracted;
3) Continue driving to the upper plane of the
3. Pay attention to driving safety.
slope, with an angle between the chassis and

the ground of 4.5°. 5.4.12 Gradeability test (45%)

Control criteria: the tilt indicator light stays on, 1) Drive the machine to the front of a 45% slope,

the buzzer sounds, and the functions of lifting, and adjust the machine state, with the platform

Service Manual

at the upper part of slope and the counterweight

at the lower part of slope;

2) Turn the drive speed selector switch on the

platform control panel to the “Climbing” position; Drive speed selector


2) Turn the drive speed selector switch on the

platform control panel to the “Climbing” position;

3) Adjust the platform height, and drive the

machine to the 25% slope.

45% slope Control criteria: the machine climbs to the top

3) Adjust the platform height, and drive the normally, the tires do not slip and the machine

machine to the 45% slope. does not tip over.

Control criteria: the machine climbs to the top

5.4.14 Floating test
normally, the tires do not slip and the machine
1) Start the machine, drive it to the front of 10cm
does not tip over.
test pit, and adjust the machine state;
4) During downhill driving, apply the brake to
2) Turn the speed selector switch on the
test the braking distance.
platform control panel to the “Turtle” position,
Control criteria: ≤0.8m
and retract the boom;

5.4.13 Gradeability test (25 %)

1) Drive the machine to the front of a 25% slope,

and adjust the machine state, with the platform

at the lower part of slope and the counterweight

Speed selector
at the upper part of slope; switch

3) Adjust the travel direction of the machine, and

Service Manual

drive it, so that the left front wheel and the left 40°C. The time will be affected when the oil

rear wheel cross the test pit in turn. temperature changes.

Control criteria: the machine tires are not off the (2) Carry out the test for each

ground. operation separately. After the test, retract

and return each part, and then perform the

5.4.15 Operation time test
next test.
1) Start the machine, keep it restarted in situ,
3) Press the enable button and the first arm rod
and adopt the ground control mode for the test;
lift switch (up) at the same time to lift the boom

Enable switch and start timing simultaneously; when the boom

is lifted to the highest position, stop lifting and

Rotary table
rotary switch

Control criteria: 35s-45s.

Ground control system panel

2) Press the enable button and rotary table

rotary switch (to the left) at the same time, move

the rotary table to the leftmost side; then start

the rotary table rotary switch in the opposite

First arm rod
lifting/lowering test
direction, rotate the rotary table, start timing at 4) Press the enable button and the first arm rod

the same time, rotate the rotary table to the lift switch (down) at the same time to lower the

rightmost side, stop the rotary table, and stop boom and start timing simultaneously; when the

timing. boom is retracted, stop lowering and timing.

Control criteria: 82s-92s. Control criteria: 30S-40S.

Note: (1) The control criterion of operation 5) Press the enable button and the second arm

time test is based on an oil temperature of rod lift switch (up) at the same time to lift the
Service Manual

folding jib and start timing simultaneously; when

the folding jib is lifted to the highest position,

stop lifting and timing.

Control criteria: 25S-35S. First arm rod extension

6) Press the enable button and the second arm
and retraction test

rod lift switch (down) at the same time to lower

8) Press the enable button and the first arm rod
the folding jib and start timing simultaneously;
extension switch (rightward) at the same time to
when the folding jib is retracted, stop lowering
retract the boom and start timing simultaneously;
and timing.
when the boom is retracted, stop retracting and
Control criteria: 26S-40S.

Control criteria: 20S-30S.

9) Press the enable button and the short arm lift

switch (up) at the same time to lift the short arm

and start timing simultaneously; when the short

Second arm rod arm is lifted to the highest position, stop lifting
lifting/lowering test
7) Press the enable button and the first arm rod and timing.

extension switch (leftward) at the same time to Control criteria: 30S-50S.

extend the boom and start timing

Short arm
simultaneously; when the boom is extended to
lifting/lowering test
the limit, stop extending and timing.

Control criteria: 20S-30S.

10) Press the enable button and the short arm

lift switch (down) at the same time to lower the

Service Manual

short arm and start timing simultaneously; when return each part, and then perform the

the short arm is retracted, stop lowering and next test;

5.4.16 Lifting height test
Control criteria: 20S-35S.
1) Move the machine under test at rated load to
11) Press the enable button and the platform
a level ground in the test area;
rotary switch (up) at the same time, and rotate
2) In the ground control mode, lift the platform to
the platform to the leftmost side; then start the
the highest point, make it horizontal, and
platform rotary switch in the opposite direction,
measure the distance from the ground to the
rotate the platform and start timing
bottom of the platform with a laser range finder;
simultaneously; when the platform is rotated to
Test target value of AR16J: 15.70 ±0.16 (m);
the rightmost side, stop rotating and timing.
Test target value of AR14J: 14.09 ±0.14 (m);
Control criteria: 13S-26S.
3) Instructions for use of the laser range


Press the upper middle red (MEAS) button of

Platform rotating
the laser range finder, align the laser dot with
the bottom surface of the extended platform,

press the upper left blue (Timer) button of the
laser range finder, and press the red (MEAS)
1. The control criterion of operation time
button again for 5s (adjustable). In this case, the
test is based on an oil temperature of
height data is shown on the display screen;
40±5°C. The time will be affected when

the oil temperature changes;

2. Carry out the test for each operation

separately. After the test, retract and

Service Manual

structural interference and whether the oil pipe

harness incurs squeezing, wear, etc.

Control criteria: the machine has no oil leakage

or structural interference, and the oil pipe

Reading of
range finder harness is free of squeezing, wear, etc.;

5.4.17 Load test (1.25 times) 4) Lift the platform to the highest point, measure

the platform height with a laser range finder, and

1) Place 1.25 times the rated load (287.5Kg) on

wait for 60s to confirm whether there is any

the lifting platform, and connect the seat belt to

change in the platform height. Wait for 15min,

the platform guardrail. In this case, the overload

and test the retraction of hydraulic cylinder

alarm should be disabled;

piston rods and the sinkage of the platform.

Control criteria: the retraction of hydraulic

cylinder piston rods is not more than 2mm, and

the sinkage of the platform is not more than 1%

of the height of the platform under the working

2) Turn the emergency stop switch of the condition.

ground and platform controllers to “ON” position,

5.4.18 Rated load calibration
turn the key switch to “Ground control” position,

and operate the machine on the ground;

3) Lift the folding jib, telescopic boom, boom

and short arm respectively to raise the platform

to the highest position, and when each boom

part reaches the highest position, stay for 5-10s,

1) After the tests are completed, park the
check whether the machine has oil leakage or
machine on a solid ground;

Service Manual

2) Use the ground control mode, enter the 4) In case of inconsistency with the target value,

system design interface, and calibrate the no do correction as follows:

load; Unscrew the fastening nut of the relief valve,

3) Hang the rated load of 230kg at the platform and rotate the valve spool clockwise or

end, and calibrate the rated load. counterclockwise with the Allen wrench to

5.5 Pressure test increase or decrease the pressure as

appropriate until the pressure is consistent with

5.5.1 Function valve relief pressure
the target value;
5) Keep the position of the Allen wrench
1) Install the pressure tap to the control valve
unchanged, and tighten the fastening nut of the
(indicated by a blue circle);
relief valve; restore the rocker arm to the normal


Note: (1) The ground in the test area shall be

solid and flat, with a gradient not more than 1%;

during operation, the ground shall not subside,

2) Connect the pressure gauge to the pressure
and there shall be no obstacles that affect the
lifting, lowering and slewing of articulated lifting
3) Extend the telescopic boom to the limit length,
platform around it.
and retract the other booms; observe the
(2) The laser range finder shall be placed on a
pressure until the pressure gauge indicates the
flat ground; the platform test position shall be
maximum value. At this time, the indication of
the steel plate on the bottom of the extended
the gauge is the system relief pressure. Record
platform rather than the reinforcing rib.
the pressure;

Control criteria (target pressure): 225 bar ±

10 bar.
Service Manual

Chapter 6 Appendix

Service Manual

Service Manual

6.1 DTCs of COBO system

DTC Description
1 Open circuit in control unit output power supply 1
2 Open circuit in control unit output power supply 2
3 Open circuit in control unit output power supply 34
4 Platform electric box extension module bus off
5 Carrier electric box display bus off
6 Weighing failure
7 Load cell 1 fault
8 Load cell 2 fault
9 Load cell check failure
10 Load cell 4 fault
11 Left joystick fault
12 Right joystick fault
13 Middle joystick fault
14 Boom luffing travel switch fault
15 Folding jib luffing travel switch fault
16 Boom telescopic travel switch fault
17 Rear detection travel switch fault
101 Chassis tilt
102 Traveling limit function not enabled in drive
103 Basket overload
104 Low oil level alarm
105 Oil pressure alarm
106 Oil temperature alarm

Service Manual

6.2 Schematic diagram

6.2.1 AR14J/AR16J hydraulic schematic diagram (Rexroth)

Service Manual

6.2.2 AR14J/AR16J hydraulic schematic diagram (Sant main valve)

Service Manual

6.2.3 AR14J/AR16J electrical schematic diagram (Rexroth)

Service Manual

6.2.4 AR14J/AR16J electrical schematic diagram (Sant main valve)

Service Manual

6.3 Diagram of common hydraulic part symbols

Graphic symbols of common hydraulic parts (taken from GB/T786.1-1993)

(1) Hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor and hydraulic cylinder

Descriptio Descripti
Symbol Name Symbol
n on

Hydraulic General Detailed

pump symbol symbol

Unidirectio ble one-way
One-way nal bounce
fixed cylinder
displacem unidirectio Simplifie
ent nal flow, d symbol
hydraulic fixed
pump displacem

Two-way al
fixed rotation,
displacem bidirection Detailed
Hydrau ent symbol
al flow,
lic hydraulic fixed
pump pump displacem Adjustable
ent Double-acti one-way
ng cylinder bounce
nal cylinder
variable rotation,
displacem unidirectio Simplifie
ent nal flow, d symbol
hydraulic variable
pump displacem

Two-way al
variable rotation,
displacem bidirection Detailed
ent al flow, symbol
hydraulic variable Non-adjusta
pump displacem ble two-way
ent bounce

Hydraulic General Simplifie

motor symbol d symbol

Service Manual

Hydraulic General Simplified

motor symbol symbol

al flow, Detailed
unidirectiona symbol
nt hydraulic
l rotation
motor Adjustabl
Two-way flow,
fixed bidirectional
displaceme rotation,
nt hydraulic fixed
motor displacemen

c motor Unidirection
One-way al flow,
variable unidirectiona
displaceme l rotation,
c cylinder
nt hydraulic variable
motor displacemen

Two-way flow,
variable bidirectional
displaceme rotation,
nt hydraulic variable
motor displacemen
t Air-liquid

Swing motor swing, fixed
s action

Service Manual

Fixed al flow,
displaceme unidirection
nt hydraulic al rotation,
pump - fixed
motor displaceme
transduc er
l flow,
Pum bidirectional
p- rotation, Continuo
nt hydraulic
moto variable us action
pump -
r displaceme
nt, external
oil drain

al rotation,
Hydraulic variable
integrated displaceme Accumulat General
transmissio nt pump, or symbol
n fixed
nt motor

ed Accumulat
or ght type

Single-acti Detailed
ng cylinder Spring type
Single symbol
return) Simplifi
ed Auxiliary gas bottle

Gas tank

Service Manual
Telescop Hydraulic
ic pressure
cylinder source

Air Genera
sourc l
Single symbol
e symbol
r Simplifie Energ
y Motor
d symbol
g cylinder
Detailed Prime Except
symbol motor motor
d symbol

(2) Mechanical control devices and control methods

Descriptio Descriptio
Name Symbol Symbol
n n

Rod for Arrows Hydraulic pilot Internal

linear can be pressurization pressure
motion omitted control control

Shaft for Arrows Hydraulic pilot External

rotational can be pressurization pressure
motion omitted control control

Mechanic pressure
Positionin double pilot
al control control,
g device pressurization
parts internal
oil drain

*Control control,
Air-liquid pilot
Locking method internal
device for hydraulic
unlocking pressure
oil drain

Service Manual
Electro-hydrau hydraulic
lic pilot pressure
pressure control,
control internal
oil drain

Ejector rod
internal oil
Hydraulic drain
depressuriza External
tion control
travel control
relief outlet)

net control,
Electro-hydr external
Pilot aulic pilot pressure
olled type
Mechani pressu control control,
cal re external oil
control control drain
methods metho
ds With
on in Pilot
Roller type two pressure
external oil
directio control valve
drain, with
relief outlet

Pilot level
on in
only Pilot
one proportional
One-way proportiona
directio solenoid
roller type l
n; pressure
arrows control valve
net, internal
can be
oil drain

Service Manual

al leads
can be
Gener Single-acting and the
al electromagne oblique
symbol t line can
face the

Button g
type electromagne

Manual Electric adjustable
control al electromagne
Draw control t
method knob method (proportional
s type s electromagne
t, torque
motor, etc.)

g adjustable
ll type
t (torque
motor, etc.)

device of

Service Manual

One-way Feedbac General

pedal type k control symbol

detection by
Two-way Feedba Electrical
pedal type ck feedback
control transformers
method , etc.

Pressurizatio Internal
n or mechani
depressurizat cal
ion control feedback
circuit, etc.

pressu Contr
re ol
control acces
metho s
ds inside

e the

Service Manual

(3) Pressure control valve

Name Symbol Name Symbol Description

General Pilot
symbol proportio
or spring nal
Relief valve loaded solenoid
type pressure
relief reducing
valve valve

nal Pressure
Pilot relief e
pressure reducing ratio:
valve reducin
reducing 1/3
g valve

electromagn (Normall
etic relief y closed)
Direct-acting symbol or
proportional harmonious-ac
e valve
relief valve ting sequence

Pilot Pilot
proportional Sequen sequence
relief valve ce valve valve

Unloadin sequence
g when valve
relief valve
p2>p1 (balance

Service Manual

Two-w Direct-acti symbol or
ay ng, Unloading direct-acti
relief external oil valve ng
valve drain unloading
General ng valve
Pressu symbol or
re direct-actin
etic p1>p2
reducin g pressure
g valve reducing

Pressu Pilot
re pressur Double
reducin e overflow
g valve reducin brake valve
g valve
Overflow oil
bridge brake
g valve

Service Manual

(4) Directional control valves

Descriptio Descriptio
Name Symbol Name Symbol
n n

hydraulic valve

Check Check
valve valve
can be

closed by
solenoid valve

Simplified four-way
symbol electro-hydraul
ic valve
Hydrauli Hydraulicall external
c check y controlled leakage)
valve check valve
six-way hand
opened by

symbol Three-position
(springs five-way
can be solenoid valve

Service Manual

ed Three-positio
symbol n five-way
(springs solenoid
can be valve

Double and
hydraulica Three-positio internal
lly n four-way leakage
controlled electro-hydra (with
check ulic valve manual
valve emergenc
y control

Three-positio Throttle
Detailed n four-way type,
symbol proportional overlappe
valve d center
Gate type
n four-way Underlapp
proportional ed center
control Two-position
Normall valve four-way
y closed proportional
Two-positi valve
valve Normall Four-way
y open servo valve

Direction on
al three-way Two stage
control solenoid
valve valve Four-way
ulic servo
Two-positi Three
on stage with
three-way electrical
solenoid feedback
ball valve


Service Manual

(5) Flow control valves

Descripti Descripti
Name Symbol Name Symbol
on on

Detailed Simplifie
symbol d symbol

throttle valve

Simplifie flow Simplifie
d symbol regulating d symbol
ng valve Temperatur
General compensat Simplifie
ble throttle
symbol ed flow d symbol
Throttl valve
Throttle flow Simplifie
check valve regulating d symbol

Double Flow
throttle divider
check valve valve

Globe valve flow divider

Service Manual

olled throttle Flow
valve combiner
(deceleratio valve
n valves)
ation valve

Flow Flow Flow

regulatin regulating diverter/comb
g valve valve iner valve

(6) Oil tanks

Descript Descripti
Name Symbol Name Symbol
ion on

Pipe end Pipe end at

above liquid the bottom of
Atmosph level oil tank
eric Fuel tank
Type Pipe end Partial oil
With air
below liquid drain or oil
level return

Pressurized oil tank or Three oil

sealed oil tank lines

(7) Fluid regulators

Descript Descripti
Name Symbol Name Symbol
ion on

Filter Air cleaner

Filter with
contaminati Thermostat
on indicator

Magnetic General
filter symbol

Filter Cooler
Filter with Cooler with
bypass coolant
valve pipeline

Service Manual

p1: Oil
inlet p2: General
Duplex filter Heater
Oil symbol

Descriptio Descriptio
Name Symbol Name Symbol
n n

Pressure detector
indicator (liquid flow

gauge Flow Flowmeter
(meter) detect
e Electric
detecto contact
r pressure

pressure Thermometer

Oil level meter Tachometer

Torque meter

(9) Other auxiliary components

Service Manual

(9) Other auxiliary components

Descriptio Descriptio
Name Symbol Name Symbol
n n

Detailed Differential pressure

symbol switch

Pressure relay
(pressure switch)

General General
symbol symbol

Detailed Pressure
symbol sensor

Travel switch

General Temperatur
symbol e sensor

Couplin General
g symbol

(10) Pipelines, pipeline ports and fittings

Descriptio Descripti
Name Symbol Name Symbol
n on

Crossing crossing
Pipeline line and
pipeline and not
return line
Pipeline Pipeline
Connecti intersecti Flexible
ng line ng and line

Service Manual

It can
Control bleeder
indicate a
line (pressure
drain line

ay rotary
Quick valve Rotary
connect connect
or Quick or
y rotary

Service Manual

6.4 Diagram of common electrical part symbols

Full list of graphic symbols:

S/N Graphic symbols Description

1 Electrical graphic symbol of switch (mechanical)

General symbol of multiple-pole switch in single-line


General symbol of multiple-pole switch in multi-line


4 Contactor (contact open at non-operating position)

5 Contactor (contact closed at non-operating position)

Graphic symbol for electrical diagram of load switch

(load-disconnector switch)

7 Load switch with automatic release function

8 Fuse type circuit breaker

9 Circuit breaker

10 Isolating switch

11 General symbol of fuse

Service Manual

12 Drop-out fuse

13 Fuse-switch

14 Fuse-switch-disconnector

15 Fuse type load switch

Make contact, delayed closing when the operating device is


Make contact, delayed closing when the operating device is


Graphic symbol for electrical diagram of break contact, delayed

closing when the operating device is released

Service Manual

19 Break contact, delayed closing when the operating device is actuated

Make contact, delayed closing when the operating device is actuated

and delayed opening when the operating device is released

21 Push button switch (unlocked)

22 Knob switch, rotary switch (locked)

Position switch, make contact

Limit switch, make contact

Position switch, break contact

Limit switch, break contact

Thermoswitch, make contact

Note: θ can be replaced by operating temperature

Automatic thermoswitch, break contact

26 Note: Distinguish this contact from the thermal

relay contact shown below

27 Gas discharge tube fluorescent lamp starter with thermoelement

Service Manual

Make (normally open) contact

28 Note: This symbol can also be used as a general symbol of

29 Break (normally closed) contact

30 Change-over break before make contact

Passing make contact temporarily closed when the operating

device is actuated or released

32 Socket (female) or one pole of socket

33 Plug (raised head) or one pole of plug

34 Plug and socket (raised head and female)

35 Connected brace

36 Umschaltlasche

Service Manual

37 Double winding transformer

38 Three-winding transformer

39 Autotransformer

40 Reactor choke diagram

Current transformer
Pulse transformer

42 Current transformer with two cores and two secondary windings

43 Current transformer with two secondary windings on one core

Three-phase, three-winding transformer with on-load tap-changer and

star-delta connection of neutral lead

Three-phase, three-winding transformer, in which two windings have star

45 connection of neutral lead, the neutral point is grounded and the third
winding has open-delta connection

Three-phase transformer
Star-delta connection

Three-phase transformer with on-load tap-changer and star-delta


Three-phase transformer
Star-zigzag connection

49 General symbol of operating device

Service Manual

50 Combined representation of operating device with two windings

St Operating device of thermal relay

Service Manual

52 Gas relay

53 Device for auto-reclosing

54 General symbol of resistor

Variable resistor
Adjustable resistor

56 Potentiometer with movable contact

57 Preset potentiometer

58 General symbol of capacitor

Variable capacitor
Adjustable capacitor

60 Duplex homological variable capacitor

Indicating instrument (the asterisk must have the

specified meaning)

62 Voltmeter

63 Ammeter

Service Manual

64 Electrical graphic symbol of reactive-current meter

Maximum demand indicator (operated by one integrating


66 Varmeter

67 Power factor meter

68 Frequency meter

69 Thermometer, pyrometer (θ can be replaced by t)

70 Tachometer

Integrating meter, energy meter (the asterisk must be replaced

as specified)

72 Ampere-hour meter

73 Energy meter (watt-hour meter)

Service Manual

74 Var-hour-meter

75 Energy meter with transmitter

76 Telemeter operated by energy meter (transponder)

77 Telemeter with printing apparatus and operated by energy meter

General symbols of screen, disk and rack Note: The equipment

name can be indicated by equipment or models

79 General symbol of column rack

General symbols of manual switchboard, relay station,

measurement console, business station, etc.

81 Control and signal lines (for electric power and lighting)

82 Primary cell or battery

Service Manual

83 Primary cell pack or battery pack

84 Tapped primary cell pack or battery pack

85 General symbol of grounding

86 Connected to housing or base plate

87 Noiseless grounding

88 Protective grounding

89 Equipotential

90 Cable terminal

91 Straight junction box of power cable

92 Connection box and distribution box of power cable

Service Manual

93 Control and indicating equipment

Alarm activation device (point type - manual or


95 Line detector

% Fire alarm device

97 Heat

98 Smoke

99 Explosive gas

100 Manual start


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