Form 3 Geography Assessment
Form 3 Geography Assessment
Form 3 Geography Assessment
3. The part labelled 2 is : 10. What is the name given to the highland that
a) percolation separates the water basins?
b) transpiration a) hill
c) condensation b) rapid
d) surface run- off c) waterfall
d) ridge
4. The three main processes in the hydrological cycle
is are: 11. The tributary joins the main river at a
a) surface run-off, evaporation, condensation a) river
b) evaporation, condensation, precipitation b) channel
c) transpiration, condensation, precipitation c) confluence
d) percolation, transpiration, evaporation d) distributary
5. What is the water table? 12. How are watersheds in Caribbean islands
a) the lower level of groundwater typically shaped?
b) the level of saturation a) pear- shaped
c) the upper level of groundwater b) egg- shaped
d) all of the above c) oval - shaped
d) cone- shaped
Question 13 is based on the following diagram. 18. When soluble particles are dissolved into the river
it is called:
a) hydraulic action
b) corrasion
c) attrition
d) solution