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Table Activity (MK Rampas) GEC 5

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Marc Klien Y.

BSED English I – Entienza Campus
GEC 5 Art Appreciation
“Let’s Make It Happen”

Type of Art Example How does this How does this

Expression Express? unmask the Artist’s
Paintings The Famous As you can see in At the first
“Spoliarium” by the Painting, you observation, you can
Juan Luna can see like a only see only the
Dead man laying details of the Artwork,
on the floor pulled however, if you know
by some Men, and the Message behind it
it has a very deep you will feel the
message , Artwork’s Emotion,
According to Rizal you can see the
it says to Filipinos Artist’s skill of
to rise up against Conveying the
the political message of the
oppression of their Artwork by it’s hidden
Spanish message
Fashion Famous Creations Mak Tumang is a His Artworks makes
of Mak Tumang Filipino Fashion lot of Achievements
Designer who includes for Winning
commonly makes the Miss Universe
gowns used for using his Creation,
Beauty Pageants His artworks are
used by Catriona commonly inspired
Gray and other by Local sights and
Beauty Queens Things here in the

Music Our National Our National If you listen tot his

Anthem “Lupang Anthem is a very song, you’ll feel
Hinirang” by Jose artistic composition goosebumps and feel
Palma of Jose Palma, a the Love to our
very meaningful country. Jose Palma
and innovative is such an icon cause
content, from of this. His artistry in
lyrics, melody, composing this song
music , etc. This is very implied and
creation plays a you can see his love
very important part to our Country and
in our country. countrymen.
Drama The movie entitled All of us are The cast, plots, flow
“Titanic” of James familiar with this of the story , moral
Cameron movie, I can say lesson and many
that this movie is a more is such a big
masterpiece, The deal.Very artistic
flow of the story mindset to create this
and the moral movie, however , the
matter in this things that makes this
movie is very movie and to the
creative. Author to be unique is
the movie is inspired
true to life story, it
gave the viewers a
wow impact.
Dance Folk Dances A dance that Every movement
expresses and done in every
symbolizes performance, it has
dancers culture symbolisms and
and tradition, this means everything. It
has so many shows how the
varieties and types maker(choreographer
in every region in , inventor) really
our country. In a shows his/her
performance, if you artistry/creativity and
observed at their his/her rich mentality
costumes and to make this to
props, very cultural represent their culture
and tradition
Opera The Magic Flute This Opera play is Wolfgang Amadeus
by Wolfgang such a very Mozart was one of the
Amadeus Mozart popular over the most influential,
World. It acts, in popular and prolific
fact, as a kind of composers of the
introduction to the classical period. He
secret society. Its composed over 600
story celebrates works, including some
the main themes of of the most famous
masonry: good and loved pieces of
vs. evil, symphonic, chamber,
enlightenment operatic, and choral
vs. ignorance, and music. His creations
the virtues of makes mark in our
knowledge, justice, heart that shows his
wisdom and truth. talent and artistry.
It has a very
beautiful story line
that makes it
Film Bambanti By Zig This creation is a Zig Dulay is an
Dulay well indie- awarded Isabela-born
film that shook a filmmaker who drew
lot viewers about inspiration from life
it’s realistic story and his childhood
and settings. experiences in his
“Bambanti” means home province for
scarecrow in Bambanti. His
Ilocano. The story creations fulfills warm
questions the hearts of every
prejudice of the viewers on very
rich towards the realistic hence
poor when a imaginative ideas on
servant's son his plots and stories.
is suspected to
have stolen the
employer's missing
gold watch.
questions the
prejudice of the
rich towards the
poor when a
servant's son is
suspected to have
stolen the
employer's missing
gold watch.
Poetry Florante At Laura I can say that Francisco Balagtas,
by Francisco “Florante at Laura” during the Spanish
Balagtas is a triumphant colonial period of the
creation that made Philippines, he was a
history to all life of well-known Filipino
every Filipino’s. poet. For his effect on
life. It has the Filipino writing, he is
virtue of being the largely regarded as
only poem one of the greatest
published in the Filipino literary
country that has laureates. Florante at
remained in print Laura, a classic epic,
since its original is recognized as his
publication, has signature
been translated masterpiece.
into a variety of
local and other
languages, and is
still read today.
Literary Noli Me Tangere Noli Me Tangere Jose Rizal is currently
and El and El our Country’s National
Filibustirismo by Filibusterismo are Hero, his creations
Jose Rizal regarded timeless are very unique and
masterpieces gave many impact on
because they go our country,specially
further into gave contribution to
comprehending the give peace and
country's internal independence to us.
and exterior He fight using
difficulties. Rizal peaceful methods
recounts in the such as writing
dedication of the literature, creating
work that there arts, and focusing on
was once a sort of the Filipino culture to
cancer so horrible stir up the patriotic
that the victim feelings of everyone
could not stand to
be touched, and
the sickness was
named noli me
tangere (Latin: "do
not touch me"). His
nation, he
imagined, was also

Crafts Those Religious Those Religious Santo statues and

Sculptures used for sculptures;colorful statuettes, carved
Liturgical Activities ,beautiful and in the round, are
(specially in artistic creations commonly known
Christians) that shows the as revultos or
creativity of the informally as bultos.
crafters. It is used They are usually
as symbolism (for made of wood. It
misconception) for manifests the effort
us to remind the and artistry of the
presence of those maker that really
biblical characters shows Art.

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