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Universal Journal of Medical Science 5(2): 27-31, 2017 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujmsj.2017.050202

Shielding Design Basis and its Calculation of High Energy

Medical Linac Installed in Bangladesh Atomic Energy
Commission, Bangladesh
M. F. Uddin1, M. M. Ahasan1, R. Khatun2,*, S. Akter2, H. M. Jamil1, A. N. Monika1, M. A. Rahman1

Nuclear Medical Physics Institute, AERE, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Bangladesh
Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Bangladesh

Copyright©2017 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract High energy medical linac from Varian Varian Medical Systems of model Clinac iX is installed in
Medical Systems of model Clinac iX is installed in Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission with dual photon
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission with dual photon energies (15 MV and 6 MV) and six electron energies upto
energies (15 MV and 6 MV) and five electron energies upto 18 MeV. This machine require high shields due to 15 MeV
18 MeV. This machine is used to treat cancer patients either photon. The NCRP defines “shields” as a physical entity
in electron or photon mode depending on the position of the interposed between a source of ionizing radiation and an
malignant tissue. As the particles energies are in MeV range, object to be protected such that the radiation level at the
special measures are taken into account for designing linac position of that object will be reduced. In general, the higher
bunker. In this study, maximum photon energy is considered the kinetic energy of the incident particle, the greater yield
for shielding design. Other two particles i.e., electron and and number of types of secondary radiations [1]. In case of
neutron are not considered due to their low penetration depth. electron beam, bremsstrahlung photons dominate the
As physicists the aim for us is to consider and calculate the secondary radiation field for all incident electron energies.
shielding so that to protect the people and the stuff. During photon beam, radiation directly or indirectly strikes
Protection is required against three types of radiation such as, the primary wall and secondary wall. The primary barrier is
primary radiation (from the patient), scattered radiation the wall into which the beam is incident directly and all other
(from the patient) and leakage radiation (from the linac head). barriers are considered secondary [2]. NCRP report no. 49,
To save the radiation worker from these three types of 51 and 79 represent the current method for calculating the
radiations, primary wall and secondary wall thickness, thickness of the primary and secondary barrier of x-rays.
primary wall width and roof thickness are calculated. These Report no. 49 is for photon energies up to 10 MeV, whereas,
calculations are done by empirical equations known as report no. 51 is used for higher photon energies. In report no.
NCRP calculations using data in tabular form. These 70, detailed neutron shielding information for high energy
empirical equations are similar to those developed by x-rays interaction is mentioned. The design of mazes for
Mutscheller. The primary and secondary barrier thickness for photons and neutrons are first time uttered in NCRP report
15 MV and 6 MV photons are 2.84 m, 2.31 m and 0.93 m, no. 51 and additional information about mazes used to
0.83 m respectively. Radiation survey reports are found to be attenuate neutrons are provided in report no. 79. The present
below 10 µSvhr-1 at six different locations for different shielding method relies on data, in either tabular or, graphical
gantry positions. This paper reveals what measures have form in conjunction with empirical equations [3]. These
been taken to protect the occupational workers and public empirical equations are similar to those developed by
from linac radiation hazards. Mutscheller. In this paper, calculations are done using data in
Keywords Medical Linac, Primary Barrier, Secondary tabular form.
Barrier, Neutron Production Shielding is designed depending on energy of the photon.
This photons can be altered through collisions and uniform
translation, in consequence, continuous slowing down, decay
or the introduction of new particles. Directly ionizing
radiation interacts very strongly with shielding media and is,
1. Introduction therefore, easily stopped [1]. As physicists the aim for us is to
High energy medical linac (linear accelerator) from consider and calculate the shielding so that to protect the
28 Shielding Design Basis and its Calculation of High Energy Medical Linac
Installed in Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Bangladesh

people and the stuff. Protection is required against three for the spectral changes as the radiation penetrates the barrier.
types of radiation such as, primary radiation (from the The values of TVL1 and TVLe are taken from NCRP values
patient), scattered radiation (from the patient) and leakage [6].
radiation (from the head). For high energy LINAC facility in
a hospital, the proper design is needed to optimize the wall Width of Primary Barrier
thickness. Shielding wall usually consists of concrete, and
iron plate is sometimes added in concrete to decrease the If the beam is projected on the barrier from X meter away,
wall thickness. Moreover, linac orientation, width of primary the maximum width at the barrier W′ is given by W′= 0.566X
barriers, joints and shutter bolt positions, nibs, ducts, lintels, [3]. At the junction between the wall and the ceiling, there
wall height and primary ceiling barriers, laminated walls, some additional thickness needed as one foot in both sides.
direct doors, ground shine these are the practical So previous equation should be modified as follows [3].
consideration for designing linac bunker [4]. The main basis W′ = 0.566X + 0.61 (6)
of shielding design is that the equivalent dose received by an
individual does not exceed the applicable maximum
permissible value. Annual dose limits according to BSS Door Design
schedule and ICRP report 60, occupational exposure is 20 High-energy x-ray beams ( >10 MV) is contaminated with
mSv averaged over five consecutive years and 50 mSv in a neutrons [5]. Considering this phenomenon, the door is
single year. For quality assurance, one tenth of maximum designed in the following any one of the two patterns:
value is taken into account for shielding calculation. So, A few inches of a hydrogenous material such as
maximum permissible dose (P) should be 5 mSvyr-1. polyethylene is sandwiched between two layers of lead in the
According to Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Act door to thermalise the neutrons. First and second lead layers
2012 and Nuclear Safety & Radiation Control Rules 1997, P in the door are used to attenuate γ rays from consecutive end
value should be 0.1 mSvyr-1. Our bunker shield for linac γ reaction. On the other hand, two adjacent layers made of
facility is made of concrete. Shielding calculation formulae 5% boronated polyethylene and lead covered with steel
for the above three types of radiation are as follows [5]: casing is used for neutron door. The polyethylene (high H
content) slows (moderates) the fast and intermediate energy
Primary barrier neutrons to thermal energies. The 5% boron absorbs the low
energy neutrons (high cross section for thermal neutron
Transmission factor for primary barrier absorption). Lead absorbs the photon that results from the (n,
P⋅d2 a) and capture gammas (from maze ceiling, and floor).
B pri = (1)

Secondary barrier 2. Methods

Transmission factor due to scattered radiation 2.1. Primary barrier
P 400 2
Bs = ⋅ ⋅ d ⋅ d ′2 (2) Workload (W) is a measure of the radiation output
measured in Gy for linear accelerators. Average dose ranges
at isocentre is assumed to be 2.5 Gypatient-1. For 5 working
And for leakage radiation
days in a week W = 3.25 × 107 mSvyr-1 in case of photon
P.d 2 (Therapy above 500 kVp) (3) radiation. Usually, it is a gross over estimation and for
Bl =
0.001WT quality assurance, workload measurements increased by
20%. Thus, W (by 20% increment) = 3.9 × 107 mSvyr-1. Use
Where, W→ Workload, U→ Use factor, T→ Occupancy
factor U = 1, Occupancy factor T = 1, Distance from the linac
factor which is fraction of time a particular place is occupied
target to the far side of the barrier d = 7 m and P = 0.1
by staffs, or public and ranges from 1 for all work areas and
mSvyr-1. Putting the above values in Eq. 1, B value is 1.26 ×
0.06 for toilets and car parks, d→ Distance from the linac
target to the far side of the barrier, d′→ Distance from the
patient to the point of interest and P→ Maximum permissible
dose equivalent. 2.2. Secondary barrier
The required number (n) of TVLs is calculated as
Parameters are used for primary barrier calculation are
n = log(1/B) (4) same for secondary barrier. Here, α is the ratio of the
And the barrier thickness (tbarrier) is given by: scattered radiation at 1 m from the scattering object (patient)
to the primary radiation at 1 m. Its typical value for 90º
tbarrier = TVL1 + (n-1)TVLe (5) scatter is in between 10-4–10-3. In this calculation, it is taken
Where, the first and equilibrium TVLs are used to account as 0.6 × 10-3 [3]. F is the actual field size at the mid-depth
Universal Journal of Medical Science 5(2): 27-31, 2017 29

position at 1 m of the patient is taken as 40 × 40 cm2. d2 is the NCRP calculation is presented in tabular form in table 1. It is
square of the distance from the source to the scattering assumed that roof and primary layer thickness should be the
volume (patient) is taken as 1 and d′ is the distance from the same. But in calculation, roof thickness is slightly different
patient to the point of interest is taken as 5.5 m. Putting the from primary layer due to the variation of occupancy and use
above values in Eq. 2, Bs value is 0.000039. factor values. The point of interest for roof thickness
calculation, 0.305 m above the shield, is considered to be
2.3. Width of Primary Barrier uncontrolled area. If the access to the roof is prohibited and
there are no nearby buildings, the IDR (instantaneous dose
Maximum beam size for most accelerators at one meter
rate) at the surface of the roof upto a maximum of 2 mSvh-1 is
away from the target is 40 × 40 cm2. At 45° gantry angle from
acceptable in case of skyshine. Physically thin wall made of
the zero position, the maximum horizontal width of the beam
steel plate or lead blocks may create ground shine beneath
is the diagonal dimension of the 40 × 40 cm2 field, which is
the wall, which add exrta dose rate transmitted through the
56.6 cm [3]. The projected beam distance X is taken as 3.4 m
wall. In that case, additional shielding on the floor at the foot
and putting this value in Eq. 6 primary barrier width is found.
of the wall may be necessary to reduce the ground shine to an
acceptable dose rate [4]. Our primary and secondary barrier
2.4. Roof Thickness thickness for 15 MV are 3.60 m and 1.40 m respectively.
Barrier transmission factor for roof is calculated from Eq. This large thickness minimizes the probability of ground
1. Where, occupancy factor T = 1/16 for uncontrolled area, shine. Concrete density is considered to be 2.35 g cm-3. From
use factor U = 1/4 for vertical up direction and distance d practical experience, sometimes concrete mixing ratio is not
from the target to 0.305 m above the shield in meter is 6.325 maintained properly. So, our designed thickness values are
m. Figure 1 represents the layout of 15 MV linac bunker. more than theoretical values. In designing a room, one of the
choices to be made whether to use a long maze or a direct
shielded door [7]. The length of the maze for energies higher
3. Results and Discussions than 10 MV is not done in this calculation. Our designed
bunker having a long maze 12 × 2 m2 as well as shielded door
3.1. Bunker Shielding Calculation give the more confirmation from unwanted exposure outside
the door.
Values are calculated from empirical formulae known as

Figure 1. Layout of 15 MV medical linear accelerator bunker

Table 1. Theoretical and designed thickness values of bunker for 6 MV and 15 MV photon
Needed value Our designed value
Parameter name Energy
(from calculation in meter) (in meter)
6 MV 2.31
For primary barrier 3.60
15 MV 2.84
6 MV 0.83
For secondary barrier 1.40
15 MV 0.93
Roof thickness 2.20 3.66
Width of primary barrier 1.93 4.09
30 Shielding Design Basis and its Calculation of High Energy Medical Linac
Installed in Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Bangladesh

Table 2. Photon dose rate in μSvh-1 with field size 40 × 40 cm2 and dose rate of 600 MU/min at normal treatment distance for six different locations for
different gantry positions
Gantry angle Secondary wall Control
Primary wall 1 Primary wall 2 Door location Roof
(°) (gantry side) console
0 -- -- 2.5 -- -- --
90 0.17 -- 1.2 0.22 0.31 --
180 -- -- -- -- -- 0.2
270 -- 0.25 -- 0.24 4.05 --

Table 3. Neutron dose rate and beta activity with field size 40 × 40 cm2 and dose rate of 600 MU/min at normal treatment distance for three different
locations for different gantry positions
Neutron dose in μSvh-1 Beta activity in Bqcm-2
Operator Wall surface of Operator Door Door
angle (°) Door
position console room position (at gonad level) (at upper side)
0 -- -- -- -- -- --
90 -- -- 4.23 0.26 2.01 1.57
180 -- -- -- -- -- --
270 1.20 1.27 1.27 -- 2.10 3.35

3.2. Radiation Survey for Photon TLD is better than active dosimeter [11]. Because, at high
energies, neutron dose fluctuate with a large extent. So,
The radiation survey measurements are carried out all
active dosimeter is not convenient for neutron dose
around the installation at different locations. For radiation
level measurement, a calibrated gamma dose rate meter of
model: Graetz X5 DE# 53079 (Germany made) meter is used.
Its background radiation level is 0.20- 0.23 μSvh-1. Linac is
operated in maximum available dose rate. All measurements
4. Conclusion
are performed with the maximum achievable field size 40 × The shielding requirements for a linac facility vary from
40 cm2. For each location, measurement is taken at the energy to energy. Linac bunkers are designed to prevent
point where the survey meter reading is maximum [8]. unintentional exposure of staff, patients and the public. The
Radiation levels are measured at seven locations, that is, minimum distance to the occupied area from a shielded wall
primary wall 1, primary wall 2, ceiling, secondary wall is assumed to be 0.3 m. Our designed thickness values are
(gantry side), secondary wall (couch side), door location, and more than theoretical values. This is due to practical
the control console. At each point, measurement is taken experience and consultation with other linac facilities
with gantry angle where the dose is predicted to be maximum. shielding experts. The scattered photons may exit through a
The measured data are presented in Table 2. door in the room unless that door is hidden by a maze. Our
long maze prevents the scattered photons to escape from the
3.3. Radiation Survey for Neutron and Beta bunker by a significant amount. At high energies, neutrons
scattering are multiple times compared with that of photons.
Concrete barriers designed for high x-ray shielding are
In addition with long maze, borated polyethylene panel of 12
sufficient for protection against neutrons [5]. But near the
mm thickness coated with steel cover is used as a neutron
door, there is some probability of getting neutron dose. So
shielding door.
door is made by two adjacent layers of boronated
polyethylene, and lead covered with steel casing with
dimension (1.92 m × 2.12 m × 0.06 m). The radiation field at
the door is a mixture of fast and thermal neutrons, and
neutron-captured gammas. The neutron-captured gammas REFERENCES
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