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László Vass & Magda Molnár


Photography Georg Valerius

Taking the Measurements
No two feet are exactly the same. A shoemaker can only the purchase of a pair of comfortable shoes until after he
make comfortable shoes of the appropriate size if he is has undergone minor orthopedic surgery.
given as much and as precise information as possible In any case a pedicure is advisable a few days before
about both of the customer’s feet. Whereas the tailor the measurements are taken in order to avoid problems
producing a custom-made suit recommends two or three like ingrown toenails, an inflamed nailbed, or painful
fittings, the shoemaker – with the assistance of the so- corns. Thin, close-fitting socks should be worn so that the
called trial shoe – must make do with one at the most. measurements will be as accurate as possible.
This makes it absolutely essential to allow plenty of time The taking of measurements is fundamentally a sort
for taking the measurements: ideally one or two hours. It of ceremony; it is equally important for it to take place
often proves difficult to find the right time to achieve the at the right time and to last the right length of time, for
most precise result. any disruptive factors to be eliminated, and for the
In general circumstances a healthy person’s feet are customer to provide the maximum amount of
the same size at any time of the day. However, they can information. The movements of the shoemaker are almost
be affected by temperature (extreme heat, for example) ritualized, taking place in a predetermined sequence. This
or by strenuous exercise (walking for a number of hours, ceremony is the basic prerequisite for the preparation of
or engaging in high-intensity sport). It is therefore a last that will take the place of the feet as faithfully as
recommended that measurements should be taken during possible throughout the production process, and hence
the morning. for the creation of a pair of shoes that will be a unique
Then the feet can swell as a result of certain illnesses. work of art.
If the customer knows The shoemaker measures the length, width, height,
that treatment will be and circumference of the feet in two different positions:
completed before long first while they are bearing the weight of the body and
and that his feet will again when they are not under strain. In the standing
then return to their position the foot can be as much as three-eighths of an
original dimensions, inch [1 cm] wider, the arch is rather lower, and the
he should not have his tendons and muscles are tense. This position also roughly
measurements taken reflects the state of the feet when they are under strain,
until they have done that is when walking. But inevitably, shoes stretch – both
so. However, in the under the strain of walking and owing to the warmth and
case of a chronic moisture of the feet. So if the shoemaker were to treat the
illness, slightly over- measurements taken under strain as “correct,” the
sized shoes may make owner’s pleasure in his new shoes – which would be
walking easier. perfectly comfortable from the word go – would in a few
While he is con- short days turn to disappointment when they became too
structing the shoes a big and loose.
shoemaker always Where measurements are taken in the sitting position
takes the greatest the situation is reversed: the feet are smaller when not
possible account of under strain. Despite this many shoemakers consider
any malformations or these measurements more important, because they
pathological changes, constitute a better basis for establishing the varying
such as hammer toes width of the feet when walking and for estimating the
or bunions. But in extent to which the shoes will stretch when worn.
such cases it may be The first measurement phase is the visual inspection
better, under certain of the foot to determine its shape. The shoemaker checks
Measurements are taken in both the circumstances, for the whether it is inclined outward or inward with respect to
standing and sitting positions. customer to postpone an imaginary axis running lengthwise through the foot,
12 Size
The Bone Structure of the Foot
From the origins of the shoemaker’s craft in ancient times
until the end of the eighteenth century, shoemakers
practicing their trade concentrated exclusively on the
external shape of the foot for which they were to provide
a protective covering, utterly ignoring what lay beneath
it: the bone structure and musculature. Not until the
nineteenth century did master craftsmen realize that a
shoemaker simply cannot do without a knowledge of
anatomy. Numerous shoemaker’s primers appeared,
summarizing the essence of the shoemaker’s craft – most
of them beginning with a description of the anatomical
characteristics of the foot.
Today a study of the characteristics of the bone
structure, the musculature, the joints, the tendons, and
also the skin of the foot is part of the standard training
in the shoemaker’s craft. The taking of measurements is
based on anatomical fixed points selected in accordance
with rules formulated over decades of practice. These
points are characteristic and easy to recognize, and they
manifest only small variations when measurements are The shoemaker’s
primer by József
taken repeatedly.
Bodh published in
Although it is true that no two feet are absolutely the Budapest in 1920
same, their anatomical structure is identical in every contained anatomical
human being. This structure first appeared some two illustrations
appropriate to the
million years ago, when for reasons still disputed to this
standards of the
day the progenitor of modern man – homo erectus – stood period.
upright and began to walk on two legs.
Of the 208–214 bones in the skeleton the ones to be
found in the most mobile parts of the body, the hands and
feet, are among, the smallest. The bones, joints, muscles,
and tendons of the foot jointly constitute the most
complex mechanical structure in the human body. The
area of the soles of the feet totals less than 46 square
inches [300 sq. cm], yet when standing they must reliably
bear an average body weight (for men) of between 150
and 260 pounds [70 and 120 kg], and when walking they
adapt flexibly to any surface unevenness. The soles of our
feet make delicate internal adjustments to enable us to
walk barefoot in the soft, shifting sands of a seaside
beach, and to negotiate rough, stony paths.
The foot is thus an extraordinarily resilient structure
that is capable of amazing achievements. According to an
English study the average central European covers
93,000 miles [150,000 km] on foot during his lifetime.
The case for comfortable shoes could not be better made.

18 Size
Width Numbering
Differences of bone structure and musculature can mean and its associated width number to be used to calculate the
that feet of the same length have very different girth width of the metatarsals, the instep, the heel, and the
(referred to here as width) measurements. It is therefore ankle. To obtain the width of the metatarsals, for example,
most expedient for both the shoemaker and the lastmaker the shoe size is added to the width number and the result
to measure and tabulate these various widths. This is the halved: shoe size 42, average width 6, width of metatarsals
background to the width-numbering system, in which 5 (E) 24. (This is one of the simpler formulas; in view of the
denotes the narrowest foot, 6 (F) the average, 7 (G) wide, complexity of the others we shall not consider them here.)
and 8 (H) very wide. These formulas have been developed over many years,
Since the ratios between the measurements of an and are tried and tested. A customer can be confident that
average foot are constant, particular circumferential his shoemaker will use them accurately in order to assess
measurements are associated with particular lengths. the size of shoe needed for him.
Formulas exist enabling the shoe size (denoting length)

width of metatarsals in cm

Size A B C D E F G H I
* (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

5 19.50 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 increase of
6 20.10 20.60 21.10 21.60 22.10 22.60 23.10 23.60 24.10 0.5 cm per
7 20.65 21.15 21.65 22.15 22.65 23.15 23.65 24.15 24.65 width
8 21.20 21.70 22.20 22.70 23.20 23.70 24.20 24.70 25.20 number
9 21.70 22.20 22.70 23.20 23.70 24.20 24.70 25.20 25.70
10 22.25 22.75 23.25 23.75 24.25 24.75 25.25 25.75 26.25
11 22.75 23.25 23.75 24.25 24.75 25.25 25.75 26.25 26.75
12 23.30 23.80 24.30 24.80 25.30 25.80 26.30 26.80 27.30

* The increase in width per size is not constant.

French size metatarsal width instep width heel width ankle width
size in cm

39 26 22.5 23.3 32 22
40 26.7 23 24 32.7 22.5
41 27.3 23.5 24.5 33.3 23
42 28 24 25 34 23.5
43 28.7 24.5 25.5 34.7 24
44 29.3 25 26 35.3 24.5
45 30 25.5 26.5 36 25

With a tape measure and this table anybody with average-size feet and width number 6 (F) can determine his exact shoe size. If the various
measurements agree exactly or deviate by no more than an eighth of an inch [0.2–0.3 cm], he will have no difficulty in finding perfectly comfortable
ready-made shoes. Anybody finding more significant discrepancies is recommended to have his shoes custom made; this is the only way to obtain a pair
that will fit him properly.

28 Size
Basic Types of Classic
Men's Shoes
The basic types of men's shoes today regarded as classics (brogueing), which have been a feature of fashionable
were developed as the result of competition between the men's shoes since the end of the nineteenth century.
great European shoemakers during the years 1880-1889. There are less than a dozen basic classic shoe styles,
The workshops of London, Paris, Munich, Vienna, and but they offer limitless possibilities for variation when
Budapest achieved fame around the world, thanks to designing individual models. When deciding on the basic
their skillfulness and the individuality of their shoes. structure of the shoe, the designer will always draw on
A shoe is categorized primarily by the style of its the traditional range of shoes. His creativity is allowed
construction as belonging to one of a few main groups. greater freedom when it comes to the design of the upper.
Shoe styles are first of all defined by the fastenings used How should the lines run? How will the different parts
as laced shoes (closed or open), buckle shoes, or slippers. combine together harmoniously? Which types of
On a closed lace-up shoe, such as the Oxford, the quarters decoration (brogueing, stitching, gimped edges, inlaid
are sewn under the vamp and fasten over the tongue, panels), colors, and textures are suitable, and what
which is sewn onto the vamp. In the case of an open- combinations are possible?
lacing shoe, such as the Derby, the quarters lie over the While shoemakers around the world are in agreement
vamp, which is made of the same piece of leather as the on the nomenclature of the basic types of shoe, the
tongue. Another characteristic is the number of innumerable variations on these styles produced by the
components making up the shoe upper. The upper of the different workshops have individual names of their own.
simplest shoe, the slipper, consists of a single piece of A selection of the styles that have been developed by
leather. Styles like the Budapest consist of a vamp, famous workshops is given on pages 60-85.
quarters, and an outer counter. In addition, the vamp can
be divided by a straight, or winged, toe cap, and various
types of apron. The third way of identifying shoes is the
presence, or absence, of patterns of punched perforations

The ABC of the Plain Oxford Full-Brogue Derby

Oxford and the
Derby Lining
Tongue Lining

Vamp Collar

Decorative pattern


Quarter Brogueing

Facing Facing

Gimped edge
Vamp Wingtip Stitching
Straight toe cap
It is the leather alone that makes a summer shoe of this Oxford, with its classic lines. The Bálint workshop in Vienna ordered the leather to be finished
particularly soft and not dyed after tanning, but left with its natural color.

Summer Shoes
As a matter of principle, all the classic shoe styles can be
turned into air-permeable summer shoes if the shoemaker
selects a thin leather or inserts woven leather at certain
points in the upper. Summer shoes manufactured
according to the strict rules of classic shoemaking are
therefore by no means only intended for one season. In
a European climate they will last much longer than a
machine-worked pair, which can only be worn for a few
months in many cases.
Surprisingly enough, summer shoes are more often
made in dark colors than light ones. Someone wearing
black, or dark-blue, Derbys with a woven vamp at a
wedding will not be bothered by the heat. A pair of
Derbys with large perforations or sandals would certainly
be quite inappropriate for such an occasion, though both
offer comfort on hot summer days and are ideal for
The Russian composer Igor Stravinsky (here shown in Venice in 1951) loved
informal parties in the open air. improvisation, but not when it came to shoes. In this area he was a stickler
for tradition.

70 Shoe Styles
The Design
At one time the designer would first make a detailed,
realistic drawing, which usually showed the shoe from
several different angles. Today he is increasingly more
likely to draw the parts of the shoe upper and their
decoration directly onto the last. This creates a design in
three dimensions, which is much more practical for
working purposes.
This method has other advantages. It is easier to check
that the decorations and proportions – of the toe cap,
quarters, and counter, for example – are correct. If the
designer is not happy with what he has drawn, he can
always rub out a line that does not fit, or even the entire
design, and begin again. At this early stage in the design
process, it is usual for a new design to be shown to
Semi-Brogue Derby
everyone working in a workshop.

Semi-Brogue Oxford Plain Oxford

74 Shoe Styles
inside counter The diagram illustrates the
most important
components in the
construction of a welted
single-soled shoe.

outside counter


inside toe cap



shank spring


cork filling

rubber heel piece

heel top piece


The Shoe 125

The Welted Shoe
Handmade shoes are divided into two types, depending both types of shoes, however, shows that there are
on the way they are made: the welted shoe and the considerable differences between them, whether in
double-stitched shoe. respect of their appearance or their function.
The basic way in which the upper is fastened to the The welted shoe, which may have either a single or a
insole by means of a welt is the same in both types, and double sole, is a lightweight, elegant shoe. Depending on
so are certain parts of the operation, for instance the the individual model, it is suitable for everyday wear and
technique of stitching with two needles. The following for special occasions. In short, the style is a must for
detailed description of the techniques of the making of every gentleman’s wardrobe.

. . . with single sole upper . . . with double sole upper


cork filling
cork filling

outsole seam outsole seam
outsole feather welt seam feather welt seam

Cross-section of single-soled welted shoe. The first seam joins upper, welt, Cross-section of double-soled welted shoe. The second seam joins welt,
and insole; the second seam joins the welt to the outsole. midsole and outsole.

128 The Shoe

Addition method Cleaning brush
A method of fitting up the custom-made last. If the foot is broader, the A coarse brush for removing dirt, made of pig bristles, the tailhair of cattle
instep or big toe higher, or the heel thicker than the average, the shoemaker or horses, or agave fibers.
corrects the last by attaching various pieces of leather to it. Though the Clicking
shoemaker can use this corrected last to make the shoe, it is advisable to Cutting out the upper components from the appropriate leather in
produce a definitive last by fine copying it. accordance with the style formes.
Ankle boots Closing
Footwear for colder days, with sides reaching 2–4 inches [5–10 cm] above Sewing the upper components together with single or double rows of
the ankle bone and fastened with eyelets, hooks, or buttons. Their doubled stitches, depending on the strain to which the components will be exposed.
soles give the feet extra protection. Closing shop
Arch supports The workshop where the upper components were traditionally reinforced
At an early stage, fallen arches can be counteracted with supports. This is and stitched together. Today uppers are made industrially and supplied to
why it is important for the shoemaker to form a precise idea of the state of the shoemaker.
the arches. Cobbler’s hammer
Awl Weighing some 18 ounces [500 g], the cobbler’s hammer is similar to a
The shoemaker uses a long awl to make holes in the welt for the stitches and household hammer – and has many uses.
a short one to make the holes for the wooden pegs in the rand. Collar
Awl holes A thin, rolled strip of leather serving to reinforce and decorate the upper
Square holes made with the awl for the wooden pegs used to attach the areas of the quarters.
rand. The holes are eventually sealed with adhesive. Cordovan
Horsehide tanned with chrome salts. It is used for shoe uppers and boot legs.
B Cowhide
The raw material for shoe manufacture. The strongest and most massive part
Back stiffener
A leather reinforcement inside the shoe at the point where the quarters of the hide is located on either side of the spinal column. The neck section is
meet. used for the insole and middle sole, the belly for the welt, the toe cap, and
Basic forme counter. Vegetable-tanned leather is suitable for the lining and the lower parts
Used to produce the design for the upper. The designer transfers the design of the shoe, chemical-tanned leather for the upper (see also bend leather).
from the last onto paper. Custom-made lasts
Bend leather See last.
The most valuable, hardest, and most massive part of a cowhide, between Custom-made shoes
one-fifth and one-third of an inch [5–8 mm] thick, water and temperature Handmade shoes that fit the feet perfectly. They are manufactured on the
resistant and easy to work, that has been softened and stored in the tanning basis of the information gathered in the measurement-taking process.
pits for at least 15–18 months. It is used for the top sole and the heel (both
the lifts and the top piece). D
Box calf Decorative pattern
Calfskin tanned with chrome salts. It is considered to be the best material A perforated design, usually geometric, on the vamp. Typical of the full-
for shoe uppers and boot legs. brogue and semi-brogue types.
Box cowhide Derby
Cowhide tanned with chrome salts. It is used for shoe uppers. An open-laced style of shoe widespread in Europe, often double stitched and
Breasting iron double soled. Also known as “Bluchers.” The most common variants are plain,
A tool with different cross-section sizes used by the shoemaker to smooth the full-brogues, and semi-brogues.
edges of the sole and heel and make the material more dense. Direction of stretch
Brogueing row The direction of stretch of the upper leather is important to the placing of
An arrangement of holes of the same or different sizes at regular intervals the formes. The forme for the vamp, for example, must be oriented so that
along the lines and curves where the upper components meet. the leather can expand lengthwise but not across – whereas if the quarters
Budapest can expand lengthwise, they will stretch by two-fifths to four-fifths of an
A well-known full-brogue Derby style of shoe with a high toe cap. inch [1–2 cm] and the shoe will lose its shape and fit.
Burnishing iron Double-stitched shoe
Iron tool that the shoemaker heats to the required temperature over a flame A handmade shoe with one sole and two stitch rows, or two soles and three
and uses to press ink and shoe cream into the leather. stitch rows. All the stitch rows are externally visible. A strong, casual type of
shoe. There are two very common variants of the double-stitched shoe: in
the first the welt runs from one edge of the heel to the other, in the second
the welt also embraces the heel – in which case the heel area is wider than

206 Glossary
usual. A strong, smooth leather is suitable for double-stitched shoes, or one
with a rough surface; combinations of different colors are also frequent. G
Variants covering the ankles are very popular, as are boots.
Trimming and simultaneously decorating the edges of leather pieces. The
shoemaker does this with a gimping machine in which steel tools with
E various patterns and designs can be fitted.
Eyelets Girths
Holes one-eighth to one-twelfth of an inch [2–3 mm] across at intervals of Characteristic measurements for the individual foot. The girth is measured
two-fifths to three-fifths of an inch [1–1.5 cm] through which the shoe laces at the metatarsals, the instep, the heel, and the ankle.
are threaded. Classic gentlemen’s shoes normally have five pairs of eyelets. Golfing shoes
Sports shoes that are often handmade. The top sole is fitted with nine to
F eleven spikes for increased stability on grass-covered ground.
Filling Gouge
Substance used to fill the gap in a welt-stitched shoe, with a shock-absorbing Iron tool used to form the feather in the insole.
and stabilizing effect on the sole when walking. Grain
Fine copying The upper layer of the leather is the grain layer. It has hair shafts and the
1. Lastmaking method in which the measurements of the last forme are excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands running through it; these
precisely transferred to the new last by machine. give it its “grain.” Every leather possesses its own characteristic grain.
2. Lastmaking method in which a last that has been corrected by the addition
method functions as a last forme.
The final process undergone by the shoe once its construction is complete, See Semi-Brogue.
consisting of washing, creaming, and polishing the upper; and inking, Hand-stitched shoe
heelballing, and polishing the edges of the sole and the heel. The edge of the A shoe made by the traditional method. The two most important types of
sole is pressed with the edge iron and the edges of the heel smoothed with hand-stitched shoe are the welt-stitched and double-stitched variants.
the dummy iron, and both are then individually patterned with the fancy Heel
wheels. The top piece and sole are creamed or inked. Structure consisting of a number of leather lifts and acting as a support
Finishing wax while walking. Four to six lifts are needed for the heel of a gentleman’s shoe.
Type of wax, of which the shoemaker applies a thin coat to the upper surfaces Two inches [5 cm] is the ideal height.
of the shoe after inking. It is then pressed into the leather together with the Heel construction
ink using a warm iron. Several leather lifts, a top piece, and a quarter rubber are assembled to form
Foot arch the heel.
The lengthwise and transverse arch of the foot. It bears the entire body weight Heel cup
when standing and walking. It acts as a shock absorber, reducing the impact A piece of leather (part of the upper) on the outside of the back of the shoe
on the head and spinal column of walking. covering the seam joining the quarters. It may be a narrow strip or a long,
Foot documentation vertical piece of leather in line with the heel.
All the important information about the feet and their owner established in Heel edge
the measurement-taking process: the measurement record, foot imprint, The outer surface of the heel. Usually it is black, but sometimes it is colored
draft drawings, and marked-up lasts. to match the upper leather. If it is not colored, the individual lifts are readily
Foot elevation discernible.
The side and rear elevation of the foot transferred onto paper. Heel lifts
Foot imprint Two to four pieces of leather cut to the shape of the heel, which they jointly
An imprint of the foot produced by the Ped-a-graph. It gives an exact picture form.
of the arch of the foot, the intersection points of the arch curves, and the Heel section
position of the toes. The back of the shoe.
Foot outline
The shoemaker makes an outline of the foot with a vertically held pencil on
a sheet of paper, from which the length and width of the shoes are then I
Inner sock
Leather lining in direct contact with the foot. The customer can specify that
it should cover the whole of the insole, three-quarters of it, or only a quarter
A type of shoe decorated with perforated patterns, with winged toe caps and
(under the heel).
rows of perforations.
The foundation of the shoe: a piece of leather between one-tenth and one-
seventh of an inch [2.5–3.5 mm] thick, depending on the robustness of the
shoe, on which the shoe is built. The initial stage is to nail the insole to the
last. A feather is then formed with the gouge.

Glossary 207
© h.f.ullmann publishing GmbH
Project Management: Vince Books
Consultancy: László Szõcs
Illustrations: György Olajos
Project Coordination and Editing: Claudia Hammer and Kirsten E. Lehmann
Editor of the original edition: Susanne Kolb
Layout: Gerd Türke, Malzkorn, Cologne
Picture Editor: Monika Bergmann

Original title: Herrenschuhe, handgearbeitet

ISBN 978-3-8480-0369-3

© for the English edition:

h.f.ullmann publishing GmbH

Translation from German: Anthea Bell, Terry Moran and Martin Pearce
in association with First Edition Translations Ltd., Cambridge, UK
Editing: Jenny Knight in association with First Edition Translations Ltd.
Typesetting: The Write Idea in association First Edition Translations Ltd.
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