VCS Project Description Template v4.0
VCS Project Description Template v4.0
VCS Project Description Template v4.0
This template is for the design of projects using the VCS Program.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Instructions for completing the project description template are under the
section headings in this template. Adhere to all instructions, as set out in the VCS Standard. Instructions
relate back to the rules and requirements set out in the VCS Standard and accompanying VCS Program
documents. The preparer will need to refer to these documents in order to complete the template.
Note: The instructions in this template are to serve as a guide and do not necessarily represent an
exhaustive list of the information the preparer must provide under each section of the template.
Unless applying a merited deviation, please complete all sections using Arial or Franklin Gothic Book 10.5
point, black, regular (non-italic) font. Where a section is not applicable, explain why the section is not
applicable (i.e., do not delete the section from the final document and do not only write “not applicable”).
Submit the project description as a non-editable PDF.
Delete all instructions, including this introductory text, from the final document.
Logo (optional)
2 SAFEGUARDS................................................................................................................10
2.1 No Net Harm......................................................................................................................................10
2.2 Local Stakeholder Consultation.........................................................................................................10
2.3 Environmental Impact........................................................................................................................11
2.4 Public Comments................................................................................................................................11
2.5 AFOLU-Specific Safeguards.............................................................................................................11
3 APPLICATION OF METHODOLOGY.......................................................................11
3.1 Title and Reference of Methodology..................................................................................................11
3.2 Applicability of Methodology............................................................................................................11
3.3 Project Boundary................................................................................................................................12
3.4 Baseline Scenario...............................................................................................................................12
3.5 Additionality.......................................................................................................................................13
3.6 Methodology Deviations....................................................................................................................13
4.1 Baseline Emissions.............................................................................................................................14
4.2 Project Emissions...............................................................................................................................14
4.3 Leakage...............................................................................................................................................14
4.4 Net GHG Emission Reductions and Removals.................................................................................14
5 MONITORING................................................................................................................15
5.1 Data and Parameters Available at Validation.....................................................................................15
5.2 Data and Parameters Monitored.........................................................................................................16
5.3 Monitoring Plan..................................................................................................................................17
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
1.1 Summary Description of the Project
Provide a summary description of the project to enable an understanding of the nature of the
project and its implementation, including the following (no more than one page):
A brief description of the scenario existing prior to the implementation of the project.
An estimate of annual average and total GHG emission reductions and removals.
Eligibility Criteria
For grouped projects, provide additional information relevant to the design of the grouped project
(e.g., the eligibility criteria for the inclusion of new project activity instances).
Organization name
Contact person
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
Contact person
1.7 Ownership
Provide evidence of project ownership, in accordance with the VCS Program specifications on
project ownership.
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
Project Scale
Large project
Year B
Year C
Include the types and levels of services (normally in terms of mass or energy flows)
provided by the systems and equipment that are being modified and/or installed and their
relation, if any, to other manufacturing/production equipment and systems outside the
project boundary. Clearly explain how the same types and levels of services provided by the
project would have been provided in the baseline scenario.
Where appropriate, provide a list of facilities, systems and equipment in operation under
the existing scenario prior to the implementation of the project.
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
In the description of the project activity, state if the project is located within a jurisdiction
covered by a jurisdictional REDD+ program.
Where the baseline scenario is the same as the conditions existing prior to the project initiation,
there is no need to repeat the description of the scenarios (rather, just state that this is the case and
refer the reader to Section 3.4 (Baseline Scenario).
For AFOLU projects, include the present and prior environmental conditions of the project area,
including as appropriate information on the climate, hydrology, topography, relevant historic
conditions, soils, vegetation and ecosystems.
1.15.1 Projects Registered (or seeking registration) under Other GHG Program(s)
Indicate whether the project has been registered, or is seeking registration under any other GHG
programs. Where the project has been registered under any other GHG program, provide the
registration number and details.
Indicate whether the project has been rejected by any other GHG programs. Where the project has
been rejected, provide the relevant information, including the reason(s) for the rejection and
justification of eligibility under the VCS Program.
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
Indicate whether the project reduces GHG emissions from activities that are included in an
emissions trading program or any other mechanism that includes GHG allowance trading, and
include details about any such programs or mechanisms. Where applicable, demonstrate that GHG
emission reductions and removals generated by the project will not be used for compliance under
such programs or mechanisms. Examples of appropriate evidence are provided in the VCS
Indicate whether the project has sought or received another form of GHG-related environmental
credit, including renewable energy certificates. Include all relevant information about the GHG-
related environmental credit and the related program.
List all other programs under which the project is eligible to participate (to create another form of
GHG-related environmental credit).
Leakage Management
Where applicable, describe the leakage management plan and implementation of leakage and risk
mitigation measures.
Indicate whether any commercially sensitive information has been excluded from the public version
of the project description and briefly describe the items to which such information pertains.
Sustainable Development
Describe how the project contributes to achieving any nationally stated sustainable development
priorities, including any provisions for monitoring and reporting same.
Further Information
Include any additional relevant legislative, technical, economic, sectoral, social, environmental,
geographic, site-specific and/or temporal information that may have a bearing on the eligibility of
the project, the net GHG emission reductions or removals, or the quantification of the project’s net
GHG emission reductions or removals.
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
2.1 No Net Harm
Summarize any potential negative environmental and socio-economic impacts and the steps taken to
mitigate them.
The procedures or methods used for documenting the outcomes of the local stakeholder
How due account of all and any input received during the consultation has been taken.
Include details on any updates to the project design or justify why updates are not
For AFOLU projects, also demonstrate how the project has or will communicate the following:
The project design and implementation, including the results of monitoring.
The risks, costs and benefits the project may bring to local stakeholders.
All relevant laws and regulations covering workers’ rights in the host country.
The process of VCS Program validation and verification and the validation/verification
body’s site visit.
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
Risks to local stakeholders due to project implementation and how the project will mitigate
such risks.
Risks to local stakeholder resources due to project implementation and how the project will
mitigate such risks, including the plans to ensure the project will not impact local
stakeholder’s property rights without the free, prior and informed consent.
For AFOLU projects with no impacts on local stakeholders, provide evidence of such.
3.1 Title and Reference of Methodology
Provide the title, reference and version number of the methodology or methodologies applied to the
project. Include also the title and version number of any tools applied by the project.
Source 1
N2 O
Source 2 CO2
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
N2 O
Source 1
N2 O
Source 2
N2 O
In addition to the table, provide a diagram or map of the project boundary, showing clearly the
physical locations of the various installations or management activities taking place as part of the
project activity based on the description provided in Section 1.11 (Description of the Project
Activity) above.
For non-AFOLU projects, include in the diagram the equipment, systems and flows of mass and
energy. Include the GHG emission sources identified in the project boundary.
For AFOLU projects, include in the diagram or map the locations of where the various measures
are taking place, any reference areas and leakage belts.
Explain and justify key assumptions, rationale and methodological choices. Provide all relevant
3.5 Additionality
Demonstrate and assess the additionality of the project, in accordance with the applied
methodology and any relevant tools, taking into account of the following:
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
Where a project method is applied to demonstrate additionality and the procedure in the
applied methodology or tool involves several steps, describe how each step is applied and
clearly document the outcome of each step. Indicate clearly the method selected to
demonstrate additionality (e.g., investment analysis or barrier analysis in the case of the
CDM Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality). Where barrier analysis,
or equivalent, is used to demonstrate additionality, only include the most relevant barriers.
Justify the credibility of the barriers with key facts and/or assumptions and the rationale.
Provide all relevant references.
Where the methodology applies an activity method for the demonstration of additionality,
use this section to demonstrate regulatory surplus (only) and include a statement that notes
that conformance with the positive list is demonstrated in the Applicability of Methodology
section above.
Provide sufficient information (including all relevant data and parameters, with sources) so that a
reader can reproduce the additionality analysis and obtain the same results.
The deviation relates only to the criteria and procedures for monitoring or measurement,
and does not relate to any other part of the methodology.
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
Describe the procedure for quantification of project emissions and/or removals in accordance with
the applied methodology. Include all relevant equations, and explain and justify all relevant
methodological choices (e.g., with respect to selection of emission factors and default values).
4.3 Leakage
Describe the procedure for quantification of leakage emissions in accordance with the applied
methodology. Include all relevant equations, and explain and justify all relevant methodological
choices (e.g., with respect to selection of emission factors and default values).
For data and parameters monitored, use estimates. Document how each equation is applied, in a
manner that enables the reader to reproduce the calculation. Provide example calculations for all
key equations, to allow the reader to reproduce the calculation of estimated net GHG emission
reductions or removals.
Year A
Year B
Year C
5.1 Data and Parameters Available at Validation
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
Complete the table below for all data and parameters that are determined or available at
validation, and remain fixed throughout the project crediting period (copy the table as necessary for
each data/parameter). Data and parameters monitored during the operation of the project are
included in Section 5.2 (Data and Parameters Monitored) below.
Data / Parameter
Justification of choice of Justify the choice of data source, providing references where
data or description of applicable. Where values are based on measurement, include a
measurement methods description of the measurement methods and procedures applied
and procedures applied (e.g., what standards or protocols have been followed), indicate the
responsible person/entity that undertook the measurement, the date
of the measurement and the measurement results. More detailed
information may be provided in an appendix.
Data / Parameter
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
measurement methods protocols to be followed, and the person/entity responsible for the
and procedures to be measurement. Include any relevant information regarding the
applied accuracy of the measurements (e.g., accuracy associated with meter
equipment or laboratory tests).
QA/QC procedures to be Describe the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC)
applied procedures to be applied, including the calibration procedures
where applicable.
Calculation method Where relevant, provide the calculation method, including any
equations, used to establish the data/parameter.
The organizational structure, responsibilities and competencies of the personnel that will
be carrying out monitoring activities.
The procedures for handling non-conformances with the validated monitoring plan.
Any sampling approaches used, including target precision levels, sample sizes, sample site
locations, stratification, frequency of measurement and QA/QC procedures.
Project Description: VCS Version 4.0
Where appropriate, include line diagrams to display the GHG data collection and management
Use appendices for supporting information. Delete this appendix (title and instructions) where no appendix
is required.