Snowflake Syllabus
Snowflake Syllabus
1. Introduction to Snowflake
a. Key concepts & Architectural Overview
b. Snowflake editions
c. Creation of free Snowflake account
d. Walk through of Snowflake UI
e. Roles in Snowflake
f. Snowflake Pricing
2. Architecture Deep Dive
a. Virtual Warehouses and its properties
b. Storage layer Micro Partitions
c. Clustering in Snowflake
d. Caching in Snowflake
3. Snowflake Account Admin responsibilities
a. Resource Monitor
b. Notifications alert
c. Hands on above topics
4. Snowflake DDL creations
a. Creation of Databases
b. Creation of Schema
c. Creation of Tables
d. Creation of Views
e. Creation of Stages (Internal & External)
f. Creation of File Format
g. Drop and Truncate
5. Data Loading in Snowflake
a. Overview of Data Loading
b. Preparing to Load Data
c. Bulk Load using Copy Command
d. Load using Snow Pipe
e. Load through UI
f. Querying data through Stage
g. Querying data through Metadata of staged files
h. Hands on loading CSV, JSON, Parquet data from Aws to Snowflake
i. Hands on loading CSV, JSON, Parquet data from Azure to Snowflake
j. Hands on Snow Pipe data ingestion from Aws to Snowflake
6. Data Unloading from Snowflake
a. Unloading data to Snowflake Stage
b. Unloading data to S3 and Blob Storage
7. Time Travel and Fail Safe
a. Understanding Time travel
b. Using Time travel
c. Understanding and using Fail Safe
d. Hands on Time travel and Fail Safe
Snowflake Course Content
8. Tasks
a. Introduction to Tasks
b. Execution of Standalone task
c. Tree Tasks and its execution
d. Task History
9. Snowflake Streams
a. Introduction to Streams
b. Capture & Process Insert Operation
c. Capture & Process Update Operation
d. Capture & Process Delete Operation
10.Cloning in Snowflake
a. Introduction to Zero-Copy Cloning
b. Cloning different objects in Snowflake
c. Cloning using Time Travel
d. Swapping the tables
11.Secure Data Sharing
a. Introduction to Data Share
b. Data Sharing Usage
c. Secure Direct Share
d. Share data with other Snowflake account
e. Consuming shared data
f. Cloning shared databases
g. Access on Shared data
12.Views in Snowflake
a. Secure Views
b. Materialized Views
c. Advantages and Limitations of Materialized Views
13.Managing Security
a. Set up Users & Roles
b. Grant privileges to custom roles
c. Row access policy
d. Column level Security
14.Dynamic Data Masking
a. Introduction to Data Masking
b. Creating & applying masking policies on tables and Views
15.Stored Procedures
a. Overview of SP
b. Working with SP
c. Writing SP in Java Script