M1 Kamad - G26 NCP

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General Malvar St, Davao City Nursing program


Name of Patient: Zara Deo Date of Admission: January 15,2023 Room: 1401a
Age:42 years old Sex: Female Civil Status: Married Chief Complaint: Lack of knowledge of information to GDM
Religion: N/A Attending physician: Dr. RAN



DATE: SUBJECTIVE: Nsg: After my 8 hours

January “Gusto jud nako shift the patient will • Establish rapport • Builds a trusting relationship After my 8 hours shift the
15,2023 kabalo unsa Deficient able to: with the client which makes cooperation and patient was able to:
akong condition knowledge collaboration between the “GOAL MET”
karon” As related to Lack 1. The client will patient and nurse easier and
verbalized by the of exposure to verbalize smoother.
patient. information as understanding of • Verbalize
evidenced by the procedures, • Assess the client’s • When the client and/or couple understanding of the
Questions, laboratory tests, and/or couple’s have a clear understanding of procedures, laboratory
Objective: statements of and activities knowledge of the both the disease condition and tests, and activities
misconception involved in disease condition the rationale for each involved in controlling
• (+) patient looks controlling and treatment, management, they can make
diabetes. including more informed decisions. • Understand the
2. The client will importance of careful
• (+) Tired relationships
understand the between diet, attention to nutrition,
• (+) Sleepy Scientific exercise, and home
importance of exercise, stress,
• (+) Grimaced, Basis: monitoring of glucose
careful attention illness, and insulin
crying Pregnant to nutrition, levels during
Vital Signs women with exercise, and pregnancy.
BP:130/80mmHg diabetes home monitoring • Describe the
Temp: 35.8 mellitus appropriate nutrition
frequently find
of glucose levels • Educate the client • Self-monitoring frequency may
Degrees Celsius during and exercise program.
living with on how to perform be reduced for clients with
PR: 99bpm pregnancy.
glucose serum glucose GDM who are well controlled
RR: 23cpm 3. The client will
monitoring, diet monitoring at home with diet alone, but it should
describe the using a glucometer still be done at least twice
control, and appropriate
frequent insulin and the need to daily (Dickens & Thomas,
nutrition and record readings 2019)
especially if they exercise (usually at least 2-4
do not program. times/day).
understand why.
The expectant • Explain the • Several studies comparing
mother may be importance of oral agents to insulin
concerned understanding the treatment in GDM have found
about the maternal and fetal that both strategies are safe
outcome for effects of oral and effective. When compared
both herself and agents for GDM. to insulin treatment, metformin
her child. As a was associated with a higher
result, the nurse risk of preterm birth and
should educate neonatal hypoglycemia.
them and Glyburide has comparable
assess their efficacy and outcomes to
comprehension insulin.
to ensure that
they have a • Educate the client • Due to increased insulin
strong enough regarding the use resistance, the insulin dosage
foundation to and action of may need to be increased in
stick to their insulin. As the second trimester. At 38
therapeutic indicated, weeks gestation, insulin
regimen. demonstrate how to requirements may decrease
administer insulin once more. The use of an
(by injection, nasal insulin pump has proven to be
spray, or an insulin extremely beneficial for
pump). glucose control in both
Reference: pregnant and nonpregnant
clients with diabetes mellitus,
Gestational- as well as for reducing
diabetes- hypoglycemic events.
care-plans, • Provide information • Women with diabetes should
Retrieved about the be aware of how much
fromhttps://nurs appropriate carbohydrate they consume
eslabs.com/gest carbohydrate intake each day by estimating the
ational- for GDM. total carbohydrate content of
diabetes- each anticipated meal and
mellitus-nursing- then administering several
care-plans/5/ units of insulin prior to that
. based on a predetermined
insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio.
• Instruct the client • Another mechanism that
on how to reduces serum glucose levels
incorporate and the need for insulin is
exercise into her exercise. Inform the client that
regimen. when she begins an exercise
program, she may experience
excessive glucose
fluctuations. Instruct the client
to eat a protein and complex
carbohydrate snack before
exercise and to stick to a
consistent exercise program.

• Provide information • Enough knowledge can

regarding the reduce the fear of the
impact of unknown, increase
pregnancy on the participation, and help reduce
diabetic condition fetal/maternal complications.
and future Inform the client that most
expectations. women quickly return to their
pre-pregnancy glycemic levels
after giving birth.

Nur-Haimeen Shakur A. Kamad

Name of Student

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