Week 07 - 01 - Module 016 - Accounting For Inventories
Week 07 - 01 - Module 016 - Accounting For Inventories
Other Types of Investments and Basic Concept of Derivatives
Course Module
Examples of investment property
a. Land held for long-term capital appreciation
b. Land held for a currently undermined use
For example, if an entity has not determined that it will use the land either as
owner-occupied or for short-term sale in the ordinary course of business, the
land is considered to be held for capital appreciation and, therefore, investment
c. Building owned by the reporting entity, or held by the entity under a finance
lease, and leased out under an operating lease.
d. Building that is vacant but is held to be leased out under an operating lease.
e. Property that is being constructed or developed for future use as an investment
PAS 40 has been amended to bring property that is being constructed or developed
for future use as investment property within the scope of PAS 40.
However, once this alternative is selected for one such property interest, all
property classified as investment property is to be accounted for consistently on a
fair value basis.
Other Types of Investments and Basic Concept of Derivatives
If the portions could not be sold separately, the property is investment property if
only an insignificant portion is held for manufacturing or administrative purposes.
When ancillary services are provided by the entity to the occupants of the property
and these services are a relatively significant component of the arrangement, the
property is treated as an investment property.
An example would be where the owner of an office building provides security and
maintenance services to the lessees. The building is leased out as an office and is an
investment property. However, if the services provided are a more significant
component of the arrangement, the property is treated as owner-occupied property.
For example, if an entity owns and manages a hotel, services provided to guests are
a significant component of the arrangement as a whole. Therefore, the owner-
managed hotel is treated as owner-occupied property rather than investment
Course Module
The initial measurement of investment property
An investment property shall be measured initially as its cost. Transaction costs
shall be included in the initial measurement. The cost of a purchased investment
property comprises the purchase price and directly attributable expenditure.
Directly attributable expenditure includes professional fees for legal services,
property transfer taxes, and other transaction costs.
The cost of a self-constructed investment property is the cost at the date when the
construction or development is complete. If payment is deferred, the cost or the
property is the cash price equivalent. The difference between this amount and the
total payments is recognized as interest expense over the credit period.
If the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up is reliably
measurable, the cost is equal to the carrying amount of the asset given up.
b. Cost model
The investment property is carried at cost less any accumulated depreciation
and any accumulated impairment losses. The fair value of the investment
property shall be disclosed.
Other Types of Investments and Basic Concept of Derivatives
The price in the principal market used to measure fair value shall not be adjusted
for transaction costs.
Transaction costs are directly attributable to the disposal of an asset and would
have been incurred had the decision to sell the asset not been made.
The fair value of investment property excludes prepaid or accrued operating lease
Fair value hierarchy
PFRS 13 enumerates the fair value hierarchy or best evidence of fair value as
1. Level 1 inputs are the quoted price in an active market for identical assets.
2. Level 2 inputs include quoted prices for similar assets in an active market
and quoted prices for identical or similar assets in a market that is not active.
3. Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset. Unobservable inputs are
usually developed by the entity using the best available information from the
entity's own data.
Active market and principal market
An active market is a market in which transactions for the asset or liability take
place with sufficient regularity and volume to provide pricing information on an
ongoing basis.
A principal market is a market with the greatest volume and level of activity for
the asset or liability.
The market participants are the buyers and sellers in the principal market who are:
a. Independent or unrelated parties
b. Knowledgeable or having a reasonable understanding of the transaction
c. Willing or motivated but not forced and compelled
Course Module
Inability to determine fair value reliably.
There is a rebuttable presumption that an entity can reliably determine the fair
value of an investment property on a continuing basis. However, in exceptional
cases, when an entity first acquires an investment property or when an existing
property becomes investment property because there has been a change of use,
there may be clear evidence that the fair value of the investment property cannot be
determined reliably on a continuing basis.
Under such exceptional cases, PAS 40 mandates that the entity shall measure such
investment property using the cost model method until the disposal of the property.
Moreover, under such exceptional cases only, the residual value of the investment
property shall be assumed to be zero.
An entity ventures into the construction of a hotel in the Philippines, which is rated
as the largest hotel in Asia. The entity's board of directors decided that instead of
selling the hotel to a local investor, the entity would hold this property for purposes
of earning rentals by letting out space in the hotel to tenants.
The construction of the hotel was completed, and the property was placed in service
on January 1, 2017.
The cost of the construction of the hotel was P90,000,000. The useful life of the hotel
is 10 years, and its residual value is P10,000,000.
Cost model
If the entity decides to measure the property using the cost model, the asset shall be
carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment
Fluctuations in the fair value of the property from year to year are not recognized.
Instead, the annual depreciation of the property is the charge against profit or loss
for the year unless there is an impairment of an asset.
Course Module
Transfer of investment property
Transfer to and from investment property shall be made when and only when there
is a change of use evidenced by:
a. Commencement of owner-occupation- transfer from investment property to
b. Commencement of development with a view to sale- transfer from
investment property to inventory
c. End of owner-occupation- transfer from owner-occupied to investment
d. Commencement of an operating lease to another entity- transfer from
owner-occupied property to investment property
Measurement of transfers
1. When the entity uses the cost model, the transfer between investment
property, owner-occupied, and inventory shall be made at the carrying
2. A transfer from investment property carried at fair value to owner-occupied
property or inventory shall be accounted for at fair value, which becomes
the deemed cost for subsequent accounting.
3. If the owner-occupied property is transferred to investment property that is
to be carried at fair value, the difference between the fair value and the
carrying amount of the property shall be accounted for as revaluation of
4. If an inventory is transferred to an investment property that is to be carried
at fair value, the remeasurement to fair value shall be included in profit or
5. When an investment property under construction is completed and to be
carried at fair value, the difference between fair value and carrying amount
shall be included in profit or loss.
Investment property: Land and building held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation.
Owner occupied property: Property held for its own productive purposes.
Active Market: Market that is more liquid and has a smaller bid/ask price.
Principal market: Primary exchange on which the asset/liability is traded.
Other Types of Investments and Basic Concept of Derivatives
Course Module